Willow Ridge Sermons

Sunday, April 7th | Beau Bradberry

"And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent." — John 17:3

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Beau Bradberry
Senior Pastor

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Well, good morning.

If you have your bibles, and I hope you do, I want to invite you to join me in John, chapter 17.

So Colby sent Joel a video of him bench pressing 315 pounds.

And I want to be honest with you, I was a little offended that Joel shared that, because I sent Joel a video recently of me lifting 315.


I went to Sheely's recently, and that plate was three pounds and 15oz of barbecue loaded up on that.


That's impressive.

That just hurt every part of my body to think about that.


But good for him, right?

There we go.

Well, man, we've taken a little bit of a break from John, and, I'm sorry, from Genesis.

And we've been looking at John in a little different way in this Easter season.

And I always like to not end Easter with, like, now.

We've kind of ended our Easter series, but I love carrying it over into the week after because there's so much that we can learn and that keeps us thinking about all of the events that surrounded that day.

I mean, the week leading up and the days after.

And this year, if you've been with us the last couple weeks, what we've done is we've looked at the Easter story kind of through a little bit of a different narrative than looking just solely at the passage that deals with the crucifixion and the resurrection.

And instead, what we've done is we've gone and we've looked at these conversations that Jesus has with groups or with individuals leading up to the crucifixion.

And what we can do is we learn about the work of the cross and the power of the resurrection right from the very words of Christ and the days, in some instances, the hours leading up to this event that the son of man will go through and experience.

And to me, what is just remarkable about Christ in these moments leading up to this betrayal, the trials, the beatings, the carrying of the cross, the being nailed to the cross is his heart, right?

His heart for those whom he loves, his heart for the disciples, his heart even for Judas, who would betray him.

And so, as I was looking in John very specifically about some of the passages that really revealed this, I wasn't planning on this passage of scripture, but as I was reading through, I came to John, chapter 17.

And I want to be honest with you, with what we're able to do this morning does not scratch the surface of all that we find in John chapter 17.

But I want to give you a little bit of the setting and the impact of what we know about as the high priestly prayer of Christ.

Most biblical historians believe that this prayer is offered in the upper room.

This is where the last supper was.

This is where Jesus washed the disciples feet.

This is where Jesus tells them that I'm the way, the truth and the life.

And most believe that this was the last thing that Jesus did before he left the upper room to go to the garden of Gethsemane.

And what we see in John 17, I mean, the gospel, the whole bible, all right, the Bible is filled with explaining to us the person of who Christ is and the work that he's going to do.

The gospel is even more so as we see his personal interactions, we see his care for his mother, we see his care for his friends, we see his care for those that he doesn't even know.

But very specifically, I would argue that when you read John chapter 17 in this prayer, it reveals to us the most of this innermost being of who Christ is.

It reveals his heart more.

So it reveals his personality through this, his passion, his commitment in all that he is going to face, in all that he is going to do.

So my challenge for you is I hope to be first faithful to what we have in this time this morning.

But also I hope that in the power of the Holy Spirit, it kind of wets your appetite a little bit.

And if you're kind of looking for somewhere to land for a season of time in your quiet time, I'll give you a little outline that you can read through this in some ways here in just a little bit.

But I want you to really focus in on this prayer of Jesus.

There's so much that is there as Jesus winds down.

What we think of traditionally as his earthly ministry, you know, as you think through of what of Jesus earthly ministry.

You think of his miracles, you think of his teachings, you think of the relationships that Jesus has formed.

Think about his miracles.

He's turned water into wine.

He's fed thousands with a few pieces of bread and fish.

He's caused the blind to see.

He's caused those who have been socially outcast because of their medical conditions that they struggle with to experience healing and bring them back into society.

He's made the dead come alive.

He's given big sermons like the sermon on the mount, but he's also narrowed it down and brought in and taught in small groups and taught the parables.

We see the teachings.

We see him form relationships.

We see him form long lasting relationships, like the relationship he has with John, like the relationship that he has with Peter.

We see continued on relationships within his own family, with his mother.

We see him form instant relationships, like we see with the woman at the well.

We see him develop deep friendships, like with Lazarus.

We see the work of the crucifixion of the cross, with the pain and.

The suffering that he endured.

We see the glory and the goodness.

And the power of the resurrection.

And when we think of the earthly.

Ministry of Jesus, at least in my mind, these are the things that I go to.

If you're having a list out, like, what did jesus do when he was on the earth?

This, these events, these things that I.

Just described would be what often filled the pages.

But, but oftentimes we forget that the.

Prayer ministry of Jesus and that the.

Prayer ministry of Jesus, that while it happened here on the earth, and we're going to look at that, but it also is continuing on today.

We see Jesus teaches about prayer.

He teaches us how to pray.

That's where the, that's where the Lord's prayer comes from.

He says, when you pray, pray like this.

But we also see that prayer isn't just something that Jesus taught about, that Jesus, that that prayer was something that Jesus within his own life, it's something that he practiced.

But in Jesus prayer life, oftentimes we don't see like what we're gonna see in John chapter 17.

Instead, what we see are verses like Luke 516, where it says this, but he would withdraw to desolate places and pray.

So Jesus fully God fully man, would withdraw from the groups that he was.

Around for extended periods of time, for rest and for prayer.

But we also know that Jesus still has a present work of intercession that he does today.

Paul talks about this in Romans 834.

He says, who is to condemn Jesus Christ is the one who died.

More than that, who was raised, who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us.

And so right now, as we gather.

In here today, as we pray, as we sing, as we study his word.

Jesus is interceding for us.

The writer of Hebrews also talks about this.

In Hebrews 725, he says, consequently, he is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them.

So we see this work of Jesus, the prayer life and the ministry of Jesus was present and strong during his earthly ministry, and present and strong still.

Today is what he continues to do.

And what John 17 gives us is it gives us an insight you could argue into the most pressure packed moments of his life.

Knowing what awaits, knowing what he'll go through, knowing what he will experience, knowing who will betray him, knowing who will deny him, knowing who will desert him.

Jesus offers this prayer.

So what I want to do is I want to read the entirety of Jesus prayer, which is all of John chapter 17.

And then we're going to look at.

Three different things from this.

It says, when Jesus had spoken these words, he lifted up his eyes to heaven and said, father, the hour has come.

Glorify your son, that the son may glorify you, since you have given him authority over all flesh to give eternal life to all whom you have given him.

And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.

I glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work that you gave me to do.

And now, father, glorify me in your.

Own presence with the glory that I.

Had with you before the world existed.

Verse six.

I've manifested your name to the people whom you gave me out of the world.

Yours, they were.

You gave them to me, and they.

Have kept your word.

Now they know that everything you have given me is from you.

For I have given them the words.

That you gave me, and they have received them and have come to know.

In truth that I came from you.

And they have believed that you sent me.

I am praying for them.

I am not praying for the world.

But for those whom you have given me.

For they are yours.

All mine are yours, and yours are mine, and I am glorified in them.

I am no longer in the world, but they are in the world, and I am coming to you, holy father, keep them in your name, which you have given me, that they may be one even as we are one.

While I was with them, I kept them in your name, which you have given me.

I have guarded them, and not one of them has been lost except the son of destruction that the scripture might be fulfilled.

But now I am coming to you.

And these things I speak in the world, that they may have my joy fulfilled in themselves.

I've given them your word, and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world.

I do not ask that you take them out of the world, but that you keep them from the evil one.

They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world.

Sanctify them in the truth.

Your word is truth.

As you sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world.

And for their sake I consecrate myself that they also may be sanctified in truth.

Verse 20.

I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word that they may all be one, just as you, father, are in me and I in you, that they also may be in us.

So that the world may believe that you have sent me.

The glory that you have given me, I have given to them that they may be one even as we are one.

I in them, in you, in me.

That they may become perfectly one.

So that the world may know that you sent me and love them even as you loved me.

Father, I desire that they also, whom you have given me may be with me where I am to see my glory that you have given me because you love me before the foundation of the world.

O righteous father, even though the world does not know you, I know you.

And these know that you have sent me.

I have made known to them your name.

And I will continue to make it known that the love with which you have loved me may be in them, and I in them in this one prayer.

Here's the outline that I would encourage.

If you want to use this this week.

And this can be the outline that.

We work through this morning.

In this one prayer, there are three different prayers that Jesus prays.

The first that Jesus prays in verses one through five, Jesus prays for himself.

Very interesting dialogue that Jesus the son has with God the father in this moment that's there.

Then, secondly, we see that Jesus prays for his disciples.

Those are the ones that are currently with him.

All right, in verses six through 19.

And then Jesus prays for all believers in all time.

In verses 20 through 26, you and.

I make the list.


All right, so in these prayers, here's what I want to do.

I want us to look at as we journey through, and we're going to understand two questions.

What does this prayer teach me about Jesus?

What does this teach me about Jesus?

When my grandmother passed away three years ago, one of the things that I was entrusted with was her notes that she had stuck in her Bible throughout the time that she had had that particular bible.

And so I found sermon outlines that she had taken, notes that were there, Bible studies that she had been a part of.

But one of the great things that I found in my grandmother's Bible was.

There was a handful of prayers that she had written out.

These were her prayers that she had prayed.

And I don't know if this was a one time prayer that she had prayed, and she jotted it down as she prayed, or I don't know if these prayers were consistent prayers that she liked to pray.

So she'd go to her Bible, grab one of these prayers for her family, and then she would read that prayer, say that prayer to the Lord.

I'm not sure what she did with them, but I do know this, that when I read my grandmother's prayers, it was a woman who.

Who I knew deeply.

But when I read her prayers, I knew her at a deeper level because it revealed her heart as she became.

Before her lord, who knew all.

And I love this, that in this.

Prayer, what we see and what we.

Understand even more is the heart of Jesus.

But then also this is.

How does this prayer, hearing these words, impact how I live every single day.

As a believer and follower of Jesus.

Christ in the light of the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ.


What we've been talking about with Easter.

How do we make the crucifixion?

How do we make the resurrection not.

A moment in history, not a historical truth, but an event that penetrates and permeates every part of our life as we go to live for his name and for his glory.

So think about this.

Think about where Jesus is in his earthly life.

All right?

The preaching is done.

No more sermons, no more journeys to small towns.

All is winding down.

And what awaits him as death?

What awaits him in his death?

We're not going to read all of.

Chapter 17 again, okay?

But I do want to read Jesus words about himself, as this is what he focuses on.


He knows it all.

Peter will deny, Judas will betray.

He knows the pain of the death that is there.

He knows the loneliness that he'll feel.

But here are his words.

When Jesus had spoken these words, he lifted up his eyes to heaven.

Picture that taking place.

Father, the hour has come.

Glorify your son, that the Son may glorify you, since you have given him all authority over all flesh, to give eternal life to all whom have given him.

You have given him and this eternal life.

They know you, the only true God in Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.

I glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work that you gave me to do.

And now, Father, glorify me in your own presence with the glory that I had with you before the world existed for the fools of this world who would say, not even Jesus himself claimed to be God.

How can you look at these verses and not draw from this who he is?

I love in this.

What we see is that Jesus focus is on the glory of the Father, in the glorification of the Son, in all that will happen, in all that will take place.

Jesus knows that this has been the journey from the garden of Eden and has been building to these moments.

And what happens as he is lifting his eyes to the Father is the fulfillment of the prophecy.

The Messiah has come.

The messiah has made a way.

The messiah has paid the price.

The Messiah will live again and as his blood will be spilled.

What he sees in this moment is the glory of God in his glorification.

Because every tribe, every tongue, every people, every man, every woman and every child will have hope and salvation because of Christ and Christ alone.

It will be through this act and this act alone that salvation is possible.

Jesus says, through this single work, through his life, I glorified you on earth.

Having accomplished the work that you gave me to do.

You cannot look at the life of Jesus and simply chalk it up as a moralistic example of how to live your life.

When you look at the life of Christ, it will point you fully to his work and the necessity of the gospel for each and every woman and each and every man and each and every child, every single one of us, and that we identify in his crucifixion.

Galatians 220.

The apostle Paul writes, I've been crucified with Christ.

It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me, in the life I now live in the flesh.

I live by faith in the son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me the glorification of the Son.

Jesus prays for himself, but Jesus also the next.

And the majority of this.

Jesus prays for his disciples.

Jesus prays for his disciples.

The prayer that Jesus offers specifically for this group of individuals whom he called, who have followed him and during his ministry, have been those that are the closest with him, and in this moment in history are still with him in this room, not a large room, hearing these very words.

And here's what Jesus says, among others, that we want to focus on, that we want to look at, that he's done for them.

He said, God, I've manifested my name to them.

I manifested your name to them.

He said, I've shown them who God is.

And they followed.

They've seen God, they've seen Christ.

He says, I've given them the words that you gave me.

And it's not just that I've given them that, I've told them this isn't an in one ear and out the other.

It's they've received, they believe these.

Jesus says, I've given them the truth of your word.

I've given them the gospel and they know this, they've received it and they believe your truth.

And then here though is the tension that the disciples are facing, that Jesus is going to be leaving them.

Remember, they're trying to walk through earthly situation with an earthly perspective while they've believed, not fully understanding, or even have the developed faith that they will need in order to live in the power of the truth of the gospel.

And so what Jesus offers them, he says, lord, keep them, keep them.

Hold on to them.

You've given them to me, they are yours.

And then he says this in your keeping them, here's what happens in this and all that they're going to face and all of the trials and all of the circumstances and in those moments, most of whom will be executed for their work in ministry, jesus says, though, they'll experience joy because you've kept them, because they're found in your hand, because they're wrapped up in your arms, because their salvation is set, that's where their joy will be.

You see, for them, following Jesus will not be just about the good times.

Following Jesus for them is not going to be them getting together once a year to recap all the cool stuff that happened when we walked around with Jesus, following Jesus will not be.

Well, guys, do you just remember when Jesus did that thing?

Oh, that's great.

And now let's just go back to our life.

He says, no, following Jesus means that what awaits them is a life of struggle, is a life of being rejected, is a life of beatings.

But Jesus says, your joy is possible.

And not only is your joy possible, your joy is certain.

Because they're in your hand.

You have kept them.

The apostle Paul writes in romans 838.

And 39, for I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all of creation will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

This is what they have and this is what they hold on to.

All that they will face, in all that they will do.

God will be working in them and sanctifying them in the truth while the world will be tearing them down.

God is using them to, God is using it to build them up and that God is keeping them from the evil one.

Satan's not winning.

God is.

God is.

And this, this is how weak cowards.

Can in one moment hide in rooms and deny the name of Christ and.

Will one day stand before councils and.

Governments and proclaim the name of Jesus.

Not because they're tough, not because they've got all the words to say, but.

Because they're kept and held in the hand of God.

And it's him who's working in them because they've believed as they've received the word of God.

Charles Spurgeon said, I read this quote this week and just love this quote.

The more truth you believe, the more sanctified you will be.

The operation of truth upon the mind is to separate a man from the world into the service of God.

The more truth you believe, the more sanctified you'll be.

The operation of truth upon the mind is to separate the man from the world into the service of God.

And this service of God is to be sent into the world.

To be sent into the world.

And so Jesus prays for the fulfillment of.

Of the great commission.

As Jesus prays for all believers, Jesus prays for all believers.

Jesus prays for us.

I do not ask for these only, John 1720 says, but also for those who will believe in me through their word.

I heard a pastor say one time.

Long ago, before I was a believer.

But in Jesus journey to the cross, he had you on his mind.

I thought, no way.

No way.

Not me.

Not me.

If he is who you said he.

Is, there's no way a person like me would be on his mind.

John 1720 I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word.

As Jesus journeyed to the cross, he prayed for all of us whose sins cost him his life.


It's our fault.

It's our fault.

We're the reason.

And in that, it's not the shaking the fist like it would be if it were me instead.

I do not ask these things only, but for those who will believe in me through their word, Jesus prays for the unity of the people, in the unity of the mission.

You and I, we have a hard.

Time seeing past five minutes from now.

We do.

We have a hard time knowing what.

Tomorrow is going to hold.

We can have an idea, we can have a thought, we can have a preference.

But Jesus knows, and Jesus has set.

And as Jesus is doing, and as Jesus prays and as Jesus is acting out on every moment leading up to the cross and leading after the resurrection.

There's a moment, there's a destination.

There's a peace in the future which we can hear about.

But Jesus knows.

And John, who writes this, will record this in revelation 7910.

After this, I looked and behold a great multitude, a multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the lamb, clothed in white robes with palm branches in their hands, carrying out a loud voice.

Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne and to the lamb.

What Jesus could see and what Jesus could know, and what Jesus could call us to.

And so the gospel will go from this moment, from cowards who hide in rooms and will penetrate across the globe.

And the gospel will be given to men and women today all over this world, to take it to the dark places where people don't know, in homes, in neighborhoods, in offices, to other states, to other nations, to other tribes, to other people.

What we will see in the work of the gospel coming from this moment, after the resurrection, continuing on in acts, what's written about in the epistles, what's fulfilled in revelation seven, and what is still happening today, is that the gospel will go out from this moment, cross ethnic lines from Jews to gentiles.

The gospel will cross cultural lines from village to village.

The gospel will cross language lines.

What we see in acts from these who were cowards but are now powered men of God, living in the power of the Holy Spirit.

To see men and women come to know Christ is that the gospel will go from Jerusalem.

It will go to Europe, the Middle East, Africa and India, because in the power and the unity of God, the gospel will cross socioeconomic lines from masters to slaves.

And while we all remained different as defined by the world, we'll be unified in the message and the work of the gospel.

And Jesus prays for his people to be marked by his glory.

This is the glory you have given me.

I have given to them.

Jesus prays that we would be marked by the evidence of him in our life, and that they, upon seeing that, would believe in God.

Matthew 516.

In the same way, let your light shine before others so that they may see your good works and give glory to your father who is in heaven.

The purpose of every moment of your life, every moment of your life.

And lastly, we close with this.

Jesus prays for his people to show his love, the love with which you have loved me, Jesus says, may be in them and I in them.


The great commandment given in mark 1230.

31, and you shall love the Lord.

Your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, with all your strength.

Basically, this is in all that you do, in all that you are, let an embodiment the love of God.

And the second is this.

And you shall love your neighbor as yourself.

There is no other commandment greater than these.

Aaron and I are teaching a parenting class on at our 09:00 hour in our discipleship time.

And we're talking about building and establishing a kingdom culture in your home.

And today was how to set a.

Kingdom mindset for your kids.

And we started off, Doctor Tony Evans does a video.

So we watch his video, then we have some discussion.

And we.

We started off by saying this, that.

The culture that you set for an.

Expectation needs to match the culture that you set in your home.

Meaning this, the gospel expectation that I set for Emma and that I set for Grayson needs to match the gospel expectation that Aaron and I set for ourselves as well.

What we expect of them from our.

Home needs to match what we expect of all of us in our home.

Jesus is giving a commandment in mark twelve, and he says, this is what you were to do.

But if what Jesus is saying in his life is, this is what I've done, this is who I am.

And if you're in me and my spirit lives in you, then this is who you go to be to live for my name in my glory.

Would you pray with me?

God, I thank you for this powerful.

Prayer of Christ, Lord, to know all.

That awaits and all that he will face.

Lord, and in honesty, he comes praying for himself.

Praying that the glory of.

God will be shown, the work of God will be fulfilled, and people will know.


He prays for the disciples.

God in their flesh.

Lord, I don't say this is a criticism, because I would probably find myself writing the same situation, but God, cowards.


1 minute they're arguing who's the greatest among them, the next is saying, well, I would never do that, Jesus.

And then in the next, they run.

They deny, they hide.

But God, you chose them.

You called them, they answered, you equipped them, they walked in faith.

And, Lord, you grew their faith.

You empowered them with your spirit.


Your work continued and your work continues.

Lord, may these faithful men and women of past be faithful examples to us of what it means to live in the grace and love truth of your word.

God, you pray for us.

Every single one of us.

God, I thank you.

I thank you that you prayed for me.

I thank you that you prayed for my wife, for my son, and my daughter, I thank you that you prayed for Elizabeth and Christy, Keslyn and Colby, I thank you that you prayed for everyone who would come to know you.

And that God, we are held and we are kept in your hand, and we have life with purpose and mission to celebrate the fact that the tomb is empty.

To live.

And the reality, Lord, that your spirit lives in us.

That God, that right now you are not just present in this space, but, God, you are present in the lives of every single one of us who know you, who have called upon the name of Christ, who is faithful to save us.

And God, in that calling and in that power, may we live for your name and for your glory.

To sing praises to your name.

To testify to those who do not know.

To serve those who are broken and hurting.

To love our neighbor as ourself or to love as you have loved.

And God, as we prepare to take the Lord's supper, Lord, may we be reminded of what it represents.

It's not just a cracker and some juice.

It represents more.

It represents the body of Christ given on our behalf to take the death and the punishment that we deserved.

It represents the blood that was spilled.

But from that blood there comes life, there comes forgiveness, there comes newness, there comes hope, there comes joy.

And God, we stand here as those unworthy, but made worthy by the blood of the lamb.

May this not be a religious act that we just do, but may this be a declaration of our lives as sons and daughters of the living.

God, in response to your sacrifice.


God, I pray, if there is anyone here who does not know you, Lord, that today would be the day of their salvation.

As they confess Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior, it's in your name we pray.


Thanks again for listening, and be sure to check back next week for another episode.

In the meantime, you can visit us@willowridgechurch.org or by searching for Willowridge Church on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.