Employee to Entrepreneur

So you wanna be a remote closer huh?

Saw Iman Gadzhi's new remote sales course?

Is remote closing legit?

There are a few things you should know before you start in high ticket sales. Yes remote sales can be great. Yes you can be your own boss. You can create your own schedule. You can make lots of money.

But there are some downsides too. And I'm here to warn you. 

I've been a remote closer for a few years now. And you will need to be too if you want to do well in the space.

It's a long game. It's not a magic bullet.

Take the word of the sales gurus with a MASSIVE grain of salt.

What is Employee to Entrepreneur?

The podcast for aspiring entrepreneurs who have families. If you're a dad looking to escape the rat and quit your 9 to 5 while keeping food on the table for the family in the process then this show is for you. We discuss the challenges, tips, tricks and hacks to help you make the leap into freedom.

What's up guys, Brendan here. And today I'm doing an update video. Very important development has happened within the remote sales space. And I want to make this video about the four things that you need to know before you get started in remote sales. So if you don't know me, my name is Brendan Ryan. I've been in remote sales for about three years now. Got started selling my own offer in lead generation. I've done everything from ERC tax credits, digital marketing, e-commerce. And now I'm on an offer for education, essentially. So I've seen a lot. I've been in the game now for a while, a little bit longer actually than most people last in remote sales, which might be one of the things that I talk about. And so there's been a big, big development, big news within the remote sales space. And that is that Iman Ghazi has announced that he is going to be rolling out his own high ticket sales training. Now, if you're not familiar with Amman Godzi, he's a young gun that got rich, essentially from digital marketing over the last five to 10 years. He's done some things with Andrew Tate. He does some things in NFTs. He has a very strong, large personal brand, works with guys like Arlen Moore, et cetera, and has a big, big following on YouTube. And so if he has announced that he's going to be rolling out a training for remote sales, That means that there's going to be a lot of guys coming into the space soon that are, that are young, that are very green and might have some expectations that might be a little bit wrong. And that's what I want to talk about today. So if that's you, this video is for you. I want to talk about four things that you need to know before you get started in the remote sales space. So let's kick it off. Number one is that expectations are important. So Any guru that you'll see in the remote sales space is going to tell you that you can make 10 K 20 K 50 K from home doing this. And while there's truth to that, that the top guys are actually making lots and lots of money in remote sales. The truth is that when you get started, you're going to be making nowhere near that nowhere in there that, especially if you're starting in what's called an um, starting position in sales that are, that's actually pretty easy to get. It's a pretty easy position to get. There's lots of companies out there looking for appointment centers because it's an entry level position. But what that means is that you'll be dialing a lot of people, what's called cold calling and you're just kind of interrupting their day out of the blue and asking them to get on a call with somebody else who is the closer later to sell whatever it is that you're selling. It's a somewhat. difficult job. It gives you thick skin. It'll teach you outbound sales. And it's something that most people get started. Most people get started and you're probably going to be making anywhere from like one to $5,000 per month doing that. Now you, you can make more than that. But the other thing about appointment setting is that it is somewhat difficult to get out of if you are a good setter. the company is often reluctant to promote you to closer. And that's a problem that I see a lot of, and actually that we discussed on the podcast, if you want to go back a couple episodes ago to Justin Schmidt, he actually manages appointment centers and we briefly discussed that idea about how difficult it is for an appointment center to graduate or get promoted to becoming a high ticket remote closer, which is what everybody wants to do. So that's number one. Expectations are very wrong, right? It's a long game, in other words. When you first get started in remote sales, you're not going to make 10K a month right away. You're just not. It's not gonna happen. It's gonna take a while for you to develop the skills in order to actually do that. It's also going to take a while for you to find a good sales role where that's even possible because there's a lot of sales jobs out there right now. that are just not very good jobs to be honest with you. Um, you can make, you know, five, five to 10 K lots of jobs like that, but there, there aren't that many out there that are, are really truly good positions. They do exist. They absolutely a hundred percent do exist and there, there is plenty of them, but the, the bar right now, honestly, um, is fairly low in terms of getting into a sales position. And what I mean by that is There's lots of them. And as long as you have some experience, as long as you're well spoken, as long as you know your stuff, you'll be able to find a good offer. And that's actually point number two is finding an offer. Right? This is the second thing. Now, when you first get started in the space, everybody and their mother is going to say like, I really want to find an offer. Can you help me find an offer? That's always the thing that I see. new guys, newbies in the space constantly talking about is how important it is for them to find an offer. And I remember what that's like. I remember me being new and being green in the space. And that was the first thing on my mind. It was at the forefront of my mind. I was always thinking about where can I find an offer? And the thing is, guys, there's an abundance of offers. You'll find something. There's always something to be sold. So don't worry so much about that. Now, that said. As I mentioned before, there's lots of bad offers out there. And so what you'll notice is that it's, it's fairly easy to get on an offer. What's, what's difficult is to find a good offer, right? Let's find a good offer. And the mo the best way that you can actually do that is to invest in coaching, actual coaching, not taking some program like among God's ease course or whatever it's going to be. not taking a course like Closer Cartel or something like that. You need to actually invest in a mentor that's going to spend one on one time with you. And the reason you need to do that is because it's a shortcut to success. It's actually a shortcut to success in any area of your life, but especially in sales, you get access to that mentors and network and they can help you find a good sales role. They can also vouch for you. It's kind of Like you have your own personal coach in your corner that's going to act as a referral or a reference for you when you go to try to find a good offer. So that's, that's a good hack. Then I'm telling you is more than worth it more than worth it. If you, if they help you find a good offer, it's worth every penny to invest in one-on-one mentoring. Now that's more expensive than investing in just a course like closer cartel or whatever it is that a mongodsy is about to roll out. but it's a hundred percent worth it. So keep that in mind is that you might be able to find an offer. They might even be posting them all the time in whatever course you end up buying, but there will be a lot of really bad ones. And so you need to be very careful about those and realize that there's not that much money to be made there. All right. Point number three, is time management, time management. So guys, You might hear about some high ticket closers out there that work four hours a day, make 20 K a month. And it's awesome because they work from home, they set their own schedule, they're able to travel, they're able to invest, whatever it might be. And that is true. There are guys out there like that, but again, expectations, as I said, in point number one, you're not going to get there right away. Once you put in your, your hours, once you pay your dues after a couple of years, most likely. then you'll probably land a job just like that. Once your skills have been developed. But the thing is, in the beginning, sales is a numbers game. Now you'll hear guys like Jeremy Minor say the opposite, that sales is a skills game, and that is true too. But in the beginning, when you're just learning, sales is a numbers game. You have to put in the reps in order to get better. And so, you might find yourself with 10 calls on your schedule for the day, which is potentially 10 hours worth of work. And yes, everybody could show up. However, they probably won't because part of the game with sales is that you're going to get no shows, you're going to get a significant portion of those people that don't show up a average, if you will, of a good show rate in, in high ticket sales is about 70%, which means 30% of your calls are just not going to show up. So if you had 10 calls on your calendar, that means that three of them. are just not going to show up. Now, there's plenty of offers that have worse show rates than that. So it might be only five people that show up out of the 10. So in the beginning, sales is a number game because you have to put 10 calls on your calendar in order to get five reps in for the day. And that's what you need to do in the beginning is you need to take those reps. You need to be on the phone, on those calls, as much as possible because that's how you get better. That's how you get to the point. That's how you develop the sales skills that you need in order to be able to work four hours a day and make a lot of money. And there's no, no shortcut. There's no way really around that at all. You have to be skilled and is a hundred percent a skill in the beginning. You're not going to be good at it. And a lot of people are going to quit honestly, because it's much harder than these gurus make it sound it's much, much harder. then these gurus make it sound. It's a lot more work than it sounds like. It just sounds like you're going to be talking on the phone or talking on zoom calls for a few hours every day. Um, you know, from anywhere in the world making your own schedule. And that's true, but it's much, much harder to persuade people to influence people than you might think. It's much harder. And if you're in this to just be the guy that's what we call an order taker, right? Just somebody there. that's ready to collect payment when people already sold, you're just not gonna make it. You have to be able to push people over the line and make them act today rather than tell you that they wanna think about it or they have to talk to their spouse or whatever it might be. That's the skill. The skill is dealing with no. That's the skill. That's what you're getting paid so much to do is to influence people and help them make the decision today. All right. And so I wanna leave you with a good point. Right. So I think I've spent a decent amount of time here talking about all the things that are not true about remote sales because expectations that are set by these gurus. And I'm afraid honestly, as much as I like Aman Ghazi, that he's going to do the same thing because it's just too easy to do that. Yeah. They it's there's a lot that's just not true. I hope you've realized that right. That is a lot of work. It's a lot of work and there's way more. offers out there that are just not going to make you that much money, then, then you might realize. But point number four that I want to leave you with the fourth thing to know before you get started in remote sales is that anyone can do it. Even if you're an introvert, even if you've never thought in your life that you might be good at sales, I didn't when I first got started in sales, I, I would have never thought that I would be doing this today ever. If you rewind to five years ago, I wouldn't even have contemplated. entering the sales space. I just didn't think that was me. I didn't think I'd be good at it. I had no idea. But I had no idea because I had never tried it before, you know. So I want you to know that this is a skill. It's a skill that anybody can learn and I would argue that in today's landscape, in today's sales, introverts actually do a little bit better because selling today is more about listening than it is about just talking and talking and talking and beating somebody into submission. So you actually have to be a very good active listener. You have to be a really good active listener. You have to be great at asking the right questions in the right order, in order to get somebody to persuade themselves. And so if you're an introvert, that's not a problem at all. If you're not, if you're an extrovert, that's not a problem at all because you're going to be talking to people anyway. And that, that might be life-giving. It might be energy giving to you, which is great. But the point is anybody can do this. I just want to leave you guys with an actual positive point and encourage you guys that if you do want to get in sales, there is 100% plenty of opportunity still. Now that might be changing a little bit if Iman Ghazi's training is as big as we think it might be. It could be very big. He has quite a large personal brand and so there's going to be people flooding the market. people are flooding the market, but as it stands right now, there are plenty of opportunities. There are more offers, I would say, than there are people willing to do them. People shy away from sales, unfortunately. And maybe, maybe the good thing about Mon Godsy's program is that that'll be changing. People will finally start to realize how important of a skill it is, because this is a skill that you can apply to any area of your life. Right. And so if you are thinking about getting into sales, remote closing or whatever it is, I do encourage you to do it. A hundred percent encourage you to do it. I just want you to have the right expectations. Know that it's going to be a lot of work. Know that there's going to be a lot of offers out there that are not so good in the beginning that you might have to go through. You might have to be on a couple offers that are just not, not great companies, not great products or services or something like that. And weed your way through that mess before you end up finding a good one. You have to know that you're going to have to put in a lot of reps. You're going to have to fill your calendar with lots of, lots of calls, at least at first, at least at first that might change eventually, but in the beginning, you're a hundred percent going to have to do that. And so just keep those things in mind guys. And if that all sounds good to you still that you're willing to put in the work, that you're willing to take your lumps, that you are in it for the long term. Right. It's going to be something that is going to take a couple of years for you to really reap the benefits from. If you are willing to accept all of those things, then it is 100% worth it. It's worth it. You will learn a skill that will change your life and you'll be in a position where you can work from home, setting your own schedule and making lots of money. And so guys, if you wanna do it, please do, please do. Just keep that in mind. Just know that you're gonna have to butt your butt. You are, it's not easy. It's not easy. It's very difficult. So if you wanna work hard and... make a ton of money from home, then maybe sales is for you. Give it a try, check it out. And you don't have to do the mongodsy stuff, by the way. There's plenty of other trainings out there right now. Cole Gordon's really great. Jeremy Miner's NEPQ stuff is awesome. Highly recommend you guys check all those kind of things out. I'd personally stay away from Luke Alexander's closer cartel, but that's just me. If that resonates with you, then by all means, go with that as well. But guys. If you want to do it, it's a great way to be eventually become an entrepreneur. So I encourage you to do it. Go ahead. Take the leap, make the leap into sales so that you can eventually become an entrepreneur because I call it the gateway drug to entrepreneurship. I've seen so many times people starting in sales and eventually becoming an entrepreneur themselves. If you want plenty of examples of that, by the way, please check out the podcast. I've had multiple episodes with guys that have done just that. including Justin Schmidt or CJ the Closer or Nomad is another one that's coming up this weekend. So guys, please make the leap, make the leap into sales, into entrepreneurship. And I will see you on the other side.