The Lucas Skrobot Show

New safety recommendation include "NO BARE BOTTOM farting", and the big question that everyone is asking . . . what price will you, I, and our children end paying over the next 20 years from months of lockdown and isolation?

Show Notes

We a can all sleep easy at tonight knowing Governments become "the single source of truth" --no need to ask questions any more folks . . . and with that great news Expert Doctors release new safety recommendation include "NO BARE BOTTOM farting", and the big question that everyone is asking . . . what price will you, I, and our children end paying over the next 20 years from months of lockdown and isolation?

Time Stamps
0:00 Single Source of Truth . . . and mask your bum.
0:52 Intro
1:14 Flatulent Super Spreading Event
2:49 Dr Norman Swan - Bare Butt Farting
4:49 Dr. Kerry Chant: Don't talk to neighbors
7:55 Pegasus
11:19 Physical Isolation and Digital Mistrust
12:33 Mental Impact on of Lockdown
15:30 Michel Siffre - Extreme isolation
16:32 Cognitive Decline
18:45 Excessive loss of life over next 20 years
20:35 Greatest Transfer of Wealth in History
21:55 Closing Economy was economic warfare.
25:06:00 25 Famines
25:43:00 Global Protests
27:05:00 "Dan Andrews, protesting you."
28:02:00 Woke Virus
29:28:00 Inalienable Rights
32:34:00 Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern
33:07:00 Single Source of Truth
36:03:00 "Don't worry, or think, just trust us."
37:46:00 Media Oligarchy
39:33:00 Yeah That Makes Sense
39:55:00 Nancy Pelosi
41:09:00 Defending Abortion with Catholicism
43:10:00 Justice? 100% of safe abortions results death.
44:21:00 Danielle Campoamor
46:05:00 Make Abortion/Murder Normal
46:53:00 Restoration from Abortion
48:16:00 abortion is act of love
50:27:00 Gen-Z no religion
51:12:00 Materialism? No problem.
52:21:00 Give Love
53:37:00 Weaver and Loom
57:02:00 The Fanatic
59:11:00 Neurosis of small differences
1:00:34 Seek and keep on seeking
1:01:44 Get more value.

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What is The Lucas Skrobot Show?

Tired of being gaslit by progressive media?

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At the Lucas Skrobot show we tear down cultural & geopolitical events giving you the context you need to expose the worldviews driving the cultural agendas of our day.

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Join Lucas Skrobot and follow the show on your favorite podcasts app today to understand the world, discern the truth, own the future.

We can all sleep a little easier tonight
knowing that the government has finally

become our single source of truth.

Take everything else with a grain
of salt, no more need for messy

investigative journalism, because
the government will tell you all the

information that you need to know.

And with that great news.

Expert doctors have come out
with some new safety guidelines

when it comes to COVID-19.

That includes no more bare bottom farting.

Yes, no more bare bottom flatulence.

It is a super spreading event, but the
question that everyone is truly asking

is what is the price that you and I
and our children will end up paying

over the next 20 years for the previous
months of lockdown and isolation.

Hey, it's Lucas Skrobot and you're
listening to the Lucas Skrobot

show where we uncover purpose,
pursue truth and own the future

episode 243, July 25th the evening.

And so I, 25th, 2021 coming to you from
the beautiful heart of the middle east.


As I said in the beginning, we have some
new safety regulations recommendations,

uh, no more bare bottom farting.

I don't know if you remember, but
back in the beginning stages of the

pandemic, there was a well-documented
case in Hong Kong in this, uh, cooped

up isolated, uh, quarantined apartment
building where COVID spread from one

apartment to the next department via
the plumbing via the sewage line.

And there was a, a, a dried up, you
bend where it's supposed to have water.

So the air can't come through, but that
you been had dried up, the cap was broken.

And so there was, you know, WAFs of sewage
air floating into, um, the individual's

apartment and they got COVID from the
sewage line because you know, it, it

sheds in, uh, you know, when you, when
you go to the bathroom, it's in there.

There has been other evidence
that the lavatories bathrooms

are also super spreader events.

There was a G Gina nonvocal linked
tracing connection between two individuals

in a lavatory cubicle in Australia.

You mean it passed from one cubicle
to the next cubicle via gas.

With that, you know, new safety
precautions, no more bare

bottom farting here is Dr.

Norman Swan with just
that wise wise advice.

So I think that we should do in terms
of social distancing and being safe, is

that a policy on the part of the entire
Australian population should be that

you don't fart close to other people and
that you don't fart with your bottom?


Don't far close to other people
don't fart with your bottom bear.

I mean, for starters, uh, sounds like, it
sounds like this is what you're missing.

Should have taught you, you
know, you shouldn't pass gas

near other people anyways.

And with that, you have to realize
it makes you think, man, if, if you

are passing gas near other people
and you can smell that methane coming

through your, your, your nice denims
and your boxer briefs or whatever

you happen to be wearing down there,
you know, those two, three layers of

clothing, well that you can, that this
is going straight, that methane gas.

Is going straight in your nostrils.

That is a super spreader event and
no bare bottom farting, uh, you know,

no bare faced breathing seems to be
the, the logical conclusion there.

But obviously, obviously,
if you didn't get it, Dr.

Norman Swan is joking.

He's making a joke.

It's a hyperbole.

Kids don't worry.

But yeah, you know, it's not that it's
not that far off from, uh, from realities,

from some of the things that are
actually being said that are not jokes.

I think this was a, a great joke by Dr.

Norman Swan, which this clip
actually came from an ABC podcast

back from, uh, 2020, April of 2020.

So it's not necessarily new news.

Uh, but it's definitely funny news,
but this is new new use new news from

new south Wales, Australia with Dr.

Kerry chant, who is the
chief health officer there.

We have to stop the spread
of COVID to do this.

We all need to work together.

We need to limit our mood.

We need to consider whenever we leave
our house, that anyone with us in

anyone we come into contact with could

convey, ah, there it is anyone that
we could come into contact with.

When you go outside the house,
it is a dangerous place.

I, outside that house,
it is a dangerous place.

Anyone that you come in contact
with, they could be the enemy.

They could have the virus be afraid.

Don't talk to people,
don't even get eye contact.

Don't even go to the loo because
you know, people are fluctuating

up a storm in there, and that
is a super spreading location.

Be afraid of people don't trust people.

What is that doing to art psychology?

What is that doing to society?

Living in a world where
we have distressed.

For every individual in front of
us, the atomization of society

that takes place, she goes on

whilst it is human nature, to engage in
conversation with others to be friendly.

Um, unfortunately this is
not the time to do that.

So even if you run into your next
door neighbor in the shopping center,

in the Cole's washer at Kohl's wars
or Aldi or any other grocery shop,

don't start off a conversation.

Now is the time for minimizing
your interactions with others.

Even if you've got a mask, do not
think that affords total protection.

We want to be absolutely sure that
as we go about our daily lives,

we do not come into contact with
anyone else that would pose a


As we go about our daily lives.

You want to make sure that we don't come
into contact with anyone that could pose

a risk, a couple, a couple things to note.

If you're, if you're watching the,
the bloke standing behind this

lovely lady is fiddling with then
touching his mask and touching it

and touching it and touching it.

And this is the exact reason that
your doctor Carrie is saying, even

if you have a mask you're not safe.

It's because when we wear masks, if we're
not wearing them properly incorrectly,

that is putting them on and not touching
our face ever or not touching our mask

ever, then it, it, it's not going to be
very effective in preventing the spread.

And she says, even if you have a mask on,
don't talk to someone, don't even talk to

your neighbor, don't share information.

Don't connect.

Don't be human isolate, isolate.

This is not the time to
be trusting one another.

Who should we trust?

Then you should trust the


You should trust the government.

And also if you do, you need to
talk to someone, do it over the

phone, or do it over the internet.

We can sufficiently track everything that
you say, everything that you do to make

sure that you're following and thinking
exactly the way that we want you to be

thinking this week, last week, excuse me.

You may have seen that.

The big news story that broke
on Pegasus Pegasus is an NSO

owned company out of Israel.

And it it's.

It is a government spyware device.

That works.

It works specifically.

Well, because you don't need
to send a malicious link.

Oftentimes hackers can access
your phone via a malicious link.

They send you a link, you click on
it and boom, your device is infected.

But this Pegasus software is
able to infect phones with just

a missed call or without having
you having to accept anything.

And it gets into your phone and
it can see every, every text that

you've sent, every video that you've
received or made every voicemail

that you meant, uh, ever received.

Every communication, anything that you've
ever done on your phone, same thing

with computers, they're not secure.

This, the one narrative that I've
heard around this, and this is not a

main point into this today's episode,
but one narrative I have heard around

this is, you know, in this link, there
was a 50,000 phone number list that

was leaked out to, uh, to the public.

And the question is, well, who, who leaked
that information who leaked that data?

Because this is not something new.

At first, when I heard the story, I
was like, wow, this is fascinating.

This is crazy.

The spine that's going on.

The corporate espionage, that's going on
that the NSO selling this to governments

all across the world, but this is not
new, this sort of spine, this sort of

government access to all of our phones.

It is data.

China's doing it, America's doing it.

Russia's probably doing it every other
country from here to there, corporate

espionage to, to government espionage
is happening and it has been happening.

And I think most people recognize,
we know that big tech is doing it,

selling our, uh, our macro data to,
to two credit card companies or credit

card companies selling it to market.

Our data is out there.

It's for sale.

And so when you follow the money, well,
who may be exposed the PSU benefits

from the exposure of the Pegasus group?

Well, it's other companies who
also have spyware devices who are

also selling them to governments.

This surely isn't the end.

Now I understand why we would be upset.

That journalists and that, that
members of society are being

spied on by, by governments.

I understand why that's upsetting and
illegal, but it's certainly not something

new, but it only further drives the
point that that is being made here from

this clip with Kerry chant, which is if
we're not connecting in-person, if we

can't build that trust within to face
relationships, and we're forced to do

it over the phone, and if we can't do it
over the phone and we don't have trust

there either, because anything that
we say can and will be used against, I

mean, do you, do you remember how a lady
in Australia was arrested last year?

Because she posted on Facebook that she
was planning on attending an event, which

would, uh, break, uh, COVID protocol.

We know that it's been happening.

We know that it happens.

So why are we one surprised on the
Pegasus thing and what is, what are

the ramifications that we are going to
end up seeing from the isolation, from

the mistrust of, of everyone when we're
walking on the street and we can't even

talk to our neighbor when this is what's
being told, what happens to society?

What price will we end up paint?

Well, there was a report done by
KFF health tracking poll on the,

the mental impact of isolation and
lockdowns that is having on the public.

And the report showed
that the average adult.

The average household in from January
to June of 2019, this data comes from

the N H I S was 11%, 2019, 11% of the
population had anxiety disorder or, and or

depressive disorder that compares to 2021.

We're 41% in January, 2021 41% of
respondents said that they had anxiety

disorder or depressive disorder.

That is the 300%, three fold increase
from 11% to 41% in a matter of a year.

What is the, what are the
repercussions from anxiety, depression?

What are the repercussions of
society and our children at

large being cooped up in a home.

Now that the study goes on to write
about how during the pandemic a larger

than average share of young adults, 18
to 24 reported symptoms of anxiety and

or depression or depressive disorder,
56% of young adults, the experienced

suicidal thoughts, 26% and reported
substance abuse, 25% across the globe.

We're seeing substance abuse,
suicidal thoughts, depression,

anxiety, skyrocket, due to the
isolation that we're all experiencing.

And with that is coming loss
of life it's loss of life.

And we know that isolation is extremely
damaging to the human psyche that we

put the worst of the worst criminals
in solitary confinement because

of what it does to them mentally.

The interrogation and torture
methods that they used in the

gulags in the USSR use isolation.

They isolate them for weeks, the
torture that they would do to break

someone psychologically unthinkable,
the stories that are told.

And yet here we are.

As this society at large being placed
in nearly solitary confinement.

For some people, it is solitary
confinement, unable to go to

work, unable to leave their house.

Now, praise God, things are in
some areas beginning to lift.

Some places are pretty much free,
but there's other places across the

world like in Australia right now it's
segments of Australia that is not free.

There are still in their homes.

So what are the effects
of prolonged isolation?

Well, in 1972, there's a French adventure,
adventurer and scientist, Michael Sefer.

He famously shut himself in a cave
in Texas for more than six months to

do a number of different experience.

One to study what the effects of
isolation would be another to study

his, his sleep cycle and how our
body has a natural clock within it,

where you don't need the sun, but in
those six months, He S he meticulous,

meticulous asleep, documented the
effects that isolation had on his mind.

And he wrote that he could, after
five months, he could, after

a couple months, excuse me, he
could string thoughts together.

By month five was reportedly so
desperate for company that he tried

unsuccessfully to the friend, a mouse.

Now this article comes from
science magazine and they right.

Many studies have found that
chronic social isolation is indeed

associated with cognitive decline.

And that isolation then proceeds
declined by several years.

What that sentence means is when
we are in chronic isolation, like

the globe has been many sections of
the globe for the last 18 months.

We don't see the effect
of the cognitive decline.

That is this happening right
now, several years from now.

And one, 2013 study, for example, they
measured the current, did the function at

two time points in a cohort of more than
6,000 older adults, the visuals, they

reported that people who had fewer social
interactions and activity at the beginning

of the study showed greater decline in
cognitive function and measured verbal

fluency and memory recall tasks after
four years, what is happening to our glow?

What is happening to the humanity,
to our children, to you and I from

isolation, from being locked up,
what is the cost that we are paying?

We're losing our cognitive ability slowly
but surely our children are losing.

Months and years of education and
social interaction and engagement,

suicide rates are, are through
the roof among kids, young kids,

staggering mounts of depression,
alcohol abuse, drug abuse, even among

well high performing professionals.

They've seen a rise in
drug abuse and overdoses.

Now the, the excess deaths that we will
end up seeing in the next 15 to 20 years

from the economic decisions that we
made in this, in this whole fiasco, that

alone, just from the economic, the, the
access morbidity from the unemployment.

An economic shock in America
is going to be staggering, some

estimates 0.2 0.842 1.22 million.

So 840,000 to 1.2, 2 million access
deaths over the next 15 to 20 years.


And that's just, that's
just, just America.

So if we extrapolate that to the rest
of the world, which has seen far, far

more, more unemployment for more loss of
income and already at far greater risk

for, uh, for excess death or morbidities,
if we, if we just take the same rate

and extrapolate it across the world
in the next 15 to 20 years, not from

COVID, but from the decisions that we
made during this time, as, as a society.

Whether that was within our
power without of our power.

But as a collective responsibility,
we will see 20 400 million or

more access deaths worldwide.

Another study shows that that research
shows that for every $50,000 increase of

income that you have as an individual,
your risk of death lowers by five, 5%.

So money doesn't solve everything,
money isn't necessarily going to.

Solve all your problems or make
you happy or make you avoid death.

But having 50,000 more dollars in income


reduce your risk of death by
5% and increase your life span.

So what does that mean now?

That that we have witnessed the
greatest transfer of wealth from the

middle class and the lower class to
the upper-class in the shortest period

of time, the middle class has shrunk.

Small businesses have closed
here in the middle east.

I'm told that here, where we live
in, in Oman, upwards to a million

ex-pats have left, lost their jobs.

Pilots have lost their jobs,
unemployment bounding across the globe.

What does that do to our morbidity?

And to death rates going on in the
future is the cost benefit worth it?

Well, here is professor Michael CHODOs
ski, who is a award-winning author

and professor of economics at the
university of Ottawa and the founder

and director of the center of research
for globalization and Montreal.

Here is, uh, Michael talking about how,
what we are going to see and have seen

is not an effect, uh, uh, a by-product
of the virus, but it's a by-product of

an economic decision that was made by
ruling elites that has having, having,

and will have grave impacts on society

on March 11, 2 20.

With some exceptions, some hundred and
19 member states of the United nations.

They endorsed the Corona locked down and
they closed down their national economy.

And that was presented as a
solution to a public health crisis.

Now, remember at the beginning,
that's what happened that the

solution to a public health
crisis was closed the economy.

Even though we know that if we close
the economy, we are going to see these

excess debts and we're going to pay for
it years down the line, but we're in

this cost benefit scenario, but he goes

on, uh, this decision immediately led
to mass unemployment, impoverishing,

large sectors of the weld population.

In other words, the instructions, which
emanated from the financial establishment

was essentially to close down the
real economy of planet earth and.

Uh, that engineered economic depression
was more serious than any other previous

crises or depressions going back to
1929, which was the wall street crash.

In other words, this was an act of
economic and social warfare, which was

presented to public opinion as a means
to save lives, but it didn't save lives.

In fact, it impoverished people
and in some countries they were

famines and it certainly had an
impact on mortality and morbidity.

It was posed, it was posed to us.

Back in the beginning when all of this
began, okay, can, if we can close down for

15 days, we can enable hospitals to not
have a flood of patients and we can slow.

We can flatten out that curve.

Well, that has compounded and
compounded over the last 18 months to

two we're so far beyond that point.

And yet this solution in many places
still tends to be okay, we're going

to, we're going to have a lockdown
because that's the only way that we

know how to control movement control,
control the virus, even though the w

H O set themselves, Hey, lockdown is
not the best way to control this thing.

And there has, there, there needs to
come a point in society like they did

in Singapore, where, where we say.

We have to learn how to live with this.

We can not continue putting our children
and our livelihood at risk and putting

millions of lives on the line for
access deaths in, in the coming years.

As you said in this clip, there
have been famines that have broken

out across the world from this.

What are the impacts of those families?

There've been the UN said there has
been at least 25 famines and developing

countries, the right hunger, thirteens
disor at devastating levels in 25

countries in the coming months due
to the impact of COVID-19 pandemic

and the decisions that were made from


ruling elite to push this forward.

No, th as I said, there's been the
greatest transfer of wealth in history.

So there is financial incentives,
financial incentives to keep this

ball rolling, but not everyone is
very excited about it in France.

Over the weekend, thousands of
people gathered to March against

the, the, the vaccine passport, the
health passport in order to get into

places and use public transport.

And in Australia, thousands went out
to the streets to protest as well.

Here in this clip, you can see, uh,
you can see hundreds in the clip and

a man being arrested by police and
the group shouting you work for us.

You serve us

and it's true.

Are are, are governmental rulers.

Those who have been put into power,
whether whether by election or not

election, they are in place, godly rulers
are in place to serve their people.

Uh, the law enforcement is
in place to insert to serve.

Now there's a level here of, of, yeah.

In this clip of the chanting you serve us.

It's like, well, yes, but you
also elected people to run your

country and vote, and you entrusted
your country to those people.

And they're trying to make
the best decisions for you.


Also here's another clip from Dan
Andrews, who is the premier of Victoria.

And a member of the Australian
labor party since 2010 in Victoria.

And here's a great, a great
little soundbite by him.



I'm like mysterious.

I don't know what half of
them are protesting against.

Well, a lot of them think, well,
good on them, except it's useless.

I don't know if you caught that,
but he says, I don't know what

they're protesting against.

Then the reporter fires back here.

It is, you says, you know, half
of them are protesting against and

he's like, well, well good on them.

But, but, but it's illegal.

It's like, okay.


But do, do we remember
how woke this virus is?

It is so woke.

It knows when you're protesting for
something good and something bad

across the globe with BLM, we saw.


And I defended the right to protest.

I said, it's great.

They should, they all should have the
right to go out and protest virus or no

virus, but there is a totalitarian, a
hypocrisy and tyranny when, if you're

going out to protest well, that's okay.

And that's not a super spreader event,
but if you're gathering in your church

or your synagogue or mosque in America
and the west, or even in Australia, well,

that is, that is a super spreader event.

That is something that, you know,
you can't do at one point, at least,

I believe in America, you were not
allowed to gather and have a barbecue

with more than 12 people at your house.

And yet if you're on the street protesting
the guidelines where you could have

a hundred people and that's fine.

Well, why, why, why the difference.

Well, if you're, if you're
protesting for racial quality,

social justice, well that's okay.

But nothing else, if you're protesting
the fact that you're not allowed to

protest, like they were in the UK, the
UK made a law and said, no, because of

this, you're not allowed to protest.

And what did we see?

We saw people protesting the protest
and it's because we believe something.

We believe that we have been
given inalienable rights.

We believe as humans, we have God given
rights that should not be infringed

upon that our liberties should not
be infringed upon, but what happens,

what happens when a society on a macro
at whole has no longer believes in

God, no longer believes in the devil.

But believes that we came out of the
marsupial swamps from millions and

millions of years ago, we weren't
created with intelligent design.

We aren't any more special a tree or a
frog or a, uh, a rock for that matter.

We're just all matter
floating through the world.

And when, when we lose that moral
bearing that moral plum line, knowing

that there are divine and eternal
laws and natural laws that, that dif

bend human life and defend our rights
when we can no longer point to that.

Then we can no longer have a moral bearing
and a moral grounding on what is a,

just, or an unjust law because laws and
regulations, whether it's, you're not

allowed to murder, you're not allowed
to steal, or you must wear a seatbelt.

Those, all right, come
back down to morality.

All legislation, all laws find
its foundation in morality.

And all of our morality comes from the
way that we view ultimately the way that

we view who we are as human beings and
where we come from, what is our origin?

Because if we are just a sack of
chemicals, if we are just a sack of

chemicals, then it doesn't matter.

Then, then you know, ethically,
why not do some organ harvesting?

Why not lock up a bunch of people
that we feel are genetically.

Uh, uh, less than us and put
them in concentration camps.

Why not try to have eugenics and,
and create, uh, a superhuman race?

Why not fully race transhumanism?

Why not?

If we are just a clump of cells wise,
if we believe that we were created with,

from a divine being with purpose, then we
can find a, a, a routine, a grounding in

something that we can point to and say,
this is actually, this is actually wrong.

This is an infringement
upon our human freedoms.

The fact of this clip
with, uh, Dan Andrews.

So funny, he's like, I don't even
know what they're protesting.

They're protesting the fact
that they're being locked up.

They're protesting the fact that their
liberties are being infringed upon.

With these draconian measures
and lockdowns there in Australia.

Well, it gets better.

The prime minister of New
Zealand Jacinda ardent said set

a real shocker to the media.

This last week.


share with you the most
up-to-date information daily.

You can trust us as a
source of that information.

Uh, you can also trust the director
general of health and the ministry of

health for that information do feel free
to visit at any time to clarify any rumor

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INSEAD, otherwise dismiss anything else.

We will continue to be your
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We will provide information frequently.

We will.

We will continue to be your
single source of truth.

If you hear anything from anyone else,
dismiss it, dismiss any information

that you might hear, we will be
your single source of truth on this.

Now I'm going to give the,
the devil's advocate here.

I do think that she's
speaking to a specific case.

I do think she's speaking to, uh,
rumors that were happening about

potential lockdowns, uh, that
were happening in New Zealand.

And this is why I think that because
of the, the rest of the clip, he

listened to the, the rest of the clip,

everything you out on us,
you see, um, a grain of salt.

And so I really ask
people to focus on those.

The greatest example of that

appears to be this tips, which
originated in the ledger and has

kind of, has become a viral hope
for Australia and New Zealand.

How responsible is it?

The people that are sharing that
news of a lockdown eminent in new?


So the question was from the reporter,
uh, was about a, a rumor that was

started in Malaysia spread via
probably WhatsApp and the internet.

Saying that there was going to
be a lockdown in New Zealand.

And that was, you know,
disinflation and misinformation,

which seems like it probably was.

But listen, this is a brilliant, brilliant
response, uh, by the prime minister.

And look, that's


kind of thing that adds to
the anxiety that people feel.

So I continue to share the message.

New Zealand is, must
prepare, but do not panic

prepare, but do not panic.

In other words, it's just a rumor.

Uh, don't listen to that.

Those, these are the exact things that
are causing everyone, anxiety and stress.

But I will say this
prepare, but don't panic.

It sounds to me.

I mean, it sounds to me like she's
saying, yeah, that rumor about lockdown.

It's not true, but you
definitely should get ready for

a lockdown because it's coming.

Obviously that's reading
between the lines, obviously

that might not be true, but.

No wonder people are anxious and worried.


And when you see those messages
for a member that unless you hear

from us, um, it is not the truth,

unless you hear it from
us, it is not the truth.

Now, if it's concerning curfew hours or
saying that a lockdown has started, okay.

Yeah, you should probably get that from
your municipality or your government

of where you live, but there's so much
more information out there that maybe

isn't a hundred percent accurate.

We ask people

just visit, um, uh, COVID-19
dot gov T during feed.

It has all of the up-to-date
information and we will continue to

provide everything you need to know.

You will continue to provide
everything that you need to know.

We know how that turned out though.

Remember when the, who was
providing everything that we

needed to know, and they said,
don't worry about wearing masks.

And then.

Ah, now you need to wear a mask.

And then it was, uh, those PCR tests.

They need to be spunk, you
know, and cycled over 35

times up to 50 and 60 times.

And then they come out and say, actually,
if you do that, If he, then the test

is inaccurate and we need to dismiss
those or retest all of the previous 14

months to findings because, you know,
we, we over tested over spun dose.

We saw back and forth.

We, we need to, to have global lockdowns,
not gloss lockdowns don't work.


This was not originated in a lab.

If you say that that's disinformation
governments across the globe, that's

disinformation misinformation.

We can't have that Zena phobic.

And then here it turns out, ah, it
probably was created in the Wu Han lab.

And on top of it, it seems as if
information is coming out, that the

gain of function was paid for by us tax
dollars, everything that we were told.

By the government, your single source
of truth, everything that was canceled

and labeled misinformation and
disinformation for months and months

on end and has been overturned or
come to light that actually all these

people that we labeled as being wrong.

Well, we were just trying
to delay the inevitable.

Yeah, that's true.

Yeah, that's right.

And it startling when in 2004, in
2004, there were a hundred corporations

controlling media outlets across the map
100, but as of September, 2020, there

are only six corporations that control
90% of the media outlets in America,

six corporations, the same with Brazil,
11 families control nearly all of the

important media conglomerates in prison.

And the same is for much of the world.

Now, part of that has to do with the
Pareto distribution, that the best

in the few rise to the top and a few,
um, a few members or few people end

up owning the majority of the people,
just like the top a hundred books

on Amazon sells 50% of the titles.

So we know that this distribution
happens in nature, but what happens

when all of our media is controlled by
a few elites, what happens when even

big tech, all the social media that we
see is being manipulated by algorithms

or manipulated by fact checks on your
Instagram, on your Facebook, on your, uh,

uh, whatever it is, whatever platform,
all that fact-checking skewing, the way

that we see algorithms, shadow bands,
what happens when people no longer trust?

The information and the institutes,
the government, as it, it seems as

if they've been in collusion with big
tech and with the media, which is what

we covered just a few episodes ago
where everything is now being labeled

misinformation and disinformation,
anything that goes against the status quo.

Yeah, that makes sense.

The post-truth society where we have
change truth for lies and reasons

reason for postmodern irrationality.

The absurd finally makes sense.

In today's segment, we turn to the
one and only Nancy Pelosi, the speaker

of the house for the democratic party
in the United States of America.

Now Nancy Pelosi, for those who don't
know, she is a very, very much pro.


And she also says she is a Catholic
and here in this brilliant,

um, just lovely clip by Nancy.

We see her using her
Catholicism to defend abortion.

Now you probably know that Catholicism
in the Catholic church is the biggest

opponent of abortion, the biggest
proponent of, of the sanctity of life than

nearly any organization across the world.

And, and that goes along with the, the
three monotheistic faiths within our, our

belief structure and our belief system.

We believe as a Christian Catholics
Jews, uh, Muslims, we believe.

In the sanctity of human life and
that a life in the womb is a life

and that should not be taken.

But here is Nancy Pelosi using her
good old Catholicism Catholicism

to try to defend the, the mortar,
the murdering of unborn children

as a devout Catholic and
mother of five and six years.

Uh, I, uh, feel that God blessed my
husband and me with our beautiful

family, five children in six years
almost to the day, but that may not.

What we should, and it's not
up to me to dictate that that's

what other people should do,



It's not up to the government to
dictate with other people should

do the government should not be
telling people how many babies to

have, or how many babies not to have.

We, we have seen this in, in the
CCP when they created the one child

policy, which has now been lifted.

And two, two child policy and recently
became a three child policy, but it's

not helping the birth rate in China.

In fact, they're going to be seen a
population collapsed because of their

decline in birth rate and in population.

And it's going to fare badly for that.

And, and the government there
is trying to scramble to.


So I was even asked over the weekend.

Well, should it.

Shouldn't people be able to make
the choice and informed choice of

how many children they want to have.


There's nothing wrong with that.

But when it's wrapped up in an anti
naturalism worldview, which believes

that it's immoral to have babies,
then there becomes to be big problems

in a real breakdown in society.

But here she is saying, of course
we shouldn't tell people how many

babies they should have, but we all
also need to defend the baby's life.

But here she goes on to say
that actually taking a life

that is, that is true justice.

And it's an issue of fairness
and justice for poor women and

in our country, an issue for
fair, uh, fairness and justice

for poor women in our country.

Well, justice for her.

You know, people talk about, oh, we need
to have safe, safe, and legal abortions.

Well, who, who are those abortions?

Say for 50% of the people involved in
abortion, a hundred percent of them die.

The baby, the baby
always loses their life.

A baby whose heart starts beating at
18 days, a baby who can feel pain,

who has emotions, who has brainwaves

a human life.

But yet when we, when we throw away the
Morris of, of belief in God, The is of

morality where it's all, all becomes
relative, where we all begin to just

live for ourselves, to live for our own
pleasure, to live for our own lives.

And we throw out justice.

Then this becomes, this becomes
the rational decision, because if

we are just a sack of chemicals,
then why does it matter?

Well, uh, Danielle, Danielle Campa
Moore, she wrote an article that blew

up across Twitter and Danielle is
also a pro abortion, uh, advocate.

And she wrote, and this is the title.

We need more parents having
abortions in film and television.

What is her goal?

Well, her express goal is to normalize
via media, which is owned by six

corporations and then controlled
by big tech to normalize abortion.

That is, that is her goal.

Uh, she, she quotes a
lady, uh, Renee Sherman.

Who's the executive director
of, we testify an organization

dedicated to increasing the
representation and visibility

of people who have had abortion.

Uh, Ms.

Sherman says one of the main ways
that people learn about information

and experiences is through
television and film, particularly

when it comes to health and sex.

Given that we don't have a nationwide
comprehensive sex education health

program, uh, ha government programming.

That's what she's saying.

We need here.

She slips it in because we don't
have a, a nationwide government.

Comprehensive sexual health
program and educational program.

We need to use media to, to normalize
it, make normative abortions.

Uh, Danielle continues to write,
instead of making abortion, she's

begins to talk about another person
working in television, uh, teres.

She says, instead of making abortion,
the crux of Theresa's plot, who's

currently working on a scripted
television show that takes place in

a clinic that provides abortions.

She's hoping to normalize abortion
as just another choice in a wide

range of decisions that people
make throughout their lives.

And for characters who have kids,
she wants to frame abortion.

And what really is a parenting decision.


It's a parenting decision.

It's normally do I go to
the chiropractor today?

Yeah, it is PR it's healthcare.

I should probably go get my back adjusted.

I should probably just go and
kill my baby today in the womb.

Now I realize that maybe, maybe some
of you listening have had an abortion.

Maybe you were pressured into one baby.

You pressured someone else into one.

I'm not condemning you.

In fact, what I, what I am
saying is that there is, there

is hope for Greek gumption.

There is healing.

There is restoration that can take place.

Uh, that can happen.

That I believe is, is
God's desire for you.

If you've gone through that while at the
same time, there is, there's a clear,

there's a clear line that we need to.

Be able to draw and say that an infant
in the womb is a human being and it

is a life that ought to be defended
and protected is a life that ought

to be, to be fought for, for justice.

And it, no, it cannot be made light of it
cannot just be swept underneath the rug.

But for those, have you who have, who
have suffered that have gone through

that, there is hope there is help.

There is healing.

There is restoration that can in, I pray,
does place, but this article from Danielle

who is definitely not making any apologies
for her stance and it shows no remorse.

Um, in fact, she's celebrating
it in clapping it and encouraging

to normalize the, the act of
killing an unborn innocent life.

She continues to write.

I think the most radical reconstruction
that needs to happen with respect to

abortion, especially parenting people
who have parenting people, parents

who have abortion is for people to
realize that it can be a serious

act of love to have an abortion.


It's a serious act of love
to kill your child because

you love your other children.

So much that little, little Fatuma,
little Johnny, little Kendra.

We love you guys and girls so
much that we're going to kill your

baby brother or your baby sister.

Don't just do away with them because
we love, we love you children so much.

We, we are going to do
away with your sibling.

She goes on and says for people
who have kids, that is the number

one decision making factor.

They feel like they can't handle it.

What is driving the decision is
the desire to give the children.

They already have the best life possible.

Well, who are you to say that
the best life possible for

them is not having a sibling?

We have four kids and the more kids
that we have, they play together.

They create company for one another.

They build friendships and bonds
with one another and taking the

life and playing God and taking
that life is, is morally wrong.

But when we've thrown out morality,
what choices they're left?

Well, she defends herself with
this saying if there is a God, I

believe that God loves abortion.

If there is a God, we know that
that God is merciful and that God

is just, and he has to be both.

And there needs to be justice.

There is justice for those hundred
million plus unborn babies.

One in one and three in America have lost
their lives since, uh, whoa, whoa, Roe V.

Wade in 19 67, 1 in three.

Where is, where is the justice?

Where is the mercy for those voices?

Well, as we see the deterioration of
society, it shouldn't be a surprise.

Polls and studies have come out, looking
at generation Z in America, and they,

they identify as nuns, which means
they have no religious affiliation.

45% of generation Z identifies
as not versus the boomers,

which I believe is like 16%.

Now identify as having
no religious affiliation.

When we throw off our re a


grounding in a belief that
there is a God who created us,

this is, this is what we greet.

61% of emerging adults in America
have no moral problem at all with

materialism and consumerism, their
worldview, their life is being wrapped

up in living in autonomous life.

It is all about them.

It's all about their own
personal individual happiness.

And it goes back to what we were
talking about in the very beginning

with not connecting with the person
in front of you, not being able

to see the person in front of you.

Someone to help.

Instead, we're seeing
people around us as threats.

Th th they could be the threat.

They are the virus.

I could get the COVID from them.

I can't talk to anyone.

They're the threat.

It creates this intense atomization of
society when we, we are so self-focused

and so focused on self-preservation that
we can't stop to see people around us.

And that the logical conclusion of that
is materialism and consumerism and living

a lifestyle that is all about your own
personal comfort, rather than living a

life full of sacrifice and selflessness.

Well, this show is brought to
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I get don't go away.

We'll be right back with our
closing Weaver and loom segment.

Welcome back to Weaver, loom a part of
the show where we take ancient wisdom.

We weave it in with our everyday
lives so we can own our future

and weave our destiny today.

I'm going to start this segment with
his short story, my wife and I, we

made some new friends over the weekend.

Uh, as we, as we were driving over to
their house to hang out for the first

time, my wife and I shared a little bit
of trepidation that both of us felt, which

was this slight worry and wondering of
where they fall on not necessarily where

they fall on the political spectrum,
but how fanatical might these people be?

Cause we've never met them before.

We, we, my wife, somehow, each other
online through Instagram, did a swap and

sell something or another, I don't know
how women do these things, but they met.

And next thing I know the next day,
we're heading over to their house

to get coffee with these people.

And we don't have problems.

Meeting people, meet people all the time.

We know how to have conversation, not
worrisome, but with everything that's

been happening over the, the last year
and a half, there are definitely a lot

of hot topics, buttons that you never
know if it's going to get pressed.

And if it's, uh, it's going to be a
deal breaker that, you know, you might

just get the boot out of the house,
might get a little tense and awkward.

Um, some of those conversations might
be the Palestine Israeli conflict.

It might be BLM.

It could be B uh, the way that you
raise your kids, it could be, it

could be the whole COVID scenario.

Where do people.

How fanatical are people about that?

Now I'm very grateful that,
uh, it was a great time, great

coffee, great relational connect.

We had no issues.

And in fact, most people, most people
that I engage with an encounter fee art

at the art on the far end of activism,
they aren't on the far, far end of,

of being fanatical about something.

And I keep using that word fanatical
because that is ties into the quote

that we're going to talk about.

But a lot of people that I talk to
in the recent conflicts that I've

had, there's sure there's been a few.

Who've been very, that's it.

We don't see eye to eye on this.

I'm kicking you out, I'm
blocking you and banning you.

And then the majority of people are
saying, Hey, I, I agree with you.

I see it differently than you,
but I'm not going to block you.

Like we can still be friends.

Mazal Tov, like let's hang out.

And then there, there's a few people
who will silently slide into the

DM and be like, Hey, I totally
agree with what you're saying.

Um, I'm totally on your side.

So there's this spectrum of people,
but that leads that little build up

leads to this quote by the, you can
minical patriarch by Bartholomew mule.

The first, who is the spiritual
leader of the Eastern Orthodox

church and Christians world wide.

And he said this, the fanatic often
suffers from the psychosis of conspiracy.

The fanatic often suffers from
the psychosis of conspiracy.

So let's break that down first.

What is a fanatical?

Well, a fanatic is someone who,
who is not just religious, but

you can be an atheist fanatic.

You can be a religious fanatic.

You can be a fanatic of any kind,
someone that, that furiously hangs on

to truth and a love level of desperate
arrogance, and believes that they are the

only one that has the corner on truth.

That they're the only one that
has the hundred percent correct

perspective on what's going on
in the world and that he or she

absolutely possesses that knowledge.

And if anyone disagrees with that person,
they aren't instrument of the devil.

They are evil incarnate.

If you are different than me.

Then that means you want me dead.

If we disagree on something, it
means that you want to obliterate me.

This is what fanatics belief that
people who are different than them are

inherently their enemy and want them dead.

Fanatics are often uncertain,
restless, disorganized, and the only

are able to balance their thinking
by, uh, just, uh, uh, a ferocious

attachment to their own personal truth.

So when the quote says, phonetics
often suffer from the psychosis of

conspiracy it's that conspiracy is
believing that everyone is out to

get them this psychosis of believing.

If someone is slightly different than
me, then there's no way that, that

we can sit down together, at least on
the things that we're fanatic about

the things that were fanatic about.

And you can see this in a lot
of different organizations.

You can see this in many different,
um, Groups of people and it's not just

some, I've seen it in nearly all groups
of people I've, I've even experienced,

uh, being a fanatic about some things
myself and now Sigmund Freud talks

about the neurosis of small differences.

That neurosis is small differences is
someone who disagrees with someone and

continues to find things to disagree on.

They could agree with 99.9% of their
worldview or topics, but because they,

they have, they want to feel different.

They want to be unique.

They want to have this corner on truth.

They will seek out in find differences
to divide on their, continuing,

to go down to finer and find your
minutiae finer and finer detail to

say, ah, see, we disagree on this.

We're S we're so different.

No, you, we, we agree.

And 99% of everything, and there's
just a couple minor details or

different ways of viewing the world.

Some, some minor subjects,
maybe it's major subjects like

abortion that we discuss agree on.

But when you're fanatical, you will seek
those things out, find those things, and

then be like, ah, because you disagree
with this one thing, I think you're

wrong about everything and in everything.

And that is that the psychosis
of conspiracy and the danger of

being fanatical about things.

That's what here at
the show, we don't say.

That we are here because we have
an absolute corner on the truth or

you or I have an absolute corner
on the truth, but we pursue truth.

We seek truth.

We seek to understand how the
world fits together and operates.

We, we seek to understand a framework by
which we can walk out that belief system

in the world to have the optimal outcome.

So we can uncover a purpose.

I've had so many conversations
where people are, are lost.

They can't figure out their purpose.

They can't figure out their meaning.

They're searching and grasping for it.

But because of the, the way they
viewed the world inherently,

the world has no meaning.

Life has no meaning.

And therefore, what is
the purpose of living?

This is antinatalism.

This is nihilism.

This is a life without any hope.

And if we live that way,
then we won't own the future.

Well, if you get value out of the show
and you want to get more value out of

the show, you can share this show with
a friend or a spouse or a coworker.

And the way that I liked people to
share stuff with me, it's when they

text me, not just share it on social
media, but they send me a personal text.

It makes me feel loved and valued.

And then often we talk about it
and that builds our relationship

stronger and it builds the walls
of our culture even stronger.

And that enables us to own the future
that enables us to create a framework

by which we can judge worldviews.

We can judge ideas so that we can.

Walk out our purpose and we can own
our future, not just for ourselves, for

children's and many generations to come.