We talk about saving money on auto insurance, homeowners insurance, and - yes - we talk about life insurance!

Unknown Speaker 0:00
You're listening to locally produced programming created in KU NBC Studios on public radio K, u and v 91.5.

Unknown Speaker 0:11
The following is a paid program sponsored by your insurance connection. Please be advised that the voices and opinions you hear do not necessarily represent the views of K, u and v Las Vegas, the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.

Unknown Speaker 0:32
Good morning, this is your insurance connection. I'm your host, Donald Marquez, on your insurance connection. We talk about saving money on auto insurance, homeowners insurance. Yes, and we talk about life insurance. Welcome to the show.

Unknown Speaker 0:52
Happy Sunday morning everyone. My name is Dan Marquez, this is your insurance connection broadcast. And right here at K u and v 91.5. Jazz and more Sunday morning from 8am to 830. Buckle up, get your favorite beverage and sit down, relax and enjoy the show for a half hour. We're going to talk about insurance. My favorite subject, this is what I do as an insurance broker right here in that beautiful city, Las Vegas, Nevada. And also, you know, Southern Nevada too, as well. I can write policies throughout the state of Nevada for auto insurance, I can write policies throughout the country. If you're listening to this program, and you're in another state, I definitely can help you with your auto insurance policies. I have many auto insurance carriers to choose from, as a broker, I have the benefit of you know, having different insurance companies for auto home. Yes, and life insurance, boat motorcycle insurance. I mean for you. My number is 702-236-2624 702-236-2624. I've been licensed since 1997. I took my test in 96. Some of you may listen to this program right now wasn't even born then. But I've been around for quite some time. And I love it. I do absolutely love it. I've helped a lot of you over many years. And I've had a lot of you come to me with stories that you said, You know what I should have bought some life insurance from my loved ones. But we didn't make that move to purchase life insurance. A conversation we never had. Because, you know, no one likes to talk about it. I understand talking about, you know, passing death or, you know, final expenses. That's a difficult conversation to have. It truly is I've had conversations with my loved ones about, you know, passing what I want, how I want it done. However, you know, people find ways to delay the conversation. When you delay the conversation. You know, you put your family on pause not to know what your final wishes are. Your final expenses are going to be for someone to carry. You know, and I know some people say, you know, I'm gone, why should I be concerned? You should be concerned because what you're doing, you transfer net your debt on to your loved ones. And I asked you simply Is it fair to them, you know your beneficiaries, if you have a life insurance policy, they need to know the other beneficiaries on the policy. They do now, if you have gotten remarried, if you've lost a loved one, and your primary beneficiary is no longer living or your primary beneficiary is your ex spouse, or ex whatever, ex friend, ex ex ex you've X amount of your life, you need to do a change of beneficiary form, you need to get a change of beneficiary form. So you can change the beneficiary on your life insurance policy. And one of the most important things about a beneficiary is to let them know that they are the beneficiary. You know, it could be any one of your choosing. Now, it's always good to have a loved one or someone that's you know, or a close friend. You know, some people don't have family members and what do you do for beneficiaries? If you want to leave money to your church or your organizations, or your nonprofits, or any or you or anyone you want to leave a percentage of your beneficiary to you can do it for an example. You know, if I had people come to me said, Well, you know what, I get much give my church some money when I pass away. Or they say if I pass away. It's kind of funny when they say that no one lives forever. But let's take an example. Can I leave my church, you know, a part of my life insurance policy as my beneficiary? Yes, you can. Well, we can do we can list multiple beneficiaries and as it makes sense now, if your life insurance policy is $100,000, or you know, 50,000, or even even you don't want it 5000 We can divide it up. But you know, I've had people and believe it or not, they came to me on an insurance review. And they only had, you know, $5,000 worth of life insurance? Well, you can't divide that up too much. I mean, it's not going to stretch that far. But your, you know, your significant policies that you know, 20 to 25,000 30,000. And up, then we can divide that that percentage up, we could do whatever you like, regardless of the face amount. But you know, some people, I've seen policies as low as $1,000, with six beneficiaries. No, I didn't write it. But you know, I've seen him over the many years of experience, however, your beneficiary needs to know that they're the beneficiary. And that's very important, because they're the ones that can sign for the life insurance policy. When that time comes, and it comes for all of us. It really does, it comes from all of us, they're going to get in touch with the primary beneficiary, and they say, you know, what, you saw on social pass away, or if they already know it, we need to go to the funeral home. So we can apply the life insurance policy toward the pants for the paying off the funeral. And then whatever money is left over, the primary beneficiary or beneficiaries will receive the balance of the of the life insurance policy, this important news you can use because it is so many times in my career, I've had family members contact me say, You know what my my dad passed away and my mother passed away. We don't know what the policy is, how do we find out whether they had a life insurance policy and not that that has come across my phone quite often. And I say to them, look at their checking account statements, and to see if there's a life insurance company, pulling money from their checking account, regularly, once a month, and you can contact the insurance company to wreck but then they going to want to talk to the beneficiary. If you're not the beneficiary, or you, you know, and you don't know who the beneficiary is, they're not going to tell you, there was a well, we have to talk to that beneficiary. So it really holds everything up. It really does. And you know, the thing about having a life insurance policy without a beneficiary, your life insurance policy goes into probate. Okay, and who knows how long, you know, but when the courts add on all their fees, how much insurance will be left on the policy. And this is simply can be avoided by having a conversation with your loved ones. Have a conversation with the loved ones, this is my life insurance policy is right here in my top drawer. With all my other information, a list, I have a paper with the list of the mortgage company, that loan numbers, my car payment with the loan numbers, or car insurance, My Life Insurance Company, with the policy number, with the 800 number and number to contact, here's my phone number to my insurance agent, the auto mark is 67022362624 I don't want to be cremated. I want to be buried next to my wife, my husband.

Unknown Speaker 8:12
This is important conversations to have. Now if you have a will or trust, it makes it a lot easier. But you can also put your life insurance policy with your with your trust, it'd be a part of your trust. Or again, as I was saying earlier in the conversation, if you're just tuning in, if you'd like to leave money behind with them, you know, like I give money, I give money to nonprofit organizations to help, you know, children in the hospitals. You know, I mean, I feel it's my responsibility to help out others. I've been successful. So I do give back. I do give back to nonprofits, especially when it comes to, you know, aiding children. Cancer Research. You know, I give back. I think it's part of my responsibility. I've seen cancer, my family. My child had cancer at a young age. He was only five years young. I can proudly say she's a grown woman today and she's almost finishing nuclear pharmacy school. And I'm very proud of her. I'm proud very proud of all my children. And you know, so but I've experienced cancer in my family at a young age. Even my as I can recall, my mother had cancer in a neck. Way back in the 60s. Yeah, and I was very young back in the 60s. However, I can remember going back and forth to the doctor's office to the hospital. So you know, when you when you experience it in life and close to losing a loved one, you think about your priorities. Now, we live in one of the most amazing cities on the planet Earth, Las Vegas, Nevada. We have entertainment slot machines and the bars open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. However, a lot of us give money to these slot machines and you know we get paid Then we head to the casinos. Now, if you hit a jackpot, and you don't gamble anymore, that's fine. But for me, my gambling is about $40 a year. And that's it. If I belly up to a poker machine, once every six months only, they got only get $20 out of me, that's it. And if I can give me a couple of drinks out of my little $20, every six months, that's fine with me. But I know people gamble every single day. And you know, if it's for entertainment purposes, and you have to treat it that way, you're not going to break the casinos. You just didn't there, you know, and it is time consuming. And so you notice when any of the casinos, they don't have any clocks, or any window so you can look out, see what time it is. They do the four reasons so you can stay there as long as you can. But as you stay there, you lose money. Now money you could use toward a life insurance policy. This is my whole point. Now, I had a lady came in, she said, I heard you talking on the radio A to K u and v 91.5. How do you adjust your finances because he she told me she lived on a tight budget. But she realized a lot of her money was going toward, you know, her favorite coffeehouse every morning, every day. She was spending on average about $7 Every day at our coffee house $7 A day, not including gasoline, and also the tip. But this is what she said, Well, you know, this is my only advice in life. I love my coffee in the morning. But after listening to me on it, she said she went out and bought a coffee bean grinder and a really nice coffee maker. So she grinded beings in the morning, have a cup of coffee, and she likes to drink a couple of cups throughout the day. It saves her money plus, you know, save the gas. And time. Although she does miss a coffee house from time to time she does he says he does go from time to time but not as much as she used to. It was saving her close after over close to $350 a month just by doing one little thing making that adjustment. And she purchased a life insurance policy. She did it you can do it. My number is 702-236-2624 702-236-2624 It's a little bit less adjustments we can make on life. Without finances. You know, when I go around to the cleaners, I make sure that I go to the cleaners, the grocery store, the department stores, or the hardware store, bang, I make my trips in a circle working my way back to my house to conserve on gasoline. Just so you know I do have a life insurance policy I think is very important to have a life insurance policy to protect your loved ones. Because there are going to be final expenses. You know your car payment is still going to be coming in. Whether you hear or not, the car payment has to be paid, the car insurance has to be paid, the mortgage has to be paid. The rent has to be paid when you leave loved ones behind to take on your debt. And a lot of times too. When one passes away in the household. They lose income bandwidth. Now let me show you this policy is not going to substitute for you. But it sure makes up for the financial responsibilities. My number is 702-236-2624 702-236-2624 My name is Donnell Marquez, my location is on a corner of Sahara and Rancho in the US bank center located on the eighth floor, I work by appointment my business hours are Monday through Friday, from 10am to 5pm. And there are some Saturdays that will work because I know a lot of you can't come in on on the weekdays. But there are some Saturdays I will work now don't work on Sundays. Got to have a day off just like everyone else. If you've been turned down for life insurance, please don't give up. I have life insurance companies that specialize people with underlying health conditions. We're talking about lupus a history of cancer. Or if you're if you are a cancer patient right now and you're being treated. And your stage one stage two cancer with over 24 miles with over 12 months live excuse me, with over 12 months to live. We can get you a life insurance policy something is better than nothing. You've been turned down by life insurance and maybe because you know yeah, you know, you wait, you've been denied before you wait for your wait. We can get a life insurance policy. I remember one time I insured a gentleman he was 650 pounds 650 pounds, we get them life insurance policy. And he lost a couple 100 pounds and he's still living. And I wrote that policy probably back in 2016. And he's still living today. God bless him. God bless him. He lost a couple 100 pounds his daughter told me but you know that I've helped many, many of you that's listening to this program right now. And a lot of you haven't called me yet. You still can. Let's make a difference in your life. Live with a life insurance policy when you go online and put all your personal information online. And I know you do get frustrated because you receive a lot of phone calls, calls months later you're receiving well we know we, we noticed that you put in a request for life insurance quote, and now the first day you do it, that's gonna be the worst day when you put all your personal information online, and all of a sudden now you're gonna get 20 phone calls in less than 20 minutes. And you want to what did I do that for? It kind of turns you off a little bit from life insurer for life who's getting life insurance, but do not give up I encourage you do not do that. I know that life insurance companies have made it very convenient for you to go online and purchase life insurance. But what you're doing you're sharing information with multiple telemarketers multiple life insurance agents, and you're going to receive all these a lot of phone calls. Now once I receive all your personal information, I do not share it with that network. It just between you, me and the insurance company that I select for you. Now I will show you options especially when it comes to term and universal life. I'm you know, I'm I like to say I'm an old fashioned life insurance agent I like to talk face to face, I don't make house calls, you know, every blue moon I will come in if you need to sign the paperwork, I need to meet you to sign the paperwork. But that's very rare. I like to go for you to come to my office, sit down, relax, have a conversation, we laugh a little bit we get right down to business is as always a pleasure to to talk to the people that are from Las Vegas, and been in Las Vegas for quite some time because we could just, you know talk about how you remember when it opened, it was a desert. Now again,

Unknown Speaker 16:43
it's a good conversation to have. I know a lot of you, you know the transplants from other parts of the country. But you know, having a conversation with someone that's been in Vegas, as long as I have, and seeing the growth and development that has taken place over the many years, you know, it's a good conversation to have because Vegas used to be a little bit small town only seven high schools when I went to school here, and now look at it today. Now what the growth comes along with, you know needs for families to understand the responsibilities of if you're here, or not what it takes to bury a loved one today. I mean, okay, let's say you're here and you lose a loved one. And all of a sudden, you know that you find out quickly their loved one did not have any life insurance. Now you already have your debt, now you've collected their debt that transfer a debt, instead of transfer of wealth. Now the transfer is debt to you. You may be the responsible one had to pay for a large very expensive life insurance policy. You know, and I'm telling you these policies today, not a life insurance policy, excuse me, you may be the one have to pay for a funeral, a very expensive funeral. And the cost of funerals are today is about 15 to $20,000 On average costs right here in Vegas. Now think about it. Now when you go to the funeral home, they show you this sheet of paper with all this information on it, the different burial plans so you know, with the flowers of limousines, the pet instead of different packages, you know, as far as filing expenses for burial, or the final expenses for cremation. Now people say oh, you know, I want to be cremated. Um, you know, and so don't cost that much money. That's just too much money to put in the ground. I understand that. But let's talk about the cremation. Now if you want to cremation with a ceremony, okay, they so they have to prep your remains, dress you put makeup on to all of that present you for the viewing. They have the viewing, you know the family get to say goodbye after the ceremony. Then you of course you they prep you to cremate for cremation. Okay, now once you have created your family receives the urn. What are you gonna do with Earth? Are you going to now you know, they give you to earn from the funeral home. And now you have a large urn look like a gallon, you know, junk. And it goes away? You know, you got to ask yourself, what are you gonna do with the earth? Do you want to put it in your bedroom dresser? Or your bedroom nightstand in your room with you? Or would you rather put it on your fireplace mantel? If you have a fireplace? Or maybe the centerpiece of a dining room table is up? I don't know what are you gonna do with it? But if you don't want it in your house, I've seen many people now. I don't want that in my house. So you have to put it in a crypt or grave. You have to pay for the opening or you have to pay the closing of a grave to put the urn in it. Maybe you want to put the urn with a loved one in the cemetery you could do that. Or if not, then you have to purchase a crypt to put your earn your loved ones earned in the crypt. That costs money too. So don't think just cremation I get a cremation and it's gonna be very inexpensive and, you know, I don't care They do with acids. And there's sometimes people, you know, they take a day, they take the ashes and they take them out to the ocean and they put them in the ocean. But that's a trip you have to pay for to go to get to the ocean, it's hotel stays and everything else gasoline. Okay, food while you're going, people getting together in saying their last goodbyes, you poured the ashes into the ocean. All of it costs money. Now, people don't realize the cost of a bury a loved one today or cremate on a loved one today, into until you're face to face with people in their business. And to them, it's a business, they're in business to make money in the churches, they cannot afford to bury you. Let's do the math on the churches, if they have four funerals a month, once one a week, and they have to pay for those one a week funerals. And the average cost is $15,000 per funeral. That's $60,000 a month, your church cannot afford to do that. You know, they can't afford to do that. Now, if that's part of your church that you go to, they'll take care of it good for you. But you've already paid for it through your ties. And he does not depend on that because church is there to help you a time of need, maybe financially for food, other you know, prayer. But when it comes to your burial, they're very reluctant to pay for funerals. I mean, they can't afford to, because again, for funerals, average cost $15,000 per funeral. That's $60,000. Think about it, you can get a life insurance policy that will fit in your budget, we can make it happen if the lady can go out and instead of going to the coffee houses every day, go out and buy her a coffee machine, grind her beans, and make her coffee and drink our coffee and save close to $350 A month $350 A month was her savings from not going to the coffee house every single day. And she had enough money left over to purchase a life insurance policy. You could do it? It's easy. It's not that difficult. I asked the simple questions. For instance. Are you a smoker? Yes or no? Alcohol and Drug Abuse? Yes or no Alzheimer's dementia, organic brain syndrome or ALS, Lou Gehrig's since disease? Yes or no. You know, here's another one by cancer and within the last few years cancer other than basal sales skin cancer, yes or no answer. Many ways to purchase a life insurance policies these days, a lot of different options, that life insurance is there when you need it, it also can be a living benefit. It can be a living benefit. When you when you are you know you have you have these resources. And all of a sudden, you know, you find out oh man, my paycheck was a little short. Because I went on vacation and came back and I got these other unexpected repair bills. There's your life insurance policy, well, you can pull from it, take advantage of it, but find a way to pay it back. My name is Don Marquez, this is your insurance connection, I want to thank the listeners that came in and purchase home auto and life insurance. Well thank my engineer West Knight for keeping me on time. And it's been about time we got a couple of minutes left or something like that. And, you know, we got a little bit more time left, because he keeps the clock on me. And you know, I really enjoy what I do I enjoy meeting many of you from K u and v 91.5. It's a it's a different listening audience. You know, when you listen to K, u and v 91.5, jazz or more, it's more of a jazzy crowd. And what I mean by that, a little older crowd, and um, I love it 55 and older. The calls that I receive are usually about 55 and older people that come in, and they want to purchase home auto and life insurance. Now the primary the primary calls I receive is more for life insurance. And they have questions. One of the questions they may have when they purchase a policy years ago that from me years ago, they said well, why my policy, life insurance policy rates are going up. I've had my policy for a very long time, I don't understand it. So you bought what we call an adjustable life insurance premium. So your premium is a adjustable and it'll adjust as you age. Because what what happens if you start it off with a very low monthly premium. And as you age, the premium adjusts according to your age. Now there are life insurance policies that that I offer. Your rate is locked in for the life of the policy, your rate is locked in for the life of the policy, your face amount won't change, and the premium amount monthly will not change. But if you buy an adjustable premium life insurance policy and lot of people don't know the language, but they know that when they look at their checking account, all of a sudden there's an adjustment more monies being pulled out to keep the life insurance policy active. Then they have questions. I offer no obligation Life Insurance reviews, home auto reviews, no cost to you, you bring your policies in. I can look them up online, bring him in. And let's take a let's take a look is where you're headed with your life insurance. Where are you headed with your auto insurance? You know, with your life insurance, it can be adjusted on you right now as we speak. Now I can write a policy from day one to 85 years young. You 86 can say your life insurance, unfortunately, but 86. But if you're in your 80s and don't have any life insurance, what do you expect your your your your family to pick up your tab for your final expenses. Now, if you can't afford it, that's something different. But most of us can, because we don't want to burden our families with the debt they already have, and pass on your debt. My name is Donald Marquez, this is your insurance connection 702 to 362624. Now, if you have a home, and you don't have any beneficiaries on your home, as right of Survivor, or in lieu of death to pasture home on to the next generation, now you may have good intentions. But if you don't put someone less than one down on your deed, as a beneficiary or lower death rate a survivor that home will go to the state and it will be in probate. Christine Barnard is a paralegal. She can help you with wills trust, you know, promissory notes, if you loan people money, make sure you want to get a promissory note so you can get your money back.

Unknown Speaker 26:33
But she can help you with that. Also, she's very helpful with me with the power of attorney medical and financial power of attorney. Christine Barnard phone number is 702-857-4040 1-702-857-4401. She also works in my office with me, she'll meet you there at my office and take care of business. She's also a traveling notary, you know, wills, these trusts, demand letters, power of attorneys. She can help you with anything, everything legal is a name or her business. She is a team member of your insurance connection. 702-236-2624 and I know some of you listening to this program right now said, Well, you know, I've had my life insurance for a long time. I'm good. And you're the ones need to review because you may or may not be good, just depends. I've seen a lot of moving parts with it when you turn 75 or 80 that policy could change 702-236-2624 I read the contracts and let you know now if you have a term life insurance policy, do not let it turn out. You can convert it over to Universal Life in most cases. In most cases, you can convert it over to whole life or universal life. So you have permanent insurance. Now on your term policy, it may say to age 95 But as your when your turn ends, it will go up on you every single year 702-236-2624 My name is Donald Marquez. Let's sit down and have a talk. My business hours are Monday through Friday from 10am to 5pm. And closed on holidays and Sunday. I will work on some Saturdays. You can contact me I work by appointment only 702-236-2624 Until next week, just keep it crispy. Happy Fourth of July everybody be safe

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