Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast

Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh & Chantel from Wednesday, September 4th, 2024 / Gerald the snaggletooth, good news from Ikea, nah man - that’s check fraud, we have a paranoid dog, Josh is on the hunt for a trapper keeper, we give you our best impressions of Nokia ringtones, lemonade ok, oh, the things we could do if we were ambitious, Josh and Chantel met today 21 years ago, why is it so awkward to walk through a restaurant to use the bathroom, and headshots are the worst.

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Episode title: Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh and Chantel - Wednesday, September 4th, 2024

Episode summary introduction:

Gerald the snaggletooth, good news from Ikea, nah man - that’s check fraud, we have a paranoid dog, Josh is on the hunt for a trapper keeper, we give you our best impressions of Nokia ringtones, lemonade ok, oh, the things we could do if we were ambitious, Josh and Chantel met today 21 years ago, why is it so awkward to walk through a restaurant to use the bathroom, and headshots are the worst

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Full show transcript:

It's Josh and Chantel, and this is wake up classy 97, the podcast, a replay of today's full show. It's Wednesday, September 4th. On today's show, Gerald the snaggletooth, Good news from Ikea. Nah, man. That's check fraud.

We have a paranoid dog. Josh is on the hunt for a trapper keeper. We give you our best impressions of Nokia ringtones. Lemonade okay. Oh, the things we would do if we were ambitious.

Josh and Chantel met today 21 years ago. Why is it so awkward to walk through a restaurant to use the bathroom and headshots are the worst? Thanks for listening. You can hear the show live weekday mornings from 6 to 10. It's wake up classy 97, 7, the podcast.

Enjoy today's show. Classy 97. It's Josh and Chantel. Hi there. Hey.

Hi. Hello. Middle of the week. It's Wednesday. Today is what is it?

September 4th? What? Isn't that crazy? I don't know what's happening. Don't either.

Labor Day is here. Soon, we'll hear jingle bells. That's what's gonna happen. I'm just I I guess we gotta talk about it. How dare you?

I know. It's National Wildlife Day. Wildlife. Mhmm. It's also macadamia nut day.

Love macadamia nuts. I know you do. In a cookie or elsewhere? All all of the things. Where else have you had macadamia nuts?

I just had some little peanut clusters, and I had chocolate macadamias Okay. In them. Just know what my name is? Is that right? Okay.

Indigenous literacy day today. That's very important. What is that? Well, the indigenous peoples. Yes.

It is a literacy day for For that? For them. Yeah. Focusing on, on empowerment and literacy across the indigenous people. That's what that is.

Great. Global talent acquisition day. So yeah. HR people. Making sure that you betcha.

Making sure that the the world runs as well as possible, it says. Let's see. What else is going on? World cogeneration day. What's cogeneration?

This is power and heat that get generated concurrently. So thought it was like the generations just living in harmony. No. That would be different, but this would be generating different power sources and heat sources simultaneously. Oh.

Two products cogenerating. Oh. Mhmm. Wow. National Newspaper Carrier Day.

Did you ever do the Paperboy thing? I did not. Did you ever play the video game, paperboy? Of course, I did. That was a good game.

Yeah. Did anyone ever get past the first level? Doubt it. Were there more levels? Yeah.

There you go. There's just one level. I mean, you there were obviously more levels, or else the game wouldn't make sense. But you rode your little bike chucking newspapers Mhmm. Yeah.

And, and avoiding obstacles poorly. Did you ever do newspaper delivery? Did. You did? Mhmm.

I didn't know this about you. Yeah. Wow. What I should say is my mom did newspaper delivery because I couldn't be bothered to wake up early enough. And then did she take the money, or did you take the money?

I can't I couldn't tell you. You better not have time. But I'm sure it was a very short lived thing. Yeah. I bet it was.

I hope it was for your mom's sake, you lazy bones. Thanks. Hey. Last but not least here, it is eating extra dessert day, Chantel. Yeah.

This is Indulgence. Favorite day. Mhmm. Yeah. You get 2.

I always I don't need a day for this. Yeah. I just do it anyway because I do what I want. Because you're an eating extra dessert kinda lady. Yeah.

Clearly. Okay. Well, good Wednesday morning. It's Josh and Chantel. Have you ever stayed in a job too long because you just couldn't quit?

I can't quit you. I've been doing the same thing for 25 years. Yeah. But with a couple of different companies. Well yeah.

But I don't think I necessarily stayed because I just couldn't quit. I just kept working. I some might interpret that as, like, like, some sort of loyalty from an employee or something. I don't know what you'd what you'd make of that. I've I stayed with one company, one group for 17 years.

So it's a long time. It is a long time. There is a company that will quit your job for you. This is this is a huge thing in Japan right now. That's where it is.

Yeah. Yeah. Like, people are hiring Yeah. Professional quitters. I heard about this.

Just for your job, or will it quit relationships too? I wonder. Why do you ask? I was just I was just so curious. I was just curious.

What in the world is going on? If someone shows up and says, listen. It's just not working out. I'm gonna go, who are you? It's not her.

It's you. Yeah. Great. So to quit your job, these people, it'll cost you around 2 to $300, and they will handle everything. They will call your employer.

They will tell them you're leaving. They will even handle and negotiate all the other details like your last day, how to return company owned uniforms and equipment. You won't have to deal with any of the confrontation or embarrassment that it comes with quitting. Yeah. I look.

I it's weird. It's It's strange. You gotta take some responsibilities at some point and be like, hey. This isn't working out. This isn't yeah.

It's not me. It's on to greener pastures. Right. Yeah. And I I got I got another opportunity.

Whatever it is that you're leaving, you just need to deal with it. So that's very interesting. Now I guess you would you would hire an agent, depending on the industry you're working, in that might help you get hired or might find jobs for you, but this is the opposite. This is somebody who's like, oh, you're ready to be done? We'll we'll get you out.

What a what a strange thought. And I wonder if that's because it is it is uncomfortable for 1 because people don't like the confrontation of it. Not it's definitely not something you get a lot of practice at. You might you might apply for a 100 jobs and land 1. But here's here's what you can do too because here's what I've done in the past.

You write your letter, like your what's it called? Resignation. Yes. You can say everything in there, and then all you have to do is just turn it in and say, here's this. And then you walk away.

Let them read it. Let your boss read it. Right. And then he says or she says, what's going on? And you say, odds in the letter.

Just read the letter, man. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Right?

Your boss comes up. Hey. Saw your letter. What look. Can we talk about it?

You go, nah. Everything's in the letter. Yeah. Everything I have to say, I said I said it all. I'm like, well, that was awful.

I think so. You just don't you don't write anything rude. Why is it awful? No. Just the whole interaction.

Oh. They're like, let's talk about it. What can we do to make you stay? You're like, no. Everything I have to say is in the letter.

Well, this was worth my time walking down the hall. It's all there. And then you could, like, point at it. Point at it. Yeah.

Hey. Just, if you if you don't understand, read it again. Deep dive into that thing. Yeah. Yeah.

If you need clarification, here's a dictionary. I'll be over here cleaning out my drawer. Alright. See you. Are you missing any teeth?

No. I I lost them. I said goodbye. I don't miss them. No.

I'm not missing any teeth. What's up? If you are an adult and you're missing teeth, there is a drug that people are developing that will help adults regrow teeth. Okay. I can see this going very bad.

Why? Okay. What's gonna happen to teeth you already have? You think it's selective? Yeah.

No. Because what here's what they do. Let me see what they do. Oh, okay. What do they do?

They've been trying it on ferrets and rats for right now. Don't don't rats already grow teeth? I don't think so. I don't think I'm I'm pretty sure that rats, like, have that, like, where their teeth keep growing all the time. Ew.

Gross. That's gross. That's a rodent thing. Okay. Well, they this new drug, it's it's I don't wanna talk about the science of it because I don't necessarily understand it.

But, basically, it's a it involves proteins and teeth growth, and the drug is trying to inhibit the protein growth, letting new teeth grow. And, anyway, it's too sciency. I don't understand. But here's the here's the deal. It doesn't make sense they're gonna do this on, unless a unless a rat's not a rodent.

But rodents have what they call open rooted dentition, which means that their teeth grow continuously throughout their lives. A rat's incisors can grow up to 1 millimeter per day if they left, if they're left unopposed. So they Left unopposed? Yeah. Like, if it doesn't hit something else in their mouth or whatever and stop it from growing.

They just keep growing. Ew. Gross. So that makes no sense because the they're gonna put this medicine in a rat, which can already regrow teeth. They have already done it in rats.

But my point is they can already regrow teeth. Well, I don't know. They put in this medicine. Well, look. This rat has grown teeth.

Josh. No kidding. He does it already. They don't do that. Ferrets don't, and they've dried it with ferrets too.

I gotta find out. Okay. Listen. So the first phase of human trials are going to happen at this hospital in Japan, and it's men, 30 men ages 30 to 64, who are missing at least 1 molar. I don't know why they're not using women, but it's only men.

And that phase will last 11 months for the 2, 3 growth. Then they're gonna move to children with congenital tooth deficiencies. Uh-huh. And then they're gonna get older adults. And, eventually, women.

I know. What? Ferrets are one of the few small mammals without continuously growing teeth. So there you go. But it makes no sense they did it on rats because rats do.

I don't know, Josh. They never stop growing. Makes no sense. They were like, it it worked in a rat. No kidding.

Yeah. It's Somebody didn't look up whether or not rats regrow teeth all the time. What happened is they went, wow. That really worked. Let's put it in people.

I don't like where this is going. I'm not into it. I don't want I don't want this to be a thing. I think it might be cool. What if you're in the study and then you're you just had, like, a you're missing one tooth.

One big gnarly tooth. Just, like, grew this new drug made you grow like a massive tooth. Just one? Yeah. Well Sticking up snaggle guy.

Like, one new tooth? Yeah. I'd name it. Give it a little face. What would you name it?

Gerald. Gerald the snaggletooth. That sounds good. I like it. Good news today comes from Sweden.

Sweden. Sweden, in Almhult, Sweden. That is where an IKEA exists. If you believe that, there's there's there's one in a in Sweden. An IKEA in Sweden?

Yep. Wow. Yep. Is all of their instructions in English? That would be hysterical.

All the names, they're like couch. Yeah. Lamp. They're like, I'll take this oh, couch. Yeah.

Couch? Yeah. Exactly. Oh, they got these, big huge stores. They've got all this furniture.

They recently made history. Did you hear about this? I did not. They broke a world record. No?

For the largest pajama party. Yeah. How many people? 2,052. Wow.

All of them IKEA employees. At the one IKEA? Yes. Just this one IKEA. No.

What they did, because there are multiple IKEAs across Sweden, they gathered 2,052 employees at, their first store in this particular town, Almhult, Sweden, and they had everybody wear 2 piece pajamas. Now I'm gonna tell you, everybody's wearing the same pajamas. Really? So this is like a uniform thing where they said, let's, let's get everybody matching 2 piece pajamas. So there's, like, a pajama top and pants.

And, and then they gathered all 2,052 employees. The official, one of the company officials named Frederica Inger or Inger said that the record attempt was part of IKEA's goal to create stuff that helps people sleep. So they did it as like a marketing thing. So they're selling pajamas now? I don't think they're selling pajamas, but they wanted people to know they have beds.

I think everybody knows that they have beds. But did you know that they have other things that can help you sleep, like a pillow? Yes. Yeah. And that's what they wanted you to know.

Again, this company official Frederica explained, we're thrilled about this collective effort coming together to highlight the importance of sleep. Good sleep benefits everyone, and we believe that by prioritizing it, we can genuinely make a big difference. This isn't good news. This is just a story about IKEA marketing. Yeah.

But they got that world record. That's not necessarily good news. Well I could have found a better story, Josh. And guess what? What?

IKEA doesn't necessarily need any more marketing. Everybody knows about IKEA. But in Sweden, do they know about it there? Because that's where this happened. Good news to get you going.

That's right. I heard about this, thing yesterday that's happening, and I'm a little bit blown away. What is that? If I say there's a glitch, what does that mean to you? Like, there's a mistake.

Okay. Where does it typically exist? In video games. So a glitch in a game would be something that gets exploited that could maybe give you an advantage. Not always.

Not always. Sometimes it's a problem. Sometimes it's, it's like when you're playing Lego Harry Potter and there's a glitch where you know, I should be able to save this student in peril right here, but he's not here. Something like that. That's a glitch Yeah.

That you have to work through and figure out or or ignore. Sometimes you can't progress because there's a glitch in the game, like Penelope from Wreck It Ralph. Okay. Good. Great answer.

Thank you. So if there's a glitch in real life, would you think that that might be too good to be true? Depends. Is it a mistake, or is it in my favor? What are you talking I mean, just get to the point, really.

That's what I'm trying to say. Enough of these examples and metaphors. What are you trying to say? Over on, over on TikTok, there's, what has been dubbed a glitch that went a little bit viral. Oh.

And it's gotten a whole bunch of people in a whole bunch of problem. Oh. Because they thought this was a real life exploitive glitch, but turns out it's not. What's the glitch? If you write a check to yourself and go to a Chase Bank ATM and deposit that check into your own account from your own account, the the ATM doesn't know that the money isn't there Oh, no.

In that moment, And so you can withdraw a certain amount from the check you deposit, and you get cash in hand. But then the bank processes all of that, and it's not a glitch. It's not something you can exploit. It's check fraud. And a whole bunch of people saw this on the Internet and went, what?

I'm gonna go do this. And they went and did it, and now they're getting charged with check fraud. But it's young people who don't know about check fraud and don't know about writing checks in the process and how money works in check form. They just thought, I can go put paper in there, and it'll give me money. And that's a glitch.

Oh, interesting. Now you had to have a Chase Bank account to do this, as I'm sure would be true with any bank. Yes. I had to have a checkbook. Correct.

Who has checkbooks? Well, they were figuring out how to do this. But a lot of these customers checkbooks, but I haven't had a checkbook in 15 years. For sure. These these people who would do this would then make videos on social media showing themselves these big stacks of cash after they, you know, wrote these giant checks and put them in.

I mean, I'm talking, like, a lot of money. Like, one dude is now on TikTok going, I didn't know that this wasn't a glitch. I thought this was a thing that could benefit. He owes $39,000. Oh, dude.

Like, I'm telling you, these these people were, like, it's not good. Sizable amounts of money being deposited not for real into their accounts and then being withdrawn. It's really bad. Here's the lesson. It's really bad.

Here's the lesson, everybody. Don't listen to TikTok. Yeah. And if something seems a little too good to be true It probably is. Yeah.

Good advice there. But Ity. Now Yeah. Chase Bank has pushed out, you know, a bunch of information. They locked down accounts.

Like, there was there's a ton of stuff that's been going on. This guy right here, there's one cost customer here who deposited a fraudulent check for more than $80,000. Oh. I mean, people were doing this a lot, not understanding that what they were actually doing was committing check fraud. Yeah.

It's not a glitch. Uh-uh. Yeah. No. Not good.

Uh-oh. I'm gonna tell you a story about our dog from yesterday. K. He's running around. I decided, that when I went to pick up our daughter from school, I would throw the dog in the truck and take her with me.

Oh, how exciting. It was exciting times, and traffic was miserable, and it took us forever to even get from one place to the other. But as we were driving after I'd picked up, picked up Emery from school, we were driving, and there's, billboards all over the place. But one particular billboard, she doesn't like. Really?

She's sitting there staring it down and growling in the truck at the billboard. How did she even see it? I don't know. It's just some dude's face on a billboard. I don't even know what the billboard's for.

And she's growling in the passenger seat. And both of them are like, what is she upset about? And she is deadlocked on that billboard. Like, why is that man's giant face looking at me from over there? She was not okay with it.

Fascinating. And I and I don't know how this happens. Like, why is what's wrong with our dog? No. I don't think there's anything wrong with the dog.

I think maybe dogs are a good judge of character. What's wrong with that man's face? Maybe that man is not a nice person. I maybe? Maybe his face was just too large, and she was like, I'm kinda freaked out because my face is large.

Maybe. One dude's face on a billboard. And, again, I don't know what it's for. Just one guy, and he's they could be a dentist. I don't know what it is.

But one guy's on there kinda smiling, and she's not having any of it. I think that's a cue. We should not go to that dentist. I don't know what it's for. I I'm I'm it's probably not a dentist at all.

But then I was kind of curious. I wanted to see if I drove her around if she saw more billboards if she would have the same reaction. And? I I gotta find more. You didn't find any more?

Not with just some dude's face on it that would be big enough for her to notice out of the window of the car. We were on a billboard once. Mhmm. We're not anymore, but that'd be interesting. It would be interesting.

To see what she thought about us on the billboard. Yeah. If she'd noticed, like, hey. That I know that face. Interesting.

Yeah. Isn't it? Well and you know the color thing, like, how blue and yellow stands out. It is pretty much a blue and white billboard. So I wonder if that's how I got it.

At yesterday? Yeah. So maybe that So that probably caught her eye. Yeah. And then she was like, oh, I don't know why that face.

It's too big. Oh. Brother, ew. Yeah. That's it.

That's it. When we were school shopping Uh-huh. Couple weeks ago, you noticed, I wanna say Trapper Keeper, but I don't know if that's the brand. With the Velcro. Yeah.

Yes? Those are making a comeback. Did you know this? I knew some of these like, if you could find a real one like, the new one's close, but it didn't smell right. The the little plastic thing around the edge of the corner that you always ripped off and then regretted it.

All that stuff. Because then it was all, you know, the plastic cool thing with your shark or whatever was flapping in the breeze. Trapper keeper was the coolest. Yeah. It was.

Did you have a you didn't have a Lisa Frank one, though, did you? No. I had I think I had the one with the, with the skateboarder up on the and they were all, like, caricature looking, and he was doing, like, a he was holding his board up on the rim of a half pipe. It was there was one with jets on it, I remember, and then the shark one. There were some cool ones that, that yeah.

Trapper Keeper had it going on. Yeah. They did. And so I was pretty excited to see. It was a boring design.

The Velcro didn't sound right because it's a small patch instead of the big like, if you're gonna do a Trapper Keeper, do it right, Mead. I'd never had a trapper keeper. I wanted 1, but I never had one because we were not rich like you, John. It's like a $5 thing. What are you talking about?

I'm trying to see if I can find, the the skateboarder one. Well, there is kids nowadays that are are buying these Trapper Keepers because they think they're cool. They are cool. They are cool. They were cool then.

They're still cool now. Still cool. You said that you were just at this car racing over the weekend, and there was a lot of people with, like, retro Yeah. Video cameras. Deal with this, with this they're calling it aesthetic.

That's just the word they're using because they're like, oh, it's got a it's got an aesthetic. Like, it does for sure. It's strange. I saw a couple of kids, I mean, younger teens walking around and a and a grown adult as well walking around with handheld big viewfinder camcorders. Like, smack a whole VHS in there and then hold it up to your eye.

They really did have that? Yes. Why? Because it's it creates an aesthetic. I Because here's the deal.

Like, this car culture, specifically in this drifting thing, is heavily influenced by Japanese culture, for 1. It comes from Japan. And and then there's this whole, like, make it look like it's eighties nineties when this was at its prime, when people were just figuring out what you could do with these cars. And so if you do that, like, there are YouTube creators that are making videos that look like they're from the eighties or nineties that were filmed this week with this techno using old technology. So if you have some of this laying around, dust it off.

You might make a mint right now You could. Because people want this for the aesthetic. I don't. Okay. Then then don't.

It's just funny to me because we lived through this stuff. I don't wanna go back. I don't wanna we've got new stuff. This is true. New cool stuff.

Cameras cameras are better quality now. I found I found the skateboarder 1 on the yeah. On the, Trapper Keeper, and it's it was no rules. That was the sort of the thing that they were playing around with. So it's it's not a half pipe, but the skateboarder is cruising out of, like, a concrete tube, like a culvert.

And then they had one with a bear and, like, chewed up baseball, and the shark one was actually a surfer riding on a shark. Oh. And then there's the tiger holding the basketball, but it was, it was the no rules trapper keeper from 1991. Okay. I think that you should get a Trapper Keeper and take it into your work meetings.

I totally agree. I want a real one, though. Not that new one that doesn't look as cool. No. It doesn't have the right It would be If I had a Trapper Keeper that I kept all my meeting notes in, going to in every meeting.

Sorry. Hold on. Let me it's got the built in pen holders organizer thing clipped in there. Yes. We gotta get you one.

I need to. We gotta find that shark one that you had. I'll probably have to look on online. They're they're pretty cool, though. I'd do it.

There's a Trapper Keeper button up shirt that you could buy. Wow. Does it have Velcro? Why is it button up? Missed opportunity.

Do you want a new phone? No. You don't? No. Well, adult adult people, humans, are going bananas for this new Barbie phone.

There's a Barbie phone? Yeah. Which is Is it like a hamburger phone? Well, sort of. Yeah.

Kinda. Nokia and Mattel are teaming up to launch a new hot pink phone that is aimed at parents who wanna steer their kids away from the smartphone temptation, but adults are preordering these for themselves. What? It's a $130 for this phone, which is a great deal in today's phone market. It's a it's a cell phone?

It's a cell phone. What do I look for? I wanna see it. It's the pink Barbie phone. That's it's it's really pink.

It's Nokia. It's a flip phone. Okay. I see it. I see it.

And it's very pink, and it says Barbie on it. And Adults are getting this? Adults are going crazy for this thing. Toy. It does look like a toy, but it's a real phone.

Toy that a kid, like, a little kid would put in their toy purse. Yep. A $130. And the the the adults are going nuts for this thing. It has glow in the dark Barbie designs like hearts, palm trees, and flamingos.

When you turn the phone on, it says, hi, Barbie. Of course, it does. And I don't I don't want this. I don't. Do you want this?

No. Okay. I don't either. But I like that they're focused on a phone that's not a smartphone. Like, that makes me happy.

Like, this can this can just make phone calls Okay. And send text messages and probably play some snake. I had a Nokia back in the day. I know. Snake on it.

Everybody did. Everybody had that same Nokia. They still exist, and it still goes every time it repeats. No. It does.

Is that what it does? We might have had different ringtones because mine went. What did yours do? What the? We should record these and sell them.

Do people still buy ringtones? No. Nobody does. Oh. Oh, wait.

Yes. They do, actually, because Emery had a ringtone the other day. And I went, You know what her ringtone was? No. Who can it be now?

You serious? I swear. But I bet you didn't pay for it. No. I don't.

Remember when you used to pay for music Yes. That would when people would call you, they could listen to a song Yep. While it was ringing? Yep. What a weird time.

What a weird time. Yesterday, after I picked up our daughter from school, decided that she wanted a treat. And so She always does. I know. I know.

She's big on the treat thing. Refreshments. Mhmm. That's what she always says. You wanna get a refreshment?

I feel like we need to get a refreshment. And, and so, anyway, she says, let's go. Let's let's do this thing. And and traffic was backed up. It took forever.

But she was like, we really should take one to mom. And I went, alright. Cool. Let's do it. Oh, that was her idea?

Yeah. I thought it was your idea. Yeah. So I said, alright. Let's go.

Let's take mom a treat. And, so we we, head over that direction. We pull into the drive thru. What is it that I order? Well, it depends.

Pretty consistently, I order the same thing. The oh, well, you've gotten the green tea there before. Right. But that's it's like the peach thing the peach green tea thing is one thing, but what do I get recently? The frozen lemonade.

Frozen lemonade. So we pull up in the drive through to where I order, and I have to explain because, apparently, what I like to have is hard to make. So so I'm I'm explaining what it is, whatever. And the whole time, because I said lemonade you know that Chick Fil A meme where, where the the the girl says no Chick Fil A sauce? You know the one?

I do know the one. Yeah. So right before she says that, she says, lemonade? Okay. And so the whole time they're making my lemonade, they're going, lemonade?

Okay. And Emery's dying in the passenger seat. Like, this is really happening, and it was they were doing a very good impression, a very good impression. Lemonade? Okay.

And, and so that meme's still alive and well, and and it's one of your favorites. I No Chick Fil A thong? I can't stand it. I can't stand it. Why?

I don't know because you guys say it so much, I think. Both you and Emery say it a lot. It's one of the greatest. It's not. It's just annoying to me.

And then she does the same with her face. No Chick Fil A sauce. Yeah. No Chick Fil A sauce? It's so good.

I don't agree. No? Lemonade. Okay. Lemonade?

Okay. Okay. This is the whole time. I just oh, I mean, it was, like, 4 or 5 people in there. No matter where they were, it looks one person said lemonade, and the whole place went off.

Lemonade? Okay. Like, what is happening back there? I kinda like that. That's a good team camaraderie.

That was. Like, we got a lemonade over here. Okay? Lemonade. Okay.

Okay. Hold up. Hold up. She says, hold up. Gotta get my headphones.

Get my microphone. We're all There you are. Hi. Alright. I watched a thing today.

It was a video, and it was a guy saying I assumed. It was a guy saying, here are things that are embarrassing but shouldn't be embarrassing. Oh, okay. And I agreed with every single one of them. Things that are embarrassing that shouldn't be embarrassing.

Getting lost in the store and having them say, Chantel, your party is waiting for you. That hasn't happened in a long time. No. I know. But I thought about maybe doing it the other day.

You should have. Would you be would you be embarrassed? I would not be embarrassed by that. No. Okay.

Being sung happy birthday to, that's embarrassing. Yeah. It's awkward more than embarrassing. It's like, what do I do with my hands? What do I do?

What who am I supposed to look at more than anything? No one knows what we're supposed to do while being sung at. Well, and then if you're doing the singing, do you look at the person you're singing to? Because that seems weird too. Mhmm.

I've it's weird. Stare at them. Okay. Here's another one. Walking through a restaurant to find the bathroom.

Yeah. What's that about? Why is that always feel weird? Like, sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt your eating.

I didn't even say anything to you. Like, why am I why is that awkward? I don't know. And then everybody looks up at you like, what are you doing? Yeah.

Why are you walking to the bathroom? Yeah. It's always so weird. I know where that guy's going. Yeah.

Yeah. You do. You don't work here. Why are you walking around? It's weird.

Right? Yeah. Taking too long to turn out of traffic? That's always I just always feel pressure more than Do you? Oh, yeah.

I don't. Like, I know. I'm sorry I'm taking so long. I can't go. Nah.

There's not even a space for me to go. If if somebody is gonna be impatient waiting on me in traffic, that's their problem. I don't worry about that. I do. I worry about myself being safe.

Well, yeah, I worry about that too. That's what I worry about. I if some they don't they can't see what I see. I you know, sometimes people are like, I'll let you I'll wave you on, and I'm like, you're not in this car. You drive your car.

I'll do my thing. But that's nice of them to try and help. Sometimes. But then when they're like, I stopped so that you could turn left over 2 lanes of traffic, and I'm like, I'm not gonna trust you because I can't see that other lane, and I'm not gonna get t boned right now. So thank you.

Please proceed on. I'll go at my own pace. And they're like, well, I've tried to help. Sorry. That did happen the other day when somebody, like, raised their arms like, I I tried I tried to wave you on.

Well, I left you. You didn't go. Yeah. Okay. You're not in my car.

How about when your windshield wipers are on high when it's not really that rainy? Alright. Listen. That's kind of embarrassing. I think everybody needs to take a minute and learn how their car works because I've seen some ridiculous wipers.

Like, really? You're going full blast right now? It's not even raining that much. Tornado outside? Is there torrential rain?

No. Get it together. 1st days on a new job. Those that's always the worst. I don't know.

That's embarrassing. Yeah. It's always it's again, these are awkward. These are not embarrassing. Awkward, embarrassing.

It's all the same. It's all the same. How about using a gift card? That's always weird. Is it?

Yeah. Hey. I have free things. I have no problems using a gift card. I have 0 zero problems using a gift card.

I don't mind either, actually. I don't mind doing that. But the I don't video I watched, the guy was like, I'll I have gift cards that I'll never use because that's too embarrassing. And, like, I don't I don't mind that one. 0 problems using a gift card.

K. And here's the worst one. Climbing if you're sat in the middle of a row and you have to climb out of the row to go use the restroom Again, not embarrassing. Difficult. Embarrassing.

Yeah. Because you're like, and it's always that Do I face you? Do I face away? Face you? Face away.

And then do I side shimmy, or do I go forward? They need to install some sort of crane system. They can come and pick you up out of the middle. Or make the aisles a little bit bigger so that people can walk through. And then if you're the sitter, do you stand up?

I I try to stand. I I hate that, like, turn my knees sideways, cram myself in a weird I'll stand up. Try to make yourself as small as possible so they don't step on your feet or you don't trip them. Yeah. Don't scuff my shoes, man.

Oh, man. That's always so weird. I will stand. It's fine. I again, it's just just part of, a community experience.

I don't have a problem with it. Good for you, buddy. Well, I was I didn't feel super awkward about all of them. There's a few things that I go like, walking through a restaurant to go use a restroom. It's weird because you make eye contact with strangers, and I don't That's the weirdest one for you.

That's the one you have the biggest problem with. Yeah. Really. Interesting. See, and I think the biggest one is the climbing out of your road to go to the bathroom.

Yeah. That's the hardest one for me, where I go, am I gonna am I just gonna wait? I'll just wait. Can I wait? I'll wait.

No. I can't wait. I guess. I better I better make this awkward. Here we go.

I'm up, and I'm moving to the Excuse me. Sorry. Excuse me. Excuse me. Sorry.

And then you get to do it again. Yeah. I know. In a few minutes when you come back. Go, oh, sorry.

I'm back. Excuse me? Alright. Sorry. Sorry.

Oh, my bad. I felt called out yesterday. You did? Yeah. What happened?

By you. By me? Mhmm. Why did you feel called out by me? Well, we talked yesterday on the show about how your mom had watched our dog over the weekend.

Sure. And while she was watching the dog, she did a lot of weeding in the yard Yeah. In my flower beds. She did about half of the patch that is overrun with weeds. Right.

And I looked at it last night, and I go, god, that looks so good. And I said, if I was ambitious, I would go out and finish that side so that it would look the whole thing would look nice. Yeah. It would. And you said, if you were ambitious, you would have done it a long time ago so my mom didn't have to.

Right. And I felt called out. Ambition is. And you should you should feel called out. I wasn't saying listen.

I wasn't saying that you were lazy or anything like that. I was literally agreeing with you that, yeah, if you were ambitious, that would have been done. You're correct. What you're saying is true. Fact.

Now get out there and be ambitious. I didn't say that. You might as well have. No. I said, yep.

You're right. If I was ambitious, the garage would be clean, but I'm not. If I was ambitious, my home studio would be up and running. It'd be really cool, but I'm not. If I was ambitious, I could do so many things.

Think of all the things I could do if I was ambitious. A lot. So much. But I'm not. But I'm not.

So instead, I'm gonna do something else because it's about attention. Right? Like, what do you give attention to? Not the weeds. Not the weeds.

No. Not cleaning my home studio. Clearly. Clearly. Not, the painting project that we've been sitting on for a year.

Coming. We're gonna be bored. We're gonna go, what are we gonna do? Let's paint the whole basement. Ugh.

Yes. You know, I keep looking at that because the basement does need painted. I know. You have built a wall down there. It's a winter project.

It's coming. And we've said that the whole time, but I feel like maybe we're not gonna get to that even in the winter. You don't think we're ambitious enough? I sure don't. I think we're ambitious sometimes.

Sometimes. Rare occasions. Right. Not today. I don't feel like painting the basement today.

Maybe tomorrow. Maybe if I feel ambitious. Josh, imagine, if you will K. September 4th 2003. So, 21 years ago?

Yes. Is that, let's see. In what year? 2003. Yeah.

I I remember that day. Do you remember that day? Well, I remember that evening. What do you remember about that evening? That evening is probably when you and I met.

That is correct. That's correct. Today Yeah? Is the anniversary of the first time you and I met. Really?

How about that? How about that? How about that? And guess what? What?

We met at the Eastern Idaho State Fair. I don't know if every if anybody knows that. Why would anybody know that? I don't know. I know that, and you know that.

So I assume other people know that. But, yeah, you and I, met and then went to the fair. Correct. Meet at the fair. Okay.

We we met, at the radio station and then went to the fair to go see 3 Doors Down. Yeah. They were playing that year at the fair. Correct. And you here's a little backstory on Josh and Chantel.

I had just met Josh. I got into his car. It it was not a date. Let's be clear. Right.

It was just 2 It was strangers going to I was gonna go to the concert with my roommate. My roommate couldn't go. Right. I said, I'm not gonna go to the concert. And I was just going by myself to hang out.

So we connected, and we went together. And I got in your car to drive to the fair, and you had pictures of your girlfriend in your car. Right. And I went, this is awkward. I shouldn't have done this.

And we get to the fair, and you were dancing and talking to some of the people that were there that you knew. And I was just over sitting by myself going like, this is so lame. Right. Why did I come? To enjoy the show.

And then halfway through the show, you came over and started talking to me, and we had a great time. We did. And then we left to go get some snacks, some food, and I didn't have any money because I was a poor college student. And I said, oh, I wish that he would buy me some food. You didn't.

But you didn't say that out loud. No. I just thought maybe you'd be a gentleman. Hey. It wasn't a date.

It wasn't a date. You're right. It was it was not a date. It's just people hanging out, going to a show together. Kind of together.

Probably, I'm gonna tell you what happened. I went and got that deep fried Snickers because that's a delicious treat. And I probably said, do you want some? And you went, no. And but, really, you meant, yeah.

And then 21 years later, you're telling the story going, you didn't share with me? No. I don't think you even offered. I didn't care. There's no way I didn't.

I didn't just go watch me eat this. Actually, you're probably right. You probably did offer maybe you probably offered me a bite, and I was like, oh, no. Either that or I I probably said, do you want anything? I bet I was a nice guy.

I'm not that much more different now if I if I was with somebody and they were, you know, looking like they needed a treat and couldn't squeeze it out of their budget. Just loggingly watching you eat going. Yeah. That's what and then I just stared you in the face while I ate it, and I went, that was delicious. I probably could go for an ice cream now.

Wanna watch me eat that too? No. I know that didn't happen. Debatable. No.

It's not. There's no it's not up for debate. That is, in fact, how we met, though. That is that is all of the truth. Happy anniversary of our first meeting.

Good for you for remembering. Good for you. Good for you. I gotta tell you, I am blown away by these Paralympic athletes. Oh, me too.

It's absolutely, astonishing to watch. And I have not paid as close attention as I did during the, you know, typical Olympics or whatever. But the Paralympic games have been Incredible. So incredible to watch these highlights. So as it stands right now, China is leading the medal table, with 120 medals, 56 of those gold.

Great Britain is in 2nd with 67 total, 31 gold, and the US is in 3rd with 57. Quite a shame that these don't get talked about as much as the regular Olympics I know. Because these athletes are incredible. Right. It is amazing to watch them.

You've been sending me some highlights, some videos. There's, like, the the high jumpers, not the high jumpers, but the long jumpers Oh, yeah. That are blind. Yeah. That's so crazy.

Like, that's so wild. And they have a is it their partner? They have a spotter. Their coach. Yeah.

And the and the and the spotter, lines them up at where they start and then runs down to the end of the sand pit and, haulers and claps and makes noise so that they know when to run and helps cue their time for jumping. And the unbelievable. It's insane. And then you showed me the video yesterday of the were they sprinters? What meter dashers?

What are they? The runners. The the runners with their tethered, yeah, because they're blind, and they have a tethered, assistant or whatever to help them, run. And, unbelievable. I mean, on They're running in tandem together.

With hands bound together. And, yes, one of them is blind. The Paralympian is blind. It they are amazing. I wanna watch more of these because it is inspiring and fantastical.

I don't know if you've looked at, like, some of the other stuff that they have, but they have, like, blind soccer. They have, wheelchair fencing. They have I'm just looking through this list. They do para equestrian. They have wheelchair basketball.

They do wheelchair rugby and tennis. I mean, it's unreal. And they have, I mean, a whole list of stuff. Para rowing, sport climbing, Para swimming. The Para swimming, do you see the guy Yes.

With he has no arms. Or legs. He had no arms and legs. He has legs. Oh, does he?

Yeah. He has no arms, though. And to launch to because he has he doesn't have a dive a diving platform to hold on to. He has no arms. They he has, like, a a helper with a stick.

He bites a stick to launch. Oh my gosh. And then just smoked everybody. I didn't see his launch. I saw him swimming.

Wild. It is so incredible. Anyway, if you're not paying attention, go pay attention. These Paralympians are amazing. And just to recap, the US is in 3rd.

57 medals, 24 gold, 22 silver, and 11 bronze. Where are these happening? Do you know where these are? Paris. It's all in Paris.

Facilities. Yeah. Same facilities. Oh, I wish that they would get more I know. Attention.

It's super, super cool. Amazing. Yep. Blown away. These athletes are super incredible.

Yep. So, today, the stuff that's happening today because it's still going on, goalball. Have you seen goalball? No. Goalball is like you could you could really get into this game.

This is a ball that gets rolled toward a very wide goal, and everybody's a goalie. Oh, nice. And, and it's like lay down and block with your body. It's a it's a really cool thing. Wheelchair tennis today.

Paracycling is going on. There's, Paracycling. Track and field, para swimming, and more stuff happening. Let's see. Wheelchair basketball is going on today.

It's the women's quarterfinal. US versus Great Britain today. What else is happening? And these are all on Peacock. Right?

Yes. Yep. Pair of table tennis, pair of archery. Did you see the guy no arms doing archery. Right in the bullseye.

Like, how amazing. How? He launches it with his neck. It's incredible. Oh my god.

You gotta go watch. You gotta watch these these athletes. Incredible. Incredible. That's amazing.

Yep. They've been putting new door locks on all of the doors around this building Yes. That we're working in. Mhmm. We arrive at the same time as the morning show guy on K Bear Right.

Victor. Right. And I arrived here about the same time he did, and you were a little bit later. I was behind you guys. Yeah.

Luckily, I knew that they had put new door locks on because this happened after I left yesterday. And you told me yesterday afternoon, hey. We got new door locks. Here's your new what is it? It's a key.

Is it a key? Uh-huh. It's like a magnet key. Right. And so you said, I put it on your key ring.

You're set. And I go, oh, okay. Cool. So me and Victor arrive at the same time, and he's just standing outside the well, I guess he was here before me. He was just standing out the door, and he goes, I don't know how to get in.

How do I get in? My key won't work. And I said, oh, I got you. And he goes he goes, I'm so glad you were here because I would have been standing out here forever. Yeah.

No one sent me an email. No one told me. He was off yesterday. So he he had no idea. And I found out.

I got my key and your key yesterday, and I said, oh, I'll make sure that Victor can get in, tomorrow. And and, it was like, okay. Yeah. Cool. Or just leave him outside.

Yeah. Poor guy. He's like, have I have I been fired? Yeah. No.

Nope. Nope. Just a whole new key thing. But it is, like, the craziest thing I've ever seen. Like, it knows my name.

I know. I scanned my key, and it said right now. Chantel Tielor, and I went Yeah. This is intense. I know.

I wonder if I can put a picture on there. So Oh. So when I when I use my key, it's like, what's up? What's up? Wouldn't that be cool?

Good morning. Wait. What's up? What's up? Why is it happy to be that?

I don't know. I think it'd be kinda fun. What would your pictures look like? The first thing you see in the mor like, what? Mine goes, what's up?

And yours goes, hey. What if it could be a video, like, waving? Oh, that'd be great. I don't know what it does. I can't wait to find out.

I'd want my video to be on somebody else's key. That'd be hilarious. So that when Hi. Yeah. So that when Victor uses his key to check-in, me going Hey.

Hey. Waving. Welcome to work. Good morning. I'm sure that's exactly what he wants.

Hi. Bright and early at 5. Yeah. Hi. Hey.

Good to see you. Just all perky. Yeah. Good morning. Record it later in the afternoon so that you go, oh, yeah.

That's what I'll be like later. Right now, it's not that. But later, it'll be that. It's cool. I think it's a good system.

It's totally fancy, and I'm happy that Victor got in. Yeah. He'll have a key, and he'll be okay after after this morning. Good. Good.

I'm glad you were worried. The very mom thing of you to do. Excuse me. Thanks, poor guy. Stuck outside in the cold.

It's a good thing it was warm. Like a little orphaned puppy. Oh. Victor. About a month ago, maybe longer, you were tasked with taking headshots of everybody in the office to put on the new and improved website.

Yeah. Riverbendmediagroup.com. And I happened to be looking at it yesterday, and I went, I don't like my headshot. So I requested that you take another one. Yeah.

You wanted retakes. Yeah. It's done. It's already on the website. But I don't like those either.

You did. You've already It's done. Josh. Chantel. What does it look like?

Oh, it looks great. I know. I asked you to edit some of my wrinkles, and you said no. It's your face. Why are you trying to make yourself not look like yourself?

I also wanted you to give my eyebrows a different I darkened them, but I'm not gonna change the shape of them. Why? Because it'll look weird. No. It won't.

It does it won't look like your face. Exactly. No. No. I don't know why you're so angry about your headshot.

They all looked terrible. I hated them. All of them. Even the ones we took today. I didn't hate them as much as I did yesterday or the one they took last time, but Okay.

Let me look. Oh, you look great. Oh, come on. How come my skin is so pasty? Uh-oh.

What in the world I don't know. Are you talking about? Hate headshots. They're the worst. Who's whose idea was this?

You just hate your picture. It doesn't matter what it is. A picture from 400 years ago, a picture from 2 days from now, you'll hate it the same. You have a you have some sort of thing about looking at pictures of yourself, and you've got here. You know what I should do?

What should I do? I'm gonna bring up this image. I'm gonna flip it because you're seeing yourself backwards because you never see yourself this way when you look in the mirror. And that's why you said when you looked in your phone, how come I look good in this? It's your camera.

No. It's because you're seeing yourself inverted. You're when I look at a picture, I see the same person that I'm looking at right here and what I'm looking at in the picture. Same person. You never see yourself this way because you see yourself inverted, so it looks backwards to you.

That's why you go, why is everything weird? I'm gonna flip this image, and you're gonna go, oh, yeah. There I am. I'll see. That's me.

I'll see. Yeah. That's what's gonna happen. K. Science.

Because you look at a mere reflection of yourself. You look in a mirror, reflection. You look in your phone, reflection. You never see yourself the way everybody else does. And then when you do, you go, oh, who's that creature?

Also, like, sometimes the lighting in my home bathroom, I go, okay. Looking good today. And then I'll go into, like, the bathroom at my other job. The lighting, I don't know if it's the mirror or the lighting in there, but I hate it. And I go, when I left the house this morning, I looked great.

Well I don't know what happened on the way from there to here. Nothing. Or it's just the terrible lighting in there. I'm blaming it on the lighting. Okay.

Well I still want you to edit out some of those wrinkles. That'd be great. I don't know if I can do that, but I'll but I'll try. You won't. No.

I won't. You're right. Would you rather this or that? Would you rather never be able to pick the place to eat or never be able to pick the movie to watch? Place to eat.

Why? How are you making that decision? You seem to like it. Excuse me. No.

The only reason that I ever do it is because nobody else will. And so I'm finally like, you know what? I'm tired of driving around trying to figure out where to eat. I'm just I'm just gonna pick. I just honestly, I think I'm gonna pick that too because I feel like I'm the less picky.

I will eat pretty much anywhere. In our family. Yeah. And I will be okay with it. I can find something to eat anywhere, but I don't wanna sit and watch the dumb movie that you picked.

Oh, I know. And you'll be very vocal about it the whole time until you're kinda into it. And then you're like, fine. It was okay. I I should have been more open to it in the beginning.

But but, you know, I'll mind my business. I'll just be over here. I don't wanna watch this. That's looking pretty good. It's it's such a flip of the coin.

There's 2 sides. And then, yeah, it was fun. Are you done? Are you done bashing me today, Joshua? We're not bashing you.

Private. No. No. Chantel-ua? No.

I've made my selection. Also me. I would yeah. I don't wanna watch what you've picked to And if I never have to pick pick the place to eat, fine. Okay.

I'll I'll pick then. Except here's what happens. We all pick, and then you go, ugh. Not me. Yeah.

Nope. You do. No? Yes. No?

You're hearing that from the back seat. No. I know. The back seat does it too, but also the driver's seat. Nah.

Yep. Pick somewhere to eat. Right now? Yeah. I don't want to.

Yeah. This is what happens. Because you're gonna groan. Nope. And then I just go, I'm tired of driving around.

I've I've been everywhere. We've gone down all the roads of food. Nobody made a decision. I'm pulling over. We're getting a taco.

And then everybody goes, oh. No. I don't. I go, yes. Tacos.

That's what I wanted all along. Then just so you wanted a taco. Saw this, story here. There's a a lady who is an influencer on social media, and she is also, I guess, a bit of a reality TV show TV star. She's on 90 Day Fiance.

What's her name? Jasmine Pineda Pineda? I doubt that. I don't know much about her. I don't know who she is, but she's gone a little bit viral because she brings her own avocados to restaurants so that she doesn't have to pay extra for avocado on her food.

Just don't get avocado on your food? But if she likes avocado, she doesn't wanna deal with the upcharge. So she can save a little bit of money by bringing her own avocado. So she can order, like, the burger or the sandwich. And then, instead of saying, yeah, can you add on avocado and paying for a few slices as much as you would pay at the grocery store for a whole avocado, she just brings her own.

Just stay at home and make your own burger. But she likes to go out. There's a thing about going out, but then also bringing your own avocado. Okay. Does she bring it pre sliced?

Great question. She cut it at the table and then slice it into the She says, I brought my own avocado and knife to the restaurant. She pulls it out of her purse, slices up some avocado. She said, I decided that I didn't wanna pay $6 for a few slices of avocado when I get Yeah. When that's the big upcharge.

Yeah. That is not she should not get avocado. She doesn't. She doesn't pay that. She goes to the grocery store, buys $5 to get 2 good whole avocados, brings it, puts as much avocado on her meal as she wants, and she has sparked a conversation now about restaurant etiquette and whether it's okay to bring your own food or drink into the restaurant even if it's to modify what you're gonna order.

I've seen people bring in their own bottle of ranch because they know they're not gonna get enough ranch. Or, like, hot sauce. Right. But who's charging $6 for avocado slices? Usually, it's like a 75¢ extra charge.

I bet it's more than that. No. I've never seen it more than that. That's insane. I bet it's more than that.

I bet it's a couple bucks. It's Yahweh. No way. Yahweh. If it has avocado on it, it's more expensive by nature.

And if you add avocado, they're gonna charge you at least a dollar to a dollar 50, if not more. I've never seen it that high. Yeah. Yeah. I just said what do you think about it?

I think she found a nice little, little Like, I don't I'm I'm not mad about it. Mad about it either. It's not hurting me. It's not hurting anybody else. If she wants her avocado when she wants her that restaurant, who isn't getting that upcharge for avocado?

I don't know. I don't think it's I don't think it's that big of a deal. Does the restaurant have a problem with it? Mhmm. They didn't reply to comment.

I don't have that information. I don't know. We reached out to the restaurant, and they have yet to comment. Okay. So here's what happens then.

If she is at the table cutting her avocado with her own knife and she happens to slice her finger, And she's like, this is the restaurant's fault. And she goes to sue because, you know, people have sued for crazier things. What a weird hypothetical. Just so you gotta listen. You gotta you gotta map it all out, Josh.

I I guess. Eventually, what'll happen is restaurants will say no outside food, including your own avocado. So. I I don't know what'll happen. Might.

Maybe that one restaurant she goes to frequently where she gets the sandwich without the avocado, but then brings out her own. I don't know. In the video, she's just slicing it up. And she's gonna have to what she's gonna have to do is just if the if the restaurant, like, frowns upon it Yeah. She's gonna really start to just have to bring it hidden.

Like, sneaking treats into the movie or something? No. I've never done that. Me neither. No.

That's gonna do it for the show. On that note, we leave you, for this Wednesday. We'll be back tomorrow. Bright and early, 6 to 10 on your radio, on your smart speaker, on the app. And on demand anytime you want with wake up classy 97, the podcast available now on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Podcasts.

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And here's what's cool is if you've never listened to a podcast before, what we do is we take 4 hours of the show because we're on from 6 until 10, and we condense it all down so you get the whole show in, like, 45, 50 minutes, maybe an hour tops. We take meetings for sure. Yeah. So you don't have to wait. You just get us having fun talking and making your day a little bit, hopefully, better.

That's what we do. Shenanigans That's right. And witty banter. Subscribe to the podcast. Listen today.

If you need more details about where to listen and everything, go to riverbendmediagroup.com and click on podcast, and you'll see our smiling faces right there, and you can subscribe right from there. Sounds good. K. Have a good day, everybody. Tomorrow?

Yeah. I'll be here. Alright. K. K.

Bye. Thanks for listening to wake up classy 97, the podcast. If you enjoy the show, please share, subscribe, and rate the podcast. Wake up classy 97 is hosted by Josh and Chantel Tielor and is a production of Riverbend Media Group. For more information or to contact the show, visit riverbendmediagroup.com.