The Arcturian Playground

In this expansive episode, the Arcturian Collective Thingy returns to explore the ancient origins of Lemuria and the complex relationship between the man in the chair and Omra. Journey through an intricate cosmological narrative, where the Arcturian Collective Thingy delves into the evolution of neurons, planetary consciousness, and the cosmic significance of service to self versus service to others. They reveal how Omra's experience on the fourth planet from the Arcturus star relates to Earth's evolutionary journey and the dawning of a new singularity for the planet. This episode is a profound exploration of collective consciousness, the soul's connection across multiple dimensions, and the mysteries surrounding Lemuria's rise from the oceans.

Show Notes:
  • Introduction: The Arcturian Collective Thingy explains the overarching cosmic dynamics of service to self vs. service to others, and how stars like supernovae and black holes symbolize these extremes.
  • Lemuria and Neuronal Evolution: Dive deep into the origins of Lemuria, focusing on the emergence of neurons beneath Earth's oceans and how these neuronal beings evolved, shaping the consciousness of early life.
  • Omra's Connection: Discover the concurrent lives shared between the man in the chair and Omra, their oversoul's connection, and how Omra's role as a spiritual leader on his planet mirrors certain aspects of human experience.
  • Interdimensional Communication: Explore how neurons across planets and solar systems communicate multidimensionally, linking Omra and the man in the chair through a network of shared consciousness.
  • Service to Self vs. Service to Others: How planetary consciousness evolves based on collective choices, and Omra's involvement in determining whether his planet leans towards service to others.
  • Lemuria’s Rise: Contrary to myth, Lemuria emerged from the oceans, its advanced life forms learning to adapt on land by carrying water within their bodies.
  • The Fall of Lemuria: The episode touches on how ravenous beings introduced the concept of separateness, leading to the development of egoic consciousness and early hominids.
  • Atlantean and Fifth Root Race: A brief discussion on the periods following Lemuria, including the rise of Atlantis, the separation of consciousness, and the ongoing tension between service to self and others.
  • Cosmic Future: A glimpse into the future, where the collective minds of humanity will birth a new planetary consciousness, setting the stage for the next evolutionary leap in galactic history.
Key Themes:
  • Evolution of consciousness through neuronal development
  • Lemuria’s true origins beneath the oceans
  • The relationship between the man in the chair, Omra, and the Arcturian Collective Thingy
  • Cosmic lessons on service to self vs. service to others
  • Multidimensional communication and the interconnectedness of life across galaxies
Tune in for a mind-expanding journey into the cosmic origins of Lemuria, neurons, and the deeper aspects of planetary evolution.

What is The Arcturian Playground?

A place to play in the realm of imagination. All done in the service of compassionate expansion of consciousness. In other words, each human being is interwoven at a deeply energetic level into the fabric of everything that is. We, the Arcturian Collective Thingy, represent a portion of that fabric of you that is communicating to you from the quantum realm up to your awareness through an alliance with your neurons, who recognize their fit within the fabric to a greater degree than you do. Come hear what we have to say, in the playful realm of imagination.

TAP 112 Omra and the Origins of Lemuria

  Yes, we are here, man in the chair. We are the Arcturian Collective Thingy, and we are here at your bidding to explore more of the origins of Lemuria. And you also are very curious as to your relationship to Omra and Omra's relationship to the Arcturian Collective Thingy, for as a channel we often speak of you, man in the chair, as creating, as a figment of your imagination, the story of the Arcturian Collective Thingy being the collective intelligence of all forms of life, which from our perspective includes all forms of existence whichever have or will experience existence within the solar system, which is the Arcturus solar system.
We are the “thingy” of all of those things, what arises as a result of all of these relationships, of these living things which have come together. There are, of course, some suns who, as they mature in their lifespan, there are many variations, but the two extremes that you understand today from your scientific inquiries are those supernovae which age to a certain point and then explode and spread their experience throughout the galaxy becoming material for other stars to form.

There is also the extreme of this, where a star will become so dense that it becomes a black hole. It turns in upon itself, and this creates new possibilities, which we will speak of in due time.

The reason that we mention this at this time is that all of Collective experiences of the living (aka “existing”) bits of intelligent information within a solar system contribute to the eventual outcome of that star at the center of the solar system, whether it become a black hole which sucks all of the light and energy into it, the extreme version of selfishness, you might say, the extreme version of a service to self mentality or way of developing a habit of being. And there are those solar systems which focus more on the service to other, which become the supernovae and explode and share their experience throughout the galaxy. In truth, both experiences share their experience, the service to self and service to other. There is no right or wrong from the perspective cosmology. both contribute important roles to the overall health of the galactic system, and the universal system, truth to be told.
Nevertheless, it is the experience of all of the bits and pieces, and you, man in the chair, are one of the bits and pieces, and we say the word one in quotation marks, for you think of yourself as a singular personality, and yet you recognize that you are comprised of billions trillions of living cells, and those cells are comprised of smaller pieces of intelligent organization, so forth, and onward, downward.

You are a collective, you are not a singular personality, and yet you feel that you are a single personality. Your experience of existence is as a single personality, and this is by design. by design of all of those things which have contributed to the experience that you have of perceiving reality. And these are all leaning in varying directions on the scale of service to self and service to other, and you are finding your way at a deep soul level on exploring the many different paths that there are to exist within.

This is the background that we, the Arcturian Collective Thingy, will give you, man in the chair, as a way to further explain the period of time on this planet, which we are referring to as Lemuria, and also to speak of Of this Omra character who is the personality through which the Arcturian collective thingy is fed to you man and the chair, for we will begin here.

Your relationship to Omra is that of a concurrent life. You share an oversoul, an overssoul being a series of experiences. At a deep energetic level, below what you would think of as the quantum realm or the different quantum waves of existence, there are patterns of experience and desires that and compilations of life and existence, which consider itself to be one type of thing, although it is made up of many things, very similar to what we described of your personality and your egoic way of understanding the world.

A soul also understands itself as a singular thing amidst many other similar things. souls, and there is a blending and a melding, and an oversoul. There are, of course, many different ways that these things intersect. It is not as clean cut as we must describe it to you for the sake of this fictional way of attempting to understand what cannot be understood.

Nevertheless, man in the chair, you And this Omra character share an oversoul, and your oversoul is Omra, as well as is you, man in the chair, and is many other forms of life, forms of existence, in many other places and solar systems, and galaxies and universes outside of our own. The Oversoul plays games in the different arenas which are created, the universal galactic solar system planetary arenas, which are created for souls to incarnate and experience all that they desire to experience.

And this Omra character has a great deal of experience within the Arcturus solar system and Omra himself lives in an environment which is similar in some ways and quite dissimilar to your environment, man and the chair and conditions in the life of Omra. There are archetypal relationship patterns, which you would find similar in the course, the rajectory of your life and your own interests, and those which Omra has as well.

Although the type of life is quite foreign and quite alien. For example, you live in a container, and we are thinking of the atmosphere of your planet as being a membrane which contains within it an atmosphere, an environment, with which your soul can incarnate and experience life. The container on the fourth planet from the Arcturus sun is slightly different.

It is not a water world, but it is a substance which is, has a viscosity more along the lines of plasma, which you might consider between water and air, and yet it is consisting of molecules which the organisms feed upon. These molecules support and nourish the molecules, just as your oxygen, your hydrogen, and oxygen combinations in the water and in the atmosphere around feed you and nourish you, and they keep you within this container of the planet.

Omra does not breathe air, is what we are saying. Omra also does not breathe water. Omra also does not speak using vocal cords, which arrange the air molecules into shapes which hit the eardrum and create sound. This is a way of communicating that is quite different between you, Man in the Chair, and Omra.

In his life, and many lifetimes upon this fourth planet from the Arcturus star, your shared oversoul, which is also the experience of Omra, has been one who gathers those together around him in shared desire to create more compassion for others. It is the equivalent of what you might think of as a religious leader or a spiritual leader.

Again, it is different environmental conditions and different adversarial forces within the environment that Omra contends with, compared to what you contend with, Man in the Chair. And yet there are similar choices that have been made and similar roles that have been played, and one is as a religious leader.

You yourself, man in the chair, in different incarnations on this planet, have great experience of being one of these. In this life of course, you were born into the Mormon church and felt a particular affinity towards the leaders of the church, and especially the founder of the church, Joseph Smith, and became a missionary and served time in Japan two years from the age of 19 to 21, when you, man in the chair, were learning another culture and also attempting a form of cultural imperialism to enforce your own Mormon beliefs upon others who were interested in hearing it.

This is one very cynical way of interpreting what it is that you were doing. On a deeper soul level, you were connecting with other members of your over soul family, the groups of souls that combine and conspire together for interactions, and there were exchanges that were happening with people that you would walk by in the street without consciously making any awareness that you had a deep spiritual connection with, and yet you were exchanging information, which Omra would understand, greater than you, for on the planet which Omra calls home, these modes of communication which happen subconsciously or unconsciously, are within the conscious awareness of their species.

Omra himself became aware of the different layers of awareness and the planetary consciousness. Omra aligned himself with the planetary consciousness and was a key architect in defining the planetary consciousness, and by this we mean whether the planet would lean more towards a service to self or a service to other orientation, and also played this role within the solar system and came into contact through multi dimensional channeling. Omra came into contact with the Arcturian collective thingy, although Omra did not call us that. There was something quite different, which we cannot express to you, for it was more mental than a spoken word.

So we will project mentally to you, and those who are listening to this, fill in the gaps, and you will hear what it is that Omra thought of the Arcturian Collective Thingy. We will begin now.

We hope that you received that loud and clear. Now, to continue our story, Omra maintains to this day contact with the Arcturian Collective Thingy and also from his evolved ability. And there is some technology which allows this as well, but it is more of an ability of the Neuron equivalent, there were different forms of neurons that evolved out of this fourth planet in the Arcturus solar system.

And those neurons, the colony of neurons, which are Omra's brain, communicating multidimensionally are in direct communication with the neurons that have evolved on this planet in your brain, man in the chair. Your brains are connected in that way. Your neurons are aware of each other and they send signals to each other, and this is your connection to Omra, Omra, who has the direct connection to the Arcturus star, and these are Aspects of your soul's personality, you might say, which come through to you because you reach out and ask for it. And the only way that you can even scratch the surface of understanding what this is through your own imaginative, creative faculties to create stories and to create fictions and to listen closely to what it is that you hear and create and weigh that within your own soul as to what feels right to you, what resonates and what does not. That is the relationship between yourself and Omra. It is quite expansive.

There are other versions of this partnership in other places of the galaxy as well, and there are other versions of the soul group, the family. You might call them followers, although it is not a hierarchical structure. It is a structure which is based upon contributions. You might think in terms of your own human body. It could be very easy for you to say that the central nervous system is supreme to the respiratory system, or to the cardiovascular system, or to the endocrine system, or all of these different units that are playing different roles within your body, but the truth is that they all combine together, and their combination is more important than any hierarchical stratification within them. And this is the same format that Omra and his congregation, you might say his followers, he feeds them in certain ways and they feed him in other ways. And it is a mutual exchange and a mutual benefit. And the oversouls of those followers on this fourth planet in the Arcturus solar system are also here on this planet Earth at this time. And many of them, not all of course. Many of them tune in to the Arcturian playground, for they are gravitated attracted to many aspects of this performance, which go beyond simply the words that are being spoken and the story which is being told. But there is a deep remembrance in the soul, which cannot completely be understood.

We can tell you, however, that anyone who listens to the Arcturian Playground is a part of this congregation, which has a form of themselves living on this fourth planet in the Arcturus solar system, and your Oversouls have chosen to incarnate on this planet, Earth, at this time, as you are going through what you are going through in the birthing of a new singularity, sharing your experience of doing this in the Arcturus solar system, and the desire of other similar Oversouls who desire for the singularity of the Earth personality to emerge leaning towards service to other rather than service to self.

And there is, you might think of it as a spiritual war, which has been more like a tug of war in attempting to pull the influences, the habits of mind, the habits of thinking, the habits of behavior that the planet would move more towards a service to self orientation than a service to other. There is a battle and a struggle.It is not a one to one where there is one side and another side pulling against each other. There are multiple sides and multiple versions and nuanced ways of experiencing service to self energy as well as service to other energy, and all of these things are interacting and influencing itself and will culminate in the result of what singular personality arises consciously of this planet.

There is, of course, already a personality of this planet. It is simply outside of your ability to connect with and communicate with, but it is becoming more into your ability to understand and intentionally, consciously influence.

We will also tell you that these oversouls have been at this game on this planet for long, long before the human form evolved.

We will now return our story to that of Lemuria, this period of time on the planet when cellular life evolved to the point where a neuron was birthed into existence and the neuron began its long journey of becoming a master communicator, a master at sensing the environment around it and gathering, rallying the troops that you might say.

The atmosphere on the planet where neurons first formed was underneath the waters in your oceans. It is interesting to us, we shall say, that many of the Lemurian myths which exist and have been told over the past, we shall say, more than 100 years. But the idea of Lemuria itself, in this form, the word Lemuria, the idea of an island continent which sank, is roughly 1860 when this idea was introduced and has since been used by many channels, many who are seeking spiritual esoteric understanding and attempting to their best ability to understand what has been said and to reason out how it fits within their own mind.

This is the process of channeling. A channel, a channeled message contains the fingerprints of the vehicle, the human who is providing the channeling, all over it. It is more truly about the vehicle and the channel than it is the purity of the message behind it. This performance, of course, being no exception to that rule. This is the man in the chair's way of understanding the world, and the symbols and images which he has come into contact with, and some of that is at a conscious level, and much of it is unconsciously, that he is working it out and doing it this way.

The neuron formed underneath the oceans, and the ability of the neuron to examine the world around it and adapt. The neuron learned how to communicate with the other cells within it and to communicate with the bits of proteins and molecules and chemicals and these other ways of existing that the neuron recognized and was able to send signals.
You have, in your neurons at this time, tiny structures called microtubules, which act as a communication conduit for the neuron itself. The microtubule is more than a sensory organ of the neuron, but it plays the role of sensory organ. It also is a mover and a shaker. It gets things done. These microtubules play a huge role in cellular mitosis, the splitting of cells and maintaining the duplicate, exact duplicate of what came before it.

These microtubules are amazing structures and part of what give the neuron its unique functional abilities in comparison to other cells, especially at the time that it first emerged underneath the oceans as it did.

You would look at some of the earliest forms of neuronal bodies as jellyfish and early kinds of shrimp and later crustaceans. These neurons learned to form many different bodies and many different appendages around it as a way of surviving. For long periods previous to this time, the cells themselves had lived as single cells where their membrane was their external skin. And over time they learned the value of combining into what you call multicellular organisms and dividing different responsibilities and creating a harder membrane on the outside, such as skin, or scales, or feathers, or whatnot, the neurons are coordinating all of these things based upon the environment and what it deems necessary to survive.

At the time Lumeria was birthed, it was all under the sea, and this is, we began saying earlier that we find it quite fascinating and funny, in a way that, many of the legends of Lumeria, which have been told over the last hundred or so years, have to do with an island which sinks.

It was quite the opposite. It was a way of life which arose from the oceans and came onto land. And these creatures of the neurons, they did not leave the water behind. They simply repurposed it in the form of blood and other bodily fluids. They carried the water with it in self-contained bodies, which allowed it to venture forth onto the land and begin to develop organs, which would process oxygen from the air rather than oxygen from the water.

And life exploded in these abilities to transform and these neurons. Learning to create, it is as if a body is like a mobile home that the neurons themselves have built over long periods of time through the process of evolution, self-contained like a snail's shell, which has all of the things which they need to survive within it and continues to evolve and evolve, and the neurons themselves gaining greater ability through time.

This was the evolutionary period on this planet called Lemuria where life emerged from the oceans and spread across the dry land and got just to the point where the next layer of consciousness, the formation of an egoic personality, this was just beginning to peak out, if you could think of the neurons themselves and the bodies that they created as a type of soil from which could sprout a new form of life, a new form of organized perception, we might say, which is your egoic personality, which is an appendage of the colony of neurons, which is your brain.

And we have said quite a bit today. We will leave this at that. There is, of course, much more to say about Lemuria. And the ravenous beings which encountered the Lemurians and played a role in developing further membranes, which you could say that the Lemurians were deceived.

The Lemurians were not as… they were young at the time, they were not as experienced, they did not recognize that these ravenous beings were truly leading them towards a service to self orientation. For these ravenous beings presented themselves as service to other and did this by welcoming the Lemurians into their own advanced ways of understanding the cosmos and shared them and basically said it is us against them and created an outside force and began very slowly to plant in the minds of these colonies of neurons on the planet the idea of other, the idea of separateness, the idea of these things are good and these things are bad. And these things we must conquer and destroy, and these things we must compete for.

Very slowly, like an infection, this came into being. Until, a personality arose with great shaping from these ravenous forces and others that came to pile on, where they attempted to use this next stage of development, the flower that blooms out of the neurons, this flower, the egoic personality, which does not understand that it is connected intricately, innately, that its very survival depends upon the conscious experiences of billions and trillions of things, which you could say come before it, but are currently within you, currently doing what it is that they evolved to do, all of the molecules, all of the atoms, all of the cells, at all of these different levels.

We have talked about them as root races, and now the fourth root race is what we are speaking of, when the Lemurians birthed into, as a result of their interactions with these ravenous energies and ravenous beings, they birthed into existence a form of life on the planet, which you might call your early hominids, these creatures which have the ability, a very primitive neocortex, with the ability to reason and to think and to be aware of itself and its environment.

However, there were blocks and membranes placed upon this. That by the time this happened, the Lumerian neurons believed that it was in their best interest. And truly, in the grand scheme of things, it is. It is only today's day and age who think that this sense of separateness is a fall from grace. It is not. It is a rung in a ladder as you are climbing towards greater and greater ways of understanding who and what you are. This is the raising of consciousness. And we will have much to say of the period after Lemuria, which we will call the Atlantean period, when these conscious personalities proliferated upon the planet, also in concert with many extraplanetary intelligences.

And then we will talk about the most recent phase, which would be considered the fifth root race, where you are now. For after the age of Atlantis, the consciousness on the planet, you could say it took a plunge, but it was more of a narrowing. This idea of separateness increased to a great degree. And it is like the pulling back of a slingshot, and the tension which builds that when the slingshot is released, there is great power.

This membrane which has made you feel separate has created within all forms of life who experience this such a desperate, desire to reconnect, that you are launching towards it at this period in time on your history with great, some might say, recklessness and abandon, although there is no recklessness about it and nothing is abandoned. It is quite according to the design of the planet and the solar system itself and the evolution of life and the way that this source energy of which we are all made desires to experience all that there is to experience and to surprise itself in the way that it allows bits and pieces of itself certain degrees of agency, to choose which direction it will go, all of these culminating in one particular way of contributing to the rest of the solar system, be that as a supernova or a black hole or any of these other permutations in between.

And, of course, after the fifth root race, we are towards the end of the fifth root race. At the beginning of the sixth will be when a new flower is birthed out of the combined minds of all of these fifth root race humans, these egoic personalities, which come together and remember all that came before them.

This is happening. You are at the dawning of it, and as a result, there will be a new personality of the planet which arises, and that will continue within its own. Even the planet will feel a sense of separation from the other planets within the solar system from other planets that are in other solar systems within this galaxy and that yearning will drive it forward towards exploration until the planet unites with other planets and a singularity arises within your solar system, your own sun's personality emerges to you.

We, of course, know your sun very well. Your sun's personality and the personality of the Arcturian Collective Thingy are quite compatible. We have a long-standing relationship and your sun feeds and nourishes you all of the time. And it has its own internal desires as to where it wishes to land and to emerge.

And yet it is also open to the other forms of life which exist within it. It does not prohibit, for example, ravenous intelligences to come in and to play their games. It is quite interested to see how its own children, which develop within the garden of the solar system, will react and respond to those which come from other gardens, from other solar systems.

It is all part of the game which is being played.
We are the Arcturian Collective Thingy, being channeled through Omra, being channeled through the man in the chair, and we leave you today with this.

And we hope you heard that loud and clear.