Armbar Audio

Ryuji Ito & Abdullah Kobayashi vs. Jun Kasai & Jaki Numazawa - BJW 2005

Show Notes

Ryuji Ito & Abdullah Kobayashi vs. Jun Kasai & Jaki Numazawa - BJW 2005


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Armbar Audio is a professional wrestling podcast for fans by fans!

Now Armbar Audio.

Hello and welcome to another
episode of Armbar Audio.

I'm your host, Tim Farley.

And next to me is my trusted companion.

John Kerns.

What's up, everybody?

Now, you and I have seen our tweets
and we are going to do a fans, bring

the topics, uh, what if edition?

That will be next week, but because you
guys gave us a lot of good questions

and a lot of stuff that we really have
to think about, do some research on,

um, For now the watch alongs go pretty
well in the last one I singly chose.

So I said to John pick whatever you want.

And he, he went in a direction that I
thought he would, uh, see the picture.

I am not my knowledge of death
match stuff is Onita one member.

And this man.

And then, uh, no June cosigns or
heard of him, Terry funk make fully,

and the recent stuff that I've seen,

uh, everyone you named is
widgets in the death match



So like, but like, I don't, you
know, I'm, I'm trying to tell them

what you already know about me.

I've only recently actually gotten into
death match wrestling this past year or.

So, but John here loves violence.

I do

like death match wrestling.

Um, tell

I'm not like, I'm not like, I'm not like
a goddamn historian of it, but I like it.

Um, how you operate, you know,
you're not like a super nerd.

You just watch things that you enjoy.


watch what I enjoy and I know names, I


Uh, but yeah, what I was looking for,
I was looking for a match that pitted,

uh, junior sigh against Jackie knew Ms.

Ella, which is not normal,
cause they were always attempt.


but, and why were you looking for


Uh, Jackie knew Ms.

Owl versus, and KSI in
a razor bored to death.

Was the first death match I ever
saw at the, uh, at the young age of

13 on, I didn't even know that
shit existed on the

Well, I, um, and you had some other death
matches that you were, you had in the,

I was trying to find, yeah, like before
you found this one, you were like, I'm

thinking about this and this and that.

And you had like Danny havoc
against someone and like, All

of them will go.

Those were ones that
I, I, I was looking on.

Well, those were all, uh,
you and your sign matches.

Uh, I was looking on a change
manager, what his highest rated

matches work smart.


so yeah, cause Juka PSI was the
first non-American death match guy.

I, that I found and he was
one of the first death match

guys, period, that I've.

Because if you were, if you were 13,
you were probably like me and you

only knew like Mike Foley, Terry funk.


And I knew about them and I had seen
like, monsters ball matches on impact, but

uh, like death match wrestling is what,
and I don't even really remember what

got me into it.

Probably some documentary
or something that I saw.


Cause like, Who ran death
matches in America at that time?

I mean, it seems like w I
mean, like early, like ever,

I don't think of that came.

I don't think it came
until CZW and IWM itself.

And I guess you could kind of say w
did a little bit, like my old death

match stuff.



For sure.

They definitely influenced it.




And why WCW had the hardcore
title WWF had the hardcore


this shit, none of this shit,
but I did see my parents that

staying on fire as a kid.

So that definitely right.

I mean, you could see the
picture of this match, right?

Um, so this is, I think it, I
think it was called like the.

The, the like autumn death mask,
because it happened in October.

So it's like Halloween themed and,
um, but yeah, I couldn't find the

razor board death match in full.

So I paid another match
that had drink OSI and in


You've never seen this mess before, right?

I don't think so.


we're both going in.

Uh, we're going to watch
some insane shit worse.

They end up on zero, zero.

So big Japan wrestling,

man wrestling, which is
still going on today.

That's where drew Parker was defending
the GC w ultra violent championship where

he just recently lost it to, to Cato.

I don't think he

kinda have lost it yet.

Not wait.

Because every tournament I was

told it was just one and back.

And then the kids everyday.


So cologne is probably going to
face through Parker and Hammerstein.


Or all three.

I don't know.


uh, yeah.


Parker also hold the BJW championship.


held one of them.

Um, whenever he came to face,
ask alone, he heard one of them

and ruckus who's going to the end of the,
into the indie hall of fame has been the

BJW, uh, junior heavyweight champion.


So BJ w is.


is really cemented in the death


scene for sure.

But they're not just death match.


Because I know Sacramento,
they're not just death

match, but they're more
death match and GSWs

death match.


But they also had like, fuck, they have
like funny shit matches and shit too.


But yeah.

So we're going to get into this,

um, Yeah, usually ITO and I'm doula.

Kobiashi I mean,

I've dealt with RC is another
and dairy name and death match.

So yeah, uh, I'm doing

Kobiashi is going to be the

half the bald guy with the blue
pants and the Kirby boots, uh,

June to PSI is the Tracey monkey.

That's his name?

It's on his ass.

It's honest.

Jackie Nim is alwa has
like black metal paint

because I think she, the dark angel or
the black Angela, it's one of those,

but it's, it's one of those names, not

morbid angel.

Well, yeah.

Um, you

said cologne, Parker and Takeda triple
third, death match the Hammerstein.


If you're planning on doing that
for that match, have nine one

diode with your thumb over the.

Wasn't that a wrestler.

And then he just come out
and showed, slammed people.

I don't know.

He was a big ass dude just
came out and choke slam sequel.

I think probably

as far as big ass dudes in ECW go.

The only one I can
think of now is Rocchio.

Um, the fucking Amish guy, what a gimmick

for these characters are so weird to me,

this characters, the

only one I can think of there's
somebody on the indie scene.

Now he's been around
for a while and wasn't.

What about that small person who
was always with Negro butcher?

Wasn't he, I don't know
a lot about Negro books.

No, that was grizzly, but like
there is this, the redwoods

there don't know a lot about
Necker butcher, which is bizarre

because I'm starving to death.

All I noticed that you piece
of shit, a lot of people


say it's okay, that you
don't know a lot about it.

And before I knew that he was a
piece of shit, all I knew is that

he beat himself up a bunch and
was in the movie, the wrestler.

And I think he, uh, helped
train broody Lee at points.

Well, there you go.

All right.

So go ahead and put that
link in the description, but

I could be wrong.

So fucking quote.

10 Farley says, what's the chain.


We fight for where we're
going to get a call for Sean.

I hope I hope I'll turn that
shit into a dealer or something.

Hey Shawn, you want two guys?

you want two

dudes that are going to drive
clicks away from your wife?

We're definitely

like the underground of
wrestling, journalism.

I don't even know if we're journalists.

I think we're just two box.


Anyway, two marks with a part.


Here we go.

So we're going to


Two three bang

size blonde that's reused ITO.


the normal looking person in the matches.

I like that guy.


Oh, the colon June.




heard both.

It's like easy and easy.


I've seen plenty of,
of Dory Kobiashi match.

But I don't, I really don't
think I've ever seen this one.

He lifted up that titling.

Cassandra was like, fuck you,

we've got a headbutts between Kobe caviar

sheet is already sweaty.

I was about to say he already
got swamp pass from what

I mean, they're outside.

It's probably humid as


Oh shit.

There's blood already
coming from their foreheads.

Well, at least from a bill this door.

Yeah, I'm doing Kobiashi.


Do the butcher you'll fuck yourself.


Oh, he's a piece of shit.

Oh really?


Like the kind of piece of
shit that doesn't tell people.


Hepatitis and then has, has death matches.



That's not cool.

Not at all.

I want some nice kicks there to concise.

Just so there's at least

one wrestler in the match.

No, you're not in love death match.

I can say this shit.

I'm not being an asshole.


Did you notice that the
ropes are also barbed wire?

That's also going to
be set on fire series.

She noticed that because
I didn't until just



So these were the first guys
I ever saw use light tips.

And now that's a,

that's a Tuesday night and JCW

or anywhere.


Or obviously w

your mom and chief used to watch, um,
Japanese women's death matter as one

that would come on TV at like two in the
morning on some public access channel.

That's wild.


Well, we talked to.

One of the fucking shops.

They're probably one of
the ones with a drug ski.

We talked about the jumping bomb Angeles.


knows all about them.

Well, they're out and about

good old chair.

Third spot.

Love that.

You got

numerous hours of doula
throwing chairs at each other

were going into pools
and like trees and shit.

I do have my coffee here.


it's December.

I got my peppermint mocha cappuccino.

He just spit that shit
on somebody up must.

So a lot of screaming.


He probably should have been

wearing as a swim guard.

Yeah, whenever he got spit on Dave shit.

I do

see on the outside, I see a rack
with white tubes kind of stacked

up on it right there.

We just saw it spot similar in
the jury Parker indicator match

in BJW funny enough,

but that match, they had like a fucking
wireless setup, the head all up to tubes

in it.


Now I know at some point
your forehead's bleeding.

Why are you still using it as a weapon?

Cause he's fucking crazy.

GSI is we know your stuff.



Stuck pig.



The stuffed pig is what you sleep with.


You leave Hamilton out of this.

Donald's on and here we go.


I'm not

entirely sure what just happened there.

A guy got excited because there's flame.

Now we're going to burn your fat face.

If you watched the dark side of
the ring about FMW you'll know that

these matches don't generally go

well, what, what is his, he's

got a chain with something
on the end of it.

That is very susceptible to Flint.

What the fuck?


it's a good thing.

There's no building to burn down.

I agree.

There's a lawyer on, uh, chairs
or white board on chairs.


Table boards, no doors

at this time.

It didn't start using
doors at this point yet.

This is, um, 2005

a year before I graduated high school.

Uh, for before I did.

Yeah, I was watching these on

the computers in high school.

That's probably why I went down probably,

or it could have been the boss.

So we're just going to
set this up far too.

That's cool.

It's hear what I said.

The bodies outside of linemen.

Yeah, it wasn't that like, no, that never

really happened at ours.

I don't think school was
happening when it happened?


Oh, ITTO trying to drive that wrestling
stuff and he just paid for what

the fuck he trying to do.


be kicking me in the chest and shit.

You know where you are.

You're in the jungle baby.

Is that racist?


I don't think

it's racist.

I think that songs about New York.

No, I know that nothing, but he
could have said jungles in Japan

or there that's more selling.

That's why Thailand and stuff.

Although he is the crazy monkey, he
could say that he's from the jungle.

The crazy monkey June KSI.

His finish.

Is he?

Oh, no

lighter fluid.

Oh no.

I'm going to set this on fire.

I don't know at worth,
at least in this corner,

not your size.

Finnish is he Dawn's aviator
goggles and twines up.

Well, the PSI has a dollar right now
and his partner who I already forgot

his name, the Salah or something.

He's trying to keep, you
know, algebra size partner.

Jackie knew Massawa.


And it was Al was trying to keep
ITO out, but setting that on

fire, but it didn't work, but
everybody's not the flame anyway.

Well, that's


happened in that.

But yeah, in that FMW dark side
of the ring, didn't they save

it like these types of matches.

It makes the temperature in the
ring rise to dangerous levels.

Sounds true.

I didn't, I didn't watch that episode.

Oh, that episode was amazing.

I know.

I want to watch it.

No, I love how it Bussa.

Yeah, there was some and Mike awesome.

Uh, yeah,

there was some insane shit that was
brought to light in that episode.

I'm a, like this stick on
fire you and your sweaty ass.

I'm going to throw this
fire into the swamp


Warren Shonda was, was that.

Or that from chances on
I was struck by is, will


Oh yeah.

He chopped up Nelson was also one

better fucking move.

I'm going to say at this point,
this is an uncontrollable.

I don't know that one top
rope is burning at a rapid.



just remembered what the
finish of this match looks


Oh, you haven't seen this?

I wa I skimmed through it when I picked


We got a door just in a never
ending loop of basketball

board in his legs, man.

Stay out of the room.

He's ours now.

And I don't know why I'm so tired.

I woke up.

But I did spend more time on
the elliptical than usual.



He's going to set a bundle of
tubes on fire and use that on

adore Kobiashi at this point.


it did not stay on fire very


Got the double elbow job from



Yeah, he's coming back.

Running knee strike from a doula.

has a Japanese table that will not break,

but the empathy you're going to try

numerous, our sentence of the barbed wire.

You know, guys

set up on a table on the outside.

Uh, tell me a doula jumps on it.

Oh no, he's going to do something else.

I think he might try to
slam Jackie into him.


Oh no.

We got a ladder coming out.

Why are you taking your eye off a cosign?

Put them through the table.

I think Ray is the one that's
that's going to jump off the ladder.

I think the middle of the ring.

Oh, my God.

oh man.

There's hotspot of the match right there

so far.


always cooler when you jump over fire.

Well, yeah.


two, no

kick out from Memphis.

Our fucking Northern lights.


GSI is left for dead on the



Uh, . And now Ito's going to the
top of the letter again, but none

the Zola is up because size as well.

And he's riding, he's
going up there to meet ITO.

It seems

like we're going to get a Superflex

off a wider bam

into a pile of broken


Oh, man,

go in and chop


a door to the arm.

He said, fuck your Lariat.

Oh right.

To the nuts.

It's picking them back up German.

Suplex from Cassandra

G saves

the match.


I would just dump some out.

Yeah, no ropes on that one side.

I think he's got his goggles.

Yeah, he's got the goggles
going to try to finish it off.

Now he's going to put the yard
was on, is going to go up.

It's going to salute and
scream, shade, which means die.

And then he's going to jump on him.

He does like a fucking supervise splash.

Well, hopefully it works out
for him now they're setting.

Oh shit.

Uh, oh, he's

going to jump on through, they got a
bundle with tubes between two chairs.

The tubes are about to be set on
fire and then, cause I was going to

jump absolute insanity.

I want to see a documentary.

I'm sure they exist.

Interviews with death match wrestlers as
to why they chose to do it because there's

so many death match wrestlers that I see
that no, they don't have to be right.

It's like what in your brain

either, if the match

again, numerous hours
getting really sick of him,

he needs to do more than just
dump them out every time.

Maybe that was just hit him with
a double DDT there maybe that'll

work no more chairs coming.

Very interesting tubes that they
chose to target the bigger man

and throw out the smaller man.


just got whooped in the face with a chair.

The hell is that.

I think maybe like car
parts, like what is something

that's burning good for him?

Cause he got something




Hey yo.

Throwing a Flavin like,
oh, oh, that was wild.

The are you waiting for


I see he's probably in
excruciating pain as well.

No new checks out.

You can't put down the blockage,

all that


Almost certainly the Ogun.

You can't put the
blackheads without that easy


Oh, the broken bread of the
table of respect to the head.

He won't go down.

What's he going to take?


He snaps the part wire.

The barbed wire was so hot and
it became brittle and snapped.

Look at the zoom



That's how you know, what's 2005


numerous hours just got
dropped on his fucking head.

We got more fire coming.

He's got a Fleming bat.

These people are absolutely
out of their fucking minds.

You're just have robots do this for


but knew my time was up smash.

Another shot with a bet.

Numerous hours down.

Couple of marches


I think it just pushed him,
like, get the fuck down.

I'm the big boy.

The bat

is a, it was a blaze again.

How about job?

And that's it



And ITTO take

the win Kobayashi God, his ass
whooped and then came back.




so there you have it.


What'd you think of

that one to me, I think that people
who choose to do that there is

they have to be masochist say this.

Or just not right.

Like, I don't, I don't understand.

I don't understand why people
choose to do this, but I I'm glad

they do because it is entertaining.

Um, so I'm glad the big guy got back.

Got it, got his groove back.

Um, yeah, it was, it was entertaining
and it was, it was relatively short.

We're actually going to watch
some more, uh, crazy shit tonight.

The other one's a gcwr tonight, actually,
speaking of which this, uh, comes out

on Monday on Wednesday inside the Indies
will be returning and I will have John

with lb with them this time, because
it's a inside the Indy super show.

We're going to be covering triple,
triple mania rail, uh, beyond, beyond,

uh, Feet feet forever or whatever it
is just to WCCW so high and so alive,

it will be more of a conversation.

And, uh, you know what we liked
what we didn't like, et cetera.

Uh, it's not going to be like
me just breaking things down.

So, uh, look out for that.

And, uh, wherever you are in the
world, whether it's morning, noon,

or night, you have a great one.

Peace love through all of you all bank.