Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast

Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh & Chantel from Monday, October 21st, 2024 / Josh is pretty sure he’d ace the driving test if he had to take it again, Chantel yelled ‘waddle up’ to a stranger and embarrassed our daughter, they have so many pockets for men’s clothing that their hiding pockets inside of pockets, Chantel ordered the vegetarian meal and is not interested in sharing with her table neighbor, we had dinner with friends and end up smiling the whole way home, the three pieces of corn on the table are a decoration, let your kids wear the costume they want, if you’re a Chiefs fan - now’s the time to pick a new team, tootsie rolls are for old people, and Josh has weird taste in Halloween movies.

What is Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast?

Wake up with Josh & Chantel every weekday from 6a-10a on Classy 97! Missed the show or want to revisit your favorite moments from the show, enjoy Wake Up Classy 97 - The Podcast!

Episode title: Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh and Chantel - Monday, October 21st, 2024

Episode summary introduction:

Josh is pretty sure he’d ace the driving test if he had to take it again, Chantel yelled ‘waddle up’ to a stranger and embarrassed our daughter, they have so many pockets for men’s clothing that their hiding pockets inside of pockets, Chantel ordered the vegetarian meal and is not interested in sharing, we had dinner with friends and end up smiling the whole way home, the three pieces of corn on the table are a decoration, let your kids wear the costume they want, if you’re a Chiefs fan - now’s the time to pick a new team, tootsie rolls are for old people, and Josh has weird taste in Halloween movies.

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Full show transcript:

This is wake up classy 97, the podcast, a replay of today's full show. It's Josh and Chantel, and it's Monday, October 21st. Today on the show, Josh is sure he'd aced the driving's test if he had to take it again. And the the actual physical driving and the book test. I think I'd do well.

You missed one when I asked you the questions. No. I knew it. I just thought that it was a trick question, so I went with the trick answer, but I knew the right one. I yelled waddle up to a stranger and embarrassed our daughter.

Hey, yo. Hey, waddle up. They have so many pockets for men's clothing that they're hiding pockets inside of pockets. It's men's clothing that they're hiding pockets inside of pockets. It's awesome.

It's not fair. I ordered the vegetarian meal and I'm not interested in sharing, so don't even ask. Don't even look at it. This is mine. We had dinner with friends and ended up smiling the whole way home.

Was that weird? Is it weird that we're just smiling? Just smiling. We're just so happy. The 3 pieces of corn on the table are decoration.

Allegedly? Let your kids wear the costume they want. Otherwise, they'll go to therapy. My mom wouldn't let me be a zombie. If you're a Chiefs fan, now is the time to pick a new team, please, any any team.

There are 31 other ones. And Chantel's hot takes roll on. Tootsie Rolls are apparently for old people, and Josh has weird taste in Halloween movies. Listen. The Great Pumpkin and Young Frankenstein are not weird.

They're not weird. You're right. They're not weird. Great. Great movies.

They're fine. Thanks for checking out the show. You can hear it live every weekday morning on Classy 97 and the free Classy 97 app. Just download it in your App Store. And, oh, hey.

If you're new to the podcast, welcome. Hi. How you doing? Hope you enjoy. You can subscribe wherever you listen and rate the show.

That'll help us out a little bit. And, hey, we're now on YouTube, so if you wanna see what goes on behind the scenes or you wanna see what our faces look like, you can see some of the stuff from the studio on our YouTube channel. Subscribe. And also, you know, thanks. Enjoy today's show.

Hey there. Good morning. Hey. It's Monday. Good morning to you.

Hey. Hey. Hey. Good morning. How you doing?

Oh, hey. Hey. Good morning to you. Gross. Why are we at work?

Because, it's what you do Monday. It's 6 in the morning. You go to work. The weekend was so lovely, wasn't it? The weather held out, which was nice.

Got some projects knocked out, which was nice. Yes. It was nice. And, now we're back here in Now we're back. The studio.

Here we are. Happy Monday. Hey. Our daughter informed us that this particular part of the show is her least favorite, but we're gonna do it anyway. She said It's boring.

Yeah. Well, she should count her buttons because it's count your buttons day. Count your buttons. Yeah. The idea here is that you go through and, you check your, all your clothes, your garments, and make sure they're in tip top shape, make sure they have all the right buttons sewed on and stuff.

I have a shirt that's missing a button. Yeah. It's in the pile. It's in the pile of stuff that needs buttons. Downstairs.

Yeah. One of these days, I'll get to all of that. You could sew on a button. I sure could. You know how to sew on a button.

I absolutely do. That's why I put it down there. So one day, I'll walk down there and go, oh, look. I gotta put a button on that. It's reptile awareness day.

I'm aware of them. Yes. It is also back to the future day. Today is the day that Marty McFly time travels back to, in He goes back in the That's it. Yes.

Yes. I do. It is clean your virtual desktop day, and I gotta say, I don't need to worry about that. You don't. You keep a clean desktop.

I keep it tidy. You get mad at people who don't. I've seen some of the most horrifying, terrible organization methods, lack of organization methods. Look. If you're one of the people that just covers your desktop with all those icons, stop it.

Why? Stop. Why? Because that is there's no way to to even find anything. It's just awful.

Put things away. Clean your virtual desktop. What else is going on? It's international day of the nacho. Nacho.

I like nachos. Who doesn't? Delicious. It's national apple day, and it's national pumpkin cheesecake day. Delicious.

Mhmm. And, for our daughter, Emery, you're welcome. Now you know all the days. Now you know what's going on. She doesn't listen.

I know because she doesn't like this part of the show. She's like, it's the first thing, and I don't like it. And she doesn't wanna skip over it, I suppose. She said she would if she knew the time stamp. She could just move the thing right to it.

Golly. But I can't be bothered to put time stamps on the show. That's extra work. I know. That's so much work.

I'm aware. She's just gonna have to not listen, I suppose. I guess. I guess. She was our 1st YouTube subscriber.

She was. So there is that. She's got that going for her. Anyway, good morning. It's Josh and Chantel.

If you had to go back and take a driving test, how confident are you that you would pass it? I think we should try this. I'm pretty confident that I could I could pass. Now I feel like when we took the test, the number of questions you could get incorrect were so few. And as we were talking to her, she's like, oh, you can miss, like, 9 of them.

Yeah. No. It was crazy. 3. I feel like it was I do too.

3. I feel like you if you got 3 wrong, you had to retake it. So what over the past, let's see. I've been driving for a lot of years. What over the past decades has, changed?

I don't know. I don't either. They're giving kids more leeway. Way more leeway. It's like school.

Oh, is it? She doesn't turn in an assignment, and they're like, oh, you can just turn that in That's true. Next week. If I didn't turn it in, that was it. I got the one the one chance, and then I was failing the class.

Yeah. What's the deal? Kids, you say. Okay. Listen.

I pulled up a sample driving test. Yes. Okay. Let's see if you can get these questions right. I'm just gonna ask you a couple.

If 2 vehicles arrive at a four way stop at the same time, the vehicle on the left must yield to the vehicle on the right. That is true. The vehicle on the right must yield to the vehicle on the left. You make hand motions to communicate your intentions to the other driver. Nope.

Or you move quickly before the other driver makes their decision. It's a. Good job. Correct. Good job.

A lot of people don't know that, but it's a. Don't know that. In what situation is it legal to pass a vehicle on the right as long as you don't leave the road? If you're on a 2 lane two way road and the vehicle you are overtaking is turning left. When the vehicle is going below the speed limit and there's a large shoulder on the road, it's never legal to pass on the right or only during daylight hours.

Okay. The answer is probably c. C? Nope. Wrong goal.

Then it's gonna be when they're turning left. Turning left? Yeah. Correct. Yeah.

Yeah. 2 for 2, bud. Yeah. Well, kinda. I figured that that one felt sort of tricky.

Or you know what else? What else? Going down I 15, and they're sitting there camping in the left lane going 10 miles under the speed limit, and they should have moved over miles ago. And now you're frustrated and you're following the guy in front of you who decided that he'd had enough, and he's gonna pass him on the right, and you're like, yeah. Me too.

That's when that happens to me. That's not legal. I just don't think that's legal, bud. I'm not gonna sit there floating behind them waiting for them to figure out that they're not in Utah anymore. Not my problem.

I'm passing you on the right. You're used to it anyway. Okay. Jeez Louise. Josh is gonna ace the driving test.

I'm just gonna ask you those 2. Just those 2? Okay. Alright. So they're a little bit long.

They are wordy. They're wordy. It's on purpose. They do that to make you frustrated. And confused.

Mhmm. It's long. It's a pretty long and tense. Is this the Idaho test, by the way? This is the Idaho test.

Alright. Good. I think I could probably pass the whole thing. Could you pass the could you pass the written test, but then also could you pass the driving portion? I could pass the driving portion.

Could you? Yes. Could you pass the parking portion of the driving portion? Yes. What?

Your eyebrows are telling a different story because they went way up your forehead. Part of parking? All of it. I'm fine. Backing into a spot?

Yes. Parallel parking? Yes. Angle parking on a street that you have to back into? Yes.

Sure. How dare you? How dare me? I'm a good parker. Mhmm.

Downhill with your wheels turned properly? To the curb? Yeah. Emergency breakup. Nailed it.

Alright. Good job. Annie B's Homemade Ice Cream. Oh, yeah. Yeah.

They're located in Arden, North Carolina, and, they're kind of a cool spot because, they employ adults with disabilities. And right now, they are inspiring hope and community spirit in, North Carolina because they are serving up ice cream by the scoop to make a difference in the lives of those affected by hurricane Helene in North Carolina as well. Fantastic. Yeah. The shop decided to donate all sales through the end of the year to local hurricane relief efforts.

So that's a big deal. People are always visiting Annie Bee's to enjoy their favorite flavors of ice cream and support the cause. There's one loyal customer named Viv, who was in line before the store even opened and said how the she was so excited about the community's rallying together. They're using this to rebuild, so why wouldn't you wanna come have some ice cream, take a break. Exactly.

Get yourself a nice little treat and help out the community. It's kinda great. Ice cream win. Helping out other people, double win. Yeah.

I know. What's not to like? I know. Pretty great. Annie b's homemade ice cream in Arden, North Carolina doing a big thing, helping out the community like that, and making it on to good news to get you going, which, you know, just as just as exciting.

It is just as exciting. It's good news to get you going. Good morning. There we are on Friday night. We're at a theater watching our friend in a production, and we see a guy walk in with a, Miami Dolphins Waddell Jersey.

Yeah. He's wearing a, what's his name? Jalen Waddell? Jalen Waddell. Jalen Waddell, number 17, Miami Dolphins Jersey.

Which happens to be Emery's favorite player because he does the little waddle. A waddle celebration when he gets a touchdown, and she thinks it's awesome. So It is awesome. A big waddle fan, has a waddle jersey of her own. Yes.

And I said Yeah. Emery, that guy's wearing a Waddle jersey. You're buddies. Go talk to him. And she said, no.

I'm not gonna strange thing to say. A strange thing to say go talk to him? Yeah. Go talk to that stranger about football. Mean go talk to him.

I just mean when he when he walks by, just be like, hey. Nice jersey. Like, just, I like him too. So let me put you in into perspective of where we are in the room because, we're nowhere near the the path this guy is gonna be walking. We're seated at a table surrounded by, let's see, 3 to 4 people away from the aisle at a table and then multiple tables away from where he's seated.

Yes. So he stands up, UC Jersey, and immediately go, look at that. That's amazing. And then he walks to the end of the row and then walks down He walked down the road. By us.

Not kinda by us. Kinda. He was still 12 feet away at least. It's a good distance away, and there's a lot of people between us and him. Close enough that we could have said, hey.

I like your jersey, buddy. You would have been yelling across the entire dinner theater area to go, hey. Cool Jersey. Hey, yo. Nice waddle Jersey.

It's a strange thing to try to do. I didn't do that. Hey, yo. What what I did do, I didn't think it was very loud, but she did, and she was highly embarrassed. It was pretty loud.

I said, Emery, waddle up. Waddle up. Nothing anyone's ever said before except for you in that moment. Hey o. Waddle up.

No. I I didn't say it like a carnival barker. I did not say it that loud. Waddle on up. I didn't.

It was quiet, and I just said, waddle up like that. Uh-huh. Waddle up. Waddle up. Yeah.

It was She was very bad. A lot of embarrassment. That was a big top Which is my main that's the reason I live is to embarrass my children. Hip hip? Hip hip.

Waddle up? Yeah. I don't know why you did that. That was weird. I didn't.

I just stood up and you put your hands on either side of your mouth and went, hey, waddle up. What I did do was quietly say, waddle up, like that. You didn't. No. You did not.

It was way louder than that. Uh-huh. Waddle up. Waddle up. Waddle up.

Yeah. Like that. If you would've said, what if I yell waddle up, Like, quietly like that, she probably would have had a conversation with you. But instead, you're, hey. Let's waddle up, which no one has ever said ever about Jaylen Waddle.

They should. Should they? Yes. Okay. Maybe they will.

If they're listening, they're gonna yeah. Yeah. Over in over in Miami, they're listening right now going, you know, we should start the waddle up chant. Start it. Yeah.

Hey. It's a good trend. Is it? Yes. Okay.

You were wearing a shirt the other day, and you said you opened up your pocket, and then you said, I have a pocket inside my pocket. Yes. My, my, blue button up. Yeah. Inside the right chest pocket, I was I felt like there was something in there.

And so I was trying to figure out what it was, and I opened up the pocket. And inside, there was another small pocket. I don't know when they started giving me so many pockets. What am I gonna do with a pocket inside a pocket? Who knows?

Meanwhile, women everywhere have no pockets. Oh, I got so many. You've got so many you don't even know what to do with them. I've got pockets inside pockets. Share the wealth of pockets, man.

No way. Those are my pockets. You don't even know what to put inside of them. No. I don't.

You don't put anything inside your pockets. Especially a shirt pocket. There's I feel like if ever there was to be a decorative pocket, the shirt pocket is the one. Not the one they put in ladies pants that's decorative. That's strange.

That is strange. Like, a suit jacket sometimes has a a pocket where you can put, like, a pocket square. Yes. That's all that's pockets for. That pocket doesn't do anything else.

Inside, like, they're like, I have an inside pocket so you can tuck away, you know, goodies or whatever inside that. Secret things? Yeah. But then the pockets on the outside of the suit jacket sometimes are fake. Not always are they real.

That's like most women's clothing I know. Have a pocket. That's where I go. I'll excuse that because that's like a fancy dress thing. Maybe I shouldn't have my hands in pockets anyway.

Because I'm wearing a nice tuxedo or something. I shouldn't have my hands in my pockets. But this shirt, 2 chest pockets with Velcro flap, unnecessary. Why what am I ever gonna put in those? So you had 2, like, real pockets, and then inside of those pockets Just inside the 1.

Okay. So you had 3 pockets total. Shirt that I don't need any pockets on. Who's digging into their Nobody. Chest pocket anyway to retrieve things?

I see some fancy lads put their cell phone in there sometime while they're eating, and I go, that's not it. I'm not gonna put my cell phone in that pocket. I don't know what it's for. It'd be great to have so many pockets is all I'm saying. Pockets inside pockets.

Can't even get one regular pocket. What's it for? I wonder if I can find out. What's it like having so many pockets? I could carry all kinds of things.

I know you can. I wish that I had pockets in some of my clothes. My shorts right now, I have How many pockets? I have, let's see. There's one on the back, and then, I have 2 regular pockets on the front.

But then I have a zipper pocket on the right side. So I actually have 4 pockets on my side. Pocket? Yep. Yeah.

There's one that zips up. That's where that's where the wallet lives so I don't get pick pocketed. See? Oh. Yeah.

Don't go trying to steal my wallet. There's nothing in there. Clothes. I know. You're right.

There's no there's no money in there. Good luck, pickpocketers. Pickpocket someone else. I got a pickpocket of nothing. All that was in there was another pocket.

I am so excited for this story. I've been waiting all day for this story. This is one of my favorite things that happened over the weekend. You mentioned we were, at a dinner theater thing over the weekend. And, when you order your tickets, you also say what kind of meal you want.

So you order, you know, a prime rib or a chicken option or a vegetarian option, a fish thing, whatever it is that you want. Now you ordered the vegetarian meal Yes. Because you're like, no meats. Because ew. Because the meats were like a prime rib or chicken cordon bleu.

Was there not a salmon option? Was there a fish? There might have been, but I don't remember. I don't either. I I don't know that I saw anybody around with a fish, so maybe there wasn't a fish option.

Definitely a prime rib and chicken. Yeah. And I said, no. Tap both of those. I'll take the vegetarian, please, and thank you.

So did if there was a fish option, would you have taken that? No. You weren't feeling it? No. You were just wanting the veggies?

Yeah. So the veggie, plate, first of all, comes out it kinda looks like, there's some hummus as like a base, kind of a mashed potato looking hummus base. Yes. And then they built upon that a pile of roasted different veggies, cauliflowers, broccolis, carrots. What else was in there?

That's about it. Okay. Alright. So roasted vegetables over a hummus base. It was delicious.

It was delicious. It was so good. It looked like it needed meat. No. I cleaned my whole plate.

It was good. It was exactly what I wanted. And I'm looking over at Emery's chicken going, oh, I've made the right choice. Alright. I had the chicken cordon bleu as well, and it was very good.

I I really like it. Her chicken looked like chicken little Yeah. Because it was weird. Roast. It looked like chicken.

My favorite part, though, of the whole entire experience of you and the vegetarian plate was that the, lady next to you also ordered the vegetarian plate. We have to back up a little bit. Far? Because we we we arrived there. We're the first in our table.

They squeeze you into these tables. Yeah. And everyone has a salad at their place. This is true. And we sit down, and I don't have a dressing.

And I go, oh, no. I don't have any dressing. And so I flag a waiter, and he goes, oh, you're a nondairy. And I went, no. Just vegetarian.

Right. I'll eat dairy, and there were there was bacon on my salad. I'm like, I'm gonna eat this bacon too. Right. I'm just a I'm a vegetarian when it's getting vegan.

The big meat. Correct. Got it. So he never did bring me a ranch. That's okay.

You add extra. You gave me a ranch. Yeah. Then because I'm I don't like to pour it over my salad. I'm a dipper.

K. The then 2 women that come and sit next to us Yeah. Again, we're squeezed in there, so there's very little room here. Everyone's conversation. Correct.

And they both are looking at their salads going, this is wrong. This isn't what I ordered. Right. And you say the one says, oh, I ordered non dairy. The other one says, I ordered non dairy and vegetarian.

Correct. And you say, oh, I ordered waiters confused. Yep. They thought she was non dairy. She's not.

Blah blah blah blah. So already, there was a kerfuffle. Correct. Then they bring But also, the the kerfuffle isn't necessarily my problem or your problem. Like like, we're gonna make do with what we got, so it's fine.

So yeah. So then they're bringing out plates of food, and they bring out your vegetarian plate, and they set it down. And the lady next to you, out of curiosity, said, oh, is that the vegetarian plate? Because she wanted to know that's the meal I'm gonna get. I don't know if she necessarily did it.

Yeah. No. I'm pretty sure. I'm pretty much a 100% sure. She was just like, oh, that's is that the vegetarian meal?

My opinion was that she was like, oh, I think you've probably got my plate. That looks like the vegetarian plate, which is what I ordered. Right. I think they messed up again and gave you what I ordered. So you draped your arm like you had a cape on, like you were Dracula and went, no.

I did. This is my meal. Hands off. What I did say was, oh, I ordered this. No.

My food. Listen. I will admit that it came off a little bit more aggressive than I wanted to. And I said, oh, no. I ordered this.

No. No. I also had the vegetarian. I it's okay. They put the plate in the right spot.

It's okay. Like, you were not letting her even have a look. You were like, no. My food. And then the whole I mean, right after I said it, I went, that was a little aggressive.

Yeah. I turned to Emery and I whispered, was that rude the way I said it? And she went, yeah. Kinda. Yeah.

Kinda. And I went, no. This one's mine. And I'm like, I'm at the other side of the table looking at both of your faces. And she went, okay.

Well, sorry I talked to that one. Yeah. And then I see her make eyes with her friend, and I went, oh, I've really done that now. But then then the thing happened. You're eating your plate of hummus and veggies Yes.

Delicious. And Emery and I are eating everything's cool, everything's fine. Yep. And I don't know, 5 minutes and then again at 10 minutes and then maybe 20 minutes later, you're still thinking about your reaction and asking if you should apologize. And I'm like, dude, that that ship is sail.

That's what I said. It's gone. I apologize. There's Too much time passed. Way too much time passed.

Yeah. I'm sorry that I was such a weirdo when you asked about my food. I'm sorry that I attacked you with my words over my vegetarian. Way too much time had passed. I know.

Way too much. Okay. Well, to the lady sat next to me at the theater, I'm I'm really sorry. I'm a weirdo. But also, don't come near my food.

We went to see a play. As I said, we talked about this a little bit ago. We saw a play in Pocatello with our, friend who was in it, and he killed it. He did a fantastic job in Jekyll and Hyde. Yeah.

Such a good performance. Phenomenal. And it was really cool. I and this is a guy we've known for, you know, 20 years, which is weird because as we were sitting there afterwards, we went out to dinner with everybody, and we're sitting there going, like, we've known these people for over 2 decades. We've been hanging out with these people.

We had a great a great time. Good time catching up. We had one of our friends from New York was in town, to see the the show as well. I got to hang out with some great people, good friends, and met some new folks as well at the table, which was cool. It was so bad.

And, after the evening, which we stayed up way too late, but it was really fun. And then I had to drive back to town from Pocatello, which was which was not a smart idea. When you've been up at 5 in the morning and it's Friday night and it's like 1 o'clock, and you're like, what am I doing? What am I doing? I'm not 20 years old anymore.

No. No. It doesn't it doesn't exactly hit the same. It just felt tired. But, what a great night.

It was awesome. It was so fun. And our friend who, was in the play, he said that he spent the whole night just smiling in bed, which I think is funny. Couldn't stop smiling in bed. We had a text group, and one of our friends said, it was so awesome to see you all.

Warms my heart. I said, I know we couldn't stop smiling all the way home. And then our friend Fantastic. Couldn't stop smiling in bed. Which is what a way to fall asleep.

I like that. Like, I was just smiling. Happy. It's the best. It's the best.

No. It was really good to catch up with old friends. I like that a lot. Me too. So need more of that in my life, I found out.

Me too. Because that that was refreshing. It does. It's very nice. It does your soul good.

Doesn't it? Lots of laughs. To just giggle and reminisce? Yep. And Emery was with us, and she was like, your friends are hilarious.

We're like, we've been we've known these people a long time. We used to, like, hang out all the time. I mean, every every week, if not multiple times per week, we were hanging out with this group of people. So, it was really fun to to what if the whole group got back together? Would that be just chaos?

No. It'd be amazing. We need a reunion. A lot of us. Not all of us.

There were a lot of us. Oh, you That's what I'm saying. This past weekend. No. No.

I'm saying if all of us got back together, that'd be 20 some odd people plus spouses and kids. Like, it we need a big reunion. Yeah. We do. Be pretty fun.

That would be amazing. It's been it's been a lot of years. A lot of lives have, gone lots of different directions. Be cool to meet everybody again. Aw.

Aw. Friends. Yeah. Friend reunion. You gotta put that together.

That's planning, and now that sounds like work. And now I talk myself out of it. Everybody's schedule, and you gotta find a place to go that's gonna fit everybody. And what are you gonna eat? Yeah.

Never mind. It's too much work. We went to a pumpkin patch this weekend to pick out some pumpkins. We're gonna be having As you do. A carving thing, a carving party.

Carving party. Party. Pumpkin carving party. Yeah. So next weekend is the the big pumpkin carving costume, party.

Hoedown. Party. Partay. Pumpkin curving party. Yeah.

So you go to the pumpkin patch to pick out pumpkins. As we're perm curving party. As we're exiting to pay for our pumpkins Yeah. I see some corn Yeah. On the table.

Okay. Hold on. You go. They have, yeah, the different colored hard corn. You can't eat it?

What are you supposed to do with it? It's for decoration. Okay. As I pick some up to decorate with at home, I go, oh, I like these. I'm gonna get some of these.

Bec goes, why are you buying those? And I said, because they're cute. Because what are you supposed to do with them? That's what I'm asking. I said, you just put them on the table as a decoration.

And he says to me, I don't understand when you put rotting food on the table as decoration. Perfect. He and I are in agreement. Last night, I was getting ready to I was clearing the table. I had a bunch of stuff, and I was putting some things away.

I was clearing the table so we could have a nice dinner. Yeah. Everybody gathered around the table, which, by the way, it's been a minute since we've all sat around the table I know. Which was strange. I was like, what has happened?

Our like, we used to do this all the time, and now, like, we have older kids and schedules and things and just stuff. I know. And so we haven't all sat around the table and and had dinner, all 4 of us, in a minute. So I was like, this was great. Yeah.

It was so fantastic. And the corn, some of the husk sticking off of one of them is so big. Like, it can touch the whole width of the table almost. It's big. That's extreme.

It's pretty big. An exaggeration. And so I was I thought that you had just left them there and you had something planned for them. So I said, where do you where do you want these? And you grabbed them and put them back on the table.

Like, no. This is where they go. This is where they live. This is not it. This is not happening.

They're huge. I've done this every year. I've put corn on the table No. Not in the last couple of years, but, yes, I have before. Not like that.

Yes. I have. Not with the husks a plenty. What is happening with that one? It's a it's a serious thing.

About it. Yeah. You said taking up the whole table. You got 3 corns taking up the whole table. And you said, what are we gonna do with these?

Yeah. And I said, Leo, just give them to me. Where did you take them? Well, I put them on the piano for now and tell them where they'll go. Put them back on the table.

Yeah. Put them on the piano. I said, don't worry about it. I already have a plan to talk about this on the radio show because Beck told me that he didn't like rotting food on the table. True.

It's not it's not. It's different. It's not rotting. I mean, it is, kind of. But Yeah.

It's it's expired. You're not gonna eat it. No. There's like, it's it's just decoration. I understand, but it is just old corn.

It's the same with a pumpkin. Pumpkins are just sitting there rotting. Not on the table. Well, sometimes people put them on the table. I don't put my pumpkin on the table, but sometimes people do.

If you have many pumpkins, a lot of times people will put many pumpkins on the table. That's rotting food. But, also, that is not gonna take up the whole table. This corn's gone mad. Time out.

Fruit is essentially rotting. The second you pick it from the vine, it's begun its rotting process. So if you have a bowl of fruit on your table, that's rotting. Food on your table. You have quite a defense mechanism going on for this corn.

Yeah. It's 3 pieces of corn that you want just laying on the table like they just got set down. That's the that's the thing. It wasn't like they were placed with a bunch of other stuff or like, they're it's just 3 corns laying there. Because the table has become the workspace right now.

So it's covered in stuff, and so I haven't had a chance to properly display it. That's all. What is properly displayed for look like? Little arrangement. I just haven't had time to do that.

What's that gonna look like in your head? I don't know yet. Not just 3 corns laying on the table? Because I feel like it kinda there's 3 corns laying on the table. Get over it.

They were cheap. I it doesn't matter how much it costs. I I don't care about that. I never said, like, why are you wasting money on this? Not once did I go, that that was a bad purchase.

I just wanna know what, in your head, the vision of a finished table piece looks like that isn't just 3 corns laying there. Because so far, it's 3 corns laying there, wishing they were somewhere else. Couldn't I have been turned into cattle feed? Nope. I gotta lay on this woman's table until she throws me away all dusty.

That's what's happening. Rude. What? It's not rude. It'll be cute.

I'll make it look cute. 3 corns? Alright. I'm excited to see what you got up your sleeve. You're gonna be surprised.

I am. You're right. When Beck was probably about, I'll go, 8 or 9, 7, 8 or 10. Like, 3rd grade, 4th grade? Yeah.

Yeah. So that'd be, like, older than 8 or 9. Because I think you're, like, 8 and 2nd. It doesn't matter. He was younger.

He wanted to be a zombie for Halloween. And I said, everybody's gonna be a zombie. Let's make it cool. Let's do something different. And he was like, what?

And I said, I don't know. Let me think about it. And then I thought, wouldn't it be hilarious if we did a zombie costume? Right. A dead bee.

Yeah. Like like, make it look like, like an undead bee. Yeah. Like a zombie face Yeah. But then like a like a beat up bee Yes.

Body. Yes. Yeah. And I made a jacket. No.

I did. Somebody made a jacket. I made the jacket. There was a there was a jacket made. And it was cool.

I stitched I got a I got a black jacket, and I had sewn Yellow stripes. Some yellow stripes on there. I beat it up. I made it look dirty. We got him some antenna that was kind of disheveled and wobbly.

Right. We painted his face to look like a total zombie. Yeah. He looked cool. It was cool.

It was a really cool idea. The second Ian walked onto the bus, somebody said, were you supposed to be a dead butterfly? And then that was it. Costume was over. Yep.

And it was pretty cool. It was different. It was cool. And then I was thinking about it the other day going, Kyle, that was so mean of me. He just wanted to be a zombie.

And I was like, no. Let's make it cooler than that. And essentially forced him, not forced him, but yeah, kind of Reimagined it and then put put your put your own spin on it and did your own pun. Yes. Mom joked it up.

And then because he still needed a costume and we didn't have anything, It still would have been very easy to do a regular zombie, but we didn't. Instead, we turned him into a hobo. Oh, that's right. The Will trick for treats sign with the beard. Yeah.

I remember that. Yeah. That was pretty young. Was that the same Halloween? That was the same Halloween.

He he needed a Halloween costume, and we were like, I don't know what we're gonna do. You wanted to be a zombie, so let's turn you into a hobo. So I every every Halloween, I think about that, and I go, hey, bud. I'm really sorry that you're gonna need therapy because of your bad mother. Just didn't want you to be just what you wanted to be.

I know. Wanted you to be what I wanted you to be instead. And then this weekend, I was telling him apologizing for it, and then we started talking about scary stories to tell in the dark. An old book that I used to read to the kids that I loved as a kid. There were 3 parts, and they were very scary.

And then he said, I actually didn't like it when you read that book to me because it was scary. And I said, why didn't why didn't you ever tell me? And he said, you wouldn't have listened to me anyway. You didn't listen to me when I wanted to be a zombie. So yeah.

Ouch. Keep reading me scary stories, making me frightened about everything, and then, you know, forcing your costume idea. Maybe you should have been the zombie. I know. I really should have.

Happy about it. I should have. Man, here's the thing about being a parent. Right? You're just trying to do your best.

Trying to do my best. Everybody's just trying to do your best. You're just trying to, like, hey. This is cute and funny. And then they go to therapy anyway.

Like, my mom. Sorry, Bec. Oh, I'm sorry, Bec. There's your public apology. Official.

Can you you put it away now? Probably not. Alright. Every Halloween, I think about it and go, yeah. I really messed up that one, didn't I?

It's you've apologized. You've had a conversation about it. You know where everybody stands. I think we're all good. Character development.

Right? That's right. That's what it is. And then later on, like, if, you know, later on he's a parent, he's gonna go, I got a great idea for a costume. Wait a minute.

Or should I let the kid be a zombie? Just should I just let him be a zombie? No. Hey. Hey.

What's that noise? Oh, our streak my streak has ended. What does that mean? My Vikings were 5 and o, and I thought we were gonna carry on 5 and o. And it was a pretty good game against the Lions.

It was a very good game. We lost. You did. We did lose. Narrowly.

Like, there were only a couple of mistakes that were made in play calls that really, kinda handed them that victory. Not handed it. They earned it. They earned it. It was it was a tough it was a tough game to watch.

The lions are a pretty good team. I really like the lions, and I know I'm not supposed to because they're in my division. Right. I'm supposed to hate them, but I really like them as a team, and I really like their coach. So there is nobody that I'd rather lose to.

So both, you and the lions in division are both 5 and 1. They are in 1st in the division because they won that game, but then you lost. So they have a winning record and you have a losing record, both 5 and 1, which is a big deal. Pretty solid. Yeah.

Let's let's talk about what happened late game. No. We don't wanna talk about that at all. You don't wanna talk about the late game or the afternoon game? What was the late game?

Well, the late game was the Steelers game. Oh, I didn't watch that. Night, which, Steelers and Jets. Right? And turned out to be pretty boring football.

Several injuries. And then There were quite a few injuries. And and the the Jets did not win. No. And Aaron Rodgers was sad.

Oh. Because that's his that's his thing. He gets sad. Everybody gets sad when they lose. He he gets, like, physically sad and mopes about.

But then he had the Chiefs, 40 niners game, which was the Super Bowl rematch. Which is the only time I ever want the 40 niners to win. I see. It's when they're playing with Chiefs. Right?

Well, that didn't happen. They are now the only 6 and o team. I know. I know. I your your noise matched your eye roll.

Undeserved in my opinion. I don't feel like they're a 6 and o team. I don't I agree. I agree with you wholeheartedly. And I also am sick of this is gonna be a hot topic.

Oh, a hot topic or a hot take? Hot take. Oh, hot take. I'm kinda sick of everybody just talking about Mahomes and how amazing he is because quite honestly, since I've been watching football, I haven't seen him do anything that's any better than any of the other quarterbacks. Well, he leads the league in interceptions.

Yes. He does. Good at that. And, also Yeah. Those Chiefs were instigating some mighty fine things yesterday.

Right. And when the 40 niners would retaliate, they got hauled off the field or flagged, and I don't care for that. One guy got ejected from the game. The game even though he didn't throw the first punch, and I don't care for that. So geez.

And it was interesting. The commentators said, they always get the second guy, don't they? That is And I'm and I'm going, Isn't that interesting? You said the quiet thing out loud. Yeah.

It did. If you're a Chiefs fan, you gotta find a new team. That's that's not the team. That's not the team to be a fan of. Ew.

Yeah. Find a new team. There are how many others? There's 31 others. 31 other teams that you can pick.

Some really good teams. Jeez. Such as? The Vikings. Oh, okay.

The Lions. Yeah. The Dolphins. Now listen. The Dolphins have not been performing great this season, but they're still a pretty good team as in, like, a camaraderie.

Yeah. Yeah. They are. You got really angry. Other teams do we like?

The Bills are amazing. I like watching the Bills play. Pick a new team. Don't be a Chiefs fan. Chiefs have to have fans.

No. They shouldn't have any fans. Alright. They're a 6 and o team right now. Undeserved.

Alright. Undeserved. Such a hot take. It is a hot take. Thank you for sharing it.

You're welcome. We were out doing some shopping, some grocery shopping this weekend, and I said, oh, here's a bag of candy. We need a bag of candy. And immediately, Emery said, oh, not that one. That's got the grossest candy.

You don't get that one. Everyone will hate coming trick or treating to your house. I said, why? Because it has Tootsie Rolls in it and Dots. I said, alright.

I agree with you, London. That's free candy. Who cares? Like, they're you gross. Dots were a high traded commodity between my sister and I.

Ew. So Sorry that you don't know what good candy is. But Tootsie Rolls, everybody likes Tootsie Rolls. Gave the Tootsie Rolls to my mom. That's what Emery said.

Emery said it's an old person food. It's an old person food. Say my mom was an old person. You said that. But I did say that we gave the Tootsie Rolls to my mom because she loves Tootsie Rolls.

I'm calling myself an old person because I said I like Tootsie Rolls. What's wrong with Tootsie Rolls? Don't taste great. Emery called me old for liking Tootsie Rolls. So then I find another bag of candy that had gummy bears and some Airheads.

And licorice. And licorice. Yeah. And she said that was fine. Oh, she likes this one?

That candy is gonna be just fine. She approved of that candy. Because it's stuff she'd eat. Correct. So how much candy do we have left before Halloween?

We got 10 days. Am I buying another bag No. Between now and then? Nope. I noticed you poured some in the bucket.

Do we have some leftover in the bag? Yeah. Great news. I've got a quarter of the bag still full. So when that bucket runs out, which it shouldn't because I just filled the bucket because it's part of a Halloween decoration.

Uh-huh. So I needed to fill the bucket. Right. I don't even like that candy, so I'm not gonna eat it. The only thing I like in that bag is the licorice.

And then that's not even it's Twizzlers. And Delicious. Red Vines are much better than Twizzlers. You're wrong. You are You eat Tootsie Rolls.

What do you know? Everyone eats Tootsie Rolls. They're delicious. Not really. They're a little chocolate stub.

I don't want your chocolate stub. It's good. Well, I'm glad you got a, an Emery approved bag of Halloween candy. How much of it is she gonna eat? All of it, probably.

I know. And I think that's what her thing was was, we're gonna need something that I can eat the leftovers of when we don't get very many trick or treaters, and we have lots of leftovers. Well, she's going out. She's going trick or treating with her friends. So she's got a plan.

So it's probably just you and me hanging out at the house. So she won't be even be there. Okay. Well, I don't we don't get very many trick or treaters, though. So True state.

Are gonna have leftover candy, so somebody's gotta eat it. And the chocolate candy that I would have eaten is expensive, so I didn't buy any of that. What? Ferrero Rocher? What would you be giving that out?

Just like the Kit Kats and the those that bag was expensive. Yeah. I know. So I'm not buying that. Sorry, trick or treaters.

Have a licorice. We wanted to watch a movie this weekend as a family. You did not wanna watch a scary movie. I'm not a big guy on getting scared. Like, I, you know, I also don't wanna watch overly emotional movies.

Like, I'm not, like, gonna go, like, yes. Let's watch Marley and me. Can I please? Like, I'm not I I don't like the freak out feeling, and I'm not really big on intentional emotion. Okay.

Accidental emotion where I go, like, well, that caught me off guard. I like that. But if I know I'm walking into something that's gonna make me feel something, I'll avoid it. What's that called? Emotional, eversion?

Evasion. Evasion? What's the word? I don't know. I don't know.

There's gotta be a thing for that. Ignorance? No. I'm I know I have emotion. Okay.

I just avoid emotionally emotional avoidance. It might be that. I don't know. Anyway, go on. We've tried to find between the 4 of us, and I wanted us all to be together.

But you said if you watch a scary movie, I'm out. It there was a movie that we were thinking about watching. Around, it sounds like I'm gonna leave. I'm just gonna go do something else. Right.

You're not gonna be involved in the family watching movie. Right. So you're around, but it's not involved in the thing that we're doing together. So we couldn't decide what to what to watch, and I said, let's do a wheel generator. We'll all pick 3 movies, and then we'll choose we'll let the wheel decide for us.

The movies you picked, Young Frankenstein Great movie. Fantastic movie. Frankenweenie. That one was more of a joke, but but it made the list. And great pumpkin.

The Charlie Brown the great pumpkin. Come on. So he spun the wheel, and the great pumpkin from Charlie Brown won first. And we all went, Right? But then Beck was like, let's just watch it.

It's short. We can watch something else after it. It's like a 5 minute movie. Couldn't find it anywhere. I know.

Next spin, Young Frankenstein. Great movie. Such a good pick. Somebody knows good movies. Again, not streaming anywhere, so we couldn't watch that one.

You know what Beck picked? Scooby Doo. Yeah. The live action Scooby Doo with Matthew Lillard as Shaggy. Anaconda with Jennifer Lopez and Ice Cube.

Which I think he was more curious about. Like, that's a movie? That's an interesting lineup. Like a scary movie. Right.

And he was like, let's watch it. I was, no. That has terrible CGI. It's a jungle movie with a big snake. Terrible.

Aren't they on a boat? They're on a boat. Yeah. Through most of it, and the snake keeps bashing through the sides of the boat. Yeah.

Yeah. I've seen that. Yeah. It's bad. It's bad CGI even for the nineties.

I don't know. Maybe it was good. Maybe we should watch that one. I don't think we should. K.

I can't remember his other choice, but you won all three times. No. Just twice. Frank and Weenie never came up, and then we ended up watching some other scary movie. Oh, was it Blair Witch?

It was Blair Witch. Yeah. No. We all we all fell asleep. Except for Emery.

He sat there terrified. Terrified. At the end of that movie, they they all start yelling, Josh. He's one of the characters in the movie, if you haven't seen it. And I woke up to that.

Josh. And I'm like, what is going on? Tell us where you are, Josh. Which was very That's what I said. Frightening.

Josh. Like, echoing in the woods, and I'm like, what do you want? It's not a not a fun way to wake up. Would you rather this or that? Would you rather be a ghost or a mummy?

Would I rather be a ghost or a mummy? Yeah. Not as a costume, but for real life. For real life, probably a mummy. Why?

There's a lot more sleeping involved. As a ghost, you can sleep whenever you want. I suppose, but it seems like ghosts get up to nonsense. They're busy. Ghosts are busy.

Not always. Mummies are asleep until they're brought awake, and then the goal is to put them back asleep. So that feels like a more restful time than being a ghost, having to get about business and make people all spooky. I kinda wanna get about business. You do?

Yeah. Maybe a ghost. You wanna be about business? Yes. That checks out.

I feel like you're kinda one who'd wanna be about business. Yeah. Meanwhile, I'll be, like, sleeping. So don't bug me because I'll be mummy in it underground somewhere in a tomb with all of my organs in other cups. Yeah.

I guess. That's how it works. Right? I think so. I guess.

So, yeah, mummy for me. Ghost for me. It's would you rather this or that. Yo. What's up?

Well, we're just about to wrap up the show because, you know, it's a Monday. Because it's time. And I think we've talked plenty. I think so. And I just wanna remind you that we have a YouTube channel, so you can follow us, subscribe there on YouTube.

You can also listen to the show. It's available anywhere, on demand, anytime you wanna listen. It's the Wake Up Classy 97, the podcast. He's not lying, folks. He's not lying.

Nope. I'm not. It's for real. It is. You can listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, YouTube Music, wherever you listen to podcasts, you can listen to You'll find us there.

Wake up Classy 97, the podcast. And again, subscribe on YouTube. Check out our YouTube channel. We got videos on YouTube, and we're all over on socials as well, at classy 97klce facebook, Instagram, x threads, wherever. We're all over the place.

Thanks for listening. You can find us everywhere. Yep. Have a great Monday. Have a fantastic Monday.

Kick off this week. Tomorrow for more show. More fun. More craziness. We got more to talk about.

Believe it or not. Do you have more stuff written down from the weekend that we didn't get to? Yes. Holy smokes. Alright.

Let me tell you how much more I have. 1, 2, 3, 4. At least 10 more things. At least 10 more things. Oh, yeah.

Man, the next couple of days, you're gonna hear about our weekend. So Yeah. It's not necessarily an all week. I know. Just stuff.

Things. Things and stuff and ideas and things to talk about. Yep. At least 10 more. You got it, Pat.

Right. Alright. Well, that's great. We'll see you tomorrow. Bye.

Thanks for listening to wake up classy 97, the podcast. If you enjoy the show, please share, subscribe, and rate the podcast. Wake up classy 97 is hosted by Josh and Chantel Tielor and is a production of Riverbend Media Group. For more information or to contact the show, visit riverbendmediagroup.com.