The Paul Truesdell Podcast

Think About It - If you dare. WARNING: Listening in a closet is not safer.  Transcription Available. 

What is The Paul Truesdell Podcast?

The Paul Truesdell Podcast

Welcome to the Paul Truesdell Podcast. Two Pauls in a pod. Featuring Paul the Elder and Paul the Younger. So, what's the gig? Individually or collectively, Paul and Paul sit down and chat predominately at the Truesdell Professional Building and record frequently. They explain a few things about how life works before time gets away. They connect the dots and plot the knots, spots, and ops with a heavy dose of knocks, mocks, pots, rocks, socks, and mops. Confused? Then welcome aboard! You see, Paul the Elder and Paul the Younger enjoy telling complex stories that are always based on business, economics, and forecasting while having fun, laughing, and being among like-minded men, women, and children from Earth, Pluto, Jupiter, and Neptune. Individually and jointly, Paul the Elder and Paul the Younger, coupled with Team Truesdell, have been there and done it. If you enjoy front porch philosophers who take deep dives and connect the dots, while drinking coffee during the day and a whiskey after five, welcome.

It is a true pleasure to have you onboard.

This is, The Paul Truesdell Podcast.

Transcription by Otter - Not Edited
It is not politically correct to talk about green energy as a violation of basic human rights in third-world nations. That is exactly what many of these pious self-serving fanatical lemmings are promoting and doing. When it comes to the electrification of everything by way of batteries. I find it utterly disgusting. At the very same people who love avocado toasts, and who believe everything in the world should be driven by batteries could care less about the horrific mining conditions in third-world countries, exploited not only by the purchase of everything electric but by God-forsaken people who come from Russia, China, and other deaths pot ruled nations who use thuggery, brutality, bribery, violence, death and outright terrorism, to ensure that the poorest among us on this third rock from the sun, live, breathe and die in conditions you could call a living hell. You're listening to a special edition of the Paul Truesdell podcast. It is Saturday, June 17 2023 meme based environmentalism it's killing people in the world. There will be those who will say that I am making more needs to be made of something that conditions like that do not exist. But they do. Take for example, the avocado toast, the trend that ran the nation for a while, it did nothing but lining the pockets of drug dealers in Mexico who overwhelmingly control avocado production, and have nearly destroyed the avocado production in California and a few other locations in the United States. Never mind. One has to have that fancy avocado toast. And when told of the violence in Mexico, against the farmers, growers of avocados, by the cartels, it's lala la la la put your fingers in your ears. I don't want to hear such things. Because it violates my sensitivity. And if you violate my sensitivity, then you're the bad person because we should all just get along and things will work themselves out because I have to have my avocado toast you worthless piece of human tissue. Angry, yes, disgusted? Yes. And I stand by my thoughts because as an investment advisor, I track money. I track manufacturing and commerce. You go to the route of product development, and consumables like food, where does it come from? Who buys it? Who benefits and who pays a very serious price? All of this Sri and ESG crap Ola. And that's exactly what it is, is becoming really old to me. Because I truly believe in human rights. I truly believe that survival of the fittest is absolutely critical for the survival of the nation, the world for regions and cities and individuals, but there is no need to do things to make people suffer needlessly. Yes, I said needlessly. There are times when innocents will die in the course of a greater good war and its effects are oftentimes indiscriminate. But you do what you do to protect those who through no fault of their own are victims. But you are not, in my opinion, free from liability. When you buy electric vehicles. How do you think the energy was made? How much energy is lost in the transmission of that electricity over electric lines? In Do you know where lithium, cobalt and other rare earth minerals and materials come from? So many of these meme based intellectuals, carry on and talk about global warming, global cooling, global change, global whatever, and are carrying the water for those who are truly making money, just in time manufacturing, global production of everything. What did that get us when we had the COVID pandemic? Or was it a pandemic? There was a time when I watched a Seattle news reporter, chastise everyone on television, for calling it the Wuhan flu or Chinese flu, that there was no way that the Chinese government or our government ever manufactured COVID. And that to blame the Chinese was xenophobic, really, people in the world of journalism can get away with bloody murder, and ruin people's lives and not pay for it at all. But people are paying. It is amazing to me how over the years, various minority groups have called for boycotts. And people have buckled. But now you're seeing more and more buying trends by the majority in this country. And it is hurting companies. Budweiser What a joke. Target What a joke. A freak goes to the White House and exposes his her there whatever the name is, augmented chest implants that look like breasts in while there is outrage. It took a while for people to see if it was okay to be outraged at that the temperature of the lamestream news had to be calculated before we could say that's not right. Not only is it not right, it's pure unadulterated disgusting. And I find the rape, pillage and destruction of human beings and the land that we call Earth to be disgusting as well. A band of idiots decided to attack a building in Washington DC known as the Capitol. They're paying a real price for that. A President leaves office with Top Secret Records. And he's going to pay a price for that in while there are others who have done similar activities, they get a pass because it's always about who you know, who's connected to who, when you follow the money, and you follow the votes. It's always been that way to have shock and awe over such a statement is childish. But there is a growing sentiment out there. I see it and I don't call for it. I am an observer, a forecaster. And you can feel this total disgust for Biden, for Schumer for Pelosi, for McCarthy, for McConnell, for Trump for pence for all of them. People are sick and tired of Disney, NBC ABC, CBS. In fact, I'm sick and tired of Drudge in their manipulative headlines, bombastic headlines, and I know that more and more people are tuned out. They're doing what Timothy Leary said years ago, just drop out tune out and that's dangerous. Nation is isolated, while at the same times is engaged. We cannot be isolationist and we cannot be globalist. We have to be Americans. But if you say the word nationalist or nationalism, I believe in our nation and what it stands for. My god you might be caught wrapped up in a trial for sedition or treason. Oh, for crying out loud. If you fly an American flag in some communities, they're going to ask you to take that down because it's highly controversial. Facts and figures don't lie. Oh, it's true that liars use facts and figures and manipulate things. But one on one is two and two and two is four. It's always going to be that way. And I can tell you absolutely, unequivocally beyond the exclusion of every reasonable doubt. We track facts and figures here. People say the Russians are just fighting off those horrible Ukrainians really? Who attacked who, who invaded, whose country? And would you like to see the video that I have of Russian commanders chasing soldiers who are running from battle and executing them? What about the hundreds of 1000s of women who have been brutally raped, and have been deported from their homeland in Ukraine, and turned into sex slaves in Russia? About the hundreds of 1000s of Ukrainian children that have been removed? never be seen again? Where's the outrage? Where's the outrage over the drug cartels that grow avocado for avocado, eating freakazoids on toast, calling it the next greatest delicacy, but it's okay that we're putting money in the pocket of drug lords. It's okay to trade with China, which is the primary source of fentanyl killing men and women of all ages across this nation. Where's the outrage? Where we have Russian hackers? How do you explain conservative Republicans now embracing communism because their hero calls Putin a first class leader? How do you explain the state of Pennsylvania voting in a man who's basically brain dead as a US senator? How do you explain the residents of California allowing a woman who is quite literally on death's door and looks like she belongs in the movie Cryptkeeper part 37. And not to be outdone, the Republicans had a guy who was 100 years of age as a senator not that long ago. You see, right and wrong do not need to be legislated. It's as obvious as the nose on your face. And maybe you can't see it very well. But mirrors exist everywhere. Take the time to look in the mirror and judge for yourself. Are you leaving this planet? Any better off from the day you found it or did you take take and take more? Do you work? Are you good? Are you lazy? And a bum? Think about it. This was a special edition of the Paul Truesdell podcast. It is Saturday June 17 2023 main based environmentalism it's killing people in the world. To Paul Truesdell podcast to Paul's in a pod in its regular format. We'll return next week. Between then and now think for yourself and stop watching meme based news. Real stories are not pretty but they are reality.