Hey Padel enthusiasts welcome to Padel Smash Academy, I am Cesc and I am here with Julian and we're all about Padel! Whether you're new to the sport or an experienced player, you've come to the right place. Our goal is to provide you with the best tips & tricks, news, and weekly lessons to help you improve your game and take your Padel to the next level. So grab your Padel Racket and let's get started with all things Padel on Padel Smash Academy.
Hey, Cesc here, and today we have the
genus behind Play by Point, the preferred
platform for Padel clubs here in the U.
Uh, well, welcome back, uh, Andres.
Awesome, thank you for having me again.
Yeah, yeah, so how's your Padel, man?
Last time you said you were working
on your Padel, how's your Padel?
Still working on it.
Still working on it.
Hey, unfortunately, still the same.
And I still the same.
What's going on?
Are you choosing other racket
sports or Padel Padel?
Always Padel.
Yeah, that's a good thing.
So, okay.
Well, tell us, tell everybody
what's new in play by point.
So look, I think we were
here about a year ago.
Um, you know, what's new in play by point?
So I would say what's
new in Padel, right?
Since a year.
So a lot.
since then.
I think we've seen it go from a hobby
sport to a more professional organization.
Um, you're seeing the rise of,
you know, the PPL, um, the USPA
is putting more efforts and then a
lot of new clubs coming to market.
So that means a lot of new players.
Good for you.
Good for, for everyone in that case.
So we've been, you know, we've
been working hard and, and our.
Our mission and premise
stays the same, right?
We're here to help clubs owners to help
clubs and we're working day in, day out,
just making our product better, not only
for the player, but for the, for the club.
So for the people who, this is the
first time they've seen you here on
our show, why don't you explain a
little bit what play by point is?
So play by point, I like to describe
as an all in one management solution.
for racquet sports clubs, right?
We focus on Padel, pickleball,
and racquet sports in general.
So what we do is we provide your
club with all the tools you need
to operate and market to your
players, for sure, in that case.
And what does that mean?
We have a point of sale solution that
everything that happens on court,
whether it's your lesson management,
program management, reservations, um,
pro shop, memberships, you name it,
all can be handled through the system.
So think about what Square does for
restaurants or for a retail shop.
We do the same for the Padel Club.
Good analogy.
And then for the player, just to interrupt
there, for the player, um, as you
know, we have our consumer app, right?
That we have two products there.
One that can be white labeled
where the clubs can have their
own app that we build for them.
We brand to them and then they can also
access the clubs through play by point.
Where we give a one to one
experience to the player.
Rochelle, in that case.
I've seen that.
That's really, really, really smart.
It's been about a year.
Um, what are the features or what
are the, the new logic that, that
clubs are asking for that you
guys have accomplished already?
So I think, you know, in, it, it's been
a year, but it feels longer, right?
In that case, I'll start there.
And that's good because that means
there's a lot of progress being done.
The analogy or kind of what I usually
say is for the past eight years, right?
So we were founded in 2016.
We've been trying to figure
out how to run these clubs.
And that was kind of the first
phase of the market, right?
Seeing how we can actually build
people, operate efficiently.
I have a big saying that for club owners,
you're in the real estate business, right?
You're selling time and space and you
need to make sure that all that time
and space is being accounted for.
So our main objective in the past has
been to make sure that your operation
is completely taken care of from
lesson management, program management,
everyone that comes in the door is paid.
Your pro staff having commission rates,
everything that goes around the club.
And then in terms of features that
we're working on that we've launched,
um, look, we just launched our new.
So if you haven't updated the app, go
to the app store, update your version.
It's a completely redesigned of the app.
Um, we launched our official
matches, so now you can go in, um,
you can report your scores and, and
your rating will go up and down.
We've also, let's talk about that.
That's a big one because I've talked
to Julian about that and he was kind
of like huffing and puffing about
like, about what's going on and stuff.
And I think you guys did something
similar to Playtomic, uh, back in
the day where, you know, you, and you
can explain that a little bit more.
How does that work?
Yeah, so, look, we, look, we're
in a competitive industry.
Our, our ambitions are global and the,
as you mentioned, right, Playatomic
has done a great job in, in, in Europe
and, and other countries and kind of
fostering that rating system, right?
That's internal.
And, and really what it does, it
just creates more engagement and
more community, per se on that case.
So really what we set out to do was
prior people were using the NTRP, right?
Which was a legacy rating from tennis.
And we start to get a lot of input
from clubs, you know, they, they
wanted some sort of rating, right.
In that case.
And, and from a competitive
standpoint, as it is play by point,
you know, we need to compete with
the other platforms out there.
So, um, again, we built the
rating goals from one to seven.
And then it's, it's kind of for your
casual player, personally on that case.
It's just a rating to kind of set everyone
up from the day to day club player.
Not on the competitive, we don't intend
to go there, but it's just to kind
of have everyone on the level set.
And at the same time, it's a free tool.
And I think that's, what's important.
So, okay.
So I'm going to, I'm going to talk
about Julian's complaints here.
You know, um, I guess he was saying that.
Well, he liked the power of being able
to who's who's at what level, you know,
so now I guess he can't do that Yeah, and
then number two is all the ones he did
kind of got reverted to zero Let's just
say yeah, and then each person has to fill
out questionnaire Yeah, and then they get
start off with a certain level and at that
point Once you start playing, then it'll
just up or down depending on how honest
you were when you filled it out, right?
And that's pretty similar
to, as I remember, Platonic.
The other one is that he was, he
made a complaint that, that he can't,
um, put people in clinics because
they don't have the right rating.
So this person is going to clinic that's,
let's say, in an event, which he's not.
Or this person wants to go into this
clinic and he can't get into that one.
And So that was kind of the complaint,
you know, that, that he had and
I can kind of see that a little
bit But I think it takes time.
Yeah, right So it was if you're honest on
the questionnaire and that's the biggest
thing, you know, maybe 80 percent of
people are not Yeah, because I think 80
percent of people think they're better
than they really are And so maybe they're
not honest with it and they get a rating
of whatever six something, you know
But then eventually they play, right?
So once you start playing And, you
know, and you're playing for somebody,
let's say that's three or three
and a half thousand honest, and you
lose, that's gonna come down, right?
And vice versa, right?
So that's, that's the big thing.
Now, that takes time, right?
So that's something that's
gonna happen immediately.
So I think that was one of the Complaints
and concerns, I guess, that he had.
So, um, how did you,
how do you address that?
Or is it just a matter of just time?
Just waiting until that
eventually, you know, levels off?
No, so I think, first of all,
you have to do things at scale.
At the clubs.
I think the shift that's
happening in the U.
S., right, where before it was
the clubs that we knew, The
community was a lot tighter.
And now we have new players coming in.
And I think by you going through the pro,
it might create some barrier to entry.
And I, and we do list and
it is valid concern, right?
So that's why what we've set up,
this is a community tool, right?
So again, I don't expect
to have all the answers.
And that's why if we all work
together to seeing how we can address
these items, but we all need to go
towards the same path on that case.
Cause when you think about it, Um,
you're trying to keep the quality of
the clinic, which is valid, but at some
point, you got to trust the system, right?
And that trust is not given, it's earned.
So slowly And it takes time.
It takes time.
You want to build something, you
want to create something, you got
to first, you know, uh, uh, demolish
what you have and then start fresh.
And I get it, and I get it, and I, you
know, I'm the same page as you are.
Um, okay, so Uh, how about features?
What features are clubs asking for?
Again, I talked to Julian, you know, it
would be great if he was here because
he can ask you directly these questions,
but these are things that I hear because
we talk all the time and I think one,
he was hoping to have this feature that
he can, uh, uh, create a lesson with
his, with his, um, with his, uh, people,
players can create a lesson with the
coaches there without using a hyperlink.
It's like already embedded in there.
Are you getting a lot of that or is it
just that that club asking for that?
No, no So we're working on all that right?
So essentially what we're going
towards is the complete digitization
of the club Okay, right.
So everything that happens on a phone
call on that there's some friction
We're already working on kind of
removing those touch points Okay,
right and I think the and not only that
but also what we're seeing from a lot
of clubs Which I think is different
globally is You I go back to it, right?
In the past years, we were trying to
figure out how to run these clubs.
And now not only club owners, but
new club owners, new operators, we're
getting more, I want to say we're
getting more sophisticated, right?
What does that mean?
Then through the data that goes through
the booking system, the point of sale.
So, the clubs now should be
leveraging that data, right?
So, a lot of our efforts in the, in
the future and that we're working
on today is, okay, uh, Julian came
in today, it's his first class or
it's his first time at the club.
We should excel or the system
should give you the tools to
excel in that customer experience.
What does that mean?
Andres, welcome.
You know, your first time at the club,
let me show you how it is because one
thing we need to remember and this is
kind of my message to everyone is we need
to keep bringing people into the sport.
Because you know that as soon
as we give them a racket.
They're not going anywhere.
I think we can be confident.
Monetize the club.
Create different verticals.
So let's talk about that.
Um, creating different verticals.
I hear that all the time.
Creating communities, different verticals.
Are you guys focused on that too?
Because there's, you know, in the club,
you're seeing this more, there's more
like, okay, renting out the restaurant
or having your own restaurant, you
know, there's, you know, beers and
wines, you know, obviously there's
already a club shop, you know, um,
so there's different areas there
that they're looking to incorporate.
In verticals.
So the, the rentals of the, of
the, of the, what do you call it?
The, the courts, there's not as
much stress there and they can focus
on it and not make hasty decisions
because they have other, uh, you
know, revenues coming from different
vertebrates are, is your software work.
It was played by point working with
that to anticipate that in the next,
let's say three, four or five years,
because I think that's, Where it's going.
And I think, you know, the clubs
that are going to last and stick
out are, is going to be that.
I mean, I can tell you one,
there's, there's one, Doral
has a sports bar, has clubbing.
And that I think is exciting for Padel.
And I think that's what people
are going to, going to want.
And those clubs are, I
think are going to last.
So now that requires a lot more.
Uh, different, uh, software
development, you know, cause not
really now just, you know, the courts
now it's all these other different,
uh, you know, streams of revenue.
So that's champions in the row.
So shout out to them.
They're, they're in play by point as well.
And we're, we're supporting them.
Um, and no, I 100 percent agree, right?
So what I tell them the biggest
difference, at least in the US market,
and I try to, I'm not going to say
educate, but bring awareness is there's
a difference between building a court
and building a club and building a club
requires a much more holistic experience
that brings in all those components that
you mentioned, F& B, pro shop, community
events, renting out the space, right?
Play by points focus today.
is solely on the racket sports
management portion of it.
We do have a light pro shop where
you can manage your pro shop.
You can manage your light cafe.
Um, we are working on integrations
with established and professional
players in the FNB space, right?
So one thing that we don't intend
to do is compete with the toast.
They're going to do it way better.
Um, and it's a lot of detail, right?
So when you manage a restaurant
operation, again, I can go into detail.
It's tipping, kitchen ordering.
There's a bunch of stuff that will
deviate from our focus, right?
Our focus is to digitize the club
experience and give club owners all
the tools, reports, leverage to be able
to run at the most efficient manner.
And then also give the players.
All the tools to easily access these
clubs right through the best user
experience, through the best services.
And, and that's kind of
what our main focus is.
So I see the restaurant part is
where you're kind of scared and
you're like, Hey, let's just use a
different third party company because
it's a big project in itself, right?
Um, okay.
I get it.
I get it.
I mean, you want to stay focused on
Padel and that's your main thing, right?
Because if not, you
spread yourself too thin.
Then you sacrifice some of the, uh, you
know, the, the qualities in the panel.
Got it.
Got it.
All right.
So how about, um, last time we talked,
I think the ratio of, uh, play, um, play
by points income is through SAS, right.
Uh, versus, um, let's just say processing.
Is that the same, still the same?
Is your fee still the
same when it comes to.
That's the one that comes
to SAS and charging company.
I think you talked about minimum
200 and a maximum 800, depending on
features that has that still the same.
That's still the same.
So again, the only way we monetize
is through the club, right?
And that goes back to it where
we want to create opportunities.
And this we maintain with
that vision where the clubs
can monetize their user base.
So everything we do is to create tools.
So that they can further monetize.
And we're just, it's like, like Shopify.
So I see, I see.
I mean, and that's great that you do that.
I mean, I, I, I just, uh, I'm just,
I'm, uh, I'm happy that you're, you're
a, you do that and you're able to let
you, the club understand that because I
think some clubs don't understand that.
I think they immediately go with
something that is, The sass is very low.
Yeah, and they're really
losing their data.
Yeah, they're they're, you know, They're
the processing fees are very high I mean,
there's just a lot going on there and
they don't really see it until maybe later
on So I think there's all those two type
of models and you're at the other side
of that model And I think it's really
important for clubs to understand that Um
in and really assess that and study that
and decide which is best for you You know
i've always liked Working with, with,
you know, third party companies are very
transparent, you know what I'm saying?
And I guess I could tell you
that that that's your model
there, which is just great.
And one thing that we do as well
as we listen to their needs, right?
The industry is young.
Whoever tells you that they have the
formula to how you should be operating.
It doesn't know it.
Cause it's changing so fast.
Player behaviors are, are changing.
Um, we should be adapting.
So what we do is.
We listen to the clubs.
That's why we embrace that customer
support that we give her having
that direct communication because
our best ideas come from the club.
And we're any, you know, we
take customized solutions
requests from everyone.
Oh, so you're still doing that.
So that's how you're still
doing some custom work.
That's how at no cost or have you?
No, no.
And no, if it resonates with the
product and our vision and kind of what.
It's incredible because you know how much
work it is to create logic like that.
I mean, it's a lot of work, a lot of
time and a lot of money, you know, and
I see you invested a lot into this.
Um, and I think people see that.
That's why, that's why you're
very successful in this industry.
I think in the U S um, all
these marketplace dynamics
that you've seen play out.
In the emerging markets, you've
seen where the, that has gone from
a business model perspective, right?
A race to the bottom, it's been
over investment on player tools,
under investment on club tools.
And then at the end of the day,
it hurts the restaurant, right?
The, the clubs, right?
The same thing that
happened with restaurants.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Um, So, so, I mean, what's next
for, um, uh, Play by Point?
But what, what do you, I mean, in
the next couple of years, what,
what, I mean, what's, What's,
what's, what's the goal there?
So look, I think with the technology,
how it's evolving today, I think
there's so much things we can do.
So when you think about play by
point, it's not just, I go back to
not just a booking system, right.
And it's to serve the needs of the clubs.
Many things we're not doing today that
we're going to be doing in the future.
And I can talk to you about, yeah.
So look, there's tons of opportunities
in marketing automations.
What do I mean by that?
That we, right now, the demand is so high.
That we've been, you know,
club owners and us, right?
I'll put it that way, kind of lazy
in attracting that demand, right?
We're not doing our best effort to
really study the player profile.
Are we really taking them through
a journey that's gonna assure that
they don't churn out after six
months, after five months, right?
I haven't played in three months.
Why hasn't a club reached out to me
saying, Andres, there's a clinic.
Why don't you come back in?
So why don't they do that?
Because they're busy doing other things.
But I think through the software, we
can facilitate those interactions, make
incentives, make incentives to come back.
So I think that that's
where the industry is going.
And again, that's going to
expand our SAS space, right?
So look, if you want that product, we'll
create an upsell opportunity for it.
Then additionally, on the player side,
as you know, right, there's tons of
opportunities to bring them together
to eliminate that WhatsApp group.
To eliminate those, you know,
chats that are going on and kind
of bring it all within one plot.
I think the biggest thing still, and
since we've talked is, is a rating system
and I have to go back to Playtomic and,
you know, they've done what you've done.
And it's still not really that
accurate, you know what I'm saying?
Unless you're, you're really using it.
And you have a partner that's very
similar to you, you know what I'm saying,
because, you know, um, this sport is a
team sport, but your rating's individual.
So depending on your partner,
you know, it's gonna vary, right?
So if you're really a 3 and your
partner's really a 5, then you're
probably gonna be a 5, but you're
not really a 5, or vice versa.
You know, so, that's always
been the biggest thing.
I mean, that still is a problem
right now, rating, you know.
Give you an example, you know, last
week, you know, in the WhatsApp
group, they said, Hey, look,
we're looking for 5 plus player.
And I'm like, okay, uh, uh, I'll play.
They come, they come back.
Can you prove you're a 5 plus player?
I'm like, okay, here, here's
my verification thing.
And then, so, I went to it.
And you know, and they're
not a 5 plus player.
They're maybe a 3 and a half.
I mean, they just don't know
how to defend in the corners.
They don't have any aerial shots.
And like, this is still going on.
And you know, I don't mind.
I'm, I'm, I'm a nice guy.
And I'll play, you know, almost anybody.
But people get upset, you know, um,
and the person saying, Hey, look,
I'm sure he's got burnt before, or
I don't know what his thing is, or
maybe people just don't understand.
There's still not a solution for that.
And I've used Playtomic, you know,
when I went to Europe and what
it goes, it's, you know, they use
that there and, and to get games.
And I mean, I use it once or twice,
so it's not really used down here.
And it's still, you still
hear complaints, right?
There is no perfect system, right?
They, you hear complaints that
people lie on the questionnaire.
And I think, look, we have
a mentality of open source.
In this case, cause
it's not for us, right?
This is for the community.
I think we need to create tools and
features that compete with the best,
right, or compete with other platforms.
Um, but I think there needs, we
need to bring the Padel community
together and find mechanisms, right?
So just to give you an idea, so you can
have your initial rating, but what if.
We do, uh, I don't know, there
could be, uh, a match that
is verified by Julian, right?
So then you can reinforce those
ratings over time and you can give
them, I don't know, we can do badges.
We can do some sort of way that,
oh, Andres is really a 3 5?
Yes, right?
He has X amount of votes of confidence.
I don't know, right?
I think there's things that we can do.
I still, I still think, you
know, um, there should be a base.
And then from there it should go
to, you know, results on games.
Like, so for instance, you
know, again, there's 25 shots
of Padel plus another 10.
So if you can demonstrate, you know,
all those shots, then you're at
least a three or three and a half.
At that point, then you go ahead and
it's based on your, on your, what he
calls, because If you don't know those
shots, and then you're playing, you
know, above that, and somebody comes
in and they want to play Padel, right,
and you just don't know all the shots,
and yeah, you may win for some people,
but as soon as the person knows they
don't know these types of shots, they're
going to put it there, and that's how
they're going to win, because you're
not going to be able to get it back.
How do you do that?
It's an impossibility.
I have an idea.
Maybe the courts A lot of these
courts now are having video
cameras, you know, involved there.
So the other thing could be is
taking video of yourself, you know,
you want to now set up a, you know,
20 second video and play by point.
So people will see, okay, you're
this, but let me see how you play.
That shoots, tries to shoot
those 25 shots, your aerials,
your defending, stuff like that.
It's put together in a small
little 20 second video.
So now, okay, yeah, you're a five player.
Let me look at the video real quick.
Yeah, because you can tell when somebody
is, you know, plays just by watching the
rhythm, the timing, and then also seeing
their shots and you're like, okay, I
can play, but now if you don't see that,
then you, then you really say, okay, I'm
not going to pass on this, on this game,
you know, that could be a possibility.
Um, uh, associated with that, those,
that, that, you know, the rating system.
Um, because you're really just
trusting the person that he's
this, and even if you do ask them,
do you know your aerial shots?
Oh, they're gonna say, yeah, yeah, yeah,
yeah, yeah, you know, but hey, uh, you
know, showing instead of telling is,
is, is big, you know, but I don't know,
but that, that would require, you know,
those video cameras on some of these
courts, and some of them do have it,
you know, but not everybody does, you
know, yeah, but I think I can assure
you that the future looks like that.
So again, the, the base is there.
And you're starting to see more cameras.
You got that cool system that
they have in, in Ultra, yeah.
With the volley.
So the volley shows can
throw you some shots.
They can measure it.
So that's, that's a good idea.
So that's, so it it maybe play by
point can, can work with volley Mm-Hmm.
You know, and just say,
Hey look, this is the test.
These are the 25 shots.
Have it in there.
Have you done the volley test?
You go, you go in there
and you do the volley test.
And now you take the best
shots of, of the video.
And now you have it.
I think that's a great idea.
I think you should talk
to Vali about that.
It's a good collaboration.
So I think, look, I think that
problem is going to get solved,
but it needs to be solved.
It will be solved taking
the whole community into it.
Because you cannot, we don't pretend
to be, you know, the truth sayer.
So that's why we want to
hear input from everyone.
We want the coaches need to be involved.
The players need to be involved.
And it's always going to be.
a balance for sure in that case.
But I think with all these cameras,
look, with all the investment you're
getting into AI, um, all the specialized
chips with more cameras coming inside,
we will be able to do that, right?
So it's just a matter of time, right?
And there's been billions of
dollars invested in that right now.
The problem is the
processing that video, right?
It's expensive, right?
Unless you have a localized hardware.
At scale.
So I think that will
occur has to be automated.
It has to be automated.
So there are people already building
these analytic tools, um, into the camera.
So the camera just by itself
won't do anything, right.
It has to be automated.
But if you tell me in a year, you
know, once we made in a year, I'm sure.
There's going to be a winner emerge in
the camera category that will be able
to tell us all that because that's what
everybody want to do in order to get
into this and say, okay, yeah, yeah,
because people really want to know.
Yeah, I mean, people, they, they,
some people, I mean, they have no
idea, you know what I'm saying?
They have no idea.
Um, but and one thing
I'll just interrupt there.
One problem with the coaches verifying
them, and this is what I hear, you
know, the guys in Connecticut think
that I'm a 4 0, the guys in Miami
think I'm a But, but that will change.
That will change.
Like I said, because if you have
a volley, I see more volley,
um, uh, what do you call it, uh,
machines now more and more places.
That's awesome, yeah.
They have the video camera, they
can actually shoot all the 25 shots.
Mm hmm.
And they'll shoot him, let's say,
five times, and they'll take the
best one of that and do that.
And now they put that together.
And now, you could say whatever rating you
are, but nobody's gonna care about that.
People's gonna wanna watch that video.
Or you override it.
And then you watch that video,
and then you'll be like, Okay,
I wanna play with him or not.
You know, he could be a five and then,
you know, and he says it's three and
a half, but this guy's a good player.
I want to, I want to play
with him or vice versa.
Or you need to do a volley session
every month or every two months.
Well, that's how people improve.
People are like, I want to improve.
I want to get my rating.
Now you, you, you, that's,
that's where you start.
And, and you, maybe you don't even,
when you're playing, that does not
really work on your, um, uh, on your
level until you get those 25 shots.
So, so you're, let's say, a three or three
and a half until you get those shots.
Once you have it, then you are, let's
say, a minimum of three and a half, at
that point, it's just moving forward.
But everybody knows once you're
You're, you're, you're, uh, in the
algorithm of, of what you have.
Everybody knows there that
you know all the shots.
So you're actually playing
Padel on the court.
I gotcha, yeah.
You know, and I think that's the
biggest thing, because if Yeah.
You know, yeah, you could be
a four or four and a half and
win, you know, and that's great.
But maybe you're not really playing
Padel, you know, you're young,
you're running around very quickly.
And somebody that says, just wants to
play Padel is not going to enjoy that.
But now if this person knows, and it's
going to help them because that person
knows all the shots are even better
than a four and a half, the five,
you know, you know what I'm saying?
So something like that would be great.
I mean, I don't know
if I'm onto something.
No, no, I think you are.
But the most important thing
is that You need the community
and the club buy in, right?
To implement these things.
So that's why we put it in there
as kind of a neutral party.
We represent the club, but,
and as long as the club.
Is on board.
Cause forget about, forget about
that initial piece, but then imagine
like you can start building a program
that you can provide to players
on a progression chart, right?
So you go in, you, you take
the initial assessment.
I had that idea like three years
ago, but it's like, I couldn't, I
couldn't really, it was too much work,
but now this, this will make sense.
And then through the app, you can
start recommending, Hey, Okay.
Take this clinic.
Once you complete this
clinic, you go in here.
So again, there's tons
of things we can do.
Or you get the analytics.
The coaches see, Hey, 40 percent
of the people can't do the bandeja.
We're going to have a clinic
just for the one there.
Or let's just say, Okay.
You know, 50 percent of people can't
do a turn, 360 turn in the defending.
Okay, let's focus on that.
Yeah, and I think that's, I mean,
because when you go into a lesson or
a clinic, you do the basic same thing.
There's a difference, but it's not
focused on what your needs really
are to make you a better player.
And some of the lessons are there just to
hit the ball back so you can hit the ball.
But, um, I mean, so I think, I think
that's, I mean, I think that's, I think
you're, I think we're onto something.
And that's how we work with everyone.
Even with the software side.
And that's what I say, we got
to bring some format, right.
In an open discussion where we're
all working on this together.
Cause again, I can't do it alone.
I need the players inputs.
I need the coaches inputs.
We need the clubs input.
But then at the end, again, I go
back to it, we need to create the
perfect Padel club experience.
The perfect.
What does that mean?
Because right now, you know, as you know,
most of the slots are being taken by
people that already have their partners.
Um, it's very, it's, you know, you
can find people, but it's not as easy.
If I wanted to take a lesson, I
can only take it at noon, right?
If I wanted to take a clinic, you have
the morning clinics, which are awesome.
So that's, that is getting
better, but we need to create.
Come for the reservation then stay
for more because as you know, we
want everyone wants more Padel.
And we need to create those
journeys, those customer journeys.
100 percent experience, you know,
and going back to the, I'm going back
to, I'm getting excited about that.
You know, when it comes to the rating
thing, it takes, Everything off
the coaches now exactly because if
you're dealing with a volume machine
and you're getting that it's it's
automatically gonna create your score
You can't go more than that, right?
So now it takes it off all the coaches and
all the clubs They weren't really are not
doing that because it's very consistent.
Yeah, of course, and then there's politics
involved as well And then And favoritism.
Favoritism, I'm talking about, yeah.
So, if you're my friend, let me
give you a 4, let me make you a 4 0.
I know, I had to do
that for so many times.
So, so then, you know, it's like they
don't have to deal with any of that,
and then once you get a rating system,
then you have to deal with that.
So they're not really dealing with
that, they're just helping you here,
and then they can help try to get
you past that, you know what I'm
saying, which I think is great.
Um, man.
I think we came up with something here.
We gotta talk a little bit more
. We're excited about the growth
of the sport and we're excited.
We're excited because me primarily,
and, and in our company, you know,
eight years ago, seven years ago,
everyone thought we were crazy.
What Andreas, whatcha you doing
this little, you know, this,
this app that's just doing that.
And and we were convicted to our vision.
To the product.
Um, doing it when no one
believed that it was a viable.
That's right.
And, and I think that just
reaffirms not only for me, but
for entrepreneurs building clubs.
And I think that's kind
of what we represent.
We're not just a booking system.
We're your partner and
building a club is not easy.
And that's kind of the hidden truth.
And we can talk about
that, that no one gets.
They think you just put in chords.
I, I think building a club is
easy, but building a successful
club is a difficult one.
That too, that too.
Um, but also on building the club, you've
heard, I'm not gonna say horror stories,
but One, securing the real estate, you
know, it's, that's why whenever I talk
to, well, that's here in Miami for sure.
And every, and you're
seeing it everywhere.
You're seeing it across big
metropolitan cities as well.
Anywhere with the city.
Um, then you got.
Then you got the build out.
And then you're starting a business.
And most of these people
have never operated a club.
Educating, educating.
And you know, the people,
because they don't exactly,
they don't know what this is.
So then we come in and I like to joke.
I'm like, look, I play by point, we're
60 percent psychologists, 30, 30 percent
consultants and 10 percent software.
Because look at the end.
You know, for, you're
building a dream, right?
You're building a business, you're,
you're putting your, your money at risk.
So this is, we don't look at it
as, no, here's a booking system.
Bye bye.
We understand, you know,
I'm an entrepreneur.
I know what it takes.
We know what it takes to come in
here and put your skin on the, on
the line, put your money on the
line, work hard day in and day out.
And we're here to make sure that that
success happens at the club level.
Because why?
Because we're flexible, we listen to
you, um, and we built a flexible tool
with proven success in the past, right?
That's taken us many years, right?
So I always joke, if I had to
do this again, I wouldn't do it,
knowing what I know now, right?
Given all the learnings, you know,
I, I came back, I, when I started,
I think I said this in the previous.
When they told me, Hey, you know, managing
a racket sports club, that's easy.
We started building the software for it.
And there's so many intricate
details that go into operating.
a well run Right and there's and let me
tell you no software is perfect, right?
So there's still a lot of things of course
that you can keep doing of course, man.
I understand i'm in that industry as
well Man, it's constant constant war
concept pivoting constant changes
You know, minus these laws, you
know, compliance is all of that.
Oof, man.
And yours is always changes too.
New things coming up.
It's pretty incredible.
All right, man.
Andres, thanks for coming in again.
No, thank you for having me.
We are all things battle.