The Viktor Wilt Show

Weird things that we all do or experience that no one talks about, students in Utah being punished by being placed in padded rooms the size of a port-a-potty, giving away a Nintendo Switch bundle with Brent Gordon Law, are cats smarter than babies?, McDonald's E-coli burger, pizzeria in Germany selling cocaine, people in Idaho Falls upset at kids playing in piles of leaves, normal experiences stressing me out, giving away piles of gear from No Limit Guitar Company, get out and vote!, chatting about country music and Morgan Wallen's new song "Love Somebody", disasters that are very likely to happen that most people don't know about, talking country music with Peaches, the Nogathon in Ammon

What is The Viktor Wilt Show?

The Viktor Wilt Show daily recap! If you miss the show weekdays from 6A-10A MST, you've come to the right place.

There we go. You know, divided as your social media feed might seem, there are things that bring us all together. Maybe weird little things we all experience, but no one talks about. Figured I'd take a look through this list and see if, well, these are things that happen to me anyway and how weird they are. You know how some of these threads online go.

Sometimes you get very popular responses and you're like, well, it doesn't even answer the question, but we'll give it a shot. Alright. Weird things that we all experience or do but no one talks about. Let's see here. Witnessing a random person doing something really embarrassing to themself and actively choosing or doing our best to ignore it and moving on.

This is empathy. Yeah. I I guess. I I don't know if I'd consider that weird that we see somebody do something embarrassing, nor would I find it weird that we choose to ignore it. What are you gonna do?

Point and laugh? I guess some people would. Look at that idiot. Yeah. I I don't think most people would point and laugh, but I don't know.

Maybe I roll in friendly circles. Alright. How about accidentally spitting on someone while talking and acting like nothing happened? That is the worst, is it not? What do they call it?

Gleeking? You gleek on someone and just pretend nothing happens. Oh, that could be a really bad situation. You're at somebody's birthday party singing happy birthday, hanging over the cake, and you just spit all over it. Yeah.

I think everybody turns a blind eye, don't they? I hope he ain't packing disease. Jeez. Let's see. What else do we got here?

Disgustingly brutal intrusive thoughts. The ones that would shatter your world if it happened. I don't know if that's weird. I think it's part of having a, consciousness and kinda weird. Right?

Everybody talks to themselves in their heads. Right? Maybe. Maybe not. I know that it seems like I'm talking in talking to myself inside of my head all the time, and I watched a YouTube video the other day about separating that internal voice from your internal self.

We're getting all woah here right now. But for some reason, something about that clicked with me. And let's say you're prone to bad habits. You know? I feel like I need to go get some beer or whatever.

Something about recognizing that voice and going, oh, that's not really me. That's just the end of the the brain firing off thoughts. It is separate from the true me. I don't know. It makes it really easy to cast out that voice.

Yeah. I I wish I remembered where that video was. I'd probably share it with everybody. Probably gets into some kind of weird, dumb, hippie crap as it goes along. But that little part right at the beginning, I'm like, oh, okay.

Good. I got what I needed out of this video. Great way to cast out disgustingly brutal intrusive thoughts. Alright. Let's see here.

What other weird things do we all do? When hot in bed, we don't just throw the covers off. We stick a single leg out, but we don't just dangle it outside the covers. We wrap it around the blanket and clamp it back down. I suppose there is some truth to that.

Having a weird brief tone in one ear? Yeah. That happens. But I I have, continuous tones in both ears. So if if I've got a brief tone in one ear, it's very loud.

Very loud. The weird smell you get from your childhood but can never find or replicate if you wanted to. Mine reminds me of white school floors with little black dots all over. Every once in a while, I will smell something that reminds me of being a kid but, yeah, I I couldn't even pinpoint it like this where it reminds me of white school floors with black dots all over. It's just, like, what is this reminding me of?

Becomes more of a deja vu type moment. You know? Alright. When a random or embarrassing cringe memory floods the mind and the best you can do is try to blurt out some incoherent word sounds melody to distract yourself. I don't know.

I I just say roll through those. Embrace them. That would count as a brutal intrusive thought, I would say. Embarrassing and cringe memories are terrible. Oh, the worst.

I'm sure everybody does put up with that. I hope I didn't just drive embarrassing and cringe memories into your mind by mentioning them. It it happened to me. So that means it's time to shut her down. I'm sure teaching is a rough job.

Kids can be terrible, but I don't know about the way they're handling unruly students in South Jordan, Utah. Looking at some pictures here of some small gray padded rooms. And when I say small, I mean small. They're like porta potty sized padded rooms, and they call them things like seclusionary time out rooms, isolation boxes, quiet rooms, or calming rooms. Now these are padded rooms to put children in.

Jeez. And, apparently, these are all over Utah. Yeah. I again, kids can be pretty awful, but I don't know about sticking them in a tiny padded room in solitary confinement. How much have you read up on solitary confinement?

It's about one of the worst punishments you can give somebody. And you remember when you were a kid, how time just crept by? I miss that. I really do. I mean, it's great that the work day goes by fast as an adult, but the afternoons and weekends, they rocket by and it sucks.

So can you imagine being a kid and getting put into a quiet room for how long do they put people in there? Holy cow. Let's see. They limit seclusion to no more than 30 minutes at a time. 30 minutes as a kid, a half hour in a room with nothing that's as big as a porta potty.

I've told this story on air multiple times about how when I was in an elementary school, we were going on a field trip to somewhere or other. And I was talking in the hallway, and my teacher freaked out at me. And on the way to the bus, took me into the office and said I couldn't go. She was a mean lady, this teacher. I won't say her name.

So anyhow, the principal's office is like, yeah, you need to stay in the, supply closet. They had a little desk in there, and I think I might have had, like, one book to entertain myself. And I was in there all day, and it it was a long day, long day just by myself stuck in the supply room in the principal's office. And I told my mom about it afterward. And, you know, for a long time, my parents didn't believe me.

Like, they wouldn't just lock you in the supply closet. Like, they they did all day. Principal was a really mean woman, though. She was terrible. Terrible woman.

So, anyhow, I remember how bad that was. And there was stuff to look at. There was a window. You know? And, like, a book, it wasn't a padded tiny it it was a tiny room, but it wasn't this tiny.

I don't know. As for a solution for how to deal with unruly students, I have no suggestions, but this just doesn't seem like it. Alright. When left to your own thoughts as a child for a half hour, might make you go crazy. I would think this could lead to, further disciplinary problems because you're making these kids nuts.

I shouldn't be surprised. It's Utah. Oh, jeez. How how do some kids react to being stuck in the, quiet room? Banging against the walls, screaming, crying out for a loved one.

Jeez. That's horrible. Alright. I'm not even gonna get into the rest of this, article, but it does state no evidence that using restraint or seclusion is effective at addressing underlying behavioral issues. Yeah.

Well, we're in the day and age of, people just turning a blind eye to all kinds of evident evidence, so shouldn't be surprised. Everybody likes gaming. Right? I mean, everybody. Video games?

How could you not? I don't know. There there've gotta be some people out there that don't, but I don't get it. So as big fans of gaming here, we figured with the upcoming time change coming up and that extra hour you're gonna get at about, you know, 2 AM on Sunday, 1st weekend of November, What better to do with your time than play some video games? So we teamed up with Brent Gordon Law, hooking it up with a Nintendo Switch bundle with make the switch.

You wanna win a Nintendo Switch bundle from KayBear and Brent Gordon Law? Super easy. Sign up in the KayBear 101 or alt 101 apps. And if you're lucky, we will draw you as a winner. Hook you up with a Nintendo switch bundle just in time for the stupid time change that's coming our way way too soon.

So, yeah, if you're into gaming, might as well fire up the k Bear app or the alt app or even better both of them to up your odds, enter once in each, and then maybe I'll be giving you a call going, congrats. You get to game. You You get to play some switch. So, yeah, pretty much simple as that. Enter to win with make the switch with Brent Gordon Law in k Bear 101.

Is a cat smarter than your baby? Well, this one should make some people mad. Let's find out if cats are smarter than babies. Yeah. These folks, cognitive scientists at Azabu University set up 31 cats for a test designed for 14 month old humans.

So what they did is put each cat in front of a laptop, showed the animals 2 9 second animated cartoon images while broadcasting audio tracks of their owners saying a made up word 4 times. And then I guess they played these nonsense words while a growing and shrinking blue and white unicorn appeared on the screen, or things like a red faced cartoon sun grew and shrank. So the cats watched and heard these sequences until they got bored, which was signaled by a 50% drop in eye contact with the screen. Then later on, the images were switched up and paired with the wrong word, and the cats spent 33% more time looking at it, often dilating their pupils, indicating they were aware of the mismatch. And the cats apparently took less time and fewer repetitions to learn than 14 month old babies.

So I guess cats are smarter than babies. My statements over the years about babies being uneducated, Proven true. So, yeah, all those things your cat does, like knocking stuff off the table, they know what they're doing. They're not just, you know, doing kiddie things. They're being vindictive.

That's what they're doing. They're messing with you. Yeah. They they know when you're telling them, no. Stop that.

Don't do that. They they can tell. They just got an attitude problem. Trust me. I know.

I got 2 of them, each with their own types of attitude issues. Alright. What else do we have for? Freaking dudes. Be careful if you ate a quarter pounder recently.

I I don't think according to this article, anyhow, that Idaho has had any reports of illness from people eating quarter pounders with cheese, but, all of the states around us have. And what they believe led to the, E. Coli outbreak were the slivered onions on the quarter pounder. So makes me feel better about the fact that anytime I order a quarter pounder with cheese, I always order it with no onions. Slivered onions, beware.

I don't know. I I would imagine they're getting things under control now, but after that one time I had the norovirus, any type of food poisoning just sounds horrifying and terrible. Speaking of issues at restaurants over in Germany, apparently, the most popular pizza at, what was the name of this pizzeria? The article actually doesn't seem to say, but, anyway, it was the number 40, which was not a pizza. This was an item ordered on the side.

Apparently, this, pizzeria was slinging lots of different drugs, but number 40 would have been the, order of a side of cocaine. And I guess they just sell the number 40 to anybody because cops managed to bust the place just by rolling in and going, could I get a number 40? And then, no pizza. No pizza rolling out. So, yeah.

A lot of folks in trouble there. But, yeah, it was in Germany. It wasn't here. I'm sure we don't have any problems like that in the US. Right?

Yeah. Sure. Weird post here out of the Idaho Falls subreddit. Apparently, there are a lot of folks in Idaho Falls very protective of their piles of leaves that are out in the road. Now I don't recall this being a thing in Pocatello, but maybe it is.

During this season, you know, before winter hits, after all the leaves fall off the trees in Idaho falls, you can drag all your leaves out to the curb, and the street sweeper will come pick them up. The task I need to get on, like, ASAP. Ugh. I don't know why I can't get motivated to do chores. What's the deal?

Anyway, let's get to this post. The user said honest question because I think I'm missing something here. There's piles of leaves all over the roads in our neighborhood for the city to collect over the next week or 2. Our neighborhood is also full of kids. They walk to and from school, ride their bikes, blah blah blah.

They also like to play with the leaves that are left on the side of the road. These same leaves that get blown around, driven through, and otherwise dispersed over time. For some reason, we've had a few instances of grown men and women literally guarding the leaf piles in the road and actually yelling at kids for so much as touching them. I mean, completely losing their tempers. Help me understand why these piles of leaves in the gutters of public roads are so important.

Is there some ordinance I'm not aware of, or is it that big a deal for these piles to get slightly dispersed as I look out the window and see the wind doing its thing? I just can't imagine caring. Yeah. Me either. Jeez.

Okay. You know, you rake your lawn and you get a few leaves back in the archer. Tiny bit frustrating. It's not gonna be the end of the world. K?

Just wait for winter to be over. It'll be just fine. Let the kids play in the leaves. Again, wind. If you've got the leaves out there right now, the wind is always blowing around here.

Your leaf pile is going to get blown back into your yard a little bit at some point in the next couple weeks because I don't think they start leaf pickup till the 1st week of November, if I remember right. But, yeah. What what are people's problems here? I've I've never seen anybody losing their mind at kids for playing in the piles of leaves. Now if the leaves are on the concrete, kids jumping into piles of leaves could lead to an injury or something.

Maybe that's it. They're paranoid about kids being hurt. I would like to hope that's the justification behind this, but I don't think it is. I think it's don't mess up my pile of leaves. And, I mean, last year, I put some leaves out in the road, and then it snowed before leaf pickup.

That pile of leaves remained in my gutter under snow until the beginning of the spring season. And I'd get out there. I'd be trying to snow blow in front of my mailbox so the, you know, post office doesn't complain. And I'm just blasting leaves all over the place. You never know what's gonna happen.

So those leaves could very easily end up back on your lawn just from shoveling when winter hits if we end up getting some snow before leaf pickup happens. This year, I hope to drag all of the leaves out there. I I've got a lot of leaves in my backyard, and it'll be a gigantic pile of leaves out front. I hope it doesn't end up getting stuck under snow because it was so frustrating trying to shovel and I'm scooping up just, you know, thick layers of compressed leaves, and then I end up having to just make a big mess. It's terrible.

Winter sucks. Anyway, let the kids be kids. You know, let them have a little bit of fun. Alright? Still gotta get out and see that terrifier 3.

Oh, no. I'm so busy. Or no. I'm not so busy. I should be so busy.

I've got tons of yard work that needs done. My house is a mess, and I get home, deal with the cats, and inevitably, some kind of drama erupts every day, and maybe it's not like drama. It just seems like things that eat up my time. Like, what what happened in the last few days that was a little bit, aggravating? Okay.

If it comes to, paying bills, that tends to be an aggravation that eats up a lot of time. I hate paying bills. I'm sure everybody does. Unless you've got all the money in the world, you just don't care. Paid some bills yesterday.

I'm like, ugh. Just because it makes me mad because, you know, you just can't get ahead. Yeah. Radio ain't the business it was in the eighties, everybody. I mean I'm grateful we got a job I'm able to pay for my outrageous mortgage with the crazy interest rates that we're dealing with nowadays but yeah getting ahead no so I pay my bills I'm like go downstairs.

I'm like, oh, I'll let the cats outside. That'll be nice and fun for them. The kitten loves to go outside. Let's let her outside. Open the door, and she walks out, and there's this neighbor cat you may have heard me talk about before.

Yuri. That's what that's what we've decided to call this cat. All of a sudden out of nowhere, Yuri comes running up, And the kitten's never seen, at least since I got her, another cat aside from my own, Koopa. So she didn't seem super phased till Koopa came barreling out of the house at lightning speed and attacks Yuri. I think he was worried, you know, trying to take care of his little sister, Lucy.

He was being a good boy. But I have to break up a cat fight on my back deck. And if you've ever had to break up a cat fight, you know how stressful that can be because cats when they're in, feral mode, they can really mess you up. Thankfully, that did not happen, and I felt bad because I had to chase Yuri away. Like, git.

You get. I'm running after a cat. It jumps over the fence, and then both my cats are all freaked out, puffed up, worked up. And by that point, I'm like, alright. I guess I'm done with the evening.

I'm not gonna accomplish anything. I can't take this. And were these that big of a deal? Paying bills and breaking up a cat fight? No.

But I was, I don't know, feeling overwhelmed yesterday. And the day before that, it was just a a variety of other things that were eating up my time. Next thing I know, it's like it's 6 o'clock, and I get off work at 3, go to bed, try to go to bed 8:30. Nothing worse than just seemingly having no free time. And the the day to day just minutiae getting to you.

I know these are major first world problems. Oh, my neighbor talked to me for about 45 minutes. Not a big deal. Right? It's good to have friendly neighbors.

But it's like, oh, I I have things to do. I got places I need to be. I got some running around that has to get done. I just spent all my money on bills. I need to be sitting in front of my TV playing red dead yet again.

But I will say at the end of everything, when I do finally sit down as of late and just play red dead, yes, I've wasted many days of my life doing that. It's very soothing and relaxing. So I'm grateful grateful for Red Dead. You know, back in the day, I'd throw on Grand Theft Auto and just go on, you know, these, mayhem sprees. Now I just ride the digital horse.

It's very chill. Hey. Before we get to a creepy Halloween song, thanks to our friends at No Limit Guitar Company sponsoring our rock and Halloween this entire month. Let's talk about another thing No Limit Guitar Company is doing for you, hooking you up with a chance to win all kinds of awesome music gear. Holy cow.

You gotta get in on this drawing. We've got piles of prizes that we're gonna give away on Halloween day from No Limit Guitar Company in Idaho Falls and Pocatello. We got an awesome guitar and amp setup with an l t d guitar as well as a p r s amp. $1700 value. One grand prize winner gonna take that home.

But we've got a bunch of secondary prizes as well, like a Yamaha amp, a ukulele, a Fishman acoustic pickup. We've got a sweet guitar pedal and overdrive pedal. All kinds of great stuff. Thanks to our friends at No Limit. If you wanna get into win, super easy.

Sign up in the k Bear and all taps. And, also, if you happen to purchase anything at no limit during their 6 year anniversary sale, which is happening right now, you get an extra entry into that drawing. You've got till Halloween day to get in to win and I'm wishing you lots of luck. This is like one of those prize packages that I'm so jealous of. You know?

Even though I have a guitar and I have amps, you can always use more. Every guitar player knows that. So you might as well try to win some free stuff. Free awesome stuff from Kaibare and No Limit Guitar Company. Get in to win right now.

Alright. I said yesterday that I was going to beat this into your heads until it's over. You need to get out and vote. Yeah. Early voting has begun, at least in Bonneville County.

I would assume most areas of east Idaho. I haven't looked into, you know, Bannock County, Bingham County, etcetera because I don't live there, and I was just checking to see if I could go early vote. So get registered to vote. You can register at the polls in Idaho. Just bring your ID and some kind of proof of residency, like a utility bill or something like that, But get out and vote.

Lots of important initiatives locally, lots of important local races, and, of course, the big presidential race. You know, make your voice be heard. Don't let anybody tell you your vote doesn't matter. It's a bunch of bull crap. It does matter.

It's very important, especially in our local races. Alright? You can feel how you'd wanna feel about the electoral college and blah blah blah. But even with that, your votes is still very important. And, again, especially in these local races and the local initiatives that are going to be decided with the upcoming election, so might as well get it done early.

I would imagine that the lines are shorter for early voting than election day. And all you've gotta do is hit up your local election office. You could also go to, I believe it's Make sure you're registered. Find your polling place, blah blah blah.

But I'm gonna say it every day until the election. Get out and vote. Make your voice heard because let's see some record turnout. Voter turnout always sucks, and it's kind of mind boggling. You'll have a lot of people who are registered to vote and then don't vote.

You might as well. You might as well vote. Every vote is very important, so do it. Do it. I command you.

I think I just, you know, kind of brought my day down a notch. I decided I'd better make a YouTube video because I haven't made one in a bit. So I decided to do a reaction to the new song from Morgan Wallen. I don't know if you're familiar with Morgan Wallen. He's like the biggest superstar in the country music world, and it's kinda like how Taylor Swift is the biggest star in the pop world.

I just don't quite get it. They they make songs. They're they're okay. They're fine enough. But to be that insanely popular I'm just like, what what am I missing here?

You know, there's country music I can listen to and I go, alright. This is legit. We got something going on here. We got some quality songwriting. We've got some original sound, and everything that I hear from Morgan Wallen is just mid.

And that unsure makes a lot of country music fans mad, but that's just my personal taste. You know? I I just don't understand it. And the new song, I'm like, okay. Oh, it it it was a song, but I'm sure it's gonna be a massive hit song.

It's I don't know. I just don't get the really popular end of that world. And I guess it goes that way with pretty much any format of music. I could think about the biggest bands in rock. And most of the biggest bands in rock Well, maybe I shouldn't say that.

Maybe the biggest bands in modern rock. Maybe I am the old guy. Because a lot of them I'm like, yeah. They're all They're alright. You know?

They're not like terrible, but I'm not gonna turn them on in my spare time. You know? If I'm gonna throw on an album, it tends to end up being a little bit more underground. Or so I'd like to say because I do often enough throw on Tool, who's a big band. I love The Beatles, the biggest band of all time.

Sleep token, newer band, super huge. Love them. But some of the others, you know, I I just can't connect with it. It's very strange. I don't know.

I'll have that video up in a few if you wanna check it out on the kBear YouTube page. If you haven't followed us yet, you should. We're working on getting quality content up for your enjoyment. It's k Bear 1 zero one r m g, as in Riverbend Media Group. K Bear 1 zero one r m g on YouTube.

Please follow us. You know, subscribe. Watch the videos. Comment on them. Whatever.

Spread the word to your friends. And I don't know. The the video I'm gonna put up, I hope it doesn't make Morgan Wallen fans mad. Are they as, feisty as, like, k pop fans? Maybe I need to do a k pop video or a Taylor Swift video.

Has she put out a new video? I don't know. Do I wanna get the Swifties antagonist? Maybe. Probably not, though.

They're crazy. They're crazy. So, anyway, that's what I was up to the last few minutes, and I I should have picked something different because I was like, that did not enhance my day to listen to the new song from Morgan Wallen. But I can tell you one thing about the new song from Morgan Wallen. If you're into country music, you'll hear it on 105 The Hawk.

I put it in rotation yesterday, without even listening to it. Very rare that I would do that with a song, but it's like if Taylor Swift puts out a song. I just go, okay. Yeah. Everybody on that station's gonna like it.

Let's go ahead and put it out there. Alright. We got a caller. Hopefully, they're on topic. K Bear, you are live on the show.

Keep that in mind. Who's this? Hey, Victor. This is Jonathan. Jonathan, what's up, dude?

Hey. So I just heard your spiel about, Morgan Wong's new song, about your reaction to it. Okay? Yeah. So I can totally agree with that.

And this is just my opinion. I'm probably gonna send a lot of newer listener to country people, but, I don't think more small in his country. He has a lot of songs that I would definitely classify as pop. I mean, he has some songs that sound kind of, you know, just straight country to me, but, this new song, I as I mentioned in the reaction, like, I won't be surprised if we put that on z 103. So, you know.

Well, yeah. But that's that's another thing is, like, I don't hardly listen to the country radio anymore just because it's not country. Like, the only one that I've heard so far, at least out of the new artist, would be, like, Zac Brian or maybe some of Laney Wilson songs, at least, like, Heart Like A Truck. Like, I just I disagree with the new country artist. I don't think they're country.

I think it's more leaning in towards pop, which they could say, you know, the same thing for metal. Right? There's a lot of mixed, genres for metal. You know, you got, like, Ronnie Radke or Ice and Kills even, you know, stuff like that. It's I just I don't think it's country.

Morgan Wallen, when he first came out, I think it was, like, 2016. He had great songs. You know, they were really popular. And then he just got more into just pop. Yeah.

I disagree with it. Yeah. Well, it paid off for him. That's for sure. But, for sure.

Yeah. What's unfortunate about country radio is that, you know, there is a lot of very pop oriented, country music that's popular, but you mentioned Zach, Brian, I mean, 105, the hawk is like, literally. One of the only stations in the entire country that plays Zach Brian on country radio. And there's a, there's a bunch of other artists like, Tyler Childers and, Colter wall and oh, yeah. Sturgill Simpson and country radio gives zero love to any of these artists.

And I mean, those artists are big. Zach Bryan is as big as Morgan Wallen, and country radio still has not embraced him, which is wild to me. I don't understand it at all. Oh, I know. Well, like 105 the hawk, one of their, deals that it says on there is, like, if you wanna hear country music, like, you know, this artist, this artist, this artist, and it plays their like a snippet of their song, and it goes into Coulter Wall.

Tyler Childers, you know, Sergio Simpsons. It plays all those, but they don't play the artist. They're they're on they're on there, man. You know, guarantee I mean, I know he, especially like Zach Bryan. He gets beaten to death over on the Hawk, but there's Sturgill in the playlist and, Colter wall, all those artists you mentioned, I mean, country, you know, music in general is kind of dominated by.

A lot of the other stuff. And there's a lot more as far as really popular artists. There's a lot more in the mainstream, you know, kind of pop genre. So, you know, you've got a lot more artists that you're putting in the playlist than those few that are, kind of outside of the norm and extremely popular. But there's a, there's a lot of stuff on there.

You're not gonna hear anywhere else, man. But, if, if you listen during, Bobby Bones, it's a syndicated show in the morning and they're not gonna, they're not gonna play any of that stuff. So, you know, kicking off at like 10 AM is when the Hawk becomes the Hawkeye program. So That's true. Yeah.

That's fair. Which I can understand, you know, like, bunch people, you know, like, these artists, like, their songs right now, you know, like, Luke Combs, Jelly Roll, Morgan Wallen, you know, the new, I forgot her name, but like new female country artists. Like, they like their songs, which I get. I understand, you know. It's it goes with the time.

But why not play old or I would say underground country music. Right? Or at least underrated country artists that aren't admired as much. You know? Oh, yeah.

Dan Holterwald, Zach Brian, Tyler Childers, oh, what's his name? And, dude, if you're really into that kind of stuff, you know, we do have, 105 outlaw, which, you know, you can pick up if you have an HD radio in your vehicle, you can pick that up on the 105, the Hawk, signal it's channel 2, I believe. But if you get the app for 105 outlaw, it's all centric on that, you know, kind of underground, more gritty, country and, and even some, gritty Southern rock music and things like that. So I definitely recommend checking out 105 outlaw if that's your your flavor in country. Nice.

Well, I mean, country, right, would be if you go back to older times is I'm 23, so older times would be, you know, Hank, Johnny Cash, Hank senior, you know, all of them. Right? And then it just progressed over time into more, country pop or whatever you wanna call it. Country rap, country rock, like Hardy, which I do like Hardy. Yeah.

He's got a couple of he's got a couple really good songs. The one he did with Lainie Wilson, I thought was an an excellent song. I haven't heard that one yet. It called, like, get in the get in the truck? Is that what it's called?

Oh, I did hear that one. I I don't like it. I I thought it was pretty good, but I did watch the music video that goes along with it. And it just reminded me of an old school storytelling style country song. You know, it finds a girl in the road.

She's beat up, goes to the trailer, shoot the guy, go to jail. It was, you know, just kind of an old fashioned as far as the themes, goes. Yeah. But yet, Hardy definitely has a lot of very poppy, and like you said, sometimes hip hop feeling, tunes. So Yeah.

Which I do like. I think country songs nowadays should be more storytelling. Like, Get in the Truck or, there's another guy, I think it's like Josh Moore or something like that. Yeah. I I think there should be more storytelling, excuse me, storytelling songs.

Right? Like, it's it flows with everyday life, not just about breakups or what have you, you know, like a guy cheats on a girl or whatever. You know? I think it should be more into storytelling because it gets the listener interested in the song and it makes them follow through instead of just listening to the song. Oh, totally agree though.

You know? Yeah. Like, you know, Coulter Walls, Kate McKinnon, Kate McKinnon. Oh, my favorite song ever. It's a great song.

Great tune. And, yeah, unfortunately, I mean, I do see things in the country music world kind of, veering in the direction of a more traditional sound, especially with artists like Zac Brian blowing up. But as with everything in radio, radio is always a few years behind. So, you know, you probably give it another 2 years, and they'll start pounding all these artists that we were talking about right now. Yeah.

But, you know, it's like in the rock world. I mean, nobody in rock is playing ice 9 kills. You know? It it's it's really sad. I don't understand it.

You know, bring me the horizon doesn't get any any love either. Bad omens had to, you know, it blow up so huge. I mean, we were playing them for years before radio jumped on board. So it's radio's a strange world, man, for sure. Oh, yeah.

For sure. Well, appreciate the the call today, man. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I'll I stay listening.

Well, thank you, man. I appreciate it. And I hope you have a great rest of the week. Awesome. You too.

Thank you. Right on peace, man. Peace. Alright. Caller, thank you for being so patient.

Who's this? Victor, good morning. It's the redneck. What's up, dude? Well, I was gonna say, let's just throw some people into a tailspin and do a little bit of bulk and get some Cory Marks on there with Solaire and I let my country rock.

Well, we, actually put that song into rotation. There was enough of a popular or enough of a positive response. It was like 5050. People either loved it or hated it. And, I like to put songs like that in rotation.

You know, it, it's not about my personal taste, what we play on this station. You know, if, if half the listeners are digging that, you know, I I wanna make sure everybody's getting to hear stuff they like to hear. So you'll you'll be hearing that song, man. It's it's in. I appreciate it.

Well, like, he's got another good one that he did with Ivan Moody called, out, the outwalls and outsiders. Yep. And we we played that one for quite a while. That one's still on the hawk as well. And, I know Justin played, make my country rock on the hawk yesterday.

So, lot, lots of love for Corey marks over there. He's a really nice guy. So, yeah. Yeah. He's he's great.

Alrighty. I appreciate it, Victor. Thank you. Have yourself a good day. You too, man.

Peace. We got Halloween approaching. Let's talk about something scary. Yeah. Disasters.

You know, I like a good natural disaster story. Well, how about disasters that are very likely to happen, but not many people know about them? This sounds like a blast to me. Alright. We're keeping it lighthearted and fun.

Let's begin with a major fissure eruption in southeast Iceland. Since the north settlement there have been 2, the Elja eruption and the Lekker eruption of 17/83. I don't know if I said those right. I probably didn't. Right?

They say, although Elje was larger, the massive Lekker eruption is better documented. It created local devastation, crop failures, poisoned grazing animals, and people. Half of the farm animals and 20% of Icelanders died. Things got so bad that the Danish government consist considered evacuating the entire island. So they're saying that the Lockheed plume of sulfur dioxide spread across the northern hemisphere in the UK, it killed tens of thousands of people.

Elsewhere, crop failures, poisonous fogs. The climate went berserk with a series of bitterly cold winters that caused the Mississippi to freeze in New Orleans and the ice flows in the and ice flows in the Gulf of New the Gulf of Mexico. Sorry. Rains in the Nile Valley. Monsoons in India and China failed leading to famine.

Total death cult toll in the 18th century, anything up to 1,000,000 people. Wow. Century, anything up to 1,000,000 people. Wow. That's fun, Fun.

Yeah. A major fissure erupting eruption in Southeast Iceland. I hadn't heard about that one, have you? No. Had not heard about that potential disaster.

We all hear about Yellowstone, you know, San Andreas. Nothing about fissures in Iceland. Alright. A powerful earthquake along the New Madrid fault in Missouri. Yeah.

I definitely don't think about the Midwest as being a place where you may experience a catastrophic earthquake. But, people in the comments, yeah, my first thought as well. Only learned about it growing up in Illinois because I took a geology course in college. Midwest isn't super known for earthquakes, and if it happens, it'll probably be exceedingly bad. Not like they build houses to be quake resistant usually.

That's the problem with some of these earthquakes. Like, if you live in a brick house, you know, the 3 little pigs, he built his house out of bricks. Maybe it was concrete. I don't know. No.

I think you're better off with a house made of wood. You know? Maybe not if you're dealing with, well, is brick better in the case of a, like, hurricane, tornado? I don't know. But you start shaking something around.

Bricks just crumble. Alright. What other terrible disasters that are very likely to happen that people don't know about do we got on the list here? The ocean fisheries will collapse. Yesterday's trash species are today's featured catch of the day.

Will be tomorrow's memory. Harvesting is occurring at unsustainable rates while environmental degradation is steadily reducing habitat and forage ranges. For many people in developed nations, fish is one option among many for protein. For most people in developing nations, it is the cheapest and most accessible option. When it's gone, there will be catastrophic, sociopolitical, and economic upheaval.

Save the fish. I hadn't heard about that. I mean, maybe a little bit. What else do we got here? Oh, this one's one of my favorites.

The Cascadia subduction zone off the coast of the Pacific Northwest will rip again. Now I've talked about this before. This is gonna cause major devastation to most of the West Coast of the United States when it happens. Like, the worst earthquake imaginable, they call them megathrust earthquakes. See, I'm not even reading the, the post here.

I've watched a lot of videos about this. So you'll get, like, top of the Richter scale earthquake that shakes for 5 minutes, and it's gonna go from, like, Northern California all the way up to Vancouver, Canada. And, after 5 minutes of shaking, then the tsunami hits the West Coast and places like Seaside, Oregon, they're just gone. Yeah. I've I've read before that, like, anything west of interstate 5, which is pretty far inland, gonna be seriously messed up, especially if the entire fault rips.

So, I actually texted my daughter in, Washington the other day. I was like, hey. I know I told you about this a while back, but since this could happen at any time, are you and your roommates prepared for a potential earthquake? You need to get an earthquake preparedness kit going on. I sent her a bunch of links.

She's like, okay, dad. I will. She better. Serious business. Terrifying if you actually look into this thing and it happens about every 300 years.

I wanna say the last time that it, it you know, that the, quake happened was the year 1700. It's technically overdue and it's very regular as far as how often it happens and it's just building and building getting ready to snap. Yeah. You know people who live on the West Coast? People who live in, like, Portland or Seattle?

That earthquake's gonna shake Portland and Seattle like nothing else. Alright? Brick buildings crumbling to the ground. Major devastation. Hey.

Yeah. Go on. Settle down. I'm not trying to, you know, bum your day out here. It's just a little bit of, hey.

What could go wrong in the world might make you feel better about your day? You know, everybody all worked up about things like the election and things like that. None of that matters when you're in the middle of a 5 minute, again, top of the Richter scale earthquake that's liquefying the ground in places like Seattle. Certainly, your stupid Facebook argument ceased to matter. Mhmm.

Wow. What else do we have here as far as, serious disasters very likely to happen? An often overlooked disaster is the rapid decline of insects, especially pollinators like bees. Although bee extinction is not immediate, it could have a significant impact on global food resources, ecosystems, and biodiversity. Have you ever tried to grow anything in a garden?

I I I had to learn a lot when I was trying to grow a few things. It's like, oh, you gotta plant a bunch of flowers to try to bring the bees in. Yeah. These things don't just grow when you water them. Give them some sunshine.

No. They they gotta be pollinated. Gonna get some tomato plants with no tomatoes on them. It's lame. Yeah.

Look at this plant. Isn't it beautiful? Where is the where's the fruit, bro? Come on. So, yeah.

We we need to save the bees. I and it's funny. I saw a post online the other day about how especially in the, East Coast, and this is something, my lady pointed out to me one time. Back there, you used to drive anywhere and your windshield would just be splattered with bugs. It's not really that way anymore, which is kinda strange.

Kinda strange. Kinda freaky. Anyway, there you go. I hope I brighten up your day with some natural disaster talk. You're welcome.

What's up, peaches? Oh, nothing much. Fell asleep pretty early last night. My allergies have been kicking my butt. You know when sinuses kinda, like, swell up?

They Oh, yeah. Feel like you got beat up? Mhmm. That was me. Well, the very first thing that happened to me when I got COVID was sinus pain in my face, peaches.

Not everything is COVID. Stay back. Stay back. No. I should have antibodies after that brutalization.

But, yeah. Have you tried a Zyrtec? I took some allergy medication yesterday. I feel a lot better after taking that. So Good.

Yeah. Good. Yeah. It's just happens. This time of year when everything starts dying outside Oh, yeah.

Catch up a lot of weird stuff. A lot of pollen. Mhmm. Yeah. I've I've been taking allergy pills every day because I've I've noticed a little brutalization going on.

So yeah. Other than that, anything new in your world? I'll be interviewing, somebody from Sleep Theory later today. Oh, cool. That should be pretty fun.

All I've done content wise was listen to a new song from country superstar, Morgan Wallen. I'm posting the video on our, Facebook page right now for anybody who wants to hear that, mid song. Mid. Mid. It's pretty mid as the kids would say.

Pretty mid. But I don't know if I've ever been blown away by a Morgan Wallen song. I talked about this a little bit earlier. They're all the same. Well, he I wouldn't say all his songs are the same, but they're just I don't know.

Not not my cup of tea if I'm really wanting to listen to country music. I throw on, you know, Sturgill or Billy Strings, something like that. Walter Wall. Cool. The most boring times.

The most boring dude in country music. You know, his newer stuff that's very, like, fifties country sounding. I I don't know. I can't go into that. Type of stuff.

The the the old fifties sound where it's, like, almost, like, jumpy. I like his older stuff that sounded like, you know, just Johnny Cash rip off stuff. That that those are better. Way better. Coulter Wall.

You know, Johnny Cash is another artist that he has some songs that I think are really good, but then a lot of his stuff I'm not into, you know. I I'm not super into country music to begin with, so We need them. Hard for me to find stuff that I'm I'm gonna really dig. I think probably Tyler Childers and Billy Strings are the best best of the bunch. Post Malone?

No. Not Post Malone. Post Malone teams up very well with Morgan Wallen. Though Post Malone is another artist that, I guess I have heard some songs from him that are pretty decent. What I wish he would do though is just go full fledged rock or metal because did you ever see the video of him at his house playing a full set of Nirvana songs?

I've seen Post actually, like, do screams on stage. Yeah. And I think he could totally kill it in the rock and metal world. But if you wanna make money right now, you put out country music. He knows what he's doing.

Yeah. Yeah. Clearly. Because, some of the biggest stars in the world right now are people like Morgan Wallen, Zac Brian. Might as well jump in the mix.

Post Malone came out of the gate, did a song with Morgan Wallen. It was massive. You know? And I don't think it was a very good song myself. But, you know, most of the things that are really popular, I don't understand.

To go. You know, like Taylor Swift. I just I I don't understand why she's so popular. Her songs are okay. They're mid.

The song that, Post Malone put out on his latest album with Jelly Roll called losers, that's pretty fun. I don't I haven't listened to that one. I listened to the one he did with, Morgan Wallen and then the one he did with, I think, Luke Combs. He did a song with basically every country artist. Did he do one with Johnny Parton and also Reba?

Maybe. I I don't know because he did a song with so many different people on that album that I can't remember them all. But, you know, Post Malone's a guy I'd like to meet. I think he'd be fun to hang out with. Seems like he'd be a really nice guy.

Anybody who knows Post down in Salt Lake, tell him to come hang out on The Rock Station. We'll have a good time. Anyway, that's what I've been up to. I'm looking at the watching country music videos. I'm looking at the album here.

Tim McGraw, Hank Williams junior, Morgan Wallen, Blake Shelton, Dolly Brad Paisley, Luke Combs, Lainie Wilson, Jelly Walt Jelly Roll, Ernest, Sierra Farrell, Luke Combs, Chris Stapleton, Hardy, and Billy Strings. So, yeah, just about everybody. I'll have to check out the one he did with, Billy Strings because Billy Strings is great. You know, he's a a bluegrass player, but I mean, the guy a lot of bluegrass players, like, really shred. Oh, yeah.

But, I think Billy Strings, he's another guy I'd like to talk to sometime. He's gotta listen to stuff like Opeth because there's a few songs he's put out that are very in that, progressive metal realm. You find out he's a huge fan of Buried Alive? Maybe. I mean, he came out and ripped a solo with Tool in Salt Lake, so he's he's gotta be into metal somewhat.

But I'm not gonna chuck any Billy Strings on air, listeners. Don't worry. Don't even though if I've with all the times I've tortured listeners with country music, I could probably once in a while torture them with some good country music. I mean I always go with the worst. You did play Olivia Rodrigo for a little while there.

Yeah. You had, Which that was fine. Like, you had me play that Cory Marks song that's very country sounding. I put it in rotation too. Okay.

Yep. Corey Mark's very, he was very happy on Twitter. He Yeah. Replied to us and He's very nice dude. He's good.

Yeah. And, you know, with the listener feedback on songs, if half the listeners like it and half the listeners hate it, that's like the perfect song to put on air because people are gonna get mad or they're gonna get excited. And both of those result in them calling us and being like, thank you or what's wrong with you guys? I hate your guts. Why are you playing this?

And I like the the interaction. It's what it's all about. So Well, I got another one of those songs coming your way this, evening now. Yeah. I forget the name of the artist.

Spit Cup Ryan Jessie. Yeah. And this one's supposed to be like a rock song. I haven't listened to it. A rock song with the southern edge, not a country song that they turn the guitars up a little bit louder on, which happens often, like with, Hardy, Jelly Roll, etcetera.

This one's supposed to be a southern rock song. See, we could've added Shaboozy. No. No. We couldn't have That one was being pushed to rock radio.

Yeah. I but that didn't rock in any way. Not at all. No. But then I mean, we it's on z 103 and hawk.

I mean, to me, I don't know why they consider it a country song. It's a straight pop song. Listening to the x over in Boise, all they played was Tim Montana Savage, Jelly Roll Liar. Mhmm. They played that what I got song from Sublime, which I immediately turned the station off to.

What I got? Yeah. It's your favorite, Pete. Just close. It's terrible.

But, yeah, Jelly Roll, Liar, didn't seem like a good fit. Tim Montana didn't have numbers that I was looking for. You know? If it's an up and coming artist and it's a really good song, you know, might go for it. But I wasn't blown away by Tim Montana.

So no. Good enough songs. We play some of his stuff on the hawk as well. The one guy that I was, like, noticing people were freaking out about that I just, for some reason, cannot stand, the Jaris Johnson guy. Yeah.

He's All other stuff is just just terrible. He put out some songs that I thought were pretty decent, some stuff that, you know. I mean, nothing that's blown my mind. Right. You know, I've never been like, wow, that's, you know, amazing.

People are, like, going nuts about this guy. Some people really love him, you know. Everybody's taste very different. So, you Morgan Wallen fans, you can check out my reaction to his new song Love Somebody on our Facebook page here in just a minute. I'm almost done uploading it.

Hang on. Call me up. We do it live. We don't monkey around. We're not one of these radio shows prerecording, making it all flawless.

That is clear if you listen to this show daily. Certainly, packed with flubs, packed with content that may or may not even be, you know, compelling whatsoever. But I do my best, people. I do my best. Okay?

Anybody else out there talking about the Nogathon? Maybe. I just saw this on East Idaho News. This sounds like a dreadful event for me anyhow. Alright.

What is the nogathon? They hold this in Ammon every year. This year, it's gonna be Saturday, November 9th, 2 PM at MacOwen Park. Here's what you do. You run a quarter mile, then you chug 8 ounces of eggnog.

Then you run another quarter mile, 8 more ounces of eggnog. Another quarter mile, 8 ounces of eggnog. And a final quarter mile, 8 ounces of eggnog. That's 32 ounces of eggnog and a mile of running. I guess Puke A Thon just, you know, didn't have the same ring as Nog A Thon.

Do people vomit at this? Because if there's a lot of puking, I kind of want to get out on location. Not take part in the event myself, but just film it because people throwing up eggnog sounds pretty funny to me. Now puking is not funny to everybody. Some people, it triggers the urge to vomit in them as well.

And eggnog, you know, 32 ounces is quite a bit of fluid. And if it all comes up at once, that's a lot of nog puke. Nog puke. Puke nog? I don't know.

I'm trying to come up with good local band names. I do like to toss those out as often as I can. But, anyway, if you're into running and pounding down eggnog, this might be an event for you. You can register for $15. And, there's no, like, winners or anything like that, but you do get a shirt and a swag bag full full of goodies.

And then you use this the bag that the goodies came in as, you know, your your ground sickness bag. It's not an airsick bag. It's just, you know, in the park. So got the bag to vomit in, a fresh t shirt to put on after you puke all over yourself. I bet it is pretty fun.

And, if you wanna register, just, go to let's see here. Oh, that's a long link. Okay. What I would do is go to East Idaho News, click on the article, and then click on the the link there that'll take you to the, City of Ammon website where you can register for the nogathon. That is a lot of eggnog.

I've never puked up eggnog, but it doesn't sound fun. Maybe it is though. Sometimes, you know, vomiting is very satisfying. Makes you feel a lot better. So, well, maybe you'll see me there.

Thank you again for tuning in to the Victor Wilt show. This program's a production of river. This program's a production of river. Why can't I say that? God, I'd like to say river bend media group, river bend media group.

This program's a production of river. God, this program's a, this program's a production of river bend media group to contact the show or for more information, hit us up at river