Video podcasting has grown immensely over the past 12-18 months, and represents one of the best opportunities for brands and businesses to market themselves in 2024.  It's a great way to increase authority and differentiate yourself, create a system for networking and lead generation, establishes a content "factory" for your business, and opens up or increases existing revenue channels.

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The official podcast of Shoemaker Films. Every week we share content related to digital marketing, video production, and brand building; and frequently meet with local creatives, entrepreneurs, and business owners for in-depth conversations. Get to know local heavy hitters and influencers in the Greater Philadelphia region while picking up some tactical advice and tips on starting and running a business, being productive, creating content, and everything in between.

Dane Shoemaker:

Hi. This is Dane Shoemaker with Shoemaker Films. We're a greater Philadelphia based video production company, and we help businesses grow through video. One of the biggest opportunities right now for brands and businesses of all shapes and sizes is to start a podcast. Now podcasts can come in many shapes and sizes.

Dane Shoemaker:

Right? Traditionally, we think about podcasts as being audio only, something you might listen to while you're in your car or while you're, you know, cleaning your house, something like that. Video podcasting has really gotten popular over the last 12 to 18 months. It's relatively simple, not easy, but simple to set up a camera, you know, buy a mic like this, and really just start sharing knowledge, you know, building up your authority, building up your thought leadership around your brand, talking about, maybe some products that you sell, the services that you offer, maybe an opportunity to bring guests on to a podcast like clients, maybe partners, things like that. Really just a great way.

Dane Shoemaker:

I mean, there's multiple benefits. We'll go through them today. But you know, getting regular content out there, not only on the podcasting platforms that you might think about, but things like YouTube. Right? We think about a YouTube channel, a podcast.

Dane Shoemaker:

Those things are kind of merging right now as well. You can also take a lot of the content that you produce, so a long form podcast episode, cut that up into, you know, different form factors for social media and things like that. We'll talk about that. In general, in terms of Internet marketing trends, you know, obviously, short form video is very popular with the rise of TikTok and Instagram and Facebook reels, you know, YouTube shorts. Obviously, short form video is very popular and and it's a great way to grow on social media.

Dane Shoemaker:

Really, in in a lot of ways, the only way to grow on social media. However, long form video is actually becoming more popular. I mean, I would say overall watch time on the Internet for video is growing. The way we consume video is growing. The demand for it is growing as well.

Dane Shoemaker:

And how you build audiences has to be done through video going into 2024. Right? So but you kind of have this dual trajectory of rise of short form, but you're also seeing watch times for long form. So YouTube videos, you know, used to be 3 minutes, 5 minutes back, you know, 5, 10 years ago. Now we're seeing, you know, 8, 9, 10 minute long average watch times across YouTube.

Dane Shoemaker:

So the opportunity for better quality content is there. A lot of people think that attention spans for people are going down. I think people's, you know, sort of let's call it the bullshit meter, is getting better. Right? If if something's not interesting or it's not quality or it's not adding value, they're likely to move on.

Dane Shoemaker:

But if there's something that's really compelling and engaging, maybe they like the personality of the person on camera, that's going to keep people engaged and hooked and hopefully get, you know, a couple items that they can take away from that. So let's talk about the main reasons. We have four reasons why you should start a podcast in 2024. The first reason is building your brand online, right? So, in the modern day marketing world, you really need to be in front of people, whether that's in person or online.

Dane Shoemaker:

Most of people, most consumers are doing their research online. And, you know, you're really gonna be building a personal brand where you're getting in front of people online, sharing knowledge, sharing information about your company, about your skills, about your services that you offer. It's gonna build trust. Right? By by starting a podcast, you're really enhancing the visibility that you have for your, you know, your target audience.

Dane Shoemaker:

So whether you're a realtor maybe that's trying to, share knowledge about your your market. Right? Or, maybe you're, you know, in the medical world and you're sharing information about processes and procedures or medical therapies, things like that, that's really gonna build trust and build up your authority as someone in your industry that knows what they're talking about. Right? It's a great way to differentiate yourself as well, right, from your competition.

Dane Shoemaker:

People are going online, they're doing research, They're doing research about products, about services, about your industry. Right? So imagine if someone went online, they're looking for best insurance brokers in my town. Right? And all of a sudden, you're an insurance brokerage firm or an agent, you have a YouTube channel, they're gonna start watching you, they're gonna start trusting you.

Dane Shoemaker:

And that may be the differentiator between picking somebody who has a YouTube channel or a podcast and someone that doesn't. So building your brand through online video, through a podcast, through a YouTube channel is a no brainer. You enhance your visibility, you increase your authority on a particular topic, as well as differentiate yourself from your competition. The next benefit we look at is networking, right? So, couple different factors with that, right?

Dane Shoemaker:

So, in 2024, we are actually going to be starting our own podcast. This is going to be a series where we sit down and interview local businesses in the Greater Philadelphia area, and mainly in our town to start in Newtown Square, and then we'll branch out from there along the main line and then in Philly proper. So, this is an opportunity really to, a, really just network. Get to know people in the area, right? Sit down, learn about their business, showcase what we're about, right?

Dane Shoemaker:

Actually filming and recording and producing podcasts, right? In a sort of a low risk environment. You're talking, you're sharing ideas, and then you're creating content. Right? You're getting this information out.

Dane Shoemaker:

We'll have the long form episode on our YouTube channel, as well as all the podcasting platforms. But then you'll also, you know, we'll be able to chop this up and send it out on on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, etcetera. And that's something that's of a value to someone who's coming on and and and talking to us. Right? So, you know, imagine going to a networking event.

Dane Shoemaker:

So we we go to a lot of networking events. We're on we're on business associations and chambers of commerce and things like that in the area. You can go to a networking event, and it's a very easy conversation to say, hey, we actually have a podcast. You can, you know, it's free to come on. You know, we'll have a 20 minute conversation.

Dane Shoemaker:

We're going to record the whole thing. We'll give you the video after we're done. And then it's a great way to promote your business. I mean, who's going to say no to that, right? So this is something that, if you're a business thinking about your own podcast or YouTube channel, great way to bring people into your orbit, get people aware of what you're offering, right, in terms of services or products, and, you know, a great way to connect with people in your area and your target audience.

Dane Shoemaker:

Right? Kind of the next reason why your business should start a podcast is the it's a it's a high leverage marketing activity. Right? So think about what you do from a marketing and advertising perspective today. You can start a podcast, it's maybe 4 to 5 hours of your time per month.

Dane Shoemaker:

Shoemaker Films, we actually offer this service for clients. Right? So we can come into your business for 4 hours a month, produce 4 episodes for a month. So if you're doing a weekly episode, we'll come in there for 4 hours, we'll film 4 episodes. If you wanna just do a biweekly show, we can do that.

Dane Shoemaker:

So every 2 weeks, we'll come in for 2 hours. Right? So we work around your schedule, but you set aside 2 to 4 hours per month. We'll come in, we'll record 4 episodes, and then we have the long form episode, right? So a 30 to 45 minute video or 15 to 25, whatever that ends up being, we can chop that up into 20 to 30 short form videos that get pushed out to LinkedIn, Facebook, TikTok, Instagram.

Dane Shoemaker:

We can also work up, you know, carousels and graphic posts, things like that. So you you now have kind of this model where you have a weekly theme or a biweekly theme or however long, you know, how many episodes you wanna put out there. And then you can and it's it's just a great model for distributing a lot a lot of content and not spending a lot of time. And it becomes a really a massive way to put out lots of quality content that builds your brand, builds, you know, builds your authority. Again, going back to that first point.

Dane Shoemaker:

So, high leverage opportunity for marketing for your business. The last area is really just around driving revenue. Right? So this kind of covers the gamut, you know, a couple different areas. So promoting your existing services.

Dane Shoemaker:

Right? So you can go on your, you know, your podcast once a week, talk about your products and services, maybe talk about your industry, market updates, you know, topics related to your niche, right, every week. That's gonna drive traffic to your website. That's gonna ultimately lead to more sales. Right?

Dane Shoemaker:

Interested buyers, interested potential clients, Your target audience is tuning in every week. Starting a podcast or a YouTube channel also opens up new revenue channels. Right? So a lot of your top podcasters have sponsorships. Right?

Dane Shoemaker:

They have brands, you know, knocking on their door, being asked to, you know, showcase their product on on camera, you know, have a 30 second, you know, spot where they're talking about it, you know, things like that. Maybe there's, you know, this this, you know, this episode sponsored by, you know, Squarespace or something like that you see a lot of. Right? Or better help or, you know, you see a lot of those those same influencers or content creators promoting the same stuff. But, I mean, that that that adds up.

Dane Shoemaker:

And if that's part of your business model, that's that's a viable option. Right? You know, so again, sponsorships, you can sell ad space to to local businesses. So if you're a podcast that's that's talking about things local in your market, you could sell 30 second ads, right? We're a video production company and we could even produce ads for people to be on our podcast or other podcasts, right?

Dane Shoemaker:

So these are all different options that you can do. You can also sell memberships. So Patreon, if you're familiar with that, is a is a big tool. It's, you know, hey, $5 a month, $10 a month, whatever it is. So if you start, you know, gaining a following, you know, through your podcast or your YouTube channel, or on social media, in combination with social media, you can now start selling maybe a Patreon.

Dane Shoemaker:

Hey, $5 a month, you can get, a little bit more, you know, content behind what we're talking about on the podcast. Maybe we go a little bit deeper. Maybe there's live coaching or 1 on 1. Maybe there's a private community or a Facebook group or something like that where you can basically add value to the audience that you're building through your podcast and charge a nominal fee for that. Right?

Dane Shoemaker:

There's also I mentioned coaching. There's also courses. Right? So if you're now doing a weekly episode on whatever your target is, whatever your topic, your niche is, you can actually build out a library of, again, additional content that's adding value. So, digital courses you can sell, maybe it's a monthly fee similar to the memberships or it's a, you know, one time, you know, bundle of content that you can sell through courses and ongoing education and things like that.

Dane Shoemaker:

So, yeah, the the the opportunities are unlimited with podcasts. So, you know, it also boosts, you know, SEO, you know, it just increases your, you know, your, you know, presence online through regular syndicated content on YouTube, on the podcasting platforms, on social media. Right? Really being a higher leveraged marketing opportunity for your business. So, you know, that's it.

Dane Shoemaker:

So building your brand, networking, creating lots of content, and driving more revenue. So if those things sound good to you, you know, as a business owner, as an entrepreneur, as a marketing leader for your business, consider a podcast for your brand in 2024. So, if you have questions or if you're interested in learning how we can we can help you do this, Shoemaker Films produces podcasts. We work with clients all the time to do this. We come into your business, once a month or twice a month, depending on what you wanna do.

Dane Shoemaker:

We can help you put out content. We'll upload it for you. We'll manage all the the episodes and the the thumbnails and everything for you, do all the short form content. So, get in touch with us if you're interested in that and thanks for watching.