Flip the Script with Vic

Today is a special episode as we celebrate the podcast's first anniversary. Reflecting on an incredible year, we'll dive into some personal stories, like my transformative trip to Colorado last summer and the journey of balancing family, spirituality, and entrepreneurship.

The main focus of today's episode, though, is something close to my heart—parenting through spiritual modalities. We'll explore tools like astrology, human design, and the Akashic records to better understand our children and support them as conscious parents.

Whether you're familiar with these practices or new to them, I hope this episode serves as a fascinating, informative guide.

**Key Takeaways:**
- Astrology for Parenting: Understanding your child's natal chart can reveal their unique traits—like their rising sign for life approach, Mercury for thought processes, and Venus for love language—helping you support their individuality and growth.

- Human Design Insights: Knowing your child's human design type can guide you in fostering their natural inclinations and needs, whether they're a generator with abundant energy or a projector requiring more rest.

- Akashic Records for Clarity: This spiritual tool offers profound insights by answering questions about your loved ones' soul paths, enhancing empathy and support within your family dynamic.

Share your fave takeaways from the episode on Instagram with me (@victoriamargauxnielsen) and tag someone who needs to hear!

Click here to book an Akashic Records session with Victoria.

Join The Portal Collective, Victoria's new on-demand kundalini and breathwork membership to help you access your highest self with a daily meditation practice for $22/mo.

Applications are now open for the 2nd Annual Return to You Retreat from May 2-7, 2025 in El Sargento, Mexico. Apply now!

IG: @flipthescriptwithvic
IG: @victoriamargauxnielsen
TikTok: @victoriamargauxnielsen
email: victoriamargauxnielsen@gmail.com

Cover art: @house.of.morgan

What is Flip the Script with Vic?

Welcome to Flip the Script with Vic, your weekly pep talk to expand and shift your perspective. I’m your host, Victoria Nielsen. Together, we’ll unwind all the things you thought you knew, and awaken to what’s truly possible when you flip the script on your reality and take control of your own life.

Speaker A [00:00:00]:
Hello, loves. Welcome to another episode of flip the script with Vic. I'm your host, Victoria Nielsen. How are you guys? I cannot believe the podcast is officially a year old. Like, that blows my mind. Actually, it might be another week, but still, whatever. The month of June, to me, is like the birth of the podcast. So to see that a whole year has gone by, like, just absolutely insane to me, considering all the things that have happened over that time.

Speaker A [00:00:34]:
I've been thinking a lot about my trip to Colorado last summer during the month of June. No, I guess it was the first week of July that we went, but it was the first time that I brought my mic to record for the podcast. I was really deep in, like, my 1st 40 day Korea for Kundalini, which means you do the same meditation every day for 40 days. We were traveling with the whole family, so I had my mom, my mom, mother in law, my husband and the kids. And I also held a women's circle in Denver. And it was really cool because it was the first time that I could see where things could end up for me as a full time entrepreneur, being able to make my own schedule and create the life that I want. I, you know, we were on a family vacation, but I was still taking time for my spiritual practices and habits. I was still taking care of myself and my energy, and.

Speaker A [00:01:27]:
And I was hosting things for other people. I was, you know, meeting new folks in the area that I was in. And it was such a dream come true. And then to go hike a 14,000 foot mountain with my husband, my first one, he loves to hike mountains and has climbed a lot of 14 ers, and I never really wanted to do one, but I felt called last summer because I felt like I was going to bring something down from the mountain with me. And at the time, I didn't know what it was, but looking back, I feel like it was more confidence and more trust in myself and in my voice and in what I had to say as a spiritual entrepreneur, but also as a multidimensional human. And it was the first time that I actually planned out the entire return to you retreat. I wrote it all down after meditation one morning, like, the entire schedule. And it's funny because there was different facilitators that were originally supposed to come, who I still love dearly, and it just didn't work, scheduling wise.

Speaker A [00:02:31]:
And now I know why. It was meant to be, Daphne, because we had such a beautiful experience together and such an activation of our souls and a remembrance of the star attachments we have to each other and the contracts that we have made in lifetimes together. So everything worked out the way it was supposed to for a reason. And what else happened over this last year? I. Yeah, did the rest of those women's circles that were in honor of my book, find your way home, moving through miscarriage, poems and practices to reclaim your light after loss? And I officially kind of, well, not even kind of. I did split from my very first business and business partner. We split amicably. But spirit Mamas was kind of no more as of last year, which was huge to kind of put that down for a little bit.

Speaker A [00:03:28]:
And I'm figuring out what I'm doing with it moving forward because there's still a shop aspect. I have oracle cards and my books and, you know, some other things that can be sold through that brand, but wanting to reinvibe it right with, like, my own energy and not the joint energy that was really beautiful and served its purpose. I mean, that was my baby in the sense that, like, when I first came out of the spiritual closet, first had an awakening as a mom, spirit mamas was what was birthed through me because I was having such an awakening and such an experience, and I knew I couldn't be the only one. And I really wanted to help moms navigate that. And that is still very much a part of who I am, that piece of myself that is a mom that wants to help other moms. Navigating this landscape. And so that's why today's episode, I'm really excited to talk about some of the spiritual modalities and tools that I have used to better understand my children and to help me as a conscious mother. And some of them might be kind of like no da to you, which, amazing.

Speaker A [00:04:39]:
Hopefully, this is maybe just a reminder that you have these tools that you can use to better understand your children and what they're moving through. Maybe this is a new modality that you have never even heard of or interested in diving in deeper. So I really just want this episode to be informational and exploratory because I find information fascinating. I am a knowledge seeker. I'm a spiritual seeker. If there is a quiz to be taken online to better understand myself, I will take it. So if any of you listening are like that, we are so alike in that sense, because I just. I want to understand who I am and why I'm here.

Speaker A [00:05:20]:
And so that thirst for knowledge has expanded, of course, to my kids and to help me better understand them. I have looked up their natal charts in astrology, literally like, the hour after Rocky was born, I looked up his human design because I really wanted to know that. And I'm sure there's others out there. You know, I could probably get them to, you know, take some other type of quiz to see. But astrology and human design and the Akashic records have been, like, my three modalities that have helped me better understand my kids. And so I'll start with the first one that, again, is kind of obvious. But looking up their natal birth chart and then better understanding, like, what it means for them, you know? So your rising sign is, like, how your kids are gonna move through life, and their mercury is how they think, how they process, how they connect to their own nervous systems. Their mars is how they use physical energy.

Speaker A [00:06:26]:
So, like, their anger, their willpower. And then, of course, you have, like, your sun sign, right? It's like the light of their spirit and how they're gonna shine in the world and how they're gonna be, like, their individual beautiful selves. And then wherever Venus is in their chart is how they give and receive love. And so this isn't just for our kids. This is also for us. And I will say I learned all of this from Danielle Page. She's an amazing astrologer. I am not an astrologer, but I have looked up what all of this means for my kids.

Speaker A [00:06:57]:
And then, obviously, I know my own chart really well, but it's helped because all of our children are different, and my two are completely different. Energy, even just in, like, when they were born. My oldest was born around the winter solstice. He's a winter baby, and my youngest was born around the summer solstice. His birthday is actually coming up this month. And so they are polar opposites in so many ways that I, especially after Rocky was born, just wanted to better understand how to support them because Sebastian was having a really hard time, and he still does, if I'm being completely honest. He is very jealous and just doesn't like that he has a little brother. He has moments of being really, really, really sweet to him.

Speaker A [00:07:42]:
So I know there's light at the end of the tunnel, but I heard this from the Akashic records after Rocky was born, and so that was really comforting to me. And actually, I just got, like, another message passed from Daphne letting me know that, like, the boys are okay because it's been that tumultuous with them. But using the Akashic records, which is just a tool of healing and empowerment, it's an energetic frequency that contains all of the energy, things that have happened can happen and will happen. It's like the great big library in the sky that has so much knowledge. You cannot open the record of anyone under the age of 18 because there are too many karmic implications for that. But you can open your own record and ask about other people. So I've opened my own record and asked about Rocky and about Sebastian and even my husband to just see how I can better help and relate to them. And so that will give you the knowledge that you need in the moment.

Speaker A [00:08:41]:
So I needed to know in the moment that, you know, they were going to have a hard time adjusting. So that's been some really good knowledge that just helped me feel more supported to know that, you know, this is kind of divinely guided from the stars. Not even kind of is divinely guided. And so I have to let it play out. And it says nothing about me as a mom that they don't necessarily always get along. And, you know, I've also seen how they are individually, like I said, based on their astrology. So Rocky, for example, has an Aries moon. So he gets pissed, and he gets pissed quickly, but it fizzles out just as quickly.

Speaker A [00:09:21]:
So he's not one to hold a grudge. Like, he will forget ten minutes later that he was even mad at you. So, honestly, when he and Sebastian go at it, I have to remind myself of that, of, like, he's gonna get pissed in the moment, but then he'll be the first one to go back and play with Sebastian. So either he's a glutton for punishment or his moon in Aries helps him, you know, move through things quickly. And Sebastian is a double capricorn. So he has a Capricorn moon and he has a capricorn sun. This explains so much about him and his tendencies for order. And, excuse me, he is.

Speaker A [00:10:02]:
I try to not call him bossy, and I like to say that he is showing his leadership skills or he has leadership tendencies because he's very particular about how he wants things, how he wants his friends to play with him, like what he wants to do. And that is indicative of a double capricorn through and through. And so, you know, looking at the way that they show love through their Venus, they're very different. And then also better understanding, like, how they see the world and how they communicate what's fascinating. So, you know, as I mentioned, Danielle Page has a course specifically on reading your kids charts, if that's something of interest to you. But I also looked up the boys human design, which contains part of their astrology, because the human is. The human design is multiple modalities. So it is your natal chart, but it also contains the I ching and some other things as well, which, again, I'm not a human design reader.

Speaker A [00:11:05]:
I'm just fascinated by it. And Sebastian is a generator, which means he creates his own energy. And he has a lot of energy, which, yes, is like, a thousand percent true. And so instead of trying to get him to, like, settle down or calm down inside, I know that I need to run him ragged outside and that if he's getting antsy inside, like, he can focus really well. But then when he's done, he's done. So that's when I need to take him outside to, like, get him to run around so that he is completely empty when he goes to sleep at night, whereas Rocky is a projector. And so he's like me. He needs more sleep.

Speaker A [00:11:42]:
He likes more sleep. And so he is a natural napper. Sebastian used to hate to nap. Rocky goes to sleep so easily. It's just so different from Sebastian. And you can even go deeper and look at the numbers on their human design charts to. To see about them as well as, like, their emotional behaviors. So Rocky is an emotional projector, like I am, but he does not have an authority.

Speaker A [00:12:11]:
So that means he needs to take a long time to make a decision. And, you know, Sebastian with his generator, he. I'm trying to remember if I looked at his chart, if his head is open or, like, complete. I can't remember. But looking through all the different gates of the human design can, again, show you where they carry their energy and where they're more likely to be influenced by others. So when you have an open center, like an open head and open throat, in human design, all that means is that energy can move through it far more easily. And so, again, that's something to know, especially if you have a young kid who they're absorbing everything around you. And so Sebastian comes home all the time from school and says and does things that I know he hasn't learned at home.

Speaker A [00:13:00]:
And so if you can look in his chart and be like, oh, okay, he's open in this area, no wonder he has this behavior. And then how can I help him adjust that behavior? And again, not blame me or blame him, but use his design to help him better cope and better regulate his nervous system and better just be in the world. Because, man, if I was given these tools at his age, like, I can't even imagine where I would be now. You know, I'd be so much further along because I was learning from the get go. So, you know, taking the time to get on the energetic level of our kids is so important because they are such energetic beings. They are closer to source. They, like, they literally just came from the light not that long ago. And, you know, as their chakras develop, as they get older, they move further and further away from that.

Speaker A [00:13:56]:
They are conditioned by society, by us, by those around them. And so if we can shape those habits now when they're young and get them to better understand themselves because we understand them as individuals, how powerful is that? You know, they're not the same as everybody else. And if we could treat all children that way, like the individual, beautiful, unique snowflake that they are, imagine a different world where they actually maybe know their strengths and their weaknesses. They know how to better support themselves and their nervous systems in the world. And again, it also takes off this layer of, like, you doing anything wrong as a mom, because that's just how they're built. And you're built a certain way, too. And so even looking into how your human design, perhaps, or your natal chart compares to theirs is also super helpful, because then you can see how you can support yourself to support them. Um, and I actually did a reading with a wonderful friend named Tara Morgan, and she pulled up the boys charts and my chart, or human designs, and the big key thing she told me was, as a projector, I need to replenish my energy before I see them.

Speaker A [00:15:13]:
So if I've had a long day working, like taking time to take a nap or relax before I see them, so that I'm not seeing them with depleted energy is so important because I was doing that. I was trying to make it through the day and then trying to be a mom at night, right. Doing all the things that you have to do, make dinner, clean the house, give them a bath, put them to bed. And I was blowing my fuse because I was out of energy. As a projector, you only have so much energy every single day. You don't naturally, like, replenish yourself the way that a generator does. So you have to be very mindful of your energy and how you were doing things to restore it throughout the day, but then, also, again, knowing you have a finite amount. And so I was running through my energy stores, and then I had nothing at the end of the day, and so I was very easily triggered.

Speaker A [00:16:03]:
I was very easily. Yeah, just like, you know, yelling all of the behaviors. Right, that you're trying to break as a conscious mom. And so by taking the time instead to make sure that my cup was full before they came home in the afternoon, I have seen such a difference in myself and in them because then I'm better able to parent them because I have a better hold on my energy and my energetic capacity as a mom. And then, you know, again, looking at my astrology with theirs, Rocky's chart is very similar to mine. We have a lot of the same placements. He is a cancer sun. I'm a cancer moon.

Speaker A [00:16:40]:
Like, we have a lot in common. And so naturally, you know, because of that, I feel like. I don't want to say he's the easier child because that is not true. But we don't butt heads as much as I do with Sebastian. And that is because he has more of Will's stuff in him, but also just he's his own person and he's different. And he's meant to challenge me and trigger me and help me heal some of my places that have not been healed yet. And so you can look at your entire family dynamic if you wanted to look up your husband's chart as well and see where everyone is compatible, where is everyone's Mars? How do you guys like to express your anger? How do you like to be loved? Where is your Venus in your chart? What is your rising sign? How are you learning and processing the world? Because the more that we can understand the people that are closest to us, the more empathy we're going to have, not only for them, but for all of the people that we come across. Because then we realize that they're each their own person.

Speaker A [00:17:45]:
And maybe the attitude that they're giving us isn't about us. It's about them and things that are going on for them and their energy. And so I feel like we become far more compassionate with one another when we can better understand each other. So if you're interested in learning any of these tools, I'm happy to share the experts that helped me learn. Danielle Page for astrology, Tara Morgan for human design. And of course, I do Akashic reading. So if you're interested in learning how to open the Akashic records to better understand your children, please let me know. I would be honored to help guide you through that.

Speaker A [00:18:21]:
I love teaching women this modality because it is not anything special in the sense that anyone can do it. Anyone can access the Akashic records, and it's a really beautiful tool to lean upon when you need it. So thanks for being here with me. I cannot even believe it's summer and that the podcast is a year old. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for being on this journey with me. It has been so amazing to hear what you guys think, what's resonated, but then also to have this special outlet for me that's almost like a therapy session every week to just share what's on my heart with you guys and feel that deep connection and love.

Speaker A [00:19:03]:
Thanks for being here. I'll see you next week. Be good to one another.