Wake up with Josh & Chantel every weekday from 6a-10a on Classy 97! Missed the show or want to revisit your favorite moments from the show, enjoy Wake Up Classy 97 - The Podcast!
Episode title: Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh and Chantel - Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Episode summary introduction:
Chantel’s got a list of simple things that people are pretty good at, we need to be better at replying to RSVPs, a Utah football team showed up for the band, Josh won this week’s fantasy football matchup, Chantel needed help reclining a chair, we play name three Halloween edition, what are all the logistics of movie making, same age same page, what are you dressing your pet up as for Halloween, and the desire for a blue water tiki hut is strong.
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Full show transcript:
This is wake up classy 97, the podcast, and it's a replay of today's full show. It's Josh and Chantel, and it's Tuesday, October 29th. On today's show, I've got a list of simple things that people are pretty good at. You wanna work on them, though? Is that right?
I need to. Right. Okay. Well I need to be better at most of this stuff. Parallel parking.
Okay. I'll practice. We all need to be better at replying to RSVPs. A Utah football team showed up for the band, which was awesome. What a sweet gesture.
Josh won this week's Fantasy Football matchup. Yeah. Yeah. Highest points in league history. Congratulations.
I needed help reclining a chair. I got little legs. More difficult. I legs. We play name 3 Halloween edition.
What are all the logistics of movie making? You can't even focus on the show. You're too worried about it. How did they get it all done? Go to go to a movie set and look at some movie magic.
Same age, same page. We found that we are on the same age because we are the same page. Other way around, but you get it. What are you dressing your pet up as for Halloween? And the desire for a blue water tiki hut is strong.
Yeah. It's like the only thing you want in the whole wide world. Blue water tiki hut. Yes. Thanks for checking out the show.
You can hear it live every weekday morning on Classy 97 and the free Classy 97 app. Just download that in your app store. It's also where you're gonna go to enter to win the very classy Thanksgiving with Ingram's Jewelers. If you are an East Idaho listener, go sign up. We hope you'll subscribe wherever you listen and rate the show as well because that helps us grow.
And, we're also on YouTube, so check out our videos and subscribe there. And, hey, Chantel. Hey. What? Enjoy the show.
You enjoy the show. You enjoy the show first. I will. Okay. I already have.
Alright. Enjoy the show. Bye. What's up? What is up?
What's up, dude? What's up, brother? Hey, brother. Today is Tuesday. Where are we at?
Couple of days away from Halloween. It's 29th October. It's that that thing they can't touch, Tuesday. Tuesday. That guy.
Yep. Special teams, that guy. That guy. Yep. Tuesday.
Tuesday. What's up, brother? Alright. So today is Feed the Birds Day. Feed the Birds.
Yeah. Make it a better place. Top Savannah. Oh, you're you're going. Popping.
You're going way down there. Alright. Anyway, there are some 11,000 unique species of birds that exist. We feed the birds. We don't get 11,000 different species at our house, though.
We might. You don't know. No way. Across the whole globe, there's 11,000 unique species. We don't get all of the birds from the whole world.
Alright. We probably don't. We don't get toucans. The Royal Society right. We get 3.
Royal Society For the Protection of Birds, wants you to feed the birds because it's getting colder. Yes. They need to, have some different outdoor dining spaces. We gotta we gotta feed the birds. That's what's up.
We're doing our part. I need to update the bird feeders, but, yes, they're empty. Sad. Oh, no. It's World's Stroke Day.
Chases them away. Yeah. She's a jerk. That is true. It is world stroke day.
It is world psoriasis day. It is international day of care and support. Karen? Care Care and support. And support.
Support those Karens. It is National Cat Day. It's National Oatmeal Day. Oatmeal Day. It is National Internet Day, and it is National Hermit Day.
Does that mean we get to go home and be hermits on the couch? That is right. Yes. I think it's more so about realizing there are people that are alone, and maybe you should stop by and visit. Alright.
That seems nicer. Probably. Or go home and stay in your house. That's fine too. That's what's going on.
That's what's going on today. That's some oatmeal. It is a birds. The big day is cat day probably. I would say oatmeal's a big deal.
Be alone if you want or or, you know, go visit somebody who is alone and say, hey. You good? How's stuff? How's it going on? And, yeah.
Shoot the breeze. Yeah. Shoot the breeze and feed the birds. Maybe go feed the birds with a hermit. That's a fantastic idea, Josh.
Why don't we go for a walk? Share a bowl of oatmeal. Let's go look at some birds. Share a bowl of oatmeal. Alright.
When is the last time you were like, hey, You wanna share this bowl of oatmeal? That has never happened in your life. No. Good morning. This is a list of things that are considered simple, but that people still struggle with.
As I'm going through this list, I'm like, Josh is good at that. Josh is good at that. Josh is good at that. Say what is the list again? List of things that are, like, kinda everyday things that are considered to be simple, but people still are not good at them.
Alright. But you think I'm good at them? I think you're good at a lot of these. I think I'm pretty much terrible at a lot of these. Alright.
Alright. Let's start off with wrapping gifts. I am terrible at wrapping gifts. You are great at wrapping gifts. I'm not great.
You're pretty great. I'm I can manipulate the wrapping paper. That's all there is to it. I'm not that great. I don't spend a lot of time doing it.
I just fold the paper. Directions? Following or giving directions or taking directions? You're great at directions. Fine with that.
Parallel parking? Not a problem. You're good at parallel parking? Here's one you're not so great at, perceiving time. What's that?
Now I initially was like, well, I'm pretty good at perceiving time, but I really am not. Because if I've got something that I know is happening, I'm like, oh, I'm either You go the other way. Early. Right. You you panic about Yes.
Time where I go, hey. Take it easy. And then I say, hey. Take it easy when you're like, dude, it's been we're late. Yeah.
Take it easy is over. Yeah. You need to get in gear now. Right. We we need to find that middle part where you're not panicking and I'm a little more caring.
A little more hustle and bustle. Right. So time is one we could work on. That's good. Whistling?
I can do that. I think I'm pretty good at whistling. You do one note. I know. I don't know how to do other notes.
Change the shape of your mouth. I do. One note. And and, also, that's like a teeth whistle, not like a lip whistle. You're using your teeth.
I don't what do you do? No. That's now you're just hissing like a snake. Alright. Here's the other one.
So let's keep going. Okay. Shuffling cards? Yeah. Fine.
I can shuffle and do the bridge thing. I can do the bridge. That's pretty sad. You just gotta practice. I have been.
Here's one you're not so great at, rolling your r's. No. Because I'm tongue tied. It's not that I'm not good at it. I'm incapable.
Oh. So thanks for that. Here's one you're not good at, growing hair. Yeah. Also, my choice.
Josh, don't be sad. Here's one you're not good at. Being over 6 feet tall. Yeah. You're right.
Oh, Theo, those aren't on the list. You're doing just fine in those areas. Oh, yeah. Tying a balloon after blowing it up. Not a problem.
Yeah. I I can do that just fine. Right. Making the cook amount of rice. What?
Not not the sorry. Making the cook. I've combined these 2. I've messed it all up. Yeah.
Making the correct amount of pasta Uh-huh. And cooking the right amount of rice. Not just making rice. Like, if you don't have a rice cooker and you have to cook rice Yeah. I can cook rice.
Perfect pan of rice. I can cook rice. Mine is either burnt, sticking to the pan, or overdone. Yeah. You gotta not neglect your rice.
Or underdone. That's what I do. I said the same thing twice. What day is it? I should find It's Tuesday, October 29th.
I'm messing things up today. Here's here's something else Chantel's not good at, talking. Pretty simple thing. Radio. Well But I can roll my r's.
But you can't whistle more than one note with your teeth. So, you know, 8 out of 10 for both of us, I think. I think it was probably 2 out of 10 for me. What? You can do all those things.
You just don't like to practice any of those things. Wanna go practice parallel parking? No. Never. Wanna carry around a deck of cards so you can work on shuffling?
Why would I? I'll practice that. I don't wanna practice parallel parking. I actually wouldn't mind practicing parallel parking, not with other cars. If we could set up some cones where I could practice, that would be fine.
Oh, okay. You can practice with real cars. It's fine. I don't want to, though, because I'm You have a tiny car. I know.
It parks everywhere. If I go face first, it does. Yep. You can. Can't go back first.
You can. The car is capable. I know it is. I just need to practice. That's right.
It's back in, 2017. What's that? 7 years ago? Jessica Jim Jessica? Jackson.
Not Jackson, but Jackson with an m. Mhmm. They were working at a grocery store together. Jessica had the job of training Jackson on how to stock the shelves. And after their first meeting in the snack aisle, the 2 continued to work together and eventually fell in love.
Oh. Mhmm. Well, they recently got married. And what started out as a goof a few years ago turned into an actual thing they did when they went back to the grocery store in their formal clothes to take wedding photos right where they fell in love No. Where it all began.
In the snack aisle. In the snack aisle. That's nice. Yep. So dressed in their wedding attire, they strolled down the familiar aisle, much to the delight of shoppers and for former coworkers who presented them with a bouquet of red roses.
And Jessica and Jackson also, chose a bag of black peppercorn kettle chips to mark the occasion, saying it had to be something classy. Classy? Yeah. That's classy. Well, yeah.
Black peppercorn kettle chips. I You know? The classiest of chips. I mean, what's what's classier than black peppercorn kettle chips? Think of all the chips.
That's probably one of the classiest. I figure you're not wrong. I can't think of anything classiest. Because it's not Cheetos. What about Funyuns?
They're a ring. That's pretty classy. They're yellow. Yellow's a classy color. Alright.
Jessica now works as supply chain manager. They enjoyed their trip down memory lane at the supermarket, and Jessica said it was really nice to go back to where we met. It was really sweet. That is sweet. Love on Aisles snack.
Let's talk about RSVP ing for a minute. Like, when you tell someone that you're going to accept their invitation and show up to a thing? Yes. RSVP. What does it stand for?
I don't actually know. I'm gonna look that up. If you get an invitation that requires not requires, but that asks for an RSVP, do you RSVP? I usually. I try to as often as possible because I've hosted a lot of events where people did not RSVP, and it makes it very difficult to plan for food, to plan for seating.
Right. It's pretty easy to RSVP. It's fresh. Just have to you just have to say, yes. I'll be there or, oh, no.
Thanks. Now I will say that I'm not great at doing it in the most timely manner. Okay. You might be a late RSVP'er? Not always.
Sometimes I'm pretty on top of it, but there are times that I'm like, oh, I forgot to RSVP. Yes. I'll be there. I think there are times where you're like, I don't know what's gonna be going on because I got this 6 or 8 weeks ahead of the event. So I might not know if I can RSVP.
I wanna pencil you in on my calendar for sure, but some stuff might change, and so I'm gonna tentatively hold off on, on on RSVP. Your party unless a better party comes up. Is that what you're saying? In case a better party comes up. Yeah.
Yeah. No. R RSVP is, an abbreviation. It's a French phrase, which I'm not gonna butcher, but it translates to please respond or respond if you please. Please respond.
Yeah. That's that's essentially what it means. Yeah. Just a quick But yeah. No.
You'll be like, oh, yeah. Hey. I'm excited about it. Thanks for the invite. We'll be there.
That's all you have to really do. Or oh, shoot. Yeah. You can count on me. I have other plans.
Or you have to say, oh, I already RSVP'd to this other thing that might be better. No. Don't take that part. Don't make them feel bad, Josh. I'm not trying to make anybody feel bad.
Just RSVP to the party, whatever it is. And then don't be late. Look at your face. You're saying this? You're saying don't be late?
Yeah. Because it was I threw it out there because, yeah, my time management is look. If I get there Your time management is poor. 1 minute to 5 minutes after your event started, I'm just fashionably, arriving. You're running on Josh time.
That's right. You've gotten better too. Your time management has gotten better. It's much better than it was when I first met you. What was time when we first met?
Who knows? You didn't know? Nothing. And you've taught our son that as well. So I don't know that I have.
I didn't go, hey, son. Listen. Here's the thing about time. Don't worry about it. Don't worry.
Nobody needs to worry about time. No. The only one that has to worry about time is time itself. It's mom. Mom keeps us all in line.
Oh, yeah. And mom. Listen to her about time. She knows. Don't listen to me.
I'm just dad. Hey. Are you gonna come to that thing tomorrow that I've got? A thing tomorrow? Yeah.
I've planned it. Oh, did you send me an invite? Are you are you gonna come, or is there something better lined up? I I'll have to look at my calendar. I'll let you know.
I saw this, super good, feel good story Mhmm. And I wanna share it with you. A super good, feel good. Super good, feel good story. Okay.
There is a high school in Utah. I don't specifically know where. K. I actually don't even know if it's in Utah. The I saw it on Instagram and Where is it in Utah?
I don't know. I've just said, are you listening? Yeah. No. I am.
I just thought that would be a funny joke. It's just humans being good to other humans, and I think we need more of that in our world. I'm into it. There was a band competition happening. I saw this.
I know what you're talking about. Players Yes. Showed up to support the band. Yes. It was in Utah.
I think that's amazing. Because how many times is the band there For the football team. And the basketball team and the volleyball team. Absolutely. The cross country team, though.
Can't get the band and the cheerleaders to show up for the cross country team or the swim meets. But but, you know, that's fine. I don't hold a grudge. There's not a lot of space, I suppose. When you're outside running for miles, no space for the whole band?
I've been to some swim meets, and it's already loud and cramped. It's loud and cramped. I get the swim meets, but still you could have cheerleaders at any of this. That's true. You can't convince them.
Can't convince them. I'm sorry, Josh. Tried. Or quit trying to drag this story negatively. We're on a high.
Alright. The band team got a boost from the football players, and I love it. I mean, the bleachers are filled with these football players, and they're like, yes. Yeah. I've seen this as a as like a sort of a meme thing where they're like, you should encourage like, every football coach should encourage their players to go see what the band competition looks like.
Yeah. Because some of these competitions and I mean, the band competitions are crazy. The marching band, the formations they do Yep. The movement they do on the field, the prop work they do. It's like 5 things they have to do all at the same time.
Right. Yeah. While watching a drum major to keep in time. Unbelievable. So I'm glad they showed up.
That's really big. I know. Show up for other people. Yeah. Support other people.
They're supporting you? That's only fair. Them. It's what I'm saying. High five to those football players.
Go. And high five to the band for being there always. Right. High fives for the whole band. It's gonna take a minute.
It is. But we'll we'll be over there high fiving the band. Let's talk about some football. Let's go. Woo hoo.
I'm letting you have your moment. It was a very, very bad week of football for this gal. What happened to your team? Which one? My real team or my fantasy?
Fantasy team. And we I know what happened to your Vikings. We did okay. My fantasy team did fine. Not great.
I was gonna say great. We did fine. Mhmm. If I were playing anybody else, I would have beat them. Is that right?
But I played you. My phone opens, and it gives me confetti I know. Which I think is fun. I believe that this, matchup between you and I, is the highest scoring It is. Game our league has had.
Quite honestly, you only have Cidi Lamb to congratulate. He really performed. I know he did. He brought in almost 40 points. But even without Cidi Lamb, I still beat you.
Whatever. So don't say Cidi Lamb is the whole reason I won. He's the whole reason I got 166 points Well which is huge. My players did not really show up to play this week. They did.
Yeah. A couple of them on the bench. A half effort. I mean, they were like, yeah. I'm here.
I'll throw some I'll throw some footballs. Like I might catch some. You didn't you didn't put in, Kyron Williams, and you should've. I know it. But that you still wouldn't have been wouldn't have won.
No. No. No. It really went my way this week, and I'm super excited because this is the first matchup between you and I that I have won out of the 3 matchups we have had. We've matched up 3 times.
Yes. We have. And this is the first time I have beat you, so I'm okay with that. I'll let you have it. I I appreciate that.
You're very good. You're very hard. I've had to rebuild my team 4 times over the past 8 weeks in order to pull off a victory. You were feeling down in the dumps because you're not a very good loser. I'm a fine loser.
I'm getting really used to it. A fine loser. Yeah. You are a bad loser. You were ready to quit.
You were ready to throw in the towel on all of fantasy and say I'm done because you were so upset that you were losing. Can we talk about what happened with our Suns team? He's the football guy. Yeah. And he did not break a 100.
Oh, no. He got 99.4 points. What happened to him? Know what happened to him in his fantasy this week. He's got some points on his bench, but not I mean, a lot.
He's got he he's quarterback, CJ Stroud. What a great game, for Houston. Right? Big matchup with the the Colts. That was a that was a, like, a nonstop game.
He only got 12 points from his quarterback. His backup, Patrick Mahomes, got 18. So he coulda had more points there, but then his running back only got one point for him. He just really struggled. Well, his team looks like mine where we have really great players, but they just they were like, wait.
We're playing football today? Well, going into the week, I I was really struggling with who to start because most of my bench was injured. I had a whole bunch of questionable players on my bench. So I was really kinda like, I just I'm gonna play everybody that's healthy. I'm gonna see what happens.
I I switched out a couple of players. I dropped Travis Kelce like a sack of potatoes. That guy had to go. And, and He's too busy. He doesn't have time to play football.
He's The dude's hosting game shows, making commercials. He's He's all over the place. He's got too many hands in other pots. But he did have his best week ever this week, and it was also a strong Yeah. Because that's how it's gonna go.
You wanna get injured? Join Mojo Dojo Casa House. You wanna win? I'll drop you, and you can get all the points. That's how it works.
But now we move on to week 9. You believe it's already been 9 weeks of football? Unreal. Unreal. Well, congratulations.
Thank you very much. Josh. I felt like I needed some victory music. I just don't know which song to put on. You needed a victory to be sure.
Otherwise, you were gonna quit fantasy altogether. What is the standings? Because even this win doesn't make it doesn't make me first in our in our team. You're still first. I moved up from 4th to tie for 2nd.
I don't even know where you go to see that. Oh, you go into the league and then standings. I got it. So you're still you have a 5 and 3 record. You still have 1100 points total.
I with this win of 166 moved into 3rd with 956 points. And Bec is the bottom. That's what I'm saying. What's going on with the boy? I don't know.
Football boy is struggling, but he was saying he goes, I think it's time for me to rebuild my team. So I look. I've been there 4 times. I get it. It's not a fun place to be where you're like, I just I'm holding on this guy because if I if I let Tyreke go, somebody's gonna pick him up, and he's gonna go nuts.
So I can't let Tyreke go. Go ahead. Let him go. Yeah. See?
There's people just waiting in the wings. Sharks in the water. Yeah. Can't even deal. But, Congratulations.
Well played this week. You did strong. You were still at a 114. My 166 just was better. I know.
And that's I'm letting you have it. Congrats. Thanks for playing football with me. Let me tell you a story about an awkward person named Chantel. I like these stories.
Sometimes you get yourself into some of the strangest little shenanigans. What happened this time? I have to every 6 months, I have to go get an infusion. Yeah. And I went to go get an infusion yesterday, and, it takes I mean, I was there for 7 hours.
It takes a long day. It's an all day process. Texting as you were, sitting there, and you were like, everybody that was here when I got here is gone. People have come and gone. I'm the only one still here.
Only one remaining. Yeah. Takes you a minute. It takes a long time. So I'm sitting there and they have these chairs in the infusion center.
They have these chairs that recline, but there's not a button that you push to recline them. Lean? You're supposed to just be able to lean back. But it's more than just leaning back. You kinda have to, like like, push your feet up.
Yeah. You gotta throw your weight into it. You kinda like, But it's Do you make that noise Well a 100%. 100%. You you say that you and our daughter are in the bathroom and hear me sit down and go, ugh, because I'm relaxing, and you're over here jumping in a recliner going.
Okay. But here's where it gets awkward because because it's an infusion, there's a infusion site in my left arm. Yeah. You're hooked to machines. Hooked to machines.
And then in my right arm, there's a blood pressure cuff because they always have to take my blood pressure. So I'm basically strapped to the chair. Yeah. And they're still trying to, like, get the recliner to work. Yeah.
And I I've been there before, so I know these chairs recline, and I'm desperately trying to, like, get it to maneuver to recline. I can't get it to work, and I'm like, I can do this without asking for help. I know I can't. And I'm kinda shifted in the chair, like Mhmm. And it's squeaking a little bit.
And then finally, a nurse comes over to see what the commotion is, and she's like, are you trying to recline? And I go, yes. And she said, you just gotta push back. I go, I am trying. I'm pushing back.
It's because you have little legs. She goes When you sit in a chair, your feet don't touch. That's true. They don't. So you have no leverage and no traction.
And she says, you have to use your feet a little bit. And I go, I am. I'm really trying. So she has to get under there and, like, physically lift the legs for me so that I could recline. I'm like, thank you.
That's hilarious. You're like a child. Like, I am like a child. Like, a little child. Everyone around me.
In a big man's chair. They're like, got it figured out. Hilarious. They sit down and, like, yep. Reclined.
Yeah. I'm like, how'd you make it look so easy? I got the broken chair. My chair is broken. I don't think the chair was broken.
No. It wasn't. It's one of those operator errors that happens. Yeah. It was it was certainly one of those.
And, really, I think if you would've tried using your feet, it would've helped. I I I know you. I know. I know. I know.
I just know that that triggers you. If if I if I offer the exact same suggestion, you're trying already. It's helpful. I finally got it with the help of the nurse. Thank you.
Awesome. Thank you, Rosa. You got to you got to kinda kick back? Do a little relax? Yep.
Did some reading and some snacking and Seven hours of just reclining sounds kinda nice. It's not. Can you nap? Yeah. That's okay.
That's acceptable. Oh, yeah. They gave me Benadryl too, so it automatically does put me to sleep. Yeah. People are napping there all day because That's what I'd be doing.
I'd just be like, this is a sweet free nap. I'd be snoring away. They'd be like, sir, we're gonna need you to take you next door to the, sleep center because you were snoring, and we should probably get that looked at. That's what would happen. They're just gonna wheel me over in the recliner.
Just push me to the next building. Hey. He's already asleep. Just woke him up. Let's see what's going on with this.
Does he have apnea or not? Does he need a mask? Because he might. Check him out. I have a Halloween game.
Okay. Are we playing the, the guess the villain game? No. This is called name 3. Name 3.
I'm gonna give you a category, and then you're gonna name 3 things of that category. Oh, okay. K? Alright. Sure.
Name 3 horror movies. The Friday 13th, Halloween, and, saw. Good job. Sure. Name 3 Halloween candies.
Snickers, Twix, and Twizzlers. Twizzlers? Yep. Okay. Name three costumes.
A a policeman, a fireman, and a witch. Name 3 famous villains. Famous villains. Okay. Freddy Krueger, and, Jason Voorhees, and Chucky.
Name three things you need to make a jack o' lantern. Pumpkin, patience, and creativity. Willingness to try. Yep. Name three things you'll need if you wanna dress like a vampire.
You'll need a cape, you will need a a fake blood, and you will need fangs. Awesome. Last one, name 3 superhero costumes. Iron Man, Captain America, Spider Man. Good job, Josh.
You're pretty good at this game. Well, that wasn't super difficult. Tricky, but I thought maybe you might have gotten flustered. You didn't even you didn't even sweat. I I felt a little sweaty.
Did you? It was a it was a lot to think of. You didn't even have On the spot. Feel like you were pressured at all. I wasn't sweating.
Do you want me to put together a version for you to play? Yeah. That'd be great. I will have you name 3 Halloween edition tomorrow at this time. Okay.
It'll be Chantel's Halloween edition. Yeah. You never come up with these ideas, so I would love it if you came up with an idea. Oh, would you? Mhmm.
Mhmm. Alright. I was just thinking in the shower the other day how you bought a picnic set over the summer, because you were gonna take me out end of summer because it was on clearance. You were gonna take me out a picnic. Yeah.
And that picnic set is still just sitting there doing no picnicking. And then I thought the last time we went on a date was because I planned it. And I don't know if I'm ever gonna go on a date unless I plan it. And the last time we did something as a family was because I planned it. And Name 3 good things you like about me.
That'll be the first one on tomorrow's game. Oh, that's easy. There's lots of things I can say I like about you. I just wanna go on a date that you've planned. I see.
That's all. That's all I'm asking. Bluewater, Tiki Hut. Yes. Okay.
Yes. So the 3 dudes that hosted top gear for years years years. And then grand tour. And then grand tour. Yeah.
James May, Jeremy Clarkson, and, Richard Hammond. Hammond. Yeah. They have the show called the grand tour, and it's where they they pick a car, one of their favorite cars, and they go on a grand tour in a different country, and they have different challenges along the way. Yeah.
And that has become a favorite show to watch in our house. So you haven't watched when they were doing Top Gear on, on BBC, they, once a year, would do a special Okay. Like that. They had their weekly program that was car reviews, and they'd have celebrity interviews, and they had a racetrack on their set that they would have the celebrities race cars in. They were that was the show, Top Gear.
And every year, they would be like, it's the Top Gear special in in Botswana, whatever. Okay. And they would travel and do that that thing for one of the shows. Okay. And I saw that.
Yeah. So that's where that started. Okay. But then when they left BBC and got picked up by Amazon, they just did that part. They got rid of all the, like, car review stuff for the most part and they were like, let's just do the fun exciting travel stuff.
And so what, 3 or 4, 4, maybe 5 of them, something like that, that they did with Amazon, and they recently just did the last one. The very, very last one. Sad. I know. Okay.
But But those guys are, like, getting up there. They're in their seventies. Like, they're they're getting to where they're like, I don't think we should be doing this. I love I love watching these shows, but I also have a terrible time watching these shows because all I can think about are the logistics of everything. They sent a car over a cliff.
Mhmm. And the whole time I'm thinking, who's gonna clean that up? How did they get permission to do that? They are sleeping outside a lot of the times. Mhmm.
And I go, how did they prepare for that? How did they plan for that? How did they get permission to do that? How did the country let them do that? The whole time, I can't even focus on what is going on because I'm thinking about all of the logistics that go into planning something as massive as this.
Yeah. And what kind of team it takes to prepare all of this. What kind of legal team? What kind of preparation team? All of this.
A lot of people. So many people. Episode you saw, they showed the crew. I mean, just the crew that they have filming the 3 of them driving, it's a lot of people. So many people.
I mean, they probably have 50 or more people just to put together filming scenes and and put together a story in real time. That is not all the behind the behind the scenes people who did all the storyboarding and did all the preparations and the plannings and got them and the cars to the place to where they were gonna start. Yeah. Oh, yeah. There's a ton of planning.
Those meetings. There's years of meetings that have to happen in order for things to even be possible. Yeah. It's good. It's such a good show, though.
It is a great show. It's heartwarming. It's 3 cranky old dudes who are, like, just buddies Driving cars. Having a good time. And there's some great ongoing puns in there and and things that they do because they're it's a buddy thing.
Right? So somebody's car has a problem, they're like, good luck with it. See you later. We're out of here. That's that's terrible.
You gotta figure that out and then take off. Now there's a production crew Yeah. Of course, but and I think in this episode, it was funny because they did call out the thing, and they're like, we could do this really hard thing, or we could just have production do it, and we'll do a cut scene, and it'll say 15 minutes later, this thing happened. And that's what they did, which I thought was very funny because that's probably every time they say 15 minutes later, It's like we did we did We had our mechanics jumping to do this. Do it.
We're rich and famous. We don't do our own things. So you should probably just learn, how to enjoy the art that you're, viewing instead of worrying about how it's made. I try. I really do because the I do a lot of that with movies too when I watch movies, and I go, how did they make that?
It's the way I view things. It's the way I operate. Even when I see live theater, I go, now how did they do that? We saw a play a play that our friend directed. Yeah.
Beautifully done play. He did a fantastic job. But halfway through the play, the world turns upside down. Yeah. Like, hanging from the rafters.
How did you do that? I couldn't even focus on what was being said in the play because I was like, how did they get that couch to stay put? It's funny because my technical brain went, oh, that's cool. I like that effect. I figured it out, like, real quick on how they made it all happen.
And I was like, that was really neat. And I was like, did you do 3 walls? And I'm having these all these conversations. He's like, yeah. That's how we pulled it off.
I'm like, that's great. And I'm over here going, what? Yeah. What are you talking about? There were walls?
Oh. I need to be challenged more. Or or you need to be put into creative space more, I think, is what you need. Yeah. That's being challenged.
Sure. Creatively. Exactly. Okay. I I know you're nodding at me like it's time to talk, but I am trying to find where I found that at.
I wasn't ready. I read your note, and so I know what you're talking about. What do you what do you think I'm talking about? Well, so there are certain things, like booking a flight, for example Yes. That just feels like you shouldn't use your phone to do it.
You should probably use a larger screen. That's a larger screen activity. There are larger screen activities. Booking flights, you just booked an Airbnb for us. I booked an Airbnb, and I did more on my phone than I wanted to.
I felt I felt weird. Like, this is a big screen activity. You have 4 computer screens, 5 computer screens in front of you. Yeah. Why didn't you use one of those?
Started on the computer, but I had to verify some stuff and whatever. So I it forced me to use the app. I see. And I went That's a lot of places. Yeah.
Excuse me. You have to use your app for it. I know. And I go, I don't wanna use the app. I just wanna use a bigger screen, and maybe that's an age thing.
It probably I don't know. I mean, don't you feel like don't you feel like booking flights requires you a little more real estate to look at? And And I need a keyboard. Sometimes I just wanna type in stuff rather than Yeah. Text it.
Right. Like, I wanna type, not clap. Yeah. I don't need the I don't need a tappy thing. I need a I need a A keyboard thing.
Yeah. I think so. And there's I don't know why it is, but it feels like maybe it's a maybe it's a monetary thing. Or you're like, hey. Look.
This this is an expensive thing. I should give it the opportunity to exist on my laptop or my computer instead of just my small screen. This is a big this is a big deal. A lot of things too are not necessarily as mobile friendly as I would like them to be. So when it's online, I go, I don't like the way that this is laid out.
Even we pay all of our bills online, I'd I haven't paid a bill via check-in years. Right. I pay everything online. It either comes out automatic or if I pay it myself, then it's all done online. But I have a hard time even doing that sometimes with different With your phone.
With my phone. Right. Because I go, it's too small. Yeah. I don't like it being this Big small.
Big time commitment, big time purchase, big time screen. That's what I that's what I'm thinking. I'm with you. I think there are certain things that, like, I prefer to use, the big screen so that I can navigate and have I can focus, like, look at all the things I can see at once. And and if you're doing something like an Airbnb or booking a hotel or picking seats on a plane, I think it's nicer to have a little bit more room to kind of go, okay.
Let me get let me get this organized. Yeah. Maybe it feels better to me. And we take a big look at this. Right.
Not a small look. Like, oh, here it is. Like, all the same information exists within the app. It just doesn't feel right. Yeah.
I know. I'm with you. Yeah. I'm glad you're on the same page. Totally same page.
It's because we're the same age. Same age, same page. That's what they say. Same age, same page. You ever drive by yourself, and then you're not gonna understand this.
I'm saying this out loud to you, and you're gonna say, no. I don't do that. But let me tell you what I do. I like to drive by myself and listen to songs that I like, and there are specific songs that I really enjoy singing along to. K.
And sometimes, if I've messed up a word or a lyric or I I don't feel like I've sang it the best of my ability, then I'll be like, replay, and I'll hit it fresh from the top. I see. Sometimes I do that 3 or 4 times. Well, that's how you learn the words, I guess. No.
But I know the words a lot of the time. But if it's a song that I don't know the words, then, yes, I will listen to that song repeatedly until I'm like, okay. Alright. Got it. Let's try it.
You're right. I don't do that. You don't do that. I know you don't. Because I like to drive in the quiet, but that's fine.
Yesterday, I was driving with Emery, which is fine. She's a chatter in the car. She likes to be a chatterbox, which is fine. I love But you wanna listen to your music. Conversations with Emery.
I do. Don't get me wrong. But there are times in the car when I'm like, oh, this song is my jam. And so I have to, like, turn it down and have a conversation. And the conversation's great, but then I'm like, I just wanna listen to the song.
And so then I'll actually have to stop the song, and then let's just pull it up on my playlist later when I know I'm gonna be alone. So I'll hit pause on my playlist and be like, okay. Play this only when I know I'm gonna be alone again in the car so that when it comes on, I'll be like, oh, yeah. Let's rock. Okay.
You never do that. I don't. No. That's not you. That's me.
I don't. And not that I don't enjoy, like, you know, listening to music and and singing along and stuff. It's just that's definitely your style. That is my style. I'm a much more mellow guy behind the wheel.
Not with other drivers. Let's be clear. I probably could stand to have something else going on to be distracting me from all of the terrible drivers around me. But, nah. I thought you I thought for a minute you were talking about it.
I need something to distract me from all the people that I have in the car, which is your family. Yeah. No. That's what you need, apparently. No.
Not always. Just when my the song comes on that I love. That's all. Okay. Do you wanna start this whole conversation over and see if you can nail it?
I don't know. Okay. From the top, here we go. It is nearly Halloween, just a couple of days away. Maybe you've got your costume figured out.
Maybe you're one of those last minute costume people. Maybe you're not even getting a costume, but a lot of people spend a lot of money on Halloween costumes. Yes. And then there's the numbers for pet costumes. And I just saw that they are this number, Americans will spend $700,000,000 on Halloween costume for their pets this year.
I'm in the wrong business. We I love radio, but why am I not making pets Pet costumes. Costumes. Pet clothes. Why?
Anything. Why why am I not doing that? Well, our pet has 3 costumes. I know. She has a lion head that we where did we find the lion head?
We just stumbled across it, and we thought it'd be hilarious. It's pretty funny because she gets all shaggy headed anyway, but then you put that lion head on her. It's pretty funny. And then we got her some bat wings. Yeah.
Those we found at the dollar store. So the The bat wings? Yeah. Okay. So a dollar 25 needed to have those.
And then she has a pizza head. Yeah. Because you gotta put your head in a pizza. Why not? Most popular pet costume is a pumpkin.
I really like I like to have pet costumes where it looks like they're a spider. I like the spider legs. But I also like it when it looks like they're a person that's walking around. Those are very good too. The cowboy Those are my favorite.
Have you seen the the cowboy riding on the back one is pretty good too? No. Yeah. She's got a little stand up cowboy riding on the back of the dog. That's pretty good.
Pumpkin was number 1. Hot dog was number 2. A bat was number 3, then a ghost and then a bumblebee. We were at a Halloween party. We saw a bumblebee Yep.
A banana, and a hot dog. Yes. So 2 out of 3 there. And then those costumes got taken off, and they just got put in dog pajamas. Which is very, very funny.
I like the dog pajamas. I wanna find some of those for our, for for Luna. She needs some some little doggy pajamas. You're in the You're just shaking your head. Well, you are in the wrong business.
Yeah. You need to get into the pet costume outfit business. Mhmm. Now our dog has a coat Yeah. 3 Halloween costumes, soon to be pajamas.
Sure. It's got a little backpack to go hiking. You gotta have the stuff. I don't think that we do. You gotta have the stuff for the dog.
Buy yourself some pet pajamas. Yeah. Or a costume. Pumpkin's top of the list. You and I have never gone on a cruise.
Is this something that you are interested in? Yes. Why are you interested in going on a cruise? It's less I don't know. I don't necessarily wanna go on a cruise.
I just like the idea of going port to port to port. I don't Okay. I don't wanna be on a cruise ship. I think there's too many people on the cruise ship. I agree.
I I think it's They're massive shopping malls slash entertainment centers slash hotels on the ocean. Yeah. I just kinda like the idea of going from city to city to city. I like that aspect of it. You like the traversing?
Yes. Okay. Oh, here we are. Something different every day. Maldives.
Now here we are. The Maldives? The Maldives? What? No.
I'm not saying about how you say it. I just that's the destination you picked? Yeah. It's a floating city. Alright.
Look it up. You'll wanna go there too. You quit making fun of me. You've got a thing for the little huts on Bluewater. Yes.
You really want a Bluewater Hut? Yeah. I do. Like Fiji? Let's go.
Yeah. So Bluewater Hut. That's, that's top of your list, I think. You bring it up pretty often. Well, Where do you wanna go for vacation?
Bluewater, Tiki Hut. Take me there already. I've given enough hints. I don't know what else I need to save to you to get me there. I guess I gotta work on blue water and a tiki hut.
What what brought up the cruise ships for you? Well, I was just looking at, like, a bunch of people are, are, going on cruises because it's one of the, least expensive ways to travel or lesser anyway. And and fares have gone up a little bit, but they're still way cheaper than land based lodging, when you consider everything that you get and all the stuff that you have. Food, all the activities. You can send your kids away to do stuff.
Right. So they're, they're saying that cruise lines are kind of having a moment right now, in popularity. I feel like they've been having a moment for years. Yeah. I feel like ever since cruises have been a thing, people have been like, yeah.
That's it. I'm going on that boat with 400 other people. Oh, more than 400. You think how many people are on these things? Those boats are huge.
It's thousands of people. What did you you call them floating toilets. Well, you know, they're not the cleanest thing. And when you think about it but we didn't need to bring that up. No.
Well, I did. How many people does the average cruise ship hold? Around 3,000 passengers. Not 400. Yikes.
It's too many people. It's about 3,000, guests and 1,000 crew. Wow. It's a lot of people. We have known some people who have been performers Sure.
On cruise ships Sure. And they have loved it. Yeah. I mean, again, you're seeing you're you're on the ocean. You're you're seeing beautiful tropical places.
Like Getting paid to do it. Yeah. Yeah. And they've both really enjoyed it. We know 2 people who have done that, and they have both really enjoyed it.
It'd be a it'd be an experience working on a cruise ship, I think, versus even just going. But I don't know. Maybe one of these days, I'll take you to Blue Water with a tiki hut via a cruise ship. We'll see. Maybe.
One of these days. If you're if you're nice to me. Just shaking your head. Get out of here. The, never ending question that you seem to just adore.
It's would you rather this or that? This is kind of a multiple question format. Walk me through it. Alright. It's Halloween candy this or that.
So I'm gonna give you 2 choices. There are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 of these that you can pick. K. One at a time, though. K.
Ready? Kit Kat or Snickers? Snickers. Me too. M and M's or Skittles?
What kind of M and M's? Regular. Yeah. I'll take that. I will too.
Even though M and M's are bottom of the list for me across the board. Too many Skittles makes your mouth all raw. Okay. You sounds like you know from experience that's happened to you? Yeah.
Okay. Almond Joy or Sour Patch Kids? Sour Patch Kids. Ew. Almond Joy all the way.
Reese's or Hershey's? Hershey's. I hate the sweaty peanut butter. It's gross. Candy corn or jelly beans?
Jelly beans. Black ones. Ew. Yeah. That's right.
Twix or butter finger? Twix. Me too. Jelly Rancher or Tootsie Roll? Tootsie Roll.
Jelly Rancher. No way. Yeah way. No way. Jelly Rancher is so good.
That pulls your teeth off. So good. No. That's it. Oh, that's it?
That's it. Alright. Made it through. That was pretty easy one. Yeah.
It wasn't bad. Candy this or that. Always a winner. Yeah. You never you never go wrong.
You're like, oh, it's candy. Candy. Yeah. You can't go wrong. To eat an Almond Joy, I would, but I would take the almond.
I don't like the coconut. I don't like anything about it. I don't like it. And you picked black licorice jelly beans. Yep.
Ugh. Black licorice, butterscotch. What else do I like? No. No.
Your taste buds are broken. No. You do not have an advanced enough palate for black licorice. Alright. Over here eating coconut and Yeah.
And almonds. Delicious. Yeah. That's pretty advanced. But skipping the black licorice.
Always. Shame. More for me, I guess. Have it all. Alright.
So, before we go, I do wanna let you know you can enter to win a $500 grocery gift card right now in the class a 97 app shant. I'll I mean, you can't because you work here. But Sassy. But if you're listening right now, you can. You can.
All you have to do is tap the classy, 97 in the classy 97 app, tap the classy Thanksgiving link, fill out the entry form with your personal information, phone number, name, etcetera, and then submit your favorite Thanksgiving recipe. There's been some good ones you've said. So far, there's been some desserts and some stuffing and stuff. Even today, Megan submitted some pudding chocolate chip cookies. I'm thinking we gotta start making some of these.
That might be fun. We might we might put your recipes to the test. Oof hoo hoo. That might be kinda fun. If you want a chance to win $500 to spend on your Thanksgiving dinner, here's your chance.
It's a very classy Thanksgiving with our friends at Ingram's Jewelers, trying to give you a very classy Thanksgiving. Go sign up in the app. It only takes a minute. Share your recipe and, submit your info, and you're in to win it. Also, remember to do this before November 15th to be, considered.
Yeah. We'll do the big drawing on Monday, 18th November. So good luck. And Share those recipes. There you go.
And that's gonna do it for us for the show. So have a good rest of your Tuesday, and we'll be back Tuesday. Tomorrow. Yeah. And we'll be hanging out in the studio.
Make sure you check out the podcast. Make sure you check out our YouTube channel, and have yourself a lovely Tuesday. Have the best Tuesday ever. Alright. We'll see you tomorrow.
Bye. Thanks for listening to wake up classy 97, the podcast. If you enjoy the show, please share, subscribe, and rate the podcast. Wake up classy 97 is hosted by Josh and Chantel Tielor and is a production of Riverbend Media Group. For more information or to contact the show, visit riverbendmediagroup.com.