Whiskey & Fire

This week the guy's discuss their thoughts on "smart appliances" as well as the lack of authority when a politician "calls" for anything. Also could the guys talk their wives into being the show's first guests.  

What is Whiskey & Fire?

Whiskey and Fire; the two common interest that brought Derek Henley and Slade Beard, two middle aged Dads, together. Just like all dads they have an opinion about everything, and they are ready to share it with the world. Come along for the ride as they discuss everything under the sun while enjoying some brown liquor and delicious outdoor concoctions.

Whiskey & Fire Website - www.whiskey-fire.com

Slade Beard (00:00)

Slade (00:18)
What is up everybody? Man, it's good to be back on here. How you doing?

Derek (00:23)
doing good I'm here it feels like the last couple really a couple of months it's always something we're always going so I'm just glad to be home right now.

Slade (00:32)
it is. 2020-2024 has turned into... Do you feel like every year we restart the years here lately and we're like, this year is going to be better and it's just more hectic than the one before? Like...

Derek (00:43)
Well, I mean, lately, but it seems like things are going crazy. You know, you got the wars and inflation is crazy. Everything is expensive. And so there's a lot going on. I think that's why it feels that way.

Slade (00:52)
I feel like it was, I feel like it's since COVID started. I feel like every year since COVID has just been progressively more crap go on.

Derek (01:01)
Yeah, I think so. I don't doubt that. But hopefully, you know, 24 just started, so let's not be pessimistic about it.

Slade (01:04)
So that was.

It did just start. It doesn't feel like that at all, but it did. It did just I have to keep reminding my wife of that, too. I'm like, you know, it's only March. It's not even it's not even that far in. It is almost my birthday, which is literally next week. Forty two.

Derek (01:12)
Heh heh. Yeah.

Oh, how old are you going to be?

Man, you are old.

Slade (01:31)
I went to, I actually went to my annual doctor visit today, just to, I mean, just to cement the fact that I'm old.

Derek (01:38)
Yeah, you know, there's other things we have to look forward to up the road here as we get a little bit older when we go to the doctor. So, just enjoy your annual physical while we can.

Slade (01:49)
No, no physical. No, no, no. Just anal checkup. Not, we're not that old yet. We're not doing the physical deal yet. No, no, but I did get told my cholesterol was high. So I think I have a reason to diet now literally. And, and I told my wife, I was like, yeah, she said my cholesterol is a little high. And she was like, how high? So I don't, I don't remember what the number was. I said, but it's high while taking cholesterol medicine. If that is any, if that's, she was like, Oh my gosh.

Derek (01:52)
Okay, okay.

Oh, well, you know what really sucks with cholesterol is like, so on one side, you don't want to eat carbs and sugars and fat and stuff like that. But from a cholesterol perspective, you just really don't want to eat meat fat. You know?

And then I've read saturated fat stuff because I have high cholesterol too. I'm not on anything yet, but I'm headed that way. So I'm trying to do, do my best, but it's hard to diet that way. Cause I'm like, my wife doesn't want to eat high carb, high fat type stuff. And I'm like, I don't care. It doesn't have a bunch of meat in it. You know, it's chicken or whatever. So, um, so then I think I'm good to do that. So I feel like eating to lower cholesterol, at least for me, it leads to weight, weight gain. You deal with that.

Slade (02:48)

I mean, my biggest problem with the cholesterol, and I was kind of researching some today, like what to eat, what, you know, instead of this, eat that, and everything, I don't know what half of it is. I mean, I don't even know what some of this stuff is. There's nothing to avoid your cholesterol. The choices are terrible. Just downright terrible. Because I mean, I want red meat. I want to have a, I want red meat every day.

Derek (03:10)
What do you mean?

Oh, I know.

know I'm I do competition barbecue and I we have a guy Brandon on our team that wants to do provides lunches and they really started during COVID and people got used to it probably that people work more when they don't leave they just eat and they kind of

Slade (03:46)

Derek (03:47)
And so they continue to do that. And it's a cool perk. But man, when I first started, I was just, they send you this link and everybody orders what they want off this link for DoorDash, you know? And I mean, if the restaurant is Popeyes or if it's, you know, whatever, I was just getting something because I'm like, why am I going to leave to go get lunch? I can't do that now. I started gaining weight like instantly within a couple of weeks. And so now I'm the guy that's ordering the salad all the time.

Slade (03:58)


Derek (04:14)
I'll just go look for whatever salads on the menu. It's terrible, I know, but I don't have a choice.

Slade (04:15)
I can't. I just can't do that. I can't do that many salads. I try like I like a salad here. You know, a couple times a month, two or three times a month, but I just, man, I can't. And what gets me, I don't know why you're talking about getting food out to eat or whatever. The moment I pick up the menu, I forget I'm on a diet. Like I can, I can all day think that I need to eat better. And then you hand me a restaurant menu and I've, that is, that is gone. I don't remember that I'm dieting. I don't remember that I'm fat. Don't remember any of that. It's, it's whatever sounds the best.

Derek (04:44)
Yeah, well you get there and you're just like, I'm going to cheat today and I'm going to eat the processed meats and all of the fats and it'll be fine because then tomorrow I'll eat better. And then tomorrow your wife's like, we need to eat, we need to get something before we get home and the only thing near is Cane's chicken strips. And you're just like, yeah, I'll just do that today too. And before you know it, you've done that for 30 or 40 straight years and here we are.

Slade (04:47)

Mm-hmm. Yeah. Well, the end of the day is what is the killer is you've tried to do it all day by the end of the day, you've got kids stuff to do and errands to run and store to go to. And no one has the time to try to cook anymore. You look, I don't even have time for that. Just grab a pizza or something, which is terrible, terrible option. But I mean, it's, it happens. It happens quick and it's over. And then you're like, Oh, that was a terrible idea.

Derek (05:22)
Oh yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. You don't even feel good after you eat it. And for the record, just so you know, pizza is a terrible option for high cholesterol because it's all cheese and meat. You know, it's just really bad for us.

Slade (05:38)
It's all, if it's good stuff, chances are it's not good for high cholesterol is kind of what I've determined. Well.

Derek (05:44)
I know. It's a battle.

Slade (05:47)
Well, before we do dig into what's not good for you, and I want to preface this in my research. I don't know what I clicked or how I got to it, but I actually found an article that says there's potential benefits of drinking whiskey, which I probably couldn't find a lot of people to agree with me, but I mean, it talked about like heart health, relieving cold symptoms, helping your immune system, the vitamins and stuff that were in it. So I think with that being said, the best way to get healthy right now would be to try a little whiskey.

Derek (06:00)
Oh, I love it.

Man, I like the R&D. So today we've got another partner called Alamo Distilling. And so they provided us with some samples. And really, if I think back, I'm pretty sure they were the first company that responded positively to me reaching out and said, hey, we wanna work with you guys, this is cool. And they sent us several...

Slade (06:19)
I thought that was pretty good.

Weren't they the ones that like you commented and you said something like in a day, both of our front porches had an enormous box of alcohol on it.

Derek (06:47)
Yeah, that's the other thing. I didn't, I mean, she said that we shipped it and I don't even know that I told you before you got it because I didn't think it was going to get there. Literally like express mail, like the next day. Yeah. And it was, it was several bottles of booze and we'll tell you what all that is. I think we're just going to sample the whiskey today, but we've got, we've got four other bottles and we'll kind of share with you what that is.

Slade (07:00)
They like overnotted it.

So this one is a small batch by Alamo Distilling Company. Bourbon Whiskey, 45%. So that makes it what, 90 proof?

Derek (07:25)
That's it and this is a bourbon whiskey. Slate, I'm going to read just a little bit about it. She sent, she sent us these cards as well and I'll read a little bit about it so people know what we're supposed to taste and all that kind of stuff. But it's Alamo black label bourbon and it's rich, bold and smooth and made in the heart of San Antonio, Texas. So I don't know that we mentioned that, but yeah, this is another Texas one.

Slade (07:40)

Derek (07:51)
The bourbon begins as a high corn mash with a touch of rye and malted barley. So this might be similar to that to the acre one that we like that had a lot of corn. What's that one called? I can't remember but it was really good and we liked it. Sunray yeah and it was a little sweeter so this might be similar to that we'll see and it says after maturing in low char barrels the spirit produced is an approachable versatile go-to Texas bourbon. It says aromas rich oak.

Slade (08:00)
Oh yeah, yep.


Derek (08:18)
toffee and dark fruit. We'll smell it and see if we agree. And then it's a full-bodied taste with vanilla, cocoa, I don't know if it's cocoa or cacao, oak and a touch of spice. So, sounds pretty good. We'll see if we agree with all that.

Slade (08:28)
I don't know.

I like the word, I like the word approachable being in there. It's an approachable bottle. Cause I can say in my younger days, there weren't many bottles of whiskey that weren't approachable at least.

Derek (08:36)

Well, I'm just glad I was reading it and I could actually pronunciate that because I don't, C-A-C-A-O, is that cacao, is that how you say that?

Slade (08:51)
I'm not even gonna step on that one because I would sound retarded so no I don't know how you say that word. Let's see if I can bottle pop it decently. So much pressure in doing this. Yours is good.

Derek (08:53)
You don't know either.

Yours wasn't good. Yeah. All right, so it says that, oh, you are?

Slade (09:06)
Kind of a low noise really, really not what I expected. I am going to go over us today. I'm going to go over us today. Well, I don't know if everybody remembers or people who did watch it on YouTube almost died like last episode.

Derek (09:18)
this on here so people can see.

Yeah, I'm gonna do the same. I didn't know you were going to. I just happened to decide to do that.

Slade (09:27)
Well, I think the last episode I inhaled at the wrong time and almost died. It was, it was touch and go.

Derek (09:33)
Um, yeah. And you know, I had to keep talking while you were choking. You were muted, but I could see you and, um, it's for one, it's hard to keep talking and just fill this airspace with noise, but it's also hard not to laugh at your buddy who's literally choking on camera.

Slade (09:43)
Ha ha!

I'm sure that made a challenge yeah I thought I did a good job of I mean audio like podcast wise people listening had no idea that happened they might have heard my voice a little rougher next time but video people were like yeah something just happened and what notes are we looking for here in Smell?

Derek (09:59)
That's true. All right, let's do it.

Well, before I remind you, tell me what you smell.

Slade (10:07)
That is unnecessary pressure. Definitely Kekal, or whatever that was.

Derek (10:11)
I don't know either. I'm not looking at it. Can't count. I know that's made up. Um, I don't know. Yeah, but that's obvious.

Slade (10:21)
Oaky. I mean, I smell a little bit of oak. That was a cheap answer to get me through it.

Derek (10:29)
I don't know. I kind of feel like it smells a little bit like vanilla. Maybe like the TX whiskey has that kind of natural vanilla smell. We'll see.

Slade (10:40)
Good though.

Derek (10:44)
That's really good. Yeah, it really is. It's super smooth. It definitely has that sweetness. We thought it would. And then it says on tasting a touch of spice. That is definitely true. Can you taste that on, on the back end? Just a little bit of a spiciness.

Slade (10:45)
Good, but really good bourbon. That's a really good bourbon.


Oh, there's definitely a spassiness, yeah.

Derek (11:06)
That's really good.

Slade (11:07)
little bit but not too much either like not none of the none of it's overpowering

Derek (11:14)
Yep. So I'll share with everyone what else we've got. And I've got these bottles here. So I'll show you for those that are watching. Otherwise I'll describe them, but we've got a coconut flavored rum called Rasta Bob. You think it's Rasta or Rasta? Rasta or Rasta Bob, Rasta Bob coconut. And we haven't tried it. Yeah, I think so. If it's anything like the bourbon, it's going to be better than Malibu though for sure.

Slade (11:29)
I think it's Rasta. I think it's Rasta.

So like kind of, they're spin on Malibu.

Derek (11:44)
Then we got a premium Texas vodka.

And that looks empty, but it's full. I don't know if you can tell that. I just didn't want people thinking I got into this.

Slade (11:52)
We need to get our wives on here. We need to get our wives on here for the vodka tasting. They would be the better.

Derek (11:56)
I'm cool with that. You know, we need to have, I have it backwards. We, we need to, uh, we need to have a guest. I think it's time for that. And then, so I showed you the gin and the vodka. And this is the, this is the weird one. And I don't even know what it is, but it says Chamoy flavored.

Slade (12:05)
Thanks for watching.

This is the one my daughter wanted to try. Yeah, my daughter wanted to try this chamoy flavored liqueur.

Derek (12:19)
What y'all got going on in your household where your daughter wants to drink alcohol, man?

Slade (12:23)
Chamoy is not an alcohol. Yes, so she just saw that it would... She just saw chamoy flavor and was like, ooh, can I try it? And I mean, she's 12, so I obviously said no, but...

Derek (12:26)
This is, this is, this is chamoyed flavored spirit.

But I don't even know what chamoy is.

Slade (12:39)
I don't know what it's made of. It's, it's, it's the, that Mexican stuff. It's like a syrupy. They use it like on the rims of drinks and stuff. Like I've done a, I've done like a, uh, ranch water and rim it in Chamoy and covered in tahini. It is, it is pretty good.

Derek (12:48)

You're well traveled though, so you try all that cool stuff.

Slade (13:00)
I think Ranchwater just had like a trendy phase. So I, you know, I don't do clothing trends. So I do more like, you know, liquor, liquor trends. I was going to say liquor, liquor trends.

Derek (13:11)
I don't know if I do any real trends. I guess I do. So my house, my wife is always decorating and we're always buying stuff for it. That's the trendy thing that we do, I guess.

Slade (13:21)
I know, I know I don't enjoy coming to your house because then we leave and we're like, oh, are we gonna do some of that? We should really start working on this or that or this or that. I was like, well, no. No, we're not.

Derek (13:34)
just to do that. You're doing just right. Just say no. Because once you start, it's a slippery slope. And if people want to know, they can go to the Henley houses on Instagram because my wife keeps up with like all the images there and they'll see all the stuff that she's had us working on. We've only been in this house for a year and a half.

Slade (13:52)
You do some interesting things. I do like the things you post. You all need to go check that out. You know, they do. He may be complaining, but they're, they're good at it. I've actually already told him he's got, I've got jobs here for him to come help me do, cause I just, I just, I'm not that guy. That's not like, I want to go travel or go do stuff. I don't want to, I want my house to be set in stone.

Derek (14:10)
hear you but I'm definitely going to help I think the girls are already kind of getting something set up but you're living I haven't seen this but you're living without carpet right in your house.

Slade (14:15)
them. Well, I mean they won't tell us until then.

Ooh, that is gonna get you in so much trouble with my wife, but... I mean, you've already said it, there's no... And this is not live, so there's no way to get rid of it. But... No, I've- I've started-

Derek (14:25)
Can I not say that?

Well, you know we could cut it.

Slade (14:35)
Now we started a bedroom project, that's kind of where we're gonna start with. It hadn't been that long. We're just, I'm starting to pull all the carpet up and getting ready to put floors down and all that. But I've also got outdoor projects and it's getting that time of year to work on some of them too. So it's fixing to be, it's fixing to be busy. But, but let me do say as far as trends, I am trendy in the fact that I just got a new washer and dryer.

Derek (14:55)
Look at you. Did you spend a fortune?

Slade (14:56)
I'm not, you know.

I mean, a fortune compared to what you spent five years ago, pre-COVID. I mean, I think everything, do you notice everything you described now is pre-COVID? Well, this is how it was pre-COVID. But no, then it was a lot worse. But I think they had a sale going on, and I got ones which I was blown away. I guess I haven't caught up. So ours are smart washers and dryers. Why do we need so many smart appliances? What is? And there wasn't, I didn't even see a non-smart option. I got the smart one.

Derek (15:05)

We don't. They're the worst.

Yeah, well, you don't have a choice. You know, so I said, we've been in this house for less than like a year and a half. And so they call it smart house and all this stuff. It's not smart. In fact, it's kind of dumb. They have this smart hub. It's like the opposite and it's all wired. So they've like wired everything. So like in the living room, there's a, like a wall plate, but on the ceiling, I don't know if you've ever noticed it, but it's for a wireless access point. But the thing is

Slade (15:52)

Derek (15:57)
You don't need wires now. Everything's pretty much wireless. So it's just a bunch of wires coming together in this box in our, in our laundry room. It's totally worthless, but the appliances are all smart too. So you have to hook them up to wifi and they send you notices and warnings. And we, our couch is probably five feet away from the oven and we can get on our phone and preheat it like why who can't just get up and walk five feet. I don't understand it. I don't understand the benefit.

Slade (16:00)

I mean I can't say I wouldn't do that. That doesn't sound terrible. Well, I mean yes. I mean until you pay somebody to do that. But no, I mean, like you kinda did already. But all the watch and drive, it just like tells you when it's done. You can send it commands to start and I was like that's just...

Derek (16:31)
Now you want that? We still got to get up to put the food in too.

I wasn't trying to talk you into it.

Slade (16:50)
I mean, when it's done, what is it? I mean, I've got to go in there anyway. There's really literally no way around that. And there's no preheating a washer and a dryer. So, I mean, I've got to go in there. What am I going to go put the clothes in it and then go sit down and go, now I'm going to start it. I don't want to be in the room when it starts. I don't understand. That's one of those. I don't see the point of it. It's more just to do it, just to do it.

Derek (17:08)
Yeah, I think all of it's dumb. And the worst part is when so like with an oven, it's got this head unit above it. So you open it, it's all electric. It doesn't have buttons. It's got a screen, you know, which works perfect when you're starting the oven. But then if you have anything with like a lot of moisture in it and you open up the oven and all the steam comes out.

fries that thing and it like freaks out for a little bit it won't even turn off like you're trying to turn the oven off and It turns off for a second and then it like starts people pop doing this weird thing and then like comes back on And you can't get it turned off Not doing that twice

Slade (17:40)
I like it does what now? What is it does again? I just want to be there to hear it do that. I'm really you've now got me interested. I want to hear it do that. I want to hear your oven make robot noises from the 80s. I want to hear that. I totally want to hear it.

Derek (17:51)
Well, I'd rather have a robot oven from the eighties. This thing's terrible. It's the worst.

Slade (17:58)
It is funny to look, remember like 80s movies, what the future was gonna be. It was gonna be like some goober robot driving around talking dumb to you. Like that was gonna be the high tech future and then we're not there. We just see that our washer is done from another room.

Derek (18:07)
No, we're not. Yeah, that's right. Our biggest advancement is preheating the oven and saving a five foot trip. It's kind of ridiculous.

Slade (18:16)
Yeah, it didn't go where they thought it was gonna go. Not at all.

Derek (18:20)
Okay. So you went and bought this, you bought this washer and dryer. Where do you go to do that? Are you at like a big box store? Did you do it online? How'd you buy it?

Slade (18:30)
ordered it from Best Buy. I didn't even go look at it. I just got on Best Buy and found one that I thought looked good enough. And literally it only backfired in one way. One way. The top is slanted and my wife is furious about that. Well you can't like the flat area on top is a slant to it so you can't just sit stuff on the washer and dryer.

Derek (18:42)
What does that mean, slanted?

Like, oh, okay. That would irritate my wifi too.

Slade (18:53)
And we have, we always had like, that was like where dog food sat and stuff like that for us to get to feed the dogs. And now anything you said just slowly eases off and falls off. Or I mean, you fold your clothes and sit it up there. I mean, I get it. I get it. I didn't, I didn't know that I needed to look when I was bought online and make sure that the top wouldn't slanted. I didn't know somebody had decided that was a thing. No.

Derek (18:59)


That's what we do, yeah.

Is this how things work in your household? Like do you get to make these decisions and go buy this stuff without any input?

Slade (19:24)
Sometimes but I think it's just so somebody can complain afterwards like sure just get it. It's fine. I trust you Oh, you got it. You didn't do a good job. You didn't I mean our living room furniture is the same way I was I was allowed to choose that and I haven't heard about I haven't heard the end of it for years

Derek (19:28)

You really screwed up, dude.

Yeah, but you still get to choose. I've never gotten to choose and I don't even think I did anything wrong. I think I just haven't earned that right to do that. And you know, I don't know when I would you complain more.

Slade (19:51)
I probably complain more than you do. I complain more than you do, I think. Yeah, I'm like, hey, I'd like to pick something to this house. I feel like I'm surrounded by not me. So she's like, okay, you can pick this. And then she immediately regrets it.

Derek (20:02)
I almost always only care about the price anyways. So she'll be cost-conscious, cautious, conscious, but she will not, in terms of the design part, she doesn't care. She's gonna pick that. She's like, you have no input on that.

Slade (20:19)
So what, you're the cost person or she's the cost person?

Derek (20:22)
I'm the cost person, but she knows that so she'll go, all right, well, this one's super expensive. I'm not going to fool with that. How about this one? You know, she'll, she'll skip the elite stuff or whatever.

Slade (20:31)
The way I see it happening in her head is she's looking at it. She's like, I really want that one. Derek will never let me do that one. And just goes to something else like inside. She's a little saddened. Like I really wanted the other one, but I know, I know he'll say no.

Derek (20:44)
Mm-hmm. I'm okay with that.

It's too expensive. Yeah, I'll take that remark. You can't, I mean, you can't spend the kind of money on some of this stuff. It's ridiculous, you know.

Slade (20:48)
You'll take that remark. I'll take that remark.

It is a little crazy, but I mean everything is. There's nothing that's not crazy.

Derek (21:03)
I know groceries are crazy eating out. It's all crazy.

Slade (21:06)
Groceries are crazy. Eating out, eating out is insane. Insane. Which here lately has been a killer for us because I don't know, I mean, I do know what your son does, basketball and all that. So I feel like with kids activities, you find yourself eating out more and at times there's somebody with you. Like it's not, it's not just the base family unit.

Derek (21:17)

Yeah. Um, that's exactly right. Like my, my son's buddy will go with us all over and it's fine. He's, he's actually family. His, my, my son's best friend is also his cousin. They didn't know each other until they were older. So it's almost like they're just friends, but they're, but their cousins do. Anyways, he's around a lot and my son's around him a lot. In fact, he's there tonight at his buddy's house. So, uh, you know, but yeah, you're right. You take someone with you for people to eat dinner. You're spending over a hundred dollars. It's crazy.

Slade (21:54)
Easy, easy. And as a parent, I don't know how you are, well you probably are the same, because I know you're cost conscious. But you listen to their decisions, you so badly want to be like, oh, are you sure that, but no, I don't want to be, I don't want to do that to you. Go ahead and get what you want, but.

Derek (22:07)
Yeah. Yeah, exactly. But you got to pick your battles and I think appliances is a good battle.

Slade (22:16)
I took it as a victory because I got to choose something. And I'll be honest, so to show her who we are, this is our first new appliance, and I gotta take that back, maybe eight years ago we got a stove. So it's been a while, we don't get them often. I will use something until it just, I mean, as long as the function portion is still intact, I'm money with it. It may not be pretty, there may be some, ah, shut the door different, this doesn't work right, but.

Derek (22:38)

Slade (22:43)
the main function that's my if I like refrigerator I've had to chisel out the ice maker probably 15 times but it still works after I'm done so I put up with it is the chiseling worth you know another I mean what are fridges now two thousand dollars no I'm not gonna go I can chisel for two grand

Derek (22:54)
But it still works.

Well, you said refrigerator and it got me to thinking, I did get to pick out the refrigerator. And I got to say that now because I just said I never get to pick anything. But I got to pick the refrigerator. Right? You know where I'm going with this?

Slade (23:14)
And you did a good job. Because I know where you're going with, I know what else you're going to mention. Because I know I was impressed. And I'm waiting, I kind of want a refrigerator now.

Derek (23:23)
So when you get a refrigerator, there's really just one thing you should be focused on as a guy, right? And it does?

Slade (23:29)
Will it make a grocery list? That's what you want to, that's what you're focusing on, right? Will it connect to your smartphone and send you a grocery list? That's what you're talking, that's what you're gonna say, right?

Derek (23:32)
Yeah, that's it.

No, like I try to avoid that. But the thing that's important to me is does it make ice balls? And if it does, then I do want it. So I did pick out the fridge because it does make craft ice. It calls it. So I have balls of ice in the freezer all the time, which is great. So anytime we're drinking or you come over, we can use them.

Slade (23:39)

It was, I know your delivery. I was like, let me get some ice out of your fridge. You're like, no, no. Open the door, look in there. I could tell it was a prideful moment for you of what you had chosen and the benefit it had given you. So.

Derek (24:03)
Check out what we've got.

Yeah. Love it.

Slade (24:12)
I can't blame you for that one. That was good. That was really good.

Derek (24:15)
I don't know if you know this, if you are going to buy one at some point, if you want clear ice, you know, there's a difference between regular ice and clear ice. You may already know that, but it will make, it will make clear ice balls or just regular ones that have some white in it. You know, if you do the, if you do the clear, it'll make three and there, you can see they're not huge. It'll make three of them in a day, 24 hours.

Slade (24:24)
I mean, no, I did not know that.

I've never seen it make clear.

Derek (24:42)
Yeah, like that's not going to keep up. But here's the crazy thing. You may not know to do the regular ice. I can only get six. So what I do is it'll start building it up over a week or something. I don't drink during the week, usually except for when we're doing something like this and it'll build it up to where it can't fill anymore and I'll put them in Ziploc bags and then just put them separate in the freezer because it, you'll get behind like you and I cut, you come over for one weekend. We're going to kill more than six, you know, in a day. So we have to have some backups.

Slade (24:44)

I feel like that's a very good old man thing. That you're bagging the ice that your refrigerator's making and keeping it for later. That is definitely an old man activity. You are bagging the ice. It's making it and I'm going to go ahead and save some of this. I'm going to get me a stock pile of ice and put it back.

Derek (25:15)

I didn't really think of it.

Do you think we can cut that part out of this podcast? Because I just thought about that and I totally agree. Well, that's too bad.

Slade (25:29)
Oh no. No, we'll probably make that one into like a little clip or a reel and throw it out on social media because that's going to be, that's going to be memorable. The fact that you make a, you make bags, you save your ass.

Derek (25:36)

That doesn't be a good one, yeah.

Well, look, the next time you're over and you're enjoying a cocktail, you can thank me for bagging the ice.

Slade (25:49)
I will, I'll be sure and, hey, you do take it to your cabin sometime, don't you? So I mean, there's a good purpose to it. See, I'll save you with that one.

Derek (25:55)
Mm-hmm. Yeah. So we don't drink the water at the cabin is, um, it's, we it's rain caught water and we don't use it to drink obviously. So we use it to shower, clean dishes, that kind of stuff. But for drinks, we, we have to get our own ice. So I guess it is an old man thing. Cause I'm like actually not even having to stop and buy ice now. Cause I'll just bring like a big Ziploc full of those ice balls. And I'm good for the weekend up there.

Slade (26:22)
Such a planner, such a planner.

Derek (26:24)
But you know, I think to really be an old man saving ice cubes, if I took them to somebody's house, like if I go to your house to hang out, if I show up with a bag of ice, then I think that qualifies as an old man move.

Slade (26:36)
Yeah, not a bag from the store. You're like, don't, no, don't worry. I brought my own. Well, no, the old man way would be like, I brought my own. I can't, no, you can't have any. I brought me, I brought ice for myself. I won't be, I won't, I won't be needing any of your ice. I've, I've brought my own ice. So just hang on to your own. Uh-oh, that's good stuff. Hey, I do, I do, I have something that crossed my mind. I do want to, I do. It will be quick, short. I just want to, want to get your take on this. And we, we try not to dig off into politics too much just to.

Derek (26:38)
Don't worry, I've got this.

Oh, I'm not gonna share.

You're right. I love it.

Slade (27:04)
not stir anyone up with that but I know the Senate unions the other day so there's definitely a lot of political stuff going on and there's a lot of flaws and problems on both sides of the aisle. We both have our side but I mean even our side's flawed I'm pretty sure. But what is it that a when people call for something? Why what does it mean for a politician to call for something? Do you know what I'm talking about?

Derek (27:28)
Give me an example.

Slade (27:30)
I mean you'll see it in the news. This senator has called. I mean let's use our current one. Here, let's use our current one. When someone calls for the president to impeach, they just call for it. You know what I'm talking about? You see like a headline like, Senator calls for president's resignation, not impeachment resignation, who it doesn't do anything. It's just like a.

Derek (27:43)
Yeah, or...


Slade (27:56)
a statement of entertainment, I guess. I don't really know what you'd call that. It would be like me walking into my boss's office and go like, I'm calling for your resignation. I'm pretty sure they're A, not gonna resign. And in my life, I'm gonna be fired. But they don't even do it, they don't do it to the person they're even talking to. They just state it somewhere else in the news or in another event. They just call for somebody to do something.

Derek (28:00)
I don't know.


I don't know, I know what you're talking about because you'll see like Biden calls for a ceasefire in Israel you know or whatever. So I think what it is, is it's politicians, it's one of two things, one they can't actually do anything so they're just going to call for it and make it look like they are or it's them pandering to their constituents like their voters.

Their voters want a ceasefire. There's nothing they can do. So they're just gonna get up there and call for it to appease the people who vote for them, right? That's what I think it is.

Slade (28:55)
That makes sense. So instead of just walking on and going, just so y'all know my view, it's this. They're calling for it. I have a third opinion of what it is. It is the extension of how parenting is. Just like if you're like, hey son, I'd really like for you to clean your room. And if you come back in an hour and they still haven't, they're just like, well, yeah, I heard you. I mean, I heard that you said you wanted that done, but I haven't made any headway into doing it yet.

Derek (29:00)
Exactly. Yeah, that's what I think is happening. Okay.

Where is this going?

I thought you just called for it. That means I don't actually have to do it, remember?

Slade (29:30)
Yeah, my wife will do that. My wife will get into that when she'll, she's too nice of a person so instead of looking at our kids and saying go do this, she'll be like, hey before you head out today you need to be sure and pick your room up. That wasn't an order. That wasn't an order. It was just a statement of need. Something you ought to do. Here's a little bit of advice. And my kids normally leave it as, you didn't really tell me. You didn't say go do it.

Derek (29:56)
Exactly. That's exactly what it is. I think you nailed it.

Slade (29:58)
So I think that's what, it's the exact same thing. It's saying things you would like to see done with no hope of them ever getting done.

Derek (30:08)
But interestingly, we're all adults and so we know that it doesn't mean anything. So I think they could just stop doing that.

Slade (30:16)
They could, they could, because I mean, literally the news covers it. Like they make it an article that this Senator called for this. And it's always a Senator that's really not relevant. I do like, I like when it's that. I like when it's not even a relevant center, not one that's normally in the news. It's just one, the one from Northern Indiana has called for, like, yeah, that's not going to, that's not going to go anywhere. That one's a, that one's dead on arrival right there. You can, you can hang that one up.

Derek (30:33)


You don't think that he could stop the war in the Middle East. Like he, the Northern Illinois Senator has a lot of power. So you never know.

Slade (30:52)
I mean, do you think that even not even any president is sitting at the White House and sees that go across the hill and they're like, man, I probably should think about doing that. I mean, I think Jim Green said I should. So, I mean, I don't know him. I mean, you know, they don't even know they don't know all the senators are like, I don't even know this guy and he's calling for. Yeah, I think I'll do it. Sure. Why not? It would be like you walking through my house and telling my son, you probably ought to pick your room up. He's going to be like, I don't care what Derek thinks. He doesn't live here.

Derek (31:03)
This is really good.


Yeah, that's true. Wait, is there... I'm Jim Green from Northern Illinois now? Come on. I hope I throw... Yeah, but I mean, I like to think I have a little more pull than that guy.

Slade (31:24)
To my son, yes.

I mean, at your home in Indiana you do, but when you drive to this state, no. You have no pull on this one.

Derek (31:35)
Oh Indiana.

Yeah, in East Texas, I don't have any pool out there.

Slade (31:42)
I don't have any Paul and Moan home, so. I mean, if.

Derek (31:45)
Next stop, you get to choose your own appliances.

Slade (31:48)
I think that's to make up for me not choosing the things I should be allowed to choose. I mean, you can relate that to politics. Typically if they're working on working on this, they're not wanting you to look at this like, oh, look, we're doing that. We're working on this right here. Please don't look over here right now.

Derek (31:53)
Don't get yourself in trouble.

Oh yeah, that's always happening.

Yeah, exactly. Happens all the time.

Slade (32:09)
anyway. That's enough politics. That's enough politics. I just I just saw the other day, I forgot what it was somebody called for something. I was like, I gotta, I gotta get Derek's opinion on that. I want to know if I'm the one who notices the calling for things.

Derek (32:21)
No, I noticed. I know what you're talking about.

Slade (32:24)
All right, well, I think I'm going to call for the end of this podcast. I don't know if that means anything or if you agree or not, but that's, I'm going to call for the end of this episode.

Derek (32:32)
I think that means we got to keep going because it doesn't actually happen if you call for it. So let's talk about something else.

Slade (32:37)
just ignore me and keep on trucking huh yeah Lee thanks for sitting down here talking with me guy to everybody listening check us out in social media we need to get some more subscribers we need more ratings I need to see ratings I wanna see good bad or indifferent I wanna see it I don't even care if it's hate mail if it's you guys suck try to go back to your day job whatever it is I don't care

Derek (32:46)
Yeah, always.

Slade (33:04)
Get on there and give us some stars. One, two, nine, five, whatever. Give us a review. Check out our website, wits website, whiskey dash fire.com. Send us an email. Whiskey fire podcast at gmail.com. And then all your popular social media networks. Anything you want to add before we hop off here, Derek?

Derek (33:09)
Just say something.

Yeah, I just want to say thanks again to Alamo Distilling. You guys are awesome, especially Anja. She's the contact we had that really hooked us up. And I don't always say this when we try something, but this whiskey was really, really good. And I don't know what my expectations were. I didn't really have them. I don't know that we mentioned, but we have not tried this before. We just tried it today for the first time and it was really, really good. So thank you, thank you.

Slade (33:29)

It was.


was good. It'll definitely be one. I'll enjoy the rest of that bottle. That's, that's for sure. Maybe we'll, maybe we'll get the women on here. That's, I think that's what we should do. Get the women on and we'll do all the other things they sent us.

Derek (33:58)
Yeah, let's do that. I'd like to, I'd like to be able to listen to them on a podcast and tell them where they can improve, switch it up for a change.

Slade (34:07)
Well, that will be the last episode we are allowed to put out on the airwaves. That will be it. All right. Well, thanks everybody for listening. God bless and we will see you next time.

Derek (34:13)
Probably right.

See ya.

Slade Beard (34:22)