On the Line

Mikki talks us through her awesome Queenstown marathon result and Cam discusses his recent trip to Samoa for a triathlon camp recce. Cam brings us into the world of hosting software and describes some hacking attempts on his platform where hackers attempt to use stolen credit cards.

Show Notes

Mikki talks us through her awesome Queenstown marathon result and Cam discusses his recent trip to Samoa for a triathlon camp recce.

Cam brings us into the world of hosting software and describes some hacking attempts on his platform where hackers attempt to use stolen credit cards.

To learn more about Mikki and Cam and their businesses visit https://mikkiwilliden.com and https://trainingtilt.com

Creators & Guests

Cam Langsford @ Training Tilt
Founder of Training Tilt Auckland, New Zealand
Mikki Williden
PhD, Registered nutritionist, Auckland NZ; Podcast 🎙 Mikkipedia. Fitter Radio cohost; avid runner & advocate of whole food & great coffee. 😎

What is On the Line?

Welcome to "On the Line" where hosts Cam Langsford and Mikki Williden bring you insights and discussions about their businesses and the challenges they face, as well as touch on topics related to endurance fitness, health, wellness and craft beer.

Cam is the owner of Training Tilt, a software platform that helps triathlon and endurance coaches improve the performance of their athletes and businesses. Mikki is a nutritionist who helps people achieve their weight loss and confidence goals through online nutrition coaching and meal planning.

Each week, Cam and Mikki get together to chat about their business experiences and share ideas and insights on entrepreneurship and the ups an downs of being your own boss, as well as discuss various aspects of endurance fitness, health, and wellness. They also share their experiences traveling to endurance events and business conferences around the world.

When they're not recording their podcast on the go, Cam and Mikki can be found meeting up at local Auckland craft breweries to record their episodes and sample some great craft beer, which they might even discuss on the show. Tune in to "On the Line" for a fun and casual conversation about business, entrepreneurship, endurance fitness, health, and wellness. Oh and craft beer.

Mikki: so Cameron, what
are we talking about today?

Are we recording?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

I'll just put it on.


Cam: So where are we?

Were at Urbanaut another
brewery again, in where are we?

Mikki: city of Sales Auckland.


Kingsland, even

Cam: Yeah.


More locally.



Which, where we were last time.

We were recorded.

Mikki: Yeah.

No, you, no, we were,
we were in Mount Eden.

Cam: done so many episodes now.

Mikki: I know we're getting confused.

I will say though, I was here three
weeks ago just before the Auckland

Marathon or Half Marathon that I did
Baz of the Marathon, and that's when I

realized that Urbanaut was Urban Ought.

Cam: Oh yeah.

Mikki: As in City Urban?

Cam: Oh, yes.

Oh, oh, cool.

Mikki: Yeah,

Cam: that was a.

That's the one you tried?

What is

Mikki: is it?




Strawberry Pavlova

Cam: Oh, strawberry pavlova.



I like it.

Yeah, it's yum.

Oh, so yeah, the marathon.

, why don't you start with your updates?

Mikki: Awesome.

Cam: you start with your
awesome marathon that you did?

Mikki: Okay.

So as you know, potentially the
listener might know, but they might not.

But I know, you

Cam: they've probably seen you on TV or

Mikki: something.

Yeah, probably.

I was

Cam: a small TV they carry around in their

Mikki: head . Exactly.


I've been training for this
marathon forever, actually,


like July, which is actually my
whole life, which is actually

like quite a long period of time.

But I got really good training in
like when we were away in LA I was,

other than a couple of runs, one I
was sick and one with my Achilles.

Couldn't do.

I was great.

And so my goal was to do a Boston
qualifier, which was easy for me.

Like three hours and 50 is, it would
have to be catastrophic for that to.

For me not to do that.

And so my actual goal was sub
3 30, 3 30 and below, and I

knew that I could do three 30.

And I never allowed myself to
imagine going above that actually,

you know, like, I'm going

Cam: going faster

Mikki: you.

No, no, sorry, going slower.

I'm like, oh no, of course
I'm gonna do three 30.

Like, I didn't even make it an option for
me to consider that I would be slower.

And so when prior to that,
I'd done my Park run, which.

A sub, my sub 20 part run, so 1932,
which I was really stoked with.

And prior to that I hadn't
done sub 20 in years.

And I thought, okay, I'm
obviously fit enough.

And then I just had such a good
feeling, the lead up to the marathon.

I didn't get any of those
usual nervous, un uncertain

feelings that you always know.

You know what it's like,
you know that you are.

So you just dunno how you're gonna go.

But I never even entertained the
thought that it would be a bad race.

I was like, of course it's gonna be good.

I just dunno how good actually.

So I took out all unknowns with
regards to the nutrition stuff.

Kept it like really
simple low residue diets.

So low vegetable intake the day before
just had a u can bar and a banana.

The morning of had two hours in between.

Got the toilet stop I needed and then.

There were no pacers and I was relying
on a three 30 pacer, but there was none.

And so I was there with my mate Tom, who
had put in his pace of pro a 3 25 time,

which I thought was quite ambitious.

Even for me.

I'm like, oh, I'm not sure.

And then our other friend, Emma,
who was gunning for a three 30

or below, but wasn't quite sure.

So we all started out together and
then we were fine until nine k.

I just needed a quick loose.

Like an in and out 30 seconds.

And so I lost Tom at that
time, but I was still on pace.

And in fact, I think I went through,
Emma and I were together for the first

24 K and we went through halfway at
about one hour and 43 or something.

And then my goal was to just get
to about 32 K and on a sub 30,

30 pace and then see how fast I.

and, but actually at about
24 k, I just started running

about 10 seconds a k faster.

Just, it just felt it was
hard, but actually really loved

the feeling of it being hard.

And you know, you and I talk both about
mindset and about how you actually,

like, you've just gotta get out of your
own head a lot of the time and outta

your own way when it comes to anything
sport, nutrition, business related.

And so the whole time I was
thinking, man, this is hard, but.

This is what I signed up for.

So just enjoy the fact that
it's hard and I'm here for it.

So, and I was really like,
really happy with that actually.

It wasn't even a forced thought,
it's just how I was thinking.

And then I just started ticking people off
and I was coming through and then at about

36, and I was also thinking how grateful
I was that I had no stomach issues.

And then at 35 k I could
see Tom up ahead again.

And then I just gained on him.

And then at 36 k I caught up to
him and then we went through 37 K

together and then I passed him and
then just ran and then just, and I was

just running and that felt awesome.

And I ended up with a 3 20, 2 31.



Cam: And you could tell that
you enjoyed it cuz you wouldn't

shut up about it for days.

Mikki: Days look and look at me like you,
you just asked me about it and I gave

you this like five minute, like monologue
, rather than Oh yeah, it was sweet.

Cam: And then one of your friends
videoed you over the line and

we, we watched that video.


And then you just look stoked to
be it's not stoked to be finishing

Mikki: stoked

Cam: with your

Mikki: and.

Yeah, it was spot on.

Like I was concerned at the start when
Tom had put his Pacer pro in and said,

let's run together for this time, because
I wasn't sure that I could do that time.

But also, I didn't know that I could
run the way he ran, cuz he likes to

hit the downhills really quickly.


And I knew that I'd, if I'd done
that on my quad would be smashed.

So I had to trust that I
would catch him in the end.

Cam: Yeah.

You know what though?

That could, that could be an opportunity.

Mikki: for you.


Cam: to learn to run downhill.

Hundred percent.

Especially on a course like that
because you, you say that your quads,

but actually if you're running on
the, if you're running well on a

downhill, you just let your legs go

Mikki: go.

Cam: so

Mikki: Totally agree.


Cam: you actually, you're not
breaking, so you're, you're actually

like running fast, but not learning
too much and not absorbing too much.

So that could be some practice

Mikki: Well, given that, and I know
this isn't a running podcast, but

given that my next event is the
hundred and two at tar, I have to

do more of the eccentric training.

Cam: Yep.

To even just to save, not so much
for speed, but to save,, save

the impact on your boards and

Mikki: Because I have been in that
position, like last time I did ware,

it was 60 K, and by the time it
came to the bit that I could have

run that 15 k, the end couldn't.

My quads were gone.

Cam: And you can tell the
people who are good at that

Mikki: that.


Cam: see them running downhill
and it looks effortless that

they're running downhill.



And then you are

Mikki: jamming,

Cam: not you

Mikki: univers.



Cam: Jamming on the brakes.


To try not to fall over.


And that takes a lot of energy.


Over, you don't have
to do too much for that

Mikki: that.

Cam: to, to burn your quads out.

That's cool.

Mikki: It is cool.

And Queenstown

Cam: was, Queenstown was fun.

Mikki: Yeah.

And a change in Don just
with the change downtown.

The Pedestrianized being




Cam: I guess, I think they
might have had a bit of a,

Mikki: a,

Cam: I don't know whether it would've
happened anyway, and whether covid

just slowed down the development,
but there's a lot happening there.

We went to those new, that new set
of buildings with the Bavarian place,

Mikki: which is the chain of
German, what would you call them?

German restaurants.

Beer halls.

Beer halls, yeah.


Cam: Yep.

So that was really cool.

That was a really nice

Mikki: one.



Cam: place to hang out.

Sometimes you're not sure whether,
you know, whether those chain

places will be good, but it will, it

Mikki: really was.

Cam: And then I heard on news the
other day that they've got, I'm

not sure this is a good thing, but
they've got like a, is it six stories

or eight story buildings happening?

Not far from that, up the hill.

Mikki: Oh yes.

Cam: people are trying to stop it

Mikki: cause they don't want, you know,

Cam: you could easily ruin Queenstown.

Lots of 10 story buildings
on all the hills around

Mikki: town.

Well, I get that.

But the reality is pre covid people were
saying Queensland was ruined anyway,

you know, and I like if of different
reasons, like not the infrastructure to

support all of the tourists coming in.

So it was expanding out.

Cam: Yeah.

So that, it might be good actually.

You get people even that

Mikki: where

Cam: and places, which is up
the hill a bit of the way out

of the central town by the.

Mikki: Yes.


Cam: people out of it.

Mikki: Yep.


Cam: Yeah.

And yeah, but it's just amazing
the, where we stayed out by

Mikki: Arthur's point.

Cam: Yeah, Arthur's point I
shot where the shot over jet is.

Mikki: it's

Cam: beautiful there.

Like, just probably would
avoid staying in town.

Mikki: Yeah.

Cam: Again.

And just stay somewhere

Mikki: like that.


It was nice.

And it had those couple of nice,
like one the Canyon Brewery.


Which was.

And then the other little brewery
place just down from where we were,

which was more sort of pub craft
beer place, which we'll definitely

have to go back to at some.

Like, that was lovely.

We didn't get an opportunity
to spend too much time there.



Cam: that was cool.


Mikki: last

Cam: we talked, I was wondering whether
I was gonna go to Samo the next day.

Mikki: Mm.

Cam: So

Mikki: I did go

Cam: and it was, it was pretty cool.

Mikki: So we recapped

Cam: our friend.

From foot traffic coaching
was going and supposed to be

going with our friend Scotty,

Mikki: Scott, the photographer

Cam: along with Setti from Samoa

Mikki: events.

Cam: So he puts on a bunch of,
amazing actually how much stuff he

puts on in Samoa and in New Zealand.

Mikki: Yeah.

Cam: Real great events.

And he's also like the president
of Samo Cycling and also

Mikki: Sam

Cam: Triathlon.

So he.

Mikki: So he.

Cam: Samoa, he lives in Auckland.

Anyway, puts on awesome
events and planning.

I'm putting on, this was a reiki

Mikki: to see

Cam: whether it would be
appropriate to put on a triathlon

camp and Rob would be the camp,

Mikki: You

Cam: the coach who puts on the campus.


City would be the organizer of
the trip, the accommodation or

the food and, and all of that.

So spent four days in summer and.


Like not, I wasn't sure what
to expect cause I never really

thought about it that much.

But yeah, Samoa is really
like going back in time.


Especially not on the, on , which
is not on the island, that's

RP is on, which is Apollo.

The, and basically it's just
local villages and you could

be in any decade over the last

Mikki: hundred years.

Oh, amazing.

Cam: know, and you wouldn't
even know apart from the cars.


You wouldn't know.

I feel like they haven't
hardly changed in that

Mikki: that time.

So yeah,

Cam: awesome place to go and

Mikki: experience a bit of

Cam: culture, you, there's not many places
in the world where you can go and do that.

Mikki: that.


Anymore can.

What's it expensive to be there?


Cam: No.

So, well, probably
cheaper than New Zealand.


And way cheaper than going somewhere like.

Mikki: Hawaii.


Cam: And probably even cheaper
than But you gotta, you

gotta have your expectations.


Mikki: So

Cam: on Sevi there's
not that many resorts.

Mikki: Yeah.

And there's

Cam: no like bars or restaurants
or anything like that.

So you would eat at the resort that
perfect for a training camp cuz basically

you would go train, try and eat and sleep.

Mikki: Yeah.

Cam: And socialize with
other people on the

Mikki: training camp.

Cam: So you don't need other places

Mikki: to go.


And was it, was it like,
did CTI and Rob decide that?

I think

Cam: working through a few, a few things.

Like just mainly just because
it's really undeveloped.

Mikki: Yeah.

Cam: So there's no bike shop.


You know there's a hospital on
that island, so, so that's fine.

CT has millions of contacts there, so
you can pretty much organize anything.


But I think they'll work
through a few things and then.

See if they can put one on as a trial.

Maybe not worry too much about
the profitability of it, just

get a few people over there.

Mikki: Yeah.


Cam: see how it goes.


Mikki: nice.

Cam: interesting.

So the idea of it is

Mikki: a

Cam: climate very similar to Kona, so
where the Ironman world Championships

is, but hell of easier from Australia
or New Zealand to go to Samoa.

Like it's only a few hours,

Mikki: four

Cam: hours on the plane.

Much cheaper.

Mikki: Yeah.

Cam: Much.

Mikki: if

Cam: go and train and
get some heat adaption.

Mikki: Yeah.

Cam: If you were going over to race.

Mikki: Yeah.


Cam: Kona a few months, later.

So, you know, they've

Mikki: they got

Cam: lava fields,

Mikki: roads

Cam: are similar, just yeah, like a
very similar environment to to Kona.

Mikki: yeah.

And are they targeting
the New Zealand market?

Cam: mainly New Zealand I think.


But, and Australia.

So I think they'll utilize like Rob's
network of all his athletes, some of him.

So he thinks some of his
from the states might even,

Mikki: even come over?


Cam: I mean, it's not easy to get there
from the states, I don't think, but

Mikki: But often time people, they're
not, I mean, of course they're in it for

the triathlon and the competitiveness,
but they're in it for the experience and

to have an experience like that would be

Cam: Yep.


A couple of local Sam and
triathletes and cyclists were there.

Mikki: there.




Cam: just soaking up Rob's knowledge.


Mikki: Ah.

Because Rob knows every like, and I,
I don't mean that in a facetious way.

He has so much knowledge.


Cam: So they're loving it.

So they, you could tell, and Rob's such a,

Mikki: if you

Cam: were gonna go on a Kent with a Kent

Mikki: anyway.


Cam: Rob's the one you want to go on.

Mikki: Totally.

Can you imagine if you were, I
mean, imagine you running a Can

Cam: No, I'd be terrible.

Mikki: No, you'll be terrible.

I know.

Cam: I'll just, I'll just let Okay.

You guys go out.

Mikki: Yeah.


Cam: I'm just gonna hang
outta here by myself or,

Mikki: Yeah.

You'd be a great behind the scenes.

You'd be great in the role that you

Cam: I'm definitely behind the scenes

Mikki: Ben.

No, I get it.



Cam: So yeah, so that was good.

So I took some good photos and videos and

Mikki: stuff.

Yeah, I saw some of the pictures
on Facebook that Rob shared.

And I'm not sure if they were
cam links with pictures or

not, but they were amazing.

Cam: Mm, yeah.

Pretty easy to take good photos
when you got turquoise blue

Mikki: Lagoon.

Oh, yes.

Cam: And and Coke about
trees on jungle so, yeah.


Yeah, while I was there, we
haven't talking any about

anything about business yet.

Well, that was a little bit about

Mikki: business while

Cam: was there.

Mikki: there.


Cam: It's not really
business related, but it is.

A few issues came up for me.

Mikki: Okay.

Cam: Okay.

I'm not talking.

Mikki: about this

Cam: In our last episodes are not,
probably not, but while I was day before

just in like an hour before we were gonna
go out from the first day in Samoa to go

Mikki: riding.

Cam: I saw some funny activity
on the, on my training site.

And turns out someone was

Mikki: like a hacker.


Cam: hack was doing a carting attack.

So what that is, is
people may have stolen,

Mikki: like

Cam: Credit card numbers.


But they might just have the number Yeah.

And maybe the, the person's
name and they might not have the

Mikki: Cvv,

Cam: number on the back Yeah.

Or the date or something.


So what they do to try and
figure that out is they'll find

a website that accepts a card.


So when you sign up for training tool,

Mikki: you can

Cam: your card details at the same
time they were, they'd written a

little bot that goes through it,
puts the card number and puts the.

Mikki: name and

Cam: Guesses, like either the expiry date
or the CVV number on the back or whatever,

Mikki: And,

Cam: then just test them
over and over and over again.

Mikki: Changing those details.

Changing until they get it right.

Until they get it.

Cam: Alright

Mikki: so can I ask, do you
get notification of any, like,

of a failed attempt as well?


Cam: so I get basically
anything, any error or anything

that happens in the system is.

and currently, which I've always
had going, which is like stressful,

but at the moment it's good.

I get emailed every single
one of those things mate.

So you know, so I always wake up
in the morning with hundreds of

emails that I just go through.

Mainly I don't need to do
anything cuz they're just

Mikki: an

Cam: happened or a log happened
or whatever, and not a big deal.

But then if I, but then I had like
400 within a couple of minutes

Mikki: so I

Cam: knew something was up.

So then I, all the information
of what's happening is,

Mikki: included,

Cam: Not the card numbers or anything.


Mikki: No, no.

You never,

Cam: never pass those around

Mikki: here.

Cam: anywhere.


Mikki: and did you know
immediately what was going

Cam: on?

Yeah, yeah.


Mikki: So

Cam: I've had this sort of thing happen

Mikki: before.


Cam: So you have to have these mitigations

Mikki: in place to

Cam: try and stop people doing this,
but they always sort of find a way

Mikki: around it.


Cam: So I basically shut down the signups.

Mikki: so

Cam: I'm a good sign up to.

Mikki: talk

Cam: For a few hours while I was away.

Mikki: Was that shutting down
everyone else's signups as well?

No, no, no.

But just your, yeah.

To sign up.


Cam: I don't get, I don't get

Mikki: a, a lot, you

Cam: max I might get is a couple a day.


Couple of new coaches
a day anyway, so, you

Mikki: you know,

Cam: and, and

Mikki: name of

Cam: protecting whoever's cards they were
trying to steal or my rep, my reputation.

Mikki: Yeah.

Cam: So when you have a payment
processor and you have a whole.

Mikki: of fraudulent attempts of

Cam: using cards even if they fail.


That affects the reputation of your Yeah.

Your account on the payment

Mikki: bank.

Cam: So anyway, after Sam, I got back and
I put some mitigation in place for that.

And then

Just before we went to Queenstown,

Mikki: similar

Cam: thing happened.

I dunno if it was the same people, this
time they were doing the same thing.

Mikki: but

Cam: On some of my customers Yes.

Cause training deals on e-commerce site.

Mikki: Yeah.

Cam: so all of my coaches
can accept payments.


They started doing it
there way less severe.

Cause I'd already had, I
already had some other things in

place to stop them doing that.

So they were,

Mikki: instead of doing like

Cam: hundreds in a few minutes, they were
just doing like three or four an hour or

Mikki: Yeah.


Cam: So probably if I was a bigger
site, that would probably just go un.

Mikki: Yeah, it would.

Cam: know.

Cause it would just be like
if you were processing, if you

had eCommerce site and you were

Mikki: you're processing

Cam: you know, hundreds of
payments now or whatever

Mikki: as your usual, then it would

Cam: just look natural.


But because we don't have that higher
volume, I saw some come in, you

know, in a row from the same site
and they were all failed payments.


And then the way they were doing it,
error message was were a bit odd.

Like they weren't doing things
in the right order, which is

why they were getting error.

So basically they didn't actually
process any cards at all.


So there was no real, no real issues
or they, they processed some, which I

think when they were doing it manually.


Then I think they wrote the
bot to do it and the bot was

doing it in the wrong order.

Mikki: Yeah.


I was gonna say it's a pot issue.


Cam: Anyway, so I spent the whole
week putting more mitigations

in place so they couldn't do it.

And you know, when we
were in Queenstown, I was

Mikki: looking on

Cam: it in between, we were go in
between, we were going to the pub or.

Mikki: whatever,

Cam: And they'd stopped by then
anyway, so it wasn't, but then

you just wanna make sure that,

Mikki: they might

Cam: taken the weekend off.


And then come back on Monday anyway.

So mitigation's in place now.

Mikki: And are you confident that
you've been able to stamp that

Cam: that I've got gotten

Mikki: rid

Cam: of

99% of anyone who will try.

So it's it's like when a
burg comes to your house.

. And he sees like a security camera.



Or he sees like that your gate's locked.


You can just go to the

Mikki: to the next house.


Too hard.


Cam: are not, they're not sophisticated,

Mikki: attacks.


Cam: they're not really hacking.

They're just like, basically what, you
know, anyone can go into a site, into

some fake card details and see if they

Mikki: work.


Well that's to use another ridiculous
analogy, not that yours is ridiculous,

but it's like having a car lot, A
steering wheel lock on your car.


Doesn't do a lot, but someone will
look at that and go, oh, okay.

You don't wanna go there.


Cam: three cars next to each other,
just like there's a million e-commerce

websites on the net that people go to.

Mikki: yeah,

Cam: So pretty confident now that for
the most part, they would just come try

it manually, try and ride a little bot.

They wouldn't be able to ride
a bot easily to do it anymore.


And then move on to the next,


Mikki: like it doesn't, it just illustrate
small business and the things that you

just cannot predict are going to happen,
and then potentially throw out a timeline.

Because that you, the way that
you described that, that was

like two weeks of work basically.


Which you didn't have scheduled in
because you wouldn't have known that

it would've occurred, and then that's
just gonna push everything else back.

Like people underestimate
the impact that it has

Cam: yep.

And of course, there's the
argument to be said that I should

Mikki: have

Cam: added all of these
mitigations in beforehand.

Mikki: That's a, an interesting argument.


Cam: there, there already was
some mitigations and I could

continue for another 10 weeks

Mikki: adding

Cam: and more stuff.

Mikki: But

Cam: you know, it's

Mikki: but then is that, then it's
that cost benefit analysis, right?




Cam: like there was, it's all
secure cuz it's run through stripe.

Mikki: Yeah.

Cam: And no one can steal anything via

Mikki: it.

Cam: The issue is they'd already stole.

The cards from the cards from
somewhere, from someone else.


And all they're doing
is trying random Yeah.

Mikki: numbers.

Cam: And you, so you know what
you can do is to stop them

being able to do too many at one

Mikki: time.

Yeah, because,

Cam: because the way they're doing
it, you can't put everything in

place them to stop them doing it.

Mikki: Otherwise

Cam: no one will be able to
coming into their own legitimate

Mikki: credit cards.

Well, you just said that you had to
turn the payments off on your site

whilst you had actually knew that
there's nothing you could do about it.

Cause you were on a
plane to Samoa basically.


Cam: So you can't stop it completely,
but what you can do is stop it.

So they can't do hundreds
at the same, hundreds in a

minute to hundreds in an hour.

Mikki: Yeah.


Cam: you just, you rate limit it.

So it's huge.

You detect that.


Then it just stops them.

So that's what it's

Mikki: doing.

Cam: So even now, if they came
and tried to do it, yeah, it would

allow them to do it the first.

Times cuz that's just like a
normal person coming to the car.

And then I would stop them.

So anyway.

Mikki: Good.

Cam: It's good.

Another lesson learned,
funny thing came out.

Insight came out.

It's already new about myself.

I secretly love these

Mikki: emergencies.

Do you?

Cam: Yes, because

Mikki: it's, you know,

Cam: you know, it's part of
my nature to solve problems.


And if it's an emergence,
it's like that thing, you

Mikki: you know,

Cam: know.

You've got an exam or something
and you leave it till the last

Mikki: minute.

Oh yeah.


Cam: a sudden your mind just goes, yes.

Like your mind turns on and
it's exciting and your dopamine

Mikki: hits and

Cam: you actually enjoy it.

Mikki: So

Cam: when I had my business call, my
business coaching call yesterday morning,

Mikki: Did you speak?

I did.

Good on you.

Cam: on you.

Another thing is I, I was in a cafe
and I'm like, oh, it's a bit loud,

Mikki: It's a bit,

Cam: I won't be able to
speak because it'll be too.

And that's the sort of thing that
I normally do to avoid cuz you

know, I hate that sort of thing.

That is not my strength.


And I hate it.


I don't hate it.

I enjoy it when I do it, but I,

Mikki: its, it's avoid it.


Yeah, yeah.


Cam: it makes me anxious and I thought,
no, and that's not a good enough

Mikki: Yeah,

Cam: Not excuse at all.

Why is an excuse?

It's not a reason.

So I had my vans, I just went and set
up in my van and didn't pull in my van.

And then when I spoke, I spoke.

Mikki: about

Cam: The stuff that had happened.

Yeah, yeah.

Cause I thought that
might help someone else.


Mikki: You

Cam: know, cuz it's when you, when you
are, especially if you're non-technical,

when you set the stuff up, I mean,
most people would never have thought

that that's a thing that happens.

Mikki: No, I.



Cam: know, people know that people
steal credit cards or whatever, but

they don't know that they might steal
a number and then use someone else's

website to randomly check the CVV until
they get it right for the, or the.

Mikki: Yeah.

Cam: So I shared that, but I also
shared my insight about how I

love when the emergencies happen.


Cause also, apart from that, I use that
as an excuse not to do the other things

in my business that I don't enjoy so much
because I've got this emergency going on.


Mikki: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Oh, I like

Cam: now I don't have to do the
sales and marketing stuff that

I committed to do for the week.

Cause this other stuff came up.

Mikki: So it's a very good
procrastination sort of method for you.

Yeah, and it is interesting with that
problem solving stuff, cuz I think

a lot of us might be wired that way.

You know, like I love the bits
that I love most in my business.

I mean, I love the problem solving with
a client, but I also love the pressure

of a sale and the, and the launch.

Programming, getting everything, the
deadlines and everything, making sure

everything's in place like that makes
me, it's that cortisol pumping through.

It's that motivation that
dopamine, you crash afterwards,

but at the time you're on.

Cam: Yep.

And the trick is

Mikki: that

Cam: stuff that you love in your business,
you can't just go, I'm not gonna do that.


Cause I have to do this other

Mikki: yeah,

Cam: what the fuck are
you even doing it for?


If you don't love

Mikki: love it.


Cam: So the trick is to indis
disperse the stuff that you don't

love doing, but you know you have to

Mikki: to mm-hmm.

Cam: with the stuff that you love doing,

Mikki: even

Cam: if it's like a couple of
hours here and a couple of hours

Mikki: there.


Cam: Cause otherwise you're
not gonna be able to.

Mikki: it up.

No, I

Cam: There's no way you could keep it up.

I couldn't even keep it up for
a whole day of doing boring

Mikki: stuff.


Cam: don't, that I hate doing.

And kudos to those who can

Mikki: do that.


I'm not going, no.


Cam: have the attention span for it.

I, you still need to do it.

So you just need to figure
out, I'm not there yet.

Figure out what's the best mix of

Mikki: Yeah.

Cam: So you can, cuz you know, some things
give you energy and something's taking

Mikki: Well, I know, and, and I was
thinking that because I've been playing

around since June, since leaving my
full-time job to just do clients in my

program which is working brilliantly.

I, it's, I've been playing
around with my client.

Because initially I'm like, now I
don't have to see clients early,

so I'm gonna make that my own time.

But actually I do chle on that day
when I have clients because my energy

is in the morning and my energy to
give to people is in the morning.

And then if I, I was doing that sort of
over midday to the afternoon, but that

then left me, cause it's my personality
type to want to get their plans done.

So I'm still working in the evening type.

But it took me trialing that in
order to sort of figure that out.

Cam: yeah, yeah.

That's true.

Like it's funny how they, the
transfer of energy happens like that.


Because they're probably
come and they probably

Mikki: take, yeah, they

Cam: probably leave with energy.


You've like transferred it
through your computer Totally.

To to

Mikki: Yeah.



And in some ways you protect
yourself because you are online.

And I def and I don't
think this is a bad thing.

Like I think it's helpful
for me as a practitioner.

To, cuz I think it makes me
a better practitioner for

all of the people that I see.

And then my online clients, if I was
in person all of the time, I wouldn't

be able to service all those people
because you do protect yourself

a little bit with the computer.

But it is still, it can be one of those,
you know, there are some weeks when it's

a little bit more draining than others.



Cam: Depends what else you got going

Mikki: Yeah.

Cam: Yeah.

It's hard.

Mikki: hard

Cam: Anyway, so last week
was a bit of a ride off Samoa

Mikki: Mm-hmm.

Cam: and then Queens
town and then all of this

Mikki: of this

Cam: stuff.


So basically haven't really made
much progress in the business since

then, but what I'm working on,

Mikki: yeah.

Cam: My business coach told me to do.

Mikki: Oh, great.

Cam: is a great idea.

May have mentioned it in the last
episode that doing these webinars.

Mikki: So

Cam: one so far and that was the middle
of September before we went to, to

Hawaii and LA and it wasn't amazing.

Mikki: It wasn't

Cam: amazing, but

felt good and I felt like.

Mikki: It

Cam: be a thing to do.

Anyway, so my business coach,
I just do one every week

Mikki: and I'm like, wow,

Cam: no fucking

Mikki: wage.

Yeah, that's a lot.

I knows no

Cam: way.

And, but then I'm like,
that's what I need to do.

Mikki: yeah,

Cam: And not because doing
one every week's gonna

Mikki: gonna,

Cam: grow the business, but
doing one every week's gonna

make me really awesome at

Mikki: doing.


Yeah, I agree.

Cam: And it's gonna make me real, really,

Mikki: it's.

Cam: gonna prime me for.

Then probably moving it to once
every two weeks or something.

Well, I

Mikki: we should talk about
that in our next episode about

how you're gonna set that up.

Because I was at your webinar
and it was awesome actually.

I think you under soul, you just
sort of underplayed how good it was.


Technical issues, whatever.

And a little bit of apprehension because
you're just not used to sharing on that,


Cam: lies.


Mikki: But that's different
cuz it's actually people, don.

And I think this is important, and
you probably know it, but that's stuff

that people actually don't care about.

They care about the information
that people that you have to share

and you share great information.

But an hour webinar every
week is quite a thing.

So I imagine they're gonna be shorter.

Cam: Yeah, I think I will.

I will get more efficient at
getting through it in much less

Mikki: time.


Or cut out.

Cam: Cut out the crap that you
know, the gaps and the fillers or.

Or the cause is a word of opinion.

And I think that's one good thing about
doing it every week for ages as well.

And you know, and with my sort of
volume of people yeah, I'll have times

where every we know I need Yeah, yeah.

And I'll just do it and
record it or whatever.

Send out the recording.

It might have one or two or whatever.

Yeah, just I think it just will just
help build a bit of and also help me

Mikki: refine it

Cam: as I go, which I've already done.

I've changed it up from the first time.

Mikki: I did it, yeah.

Cam: Cause the first time I did it and
I, I, I focused it on seasonal revenue

and helping coaches with seasonal
revenue and I got a lot of feedback

saying, actually all of this stuff

Mikki: was relevant.

Cam: to every day.

Mikki: Yeah.

Cam: Yeah.

So I'm, I've changed it.

Mikki: just

Cam: just sort of figuring it out.


I'm gonna change it from, you
know, how to, how to level

out your revenue from big.

To like actually how to generate more of
your revenue in your coaching business.


How to create a more scalable
business model so you can make

more money every day in your

Mikki: I, I also think that you
could take some of those concepts you

introduced and delve a little bit deeper
in their own separate sort of webinar,

and it could be a half hour thing.

You know, like, I think there's so
many, I'm, I am not giving you advice,

but I'm just thinking out loud.

The way I sort of am giving you advice
is someone who does these things.

Is that when you've got a lot of
information, you forget that other

people don't know this stuff.


Cam: Yep.

And a lot of that stuff, like I, in
an hour, I think I cover like four

different ways to generate more revenue.


And each of those things is quite like,
you can understand it when you're lifting

through it, but then it's like, oh,
okay, so what are the steps I need to

Mikki: take?


Cam: So then what I might do is
then go to a workshop or like a

office hours type thing where I'll.

Mikki: Probably

Cam: set those up every week and
then we'll actually go through

practically how to set those up.

Yeah, yeah.

With, with training.


Mikki: software.

That's a great idea.

Cam: And then go, right, I'm
sending it up here and I'll

say, you can show up and watch.


You want to,

Mikki: yeah.

Cam: And

Mikki: also, Cameron, you could put
them together as a bit of a course Yeah.

To then sell on your website later
on, particularly with your new

gear that you could record stuff

Cam: Oh yeah.


Mikki: Yeah.

Well, that's exciting.

So we've already

Cam: thought about some blog
path blog posts to write based

on the content from the webinar.

One I wanna do, I need to do shortly is
like we're going into the off season.

We're in the off season
for Northern Hemisphere.

For triathlon.

Mikki: Yeah.

Cam: So one of the parts of that webinar.

Mikki: Just

Cam: How to strategize.

Well, you've got some down teas
down time in your off season.

Mikki: Yes.

Cam: plan a bunch of stuff.

Mikki: Yeah.

Cam: Cause I think what happens is
a lot of coaches are so busy during

the season and they get the off
season and then wanna take a break or

whatever and then do some coaching.

But really they should be then
figuring out, it's like doing

Mikki: strength

Cam: training in the off season.

Mikki: Is that if

Cam: not working in your off
season, yeah, you'll come back to

the pre-season in the next year

Mikki: and

Cam: you'll just be,

Mikki: back where you started.

You started.


It's hard, eh?


Cam: training as it is for

Mikki: business.

You can't

Cam: just take your off

Mikki: season

Cam: off or just do the
normal things that you do.


You need to use that for

Mikki: building

Cam: strength, setting up
systems learning new things.

Just stuff you didn't
have time to do when you

Mikki: were

Cam: full on working.

Mikki: in your business.

And I think that part of that will
be energy management throughout your

on season when you're in season.

So you don't tax yourself so much
that you've got nothing left.

And I think that's a, and maybe
that's a webinar session as well.

It's like managing your energy when you're
in, so you've got that time and space

because sometimes you're just so taxed.

That's the last thing you feel like doing.

Cam: Yep.




Mikki: Cool.

Nice Cam.

I think so.

Cam: All right.

Catch you next week.

Mikki: Yeah.
