The Coaches Show

The Fullerton College Volleyball Men's Volleyball team finishes off the month of March and the Coaches Show tracks them down at the Hornets Nest together an update. Meherdad Modjtahedi, Ryan Osborn and Mark Pavlovich speak to players Albert Razo, Denim Young and Nathan Cheav.

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Creators & Guests

Corey Neyland
Joseph Pavlenko
Mark Pavlovich
Ryan Osborn

What is The Coaches Show?

The Coaches Show takes a look at sports around Fullerton College

Ryan Osborn
Hello and welcome back to the coach's show on 90.1 KBPK. I'm Ryan Osborn and this week on the coach's show, we've got men's volleyball interviews. We go out, we talk to the team, you know, get a little bit of an update on how the season is going so far. All that and more coming up right here on 90.1 KBPK.

Meherdad Modjtahedi
Hello, volleyball fans. I'm Meherdad Modjtahedi 90.1 KBPK. I'm here with Albert Razo, #10. As you know, him on the Hornets volleyball team. Tell me after two losses, you guys are back and I see a fire in you. You want this win. I can taste it. I can feel it. Tell me about that.

Abert Razo
Oh, well, we've been working pretty hard in the gym, and it's been it's been really showing these guys show a little bit more effort. We're very frustrated at that, at that loss. And we're looking at really, really get it back against this team. And I wouldn't say they're a weaker opponent, but we're definitely people that can beat these people.

Meherdad Modjtahedi
Yeah, it seems like this is a doable game for you guys. So you want to make this happen. I mean, let's be honest, you guys have had a really tough schedule. The last two teams were basically the leaders in the standings, and they're going to be the hard earned leaders. One of them's not lost a single game in the OEC so far.

Meherdad Modjtahedi
Yeah. So you got to fight that. You do what you can do and you guys didn't roll over. So we're proud of you for that. So what do you see going into this game? How do you think it's going to go?

Abert Razo
I think we're going to I think we're going to have a great time. I think we're gonna have a we're going to play volleyball. We're going to do the best we can, and it'll come out in a win.

Meherdad Modjtahedi
Anything different in your tactics from the last games? Because there is a very different team that you're playing?

Abert Razo
Definitely. I think what we had to what we had to focus with IVC and OCC was we had to get to the ball fast and quick because they had their servers really well. I did a little film on these guys. They're not as fast and as quick when it comes to their serving. So we just we just need to do is get our platform there, get our body there and we'll be good.

Meherdad Modjtahedi
And what about the height differences you've played in previous teams where they put an oak tree defense up front. They got really tall guys and our front line isn't that tall, but very fast, very agile. So we got that going for us.

Abert Razo
Yes, we do. We're also very, very smart when it comes to playing off the hands. We we intend we intend on utilizing their height against us. Against them.

Meherdad Modjtahedi
Beautiful beautiful. The taller they are the harder they fall.

Abert Razo
Yeah, indeed.

Meherdad Modjtahedi
Tell me, what about the next games coming up in the future? I know you got to worry about this game right now, but in the future, what else are you hoping for.

Abert Razo
For in the future? I'm looking at one game at a time. But if there's a game that I'm looking at at Santiago, I was frustrated at that game. We had a we had a great game there and we went on a few runs. They went on a few runs. They eventually won that game.

Meherdad Modjtahedi
Yeah, that was a tear jerker, that one out stuff. That one was tough. Okay, you're freshman. What skills do you want to work on right now to make sure you're going to be even more ready for next year?

Abert Razo
Let's get are probably learning more about my fundamentals, learning more about my body and the way I should move according indifference to what I am doing. So like making certain adjustments to move on to the next level and not only in the next level, but help me here.

Meherdad Modjtahedi
I know now people don't know. We had just had spring break. We just finished spring break. Here at Fullerton college. Any rust? You guys, guys got to worry about or you actually More focus, more relaxed now.

Abert Razo
I'd say we're more relaxed. I see a lot of these guys, they had a great time on their spring break. We got we got three days off or two days off. I'm sorry, but Wednesday, Wednesday through Wednesday, we are training and we're going to be good. We're going to be pretty good today.

Meherdad Modjtahedi
Awesome. Thank you so much. Best of luck in your game. Albert Razo thank you so much.

Ryan Osborn
So now we're talking with Denim Young of the men's volleyball team. And Denim when you take a look at just your style of play, you know, a lot of people describe the way that they play very differently. I take a look at your style of play. You get a lot of height when you go up and you get an attack going.

Ryan Osborn
What's been the key to making sure that you get that type of height every time you approach?

Denim Young
I think I think the main thing I try to ask my setter is to set the ball really high because I, I don't really train to jump as I do. I kind of just gradually like, like go up, go up for the ball. So I like in high school they always set the ball really high. So I've always thought to myself, just get it, get to the ball.

Denim Young
So it was always really high. So I felt like jumping really high for it and getting to it is my main thing coming to volleyball in college, though it's always very fast. So coming in it was actually very difficult because I would, I would jump so high, but it would be difficult because I can't go faster. So I would have to like readjust to the setter and just ask like for it to be a little higher.

Denim Young
But coming in, playing so many matches, like it just got better and better. So I feel like it has helped me be a better player and help you be a better player for my team as well.

Ryan Osborn
So, you know, it's interesting you mentioned the timing because a lot of times when we talk to players, we're just coming out of high school. They always talk to us about the different timing that they have to work on, but they always tell us that when they get to the college game, they felt that it was faster. You're saying that it's more you had to kind of slow things down, make sure your timing is right.

Denim Young
Yeah, because I actually was I graduated 2020, which is college year, so I didn't really play right out of high school. I kind of had to, you know, train like go to like open gyms and just play with other people. So I think I got used to how fast it was playing with people who are better already, and I was just playing with them.

Denim Young
So I've been playing with in open gyms for like at least like a year and a half. And then I just got so used to it. And then I came in as an outside wanting to be a libero, but they need an outside. So I decided to become an outside. So I already knew how fast paced the game was, but I felt like I was.

Denim Young
I think I trained myself pretty well before coming in here to play in college.

Ryan Osborn
There's so many intricacies that go from being an outside to a libero as well. When you mentioned wanting to play either one of those two positions or based on need at least having to play one of those two positions, how do you mentally kind of prepare yourself for for the different positions when they're very different stylistically?
Denim Young
Yeah, I feel like with being like an outside hitter, I kind of sacrifice a little bit of my passing just so that I can get up to the ball and make sure I hit it and make sure I put the ball in play as an outside as a hitter. But when it comes to being libero all I have to do is just touch the ball and get it up.

Denim Young
So I feel like that's just the easiest thing to do in this game, is just to get to the ball, make sure it's up, and then, you know, get to make sure it's a good pass, make sure I get to the center. I think that's the part I love. I'm a defensive player in all sports, so I feel like being liberos like my best thing.

Denim Young
But then coming to be an outside play, like passing so good. It's just now I have to focus on my offense instead of my defense. So I think that's just the difference for me is just the defense and offense.

Ryan Osborn
When you talk about being a defensive player in all sports what where some of the other sports you played growing up, so that way you can kind of prepare yourself to be this type of athlete.

Denim Young
I played actually a lot of sports. I played soccer, basketball, little football, little hockey what else did I play I played a little baseball. I remember most of them but that was most of the sports I played. I think soccer was probably the one sport that I really played, and I think that really helped because it's speed. So like, I feel like soccer is just a really speedy sport and I feel like I got way faster while playing soccer when I was younger and then coming to play in college.

Denim Young
level I feel like getting to the ball is just the easiest thing you could do. So my speed really helps in the game and then playing like basketball is just it helps with just the accuracy of everything. But I feel like being a defensive player is just the best thing in any sport. But in volleyball, especially because defense wins games.

Denim Young
I learned that in high school.

Ryan Osborn
When you take a look at all the sports that you played, especially growing up, you're in Southern California. It's so many options.

Denim Young
Oh yeah.

Ryan Osborn
What attracted you to volleyball.

Denim Young
In high school I tried out my freshman year. I didn't make it, so I kind of was just done with it. And then I just kind of focused on soccer. But then my friend encouraged me to try again my sophomore year. And then from there I tried and then I got better. But then I got cut in my in the middle of the season because of my grades.

Denim Young
And I was really bummed out because I was just I was getting better and I really liked it. So And then after that season, I moved school. So my main goal was to get better at that sport. So that whole summer I practice by myself and I got better and better. And then I just came in to my high school in Mayfair in Lakewood and I try my best to be a volleyball player.

Denim Young
So I think that's what just gravitated me, is the motivation to do better in school and in athletics is what motivated me.

Ryan Osborn
You talk about Mayfair High School, they've got a pedigree for being really good at a lot of sports. I mean, just looking at their Hockey team recently that they added, I'm a hockey guy myself. That's where I hear okay about Mayfair. But the thing is, when you talk about Mayfair, they traditionally have really good athletic teams. You go from Mayfair to Fullerton College and obviously you mentioned having the year off because of the pandemic.

Ryan Osborn
Yeah. What was that switch like going from Mayfair to competition at the college level?

Denim Young
Oh, it was definitely very, very drastic. I feel like being competitive in college. It's like so fast, it's so fast, so independent too, because you are working with a team, but you're in college and you're trying to do better for yourself. So I feel like when you come to college, you're working on your own skills and working on your own talents.

Denim Young
I feel like you kind of put aside like the team thing just to make yourself like, better. Not in a negative way, obviously, but positively. Like, you just want to be better. So you you train hard with yourself, if not with others. I feel like coming from a high school, especially Mayfair, like Mayfair was very competitive my senior year and then I just loved it.

Denim Young
Even though it got cut off, I just like, missed it. So, like, I just want to come to college and rekindle that, You know, fire I had in high school and just come back and hopefully play more. But yeah, that's how I feel coming from there to the here.

Ryan Osborn
We talk about a lot of options in Southern California, and you were just mentioning going to Fullerton College and playing volleyball. What attracted you to Fullerton?

Denim Young
I think because my friend, his name is Philly Vang, he's a middle of the team. We're we were out of school together for the COVID year. We started LBCC and then we both wanted to play there, but we didn't really get chances there. So we so he went. He didn't see Stop playing, but I just kept trying to get better and better.

Denim Young
And then eventually he told me that he was going to come here with the setter Nathan, and then because they both played in high school together. And so I kind of just he picked me up. He's like, Oh, come play here. Like, because you can you can definitely play here. And I was like, okay. And then from there I just started and, you know, it was basically him.

Denim Young
He brought me here. So I'm here now. Try my best to be here. And playing with them is fun So.

Ryan Osborn
Well, it's a joy to watch you on the court while we do our broadcast. we look forward to seeing the rest of your season.

Mark Pavlovich
Well, we're back for a little more volleyball here on 90.1 KBPK and The Coaches Show and of course, you end up with the OG on the right and the captain of the team on the left, Nathan Cheav. you know what Long Beach Poly. I tell you what, Rahshaun Haylock. This one's for you. Because the old days we used to talk about poly because of its prowess as a football team.

Mark Pavlovich
What was the volleyball team like when you went to high school?

Nathan Cheav
The volleyball team. I came in as a freshman and my dad took over the program again. So it was nice to, like, hang out with my dad a lot. And I met a lot of my great friends through that program and I we finished our third season, my senior season. We went all the way to the semis and CIF and it was a pretty good showing for our part, I guess.

Mark Pavlovich
So A former jackrabbit who went there. Now, I've got to ask you, because you said your dad took over the program, so your dad had to be a volleyball player or was a volleyball player.
Nathan Cheav
Played a volleyball. He played at Poly in 1992. He graduated 1986.
Mark Pavlovich
Okay. So did he go to the collegiate level?

Nathan Cheav
No, he didn't play collegiate level. He just he moved on and he just started coaching for the next ten years.

Mark Pavlovich
Over at poly.

Nathan Cheav

Mark Pavlovich

Nathan Cheav
Yeah so he he went to Wolfson in 2001 and won a CIF state championship there with Cynthia Barboza.

Mark Pavlovich
Okay congratulations. wow pretty wild. I've got to ask you then, because most people would look at Southern California, unless you're down in the Long Beach region like you are. Newport Beach volleyball wasn't that big thing. Were you somebody that was weaned on that sport, growing up?

Nathan Cheav
I didn't initially, and when I was like eight or nine, I would go with my dad to the practices. And then when I got older, I stopped doing it. But then I got back into it in my high school year, my freshman year.

Mark Pavlovich
So why here at Fullerton? That's the next step.

Nathan Cheav
I just thought it was a good opportunity to to play again at the next level. And we moved out here recently to the OC and I thought I emailed Coach Rapp early in July and I thought it was a good fit for me.

Mark Pavlovich
Okay, well now you got any rap as your coach? We know because of the women's program, which was very successful here at Fullerton College, and of course Eddy was involved in beach volleyball here at Fullerton College. So now you have Eddy starting the men's program once again. What's it like to rebuild a program at a community college?

Nathan Cheav
It's it's been a it's been a journey. I like it, though, because I came I was out at university, a different university in my first year. So coming here, it's with all these new freshmen, it's nice to be trying to be a role model for them and trying to be a good captain to these guys.

Mark Pavlovich
So what position are you on the team currently? Because I look at people and they move around a lot. So what position do you play?

Nathan Cheav
I just set.

Mark Pavlovich
So you just set

Nathan Cheav
I just set

Mark Pavlovich
okay, I've got I've got to ask you about that because I'll watch most guys when they initially get he serve or women and they do this with their hands and they catch it. Is there an area I mean, is there actually an area where you go thumb to upper forearm that you try to catch the volleyball on when you're doing this?

Nathan Cheav
I think I would say this part of the this would be like the lower mainly the forearm, but anywhere parts of your body we can get the ball up would be appropriate.

Mark Pavlovich
So what is the thinking for setting the ball in volleyball?

Nathan Cheav
Personally, it's making making the right decisions and having them all in the same location as the same as the setting as the set plays before.

Mark Pavlovich
In other words, it's much easier to set a ball than it was to answer the question. Yeah, well, here's the guy that gets all the points for Fullerton College, the captain of the team. And if you want to watch somebody who's excellent at what he does, come out Watch Nate as he'll set it for the old guy. Oh, wait a minute.

Mark Pavlovich
I'm not on your team. Well, but if I was, you'd set it for me, and we'd watch the men's program. Soar have a great season this season. Thanks for being on the air. The men's team here at Fullerton College on 90.1 KBPK.

Ryan Osborn
So we want to thank the men's volleyball team for joining us here on the coaches show this week and giving us that update and little look into how their season is going now all this semester. And as we've mentioned in previous coaches shows, the coaches show on 90.1 KBPK is brought to you by Rad Care. And if you're thinking to yourself, well, what is Rad Care?

Ryan Osborn
Ryan? You keep talking about it at the end of every coach's show. What really is it? Well, Rad Care is a program at Fullerton College that allows people to get the help that they really need, whether they're a student, whether they're an instructor, maybe a staff member as well. If they're a part of Fullerton College, Rad Care gives them an opportunity, maybe find that person that they can confide in, find that person that they can talk to, just go and say, hey, you know what?

Ryan Osborn
I'm experiencing a lot of stress. I'm experiencing a lot of emotions with how this semester is going or with how my life is going. It gives them an opportunity to have an outlet, gives them an opportunity to look at someone and say, Hey, you know what? I need a little bit of help. Rad Care helps them out with that.
So once again, we'll give you some more information. You can take a look at the QR code here at the bottom of the screen. And you can also take a look at the link in the description of this video. Rad Care is something that truly helps out not just the students, not just the staff, but anyone here at Fullerton College that you feel may need just that little bit of help this semester.
At this point in the semester just past midterms, looking up at finals. Got a lot going on. You think to yourself, hey, I know someone that I have in mind that this could help. Or maybe it's yourself. Don't be afraid to go to rad Care and get that opportunity to have someone that you can talk to. So once again, Rad Care, big partner with the coaches.
Show you're on 90.1 KBPK. So to wrap up the coach's show this week, we want to thank Meherdad Modjtahedi and Mark Pavlovich as well. I'm Ryan Osborn here on 90.1 KBPK.