Public Sector Executive News

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And here’s today’s news from Public Sector Executive – on Thursday the 9th May 2024.

Digital Catapult has announced that companies across the country are to benefit from new artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies, with this supporting the drive for economic growth and investment.
Through the High Growth AI Accelerator for transport, seven ‘cutting-edge’ companies will develop solutions alongside transport leaders to solve operational challenges, including the improvement of efficiency. This comes as the market for AI within the transport industry is expected to soar to £5 billion by 2027.
Sara El-Hanfy, Innovate UK’s Head of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, said: There is huge potential for AI to have a transformative effect on both efficiency and productivity for these projects spanning from London to north-east England and across different transport modes, promising wide-reaching benefits for the sector.”

Liverpool City Council’s commissioners have published their fifth and final progress report, with this recommending that that intervention be ceased.
With the recommendation being that powers are returned to the city council; it has also been suggested that the commissioners are replaced by a Statutory Assurance and Improvement Board.
More work does need to be done to address some areas where progress hasn’t happened as quickly as in others, with this leading to the recommendation that further support is given to the council as it moves forward.

Buckinghamshire Council has announced that plans are progressing to continue the regeneration of the town of Aylesbury.
Thanks to the cabinet agreeing on plans for two key locations at the heart of the town, new public spaces and homes will help improve connectivity around Aylesbury, as well as improving economic activity. This regeneration comes as part of the council’s £5 million of investment in the town centre.
Both developments come as part of the council’s Aylesbury Regeneration Strategy that was agreed by the council last year for the wider ‘Regenerating Bucks’ plan. The regeneration strategy will work to create ‘vibrant and attractive’ town centres that will improve the spaces on offer for residents, businesses and visitors.
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