Tut Altz - Daily Boost

Daily Boost - 28 Kislev

28 Kislev: A Different World

The Daily Boost is a podcast, created by Tut Altz, to help inspire your day with a daily Moshiach-related Torah thought.

Show Notes

Topic for Kislev: Chassidus and Moshiach

What is Tut Altz - Daily Boost?

A 2-minute daily Geulah lesson to inspire your day.
It's short: it's quick, its insightful, and it's bringing Moshiach!


In this world, when a person goes to gather figs on Shabbos, the fig says nothing. But in the Time to Come, if a person goes to gather a fig on Shabbos, it will cry out and say, “It is Shabbos today.” (Midrash Tehillim 73)

When Moshiach comes, not only will Jews understand G-dly matters, but “the world will be filled with the knowledge of G-d.” This requires that even worldly matters, such as one’s personal mundane affairs, be permeated with G-dly awareness. We must come to see how Torah and G-dliness are relevant to every aspect of our lives.

Sichah 19 Kislev, 5744, sec. 3