Proteomics in Proximity

Welcome to Olink Proteomics in Proximity Podcast! 
Below are some useful resources from this episode: 
Highlighted article from the UK Biobank Pharma Proteomics Project (UKB-PPP): Styrkarsdottir U, Lund SH, Thorleifsson G, Saevarsdottir S, Gudbjartsson DF, Thorsteinsdottir U, Stefansson K. Cartilage Acidic Protein 1 in Plasma Associates With Prevalent Osteoarthritis and Predicts Future Risk as Well as Progression to Joint Replacements: Results From the UK Biobank Resource. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2023 Apr;75(4):544-552. doi: 10.1002/art.42376. Epub 2022 Dec 28. PMID: 36239377. 
Highlighted platform that was used to measure proteins in this study with a next-generation sequencing (NGS) readout (Olink® Explore 3072):
UKB-PPP consortium, one of the world’s largest scientific studies of blood protein biomarkers conducted to date: 
ENIGMA consortium, an international effort to understand brain structure and function based on imaging and genetic data: 
SCALLOP consortium, a collaborative framework for discovery and follow-up of genetic associations with proteins on the Olink Proteomics platform: 
ClinVar, a public archive of supporting evidence of human variations and phenotypes from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI): 
GWAS (genome-wide association studies):
Learn more about some of the scientists mentioned in the podcast who are performing cutting-edge research:
Dr. Kári Stefánsson, Founder and CEO of deCODE genetics: 
Dr. Claudia Langenberg, Director of Queen Mary’s Precision Health University Research Institute (PHURI): 
Dr. Jochen Schwenk, Professor of Translational Proteomics at SciLife Lab:  
Dr. Karsten Suhre, Professor of Physiology and Biophysics at Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar: 
Dr. Paul Thompson: Director at ENIGMA Center for Worldwide Medicine, Imaging, & Genomics; Professor in the Keck School of Medicine at USC: 
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In case you were wondering, Proteomics in Proximity refers to the principle underlying Olink Proteomics assay technology called the Proximity Extension Assay (PEA), and more information about the assay and how it works can be found here: 
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Proteomics in Proximity discusses the intersection of proteomics with genomics for drug target discovery, the application of proteomics to reveal disease biomarkers, and current trends in using proteomics to unlock biological mechanisms. Co-hosted by Olink's Dale Yuzuki, Cindy Lawley and Sarantis Chlamydas.

What is Proteomics in Proximity?

Proteomics in Proximity discusses the intersection of proteomics with genomics for drug target discovery, the application of proteomics to reveal disease biomarkers, and current trends in using proteomics to unlock biological mechanisms. Co-hosted by Olink's Dale Yuzuki, Cindy Lawley and Sarantis Chlamydas.

Welcome to the

Proteomics in Proximity podcast, where

your co-hosts, Dale Yuzuki, Cindy

Lawley and Sarantis Chlamydus from Olink

Proteomics talk about the intersection of

Proteomics with genomics for drug target

discovery, the application of proteomics to

reveal disease biomarkers, and current

trends in using proteomics to

unlock biological mechanisms. Here we have

your hosts, Dale, Cindy, and


Hey, everyone.

Welcome to Proteomics in

Proximity. Today we have a guest,

Chris Whelan, who's joining us from

Janssen Pharmaceuticals.

Chris is the one who has

helped spearhead bringing proteomics

into the UK Biobank. So we're super

excited to talk to him about his history,

his background, and what

the vision of bringing

proteomics together with the

genetics that UK Biobank is so famous

for, the genetics and clinical data that

we're all very excited about on the UK

Biobank Research Analysis

platform. And this week is a pretty

auspicious week because we've just heard

that the first tranche of data from the UK

Biobank Pharma Proteomics

Project have become available

through the Research Analysis platform. So

we're excited to talk to Chris about that as

well. So, welcome, Chris. Hey,

Cindy, Dale, Sarantis. How are you all

doing? Doing great. It's great to

have you with us today.



So Chris, can you tell us a little bit about

your background in terms of going into

science? You don't have to start sort of in

your elementary school days, but certainly

sort of your path

to industry because I think that's always an

interesting place to start.

Absolutely, yeah. Happy to.

So I did all of my training

up to getting my PhD in

Dublin, Ireland.

I've been told recently that I'm losing my

accent, so I'm going to try to make an

effort to sound more today.

But yeah, I

started off in psychology for my

undergrad and then realized I wanted to get

more into the cellular

sort of, sort of hard

science behind brain

illnesses. So did my Masters

and my Ph.D. in neuroscience.

One of my advisors was a

geneticist. So I started to dip my

toes in statistical

genetics. And that sort of

led me towards my postdoc in

Los Angeles with the ENIGMA

Consortium at USC. So there they were

combining neuroimaging with

GWAS, basically running,

genome-wide association

studies on very large collections of

MRI scans. So I did that for

two years. I

felt that I always thought that I would be

on the academic track. I remember

in my PhD class, they actually

wanted to do a straw poll of who wants to

go to industry and who wants to be a

lecturer or a professor. And I was firmly

in the professor camp. But

I think

two years in

academia in the States, it's tough.

It's tough. And I actually had a good

postdoc. My P.I. was awesome. Really

lovely, man. Really supportive. But it just

gave me some insights into it. It's

a tough place to be.

Beyond that, I think

I wanted

to be closer to the patients. That might

sound like a little bit of a cliche, but I

wanted to be really working on whatever I'm

doing. I can see this affecting a

patient in six or seven years

time. So, I was going to

move home to Dublin and then I

got the call out of nowhere from

Pfizer. And they were looking for

somebody who had a dual

neuroscience and genetics background.

So it just seemed too perfect to -

Ahead of your time,

Chris. So when they are

pulling those GWAS traits out of the imaging


how is that being tracked?

What were the

connections you were looking for with the

genetic data? How were

they identified across different

MRIs that allowed it

to be

compared between

cases and controls? This

imaging area has

evolved so much

since I was in graduate school, so

I'm really curious how you did that.

So it's interesting, I think ENIGMA was

almost like a proto-UK

Biobank. I think UK Biobank

was in the middle of recruitment when

ENIGMA started up. But really it was a great

idea from Paul Thompson

where there

were a lot of different sites doing

MRI scans in maybe 50 cases or

50 controls, and

reporting differences in brain

structure and function that

sometimes were replicated and sometimes

weren't. So the broad sort of

oversimplified idea of ENIGMA

was, well, we can't bring everything

together, we can't ask everybody to just

throw their data in a sensor

repository. Ethics

and paperwork nightmare.

But we could agree

upon a standardized set of


to process the imaging

data and ask everybody to process it

in exactly the same way. And

then they all send us their

results because that's clean, it's

anonymized, and we'll meta analyze

all of our results together. So that's

where the name comes from

enhancing neuroimaging

genetics via meta analysis. Uh,

nice. Yeah, good memory.

I have to

type it out a lot during my

post doc. That's good news, that means a lot of publications.

How did the

UK Biobank come into your

life? How did you make a connection with

UK Biobank? And I think

you have also seen all the progress,


Definitely, yeah. It's interesting,

I think that UK Biobank came into a lot

of industry

scientists lives around the same

time. While I was at

Pfizer, we were using


genetic databases to

make inferences around

this gene is associated with this disease.

Maybe it would make a good therapeutic

target. But UK

Biobank came along, I guess around


2017. It really started to come onto our

radar when the exome

sequencing of UKB was announced.

That was one of the first sort of

major industry-

academic collaborations where

UKB worked together with Pharma

to generate the

biggest exome sequencing study ever


That came on our radar as around

2016, 2017, I think

for me personally,

I moved to

Biogen in 2018. It

was around the time that Pfizer

pulled out of neuroscience and

Biogen were all in on

neuroscience. So it just seemed like the

perfect place for me to work.

But the first thing I was tasked with

when I joined Sally John's

organization was make

UK Biobank useful for

neuroscience, for Multiple

Sclerosis and Alzheimer's disease and

depression and Parkinson's,

et cetera. And it

was a sort of a tall order. I mean, UK

Biobank is breathtaking in terms of its

depth, and

it's just a beautiful, beautiful

study. But it's not a disease-

specific study. A lot of

these diseases like Alzheimer's,

they only come along when you hit your

60s. So

there's not a whole lot of people in

there, or there weren't, at least back when

I started working with it with

Alzheimer's. So there was not that many

questions that we could address using UKB.

So the lowest hanging

fruit for me, coming from my background

with the ENIGMA Consortium, was to look at

the MRI scans in UKB. Unlike

ENIGMA, which was retrospective,

metaanalysis, UKB

are actually collecting

scans across three different

sites in the UK, all using the same type

of scanner, the same head coil. It's

all standardized.

So that was the first thing I did. I did

GWAS and a couple of new

imaging measures from the brain

scans. Things like

local folding.


I felt like we could do more

to help neuroscience. And I started

to play around with the idea that maybe we

could look into doing

neurofilament light polypeptide

or neurofilament light chain in UKB.

So this is like a neuronal

cytoskeletal protein.

And when there's

some injury, when you get neuronal

injury, it gets

secreted into fluids.

So CSF [cerebrospinal fluid] or

blood. And it

was proposed, it was really

gaining momentum as a

potential biomarker for

MS [Multiple Sclerosis] and Alzheimer's and other brain

illnesses. So it just

seemed like a really exciting idea. What

if we could measure neurofilament across

UK Biobank, across these half a million

people, and we could get a database

of how much brain injury do you

have based on a blood sample?

But quickly realized that was going to

be very expensive and a little

bit niche as well.

There's not that many

pharmas that are invested in

neuroscience these days. And we felt

that if we were going to do it, we

would need it to be a multi pharma

consortium effort given its

expense. So thought about

it more and more and I

had already worked with Olink


smaller scale studies. What year was this

about? This was

2018, I

think. 2018, 2019.


I had been working with Olink

on some smaller scale studies. I'd done some

work in a Swedish neurology cohort

looking into proteomic changes in

Alzheimer's disease, and started to

talk to Evan Mills at Olink

about, "Hey, are you going to get

neurofilament on Olink any day? I'd

love to look at neurofilament in UK

Biobank." And we started to

toss around the idea that

maybe, instead of just doing

neurofilament in UKB, we could do

Olink because it captures

neurofilament and it captures many other

proteins at the same time. So we

could not just make this about

enhancing the value for neuroscience in UK

Biobank, but just in general,

enhancing the value for drug discovery and

potentially opening this up to a

wider consortium of

pharmas. But, yeah, that's a mouthful.

Basically, I can't remember the question

he asked. I asked you how

you got started with the UK Biobank.

And it's great because you zoomed right

into sort of getting 13

pharmas together. That was

no mean feat. What was it like? I mean, here

it is. You're going from one protein,

realizing that NFL is not going to be

of general interest, and then

some exposure to Olink. There

must have been a lot of different


Yes. I don't know where to

start. If someone walks

up to you today and they say, how did you do

it? How did you make that happen? What

do you say to them? Because you shared with

me once that was a question you

get asked a lot.


it was a convergence

of factors, I guess, so to

speak. I think it was a

mixture of it was good timing because

I had been involved on the

Exome Sequencing Consortium, which was

eight different pharmaceutical companies

funding that, and that was wrapping

up. And we had a

conversation amongst the eight of us of,

what would we like to do next? Do we want to

do something next? And we basically took a

straw poll of other

multiomics techniques and proteomics

really rose to the top. So

I saw that as an opportunity. I was a huge

fan of proteomics to make my pitch

to that group of

companies. And it seemed

to go down well, but the

timing just happened to be right

because the field of proteomics was

maturing to the point where these multiplex

technologies could capture quite a

sizable proportion of the

canonical human plasma proteome.

And it just happened to be a time

where the

pharmas had budgets set aside to do

something innovative like this.

But yeah, and had a good network of

people helping me out. Melissa Miller

from Pfizer was a huge proponent of

this alongside me, and Lyndon

Mitnaul from Regeneron

as well. So lots of different people,

just basically all coming together and

agreeing that this was a good idea. I have

to just tell you that I was

talking to someone

on a different interview, and I said

Melissa McCarthy, because Mark

McCarthy and Melissa

Miller were both involved in

this. I just made that connection just

now, as you said that. That's funny.

Now, timing wise, you mentioned that you

started talking 2018

2019, if memory serves

correctly. I think there was a press release

at the end of 2020

announcing the UK Biobank's

involvement. So that must have been a very

busy year and a half.

Yeah, I've always had these bags under my

eyes, but they got bigger

in 2020.


first proper conversation that we

had about this was in

Pfizer's New York

campus in, I think,

May. Sorry,

February or March, I should say, of

2020. And I gave the pitch there.

And yeah,

then everything shut down. The whole world

shut down. So, the rest of the pitch was

virtual. So originally we got six

of those eight companies signed

up, and then getting the other seven on

board was all

meeting people for the first time from

different pharmas that it was all

through Zoom or

Microsoft Teams or what have you. Do

you think that Zoom

was an impediment? Or do you think

it actually because some things,

oddly COVID,

and this push to

Zoom and teleconferencing

kind of ushered in

telehealth that probably brought us a

decade forward in using

telehealth solutions. I'm just

curious about your perspective on whether you

think that helped or hurt or was neutral.

I have a silly perspective

on this. I

like it. I actually thought it was helpful

for two very silly reasons. I think the

first is that I can be awkward

in person, and I'm not very good at small

talk. So Zoom is very

you get online and then you get straight

into it. I've seen you in action

and you do get straight into

it. You get things

done, and then

I'm short. I'm like, five [foot] seven [inches],

so nobody can see that on Zoom.

Those are two very valid

reasons. Cut out the small talk.


I just took us down a rabbit hole, but

I love it. You

mentioned about multiomics.

How will you see the value of using

multiomics in big cohorts like the

UK Biobank? And what is the position of

proteomics? How will you see Protonics

position in this multiomics approach?

Yeah, that's a good question. And

sorry if this sounds a little

rehearsed. It isn't. But I've given so many

talks on this at this point that I'll

probably say the same thing that I often do,

which is that we've been using

UK Biobank and FinnGen and

these big population biobanks

to make links between

gene variants and diseases, and then

turn those links into

new drugs. So gene "X" is a really strong

association with disease

"Y". Let's turn it into a new drug.

Let's make a small molecule or an antibody

that hits the protein

that's encoded by that gene. Now

that hits the protein. We're not

measuring the protein, and that's the issue.

We're doing GWAS,

we're finding lots of new genes,

and a lot of them are intriguing, but a

lot of them are very difficult to drug. And

a lot of the time,

the gene association that we've

identified, it's messy.

I mean, it takes a lot of downstream

work to pinpoint exactly what gene it

is. And oftentimes,

it's either not completely clear

or it's very pleiotropic, where it could be

affecting a lot of different proteins

or pathways. So,

really, I always thought proteins as the

missing piece between

genes and diseases in that

genetics guided drug discovery process.

The proteins, we could argue

about it about how much they represent drug

targets now that we have gene therapies and

siRNAs, et cetera, that don't necessarily

target proteins, but

still, especially for bigger pharma,

the vast majority of the drugs we're

making are targeting proteins. So let's put

our drug targets part and parcel

of that genetic drug discovery

process, and then we have the potential to

maybe reveal something mechanistic about

how that drug is acting as well.


Yeah. And from the


drug discovery angle,

they intuitively sort of picked this

up, meaning they accepted that

premise that we go from

genetic guided drug discovery to

gene, to protein, to


I hope that they liked

it. They seem to like it because they

invested in the PPP [Pharma Proteomics] project. But,

yeah, I think that

it wasn't a difficult

argument to make, because I think people

have seen there've been a couple of papers

from AstraZeneca and Abbvie and

others, and they've looked retrospectively

at their drug development pipelines.

And they've basically assessed,

okay, which drugs made it

to patients and which drugs failed, and then

which drugs had support from GWAS

or ClinVar association

and which ones didn't. And there have been a

couple of independent studies that have

shown that if your drug target has

supporting evidence from genetics, then it's

at least twice as likely to actually

succeed. But there's a

lot of unanswered questions there

that seems to be pretty good evidence. Yeah,

okay, let's use genetics for drug discovery,

but there's a lot of murky stuff in

the middle that we still need to figure out.

So I think that's where the multiomics can

help. And as far

as the Pharma Proteomics Project

being, frankly,

you can say

it's a pilot, right? Because you're looking

at one-tength the size of the UK

Biobank. You can also make the

argument that, well, something like this has

not been done at this scale before in terms

of looking at 1500 proteins.

Were you

pointing to other work that had looked at

circulating proteins in genetics

as far as mendelian randomization,

that kind of thing? Yeah, absolutely.

There's been a couple of big studies.

Claudia Langenberg is one of the pioneers in

this field. She's awesome.

Well, I didn't prepare for this. I'm worried

I'm going to leave people out. But there's

Claudia, of course. There's Kári

Stefánsson in Iceland with

deCODE [Genetics]. Yeah, several different ...

There's the SCALLOP consortium that we're

doing this at a, I won't say smaller scale

because they'd amassed quite a large

collection of Olink data, but

just based on the old panels. So kind of

90 proteins at a time. So there had been a

lot, a lot of precedence. This definitely

wasn't the first time anybody was doing

this. It just happened to be the biggest

so far. So their

appetite was whetted. In

terms of these smaller studies,

they knew that this approach could work

and therefore that was really a low risk

decision. Do I understand that

correctly? To a certain degree.

I think that there were two ways you could

have pitched this. You could have pitched it


geneticists or you could have pitched it to

biomarker experts or

proteomics experts. And

I felt that the pitch was easier to the

geneticist because genetics for at least the

last 15 years, if not

longer, is used to doing things at

very large scale.

You need to do things in tens and now

hundreds of thousands. And some of the GWASes

are now even in over a million now in

order to pick up the biology, in order to

pick up the gene variants that are

influencing your disease. So they're used

to doing things at really large scale. I

think that they don't need to be convinced

of that. I think the biomarker folks are

more about let's do it with precision. I

think that they still needed some convincing

that we could do this at massive, massive

scale. But do you think the NGS [next-generation sequencing] approach

help you to make your

pitch to the geneticists because it's an

NGS approach and maybe they are more

familiar with this approach? How was your

feeling? Yeah, I

think so. I think a lot of folks had

used Olink before,

I think using the prior sort of

method, the PCR-based method.

I think that we'd seen some good

quality based on those data and felt that

the jump to NGS would allow us to scale

up like this.

What is the next step from the UK

Biobank? What's your

ambition actually first, and what's the next

step of a UK Biobank?


obviously it would be great to do all

half a million. And I think that we're

talking about that. We're having early

conversations about whether that will be

feasible financially more than

sort of technically. I think that it's

starting to become technically possible, but

we have to talk about how much it would

cost. I think in the shorter term,

we're hoping, and I hope I don't

jinx it by announcing it here, but we

have received approval

to do a smaller follow-up

study in 2500

samples in the UK Biobank. And

these 2500 samples have

already been profiled using the Olink

Explore assay. But we're going to

do three mass spec-based

platforms from Seer and

Biognosys and Eliptica, as well as

SomaLogic and then we'll just have a

very comprehensive

characterization of the plasma

proteome in these 2500 people. And some

of these people would have had COVID before

they entered the study and some didn't. So

it's sort of like, let's try to

capture as much of the plasma proteome

pre- and post-COVID as we can.

That'll be so

interesting, I think, especially to see

how the complementarity of these


wins out in a big cohort like

this. What are you able to reveal

if Seer has

this vision to be able

to sequence the proteome, try

and look at things that aren't

targeted, whereas some of the others,

are - we go

after targeted proteins. And

then I think these mass spec technologies

are well established as gold

standards and have advanced

very far in the last few years in throughput.

Because you're looking at different

things, right? In terms of what kind of

overlap there is with the canonical

protein or versus sort

of splice isoforms and all the

variety of proteoforms. I mean, oh my gosh,

there's what, 400 different

types of post translational

modifications. I mean you can

just start multiplying numbers together.

When people

ask you, because they've asked me this,

Chris, how many proteins do you think

are there, including

proteoforms, what is your thought about

that? You can't

have a wrong answer because we

don't know.

It gets kind of mind

boggling to think about, because obviously,

without the proteoforms, you would expect

there to be 20,000 just based on the human

genome. But then it depends on how many

you can capture in blood. In terms

of how they're expressed in different

tissues, proteoforms, I don't know.

Whatever I say will probably make me sound

dumb. Especially in five or ten years when

they work it out, like 100,000,

maybe. Yeah, that's what I've said.

I think I read somewhere someone made a good

argument around that. Maybe it was Karsten [Suhre],

maybe it was Jochen [Schwenk]. I don't know. Someone

said that. It reminds me of the speculation

of how many genes were in the

Genome Project.

The numbers were all over the place.

I mean, who would have guessed it would be a

little bit less than 20,000? I mean, not

that many, right? A lot of people really

thought it was a much, much larger number.

100%. Yeah, exactly.

And then, as far as I understand

that impending - or I'm sorry, already

we've got released the data in terms

of the Olink first

1500 [participants in the UK Biobank] against the


Yes. I think that they are on

the Research Access portal.

Now, don't quote me on that. I do not represent

UK Biobank, but I think that they are.

Naomi told me Monday, no told me

Friday that she said it was up there.

So by the time this podcast comes out,

I think you're pretty safe.

There's several weeks-long lag time here,

so we're looking at May


the first sort of set

of roughly how many

samples? It's probably about

54, maybe 52 after

QC. A thousand

samples. 52,000

samples times some

1469 or

so, give or take,

proteins analyzed by Explore

1536. I mean,

that's quite a data set

for people to dig into.

I think - go ahead.

No. Go ahead, Dale. Sorry. I was thinking

about all the posters at

ASHG [American Society of Human Genetics conference], right, in October that we were

talking about on the podcast, as far as how

many there was, what, 19 or

so abstracts of different types

of work. Yeah. This is not bragging. I

have to keep track of this so I can convince

people at Janssen and other companies that

this is a return on investment. But yeah,

you should brag. I think it was 19

abstracts and six talks at

ASHG. But what I'm really excited about the

public release is

that's obviously a lot of

output, especially for a data

set that's so new, but

I don't even feel like that's

not scratching the surface even. I think

there's going to be so much more that

academics can do. There's a lot of creative

things that you could do with this data set

that might not have immediate translational

impact for drug discovery, but academic

scientists are going to take this and

probably do something really revolutionary

with it. I can't wait till next

year's ASHG once these

publications start getting into the

literature, right? It's going to be all over

the place again. Is that because

there's such a wide variety of

different phenotypes that they can

associate protein level and genetics to?


well, yes, to a certain degree. I think

we've looked at that. I think probably a lot

of the companies have looked at that. We've

done kind of an all by all. Take all of the

ICD [International Classification of Diseases] codes or the feed codes, and

then run a regression against

all the proteins. And that

basically gives you a crude biomarker

study. And we've been using those results

in house. But

I'm mainly thinking just about

how there's so much creativity

out there in the academic community. There's

questions that you could address with these

data that we probably haven't even thought

of yet, because this was

UK-PPP was like, one project

out of several on our plates and

pharma. So I think that

fingers crossed, the academic

community will have a lot of fun

ideas. Well, we

had pushed out

an Explore 1536 data

set when we first launched that Explore

platform, and it was on COVID. And

there have been publications spurred from

that by just comparing those

COVID data in that

cohort over to

whatever work the researcher was

already doing to look at those different

signatures. So

seeing publicly available data

spur novel comparisons

and novel publications. I

just think that's what

it's all about, right? Getting these

creative minds on it, crowdsourcing these

ideas and how people

debate ways to do things on Twitter,

I just absolutely love.

It's fantastic. On

UKB, I think it kicked off in 2006,

so it's not a new

study, but it always feels new. They're

always adding cool, innovative

new technologies to this data

set. So it'll go on for a long time to

come, for sure. And then as far

as you being how,

do I say that, that organizer. You were

there at the beginning, you must have

lots and lots of invitations to give these

kinds of talks. As far as UK

Biobank and the PPP in


Yeah, I do. Don't ask

why did he accept



I do. Yeah, it's exciting, and I want to

make sure that I spread it around. I guess I

am the P.I. for the study

overall, but there's no way this ever

would have happened without a lot of other,

more talented and more

intelligent people than me involved.

So, I get invited a lot, but

when I can to try to forward along to

other folks who help build this

as well: Melissa [Miller], Ben


Joseph Stakowski,

and by the way, Brad Gibson

from Amgen

was a huge proponent because

the consortium was

90 something percent

geneticists. Brad is the

proteomics expert. Brad has the real

background, the hardcore background

mass spec. So he helped put

guardrails on this and make sure that we

were doing things properly. Make sure

he got the ball over

the finish line, too, right? In terms

of that extra weight of

somebody who is not coming from the genetics

field, but within the pharma proteomics

sort of context.

I think so.

I have


built a little bit of a reputation in this

study, but I didn't really have any

before I started it. And

I think when I was pitching this idea,

there was probably a lot of skepticism,

like who's this little twerp? And he has

his genetics background. So Brad

being on board and putting his

weight behind it. Mark McCarthy, as you

mentioned earlier, Cindy is involved as

well. And Carrie, there were a lot of

people that

are more prestigious than me,

put their weight behind it, and really

helped put it over the finish line. Well,

they got behind your vision. That's got to

feel good.

But how will you see - I have a question

now, generally more for the cohorts. How

will you see the use of cohorts

in pharma and the drug development

process? I mean, what is the value and

what do you think is having different,

also ethnicities and different,

let's say, from different

places the cohorts will help on that?

What is your vision? How's your idea

about that?

I think that they're

the engine for

sort of


health studies, basically

for any sort of common

complex disease, we need these

population cohorts to

gain a better understanding of their

molecular mechanisms, the causal

mechanisms, as well as potentially some of

the environmental influences on these

diseases. So, I think that we've

done a lot with UKB. There's a huge push

now, a very well deserved

push towards looking into

underrepresented population cohorts.

So lots of different ones that we

could potentially look into.

And also

disease enriched cohorts, cohorts

that might have a dementia

wing, for example. I know that Finngen

is building up its dementia substudy,

so lots of different

directions that could go in. Is there a

threshold, a minimum threshold,

maybe because of incidence of disease in

these cohorts or something? Like do you

not tend to look at anything less than

10,000 samples or anything

less than 50,000? Or do you look at

each cohort on its own merit, based upon

is there longitudinal

data? How are the data

collected? Can you share a few

criteria that you think are important for

selecting cohorts? That's

a good question, and actually, we've

started to think about this more

objectively. Can we put together a list of

criteria for biobank

curation? Because now that the UK

Biobank used to be the only game in town,

but it's still probably, in my opinion, the

best, but there are a lot of excellent

cohorts coming out as well.

The way that I think of it, and this is a

little bit coarse and

maybe crude, but

the larger your

sample size, the

less detailed your phenotyping

and your clinical information, and then the

smaller the sample size, the more

disease specific clinical phenotyping you

can get. So I would say you could

go all the way up to some of these medical

records databases from Optum or

IBM, and they've got hundreds of

millions of people. And you can do some cool

things with regard to

comorbidity mapping in those databases, but

you can't link to a specific

clinical scale for depression or

Alzheimer's disease and they're not going to

have neuroimaging or

proteomics, et cetera. And then on the

other end of the spectrum, you have some of

the cohorts that, like I mentioned at the

start, the Swedish Neurology cohort that I

was applying Olink to a few years ago

that's got CDR [Clinical Dementia Rating] summary

boxes and mini mental state examination

and all of these very disease

specific measurements that really

help us drive in

on specific

hypotheses that are relevant to disease and

sometimes almost use those studies like

natural history cohorts or like control

wings to clinical trials. And then you have

sort of the, I won't say the "Goldilocks"

biobank, but the goldilocks sort of

approach, but I can't think of a better

term. And that would be where the Biobanks

fit in, I think UKB

it doesn't capture everything, it doesn't

have many mental state examination or

CDR summary boxes. But it does

have fluid intelligence

tests, it has trail making. It has a lot of

different cognitive and

functional tasks,

paired with deep

genetic data. Now, proteomic data,

actigraphy imaging, et cetera,

et cetera.

So, I think that finding that sort

of goldilocks

approach where we can get the power of large

scale, but also get some of the

denser clinical phenotyping, is

usually how we try to go about it when we're

selecting our cohorts.

That's amazing. Wow. That was really

a rich answer. Thanks.

Well, Chris, it was great having you here

on the podcast this afternoon.

Thank you, really, so much

for being so generous with your time and

your thoughts today. We really look forward

to seeing some results.

And indeed, like you mentioned,

the creativity of scientists.

I'm very happy to be here.

Before I go, I do want to give a shout out

to Evan Mills again for helping get this

over the line and

to Klev Diamanti and

Philippa Pettingell, who did so

much technical and

just all sorts of technical support and

scientific support for the UKB

project. A disclaimer:

this was Chris's shout out to

three Olink employees in

recognition for all

their effort on this. But I'll also say that

I think Klev and Philippa have both said

how much they appreciated, how

much they learned from the

genetics perspective, from

so many of these thought leaders that are

the scientists in pharma who are

driving the experimental design and the

vision and gained

approval to use the UK Biobank

data. I think this idea of looking at

pharma as a funding body,

you shared that with me before,

Chris. These are heavy

hitting scientists that

have an

incredible track record of being able

to drive

such rich discoveries.

So it's such a

privilege to be around

you all and see this paper

coming out

from these data that

you've all been a part of. So I look forward

to that publication, too, in case

you can plug for it. I don't know if you

know any timing around the

UK-PPP paper.

First paper. I

resubmitted the revised version over the


Someone else

was working over the weekend then.

The response to the reviewers

was 29 pages long. That can either be a

good thing or a bad thing

A lot of novel methods, I think.

Well, that's

exciting. That's exciting. You heard it

first here. Yes. Plenty to look forward

to. Thanks again very much,

Chris, it was great. Thank you.

Yeah, good to be here.

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