Clydesdale Media Podcast

It's time to give this man his platform again!  A lot has come down this week and he has a lot to say.  Time to pull the string and let him go!  Buckle up!!!

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.


Anyway, I loaded the wrong one.


There we are.

That cool graphic.

Here we are.

It's got cool music,

but I loaded the wrong one in.

Dude, I'm going to give you some flowers.

So here we are, man.

Clydesdale after dark.

It's been way too freaking long.

Way too long.

The boys are back in town.

I hope that was over the intro.

the appropriate song since

charlie's here too I gotta

use that like no uh no

royalty music so youtube

doesn't ding me uh I'll

tell you the secret there's

a god bless ryan schultz

and also r.i.p ramwad uh he

showed me a thing on

youtube you'd have to rip

it but I think they changed

the beats per minute yay

much so none of the royalty

free things go off


I found a really good site that I pay

a subscription to.

Of course.

It's great music.

Which one is it?

Is it Artlist or Epidemic Sound?


Artlist, yeah.

Yeah, yeah.

You've been in that media room, baby.

You've heard them.

That's where they get it.

And by they, I mean everybody.


Tyler, where you at?

You got a sexy accent wall behind you?

I know that ain't your office.

Oh, yeah.

That's your home office or

your office office?

home office oh okay you

didn't do that your lady

did that oh yeah that's

right uh hey before we get

into this dude I i pop into

the chat and I listen to

all the things y'all are

doing and I reminisced a

whole bunch last week we

were going back and forth

about like getting back on

stuff dude the progression

of first like quarter of

scotty doing these things and like

to now, even with the graphic,

just watching the graphic roll in,

I hope you walk real slow

and realize the leaps and bounds, dog,

and the authority you are

in the space and all the things.

I love it.

And being able to be as

close as I have been and

you and I have stayed,

it's very cool to watch, man.

So I love it, Bubba.

You're doing a great job.

It's been a crazy week, you know,

when your shit gets clipped

and put out on, like, the big dogs page.

That's it.

And your shit blows up all week.

It's been crazy.

You're a big dog, bud.

Look, you're in the room for a reason.

Don't think you're a little

dog in the room.

You're one of the big dogs.

Yeah, I might be like a lab, but, like,

that dude's like Great Dane.

That's America's dog, Scott, okay?

Labs and golden retrievers.

There you go.

Well, before we get into it too much,

Corey Leonard texts me.

He's like,

after dark means like after dark,

not afternoon.

It's always dark in our hearts, baby.

It's always dark in our hearts.

After dark came about back

in the day when we were

first getting started and

we'd bring decks on and you

pull the string and you

never knew where you were going.

It was kind of a warning to the crowd.

This ain't your normal Clydesdale podcast.

I joked with my buddy.

I was like, it was like, uh,

my mom would never let me

watch BET after dark.

Cause it was,

you never knew what you were

going to get back on like

tip drill videos were on

there and it was uncensored.

That's right.

So yeah, that's right.

That's on brand baby.


Corey said it's definitely

after dark in our hearts.

Oh, yeah.

For sure.

Oh, Corey.

My dude.


I cannot let the two of you get together.


We talk on Instagram way

more now after that initial

day where we just kind of popped on.

But it's, yeah, he's funny, man.

If we got you two on,

it'd be Cinemax after dark.

Jesus Christ.

That's for the old people.

We're dating ourselves now for sure.


is that even a thing well

before streaming services

that was when you had to

pay for it the extra cable

add-on that's it now like

cinemax and hbo combined to

one thing and yeah that's

not you know what you know

what it don't hurt me I

love it because you know

I'm a proponent of the uh

plus size fitness people uh

and clydesdale people your

your name me and chris

walker I told you when we first

When I first met you,

that was always our thing,

like Clydesdale, whatever.

He was on the Maximus team with me.

And then whoever keeps sponsoring this,

Thick Boy,

I finally found him on

Instagram after like the

second time I saw it.

Like, well, all these things I'm missing.

I always joke with people

like my Instagram could

have been like Dextral Healing.

And I missed the boat there

because now it's just my name.



Really missed the boat there.

But yeah, dude,

there's so many cool brands.

And like when you started this,

I text Chris.

I was like, we missed the boat, boy.

We really could have capitalized.

But Thick Boy is good.



It's funny.


trolls will switch it to whatever

they want to,

and it's all fine and good

and whatever because I'm

just loving life.

Yeah, you're doing great, dude.

You're doing it.

But you need a platform, right?

You haven't been out there in a while.

There's a whole lot of shit

going on in this CrossFit

thing that we got going on.

And I want to give you that

platform again.

So we're bringing back after dark.

So Dex, you go, man.

What did I text you after

the Sean thing broke?

As Sean thing.


Well, you've been texting me a lot lately.

We just finally said, let's,

let's get this thing going.

Cause we've been trying to get to,

we usually have gotten together more than,

you know,

online at this point in the year,

I didn't make it to either

semifinal this year.

And I had an athlete in the West, uh,

had some, you know, our bigger,

bigger athlete people in Tennessee.

which was an easy drive.

We just didn't disperse.

And I was super spoiled.

I've been pumped since 2015

to be a Masters athlete,

so getting to do everything

at home and then kind of a

perfect storm of starting a

new job at Iron Tribe,

which we'll get into that bag,

especially with recent

developments and a bunch of

stuff going on at CrossFit.

Yeah, it was just a weird storm.

I've been blowing your phone

up because I miss you.

Let me love on you.

And every time Charlie

starts posting sneaker stuff again,

I'll give him stuff about, like,

socks matching and wearing

mids and stuff like that.


I had a media pass for you in Knoxville.

I know, bro.

I know.

I know.

I had babies.

I made the call.

I even made the call.

I know.

I'm the worst, dude.

That was weird.

It was a good weekend, though.

And I hate, again, to go watch the events.

I love the events this year.

uh but yeah dude uh so

before you get rolling

though I do have a three

o'clock meeting and that's

your time oh yeah we're

gonna be short and sweet

baby I didn't know we were

going live uh and I just

wanted to love on y'all a

little bit and then talk

about like them cleaning

house again right like I

feel like me and you've

been through two waves of

feeling the effects of that

stuff man and I got on

there on sean's post the

other day right because

that was kind of a

bombshell to me because

it'd be like if before john

madden died he was like hey

peace out guys I'm not

doing commentary anymore

right or like um you know

Harry Caray and baseball and

stuff like that.

Uh, just like staple names, right.

No matter the venue or the

sport or anything like that.

And I remember like, you know,

kind of seeing the fear

wash over people or not fear, just like,

uh, what the hell do I do now?

Like before Hebrew and them

had buttery bros and all those people,


Uh, when they kind of cleaned house and,


all that kind of worked itself out for

a smaller group.

And then, you know,

those people went off to have, you know,

a bigger deal personally than,

than what they had.

But like, dude,

being around the brand for so long,

I mean, I've been,

I started, hell, what was it?

Mobile got me into this with

our family in 2010,

summer for my senior year of college,

senior year of football.

And I never left,

never been able to put it down.

Like, I've tried.

that year I just did media

was like the only year I

haven't like full speed, you know,

done it just did something I loved.

And like you slowly but

surely see things that were staples,


Like the Greg stuff is what it is.

Like Greg's always been the

mouth and not scared to say stuff.

I'm like, yeah,

it's the most poorly timed.

And there was some stuff

that comes out that was, you know,

insane and frowned upon.


But like, um, and then the Dave stuff,

but like starting to clean

it so much where like the

voice of the sport, bro, like,

And I know everybody wants

to bitch about the

separation of church and

state and the sport is not the community,

but the storytelling of the

sport is a huge deal for

the connection to the community.

You might not throw games

footage into your affiliate

lobby where Susie's coming

in here to lose 150 pounds

and she just wants to be

able to stand up off her

couch and stuff real easy

and play with the kids and

continue to do that and

live independently.

But it's always been a thing to aspire to,


Like old dudes play flag football.

I don't mean to try and go to the NFL,

but they still watch it.

They still love it.

It gives you some feel goods

and some aspiration and some, you know,

something to work to.

But pulling the storytellers

away is so weird to me, dude.

That's why I put that thing up yesterday.

Like we're all just the

violin guy that decided to

keep playing as the Titanic sinks now.

And I text Tommy about it.

I was like, dude,

what the hell is going on?

And nobody knows.

And I didn't see that.

I just saw that Nikki's not

doing it either.

I imagine like, because I'm used to like,

Josh and G's the homie.

Brenton, dude, like they, you know,

have been different about

like getting Brenton and

those people out there.

And so like,

I hate to see when the

decline seems very visible

when they're talking about like, yeah,

it's not for sale, but it is.

And everybody's kind of

playing hot potato with

this thing that I've loved

for so long and has loved me back,

you know,

has let me love on people like you,

us loving each other,

the relationships I've built,

like it's always been my favorite part.

And, you know,

the health and wellness

byproducts and all that stuff,

but like the roots that run

deeper to me have always

been the relationships and

the ability to give and

receive love in a way that just,

it's hard to find somewhere

else in this realm, whether it's sports

the affiliate in the

community uh and so I hate

feeling like that stuff

because I mean you know me

dude I'm a loud mouth uh

the filter between my brain

and mouth does not work

often but when I get on

these things and it's

always been like hey

crossfit's dying because

those have been on youtube

forever and I've always

been like come to bat in a

go to you tap out talking

about it way right uh but

it breaks my heart to be

able to kind of like really see the

feel like it's sinking slow

because nobody knows who's

going to kind of hold the

keys to the car next year or year to year,

what businessman is going

to come in and try to run

it like a tech company or whatever.

And that breaks my heart, dude.

And then where I currently

have a job that has been 90

days and the structure of this,

the development, the follow through,

all the things that I love about

What we do and affiliates

and stuff like that is here

and the support from like a

bigger company,

a brand and all that stuff.

The things that I used to

really wish that like you

consistently got from an HQ

or stuff like that.

You get to knit almost until

by last weekend, we had coach con, um,

in Birmingham with iron tribe and.

My eyes have been open to it,

to what this is,

because this is functional fitness class.

The structure is a little different.

The business structure is a

little different.

It's not free market like Greg had.

I mean, I guess it kind of is.

Just the backing and the

kind of the structure man

is way different from a corporate level.

There's no guessing game

There's no hopes and wishes

that it continues the next

year right now.

There's no season.

There's no open semis games

Because it's strictly let

me peel 100 pounds off of you.

Let me restore function Let

me give you back to a full

vacation with your kids and

all that stuff in here And

we're really really good at

it from an objective

results driven perspective

and that's why I think all

those things hit me a

little heavier now because I

I've been,

and even in a devil's advocate way,

when I've not been like a HQ advocate,

I've been a, you know,

10-year level one coach

just because I didn't want

to give any money because

sometimes I didn't agree

with how we were doing stuff.

But, yeah, dude,

it's been really weird to

transition to something

that is like but different

and then at the same time

seeing kind of the

unraveling of things that I've loved,

especially with like people

I'm close with and chop it

up with when we go to these events.

So let me ask you this question.

Everybody, like,

I've gotten at least 20 DMs

on this Sean Woodland thing.

And everybody's saying, well,

trimming the fat, cost cutting.

That seems too easy to me.

He doesn't make that much money.


I know what most of them make per event.

And I also noticed that,

because I've heard from a reliable source,

the team is going to be

Chase and Adrian with Mike

Garstow on the floor.


And dude, look, Chase and Adrian are, dude,

Adrian is great.

Adrian is the Tony Romo of it.

And you know, I wanted to do that.

I can't, Adrian is awesome.

Him and Chase both.

But they're both under

contract with CrossFit

because of the CrossFit podcast.


So they're a little bit

under more control.

then say you bring in a Sean

Woodland from an outside

media company to do this.

He's not as much under control.

Do you think it's more the

control or more the money?

It's got to be the money and

maybe contractually, but like, I mean,

you got to think we talked about,

like Hebrew and Marston do,

there's no telling how much

more money they make from

strictly a sponsorship standpoint, right?

And you know that now,

because you ride on some of them.

That's how this whole thing floats, right?

There's no telling how much

more money they make doing

their own thing.

And Tommy and Sean have

figured that out as well, right?

Brought on Lauren.

Lauren is professional,

like to the utmost.

And like, I know,

I got a deeper look into

what you're doing with both

hands right now after doing

Morning Chalk Up stuff with Lauren,


Regardless of how that

worked out under that brand,

but seeing the

professionalism that she

brings to it coming out of

the news world and that she's able to do.

And the same thing,

like it also makes me more

impressed with the way

you've picked it up bubble.

Cause that ain't your background.

Like you're not an anchor.



that's why I always try to give you the

flowers for it.

But like Sean is the most

professional for those things.

They don't need to control Sean.


Uh, from a, from a, like the voice,

the voice golden voice.


heartbeat of the community.

He's been as deep in with HQ

as anybody has been,

like on the review shows, all the things.

It just makes no sense to me.

I understand bringing in new

people and expanding the team, right?

Especially with people like Adrian, bro.

Adrian has his own programming company.

He's not going to go do it for free,

but like, you know,

a lot of times when I got

income coming from other places,

as long as I'm not going to

take a loss at the event,

I want to come love on people,

see the homies, take part, right?

Because we all do genuinely love it.

So if you can make it make sense,

not make me rich, I'm with it.

So that, like, I thought about that too.

And Sean is not one that's like, like me,

I understand why people

don't harass me to go do stuff like that.

I'm very regional addiction.

We do a joke about that all the time.

Like Forrest Gump ain't

getting in the booth.

And like,

I get to talking fast and say wild stuff.

It may not be cool on CBS or

ESPN or whatever.

We're all in that here, right?

Now I could probably tone it

down and get there.

But I mean, dude, Adrian speaks fluent L1.

and has a next level athlete

experience for a ridiculous

amount of years.

Good looking dude, very well spoken,

insanely intelligent depth

of knowledge for not only

like the strength and

conditioning part of as a programmer,

but also as an athlete itself,

do you want athlete and all those things.

Sean has that from a hockey background,

like, and just,

It's weird to me to cut the

feet off of that when you

have such an established thing, right?

I mean,

it's kind of like keeping a member

is way cheaper than going

to find a new one at a gym, right?

So to me,

that's the kind of turnover thing,

which I didn't understand.

Like media stuff, it's expensive, cool.

But like the Sean stuff and

like the whole production

where they have to do the,

like uh what'd they do last

year had chase do it from a

phone basically which chase

didn't mind he did a great

job I text him live while

he's doing those things

like god bless you on this

event this is boring as

hell but they always keep

the ship afloat because

they're pros and they know

the game they know the game

in the booth how to be

professional with it what

the people that do it are

starting it and what if

they're interested in it

need to hear to get that

engagement draw those

people in and that that's

what what kind of drives me

crazy about all this stuff

and I'm just a salty old man for it

There's a lot of things that

drive me crazy.


I've known Sean since the late 90s as

a sports broadcaster in Tallahassee,

Florida, back in the day, right?

Before CrossFit ever even was born,

I watched him on TV.

Sean has never said any

phrase that ruffled a feather.


In the 12 years we've been doing this.


He has been straight down

the fairway and Carolyn

Prevost in the chat.

She talks to me about how

the athletes love him

because he actually cares

about the backstory of the

athlete and tells that

story as opposed to just

what's happening in that moment.


And you need that.

You need that fill in a long

chipper workout.

of what's going on with those athletes,



He's so good at it.

And it's so, like I said, like you said,

it's not his first, second or 10th rodeo.

And he's so thorough.

His timing is so good.

Like you can't train in

someone to do that.

That's why,

like I joke about Adrian

speaking fluent L1.

Adrian is good at it because

of that experience.

And Adrian's roots in the

sport are infinitely deep.

I see people fuss sometimes

in the comments and like

they've even done it to me like,

we want to hear people talk

about this and not their

athletic experience.


what does Tony Romo do on a Monday night?


Like, what does Greg Olson do?

Your relative experience is

going to give you another

layer into what athletes are thinking,

regardless of sport.

I hope someday they do it with Tiger Woods,

if they can get him in the booth.

I can't imagine the things

or the nuances he can let you in on.

And Sean's never been to the games,

but Sean can do that.

And I joke with people all the time,

because everybody does,

coaches who've never done it,

Bill Belichick never threw a football,


But he's one of the greatest

coaches to ever live.

So you don't have to have that.

And that's,

Sean's so good at telling those stories,

like you're saying.

And that's why I'm partial

to the former athletes.

But like, yeah,

Sean doesn't run for feathers.

So it has to be,

it's not a control thing to me.

It has to be a money grab.

But that makes me turn into

like bigger picture things,

like the direction of that company.

And like,

are we all like just holding this

football on the table,

hoping somebody takes it

and runs with it?

Like, so...

I mentioned where I work now, Iron Tribe,


So structure-wise, a lot of franchises,

very Southeastern.

It is not the numbers

monster that affiliates are, right?

But the fear, and I felt the issue,

and I've talked about this, Scott,

I should have opened the

gym five years ago by myself, right?

Product-wise, on the floor, cash money.

The things that scare me,

building the systems, building the brand,

building the visibility,

coming up with all the things,

like I can get it

conceptualized in my head,

putting it to paper in a spreadsheet,

and articulating it out to

drive traffic and put the car together,

so to speak, right?

I always say I've driven the

car for a lot of people.

These things happen here in a seamless way,

systems from...

onboarding from coaches

through a video series.

Matt, what's Forrest's last name?

Forrest Walden.

Forrest Walden's the guy that founded it,


And it's only funny because

I used to be such a hater

for it because the first

CrossFit journal I ever

read was this logo, nothing backwards,

this logo powered by

CrossFit in Birmingham.

And it was a CrossFit

journal about them suing

them for doing what Jason did.

And, you know,

they end up slapping him on

the wrist for NorCal stuff, right?

Because we don't want you to franchise,

yada, yada, yada.

But dude...

the system to support from

start to build to you know

to the clouds if you want to here

It's something I joked before at CoachCon,


And I said that term earlier.

All the coaches for Iron

Tribe went to Birmingham,

had this weekend of development.

Nobody paid for it.

First form shows up.

Sponsors show up.

We all kick it together, work out,

talk about our best practices, directions,

State of the Union stuff.

So it's not a hopeful

YouTube channel we got or

YouTube post we got from

CrossFit that's probably

not going to happen now.


they give Hiller the most shit in

those things.

And it's so weird to me.

Like, me and you joked about that.

I love Andrew.

I've always been terrified

of not being in the room

and getting denied media passes and stuff,

but I'm on board with most

of the things he says and

the spotlights he put on,

because he's very informed.

He's done a deeper dance with it,

owning an affiliate and all

those things than I have,

so never been a hater.

Some of it's kind of brash, but it's also,

he has no problem telling

you this for views.

But I've done coaching

development with people.

I have done...

many many many hours on the

floor and all the things

that are affiliate uh

except on it and stood on

the you know the nice edge

of that uh just out of fear

and that's something I'm

getting over but uh doing

this dude really made me

eat some crow um and kind

of take a look at the flow

that we have been doing and

I have friends who are our

affiliate heads for their

region right chase is one of them

Andrew's one of them in North Central.

And they're awesome dudes.

They have very successful businesses.

I think Chase sold Big D.

Andrew's got an awesome

affiliate and like takes

nothing away from those.

It's just hopes and wishes

of like something that I

love for so long and

getting a different taste

of it where it's same realm,

just a different flavor.

And it works, dog.

Works consistently.

And the stats say that over 10 years,

10 years plus now.

And so it made me go in

deeper thinking of like the,

the model they have for

people and seeing people

pass this hot potato around.


Um, so that's what worries me, man.

I don't, I don't,

I hope it doesn't go anywhere,

especially since I just

started masters and we got

in on the first shot.

And look, you said that the other night,

if they took 20 decks,

I would have went faster, Scott.


I'm good in house.

We just, we want to do just enough, baby,

just enough to get in.

We'll show all your cards.

Um, as far as anybody knows,

I just lift weights.

I don't condition at all.

That's why I joked on my

post I put on last night, but

um yeah we had you on the

show going into the last

two events and you were

scared as hell with those

last two events oh dude

they were so good for me I

pissed down my leg this

time yeah me and marquand

joked about the other day

he was talking about

testing semis workouts um

and like we always joke

about like people who are

taking stuff and this that

another and he was talking

about testing one

And I said the same thing.

I was like, dude,

I didn't repeat any of them.

Cause I was like,

these are home runs for me.

Like muscle up, heavy front squat.


I wish it was 275.

No big deal.

Cause I knew some people

were going to get popped

for standing up front

squats and like front

squats and muscle ups are cool for me,


I did not do that well on those.

And I don't know if it was

like an overconfidence thing or whatever.

Kwan said the same thing.

He said, yeah, I tested that workout.

I was like, okay, cool.

Respectable score.

Takes a 20th at semis on the

workout he was talking about.

And he was like, that's when I was like,

Yeah, well,

it's more than protein shakes

being drunk out here.

So, but they, it's funny, man,

just the progression of the game.

My thing has always been to

try to stay in it and check

in to see if it's passed me

by from a capacity level, right?

Like I am in here.

What you're saying, though,

is people are adding creatine?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

It's just the most researched.

Yeah, it's got to be.

It's beam.

It's beam is what it is.

They're sleeping better.

That's what it is.

It's got to be.

It's an ice bath.

But they snort the beam is what I heard.

It's the delivery is what it is.

So it's a wild time.

But I don't know, man.

I love the game on every level, right?

I'm coming in to be a healthy grandpa,

grandma, mom, dad, brother, sister, wife,

husband, whatever.

and I love competing,

and I want this thing to keep churning.

I don't want to see the

numbers drop on the

affiliate map or any of those things,

but I don't like being in

the dark or wondering,

and I don't think anybody does,

and the more figureheads that fall,

the more it feels like inevitability,

and I hate that,

so I don't want to see it go down, man.

I've loved love this long,

and I love football now,

so it'll break my heart, but

The version it'll go on

right in some capacity.

I just would like it to be

the global community.

It's always been.

And not kind of wither away.

Even when people are trying to grab it.

I thought that front step

squat muscle up workout was

going to be great for me.

My gravy gravy turned out to be burnt.

Mine was tomato gravy, which nobody likes,


That's old man gravy.

If you're striking,

if you say you like tomato gravy,

you're born in 1936.


Yeah, look, in-house, I love it, dude.

Doing every stage in-house.

Oh, that was so good.

Slept in my own bed.

Got to cook myself breakfast.

Didn't have to go spend any money.

It was beautiful.

It might have been why I was

lazy trying to get to Knoxville, Scott.

I was spoiled.

I'm a spoiled old man now.

What I love about having you

on is who the hell knows

where we're going.

That's why it's after dark, right?

Because we don't know.

So what is an appropriate

number for masters?

Because 40 for all the

divisions is too many athletes.


So I would say that if we

were all one event,

if it is its own event,

I don't think 40 is too many.

So now we can treat it like a real event.

We can have heats, right?

There's gap time in between the events.

You can get a little sexy

with the programming.

What I didn't like when we

were here another day,

there was news to me.

That's why I was in there

like going crazy.

I didn't realize everybody

was shuffling stuff.

I'm a gear whore.

You know that.

I want a sign.

The whole reason I was

pumped about this this year,

I want a sign with my name on it.

All my signs say Maximus or Move Fast,

Lift Heavy or Romwod, Meat Squad,

which I love.

All of those people I've

ever been on a team with,

I love dearly except for

one or two and they know who they are.

But those are the signs.

I want something to say Dex Hopkins.


you're going to have to wash it 17

times to make it through the weekend.

It might be a business card now.

It might not be a sign, but like the,

that's why I joked.

Cause that 2015,

the first year we went dog,

I'm telling you the highlighter,

orange and blue stuff.

I took it home and washed it.

And I worked at Maximus, right?

I could wear that as coaching shirt.


I must've washed and dried that

Reebok shirt and everything

peeled off of it.

Like it was just,

they pressed it on with

like the hotel iron before

they came and gave it to us.

And I loved all that.

You couldn't tell me nothing about it.

I wore those tights an

unreasonable amount of times.

But that's what somebody fussed over.

They were like,

Reebok colors are so much cooler.

Yeah, you wasn't there.

That neutral stuff was sexy.

I'd wear that out somewhere.

I don't like no bull shoes.

The apparel is Lulu, basically.

For the spectator,

we could tell who was who.

Yeah, okay.

That was a valid point.

I get that.

But also...

Now we can wear whatever shoes we want.

At some point, I'm going to wear Jordan's.

So you look for me anyway.

You're the homie.

Charlie's looking for me.

We can pick my shoes out.


you're taller than everybody else on

the floor.

You're easy to find.

Also that, yes.

I've been waiting on the

dunk contest event.

But, yeah, dude,

so I don't – bring it back around.

I don't think 40 is too many

if it's a standalone event.

I'm excited to see what

Brock and them do in

Michigan with the team games.

If you've ever been to the pit.

Did you ever make it out to the pit?

I have not.

Dude, it's his setup.

I knew last year,

I took one of my athletes, Anna Meredith,

out there.

She won it the year before the JV.

Did well in varsity last year.

But it's, God, it's so good, dude.

But infrastructure-wise,

there's only so many places

to take a poop,

and that would be a huge problem, right?

It'd be like Woodstock.

Everybody would be out there

sleeping in the mud and plus.

Jamie went there last year

and said they got to do

something about seating and


It's impossible.

It's only going to be at the pit one day.

The rest is in Kalamazoo.

Dude, I'm telling you,

the things they can do at the pit, dog,

it's sexy.

I mean, I need to text Brock.

We haven't talked.

It's been a weird year, but like

Dude, the pit is sexy,

and that's what I said,

because Boz was creeping

around last year.

I was like, hey, what you doing here?

I know what y'all about to do.

And I prayed Masters wasn't

going to do it.

And then the more they got into it,

the more I was cool with it

because of the pageantry, right?

Like, I've been on teams.

I've been the stepchild.

Your events are on the

chopping block for time.

And the Masters stuff,

I didn't want to be the same way.

But it being its own standalone event,

and Jason Grubbs, you know,

I think feels the same way.

He was excited about it.

And to me,

he's like the guy that pulls that wagon.

And he was just at a brew

camp in Jacksonville.

I love Jason Grubbs, like, and everything.

YouTube channel, great person, like,

one of the most coachable people ever.

Love the cat.

And so we got to chop it up about it,

and it changed my mind about it.

And then last year, I was at NFC, right?


Masters Fitness Collective was awesome.

And like Ron and his lady run it.

I want to say mostly his lady.

Ron's the shake hands and kiss babies guy.

He's the model out there.

Pretty boy Ron.

But I thought that was going to be it.

And that's why I went and

did that event because I'd

never done Legends.

But, you know,

in the leagues and things happen, dude.

It's funny to see people get

stirred up about that.

Like, who cares?

It happens.

People are people and

they're going to help the homies out.

Like, it's not unethical or whatever.

You'd be crazy not to, I guess.

But I thought because it's

its own standalone thing,

it'll be a little sexier.

When we were talking about

the other night about like

sponsors dipping in and out

and the bag being a little

less as far as like, you know, the cool,

here's my gear picture.

I didn't realize that like

Go-Ruck pulled out of that

and it was just Northern

Lights and all that stuff.

And so, you know, which is cool,

like qualifying and the

stuff that comes with that

is cool enough for me.

I got enough workout apparel and shoes.

By God, I got enough shoes.

It's a,

I just want the experience for the

fastest growing demographic

and make no mistake.

And then working here is

letting me know even more.

So the fastest growing demographic in that,

as more information comes

out about longevity and

your ability to maintain

muscle mass and live

independently and metabolic

disease and all this stuff,

the more of those things come out,

the more that it's actually

a lifeboat to the people that need it,

dog, that are the closest to it,

not 18 and 19-year-olds, right?

Like 30-plus, 35,

40-plus-year-olds that are

now trying to take a hold

of their health and move into a healthy,

functional retirement and

want to live by themselves

and wipe their own ass

their whole life and not

have to be in a home.

It seems more logical to me

to service that community.

And again,

games as church and state from

the community, I get that.

But those are the folks who

are going to spend the

money to come watch.

They're going to take PTO.

If they got PTO,

they might be retired already.


Like, and so, and they like, uh,

me and Jared talk about

this all the time.

Uh, almost like comp training,

proven Jared,

everybody's damn proven right now.

Um, but you know,

he put up something today

about like elite marathoners.

Like sometimes I've still on

track athletes, cover the travel,

cover the shoes and all this stuff.

Like I'm not naive to that, man.


This is not going to be the NFL.

It's fine.

There's opportunities out there,

but for a very select few,

and me and you are homies

with some of those people

that are the select few

that make the bag.

But here's the deal.

I'm cool with you only

giving out three shirts and

three pairs of shorts.


but let me wear whatever else I want

after that.

But don't require them to

wear it at every event then

for 12 events.

Yeah, I will say that about Reebok.

As much as I was not a fan

of a lot of their stuff, boy,

you couldn't wear...

So year to year,

this is a funny kind of weird point,


2015 to 17 is when like

stance socks got sexy, right?

Charlie remembers this, sneaker guy.

So stance socks were cool.

The first year I went in

2015 is when they gave you

like cool high top socks, all that stuff.

People were still wearing stance socks.

And if you went then,

you couldn't wear a

different kind of underwear

that wasn't Reebok.

If you wore Nike underwear,

you had to put your Reebok

tights over it.


Uh, nothing had to all be re-bought,

which is awesome.

Title sponsor, re-bought CrossFit games,

yada, yada, yada.

I got to,

but they gave you enough to get to,

they gave you $6,500 worth of stuff.

I don't know that I was not

joking that I wrote it off

of my taxes that year.

Um, but yeah, if you're going to limit it,

cause I did not wear all

that stuff that weekend could not have,

unless I like changed,

like in walks between events.

And then 2017 was the same thing.

They gave out ankle socks

and tall white tube socks

to like punish everybody.

It was funny.

Which is fine now.

Tall white socks are sexy.

But they, you know,

it was a different time.

The stand socks were cool.

So that's how they kind of

punished everybody.

I still joke with Tal about

that way down the road, man.

But it's, you know,

and that's just another like big shift,


Like I used to joke with

people about like CrossFit saving Reebok.

It never did.

I never knew that Reebok and

Adidas were basically the same company,

which is hilarious to see

Adidas make such an

aggressive push in Europe.

That was a lot,

because some of those

people had just signed with

other shoe companies,

and they're out there wearing Gazelles.

I was waiting for somebody

to wear the Run DMC joints,

but nobody's shoe culture.

You're a shoe guy, right?

Adidas has made a massive push.

No, Adidas still puts out bangers.

Adidas still looks good.

Joel just reviewed that Drop Zero,

I think it's called.

The only Adidas I got are Yeezys.

I don't know if I can say

that on here now.

That's the only Adidas I have.

Joel loved the fitness shoe

they came out with.

I think they've had it for a while.

And for a long time,

everybody wore out-of-power lifters,


They were the authority.


it was them and Romaleos and


And then, of course, in CrossFit,

it comes out, right?

Because that old out-of-power, honestly,

it was like you could do

box jumps and it was kind of floppy.

But, yeah, dude, and look,

I love Go-Ruck stuff.

I think I thought that was a

cool move and it's a bigger

company to where, like,

CrossFit's not their bread and butter.

And that's always been a

better relationship to me when, like,

it's not your bread and

butter so you don't have to

make risky decisions, right?

I was waiting on the bubble

to pop for no bull like

that venture capitalist

money to run out for a long time.

Just because like,

I feel like most brands that,

and this is only like my

experience like Romwod, right?

There was a certain point

where you stopped seeing

that word because they did

not want to be tied just to CrossFit,


It kind of puts a ceiling on

your ability to scale.

So all you started seeing, if you remember,

is that RW logo, the circle, right?

Wu-Tang, but it's a,

A lot of people don't like

being tied to it like that.

And so that's why I was cool

with No Ruck and Go Ruck.

And if you saw how they

inserted themselves in the space, dude,

they are giving awesome

work to media people.

They were setting up huge booths.

And you and I, now that's a big thing,

open thing people are talking about,

how much it costs to just

be present at an event and

all those things.

And they did it right, dude.

They got in and assimilated

to the community.


now we're going to write that big check.

And again, Ryan Schultz, my dog,

let me look behind the

Wizard of Oz curtain.

I know how much that check is.

It's a lot.

And so that's why I was cool.

Like when they're like, Oh,

masters games in Birmingham.

I was like, Oh God,

I get to cook breakfast in my kitchen,

sleep in my bed,

get some noble or some go-ruck stuff.

Um, but I don't know.

I text everybody and ask

them how that Northern light stuff was.

It was real, real mixed review.

So we'll see.

Um, but I agree.

If I go, you don't give me three shirts,

I need to be able to sell

the windshield like Ricky Bobby.

But now we, now we can make some money.

All right, let me,

Let me throw a little

temporary tattoo on or something like, oh,

the price is right, a permanent tattoo.

I don't know.

Let's go crazy.

I got an empty leg and arm I

need to fill up.

But it's still going to be fun, dude.

Like, you know me.

I'm going to go suck all the

positivity out of it I can.

get all the hugs and high

fives and consensual chest

bumps I can give out and

then see the people I love being around,


And it's more things for you

to come and do and content stuff.

And so everybody's going to

get a cool piece of the pie.

I just don't want the pie to

go bad and not be any pie

next year or the year after that.


So, yeah, that's my biggest thing.

Like the masters are over

50% of the open registrants.



Like that number has not

changed in five years.


And I don't want them shit on.

We moved over here to Birmingham, right?



tomorrow we find out if we're going to

get to do behind the scenes

of the Masters games.

It might be up, dog.

It might be up.

You know what?

I want to be fit enough for

me and easy to have like a

bird and magic rivalry.

But we'll see.

I haven't put that out there

until right now, I guess.

I should have left that in the brain, but.

Yeah, I'd love to be fit enough,

but there's some freaks in our thing.

I'm hoping some people can't

make that overseas travel, baby.

I'm going to make a statement here.

Probably get me in trouble,

but I'm going to make it

because I watch this sport.

When you came in in 41st,

I looked at people's videos ahead of you.

see should people get popped

or penalized so that my boy

can get in oh yeah was easy

columbus native hometown

kid yeah big fan dude range

of motion needs some work

easy yes scott easy touch

and go snatch 300 before it

was cool his range of

motion is fine I'll tell

you what got him last year

is the workout was weird

but he was that well he was

that rich as jim I ain't

trying to go be I want the

lights and I'm gonna record

myself I ain't going to be

around everybody looking

that's crazy um but like

dude he's a he's a staple

in the sport right

especially if like

african-american community

like I think back alex

netty elizabeth akamali

whom I still love I want

him there I want him there

but like you know I'm

talking about like better

than his during this


I know exactly who got popped for me

because I texted him

immediately when he dropped out.

It was Chase Hill.

They got him on standing up front squats,

which Chase's range of motion,

he can touch his ball back

to the ground when he squats.

It must have been like standing up.

Chase is an incredibly fit,

and the weight was not heavy enough.

I don't think they really

reviewed many videos, man.

No, I don't think they did either.

Yeah, dude, I can't.

Me and him texted about it, and I was like,

oh, shit,

they're going to give you an appeal, dog.

But I was in like 36th for a whole day,

and then they must have

gave some people a appeal

or something like that.

But no, dude,

I think in-house stuff is

in-house stuff for sure.

I did Masters Fitness

Collective last year.

That was probably the best

I've ever felt competing in person.

So that's why I was, you know,

I was pumped about the

season and I waited long

enough to start striking

matches to seal the turn

from Ben Bergeron.

I only got so many to strike.

So I waited a while to start

striking matches and

training and like getting

emotionally involved with

it and day to day.

And this is probably the

best I've ever felt leading

into a season and throughout, right?

Normally do when I get to semifinals,

I'm so burnt out from being

a psychopath and emotional

ups and downs and thinking

every day has got to be perfect.

And so there's been a big

kind of maturity process in

me athletically at 35, but it's, uh,

it's been good, man.

And as the guy, you know,

I've worked with a few coaches.

I love Jason Layden.

We made huge progress, dude.


and L is one of the coaches on brute

with brute with me,

who is an absolute genius.

Like, you know,

I thought Kelsey had an awesome year.

Danielle's having a really good year.

He coaches her.

And he does the same with me, dude.

And I'm,

I'm older and wiser and he does

not beat me to death.

And it's a minimal dose,

maximum effectiveness stuff.

So I thought,

I think it's going to be a good year and,

and easy, like deserves to be there.

He's always been really fit

when he wants to be like,

he took some years off, but,

Dude, he's been fit for a long time,

and so it's going to be really fun.

I didn't realize Bronislav was in 35-39.

I want to say Morad's going to do it.

He pulled out at Knoxville,

so I'm not sure what the

reason was for that.

So I talked to him before

that week ended up,

and he said depending on

what they find and

depending on what they

announce is the prize money for it.

Oh, shit.

Well, he ain't coming.

What was it?

It's the same as it's always been.

$25,000 to win.

If he's healthy.

What'd he do?

He was having an MRI the next day.

He's so strong.

He's so strong and moves so well.


Someone cut Dex's cord.

I didn't think anybody could do that.

I thought that was me this time.

No, it's, it's deck.

There we go.

We got it back.

Was that me?


Oh, my bad.

The internet here is dodgy when it rains.

Um, but we'll move so well, dude,

it's weird for him to have, I'm not,

I wish I was joking.

This is like dead ass here.

Uh, he moves so well.

It's weird.

And he's been doing it for so long.

It's weird for him to have

like a nitpicky injury like that.

Uh, he's so strong though.


But yeah, it'll be fun, dude.

I think the field is very cool to me,

just looking at the host of characters.

I don't know a lot of them,

but like the Wills and

Bronislaw and Easy's been in there.

It'll be cool for me to go

have a whole lot of give a

shit for an individual

competition finally.

And now we don't have to

feel weird when we say Dex Hawkins,

games athlete.

I only did individual.

I don't care if it's Masters.

Suck it, everybody.

Shawn Michaels, suck it, thanks.

But it's going to be a fun weekend, dude.

Mississippi's next door to Alabama,

so most of the homies that

have been along the ride

with me the whole time I've

done it will be able to come.

So it's going to be a good time,

and my little girls will be

able to be there.

So it'll be awesome,

because they were at

Syndicate last time I did Individual,

not really able to yell, go daddy.

But now they both can,

and they're both little

absolute psychopaths.

So we're going to have a weekend.

So I got a quick question for you,

and I want Charlie to jump in here,

because we're all fans of

the Attitude Era of WWE.



With the 35 to 39-year-old group,

how much chirping is going

to go on during that event?

Oh, I'm a proponent of it,

and you know that I wish

this was a thing for years.

Dallin and Hopper-

I don't know.

Look, I ain't talking shit to Roman ever.

I know what you used to do for a living.

I don't want any part of that, sir.

And you're rushing.

I don't know how serious you

are and don't understand

most of the things you say.

But, dude, it'll be fun.

Easy will talk smack in a healthy way.

And, like, I think that group, like,

at Masters, at NFC,

mad shit talk in the stalls,

in the walking out.

Like, me and Ken Batterson,

Alex from Louisiana,

And a bunch of people do.

That's what's so weird.

Me and Alex started together.

Our first year at regional

was 2014 together, and we were there.

I think he kicked my ass that weekend.

But it's a little healthy smack talk sesh,

like we're playing pick up at the YMCA,

doing weird two-handed

layups because we're old.

It'll be fun, dude.

I'm excited.

And then we are all Attitude

Air kids if you watch wrestling.

If you're in the South,

you watch wrestling probably.

And I'm going to wear it.

I don't know.

I wonder how much trouble

we'll get in since they

gave us three t-shirts if I

do wear like a DX Suck It

shirt because I got one.

So we'll see.

You almost had to.

You had the Stone Cold.

So you got to bring the other one out.

I also got a hat.

The hat's fair game, I feel like.


I got a Stone Cold hat and a Suck It hat.

And worst case,

I'll just do the Shawn

Michaels pose if I do well in an event.

I ain't mad at that.

And then somebody can throw me, like,

my buddy Michael threw me

two beers the year at Syndicate.

Wasn't too cool because I was in, like,

20th, but whatever.

We were having fun.

He threw me two beers from the stands,

and I smashed two of them.

But, yeah, dude, I'm going to go have fun.

I'm going to be fit.

And that group of people, you know,

and a bunch of friends.

Kenji Riley's going to be there.


we haven't been in the same place

competing in a long time,

so it's going to be...

It's going to be a fun weekend, dude.

And that means Roy's going

to be there and her little hooligans.

She's got two little clones now.

So everybody that's started

with me has all the

childrens and all the things.

And so a few of them will be there.

And so there should be some

real healthy you suck shit talk.

But it'll also be like high

fives and then hugs at the

end like it always is.

But I want the spice in there.


Corey said at NFC we had a

guy straight up call a shot

and then backed it up.

It was me, Corey.

Actually, Ken went first.

That last workout,

whoever programmed that shit,

I told them I tested it and

did it in one round.

They called me a liar to my face.

And then Ken was in the heat

before us and did it.

And I thank you that we tied.

You might have beat me by a second.

But it was like you had

three minutes to do 300-meter row,

three deadlifts, 365, three leg lifts.

And I think maybe it was 150

handstand walks.

And Ken's like,

it was an old like grid pro

when it was like grid,

not weird Florida minor

league scary stuff.

It's not.

They're doing a great job.

That was not a stray they should catch.

They're doing great.

It's cool.

I just, grid still gives me PTSD.

But yeah, Ken is freakishly fit.

And so we broke that workout and did it.

Most of us did it in one round.

It was fun.

But it was us, Corey.

How dare you?

How dare you?

We'll do the same thing this weekend.

That's how I wish Ken would qualify, dude.

It would have been fun to have that.

And hell, he might come and watch.

But they were all around Maximus.

I want to say Ken lives in

Indiana or somewhere around

there in that region.

So they were always around there.


I don't know if Tony's competing this

year from Timberwolf that used to be.

But Tony's been exceptionally fit.

He's been a master's guy for a long time.

Like most people, didn't want to do it,

which I get.

Hurton now is a lot

different than Hurton then.

But I just want to stay a scary dad.

That's all.

Well, I love when you turn 35,

like getting canceled isn't even,

doesn't even matter anymore.

Am I in that?

Am I in that space now?

You just, you can say whatever you want.

Nobody cares.

35 is the old man mark where

you can say creepy shit and

not because that's news to me.

And we're about to rev that up.

So I've been waiting on that.



In the gym for sure.

Well, they, that's, what's weird is like,

I'm so that is the

different framework of this place.

So classes of 45 minutes, um,

The population is very similar.

The approach is a little

different as far as methodology stuff.

Very similar methodology,

very much more opportunity

for it to bleed into every

other part of your life

from a structure standpoint

as far as nutrition and

kind of guiding every step

of your health and wellness stuff.

But, like, what does shit talk to say?

I am doing the exact, like,

demos and stuff.

And it's appreciated, dude.

And it's appreciated everywhere.

Just, you know,

being in a new place where it's...

It is, but it's not.

I don't know what I can and

cannot say yet.

But giving flowers to everybody,

I still love both.

But this place has been a

breath of fresh air to me.

Getting back into a place

that has professionalism,

is very interested in

creating careers for

coaches as far as salary benefits.

And the heart of it is still

to cure the world's most

vaccinated disease through

the same methodology.

And so I'm on board.

And the deeper I get into it,

the more on board I am,

especially under this flag,

because it tickles all my feel goods.

I still get to come.

kick it with the homies and

do my thing so uh is it

more of a franchise model

as opposed to like yeah

yeah so so their

headquarters are in

birmingham right that's

where we did uh coach khan

mine is in madison alabama

there's one in downtown

huntsville uh the homie

macy runs blair morris owns

the two here I'm not sure

who owns the ones in

birmingham but it might

just be uh corporate but

The corporate offices are in Birmingham.

It's very regional.

I think the furthest west it

goes is Houston.

The furthest east it goes is

South Carolina, maybe.

But I mean,

I ain't going to get into the

nooks and crannies of it.

But business model-wise,

we could take some things.

It is very tried and true and steady.

I'll say that.

And I've dug it, man.

It is a thing to present to

people that the friction

points of an affiliate

whether you're starting a

business or other thing, otherwise, uh,

taking off.

So you get to, I dare say,

be more of a flow state of

the things that are important to you.

So if you're a books person, cool,

do the books.

Here's the structure for the

classes and all these things.


it gets a little more personal on the

development side, right?

I don't bring Scott into that hour class,

smash him like, all right, Scott,

hope your pull-ups develop

next class that when it comes back around,


It's very structured.

We do 45 minute classes.

There's no argument about a

Metcon and a Lyft every day.

The programming,

if you come to this Iron

Tribe or an Iron Tribe in Birmingham,

is exactly the same.

The product's the same,

the flow of the class, the verbiage.

I dare say the way we teach.

I know I probably have a

little nuance versus some people.

I just kind of learned that this weekend.

My man Matt, this operations guy here,

is a little different.

He's a jiu-jitsu guy and a

Westside-minded fella.


but it was cool last weekend and they had,

I mean, you remember the big sky things,


Like where they did everybody there.

So they do that every year.

It's not a memory.

It's a constant practice, uh, a lot here.

So, um, they,

I want to say maybe 200 something here.

Tickets are the tickets a

little different here.

Uh, I'd say also look at that.

So, uh, but I mean, we have,

so just model wise,

we have two class options.

It's power.

It's traditional kind of

functional fitness class, right?

And then prime, right?

So say Scott's coming off.

What's the last injury you had?

I can't remember.

All of them.

Every one of them.


All of them.

So when you're coming off that injury,

right, it's hard to come back into class.

Like, hey, we're doing Fran today, guys.

Well, Scott, get on the bike.


So we do prime stuff.

And so prime is like the

personal training class.

So you come in.

Your program's personal.

Your nutrition stuff's personal.

and all that stuff.

So it is elaborate, dude.

And the things available to

you that you're able to

take hold of as far as just

a deep experience and across the board,

like franchise to franchise,

whether it's a standalone

one like Blair has here in

two locations or the HQ

one's down in Birmingham,

the experience is the same.

Programming for power is the same.

So it's like, I mean, you go to Polaris,

it's Polaris' programming,

or maybe they're


What's Christie's programming?



Maybe it's Ibex.

Maybe Charlie goes to a

Mayhem one or this or that.

Everybody's got their own flavor, right?

They're all cool.

and whatever,

but you know what you're going to.

We go to Mayhem Gym,

we're probably going to do

a million GHDs and rope climbs.

We go, you know, whatever.

Whatever that flavor is.

It's consistent here, right?

There's a lady in here now

who lives in Nashville.

Her daughter's doing a summer internship.

She comes in here every day.

Same membership.

Covers this one, right?

So she can check in here.

All her stats are tracked.

All the software and stuff like is...

Pretty proprietary, the app's dope.

I've been, like I said,

I've tasted a lot of foot

and eaten some crow in the

last three months as far as

like my outlook and my very, you know,

this is the way, now how we do it is,

you know, CrossFit.

But it's been different in a

very positive light, man.

It's been a cool one to stand in,

especially last weekend

getting to kind of rub

elbows with their head of programming,



the guy who kind of founded it and

kind of navigated the

lawsuit stuff across there and kind of,

you know,

made it right and has this thing.

And just like,

and it's Christian organization, which I,

you know, I'm down with JC.

And so it's been awesome.

And then the outlook for me

is like long-term.

So, and a lot of, like I said,

a lot of the fear I had to

open an affiliate to where it's risky,


That business model, it is what it is.

And there's very good verbiage to like, oh,

you can,

there's the toolbox and all this stuff.

And that's cool.

but it's still on you.

And this is that same scenario,

but the support that comes

along is not that verbiage like,

here's the tools.

Good luck.

Pay your affiliate fee.

And not to say that's the

depth they go to.

That's just, you know,

that's what I know about it.

And so it's been cool.

I've dug it.

Well, it's been awesome catching up.

We're going to have to do

this more periodic.

It's your take home.

Well, we'll get you out of here early,


We got four minutes.

We're done.

Get your meeting.

I love you guys.


I'm going to holler at you, man.

We're going to be around.

I'll definitely see you in

birmingham baby yeah for

sure um and you might even

be the star of the behind

the scenes who knows might

be up been waiting on him

with that thank you

everybody in the chat you

guys have been awesome as

always and uh yeah we'll be

back again sometime in the

future with clydesdale

after dark hell yeah

brother see you guys later bye guys