National Health Executive News

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And here’s today’s news from National Health Executive on Wednesday the 8th of May 2024
Chief executives at the UK’s leading palliative and end of life care charities have united during Dying Matters Awareness Week to urge party leaders to prioritise palliative and end of life care in their election manifestos and plans for government.
In a letter to party leaders, chief executives from Hospice UK, Marie Curie, National Bereavement Alliance, Sue Ryder, and Together for Short Lives said: “if you do nothing to fix the problems that dying people currently experience, hundreds of thousands will miss out on vital care and the trauma of seeing a loved one die without support will live in the minds of a generation. People who are dying, and their loved ones, deserve better.”

New data from the Royal College of Anaesthetists shows patients are missing out on an estimated 1.4 million operations and procedures each year because of a large and growing shortage of anaesthetists.
There are currently 9.6 million people waiting for hospital treatment across all four nations of the UK. In its manifesto published today, the royal college warns that without investment in training posts for anaesthetists the situation will only worsen because most operations cannot take place without an anaesthetist.

A new five-year plan to tackle antimicrobial resistance has been launched today by the Department of Health and Social Care in collaboration with the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. The plan commits the UK to reducing its use of antimicrobials, strengthening the surveillance of drug resistance infections, and incentivising the industry to develop the next generation of treatments.
The plan builds on the UK’s 20-year vision antimicrobial resistance, which will see it contained, controlled and mitigated in a bid to improve public health.
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