Growing Pains

Welcome back everybody! The girls are finally in their sophomore year, and we can't wait to tell you all about it! This episode we give a recap about our summer break, the Brian Head trip, and what it's like to live on campus. 😎

What is Growing Pains?

"Growing Pains" is a podcast about growing up and trying not to break down. Tune in weekly with Ginger, Kylie, Gianna, and Ashlee as they survive college life, relationships, and the chaos of adulthood during their first year at UNLV. There will be crying, ranting, potential punching, and lots of laughter. Growing pains - when it hurts, the best thing you can do is laugh!

Unknown Speaker 0:00
You're listening to local programming produced in kunv Studios.

Unknown Speaker 0:05
The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 jazz and more the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.

Unknown Speaker 0:18
Welcome to Growing Pains. I'm your host, ginger, join me and my best friends as we talk about growing up and trying not to break down.

Unknown Speaker 0:37
The whole gang

Unknown Speaker 0:40
is here,

Unknown Speaker 0:42
happy season two. Real season two. This time, yeah,

Unknown Speaker 0:46
for sure. Um, let's introduce ourselves so they know who's talking. It's ginger, hi, hi, I'm Cassie. It's Kylie and Gianna. You know it. Why can I interrupt?

Unknown Speaker 1:00
We're sorry. We're sitting next to each other.

Unknown Speaker 1:03
And then it's me Vic, and it's me Ashley,

Unknown Speaker 1:06
and yeah, we're alive. Sophomore year, second

Unknown Speaker 1:10
year. Sorry not to, like, cut anyone off. But right as the intro was going, I was like, Gianna, look at this. And it was the video I found when we recorded the, like, our freshman year, fall semester of ginger falling in that chair.

Unknown Speaker 1:27
Ginger be falling. Ginger falls on purpose. No, I don't I swear my life, I don't want attention that bad.

Unknown Speaker 1:37
Maybe I do be falling off going into the fall semester. I've only been thinking about two things, should I get an electric scooter? Yes. And should I delete Instagram? No, those are the only two like these things.

Unknown Speaker 1:50
Literally, get a scooter. I should get a scooter. I think I've been thinking about it too. I really need one. It's only because it's hot though I feel like fall or winter, I'm gonna want to walk. But also in fall and winter, when the sun doesn't come up until, like, I don't know, never, and you can't get out of bed, and you're hella late to class, and you're like, dang, now I got five minutes to get to class. Well, now I can get a scooter. You bring up a good point, because when it was rainy, I literally, I used the scooter once, and I fell like, Oh my gosh. Speaking of that, Kylie and I were walking back from our like, class, actually, no, we were talking back from Student Union because we were just chilling at school, and we saw this person take the, like, most disgusting fall, like it was comical, like it looked like somebody had cameras around them, and it was like, on the quad next to the grass, and he, like, flipped forward off a crater, like It was real life. He had a metal scooter, like he had one of those Razor scooters. So it just sounded like bones hitting the floor, like, like Minecraft, like, skeleton death, like, like it was bad. He felt like on his stomach, so he skid, at least, like anyone sit, do anything. People helped him up. But Kylie and I were like, literally, this is what it was so funny because Kylie. I was like, Kylie, Where's so and so, like, this cute guy. And then I, we were like, Wait, is that him? Boom, the guy in front of us falls in face plants, and we and Kylie had to, like, stay silent, because we didn't laugh. Oh, we turned around and, like, held my breath

Unknown Speaker 3:16
because I felt so bad. But we were not focused on that. We were focused on the hot man 20 feet in front,

Unknown Speaker 3:23
yeah. How is living on campus?

Unknown Speaker 3:26
We live on campus now. I like it a lot. I like walking to class. I do like living I think it's a lot easier. It's a lot easier to, like, lock in with school when you live there, yeah, but I think it's really like, funny, not funny, but just like, so like, cute. Like, when we started this podcast in this room last fall, like, and same time last year, we were like, we moved. We like, just move. Oh yeah, we moved again. And it's like, so funny, yeah, maybe we shouldn't, like, what's happening next year. We should stay still. Probably stay

Unknown Speaker 4:01
next year. Dang. Where we going next year? Guys, Cabo. Okay, let's go. Let's go. Let's go to Cabo. I've been trying to go forever, and I think we're gonna die. Let me order Miami and see if our friendship,

Unknown Speaker 4:15
if two way low can handle if two way low can handle Miami, we can handle anything. Yeah, I really think we can, because California,

Unknown Speaker 4:24
though, yeah, that's just a little for California twice. Yeah, California, anyone could do, yeah, tell us about California. Oh my gosh. Okay, guys, so we celebrated my birthday in California. I turned 15.

Unknown Speaker 4:41
Okay, yeah. So usually I have, like, the worst birthdays ever, but this one was one of the birthdays where I was like, wow. Like, it healed me. It healed you guys. Really one of the funnest trips. So fun if you know, you know I was acting a mess.

Unknown Speaker 5:00
We can't. I would literally, no, I would actually kill all of you if you were to ever do the contrast, like, genuinely, that's actually a Lego the contrast of like, what happened like versus like, in the morning, we like, rode bikes and got breakfast sandwiches. Literally, it was like, and then at night, I don't know who took over like it wasn't me, guys, you need an alter ego name? Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 5:25
I don't mind with Samantha.

Unknown Speaker 5:31
Cassandra. Guys, guys, Cassandra is not allowed to reference the show six in the city because she can't speak English. Apparently, she was talking, because we went to a party, and she literally kept calling me Miranda. And then she was like, Miranda, I have beef with you. And I was she was like, Oh my gosh, the girl Miranda has my phone, and I'm literally looking at her dead in the face, and she's like, Miranda, Miranda, you put me on and I'm like, girl who is Miranda, and she's calling me Miranda. That's just like, obviously, from like the show, we have, like our own, like we're our own person. And it's like, that's Miranda, Miranda. But what is she

Unknown Speaker 6:10

Unknown Speaker 6:13

Unknown Speaker 6:17
Casra is definitely Samantha, which is

Unknown Speaker 6:21
odd, because she's the youngest. Oh, I also have our two too much now,

Unknown Speaker 6:27
two carries. We have our two carries, our two carries.

Unknown Speaker 6:37
Steve, perfect. There's Steve, because he would get testy cancer. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 6:45
I'm a team Steve.

Unknown Speaker 6:50
But yeah, continuing on, it was just so fun, and I really appreciate everybody for

Unknown Speaker 6:55
coming. We took as we group, yeah, oh, well we did. Oh, in summer, yeah. We didn't do anything before then, that was our first two balo trip, no, Brian head was our Oh, Brian, actually, no, I'm bitter because we never dedicated an episode of Brian head because we wanted to wait for everyone. Did you want to dedicate this episode of Brian then? No, we just do another Ryan head trip, yeah, because it's still going to be Kylie's birthday. Okay? Brian head, show everyone how hard to, hard to just wait or two. It's gonna be crazy. We're gonna, we're gonna practice this time and, like, brush up on our skills. But it was just so funny. But we went with Kylie's birthday in January, with all of us. Was it? All of us? Yeah, ginger. Wasn't there? Was ginger? Oh my gosh, she probably wouldn't die. No, no, no. No, because one time ginger, like, we went roller skating, like, our junior year of high school, and Junior was like, I can't roller she was literally, like, freaking out, about to cry. And she was like, I can't roller skate. I can't do she saw one gay girl in the rink, and she was laughing, literally started laughing skater. And I was like, what the and I'm good at skating. Don't put that on my No, I actually am so bad at skating. Oh, and ice skating, I can't do it. Oh, my gosh. We gotta go. I actually never been okay. But also ice skating, because the last time we went, me Ashley Gianna and ginger went, and ginger fell, bounced her head off. Guys, like, I've never been the same. After, like, the brain fog. No, let me tell you, the brain fog after enchant. That was senior year of high school those two years ago. I'm telling and I've never been the same. Did you get like tested or like, Did you my dad was looked at me. I remember I was trying to, like, remember the whole and it was so loud ginger. That's how that's how hard I felt at Bryant head. That's like, I literally hit my head. Yeah, and then she drove us home. Oh, Ashley got a concussion and drove us home. Yeah, actually, story of my life, yeah, like, starfish in the air. Brian, dude, it was so fun, so fun watching them. I remember, like, getting the bottom. I was like, I guess I'll wait for them. But took like, an hour and a half to get down. I was like, I could have just, like, gone again. I locate, like, for the go to the pod, like, I'm gonna admit that I was not, like, a good snowboarder. I got, I don't even think I like located. Got the hang of it. Guys didn't even know, like, how to do it at all. And then the first thing we went on the big mountain. How big is that mountain? Like, 10,000 like, huge.

Unknown Speaker 9:18
I don't even know how tall it is, but it's, the tallest one on the mountain. And but I just was like, Oh, I'm just gonna not separate the group. And my friends from middle school, Jesse and Julia, set me up. They're like, we go on this one. I was like, okay, yeah, we didn't know any better. I didn't know any better. And shoot, and it was giant steps. And I was like, oh,

Unknown Speaker 9:35
took me two hours to get down.

Unknown Speaker 9:38
Two hours we got on the lift. All the behind me go, how do you get off? Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 9:44
one of them, I remember getting off with, like, Victoria. And then I turned around and we saw someone, like, jump off the lift. I was like, who just jumped off the list? Like, oh my gosh. And then Kylie comes down. And I'm like, Oh, that was Ashley. Yeah. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 10:00
And I was not about to get stuck on another round. That's embarrassing. They stopped it. No, they didn't, yeah, I was still on it, and they stopped it. And I got no, they stopped it after I jumped because I was waving them slow down. And they didn't slow it down. So I jumped off. She jumped off, but she didn't jump off, like, on the Hill down. She jumped off before, like, the exit. Yeah, and it was she did. She did, what can I say? Yeah, you did a flip, or you did a flip. What can I say? Then all of our equipment, bro, oh my gosh, yeah. And then going down the second, I was, like, whatever, down the bunny hill, I think, or something, or a small Yeah, there was this, because there is a smaller one next to it. I think it was a smaller one. I don't think it was the bunny like next to the lift is like a smaller chair, yeah, it was a smaller one, but I after that, I was like, cold, broken. My tailbone was shattered, my head was broken open, and then, like, then my equipment started breaking. And really, I should have been in a bad mood, but that's how fun it was up there. Just with okay, I need everyone's like, promise right now to, like, go again with me. Yeah, of course.

Unknown Speaker 11:01
Okay, now I'll say it again, but on camera, yeah, that's like it basically for that trip. And then we went on another trip to

Unknown Speaker 11:11
velo, San Diego, San Diego, we had a winter. We had our winter show, practically, like two trips, because we went to San Diego, and then you me Victoria and Julia went somewhere else, still San Diego side to like, Chula Vista. It felt like a million years. Yeah, it was crazy. How far was it? Like, a 35 minute drive, yeah, but they are different. It's like, downtown versus like it was. It just felt like such a long day to go and

Unknown Speaker 11:41
ginger and Cassandra were all like, we're going, we gotta go. We left at like, three, you guys. I was burning weird, like, sun and dead, and we were like, swimming all day. I was like, my face literally started feeling so bad after I will never forget it. Like, I literally got a new nose. It was actually so crazy. I loved your nose. That was the most peace I've ever felt in my entire life, just like laying at the beach. So that was also the fact that the waves were so intense. Like, go in them, and they would throw up, throw us 30 feet in the air, and we would get completely, like, crashed by, like, the weight of the water, and be like, Let's go again, guys. Like, we would die. You'd be a drowning we looked stupid. All of the locals probably hated they definitely

Unknown Speaker 12:25
hated us. We were so loud. We were just talking about how the lifeguard had to

Unknown Speaker 12:32
Pinky. Oh my gosh,

Unknown Speaker 12:35
yeah. Cassandra broke her pinky, nailed like it grew back, though, guys,

Unknown Speaker 12:41
we literally unlocked the Airbnb, and two hours later she broke that nail. She's like, Oh, something. My pinky kind of hurts. I look over like,

Unknown Speaker 12:51
mind you, I don't remember.

Unknown Speaker 12:55
I would like to remind you that I do not remember that was, sorry, guys, what else? What else? Yeah, um, I was on some medication that gave me really, that got me really up. That was

Unknown Speaker 13:13
prescribed. Disclaimer, I've, I could talk about that too. Um, but, and my journey, and I've actually kept a journal, and

Unknown Speaker 13:23
so I literally, like, I took one for some energy, and I ended up paddle. I bought us, like, a $5 surfboard, or, like, Styrofoam board. And I was like, No, the waves are bigger out there. No, the waves are really bigger out there. Last part, 30 minutes later, I'm still swimming out, and I turn around and I'm like, the water changed colors underneath. We're back there still. Like, you know, yay, in the waves. We turn around. I was a speck of dust in the horizon, and I turned around and the lifeguards like, right next to me. She's like, hey friend, you're like, really far out. I know you want to have fun, but the current's actually pulling you out. And I was like, Oh, what do you mean by that? She was like, have to be a strong swimmer. There's a way to swim against occurring. You have to, like, Wait, like, does, like, pull you out. You have to lay, like, like, the curls really, with it or something. But it was really like, noticing it. She was like, go ahead and hand me. Like, you're bored, and you can hold on. And then she pulled me back in. And I was like, Guys, we're about to get kicked off the beach. Like, dang, my bad. Like, I just thought the waves were gonna get bigger out there, and they were, like, the meanwhile, you're like, on top. No, it was like, still. It

Unknown Speaker 14:29
was like, pretty calm out there. I was like, trust it's gonna get bigger. You were on crazy timing that day, because then before that, you went on like, an hour long. Oh, my God, was the most beautiful, like most, but it's straight, like, it's just straight. It's not like, I think we went uphill, like, once, yeah, like, it wasn't, like, a bad like, bike ride wasn't, no, it was. And the weather was, it was just Sunny, it was really hot. It was really, really hot. But the UV was also, like, 12 the whole weekend. So we got home and I was.

Unknown Speaker 15:00
Like a burnt brown crisp, like, SpongeBob.

Unknown Speaker 15:03
I've always visited like, California growing up. So I was like, oh, like, yeah. Like, it never gonna be Yeah. Like, it's never that hot. Like, I'm from big it's never that hot, especially by the ocean. Girl, come on, it's never that hot, yeah, it's always colder by the ocean. And no girl, it was, but it's

Unknown Speaker 15:17
because we went in, like, June, but the water was so nice, like water was

Unknown Speaker 15:22
summer beautiful. We need to do that again for sure. 20 next year is 20th. On the 20th

Unknown Speaker 15:32
golden birthday, we go to San Francisco. I feel like in like something,

Unknown Speaker 15:40
no, no, not swimming in the Bay Area. But I just feel like, why wouldn't we want to go to the fun? Because the Bay Area gets lit. The Bay Area, the Bay Area gets lit. And that's 18 and up clubs. Like, that's the Bay Area girl, just a Bay Area. Anyways.

Unknown Speaker 15:56
What else back to living on campus? Yeah, you guys got like, more involved now on campus. I mean, like going to like the store is like, or going to get food instead of like, is literally like, driving going through a drive through is going to the student unit. Now it's not going, it's not like, it's pretty different that's so far

Unknown Speaker 16:18
away. So the money I was saving on gas I'm actually just putting towards, like, food, yeah,

Unknown Speaker 16:25
because I literally, I filled up my tank two months ago. I still have like, gas, like, it's crazy. I don't drive, and I only work the weekends, and my work is two minutes away from school. I know that's what's so nice, is your work. I know you do work so close, so close. Oh, me and Ashley started working together. Oh, yep, Kylie and I work at St. Jude, yeah. Because I told my managers, I was like, hey, like, my new like, semester's coming up. Last semester, I really struggled with balancing work in school, like, I only want to work, like, Max 15 hours. And they were like, Why? Like, we need coverage. So I brought in Kylie, so I was there, back up. Now I'm working all the hours. No, I'm falling behind.

Unknown Speaker 17:04
It's okay. You're up. You're Mr. Baggetter, that's what I'm saying, Mr. Baggetter. But like, you work so much better under pressure than I do. Like, you're just like, Okay, let me lock in. Me personally, I die,

Unknown Speaker 17:16
I cried. I got some really good compliment. You're broke because you're a Capricorn bro, like you just so, like, nobody told it, by the way, Kelly has two jobs. That's not she, she has, yeah, so I'm working the time at our restaurant, and also the job here, which, to be fair, the job here is really easy, but it's still like 15 hours a week. I wonder if they'll let me work there, because I can only work like 15 hours a week there. I would love

Unknown Speaker 17:43
that I wanted to work there. I applied to both these places and I Oh, yeah,

Unknown Speaker 17:51
I only want to work there. It's like a financial aid. Yeah, guys, I need money.

Unknown Speaker 17:58
Then what the hell do I have a job for? I know

Unknown Speaker 18:02
you're really involved with that. You live on campus. You work on campus. I'm here all the time. Yeah, period. I wanted to be more involved, involved, like the way Cassie

Unknown Speaker 18:13
Guys, guys, guys, let me tell you. So I recently just joined a sorority ad pi i love them already so much. You're literally so welcoming. I was so hesitant on joining a sorority at first, but I was like, bro, like, I just need to get more involved. Like, I need to do something. And I joined.

Unknown Speaker 18:32
Literally, so freaking cute. It's making me have, like, FOMO, like, it's so freaking cute. You guys are all my sisters. What are you talking No, but like, touch with me. Like, Oh,

Unknown Speaker 18:41
you guys are in it. I hope you guys know, and if any of the brothers are listening, all right, I went up to the piket.

Unknown Speaker 18:48
You missed it, guys. I love frat guys. We know

Unknown Speaker 18:55
the pike tent. And I was like, Have you ever let a girl rush the fraternity? And he looks down at me. He's like, Nah. I was like, Well, I'm a lesbian. He's like, sorry. Like, Wait, who was it? It was random, dude, you should ask the President, I'll tell you. Probably just asked, like, a random like, brother. He was like, girls have never been able. He's like, try sick cap, though,

Unknown Speaker 19:18
not this. Oh. He's like, try this already. Can't we can't look is it SK like a frat and sometimes, sometimes the same,

Unknown Speaker 19:26
both. But I really tried. So any pike brothers, please? I'm here.

Unknown Speaker 19:33
Me too. Like, genuinely thought that they were gonna accept her. Then when she came back all sad, I was like, damn, they didn't let my girl in.

Unknown Speaker 19:41
Guys, like, if I could rush a frat, I literally would, guys like to, oh my gosh, like, I love girl friendships and I love, like, sisterhood. However, I deserve to be like, tailgating and like, oh my gosh, all of that fun stuff, fun really stuff, happy for Cassandra's journey, and I'm really jealous because.

Unknown Speaker 20:00
I wanted to, I literally was telling me, Russia me rushing me, and she literally way before recruitment. I'm like, Oh my gosh, wait, I never actually finished creating my account. Look at it. They close it, yeah. And what's funny, they literally extended it five hours. I saw that too. And I was like, if I just, like, checked earlier today, I would have done it. I was gonna ask you about it, but I really did not think that you were gonna do it. I was just like, Oh, I'll do it in the spring. You guys gotta start bullying. Because, like, if Kylie and Cassandra did it, I would have, I would have, I would have begged and pleaded on my knees to that sorority president, please, please, informally, I think you'd want to do it in spring. I love meeting people in spring. You'll definitely go in spring, for sure. I'll try to, okay, oh yeah. If there's any listeners out there, like, hesitant, like, just try. And you could always draw and you know, you're gonna make friends. Like, but, like, realistically, it's so hard as an adult to try to make friends. Like, everybody's on their own, like, yeah, like, nobody wakes up in the day and was like, I'm gonna make a new friend today. No, they're gonna wake up. Oh, I got maybe Cassandra wakes up, but they're gonna wake up be like, I gotta get to class, I gotta get to work. I gotta do this. Like, but people need friends. Like, I'm sorry. Like, if I didn't have my friends, yeah, I'm just kind of setting my I don't think I need to meet anyone else. I'm like, All right, what? No, we just said, Okay,

Unknown Speaker 21:21
that's why go out there, make friends, because I can't make friends. There's difference between like, like, making like, people that are fun to hang out and like people that, like, need to bury your body with. Like, I don't know there's a difference. Like, you guys, I would bury a body with, but like, but like a sorority sister, I'd be like, Oh my god, girl, tell me what he did. Yeah, that's so fun. I want to talk about the fact that Victoria should be moving in with us, and I don't know what she's waiting on. And, um, we can tell us about your summer. So unfortunately, I do not work with you guys because I'm currently unemployed. So okay, um, yeah, Victoria also applied to our host job. I did. I did apply. I don't want to hire us brother guide me. And we're like, we're good, yeah, we're set. We got all the hands we need exactly. So I was trying to move in to the degree with the girls, but then didn't really work out. And so now I'm still just at home, but everything's okay. Um, yeah, I still wish I can move in with you guys. In my heart, you're a roommate. You are,

Unknown Speaker 22:26
well, we had a roommate. We had we we live on. Well, yeah, let's not act like we don't have we have a roommate. I feel bad because, like, I really did try to, like, connect with her, and I know like this group is a lot. And like, I feel bad because I really did try to, like, ease our life into hers, and she matched with us, like, because we filled out, like, a little application, like, what we like to do, and she matched with us. And her energy seemed like fine for a roommate, like, you know what I mean? Like, it seemed a little timid, but it just that's, that's a stranger, you know what I mean. It's realistically, it's so intimidating, moving into a place where the three of the girls had already, are already friends, but had a long

Unknown Speaker 23:02
time together, yeah? Plus, we're a lot like, not in a mean way. We're just loud and in your face. But I tried, I like, bought, like, we hung out, like, a few times, like, and we went decoration shopping. But I think she's just kind of like, in her own world too. She's also probably just super busy. She's a sorority Yeah, she's a sorority sister too. She's super sweet. Like, I have nothing against her, but I think she's just like, in her own world, because she ended up just, like, hanging out with her boyfriend more than us, like she was like, Oh, I'm just gonna live back with my mom and dad because it's closer to work, and I'm with my boyfriend all the time. And I just felt it like it literally was an ego hit. I'm not gonna lie, because, like, I love bringing in girls to the group, and I love like, bringing in friends that are, like, cool. The main one you have brought these friends, the bringer. I'm the, what can I say? I'm the go getter. But I just, like, felt bad, yeah, but that's really ironic for someone that just was like, I like, don't, like, go out like you have, like, stated previously that you're like, I'm a lot of antisocial, like, I don't really make new friends, but you are the one who is like, great, Loki, am anti? I would say anti. I would say I just have a lot of social anxiety. I would say that versus anti social. Don't just like everything because I'll be like, because I'll like, meet a person, it'll be like, Oh, let me, like, try to be super nice, blah, blah, blah. And then I'll walk away from the like interaction be like. They think I'm weird. They think I'm off putting. They think I'm like, You need to be crazy because you should be off putting because you're fat. Anyways, that's it. We are all so excited for sophomore year. Yeah, really good. So far. How locking in with school? Yeah, how's school going? I'm locked in.

Unknown Speaker 24:38
I'm not going too terrible. We've got, we've got a it's only math that's messing me up right now. I'm not gonna lie, that's literally the only my first exam is literally tomorrow. Mind, you guys, my math exam is tomorrow. We read though, I'll be real. I'm struggling, guys, but it's okay. It's only, like, the fourth or fifth week. No, it's more. So just because of, like, the path I'm on right now, I'm struggling.

Unknown Speaker 24:58
Oh, that's like, a D got Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 25:02

Unknown Speaker 25:04
stay tuned for. Am I gonna drop out? No, no, don't you do the podcast.

Unknown Speaker 25:11
To be enrolled at UNLV, to be on this podcast, we're students. Okay, I guess you're right. I'm not dropping out. If anything the opposite, I'll probably be going to school longer. Yeah, yeah. Real.

Unknown Speaker 25:22
Any final thoughts? Final thoughts, you are a final

Unknown Speaker 25:29
thought, a thought, I'm the thought daughter, we

Unknown Speaker 25:33
didn't do our songs. That's what I was just gonna say, we made a song. Wait, I totally forgot, because I actually, actually, how would you start us off? Because you were the one who said it, um, oh my god, guys, a quick little funny story. Don't ever send me and Kylie to ever do like a solo mission. Ever again. I don't want to talk about because, because what's it called? Kylie, I bought tickets, like in the summer for Gracie Abrams, and you guys know how much I love Gracie Abrams, and I bought tickets for, like, VIP and Kylie and I missed check in for our frontier, like, $50 freaking flight, because it was, like a red eye flight. So we missed check in and they didn't let us on the plane. So I had to get we had to get refunds for everything. Now we're both out $500

Unknown Speaker 26:12
they didn't refund it yet. No, I just called my bank today. They didn't get it to you. I'll tell you that later. Oh, my God. Oh, I don't know. I have to call my bank again too. But they were like, we will. Don't work because I was literally sobbing on the phone with them. And they were like, because I was like, I'm about to sue everybody. No. I was like, you don't know who my dad is. I was like, Yeah, because my uncle works at the airline too, so maybe that's why they were a little lenient. But they were just like, yeah. They were like, we can't let you on the plane. It's really full and long story short, Kylie and I literally missed our VIP concert. So I'm hoping it was a really hard day. It was really, really hard. I saw the energy was really, like sad in the apartment, like they just slept all day. I picked you guys up from the Air Force. Really depressing. I don't want to think about it anyways, but, but still, I think I'll do a Ooh, you have to. It's really fitting a Gracie Abrams song. Oh, I thought that was her, yeah, in honor of her, okay, let's also release an album she did. That was what we were touring. I mean, that's what she was doing. No one else has her song. I'll do mine first for the new semester, and because it was such like a good summer song, and I think it's fitting for our group, birds of a feather by Billie Eilish, yeah. So good. Okay, my song, I literally made a new playlist for fall semester, sophomore fall semester, and I would do, I would do free now by Gracie Abram as my song. That is a crazy song like never been less empty. All I feel is free now, like her journey, my journey, she's my twin. She's my twin sister. Her path and my path. That's literally us. I literally chopped all my hair off because of her Bob.

Unknown Speaker 27:44
Go ahead, I think mine would probably be probably Juno by Sabrina car I was gonna

Unknown Speaker 27:52
do songs are all girly

Unknown Speaker 27:55
songs. That's not true. You're actually like one of the biggest Lana Del Rey fans here. Okay, Lana Del Rey and Faye Webster, are two girls. I like, love Oh, like girly

Unknown Speaker 28:07
girls. I hate you, me too.

Unknown Speaker 28:11
We were right there. What would be yours? Vicky, Vicky mine, because I'm so obsessed with fall, it's probably going to be something with Arctic Monkeys. I'm thinking the Hellcat, spangled. Shala, Lala.

Unknown Speaker 28:27
Listen to Arctic Monkeys. Since I was in like, ninth grade, I love Arctic Monkeys. I love I saw them live at Life is beautiful. Oh, that's a lie. I went through like, a phase in, like, quarantine. So like, 11th grade, second and season grade album,

Unknown Speaker 28:41
what would be yours? Cassie, nasty girl on camera by gunner.

Unknown Speaker 28:48
No, that's an old song, but I just love gunna. So true. Mine's summer's end the Phoebe cover that's like, so not a summer end song, though, if you hear this lines, I found the F by broadcast, okay, I don't know. No one

Unknown Speaker 29:02
knows that song ginger, your songs are valid. Ginger is really great music taster. It's just too gay. It's a little there. No one said that, but you're gay, yeah, that's why, but it's good. Anyways, that was just a refresher. Good to see all of y'all, our summer was boring and healing. We literally, we literally just like, focused on ourselves, guys. All we did was hang out with each other in the summer. That's all we did. And I love this best summer ever. Thank you so much for listening to growing pains. You can follow us on Instagram at Growing Pains gram or on Tiktok at Growing Pains talk. Hope you tune in next week. You.

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