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What's up, everybody? Welcome to another episode of the CompileSwift Podcast. I am your host, Peter Widom. You can find this podcast at compulswhip.com. Well, the week is over.
Dub dub dc 24 is a wrap and I personally feel it was a good one. And if you caught the previous episode where we did a round table talking to some other developers, there is a lot to take away this year, a lot to be excited about. Now the question becomes, what are the new things this year that you're gonna take away and work on for the rest of the year? And I think that there's always something that we can all take away from the new technologies or maybe the changes in technologies that we can incorporate into the applications and production already or ones that we're planning. For me, I think that this is probably gonna be the year that I convert things over to swift data.
I feel comfortable with it. I've not had too many problems. I don't feel like there was any major shifts this year in Swift data, which is good. A few additional things in there that I like that I think I'm gonna play around with and and see where they take me. But I am curious what other folks are gonna be doing and if you'd like to reach out to me, compile swift on any of the networks, love to hear about that Or go to compileswift.com.
There's a contact form there. Love to hear what your takeaways are, what you're excited about, what you think you're gonna be working on, or maybe there are some things that you think it's now time to retire. You don't need to have them in your application anymore. Something that I think is also interesting and I hope to see adoption on, but I have not looked into the APIs yet, is a lot of the newer AI technologies. Yeah.
Okay. We knew Apple Intelligence was coming, but there were some in there that I think are very interesting from a user's perspective to help working with text. I think the easy comparison here is that Grammarly, for example, that service is somewhat Sherlock this year, but I have not played with it to to see what the new Apple intelligence does as far as what it'll actually give me. I know that some of the features have not been released yet. For example, we don't have swift assist in Xcode, so we can't try that out.
The new predictive syntax that they put in there, I have been blown away by how good that is. I have been messing around with that. I've set up a Sequoia container, and I put x code 16 on there, and I have been blown away by how helpful it is and how accurate it is. It has been predicting things based on the code that I've put in or pre existing comics and it's been pretty much nailing it. I'm really impressed.
It is saving me a lot of time doing what I would call the mundane code. I'll give you a really quick example here. Setting up some properties and then making a custom init for it. It's been very helpful way more than it has in the past and it's even been very helpful guessing good names for a lot of my properties which is quite surprising actually. I have to be honest.
I'll also touch on Sequoia. I have a container which has given me very few problems. The only problems I've had are the ones that I I see every year and always sort of expect, which is, you know, some of the applications I use are not quite compatible yet, especially related around audio technologies. No surprises there really. A lot of that underlying core technology in the OS that is either changed or apps just need to adjust to use.
I'm used to that. I'm running it on a separate container, not a big deal, but I've had very few problems with Sequoia so far. Not to say that I've been pushing it too hard because I'm not surprised if anything goes wrong at this point. They're beta ones. Right?
I mean, you get what you get. But if anything, I've been surprised at how good they all are. Being a game maker, something else I'm going to look into this year is reality kit. I'm not sure yet how I'm going to take advantage of that, and I'm not sure if I'm gonna use Apple's built in tools or some third party tools and and then go into reality kit, but I think it's a space worth exploring. I have some ideas of things that I wanna do.
I don't necessarily look at it from the perspective of the the VisionPRO headset. I think that that's still way too early a day to put any great investment in from my perspective. But I am very interested in taking advantage of it for say, like the iPhone, for example, which I think is still the best device for some kind of AR experience as far as time investment goes and the amount of user base out there compared to something like the Vision Pro which I just don't see expanding anytime soon. Not that I have any insight into that. I just think that Apple is clearly taking early days on it and looking at it and saying what should we do with this?
Where is it gonna go? How is it being received? There's no doubt that the iPhone is great for this kind of experience. So I'm probably gonna be looking to that. Now that said, on the vision pro that tabletop, I forget the exact name, but there's something like tabletop kit or something like that.
That's interesting. I want to look into that further and see what that offers. I'm sure like many of you, I have a massive backlog of dub dub dc 24 videos to get through and I know there were some in there talking about that particular topic, but on talking about the videos now, I have a lot of videos that I want to get through and the way that I do this is I start by working through the videos that have that touch on the technologies I use or ones that I plan to use very soon and then I expand out to there to the ones that I'm interested about and and just see what's going on there. But I thoroughly recommend to everybody, of course, that you check out the what's new videos especially for things like Xcode, Swift, SwiftUI, all of those core platforms because they'll pretty much affect all of us. If not absolutely will affect all of us and so there's a good time investment in there.
It's a lot of details in there that you just don't pick up from things like state of the union and those kind of things. So that's what I got for you this week. Just a short sort of recovery as we're all moving on from dub dub DC and making our plans. Hope this has been helpful. If it has, you know what to do.
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