The Vance Crowe Podcast is a thought-provoking and engaging show where Vance Crowe, a former Director of Millennial Engagement for Monsanto, and X-World Banker, interviews a variety of experts and thought leaders from diverse fields.
Vance prompts his guests to think about their work in novel ways, exploring how their expertise applies to regular people and sharing stories and experiences.
The podcast covers a wide range of topics, including agriculture, technology, social issues, and more. It aims to provide listeners with new perspectives and insights into the world around them.
00:00:01:02 - 00:00:26:21
Speaker 1
Welcome back to the podcast. I'm glad you're here. Today's guest is Natalie Kovacic. But before I get to describing why I brought her on the show, I should probably explain what am I doing in my truck? Well, we have been incredibly busy at legacy interviews. In fact, I had to run out and grab some more stuff. And the reason we're so busy is because people are trying to get their legacy interviews in, in time, that we can get it back to them before Thanksgiving.
00:00:26:23 - 00:00:49:12
Speaker 1
This is when they can sit around with their whole family and watch these interviews. And one of the things that I often describe about legacy interviews is it's not just the experience that your loved one will get telling their stories, but the experience of watching it with your family is a profound one, one that people write us about and say, I had no idea how amazing this experience would be.
00:00:49:14 - 00:01:11:16
Speaker 1
So I'm running around. I'm super busy and I forgot to do the intro to the conversation with Natalie. I found Natalie because I was going through one of those, things on X where they say, hey, what's a good AG podcast to listen to? I clicked on discover AG, of which Natalie is the co-host. And at first I thought, this isn't really an AG podcast.
00:01:11:16 - 00:01:38:01
Speaker 1
They're talking about Travis, Kelsey and Taylor Swift and some Instagram person that posts about their farm. And then all of a sudden I realize, no, wait, this is AG. This is a huge portion of the culture of AG. And Natalie knows a huge amount about how ag and consumers fit together. So when the RFC hearings came out about the food system and all the changes that need to happen, I invited Natalie on to talk about it.
00:01:38:03 - 00:02:05:26
Speaker 1
We have an amazing conversation about the incredible tension going on in AG right now, and how the political foundations that held them up when GMOs and pesticides were being questioned is now shifted underneath their feet, and many of the political homes that they had before are now gone. Natalie has a detailed understanding of how consumers think, and she also works on her family's first generation cattle ranch.
00:02:05:28 - 00:02:36:17
Speaker 1
This is a great conversation. I was bowled over by just how much Natalie knew. And I'm excited, to bring this to you. Now let's go back to legacy interviews for a second. If you're interested in having me record your loved ones life stories so that future generations have the opportunity to know their history, then go to legacy and you still have time to get it scheduled and put on the calendar so that that way we can record the interview and have it back to you by Thanksgiving so you can watch it with your whole family.
00:02:36:18 - 00:02:42:26
Speaker 1
All right, I got to run. I'm already late. People probably wondering where I'm at. Enjoy this interview with Natalie Kovac.