Digital Environmental Governance – Interview Series

Digital Environmental Governance – Interview Series Trailer Bonus Episode 1 Season 1

Predictive Policing, Environmental Governance, and the Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool: An Interview with James Stinson

Predictive Policing, Environmental Governance, and the Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool: An Interview with James StinsonPredictive Policing, Environmental Governance, and the Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool: An Interview with James Stinson

James Stinson shares his research concerning the effects of digitalization on conservation and environmental governance in Belize. He discusses a growing trend toward predictive policing of parks and protected areas, a shift in what conservation fundamentally is and means, struggles over conservation data, the actors pushing this digital transformation, and the standardization of conservation approaches.

Summary Article: “Digitalization and Predictive Policing in Conservation: Does technology shift focus toward ‘green policing’ and away from integrated conservation and development?” 

Creators & Guests

Aidan Smith
Research Fellow at the Center for Law, Energy, and the Environment, University of California, Berkeley
James Stinson
Postdoctoral Fellow in Planetary Health and Education, Dadahleh Institute for Global Health Resources and the Faculty of Education at York University, Toronto

What is Digital Environmental Governance – Interview Series?

Social scientists share their research and thinking on digitalization within environmental governance. From predictive policing in conservation to precision agriculture to digital sustainability assurance, this podcast series explores how digital technologies are reshaping environmental governance.