Super Human Fathers

Ned Schaut shares his journey from a great life, to a more fulfilled life. 

Ned shares personal reflections on his journey of personal growth and transformation, acknowledging the challenges he's faced along the way. He fights with his wife more, but their sex is better than it's ever been before. 

Ned emphasizes the value of Super Human Fathers for men who are struggling with personal challenges and highlights the power of sharing struggles and providing support, even in the face of setbacks, to prevent feelings of isolation and promote personal growth.

Join Ned Schaut, Ryan Carnohan, and Kyle Carnohan in this episode of Super Human Fathers as they delve into personal growth, authenticity, and the power of support networks.

What is Super Human Fathers ?

These powerful interviews share the transformation of our brothers. They have sacrificed, worked extremely hard, and are ripped AF! You won’t want to miss a single episode.

Ned Schaut: why does this matter
for us to be here together?

Dude, like my kids could marry your kids
like I care so much how you freaking show

up as a dad, dude, and you should care how
I show up as a dad because if my daughter

marries your son, like, dude, we want them
to not have the same struggles we have.

We want them to be on
that deeper level, right?

Like I told you, my life was awesome,
but now I'm struggling with new things

I want my kids to struggle with, with
deeper, more connected, more aware things

so that they can provide incredible value
to this world that we've been given.

Kyle Carnohan: Welcome to the Superhuman
Father's Transformation Podcast.

If you're listening to this, you're
about to witness some of the most

incredible transformations that have
ever happened on the planet, and just

by listening to this, you will be
inspired to have your own transformation.

If you're listening to this for the
first time, or you're one of the brothers

in the brotherhood, go leave a review
on the podcast and let the brother or

member know how amazing they did and
how incredible their transformation was.

I'm Kyle Carnahan, founder of
Superhuman Fathers, and not only

am I gonna change your life, I'm
gonna get you ripped as fuck.

Ryan Carnohan: let's get into this.

Let's talk.

Well, Ned, how you doing man?

All the way in Hawaii.

You in Hawaii

Ned Schaut: right now?

Uh, as usual.



Ryan Carnohan: Hawaii, baby.


In Hawaii.

Um, so Ned has a podcast.

He's also got a book that I've read.

Rebel Creates great book.

Should buy it if you don't,
um, if you haven't, um, and.

Um, skateboarder past gate.

He's just, you know, Christian background.

Really cool story.

But when I met Ned, um, we were so
young in this, like, he gave us our,

his trust pretty early on in this.

And, uh, I didn't have a
Zoom call like opening.

It was just a phone call.

He's like, and I was still,
I, I don't know if I'd had my

transformation not yet or not.

Ned had I, had I been posted yet Ned when


Ned Schaut: came in?

Maybe just barely.

I'm not, yeah, maybe barely.

Ryan Carnohan: Yeah, just barely.

I was still chubby, you know, I'm
telling him like, Hey, you can do

Ned Schaut: this, we can do this.

You know.

You were on fire though, bro.

I remember exactly where I was
sitting when, and I have four pages

of notes from that phone call, bro.

Ryan Carnohan: Well, I was
tapped in man, cause it was right

before and I'd figured it out.

I had figured it out, you know, and so
Ned, Ned, I think probably had the first

onboarding thesis, whatever you want
to call it, of, of the s HF philosophy

that had come together in my brain.

And I just lit a fire it like it is.

Just once it started I
couldn't stop talking about it.

And then we were bouncing thoughts
and he was asking questions and we

have a Christian background, so we
were also talking about that and

how it works and what that meant.

And then I just felt the love
from him and, uh, we, I just

knew that this was gonna happen.

He just was in after that, you
know, and she's like, okay.

And it's been fun.

Him and I have communicated off and
on as we've gone through this, and

he's just, he, he's a jam you guys.

He really is a good, good human.

He's got a great family.

We'll hear about them
probably through this.

He's got a daughter, he does, he works
out with, he'll send me these pictures

and she's like, they're battling
each other cuz she's a savage dude.

So, but that's what's fun is
what you create in your family.

And so, um, Ned has been part of other
men's groups, which is also interesting.

And he speaks, he, he runs his podcast
about dads and he speaks and, and

does presentations about fatherhood.

And so it, it'll be fun to hear
his perspective cuz he brings

a lot of knowledge already.

Uh, and he is applied that in, in,
in his marriage and his family.

But there, I think there's some concepts,
universal concepts that we share

together here in Superhuman Fathers
that maybe connected some things.

And so we'll see where
we go in this interview.

I didn't even send him
interview questions.

We're just, we're just gonna,
you know, go with this.

But I think Ned.

I wanna find our, uh, maybe you
can give us a quick background

of what you do or of Sure.


What I wanna get at for the first question
is I wanna find out where you were at

when you saw S hf, or when you were coming
into S HF and why you pulled the trigger.

I think that's kind of where
I wanna start with it, if

Ned Schaut: that sounds good.

Yeah, bro.

And I'll just tell you, like I wrote
down, I spent two hours today going

through my journals and putting a
bunch of notes down, so I'm gonna

give you like a few pillars and you
can just dig into whatever you want.

Oh, and you feel

Ryan Carnohan: free, feel free too.

This is your time, so as, as
you feel inclined, you can take

it wherever you want as well.

I'm really good at, I can audible.

Ned Schaut: Yeah, you guys can ask
me whatever you want, but I put it

under like, you know, why I did this,
disclaimers, some actual metric statistics

because I track everything, uh, mistakes
I made, and then there's about 10 rocks.

Yeah, 10 rocks.

Like what were significant moments?

Because this took me 11 months.

Uh, and then let's go, let's go.

And then some wins.

So I think this is the best part, bro,
is, uh, first Kyle, you're making me

jealous with that mango pre-workout.

I, I ran out, dude.

So let's, let's hide that from the screen.

Hey, I have

Kyle Carnohan: a few more.

I'll, I'll, I'll send you one.


Ryan Carnohan: it's about done.

Ned Schaut: It's so good.


Check it out.

Here's my opening.

Why did I join S hf?

I was cr I was already crushing it.

And I'm not saying that from like
a, from like a, a cocky stance,

but like, I was doing great.

My marriage was great, having great sex.

My kids, my kids'
relationships were great.

Um, I had written two books and
was putting out my third book.

I did a TEDx talk.

I was at 200 episodes on my podcast.

My business, which is employee
Benefits, uh, my business, which is

employee benefits, was going great.

Um, I was able to move to Hawaii and
still run my business in California.

I think I had seven employees at the time.

Um, I was already only working about 20
hours on my business, uh, at, in 2021.

And then 2022 was 16 hours a
week on my business on average.

So like, things were going great.

Um, and I was like, um, this is awesome.

But I wanted to look on the
outside how I felt on the inside.


As a dude, you're scrolling
through Instagram and you're like,

this guy looks like an alpha.

This guy looks like an alpha.

And I was fine.

Like I worked out, I could do
workouts, but I didn't look, I.

I didn't look shredded,
I didn't look Austin.

So I said, I wanna look on the
outside, how I feel on the inside.

And then God rocked my freaking
world, bro, I thought I'd

get this done in 90 days.

I'm disciplined.

This is not a problem.

And, and, and I'm gonna tell you
from June of last year, through March

of this year, in my journals, as I
went through, okay, 28 days do this.

Okay, 15 days do this.

Okay, I'm committing to 77 days.


I'm committing.

And it's like, it was this rollercoaster
of me, me trying to control it.

And so if I were to boil it down to one
thing, What I learned through this is

I was able to build an incredible life.

And, and it's not just all me.

Like I totally, God hooked me up.

God was patient with me,
um, from, from Ned's world.

Um, but God wanted to mature me.

Like I was the, I was the five
year old kid coming to God,

Hey, I'm going to McDonald's.

Could I have five bucks?

And he's always super generous to me,
like, yeah, here, go get an ice cream.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

But this was Ned.

It's time to surrender.

It's time to surrender to
who you are and to mature.

Now you guys, I'm gonna be 40 in a month.

And so really, you know, like I, I
wanted to look my best when I turned 40.

And this became this spiritual
transformation for me of a

deeper understanding of who I am.

Um, And so, I mean, I'll, I'm gonna
give a couple disclaimers right,

right now, and then maybe you want to
ask me something about what I said.

But this shit took me a year.


Ryan Carnohan: just keep going bro.

This is too good.

Ned Schaut: Keep going.

It took me a year.

It took me a year.

Um, it took me a year.

Um, I've gotten in, so
here's my disclaimers.

Took me a year.

I got, I have gotten in more
fights with my wife in the last

year than in the last five years.

We've been married, uh, almost 19 years.

But I was, I was crushing it, but then I
went freaking like, okay, there's another

level of, of who Ned is, who Ned can be.

And so the tension, like huge
connects and huge disconnects.

Not, I shouldn't even say disconnects.

It's like we just enter it in.

So here, here's a great example.

Here's a true metric.


We got in way more fights.

But if I look at, so I track
our sex and her period.

So like I could go into why do that, but.

I had to change the point system because
it got to a new level of incredible

that I didn't even know existed.

So if I looked at my points from, from,
uh, I got it right here, you guys are

gonna think this is whack book, whatever.


Sex in 2021, average 20 points a month.

In 22, it averaged 30 points a month.

And now in 2023, it's
averaging 143 points a month.

Because I had to go to a whole nother,
like one to five didn't work anymore,

and then one to 10 didn't work anymore.

And I'm like, oh shit,
I didn't even know that.

Like the best is a 30 now.

And, and sometimes I'm like, how
can I put 30 today when last week?

You know what I mean?

Like, oh my gosh.

So it has increased tremendously,
but the tension of our fights

has also increased because.

We're both digging into like, who are we?

Who were we made to be?

It's so intense.

So back to my disclaimers,
fights got worse.

Um, dude, three months ago,
I can see her yelling at me.

She's in the closet.

I can still see this.

And she's so pissed.

Like, I got her so wound
up and she's like, really?

You're a superhuman father?

And it's like, it's like these incredible
moments of us in The Bahamas connecting

like I've never connected before,
bro, on a trip that was given to me.

So then being in my closet a month later
and she's like, thinks I'm the biggest

asshole in the world because we're digging
into this deeper level of who we are.

That's what this freaking
Superhuman Fathers has done for me.

And this is just the beginning.

Like to think I was going here and then to
have Superhuman Fathers take me here and

go, whoa, this is a journey for so much.

Um, Oh my gosh.


Uh, okay, so

Ryan Carnohan: let's go
ahead, let's dig in here.

Okay, so you're fighting more.


Why do you think that is?

And did the way that you were responding
to the disagreements change from

before you started Superhuman Fathers?

Or did the way you respond to them
were, was, were they, was it the

Ned Schaut: same?

So, here's what I'm gonna say.

I think that the incredible life
that I had before, which was great.

So I'm not saying like all,
uh, it was great, but Ned

was the center of the story.


And, and I, I loved my family a lot
based on their performance in my story.

And so it's this new tension of my
wife, I truly believe is my other half.

She's a half of me to like we are
to be one, and she's another half of

me that I don't have control over.

And I'm, I'm operating now to give
her the space to be herself and

not just be Ned's support system.

And so it's this interesting dynamic where
she's having a voice, she's standing up,

she's being encouraged to be herself.

And I'm struggling with what
does that mean in this marriage

we've had for 19 years?

Um, how

Ryan Carnohan: are you
giving her that ability?

What's changed in you that has given
her the opportunity to be more of her?

Because this is a very massive, massive
concept in marriage that us men miss.

And I'm learning myself.

And when you do do it, you
know, you can feel the.

Ned Schaut: It's awareness, bro.

I think that's the scariest thing to all
of this is like, as you become aware, you

almost become aware of what an asshole
you are and, and an asshole you have been.

Like, if I'm just hungry and
I'm like a baby, I don't realize

I'm an asshole when I'm crying.

But now that I'm maturing and
I'm crying, I realize like I'm

just shitting on everybody around
me when I show up like this.

But now I see it.

So then I have this freaking internal
battle with myself every day when

I'm showing up with crappy energy.

Normally it was just like I was
a baby crying cause I was hungry.

But now, now I see it, but
I still am freaking crying.

So how do I shift out of that?

So it's, it's shifting out of that.

Um, and then the other
piece to it, man, is can

Kyle Carnohan: I just stop,
can I stop this one second and

just say, that's fucking gold.

And is the whole reason why this
was start in the first place.

Like let's go right there.

Like, that's it.

And what's crazy is, yeah, we
do talk about it of course, but.

Talking about it only does that talk
about it, but until you get yourself in

a place where you ain't got no place to
go to scratch that dopamine and you got

loud kids and your wife is ying at you
and you're completely clear and all the

pain is right in your face and you can't
run from it, that's when, okay, now we

have to learn how to deal with this.

Cuz I can't go drink, I can't go
stuff my fat face, I've got nothing.

I have to face it and I gotta
get good at this or else this

family's gonna fall apart.

I love it, dude.

Ned Schaut: Savage.

I think the other realization in
that awareness is that I need my

wife, like this is some ahas I've
had over the last little while.

Like she has something I don't have,
so I need her not to like freaking buy

bananas and put 'em on the counter,
but I need her in a way that I like.

She's my queen, bro.

She has wisdom that I, that I don't have.

And, and I need to see her that way.

Not as the banana buyer, but as
the fricking You have wisdom.

I don't have, I mean, dude, even this aha.

I was speaking at this event and I was
talking about food, and I was talking

about how I turned to food when I'm bored.

And she's like, no, you don't.

You turn to food when you're stressed.

And I'm like, oh my God.


You know, she, she knows me and I
think that I, over the last year,

have opened up to choose to know her.

And so dude, two ahas, like one, uh, we
were sitting in the kitchen one night

and she shared some stuff with me.

And I, we've been married, dude, we're
gonna celebrate 19 years in July.

I said, would you have shared
this with me a year ago?

And she's all, no.

And I said, why?

And she's like, I just couldn't, couldn't
trust you with that part of my heart,

Ryan Carnohan: bro.

Let's go, dude,

Kyle Carnohan: bro.

So this is it, dude.

This is why we become that man.

This is so huge.

Ned, here's the craziest shit.

Like I knew, I, I saw this in you when
we fir when we first met, dude, I was

like, Ned's still kind of a pussy.

Like, I loved you, but I was like,
I could see it, you know, like,

I was like, dude, I saw power
in you that wasn't released yet.

And I'm like, oh my God, I hope someday
I get the opportunity to just, just, just

give, like, show you the key, not, not
give you the key, not open it for you.

Just be like, Hey, hey, hey, look,
look, look, look to your left.

And you're like, oh, I'm already that guy.

I just gotta do that.

Okay, cool.

Like, boom.

Ned Schaut: Done.

And, and you know what, bro,
I'm gonna tell you this, okay?

So, so the other thing, and, and we
can jump around here, but you know,

number one is, is awareness, right?

This is all about awareness.

And then, you know, figuring out
what to do once you're aware.

But the second thing is do
you're connected so you become

connected in a whole new way.

So, uh, you know, I'm in Hawaii,
so it's three hours difference from

California, but in my world, okay,
God woke me up on Monday morning.


This is yesterday Mor yesterday,
bro, yesterday morning.

And it's, uh, you guys are
already 30 minutes into the call.

And I'm like, ah, I'm not gonna join.

And he's like, skip what you were
gonna do for your morning routine.

Go get on that call.

So I go get on that call and freaking
I do one comment to somebody on there

and Kyle says, Kyle says, oh yeah,
Ned, call Ned about the Kickstarter.

And by the way, uh, I smelled
weakness on Ned when I met him.

And I'm like, God, it was good.

It was what I needed to hear.

Just like just now.

He said he thought I was a pussy.

What I met or saw, whatever, it
doesn't hurt my feelings now.

Now you have my

Kyle Carnohan: heart,

Ryan Carnohan: dude.

All my respect in the world.

Ned Schaut: Here's, here's the point
of this, like, whatever I got posted

or whatever, it doesn't matter.

I'm on this call right now, like whatever,
that that weak pussy is still inside here.

He's smaller and weaker
than he was a year ago.


And I'm gonna continue to kill that fool.

But the point is like, dude,
I'm con, I feel connected.

I mean, I've got a couple other
moments where I just had these

like incredible moments, bro.

But like yesterday was, uh, Ned,
you need to go get on that call.

You need to hear something.

I get on that call.

I hear it.

And, and, and I, three years
ago, if I heard Kyle say that, I

probably would've left the group
and been like, right, me too.

Person's bigger.

Ryan Carnohan: Me too.

Kyle Carnohan: Like, like, like shame.

Like five years ago, somebody
said that shit to me.

I'd be like, fuck you.

Who do you think you are?

You know,

Ryan Carnohan: instead of
like, say that and I, for

Kyle Carnohan: crazy.

Ned Schaut: I love it.

Man as I as today, I looked over
the last year, you know, uh,

there were just so many wins, man.

So many wins.

My wife and I went to a, like a marriage
retreat just like not too long ago.

That would never have happened a year ago.

My wife went and worked out recently.

That never would've happened.

Um, the connections and
awareness are incredible.

Um, I don't know.

I have a whole bunch of other shit I
could say or talk about, but I don't know

if you wanna ask me a question, Ryan.

I just one more about this.

This is

Ryan Carnohan: pretty cool.

Something you mentioned about how, um,
just being able to, like, she wouldn't

share this part of her heart with you and
then, but also you're sharing that you're

fighting more and so she feels safer
with you because she can actually express

these feelings that she was bottling up.

And so you're able, because
you can sit in discomfort.

This is really interesting.

Check this out, you guys.

I just thought this is really good.

So authenticity is the ability
to sit in discomfort, right?

Because you have to actually be honest
with everyone of who you are and your

values are, and it makes, and they
might disagree, so it's uncomfortable,

but she's gonna, your wife will push
you and to find that in you, right?

She's gonna always push the limit because
she wants you to find more of your

authenticity and she wants to be more of
herself and more of herself might bring up

stuff that you disagree with or whatever.

And so that, it's just crazy how this
bleeds the ability to sit and discomfort

bleeds everywhere because if you can just
sit there with your wife and be there

with her, then you, you're actually gonna
become the couple you're supposed to be

together because you can finally hear her
without what you say you to sedate or run

to food when you're stressed or whatever
it was that you were talking about.

I just really appreciate that
concept and how cool for you

to be able to tell us this too.

How cool to be able to tell
us about your sex life.

What a cool place This is so fun, man.

Kyle Carnohan: This is love.

I love, I love how we can like talk
about how we suck at shit and how we

did suck and how we're better at it,
and then how we suck at stuff now

and how we're gonna get better at it.

And it's like, no ego, like I can
share all my bullshit with you guys

and you, and you're just like, rooting
me on like, you guys give a shit.

And, and then I do too.

We like, no one cares in the world.

Like, like we're men just
want somebody to give a shit.

Like, like, hey, like, can you
just be with me on this adventure?


Like, I just need a homie.

Like, I just don't wanna be alone, man.

Like, let's fucking do this together.

And that's what we have here.

And like, like to me, like,
fuck, I'm so proud of Ned man.

I'm just proud because it's,
it's hard to face that shit.

It's hard to get through that eagle wall.

Um, I mean, I've gone through it
so many times and it tries to pull

me back and I'll watch a, watch
a guy just rise like he did and

fight it with so much resistance.

It's fucking inspiring, dude.

Like, on another level, bro.

Ned Schaut: Um, yeah, man.

As you're talking, I'll, I'll say
this, I'm in four groups right now.

The other three are not
fitness groups, but I'm in four

groups and Superhuman Fathers.

There's something I, I know what it is.

It's, it's the transparency.

It's the vulnerableness and it's the, it's
that Kyle is willing to do this with us.

Uh, it, he, you know,
nothing against like a.

Nothing against the guru model, like
whatever the guru model is, what it is.

But, but Kyle is here to tell us when
he messes up and yells at his kid.

I remember, man, recently, maybe three
months ago, dude, I lost, that's the

other thing is like, I lost my shit
on my daughter one day, and I called

Kyle and I was like, bro, I just told
my daughter we're at jujitsu and she

didn't want to get out of the car.

And I just was like,
get in the fucking car.

And I'm like, dude, I
would never have done that.


I don't even, I didn't even
say the F word in my twenties.

Like, I just, I didn't,
I was a youth pastor.

I didn't freaking drink then.

And Kyle was just like, oh
yeah, that's all right, dude.

I, I yelled at my kid two days ago and
it was, uh, it was not appropriate.

And it was just like, oh man,
this is not about perfection.

This is not about perfection.

And I'll tell you the reason why this
took me a year is because I was trying

to control, I was trying to be perfect.


And, and, and I was doing it
based on focusing on food.

Like whatever your thing might be,
yours might be hard to go to the

gym, so you're just focused on that.

Or you might be focused on getting up
early, whatever, whatever your thing is.

Like you're focusing on the wrong thing.


It's your, I'm I'm doing
this because it's who I am.


Like I am Ned.

Like, dude, you gotta
say that about yourself.

Like you are whoever you are and, and
God or universe, whatever dude entrusted

you with a wife, with kids, with a life.

Like dude, we have massive responsibility.

And so every day when we
do this, it's just, Hey, I

Ryan Carnohan: wanna hear responsibility.

I wanna hear this Ned, I
want hear the statement.

I am Ned.

But what is different in that statement
now versus before Superhuman Fathers?

If you were to say, I am
Ned, what would that mean?

I know this is one crazy ass question.

We're getting

Ned Schaut: symbolic here.



Okay, so, so

Ryan Carnohan: this is, I can feel
this, this one, this is a good question.

What does I am Ned mean
compared to I am Ned before

Ned Schaut: Superhuman?

If you were to ask me
a year ago, who is Ned?

I would say, oh yeah, I'm Ned.

I've got a smoking hot wife.

I've got five beautiful kids.

I live in Hawaii.

I wrote book, like I got some, I would've
said all these labels, like, oh, I

like to skateboard, or I like to surf.

All these things to define me, to make
me feel cool or important, or whatever.

And now ultimately it's, I'm
Ned, I'm, I'm a son of God.

Like I'm a child of God.

And all that means is like,
I'm gonna be out and I'm gonna,

I'm gonna do my best, right?

Like I'm a shitty person and
still selfish, but I'm gonna do

my best to provide value, to love
people and to do right by whoever

comes across my path today.

But that's the wrestle, bro.

Like a lot of days I'm still
acting selfish and so I

gotta go, stop being selfish.

Stop thinking of yourself, but.

To answer your question, it would've
been a bunch of labels to make

me feel good about me, and I feel
good about me most of the time.

At least I'm aware of
when I'm being a douche.


Ryan Carnohan: so good.

I love it, man.


Kyle Carnohan: The only thing that comes
to mind, the only thing that comes to

mind here is just like, like I am me.

And whatever my great struggle
is, is my great privilege and

adventure to be a part of.

Let's go.

You know?

And then, and then you, you gather here
and you get to be with a bunch of guys

struggling with their own shit, and we get
to have this adventure together and we get

to be totally real about where we're at.

Just like Philip from Ireland, when
he is like, Kyle, I can't believe it.

I thought I overcame this.

I drank last night.

Well, of course you fucking drank
last night, dude, you, you, you

quit cold Turkey and you went
three months and got stressed.

You had some drinks.

Like, fucking, I don't care.

Like, hey, congratulations on
the epic three months, so let's

just get back on the train.

And, and nobody talks like that.

They're like, oh, well have
you tried, uh, this technique?

And like, oh man, I'm so
sorry I'm, you really blew it.

You're fucked.

It's like, I'm so sorry.

Your 90 days got disappeared.

This is the wrong outlook, man.

Like all I care about is a dude is trying.

That dude's trying.

I have the utmost respect.

Like, Ned, I knew you were trying
like even a couple months in, I

was like, oh, full respect for Ned.

I'm like, N Ned's fucking at war.

And then he would, you'd slip
and struggle and you'd share

your struggles with the men.

I'm like, that's it.

It's ain't about the results.

It's about the struggle.

You know, it's about the honest struggle
and then sharing that with everyone to

give them power so they don't feel alone.

Ned Schaut: And then guess what happened.

So I think, I think that like it,
you know, like right now, like

right now, we get to celebrate that.

Um, but the thing is, is
like, this shit is hard.

Like anybody who's gonna do
this, it doesn't get easier.

Like I got posted, my life should
continue to get harder, right?

I mean, I mean, I wanna experience
more peace, hope, joy, connection

with my wife, awareness.

Um, but it's all gonna get harder.

And, and that's the point, right?

That we're in a war.

So we gotta continue to fight battles and
we're gonna continue to lose some battles.

But man, this is something that really
hit me in this kind of discovery process

is yes, we're at war and yes, I can lose.

And if I lose, there's names
associated with losing the war.

And that's Sarah Brooklyn, violet
Presley, Brody, and Stella.

Those are the people that
have been placed in my care.


And if I lose the war, bro, that's, we're
talking about families for generations

that are gonna be impacted because of
the way that I did or didn't show up.

You imagine?

I think, yeah.

On the front

Kyle Carnohan: lines bro.

Can you imagine protecting
your family on the front lines

with everything's against him?

And dad sits on his ass cuz he's tired.

I can't fight anymore.

I'm tired.

It, it's really hard.

And then the, then the army comes and just
massacres your family cuz you were fucking

Ned Schaut: tired.

And you know what bro?

You know who we need to
protect our families from.

This guy said this, this isn't me,
but I just heard this recently.

We gotta protect our families from us.


He's like, we, we buy the
nice house and we buy the ar.


I know how to do jiu-jitsu.

Whatever, dude.

The fact that someone's gonna walk in your
house and Jack with your family is slim.

The fact that you're gonna be an asshole
to your family every day and destroy the

the man that your daughter's gonna marry,
or the way your wife feels about her.

You gotta, this is about you battling
the pussy inside you so that you

can build a legacy for the next
thousand years of, of values in

this family that you've been given.


Kyle Carnohan: Ned, whenever
you talk, you get me going.

Usually I shut up in
these, but me fired up.

Like I, every morning I wake up, the
devil is speaking to me or whatever

you want to call that motherfucker
and he says all kinds of shit to me.

You're gonna lose.

You're gonna be humiliated.

Everything's gonna fall apart.

You better stop this cuz
it's only gonna get worse.

You're gonna increase.

He just says all this shit
like you're not worthy.

You're a hypocrite.

And then I go to my Facebook and all the
haters sound exactly like that voice.


And I'm like, oh my God.

They're, they've been overtaken by
the darkness and they're speaking

the same voice as the resistance.

And I'm like, oh my God,
I see it so clearly.

So imagine those men in their
homes that have been overtaken by

the resistance, where their words
have become the fucking devil.

And that's what they're
speaking to their families.

They're, they're completely
hypnotized, sedated, disconnected,

and they're just crushing and
destroying everything around them.

Ryan Carnohan: Damn.

Well, I, I was just gonna say,
put my kids on, on your list, Ned,

and I'll put my kids on your list.

Vice versa for the war.

That's what you did for me, man.

I know.

I can depend on you because
if I can go to you now, right?

Like you can come to me for
advice and, and example.

Kyle, what you just said
though was so damn powerful.

Kyle Carnohan: That's cause Ned's
the best, uh, interviewer ever.

So when he speaks, he
brings out the best in you.

Just listen to his podcast.

Ned Schaut: I do love interviewing dads.

Um, one thing I don't want to
miss to share with you guys is

the moment that, uh, this shifted
for me, it was, um, March 3rd.

I had probably failed my, like fifth or
sixth time in like creating my chart to be

disciplined and I'm gonna get this done.

Uh, and I went on this walk on March 3rd.

In the evening, I can see right
where I was, and I'm like,

God, I can't do this on my own.

Like, I literally can't do this.

I've, I, I've been trying, I've
been trying, I've been trying.

I I just need your help.

And so I'm gonna commit to you right now.

Like, I, I don't need to
find some guy to commit to.

I don't need to commit to my kids.

I just need to commit to you, like I need
to be the man that you designed me to be.

And so I committed and I, I was
like, I'm gonna fast tomorrow.

And then I kind of said what I was
gonna do until Easter, which I did

the very next morning, I wake up to
a homie calling me, saying, dude,

I had a dream about you last night.

This is weird.

I need to tell you what the dream is.

So he's, he shares his dream with me.

And the dream long story short,
is he hired me to like, put

the flooring in, in his bed, in
his house, uh, in his basement.

And then he, he left and he, he came
back and I had torn up all the flooring

in the first story, not in the basement.


What I heard that day was I was,
I was starting in the wrong place.

Like I, I wasn't starting with
where God wanted me to start.

I need, if I want to be a father
who influences other fathers, I

gotta get my own house in order.

And that meant my fitness.

Let's go my, my health, my
finances, and my marriage.

And so from that point on, man,
I, I paid a like $80,000 a debt.

I, my, I I, I freed up $10,000 in cash.

I like did all these things
in, in a 40 day period.

And that's when I also got posted is, is
I surrendered to who I'm called to be.

Like I surrendered to that man
and I still messed up with other

things probably or whatever.

But my point is it switched from
me controlling an outcome to me,

surrendering to this is just who I am.

Ryan Carnohan: Let's go dude.

Ned Schaut: And so my point of saying
this is like this whole thing is about

connection and awareness and it's
freaking hard, but this is who we are.

Like if you're on this call, like this
is who you are, you're called to this.

You can put whatever name on
it you want to, but you're

called to your true identity.

And that's why you are
here is to embrace that.

And why does this matter
for us to be here together?

Dude, like my kids could marry your kids
like I care so much how you freaking show

up as a dad, dude, and you should care how
I show up as a dad because if my daughter

marries your son, like, dude, we want them
to not have the same struggles we have.

We want them to be on
that deeper level, right?

Like I told you, my life was awesome,
but now I'm struggling with new things

I want my kids to struggle with, with
deeper, more connected, more aware things

so that they can provide incredible value
to this world that we've been given.

Ryan Carnohan: I love some of
the things that you're saying.

Identity, um, you mentioned being what
you're called to be, you know, all all.

And then you mentioned outcome.

Really powerful because the
outcome doesn't matter so long

as you are who you need to be
because it doesn't matter anymore.

Whatever arrives, you're gonna
be you in the face of it.

And that is the most powerful position
to put yourself in because that's when

impact happens when you're immovable.

I just, how did you, okay.

How did you get to

Ned Schaut: that?

Right there?

Freaking struggle, bro.


I'm not there yet, but this
ain't about me, you know?

And it's easy for me to say right now
cuz it's like, okay, there's, but.

Ryan Carnohan: The awareness there.

You know, how, how do you find it?

Because what is the trigger?

Because we all have these
crazy things that happen.




How do you, how do you,
how are you prepared?

Because the

Ned Schaut: chaos is coming so, so legit.

I read, uh, I don't do
it every morning, right?

So anybody who says they do
something, every single is, is a liar.

But, uh, I read affirmations
in the morning, right?

And I have an avatar.

His name is the captain.

And so whenever Kyle or Ryan or
anybody says this like amazing

thing, I go put that in there.

That's what the captain would do.

That's what the captain would do.

And I read that in the morning.

This is who I'm striving to be, and
this guy should continue to grow.

I'm never gonna reach that guy
because I'm gonna keep growing

what that guy looks like.


And then at the end of the day,
maybe four, four nights a week

or whatever, you know, like when
I, I, I'm actually committed to

do it the next a hundred days.

Cause I got some shit I'm working on,
in, in my life, um, for this next level.

But I ask myself some questions, right?

So me and my kids, we sit down, we go
over a journal and we go over like,

uh, but one of the questions right
now for awareness is when did I, when

did, when did an opportunity come.

In an argument with my wife,
and then did I respond the

way I want to or not and why?

So like, I journaled that
at the end of the night.

So like, last night was great, man.

We, we went on a date.

She said something that annoyed me.

And in the moment I'm like, it's all
good, dude, that just move right along.

So I journaled, Hey, you did great.

The day before she said something
that irritated me and I'm

like, let's jump in the ring.

Let's fight for a minute.

That sounds fun.

And so I didn't respond well because
I was being a little bitch about

it and just felt like fighting.

But what's happening now, which is
frustrating me more, is in that argument.

I could see her standing across
the room and I can feel myself

saying, dude, just go hug her, bro.

Just go hug her.

So Sunday I did.

So Sunday I'm like, Ned, stop
being a big, just walk over.

So I walk over, I hug her dude,
and she just starts crying and she

just, you know, melts in my arms.

And so that was a win.

And so what I'm doing is journaling at the
end of the day of what opportunities was

I given to operate as the guy I wanna be.


And then if I don't, why didn't I?

Um, and I'm failing a bunch,
bro, but, uh, very, very

Ryan Carnohan: stoic of you.

I'm, that's amazing.


Kyle Carnohan: That shit's so hard to go
hug your wife when you're pissed, dude.

Like, I, I wanna squeeze her so hard.

Her head pops off sometimes.

I'm like, I'll just give you a hug.

It's hard.

That's like the hardest
shit in the world, dude,

Ned Schaut: bro.

Me and my son, I wrote this down, my
son and I, I planned this father son

event, uh, for another organization
last October, and my son went with me

and he helped lead some of the things.

And during it, dude, we did this
devotion reading about Jesus asleep on

the boat, you know, and, uh, Peter, or
no, when, when, uh, Peter, uh, was like

falling in the water, and I'm like,
oh, well what do you think about this?

And uh, he's like, well, the reason that,
uh, Peter started sinking was because he

was focusing on the storm and the waves.

And like my 13 year old son just created
this amazing moment for me where he's

like teaching me, dude, the moments that
I look at the storm and I don't look at

the captain, I don't look at who I am
in this moment, bro, that's, let's go.

That is power.

Ryan Carnohan: That is so good.

Tell, give your boy a hug for me.

That was money I love.

Ned Schaut: Oh, bro.

He like led a journaling experience too.

It was so fire bro.

It was so good.

He's like standing in the middle of
like maybe 75 men and kids and he's

just I mean, you, you give your kid
an opportunity, call him into this.

Uh, and, and he led a
group of men and kids.

I'm doing some gratitude journaling
and it was, it was pretty epic, bro.

Ryan Carnohan: And so you said, and
your boy said two things that are

very similar to what you're talking
about being this person that you're

called to be amidst the storm.

And, and you fo instead of focusing on
like, and you said it with your wife,

you said, I'm in an argument and it's an
opportunity you asked yourself at night.

This is where was my opportunities
to demonstrate my virtues, my

values, what I know I should be,
and that's what inconvenience is.

It's just an opportunity to demonstrate
virtue that captain that you're

talking about, amidst the storm
and the winds and everything, the

preparation was, had already been done.

It was the moment to be that man.

And so that's why you, we do what we
do because moments like that are gonna

come and we have trained ourselves
to be able to find our values to

be that man, that man, that man
amidst the, the chaos of the storm.

Freaking, this is so beautiful.

Absolutely amazing.


Ned Schaut: I think the other thing that,
that can get a little, uh, interesting

with what we're doing here when you're
talking about food and fitness and sleep

and stuff, is to, to acknowledge that as a
man, I have needs, like I ha I have needs,

I was born into this world with needs.

I'm hungry, I'm tired.

I need sex, and I need to
do something with my hands.

I mean, those are kind of like
four needs that I would think that

I kind of operate in day to day.

And three of those, I actually
have a lot more control and

influence over than I realized.


Have I fed myself well,
have I got enough rest?

And did I do something physical, which is
kind of all the superhuman fathers think.

Now my belief is if you do those well
then the fourth one, the sex is gonna

come, uh, is gonna, it's gonna happen.

As long as you're not, I mean,
dude, you gotta get pornography.

You gotta get masturbation.

You gotta get all that
shit outta your life.

That stuff will des that will destroy you.


Kyle Carnohan: and stop on that right
now and let's let the guys let that soak

in because there's a, you know, for a
long time I didn't quite understand that.

I was like, well, why does it matter?

Like, what, why does it matter?

And it's just like someone who drinks
a ton, it's like, why does it matter?

I mean, I'm on, I'm not hurting anyone.

Why does it matter?

Ned Schaut: Dude, because there's
something spiritual that happens, bro.

It's like if, if you know, like those
moments, you have the most incredible

sex with your wife, where like you
were pissed at each other or you

were not together for a while and you
came together and it was just like,

like, you can't explain it, but, but
like, you just gave me each other.

Like you gave yourself to each other.

It's like, oh my god.

So it's like if I'm in a hotel room
and I just freaking Eric off and give

that to nothing, like there's something
I'm giving of myself and it's just

going into the trash can, whatever.

If I can wait, figure out, go do a
workout, go eat something, go do something

else, then, but when I get home, then
make that connection with my wife.

Then there's, there's just
a connection there, man.

There's just a connection.


Kyle Carnohan: Like I did the same thing
where I was like, this is yours now.

It's not anything and I, it's
not anything other than yours.

And I, and I, I save it for

Ryan Carnohan: you.


Kyle Carnohan: Period.

And, and I know for some guys right now
they're thinking like, that's impossible.

Like there's no way.

There isn't a way.

Like I, I would eat, dude, I
was jerking off every day, bro.

Like, it was like the way
to put myself to sleep.

So like, I was like, I can't
sleep without it, you know?

But then it then, and then I just
like, just like anything, just like

food, like any, any, uh, just like
nicotine, uh, just like fucking cupcakes.

It's like you're not gonna die.

In fact, you're gonna
get more hungry for life.

When I started getting rid of that
stuff, everything, my sex got better.

My money started flowing to me.

People were magnetized
towards me when I spoke.

I spoke with power.

I couldn't speak with
power when I had that shit.

Like, I couldn't speak with power.

When I was jerking off every day, I

Ryan Carnohan: could ask,
did it, did it make you bad?

Did it make you a bad guy, Kyle?

Kyle Carnohan: No, bro.

No, it's not.

I'm not bad.

I'm just.

Man, I'm just making a bad trade
and having less of a fulfilled life.

Ned Schaut: That's all.

I think that's a huge, huge to go is none
of this is about good or bad necessarily.

This is all about like, am
I operating at, at who I am?

Kyle Carnohan: Epic life.

So why not do the things
that set you up in power?

And we know now that power
is so fickle, it's so fickle.

It'll leave you in a split
second with a thought.

And so that's where the discipline comes
in, and that's where we have to keep

hold the line even with our drifting
thoughts, because all of a sudden,

whoop, distracted out of power, boom.

He gets you stuck.

You're drifting now for the rest
of the day, and now it's at night.

You're frustrated.

You're yelling at your kids and your wife.

You're like, why?

Why does it even matter?

What's the point of this bullshit?

Ned Schaut: And someone spills
some shit and you're like,

Kyle Carnohan: God damn it,
what's wrong with you kids?

I gotta do all this in this
house and make this money.

I'm so stressed.

And it just, it's a snowball.

And it started with one thought.

Ryan Carnohan: And if you are
hearing this and you're like, I

don't know if I could do that.

Okay, maybe you were, Kyle was
all right, where it's every night.

Kyle Carnohan: Start with the macros.

I'm not gonna jerk off tonight.

And then I was like, I'm gonna jerk off.

Ryan Carnohan: Okay?

Hit your macros.

Hit your macros first.

Yeah, if you can, if you all, if
you can get macros, guess what?

It'll bleed over.

I'm telling you.


So it,

Kyle Carnohan: sometimes it
feels like your brain's itching.

That's where you wanna be.

You wanna sit in the spot where you have a
itchy brain, like that's your power spot.

I swear to God, listen to me carefully.

When your brain is itching for
pleasure and you deny it, you're,

you're taking the resistance and
you're knocking its fucking teeth out.

It has no power over you.

Lemme tell you something, I'm
gonna tell you this really quick.

Sorry Ned, I'm stealing your time.

But no, he

Ryan Carnohan: doesn't steal.

You can't, you can't help it.

I smoke.

I smoke a

Kyle Carnohan: cigar like twice a week.

I like to sit down with the boys.

It's been this.

I don't get to have a phone and I have
to talk to the boys with my cigar.

And it's amazing.

I love it.

I love it.

I love that moment.

I, we've had the most amazing experiences
together with my kids at Cigar Time.

Fire pit.

Now, please understand, I don't
believe cigars are wrong at all.

Enjoy your cigars please.

But yesterday morning I had
just bought a bunch more.

They're so nice.

I was gonna have one tonight.

And, uh, in the morning, the
voice that, that resistance

started to go, Hey, hypocrite.

Hey, you fucking hypocrite.

How about those cigars?


You don't want anyone to
know about those, huh?

And I was like, I'll walk right over to.

My pile of high-end, expensive cigars.

I threw it in the trash.

I said, fuck you.

And he is like, wait, wait, wait.

No, no, no.

You can't, you can't do that.

You won't do that.

I'm like, just, did you
have zero leverage on me?


Whether he, and, and
what he spoke was a lie.

He spoke a lie.

But I don't even give him a lie.

I'm not even a lie.

I'm like, okay, we're gonna go there.

Call your bluff, bro.

Never again.

How's that motherfucker?

Let's go.

Ned Schaut: So I'm open to any questions.

I got two more thoughts if you
want 'em, and then dude, hit

Ryan Carnohan: the thoughts.


I'm gonna bring this back
in because I, I'm selfish.

I wanted to ask you a couple more.


Chad's got a question though.

Chad's a genius, so, okay, hang on.

One more.


Some pillars or stones or something
that you wanted to share with us?

Um, was that just, uh, like a, a
saying I thought literally, have

you written down like 10 things?

Cause I'm in, I wanna know 'em all and we
can save some of 'em when I come on your

podcast, but I wanna, I wanna hear it.


Ned Schaut: I, I, I pretty
much hit one of 'em.

Most of 'em, the only one I didn't
hit was the, a huge realization

I had that I would've called
myself an intentional father.

And in a lot of ways I was intentional,
but I came up with a new word.

I realized that I wasn't really
being as much of an intentional

father as I thought I was really
being more of a expectational father.

So I was completing all these
incredible moments with my family.

But when you're, when you're living an
expectation, whether like it's a camp

trip or a family meeting, or family dinner
or whatever, if I'm expecting it to go

a certain both look the same, right?

Like, let's just pick a camp trip.

You still have to plan,
you still have to prepare.

But if you go into it as an expectational
father, you're never actually there.

You're always on the
sidelines watching it unfold.

Let's go criticizing what's happening,
hoping that it turns out the way you want.

So you're not like, when shit falls
apart, you're not there enjoying it.

You're just like, oh, well when I
was a kid, this is how we did it.

Or, oh, well, I thought it was
gonna work out like this or, so then

you're never there and, and you,
you're there, but you're not there.

Nobody's having a good time
where an intentional father, he

creates space and like most of
your, my job is just create space.

I still gotta plan, I still gotta prepare.

But then when we show up for
family time, family meeting,

family dinner, sports, whatever the
thing is, then you just be there.

You know, it's not gonna go
to plan, but that's okay.

You just created space for
life and story to unfold.

And that's where like the
beauty of like being present is.

And so that was a huge aha for me
is, is to lean into being a truly

intentional father, creating space for
my family versus creating expectation.

Holy smokes.

Ryan Carnohan: A intentional
father builds space.

And there was some other
word you said, damnit.

It was so, yeah.

Essential father builds
space for the story.

Ned Schaut: Well, I didn't
say he unfold or something.

He creates, he creates space like you
and I we're creators we're supposed to

create, and a lot of times we give all
that shit to a job or a career or a hobby.

Like I put all my creative energy
into something else, not my home.

I don't create space for my family.

Like, dude, I'm goosebumps.

I'm the one who creates space.

This isn't about making
my kids good or bad.

This is about creating a safe environment
for my family to experience life.

Ryan Carnohan: And, and you said something
about working with your hands as a man.

You, it's so cool.

It's all connected.

Like, creation

Ned Schaut: is selfless.

You're dying, bro.

If you're not creating, you're

Ryan Carnohan: dying.


Creation is selfless.

I I, man, this is amazing.

But if

Ned Schaut: you're creating, you
can't just be creating for yourself.

Like that is empty.

No, no.

That's empty.

You gotta create value for other people.

Ryan Carnohan: Selfless.

The artist is selfless.


That's beautiful.

Ned Schaut: You gotta just give it away.

Give it away.

And there's where the
expectation comes away.

Cause if, if I create a gift weekend
for my family and they don't respond

the way I want, and I'm just like,
oh, you guys don't appreciate me.

Like, they don't wanna be with
me, they don't wanna be around me.

They don't wanna follow me.

Chris said it on the, the one of
the things like, are you somebody

like, would you follow you?

Like, that shit was good.

Ryan Carnohan: Okay.

We're gonna let Chad go in one moment.

There was a, a question on creating
space, which Chad's always tapped

in, so I guarantee this is already
probably what we were talking about.


He just tells the future.

Um, but Nick purchase here, Nick
Purchase is wondering some of the tools

that you use Ned to create that space.

He says, what does that look like?

I think what it say says, when you
say planning to create that space,

what does that look like for you?

How are you doing that, Ned?

And then we'll let Chad go.

Ned Schaut: How am I, I track everything.

So I could tell you like last year, this
was a huge aha for me when I reviewed

my statistics or my data from last year
compared to the neighbor and a bunch

of other people, I'm a great husband.

I, I spent two and a half percent of my
time with my wife and about 10% of my

time on my fitness, that's some horseshit.

So now I'm, I'm, it's June and I'm
averaging eight and a half percent

of intentional time with my wife.

But that means that I have
to have metrics to look at.

So like at the end of the week, I
look at how much time that I spend.

Now, I'll tell you that I think that this
will transition for me because there is

a difference between time and energy.

So it's like, I, I might have to go
to my job for 40 hours and I might

have a commute that's 10 hours.

Like that just might be my life.

So I gotta think about what's the
energy I'm putting into that versus the

energy I'm giving to my wife and kids.

So, so it may not be
a time for time thing.

It might be more of an energy awareness,
but um, you have to freaking reflect.

Like if you're the captain of
your ship, you better have a map

that you freaking decided on.


And then you better pull that thing
out once a week, once a month and

go, did last week, am I on track?

Let's go.


Am I on course or we not On course.

Otherwise, it's just like the
storms, the waves, whatever, like

you're just floating like that.

That ain't responsibility, bro.

And if you have a wife and kids and a life
and a heartbeat, you have responsibility.

So you better pay attention to that.

Otherwise you letting your boss,
you letting your wife dictate that.

Now your wife has a huge input.

She knows shit you don't know.

She's way wiser than
you in a lot of areas.

So acknowledge that and respect
that and listen to that.

But you've gotta lead, you've
gotta make decisions, you've

gotta take responsibility anyways.

Ryan Carnohan: And that comes, that
goes back to the fights you were having,

cuz that's the uncomfortable position
you put yourself as a man because.

Especially those guys that were
like me, who didn't, were not in the

leadership position for a long time.

She will fight you.

Sit in it, find your values, and
be immovable and smile and love in

response and watch what happens.

All right, Chad, what you got dog?

Chad: What up Ned?

Dude, let me just say like, um, I'm

like sitting here super

emotional cause I'm like, I don't,
I don't think you understand

the, the impact that this
interview's had on me today.



got goosebumps.

Like you, you, when
you described this, uh,

Gosh, I hope I don't wreck
this car with my baby in it.

Um, but when you

describe, um,

I had the insides,

but I didn't have the outsides.

My conscience told

me the exact opposite.

Let's go.

And like I know that now you guys might,
you guys might look at me and be like, oh,

I, you know, Chad, he hasn't
figured out what's he talking about?

Da da da da.

Trust me.

Trust me.




sometimes inside.

And then sometimes, like I look at

the outside, I'm like, damn, I almost

fooled myself that I had it figured



And then I hear people like Ned and I
listen to Kyle and I listen to you guys.

I listen to Ryan, I
listen to all of you, man.

And I'm like, oh



There is like, so many levels in

the levels, you know what I mean?

Like, there's all these levels
in the levels and like what

your interview is teaching

me is, I, I,

I thought of the

word creator, like what Ned

is, is he's a creator.

And then literally 15, 30

seconds later, you said the

word creator.

And I'm like, damn.

Yes dude, yes.

That is

so, so money.

And then I thought about like,

it's just incredible, man.

Like, I was just thinking
to myself like, Chad,

you're not creating right now.

You're just


you're just doing stuff.

You know what I mean?

Like, there's no intention.

There's not a rudder to your ship.

Get your shit together, Chad.

Like storms

are coming.

And dude, I, I love that story of
Peter and I love that story of Jesus.

And I wanna believe dude
and with all my heart,

when ge when Peter was falling in that


and Jesus pulled him

out, I wanna believe he walked

back to the ship with Jesus.

You know,

I wanna believe that.

I don't know if it's true.

I don't think it even says, it's
just kinda like, and Jesus, you

know, pulled him up outta the water.

And then it's like,

what happened is, is the, the
stories, both the stories, whatever

it is that that is speaking to you,
what, you know what I'm saying?

So like, when there's just a
bunch of white space, right?



Ned Schaut: it's, it's what
do you need outta that story?

And so that story's gonna speak
to people in different ways based

on what they need and what God's
trying to communicate to them.


I love


I love that.

Thank you.

So, yeah.

That, that dude, dude, I, I cannot wait.

I'm watching

you dude.

Like a freaking hawk because

I saw something that night.


I wanna be n dude,


Uh, well here's the
beauty of you saying that.

Like when you say that to me, I get a
chill and then I go, they'll be a point

where the words that come outta my mouth
are that I'm gonna let you down, but

it's not totally I'm gonna let you down.

It's that I'm gonna need you.


So the thing is, is like if we
are co-creators and we are men

given responsibility, we can't
put so much weight on one man.

We put him up here and
then our world crumbles.

When he crumbles, when he, when he
starts to crumble, it's like, no, bro,

we are here and I need you to help me.

And that's why the freaking
authenticity of putting all

the darkness into the light.

Doesn't make anybody on this
call a guru doesn't make us

perfect, doesn't make us good.

It means that we need each other
and there's gonna be days that I

deliver a message that's good for you.

Then there's gonna be days that I
need a message so bad, and if you

don't share it, then I'm missing out.

And I think that's one of the keys
is if you're on this call, you

have something to offer the tribe.

And if you're not saying it, you're
not offering it, then I'm losing out.

That's true.

You know what?


know what?


most powerful thing to give to your
brothers is your darkest truth.


We need that, bro.

Help us.

Help us be be true to ourselves
by showing us strength.

We love you.

You can't disappoint us.

We're here to catch you.

And we know you're the same for us.


need you.



Kyle Carnohan: It's great to be able
to be a leader and still be imperfect

and be in alignment and, and it's worth
saying over and over again, live the

message that you teach, or at least
speak the truth you're living, period.

If you do that, you can lead
men as an imperfect man.

Ryan Carnohan: How do you do that?

As the leader, Kyle, you
constantly push yourself.

Yes, yes.

You, you nev you constantly push
yourself so you understand every

other man that's pushing himself
to claw out of the darkness.


You invite the darkness back
because you live in such a hard way.

So you can empathize.

Man, this is a good call.



Kyle Carnohan: Uh, I'm, I'm gonna,
is there, is there anybody else?

God, we got a lot of hands.

Holy shit.

Let's let it roll.

I gotta get out and, and,
uh, I'm gonna walk down.

We're gonna play some pickleball
with the family, but I'm,

Ryan Carnohan: I'm in, I'm here.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

We'll go quick.

So, Levi, hit it.

What's up

Ned Schaut: man?

I don't know if you remember me, but
I met you at gym at the Yeah, bro.

Remember it was crazy, bro.

That's when I was first starting, you
know, and, um, Listening to you, bro.

Such a great inspiration.

Just wanna say thank you, bro.

And uh, I'm one of those porn addicts,
those, um, fucking whacking at all time.

Like, that's exactly why
I'm in this group, man.

Cause of that accountability.

I couldn't, I thought I could
hold myself accountable.

There's no such thing, man.

I needed all of you guys.

Juan community.

Yeah man.

And so I just wanna say, man,
thank you, thank you, thank you

to all the men and thank you.

Thank you man.

Cause I know this is your transformation.

So my wife was like, oh, we
were gonna go get some food.

And I usually, I'm, I'm
the one that gets out.

Go get some food.

She was like, you need to
stay and listen to this.


Kyle Carnohan: I was like, yeah.

Ned Schaut: And now we're, we're
at Costco, we're about go to Costco

and we're just waiting here, bro,
for the, the Zoom to be over.

Cause it's just, it's amazing man.

So many That's up Chris Nuggets.

I mean, Ryan, sorry


Thank you.

Ryan Carnohan: Chris does too.

All of us too.

Okay, so, um, I actually forgot.

I have a call cause So Kyle,
bro, zoom might kick us off.

I don't know what's gonna happen.

I don't know what's gonna happen.

I don't know.

I'll make you host Kyle.


I don't know.

I, I got so much to do
with moving and everything.

Kyle, you're muted, bro.

Kyle Carnohan: Okay.

All I'm gonna say is this, just in case
it kicks you off, you can make Ned the

co-host if everybody dies, so be it.

But let's just, okay, perfect.

Let's, let's just do this.

Make sure everyone supports
Ned in everything that he does.

Go to his podcast, review
it, watch, buy his book,

Ryan Carnohan: be part of what he's doing.


Kyle Carnohan: Buy his book.

Buy his journal like he has earned this.

And he'll tell you he doesn't give a shit.

But I'm telling you, let's
support our people that lead

us and show what's possible.

That's all I'm gonna say.

Ryan Carnohan: Ned, I love you man.

You have.

Kyle Carnohan: All my respect and I put
you, I dude, I, I put your effort and your

grit and your honesty on a pedal stool.


Ryan Carnohan: you.

There you go.

That thank you, bro.


Kyle Carnohan: That's, that's what I need.

I don't give a shit if you're perfect.

I know you're not.

We know we're not.

But man, he's not gonna get us.

The adversary will not get us when we're
this honest and real, it's impossible.

Love you guys.



I hope you enjoyed this transformation
from Superhuman Fathers, and

one thing I want you to know
is that anyone can do this.

Yes, even you.

Go to superhuman and
apply for the Brotherhood right now.

Overdub: Next Time on Super Human
Fathers Transformation Podcast

Greg Lowe: Accountability.

That's everything.

Attending the Zoom calls, getting the,
you know, sharing the mindset, you know,

imbibing, selflessness, um, not being,
you know, just challenging the thinking

that it's all about you and what you want.

I know that's, uh, you know, a way to, to
destroy yourself and everybody around you.