Big shifts are coming! Are you ready? In this episode of The Conscious Collaboration, Emily and Lisa dive into the calm before the storm—that energetic space where we know something is about to change, but we’re not quite there yet. Whether you’ve been feeling restless, inspired, or just straight-up confused about what’s next, we’ve got you covered!
We start off with some Super Bowl halftime show vibes (because, let’s be real, Kendrick Lamar gave us plenty to talk about), and then we go deep into the Year of the Wood Snake, Feng Shui’s Period 9, and the cosmic energy shifts guiding us toward transformation.
Emily breaks it down with how your body (and nervous system!) signals when a transformation is brewing—and why rest and refinement are just as important as action.
Lisa shares how your environment mirrors your inner world, plus some quick and easy Feng Shui tweaks to align your space with the change you’re calling in.
And of course, we discuss how to "be the snake"—moving with intention, shedding what no longer serves us, and preparing for our next evolution.
This is your cue to slow down, tune in, and refine before the revolution.
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Big shifts are coming! Are you ready? In this episode of The Conscious Collaboration, Emily and Lisa dive into the calm before the storm—that energetic space where we know something is about to change, but we’re not quite there yet. Whether you’ve been feeling restless, inspired, or just straight-up confused about what’s next, we’ve got you covered!
We start off with some Super Bowl halftime show vibes (because, let’s be real, Kendrick Lamar gave us plenty to talk about), and then we go deep into the Year of the Wood Snake, Feng Shui’s Period 9, and the cosmic energy shifts guiding us toward transformation.
Emily breaks it down with how your body (and nervous system!) signals when a transformation is brewing—and why rest and refinement are just as important as action.
Lisa shares how your environment mirrors your inner world, plus some quick and easy Feng Shui tweaks to align your space with the change you’re calling in.
And of course, we discuss how to "be the snake"—moving with intention, shedding what no longer serves us, and preparing for our next evolution.
This is your cue to slow down, tune in, and refine before the revolution.
Want to make sure you’re moving through this energy with ease?
Atapa Red Light Therapy devices Atapa Red Light Therapy discount code: collab15
What is The Conscious Collaboration?
The Conscious Collaboration Podcast brings together entrepreneurs, changemakers, and thought leaders. We aim to highlight the people who embody the idea of aligned mind, body, and business. Each week, we share, discuss, and learn from the various experiences and ideas of our guest experts. Through our discovery, we find a path to aligned mind, body, and business.
The conscious collaboration brings together entrepreneurs, change makers, and thought leaders. We aim to highlight the people that embody the idea of aligned mind, body, and business. Each week, we share, discuss, and learn from the various experiences and ideas of our guest experts. Through our discovery, we find a path to an aligned mind, body, and business.
What is up, y'all? I'm Emily.
And I'm Lisa, and we are the conscious collaboration. Hey, Emily. Yay. Hey. Never mind any technological glitches that are happening today.
We're still here. We're still showing up. I think we're, like, a 47 episodes into our podcast, by the way. Way. Oh, I thought we had already passed one fifty.
We didn't. Oh, maybe we did. Okay. Congratulations. We made it.
I just wanna say a shout out to Gopal, Grant Higa, one of our guests from, this past fall. I was just at his lovely house on Sunday watching the Super Bowl, and it was amazing. Emily, he is like I told him he's like a lighthouse for amazing, just really cool, genuine people. I think definitely, like, the type of party that you could show up to and just bump into anyone, and they just what I love is everybody seemed to come from different backgrounds, but each person there had their own system or their own passion that they use to inject into their life path and their careers and just amazing. And I loved I like the Super Bowl as, like, a show in general.
Like, I felt like, so on all of his big TVs, I felt like I was there, first
of all. Well, it was so good too with the the New Orleans spin on any event, really. But on the Super Bowl and the music and the, you know, the pregame stuff. And did you see the Harry Connick junior pregame performance? No.
I got it. Indians and yeah. I just I I honestly, I turned it on 93% just to kinda see the because it took place in New Orleans.
Yeah. Well, I had a great vibe, I felt. Yeah. You know, I'm not, like, much of a football watcher at all. But I did appreciate the the music and the gathering of people, and I know it was an important it was an important game.
So, yeah,
I know it's sensitive topic for a lot of people too. A lot of people caught in sick from work, I heard.
Well, I think Sunday. That's somewhat of an American tradition. But I and I'm also glad just to point out that everything, went well, and I think that was a good I don't think redemption is the is the right word, but, I feel like just after everything that happened with New Year's and, to to have that large gathering of of people and, let New Orleans get back to its sort of celebratory, natural strength, was was good good to see.
Yeah. So do people does everybody listening know what happened? New Year's? I sure hope so. We're talking about I mean, that was it.
I'd know.
I I don't think so, but, I mean, I I would hope that our listeners were aware of a Yeah. It's health tech. Well, just some
of it on our A little mini a terrorist attack.
I mean A man from claiming ISIS affiliation drove a truck through a crowd of mostly very young people on Bourbon Street killing
And you were just
15. Yeah.
Like, weren't you there?
Yeah. My friends were there were there on New Year's Eve.
And I was good at
that place many times, mostly in my twenties. You know? But at morning, I mean, it's one of the more
I just don't think it got enough emphasis. National coverage as it should. Like, I I heard more I I I
don't know. I can't I can't wrap my head around the fact that somebody might not have heard that that happened by this point. But
But they might not have.
I I hope well, I I hope that's I hope that's not the case. I hope that's not the case.
It was close to me because I'm close to you.
I'm not mental well, yeah. But, I mean, that was a terrorist attack on our
on our I know. But I
feel like people should know about that.
I don't even know
if you knew.
See it hit any, I think it was overshadowed by other things. I didn't see it hit a lot of I don't I didn't see it get the attention. I think it should have gotten.
That's what I'm saying. That would be a horrible shame. And, yeah, if you if you don't know about it, you probably shouldn't tell me because it'll be upsetting.
We need names and numbers and addresses. Yeah. No. But, yeah, I do think, that was probably and I think redemption's a good word. I think it's reinvigorating too.
Like, you can't put out our, like, kind of
Well, I just felt that redemption kind of implied that that they did something wrong
to deserve it.
Yeah. So that's not It's probably a better one to know. The the deal. But, yeah, just that boost that morale boost. Yeah.
Because, you know, they're they're one of their, you know, pride and joy is their, hospitality Right. And, you know, the gift of of hosting celebratory
in the streets no less. Too. I mean, from
what In the streets. Yes. The street. Partying in the streets. That's what they're doing.
Like, you're gonna have to expect people are gonna have a parade in the street for
Mhmm. Yep.
Any random reason. It's it's part of the culture.
It happens every day. It's church. Yep. Yep. Graduation.
My draw. They will literally have a festival for anything.
I like that. You know, golf court where I live, there's parades like that in the street, and I'm sure it comes from that tradition. But when people get married at the casino, they do a parade down Mhmm. Down the little main street there.
They call it a second line. Okay. Fun fact. Well, it is
a fun fact. Mhmm. So they do that. They do that. Trumpets, and everybody does their you know, it's quite eclectic.
I love it. I think that everybody should carry on the second line if that's what it's all about. But, yeah, I liked I liked the Super Bowl. Everybody knows there was a lot of talk around Kendrick Lamar, and a lot of people were, like, confused. Of course, everyone's always disappointed, in the halftime show.
But I gotta say, at Popol's house, everybody was it felt like we were there, and the light play coming from the TV was so good. Mhmm. And I thought the choreography was really, like, compelling and engaging. And, of course, I like I like the song, so I was ready. Like, I was like, is he actually gonna do the one song that I know?
Loving it. Loved it. Love the look he gave the camera. I I love the whole thing and yeah. You know?
I I mean, I I I was a Kendrick Lamar, you know, favorite music already. So that that wasn't difficult for me. But, yeah, it's not surprising that there were a lot of people who just didn't get it. They don't, you know, they're not exposed to that type of music. They don't know about him.
They don't know Mhmm. Won a Pulitzer Prize, and he's a poet. And and, you know, some people just don't get rap, and, that's that's okay. You know, and I know some people took took the initiative of kinda looking up some of the lyrics and and trying to figure out what it was about, and I think that's cool. I think it's a good thing, to spark, discussion.
I mean, I'm a big fan of, like about the things that he
was talking about. Yeah. And, you know, I think it was pretty cool that, he got basically the biggest platform you can get as a musician, at least in this country. Yeah. So expensive.
Like, worth millions of dollars. Share his
message. Yeah. I think that's pretty cool because a lot of people would would never I mean, a lot of people still will will say it's stupid and and not, you know, not bother, of course. But I I think there was probably, a significant amount of people who learned a little bit that who maybe never would have intentionally exposed themselves to his music. Yeah.
I like that it's part of conversation. Yeah. And I think And
it changes the conversation from the current kind of,
like, you like this person?
Do you like this person? We're just yelling into the air kind of thing.
Yeah. And not just that. It just there's we've been talking about it for a couple of weeks now on the podcast, but there's just this tension that's been building, and we kind of were forecasting that last year when we looked at astrology and we looked at, numerology and feng shui, and we knew we were coming up on the age of Aquarius and period nine. And it was just we knew we were coming into an age of revolution. Things were gonna were were the very, very beginning.
So things are still very new and very unsettling. And everybody's picking up this you know, things are feeling different. It's off the beat. It feels uncomfortable. And I think I don't know, I think it's kind of gotten to a place where people feel, okay.
I wanna get a handle on like, I wanna get above all the noise. And Mhmm. Certainly, I think Super Bowl, for example, was a great just reprieve from some of the chaos. Like, I know it's important that we create our own joy in our lives and our own breaks, and our own generate our own creativity, but I felt like, okay. That was for us as a nation a good time to take a break.
Yeah. Well, I I grew up
in a football oriented lifestyle. You know? My dad was a a college football coach, so I've always kinda had, you know, a little philosophy going in my head that, like, football in America is kind of a unique a very unique entity in that it can bring people together who, you know, if you put them up in a in a room together for any any other reason, would not get along.
Yeah. That's a good point.
You know? And, football can certainly, you know, make peep pit people against each other. It's literally what it does, but it's it's definitely an interesting, if you've ever been to in college, I would argue is even more so like this. But if you've ever been to, like, a really big time, football game and just kinda see, you know, all the different LSU fans or or whoever it is. You know, and they're all joined in this one
in one common mission no matter how different their walks of life are, and it's it's it's pretty cool. It's pretty cool to see.
Yeah. It's neat. It's neat to have that much passion. So, like, I'm not involved in football culture in any way, and and, I have to be retaught football rules every time I watch a football game. Yeah.
But I do appreciate it for all the reasons that you say. It's everybody's focus intention is on something and is gathering people together from different backgrounds into one space. But I think it was just a very necessary reprieve and, like, a really it did have, like, you know, a lot of gratitude vibes, at least at the gathering I was at, you know, with all the food and the sharing of, like, you know, the the different food cultures from the two different teams. They have, like, local cuisine from the from the different teams, which I thought was so nice and just very conversational. And, the music music is so healing too.
So it was really cathartic. I thought it was great. But, so while we were preparing and before we hopped on, I knew we had, like, a little bit of, setback, getting hooked up as we do sometimes with electronics. I put pulled some I Ching around what is going on the energy right now, and then what can we really talk about to help support people that are listening in our audience, in a collaborative way. And it's really leaning into recognizing that we're in the calm before the shift, and how can we prepare for our own personal revolution in the best way.
So I think you and I, like, I've been using our, alignment assessment type of, where we generated that PDF that we shared inside of our closed and private Facebook group. I've been using that as a guideline for checking in with myself and my mindset, my body, my health, and then my surroundings, and using that to focus on business goals and family goals and relationship goals. So I think, you know, one thing that we can do is to kind of open up that conversation a little bit more here and talking about, like, okay. We're all feeling this major shift in energy. What does that mean?
Like, what does that mean to you? Do you feel it? Like, you're a Gemini.
I do. And I actually just thought of well, first of all, I was I was having this conversation, with a client of mine today, just about 2024 going into 2025 and how it seems like it could seem like on the surface, it was just a continuation of of the chaos and craziness of the 2024. But I said, I don't know. I kinda feel it differently. Like like, yeah, it's been, like, intense so far into 2025.
You're like, woah. Like, everything is but, you know, the the analogy that I got just while you were talking a little bit ago is actually the idea of, like, detoxification. Yes. So, well, you know how I mean, if you so use something very literal like, you know, detoxing from maybe an infectious process or even from, like, alcohol, which maybe a lot of people listening have experienced what that actually feels like. Or parasites.
Clean yeah. Parasites. Whatever the case may be. Or even if you're, like, clean deep cleaning a room, like, this applies, where as as the old, as the toxic makes its way up and out, you feel worse or the room looks worse for a time. And it's, you know, detoxing in in the body can feel painful and very uncomfortable and chaotic.
And Or you have, like,
eye off symptoms of, like Yeah. Yeah.
Exactly. And so there's a lot of opportunity, right, to kinda get lost in that chaos and just sort of stay in the toxin rather than to cultivate the calm with it to to realize that you're detoxing, right, or that you're preparing Yeah. For a transformation, for a new slate. And Mhmm. By by acknowledging that, you can then seek out the calm in that situation rather than you can say, okay.
I'm, like, basically, I knew this was gonna happen. I knew this was gonna happen. I didn't know exactly what it was gonna look like, but I knew I was gonna feel like shit for a second. So, you know, I I was prepared. I can I can use this this, you know, technique or another to maintain my calm because I know that what is on the other side of this extreme discomfort like, this discomfort, this detoxification had to do so in order for the sleep to be clear again?
Yeah. I mean, I think of, like so I got stuck on the whole candida thing because that was the last thing left left my mouth. But I was thinking about, like, okay. You feel that dial period, and you have to kinda get back to that clean state. I mean, you have flu symptoms and you feel depleted and but yet you know that's what you were expecting in order to get healthy again.
You start
So you're prepared. You can nourish yourself. You can do yoga and meditation and breath
work. Area.
You can sleep. Right? Like, you can do thing, other things to support your detox pathways, take supplements and whatnot. Or you could freak out and go, oh my god, you know, I I am doing this sauna or whatever I'm doing to detox, my body, but, oh, god, like, it looks I feel bad, like, and then and then, you know, potentially, take actions that instead just make your situation worse. Yeah.
Instead of bringing you out of the detoxification into the other side, or you you go to you you know, you're you're spring cleaning the the room, and then you look around and you realize that because you've you've taken everything out of its place to deep clean, it just looks crazy all of a sudden and then you freak out and you stop cleaning the room or whatever.
Yeah. Yeah. Or I mean or you freak out and you cling to what you knew before, so you just abandon everything. You're like, oh, this is totally just comfortable. You're just forwarding.
Bonds and whatever. Yeah. Yeah. I think that's a really good analogy, like, talking about where we come from and and how we look at testing our lives and our health. So, like, the other the other way to look at it is preparing for this transformation.
So and I know you're like we were just talking. You have a major planetary shift in your chart being Gemini. And that's a huge that's Jupiter, huge planet. This is gonna be a really auspicious year for you, and we're in this year of the wood snake. So that's all about what you're saying, you know, shedding and letting go of things that no longer serve and, waiting for the times to be more precise and to be more calculating, and maneuvering around, being flexible, all these things.
So can you are you able to relate that to, either developing a fitness routine or, you know, is that can you see, like, a linking to our bodies in terms
of fit? Yeah. Of course.
mean, you know, a lot of a lot of, going on a health and fitness journey is about creating all these micro transformations within your body in order to create the the big transformation. Right? So that that, you know, there's all kinds of processes you could you could look at in this, journey to to become held and fit. Right? Healthy and fit, which means different things for for different people.
But in order to get from point a to point b, you have to create little transformations within the body, within your habits and routines, the the whole time, every single day. So one of the best okay. So one of the easiest examples to illustrate is, let's say, the process of building muscle, which is one of the things that needs to happen. Basically, no matter what your health and fitness goals are, you wanna build some muscle mass. So, and that is a literal transformation.
Right? It's it's making making more of a of a of a tissue. So in order to do that, you have to, you know you you do. You have to be like the the snake and and kinda hang back for a minute, be calculated. You have to make a plan.
You have to structure structure a plan. Right? You gotta know how you're gonna get from point a to point b, at least if you wanna get there efficiently. And then you take the calculated actions. Right?
You strike as a snake. You lift the weights. You do the reps. And then you don't just keep going. You don't just keep keep lifting weights nonstop to try to build muscle.
You then have to stop. Right. Recover, which is where the actual building of the tissue happens. So that's that calm before the transformation. Right?
You have to take that intentional time to recover and to nourish Mhmm. Rather than okay. So if we're gonna go into that, analogy where you could take the opposite route and instead of embracing the calm that is required to complete the transformation, you freak out and you go, oh god. My muscles are sore or, you you know, whatever. Or I didn't I didn't create this result overnight, so I'm just gonna keep I'm just gonna keep doing it.
I'm just gonna keep doing it. I'm just gonna keep doing it. I'm just gonna keep doing it. I'm just gonna keep doing it. I'm just gonna keep exercising.
You know? And, and then you just sorta, get lost in that in that spot. It depletes you. But And you don't really get to, yeah, it depletes you and ultimately sends you backwards rather than, allowing you to fully complete that game.
Like, we talk about a lot. It's that hamster wheel that can apply to fitness, that can be applied to work where you get on this, you know, grind that's not healthy for anyone, but it just looks like that's what everybody should be doing. So I think you're so just to give everybody background information, the that, came about today was hexagram nine. Favorite number. Shout out.
Hexagram nine is gentle restraint. And then shifting into hexagram 49, which is revolution. And the whole story of it is about needing small refinements to lead to your major shifts. Small refinements, major shifts. And people don't people.
I say people. Humans, we think more and harder to make the major shifts when, in fact, owning up that year of the snake and I said
snake. Like, I'm
a snake. Small refinements and adjustments. They're, like, more delicate. You don't need to Yeah. Out or, like, break yourself down Yeah.
Thinking that's gonna make the best shift for yourself. Yeah. And just, like, reinforces what we've been talking about, in our episodes leading up into this point is trusting the timing. So what you just said, it's not something that's gonna happen, nor should we expect things to happen overnight just because we hear or see these stories of miraculous things happening overnight, whether, it's your nutrition or your fitness or your goals for your business or what you desire to achieve in your home or your life or your relationships. It's not linear, and it doesn't happen in, quote, unquote, perfect timing.
No matter what you
are. So much time.
So much energy. If you So
If you keep yourself attached to that timing. Yeah. Because that is the piece that you have absolutely no control over. And that is hard as shit. Like, let's not, Yeah.
Like, that is super hard, especially, you know, depending on what situation you're talking about. Just as as a person, that can be really hard to, let go of the attachment to a particular timing or a particular outcome. It can be super hard. But it's it's necessary, and it's liberating, in terms of of stress relief, and we all need every bit of stress relief that we can muster in this.
Yeah. So I think it's helpful. Like, I'm just thinking of ways that we can reinforce, owning these small refinements more in our own personal breakdown. It's it's like the habit stacking.
That's what it reminds me of. It either habit stacking and or, like, that idea, like, muscle building of hormetic stressors, meaning you apply a very intentional amount of stress just enough to create a little bit of damage. Right?
Mhmm. Mhmm.
And then pull back so that that little bit of damage gets a little bit of repair, but with with finesse. Mhmm. So that you're not just, like, coming at it with a machete and then being like, you know, transform now. No. You're just kidding me.
And I think in terms, like, we've always talked about having good boundaries for ourselves with others, but also for our own expectation. So that means, like, if someone's got grand expectations for you to have something miraculous done on a short amount of time, you it's possible you could do it, but maybe explain and create some boundaries there and saying, you know, why, you're moving in the calculating, refining way that you are to have the best transformation. And that could be your body. It could be a space. It could be, a project that you're working on.
So I think for me personally, I'll be using the word refinement a lot more in this time. So it makes a lot of sense that yeah. I pulled some information in just because we'd like to talk about, all the different types of energies that that we consider influencing us. And this week, if you're listening right now on time as this is being released, the full moon is in Leo on February 12. And that's told to be a time for clarity and expression.
So we know that, you know, that makes sense for the Super Bowl and a time
for expression. The moon looked crazy this morning, by the way.
It's in? Yeah. I didn't It did. Didn't notice. It's probably best I didn't
look at it. I took a picture, but, of course, it It
never shows a thing. Does it jump?
My new phone claims I can photograph the moon, but we'll see about that. It's also a big Mercury, Uranus or Uranus or how do you wanna say it?
Shake up. So that's
a time for major mental breakthroughs. So this is
I was gonna say mental breakdown, so it's not right.
The breakdown could be a breakthrough, and it could feel unsettling. And then from Shui period nine, we're about, like, a year into a year or two into the period nine. It's fire element and transformation and innovation. And within the year of the wood snake, we just talked about a little bit of that. We're a sneaky snakes right now, and we're gonna own the calculating refinement and shifting and shedding.
And preparing for this major evolution, and this could be on a personal level and a global level. The the big thing that I think you and I try to do together is try to get above all the noise. And when there's a big change happening, it's like, how do we look at this from a higher level perspective and put ourselves around people who are thinking above that so we don't get swept up and carried away
in all the minutia. Yeah. It's all about, I think, managing the nervous system. Mhmm. Really.
That's a good point.
You know? If you can keep that, if you can keep some some, you know, methods in your back pocket that resonate with you, whatever kind of breath work or little, you know, meditations or whatever you do. There's a million different things, that could resonate with you, but definitely have those, in your back pocket ready to go. Because I think as long as we can keep our nervous system under control, then we can we can manage our emotions.
You know, I am so glad you said that. Please. That's something that we overlook a lot of times. Well, I know you don't, but as humans, we can overlook our nervous system. And I'm sorry.
I can't remember her name off the top of my head, but, the guest that we had come in that did the yoga. It's out. We should have her back.
She's popped into my mind today, coincidentally, and I was going to reach out to her in January. I think that was, like, our benchmark to have her come back in, but I think she would add some real value, too, just building on what we know foundationally. But, yeah, I like those signs for what you look in, in your body in terms of, your nervous system being dysregulated.
So quick, quick little breathing exercise that anybody can do that is, mostly, borrowed from. But, like, you'll you'll notice that, like, your dog does this, like, right before it's going to sleep, basically. But if you take two kind of big sips in, through the nose and then a long exhale out through the mouth and maybe do that I like to do it kinda like three two or three times in a row, like, when I'm laying down to go to sleep, that will activate the rest and digest or the parasympathetic nervous system.
You know what? I like that. And, you know, I noticed that something that people do when they're crying. Like, at the end of crying, that's, like, the two sixes in the Yeah. You know?
Yeah. Yeah. It's, like, very cleansing way to breathe. That's really neat. Yeah.
I think also in terms of our nervous system being dysregulated is looking around to your environment as well too to see what is our our environment is a mirror to our inner selves. So if we're seeing things clutter in certain areas of piling up, that would be a flag to you that something's either stagnant or needs repair. So doing that feng shui scan, taking a look at I mean, the obvious thing people always go to is is decluttering, but also things that are in disrepair or ignored or or dirty windows. Right? Dirty windows.
You know, I was thinking I need to call my, cleaning crew back and have them come through and especially it feels so good to have your windows cleaned. It makes such a big improvement because of how much light is filtered through. The space feels bigger. Your crystals and your mirrors reflect more. The animals love it, and we do.
It makes us feel better and and and punctuate the eyes to the the eyes of your building are your windows. So having that cleaned allows you to see better opportunities, and can help you be more creative in terms of thinking of solution oriented versus problems. So I think that's that's a good win. Yeah. So certain areas being congested or feeling off or, I mentioned ignored.
So many homes I've been in, since the beginning of this year. I've noticed that people are like, oh, we just don't go in that room. Or this office, we have these desks set up, but we don't go in there. It's just like a ignored, energetic space. Yeah.
But oftentimes, that's in a very important area. You know, unused two office desk, unused in your abundant squab, probably not good at that's not a good, thing to do for your office. So make that something that's a little more active, intentional, something that you'd like to look at instead of ignoring. And that goes for, like, ignoring piles of mail, bills, taxes.
Oh, I yeah. That's my that's my jam. I know.
That's my jam too. But at least, like, meet
piles of nail. It's shuffle your piles of nail.
But we know that this big transformation is coming on a global scale, but also it's happening for us in a personal level as well too. So a lot of us may get those downloads during this week as indicated by the astrology. And and, again, I'm not an expert that's going based on, like, Google and friends and podcasts and YouTube that I'm listening to. And I know this a big year for Gemini, by the way, I keep saying. Mhmm.
You're you're supposed to have a huge major lucky transformation in terms of leadership, but I think it's really just taking ownership and accountability. And don't miss your opportunities that now I'm not not just talking to you, Emily. I'm talking to everybody
and myself included. Right. Everybody can can harness this energy.
Yeah. We're accountable. Alright. It's big Kendrick Lamar energy if we're being honest.
Kendrick Lamar is a notable famous Gemini
Who is who is harnessing the expansion, the energy of, challenging establishments and revolution and, speaking out and and getting your message out there. Can you accidentally without, you know, fear of He is so consequence or retaliation. So much bravery. Joy and mis mischievousness. So
Yeah. Like, he was so playful about it. And that's that's what I liked. It's like, you know, they were showing glimpses of him sitting on the Cadillac and stuff, you know, leading up to the performance. And he could have been so nervous knowing There's a he was Right.
Right? But, you know,
he had a very just especially when when when you're in the flow, there's a very comedic and clown like, streak to to that Gemini energy. So Yeah. When it when it's clicking, when you're in that moment and you're in the pinnacle and you're like, I am at my version of the Super Bowl halftime show, like, it's it's just, you know, and anybody it's this is not just a Gemini thing. Anybody can harness this, but it's like, you you know, it's not overexcitement. You you get that kind of funny just Very poignant.
Satisfaction. Yeah. Yeah. Almost mischievous. Almost childlike.
I like that. Yeah. I mean, it's like if you're gonna make a scene, own it and really lean into it. And I think everybody in that show knew that. They, like, they fully committed to everything that nobody's ever seen before, and it made a lot of people, like you know?
But I it's better to be in a discerning energy than to people pleasing energy, I think, in this energy that we're moving through right now. And I would recommend anybody who's seeking to prepare for this energy of revolution evolution on a personal level or to get above all the global noise to join us inside of the conscious collaboration collective, our close and private Facebook group. Emily and I have been sharing information in there. There's this really cool download you can download. So that can help you to build your own personal practice of aligning your mindset and your body work, and we all have those goals.
And then also translating that into your space to reinforce whatever this evolution or next iteration of you comes out of shedding this snake skin, and I'm I'm gonna own the snakey snake.
Snakey snake. If you don't know what we're talking about, just Google I'm a snake.
I'm a snake. It's on Instagram. Yep. To
You're welcome. You're welcome. I'm pretty sure it's on all the things now. I'm pretty sure adorable. The GIFs and memes and enough.
Yeah. If Google I'm a snake.
Just wanna say too, if you really, so in Feng Shui and Chinese astrology that the snake is no also known as a tiny dragon. But if you wanna really own this energy a little bit more in your space, Google snake print. There's wallpaper. There's pillows. Like, they're really cool and can bring, like, a fierce vibe, I think, and it can be done in, like, any aesthetic.
And it's not it doesn't look like a Chinese restaurant. I I promise you. It's actually very cool in Honduras. You know, so I think just to reinforce when you look around and scan your environment, like, yeah, I'm transforming, and I'm a snake. So I'm shifting
a snake. Just shout it out wherever you are. And
And if you guys so if you guys have a shift that you're going through or transformation or something that you're seeking, let us know inside of that group, and I promise you everybody in there is vetted, handpicked, selected to be in there. You're one of our listeners, and everybody's so nice whenever someone speaks up and encouraging. And I'm actually meeting someone at 04:30 that's talking about a personal shift in transition, and I bet it has everything to do about this energy. And I know, Emily, you've been telling me the people that are coming into your studio are on their own transition, transformation journeys as well too. So Oh, yeah.
We see you. We can't hear you, but you guys can hear us. So
In in today's brilliant words.
Right. How many times can
see each other, but you guys can't see it.
That's brilliant. And sometimes that I've met people, like, out at a party or wherever, and they're listening to the podcast and come, like, how do they know me so well?
Right. They start finishing your sentences. You're like,
so we know you. I do. I feel like I know you, and you know a lot about me. So I would love to meet you. Come inside of the Facebook group so we can get to know a little bit more about you.
So Yeah. That's it. That's all I've got for today. How about you?
That's all I have to say about the house.
Oh my gosh. So
Oh, I have a fungus gum. Yes.
I have a final thought. Okay. Ready? Okay.
I like that.
You ready for
this? Final thought, Emily? I'm gonna try to pick it after this shit.
I'm building up too much to this. It's making me laugh. Are you ready? I'm fine. Change isn't something that happens.
It's something we prepare for. The stronger, clear, and more aligned we are now, the more powerfully we can step into the transformation that's waiting for
us. Yeah. That means get your own shit together. Don't worry about everybody else's shit. Loud and obnoxious as it might be.
Yeah. And, you know, worry about your worry about yourself. Worry about yourself. Worry about your own message, your own authenticity, your own true purpose and path forward. And be a snake.
Snakey snake.
Alright. Alright, Emily. We'll talk to you in five. Thanks for listening, everybody.
Talk to you in five, guys. Bye. Bye.
Thank y'all so much for listening to our podcast. If you haven't yet, please be sure to subscribe, rate, review, and share with all your friends so they can join our circle of collaboration on this journey. You can find us on Instagram at conscious collaboration podcast on Spotify, iTunes, and Audible to name a few. Please join us next time for another deep dive into how you can live life in more alignment, mind, body, and business. Send us your questions and comments in our DMs or email us at