
We're (Me're) 43 episodes in. What's next?

What is hx-pod?

Join me while I learn HTMX and talk at you about it
Twitter: @htmxlabs


So I want to talk about what's next with the podcast, with h x pod. We've been going through the attributes, and by we, I mean me. I've been going through the attributes, and first of all, if you are hearing this, thank you for listening. I don't know who you are or where in the world you are. But I, I really do appreciate it.


So this podcast has kind of an unusual format. It's almost more of a documentation reference than a podcast. You know, I mean, each episode is about 10 minutes long, and it really is covering just one specific thing. I've been doing the bonus episodes, you know, but primarily, the main episodes are just these sort of short snippets about one particular focus thing, and, you know, very tech heavy. This is not like, oh, just some random person will pick it up and be like, yeah, this is a really fun podcast.


So I don't know how useful it is to listen to a new attribute each episode if you aren't currently working on something with that attribute. I don't know the answer to that. My hope is that each episode is kind of like a building block of knowledge, and even if it doesn't fully fit into place when you listen to it right now, you might remember it and be able to come back to it, or or it will spark something that, you know, if you're if you're working in HTMX then maybe it will be kind of, in this in the right realm to make sense and to add something new. And that's kind of what it's done for me is going through these each attribute. I've discovered stuff that I just never knew about, and now I use on a regular basis.


So it's it is hard to ignore, though, that the most popular episodes, and I don't, you know, I don't try to look too much at the stats. I that's like kind of I want to sort of put that aside a little bit. But it is hard to ignore the most popular episodes have been the conversations. And I've done a few of those. Some of them are longer.


Some of them are shorter. But I get that. That's what most podcasts are. You know, it's people talking about people talking to their friends, people talking to their coworkers, especially tech podcasts. You know, they're fun.


You chat. I really like those, so I'm going to do more of those, but I am not going to stop going through every single part of h t m x that I can. So we're done with the attributes. So what does that mean going through, all the different parts? So here's what we haven't done, what I haven't done.


I don't know why I say we all the time, like this is some operation with multiple people. It's just right now. It's just me. I don't know why I say we. I really don't.


Okay. The royal we. So here's the things we haven't done, I haven't done. 1, the custom h t m x headers. So these are the special headers request and response that are available with the h t m x, and they do just different things.


There's lots of different little things you can do with these custom headers, which is not exactly obvious. You don't you real I don't really use headers that often in other contexts, so I'm interested to get into those and see what sort of stuff you can do with the headers. I already know a few of them, but, I haven't gone a deep dive on these yet. So that's going to be part of the next, several episodes. So the the headers is is 1.


Number 2 is the extensions. So these are really really useful parts of HTMX. Some of them used to be in the core, as I understand it, and some of them might be in the core again, depending on, you know, what sort of needs to be there. And then these are extensions that either other people can write or they're written by the creator of HTMX. I don't really know what the details on some of the extensions are, but I know that, they really serve specific purposes and specific use cases.


I know there's, like, a debugging extension. There's, like, sockets extension. So we're gonna go through every single extension that's available. That's that's number 2. Number 3 is the patterns.


So patterns and by patterns I just mean episodes on building a modal, you know, a little pattern of something you do, or a calendar, or a notification system, or infinite scroll, any of the sort of dozens of little solutions that people figure out, and, you know, maybe the bigger patterns of how to structure an application. I haven't really decided yet on what sort of patterns those are going to be. You know, big, small, I want to keep the episodes sort of focused on, you know, these sort of 10 minute snippets too, so I don't want to get too deep on some of them. But, you know, that's something when you're actually building something and you can go and and just look up an episode and find one of these ones, find one of these patterns, and we and I'll, you know, try and talk about how that would be built with h t m x. And then number 4, just tips and tricks.


So these are kind of like light patterns, but maybe even more focused. So there's a lot of stuff. And and, you know, mixed into that, I also wanna talk about kind of the I've done some episodes on just the the ethos of building, this kind of simplified building style. So these are those are gonna continue to be spooky. They're kind of bonus episodes.


And I also want to just have more conversations with more people building stuff with h t m x. I want to hear about h t m x and different stacks being used for different reasons. I want to hear about what's happening out there in the wilds of the internet. I want to have some fun with it. So, you know, that's that is fun to just kind of talk to people about what they're building and, you know, maybe even talk about my own experience building things on the web, which I've done in a few episodes.


But mainly I want to highlight people's projects using h t m x out there, because I think it is useful to hear, because h t m x is still so new. It is you know, it's got it has not been around long enough to, to really sort of be part of the full conversation of this stuff. But I think that it is going to be. That's just my, you know, that's why I'm here. That's why I'm doing this.


I think this is this has changed the way I run my business. I haven't really done a project that doesn't use h t m x for the last few months, and that's just because it fits into everything right now. So I think this is just the beginning. I've been basically shamelessly mining this gigantic hypermedia systems book for content, for the podcast, And, I mean, this book is great and it's huge, so we are nowhere near done. So anyway, I'm excited and thank you for listening.


I hope you're excited too and, yeah. Be on the lookout for some the next big thing is going to be a bunch of episodes about the request and response headers.