Well Designed: A Human Design Podcast

In this episode of Well Designed, hosts Brandi Healy and Kyle Wood dive into practical tips for each Human Design type. From Projectors to Manifesting Generators, they offer personalized strategies for living in alignment with your type, covering everything from balancing rest and work to understanding how to navigate relationships and energy more effectively. 

Whether you're a Projector learning to manage your energy, a Manifestor learning to initiate, or a Generator looking to stay lit up, this episode is packed with valuable, actionable tips for every Human Design type. 

Creators & Guests

Brandi Healy
Co-Host of Well Designed
Kyle Wood
Co-Host of Well Designed

What is Well Designed: A Human Design Podcast?

A podcast that helps health and wellness professionals find more ease in their work. Each episode we'll look at challenges that you might face in running your own business and how human design can help.

Kyle Wood: Go B to

the Izzle.

Brandi Healy: That should be the intro.

Welcome to Well Designed.

I am your host, B to the Izzle,
apparently, according to Kyle.

Or Brandy, or B, whatever.

You know, whatever, how you feel.

And I'm here with my co host Kyle.

Kyle, how are you?

Kyle Wood: Hello, I am good.

Uh, as we were just saying it's been
good to catch up because we recorded

those first few episodes close together
and then We've been um busy again.

So it's good to It's good to chat
after a couple weeks of not Getting

to catch up as well as face to face
as we can get through the screen

Brandi Healy: Yeah, it was nice.

And it was also nice to take time off.

Kyle Wood: Yeah.

Yeah, we'll,

Brandi Healy: Yeah.

Kyle Wood: we'll be talking
about that today, won't we?

Brandi Healy: We most certainly will.

We most certainly will.

So, you know, I think part of us doing
this podcast and really trying to honor

our own designs as projectors, honoring
what we have the energy for in the moment.

And so sometimes, That means that
we don't have the energy for this.

And it's very nice to be
supported by another person.

And in this case, you know,
Kyle, who we've been doing this

podcast together for a year now.

Can you believe it?

Kyle Wood: Yeah, I was thinking about

Brandi Healy: year ago.

Kyle Wood: Yeah.

Brandi Healy: But, you know, on days
when we're like, I'm not feeling it.

It's like, I hear you.

That's cool.

Like we can absolutely, you know,
reschedule or sometimes we pump each

other up and we're like, you know what?

Now that we're talking again, like
I'm feeling it, I can pull through,

but you know, like we've talked about
before, like in relationships, it's so

good to know your own design and the
people close to you so that you can have

those really transparent conversations.

And it's helpful to understand like what
your needs are So to support yourself

so that you can kind of be in flow
with your type and with your design.

So today we decided that we were going to
share a few tips for each type on how to

embody your type, how to live your type.

Kyle Wood: Yeah, it's so easy and
even for me the last couple of weeks

To get pulled out of, like, your type
of how you emit your, you most naturally

do things and operate, uh, and start
trying to do things and operating like

the people around you or like for me how
I think, you know, I should be operating.

Um, and the good thing about this
being a challenge recently is that it's

really given me another opportunity
to be like, how do I want to shop?

Like when, when do I want to work?

And if we throw all of the rules
out the window and just take this

on as like a total projector.

Um, what does it look like?

Uh, with some of the, you know, some
of the constraints still in there,

like having small kids and things
like that, but then, you know,

how do I want that to be as well?

And what do I want to model
for them, especially having one

child who's also a projector.

So speaking of projectors, we were
thinking we'd start with A few

tips for projectors and work our
way through the different types.

Brandi Healy: I think that, you know,
just to start it off, one I kind of

already mentioned is just, I think as
a projector, it's so important that.

the people in your life really under
like support and understand your needs

and so Really being discerning about
who you kind of let let into your

circle And making sure that the people
that you're spending time with like

feel good, that they feel naturally
energizing, that you feel very seen

by them and that, you know, you're not
feeling drained by spending time with

people or feeling pressured to operate.

like them, you know, if they are
consistent doers or, you know, are really

trying to push you outside of what you
have the energy for versus, you know,

being supported by people who understand,
um, that your needs might be different

from theirs and, and really respect that.

Kyle Wood: Yeah.


Something comes to mind.

Something about this that we, I don't
think we can speak about publicly.

But where you just recently did
this, um, You just recently did

this very well, uh, in terms of,

Yeah, we definitely want to operate with
people where that invitation is there.

So, paying attention to that.

And I had a realisation recently
that, again, sorry listeners,

something I probably can't speak
about on here, but, uh, but speaking

Brandi Healy: Everyone's like,
why are they so hush hush?


Kyle Wood: there's nothing
that dramatic, it's just

You know, we don't need to
air all the dirty laundry.

Um, but I had the same thing where I
realized I was really trying to get

recognition from a certain group of
people and realized that there wasn't

much recognition happening there and, you
know, there wasn't an invitation there.

And when I was able to realize that
and how much energy I was putting

into that and I was like, Oh, actually
over here is where I want that.

The energy and recognition and things
started clicking again for me as

well by just um shifting that so


Brandi Healy: Yeah,
that recognition is key.

And, you know, again, spending time with
people that feel good versus draining.

I think those are, you know,
two big ones for projectors.

What's another one?

Kyle Wood: I had For projectors, which
is kind of in the same vein as this

but practicing saying no Because We're
waiting for the invitation But we're

not going to notice that invitation
when it comes if we're, if we've filled

our schedule to the brim with things.

So practicing the art of saying no
to things, and I just saw in an email

today, actually someone else, which
they, it was a quote they were sharing

of someone else's, but it was your
no is as meaningful as your yes.

Brandi Healy: Oh, I love that.

Kyle Wood: Yeah.

It takes a minute.

You're like thinking about it.

And, and yeah, the whole thing was like.

You know, we think saying yes is the gift
that we're giving people, but sometimes

the gift we're giving people is our no,
especially as non sacral sort of types.

Um, We've only got so much to give.

I was trying to explain this to
my friend the other day, and he

still won't give me his birth date,
so I can't look up his chart, but

I'm pretty sure he's a generator.

And he was just like, no, no, no,
just take everything on, and I

figure like, I'll rest at some point.

And I'm like, that's
such a generator thing.

I'm like, I'll take everything on, and
then either get sick or be so miserable

that I can't enjoy any of these wonderful
things that are happening for me anyway.

So, space.

Saying no, creating space is the
thing that, for me as a projector,

helps me get back in tune with
my project uh, projectedness.

Brandi Healy: Yeah, I would say the
last one is, you know, as a projector,

giving yourself that permission to
rest and really understanding that

the more rest that you allow, the more
effective you'll be when you do get those

bursts of energy.

Um, and You know, that's still one that
I, that I think I certainly struggle with.

Kyle Wood: Yeah.

Brandi Healy: but I think, even though
it's something that I still struggle

with, I can also see where I've

put a priority on it and
it has come a long way.


where I was a few years ago.

I think I am allowing a lot more time
for rest, a lot more space, as you said.

Um, and I'm saying no to more.

Kyle Wood: Yeah.

Brandi Healy: in order, because I do
have a lot of things on my plate, and

those things are important to me, and
I want to have the energy to do them.

So it's kind of the things that fall
outside of that wheelhouse are almost

like, a lot of times an automatic
no, unless it's like something that I

feel, you know, really pulled toward.

But if it's not, you know, if that
imitation isn't there, if that

recognition isn't there, if I don't,
you know, feel like that's really going

to serve me, then it, you know, it
has to be a no so I can save my energy

for the things that are important.

Kyle Wood: Mm hmm.


I think that's the big one there.


Uh, do you want me to go first?

Brandi Healy: Please.

Kyle Wood: So, so I had an interesting
one because, um, so for manifestors,

what, so I'll just read out what I had.

So focus on output, not reactions.

So what do I mean by that?

I mean, as a manifester, you're
going to rub people the right

way, they'll love you, but you're
going to rub them the wrong way.

So if you are purely focusing on
what's coming back to you, I mean

one that's not the way you should
be operating as a manifester anyway,

um, because you're, you're here to
initiate and show people the way.

So focus on like, you know
what needs to be done, you know

what the world needs to see.

So focus on bringing that out
into the world and not so much on.

what the world is giving back to you.


So for, for you, cause then that's,
you're sort of sliding into that,

trying to operate like a generator
where you're like reacting to what's

happening and things like that.

Whereas the manifesto, yeah.

So that's why my thing was like more
on outputs and more on what you're

sharing rather than, um, what's coming
back to you and then trust that what

you're sharing as a manifesto will
be received by the right people.

Brandi Healy: Yeah, as manifestors,
you know, they're, they're really

here to initiate the rest of us,
not necessarily the ones to be doing

the doing or doing the execution.

It's really to get

the ball rolling.

Um, and

it's important for the,
you know, Oh, go ahead.

Kyle Wood: yeah, I said that would
be the caveat then, which is like

what you just said, initiating.

Uh, but then yes, but then let go of the,
the actual bringing that thing to life

Brandi Healy: Yeah.

And, you know.

Kyle Wood: to the end of the project.

Brandi Healy: Exactly.


And it's like, that's why it's, you
know, when we talked about projectors,

like the type of people that are
going to be supportive to them, I

think for manifestors, you know, the
type of people that are going to be

supportive to you are the ones that
are going to really respect you.

that initiation, appreciate that
initiation, desire that initiation,

and like, you know, buy into your
vision and, you know, support you

by, by helping you carry it through
or putting you into connections with

people that can help you execute it.

And I think it's important for manifestors
to also like, you know, really pay

attention to maybe where they're not
allowing themselves to initiate, you

know, where are they keeping themselves
kind of small, you know, in order

to kind of maintain the status quo
or sustain like the norm and, you

know, where can they, you know, give
themselves that permission to really

follow those urges that they have

and take action?

Kyle Wood: Yeah, and this, I mean,
this could be for everyone, but

trust, trust yourself would be what
I'd say with the, the manifesto.

Like you usually know it's okay for
you to ask for other people's opinions,

but when you're, I think taking
other people's advice, you have to be

careful of that because usually you'll
know what the right path is for you.

would you agree with that, Brandy?

Brandi Healy: Yes, yes.

And again, this goes for all types.

It's about using your authority,
you know, to figure out what

are those yeses for you?

What are those no's for you?

For manifestors, using your authority
to really help you decide what are

the urges that you want to follow?

What are the urges that, you know,
you want to see come to fruition?

Kyle Wood: Yeah.

And we will definitely do another
one of these on authority.

'cause I think that'd be fun too.

Brandi Healy: Oh yeah,
that would be a good one.

Make a note of that.

Alright, should we talk reflectors?

Kyle Wood: Yes.

We need to talk

Brandi Healy: And it was funny, because
before we, before we started recording,

you know, we were kind of musing a bit,
and we were like, poor reflectors, like,

is it just going to be like, be alone?

Because they're so sensitive.

And they're like, no, that is
not the advice for reflectors.

However, you know, we, we.

did speak to the importance of, you
know, again, for all types, there are

different reasons why, you know, being
in your own energy can be supportive.

The reason that it's, you know,
I think a little bit more,

uh, it should be a focus for
reflectors is because they are

amplifying the energy that they're in.

So whether it is, you know, spending time
with their family, being out in the world.

working when they're engaging with
others or really amplifying the energy

of that person or of that space.

So time alone really gives them that
opportunity to reconnect with themselves

and kind of separate themselves from
the energy that they were in and kind

of, you know, come back to how they're
feeling, what they're thinking, um,

and you know, and and kind of separate.


Kyle Wood: like a meal alone.

Like go to a.

A cafe or a restaurant that they
really love the, the space, or it

might even be like, you know, a picnic,
like a sandwich, you know, that they

make at home take to a spot, you
know, outside that they really like.

But doing that, like making that a thing
they do every week, especially if they

live with other people, uh, and work
with other people where they're around

people a lot, um, and having to engage
with those people, going somewhere

like that, where they can just sit.

Be themselves.

Enjoy the space.

I think could be a very, um, that could
really help them get back, get some

Brandi Healy: a, a nourishing practice

for sure.

I think, you know, it's just important
that there's a balance with, between time

with people and time alone and, you know,
similar to like a, a projector, it's about

honoring the ebbs and flows of your energy
and really taking rest when you need it.


Kyle Wood: Hmm.

Brandi Healy: And because
reflectors amplify the energy that

they are in, it's important that
they're, you know, realizing that

one of their gifts is fluidity.

It's, you know, when they're around me,
they might show up like a projector.

When they're around a generator,
they might show up like a generator.

And, you know, there can be times
where they might, you know, make

themselves wrong for showing up
differently in different spaces.

And so I think something to be reminded
of, and a question that reflectors

can really ask themselves is, you
know, like, who do I feel like today?

Or, you know, what feels like
most like me in this moment?

And just giving themselves permission
to really honor that, even if

it looks different from the day
before, or even the hour before.

Kyle Wood: Yeah.



Anything else in reflectors?

Brandi Healy: No, I think that's it.

Do you have anything else?

Kyle Wood: No.

I think we're ready for
the, the Energizer bunnies.

Brandi Healy: Yes!

Our generators.

and our manifesting generators.

So, for generators and manifesting
generators, you know, a lot of these

are going to hold true for both.

So, we're going to start by sharing the
ones that are kind of universal for both.

So, Kyle, do you want to start it off?

Ha ha ha

Kyle Wood: had, uh, Stop
shoulding on yourself.

I like that that's a really good way
to get out of alignment as a generator.

Because you've got this energy that
you might feel like you need to use up.

You can end up filling that with things
that you think you should be doing.

Uh, but your goal is not to
just use your energy up for the

sake of using your energy up.

Your goal is really to use your
energy on the things that really

light you up, um, and excite you.

So, don't, yeah, if you, if you catch
yourself being like, Oh, I should do

this, I should do that, you know, I
mean, that's good advice for all of us,

but I think particularly for generators.

Brandi Healy: I think that, you know,
the big one for, for generators and

manifesting generators, when you find
yourself in those moments, you know,

just like we talked about with projectors
earlier, it's like, it's that saying no.

And I think what's tricky for people
with a defined sacral center is like,

you have all this energy, but like,
give yourself that permission that

sometimes doing nothing is better
than doing something you don't enjoy.

Kyle Wood: Mm

Brandi Healy: Because in that pause,
it gives that, it gives you that space

to use your strategy of responding to
things and to allow things that might

excite you and might be more interesting
and might be more fulfilling, um,

if you say no to the things that,
you know, are going to drain you.

Kyle Wood: Yeah.

Brandi Healy: And I think it's important
that just like remembering and you know,

as Kyle said, instead of shooting all over
yourself, really paying attention to what

your gut is naturally pulling you towards.

Like what is lighting you up?

Like what is giving you that full bodied?


Kyle Wood: Yeah.

Uh, and can I add to that?

Brandi Healy: Please.

Kyle Wood: So in, I want to just say
in that what I want also wanna say

add who, like who to that as well.

That's something I had down.

So like, who are your people?

Like who are the people who can meet?

Your level for enthusiasm or can hold
space for your level of enthusiasm.

So not the people who are like

questioning, you know, making you feel
like hesitant about yourself or doubting

yourself, or why would you do that?

What's, what are you doing this for?

But the people who are, who, when you
say, yes, I want to do this thing,

they're like, that sounds amazing.

I want to do that too.


Brandi Healy: hype person?

Kyle Wood: Or who just asked
you really good questions.

Like, Oh, that's interesting.

Um, where do you think you'll start?

You know, who, who, who, uh, I
can't think of any questions off

the top of my head, but yes, so
those people ask good questions.

Cause they're probably like
the projectors in your life who

are there to help guide you.

So yeah, that was, yeah, something I, it's
important for generators and manifesting

generators is to like really think about
like, who are those people in my life.

Am I prioritizing spending
time with those people?

Um, you talked earlier about
people who like drain you.



Brandi Healy: hmm

Kyle Wood: yeah, we need to also focus
on those people who, who also like,

Brandi Healy: Who energizes

Kyle Wood: who energize us and who,
and can hold, I think it's a generator

method too, who can hold that energy.

Cause sometimes you'll get burnt out,
other burnt out generators or non sacral

beings, I feel like who are trying to like
tone you down as a generator and being

like no no no don't do that or you know
like they're trying to like bring you back

down to their level yet when you're trying
to get in alignment with your type it's

not helpful to spend lots of time those

Brandi Healy: generators, you know, a lot
of those are going to hold true for you

but I think there are a few others for
manifesting generators to consider and I

think a big one is really just Manifesting
generators is giving yourself that

permission to pivot When that excitement
isn't there for something anymore, whether

it's a job a connection, you know, a
hobby, a collaboration, really taking

stock of, you know, am I still as excited?

Am I still excited about this?

Is it still lighting me up?

And like, you know, really recognizing
that one of your gifts is that

ability to let things go and pivot.

Um, and recognizing that just because
you pivot, it doesn't mean that it's

going to be no to that thing forever.

It's just, it's not right for me,
you know, right now in this moment.

Kyle Wood: So, yeah, I mean, I
had that with, with Manny Gens.

I think sometimes the temptation can be

um, be a bit scattered, like to jump
from one activity to the next all day

long again and like using that energy.

But something I've noticed that helps
manifesting generators a lot really

like align is to do something that
can feel counterintuitive, which

is to carve out big chunks of time.

Because there's a manifesting generator,
you usually have so many interests,

you can be like trying to fit them
all in one day, going from this

thing to this thing to this thing.

But if you can carve out like two or
three hours to just work on one thing,

flow is your friend as a manager.

And so if you can create that space
for flow, like you'll be amazed

at like what you'll get done.

So, I mean, I guess that's where,
um, I guess that's where, um,

You know, playing around with the
word should as well can help too.

Uh, but yeah, definitely making that
conscious effort to do that on those days.

And then if there's a day that you can't
create a lot of time for flow, don't try

and stick it in, in between everything
else you're doing, because it won't

work because you're not giving yourself
enough time to get into that, that state.

Brandi Healy: yeah, I think it's, you
know, another layer to that is like, it

doesn't all have to make sense together.

Like If you like to crochet, and you
are, you know, a computer programmer,

and you know, you have, you know, uh,
you play pickleball, like, you don't

have to make those all be one thing.

Like, your interests can be siloed.

Um, and you don't have to force it.

Kyle Wood: Mm, mm

Brandi Healy: I think that that can
be, you know, something that can be a

struggle for manifesting generators and
it's like, you know, let each of your

passions kind of stand alone as a pillar

and I think that that helps make
it a little bit more natural when

you want to make a pivot because
you're not like dropping, you know,

every part of your life at once.

It's just little bits or changing
or shifting just little bits.

Um, and I think it's also important to
just, you know, really give yourself

that permission, not only to pivot,
but move as fast as you need to move.

Um, you know, having a partner that's
a manifesting generator, you know, he

operates so quickly, much, you know,
more quickly than the rest of our family.

And I know, you know, a lot of his
colleagues and just giving yourself that

permission, but at the same time not
expecting others to keep up with you.

Kyle Wood: Yeah, that's a big one.

That's a good one.


there's our five types.

Brandi Healy: Alright, so I think
next time that we do one of these,

we'll do it around authorities.

Kyle Wood: Yeah, yeah, I've got, I
have, I did have that down in our notes.

One, uh, that's one of
our future podcast ideas.

Was, uh, Ways to listen to your authority.

So yeah, I think that'd be a lot of fun.

Brandi Healy: Alright, sounds


Until then.

Kyle Wood: Until then, farewell everyone.


Brandi Healy: Bye!