No F**ks Given: How to Make Menopause Your Superpower

In this episode I discuss the topics of purpose and perception and how they interlink. I emphasises the importance of discovering your purpose and being present in the moment. I share my own journey of finding my purpose through my early menopause diagnosis and how it has given me direction and fulfilment in life. 

I also talk about the power of shifting your perception and the impact it can have on personal growth and empowerment. I whole heartily encourage you to focus on yourself, remove distractions, and surround yourself with supportive and like-minded individuals.

If you're ready to take your life to the next level and embrace all of your authentic self then I want to work with you.

My 1:1 intimate coaching container The Whole Woman is an amalgamation of mind, body, and spirit. We work on cultivating your inner world in order to shift your outer reality. Imagine going from feeling stuck and unsure to living a life of clarity and purpose?

For more information on how we can work together, schedule a call below or DM me on Instagram 👇🏻

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What is No F**ks Given: How to Make Menopause Your Superpower?

Welcome to "No F**ks Given," where we redefine menopause as a superpower. Hosted by Holly Lamb, a women's health coach, who is navigating early menopause. This podcast offers empowering guidance on women's health and navigating perimenopause with confidence. From nutrition tips to fitness advice and mindfulness practices, we cover it all. But here's the twist: it's all about embracing your most authentic, unapologetic self. We're here to help you reclaim your power, say goodbye to societal norms, and live life on your own terms—no f**ks given. Welcome to the revolution!

Holly Lamb (00:00.782)
Hello and welcome to this week's episode of the NoFoxGiven podcast with me, your host Holly Lamb. This week's episode is one I'm really excited for because when I was planning it out, all this information just kind of came through me and just poured out of me. So I usually make a few notes for my podcast and just kind of let it flow and it's already all flowed out of me. So I'm really excited to dive into this topic on

purpose and perception and how they interlink as well and how perimenopause is a time to discover your purpose. So do you really know what your purpose is? Have you ever stopped to wonder what it might be or are you just so caught up in the past and the future that you just never sit with the present and just be?

Just be with you, just be with your thoughts. If finding your purpose is something that you really want to discover, then you have to be able to sit in the present moment. You have to be comfortable being with your own thoughts and listening to your gut and listening to your intuition.

You have to be able to take yourself away and really delve into the depths of you, which I know for a lot of us can be really, really scary, but this is how you discover who you truly are.

Holly Lamb (01:44.494)
So just sitting with your thoughts and thinking, what is it I truly love to do? You know, go back to when you were younger, go back to when you were in your twenties, maybe at uni, didn't have any relationships or partner or kids. What is it that you truly love to do? And that's your purpose. Like, it can be anything. And it's something that...

is discovered. You don't decide on your purpose, you discover it. It's already in your path, your life path, fate, let's say.

So it's not something you decide you have to discover it. And I discovered my purpose through my early menopause diagnosis. And here I am now talking to you about purpose and perception. And I wouldn't be here without that divine intervention. So we're all put on this earth for a purpose. This isn't always something big or life -changing. It can be to be a mother, to raise a family.

or just to be that person to help others grow. You know, my path wasn't children and that's okay. I've discovered my purpose and I find I have a gift in being able to explain complex things and break them down so they're easy to understand. And I'm beyond grateful that this has been shown to me because the self -development work that I have done since my diagnosis has been nothing but mind blowing.

especially owned for the last maybe six months where I've really delve into the depths of me and did the menstruality leadership program. I've recently graduated from that and that's all around menstrual cycle awareness. That has massively helped me understand not only my menstrual cycle, my early menopause diagnosis. I'm still on the wait list for

Holly Lamb (03:54.222)
an appointment at the hospital for tests to discover why this has happened to me. And I've got to the point now where I don't care. Like I don't care because this, what's happened to me has helped me discover my purpose and that's more important. So.

Finding my purpose has given me purpose in life. It's given me this direction. I wake up excited every morning to do this work, to inspire other women, to be the trailblazer, to show that this time of your life is not something to be scared about, to feel daunted and overwhelmed about. It's a time to expand and...

raise your awareness, raise your consciousness and step into this new, powerful, authentic self. And I think that's what it is. It's the authenticity that's really helped me step into being me. Like people resonate with you. So you just have to make sure that you're been your most authentic self at all times, which can be really fucking hard because we live in a society where

People like to follow the crowd and people like to stay small and, you know, not say something for not being liked. Well, guess what? When this time in your life happens and you do the inner work as well, you don't give a fuck. This is why this podcast is called No Fucks Given, because it's a time of liberation. It's a time where you don't care. It's a time where you step away from the societal norms and step into your power.

And it's amazing. And this is the message that I want to get across to all these women that are struggling, that are focusing on the negatives. We just need to flip your perception, flip your perception of what's happening to you. You know, I'm no longer that person that I used to be. I used to live for going out, watching crap TV all the time, not exercising, not looking after my body and just kind of living for the weekend and thought,

Holly Lamb (06:06.158)
Is this it? Is this all there is? And now I've gone to barely drinking. I have one at the most and then I'm like, that's enough. And I'm nice glass of red sometimes, but at a push, the most I'll have. You know, I exercise daily. I eat a mainly whole food diet, practice breath work, somatic practices. And I just want to constantly learn and develop myself to...

become the best version of me because when I'm the best version of me, it allows me to help other women. So in order to grow, you need to constantly learn. And it's not just about filling your head with information. It's about

understanding the information that's going in. So for example, I've been listening to Change Your Paradigm, Change Your Life by Bob Proctor. I listened to it all the way through and then at the end he talks about listening to this book every day for 30 minutes. And I've been doing that for maybe two or three months. And every day for 30 minutes I listen to that book and I still keep hearing things that

I've not heard and it's not that I've not heard it, it's just that my perception is starting to change and I'm starting to understand things more. And that's what we need to do in order to grow. We need to constantly learn.

Holly Lamb (07:32.558)
And this is what I do. I have multiple qualifications, you know, around women's health, exercise, menopause, the menstrual cycle, as well as my own self -development, which allows me to be able to shift my perception and to see things in a different light. This is also projector qualities as well, because I'm a projector in human design and that's been able to take something complex or just take a point of view and shift it and change the perception of it.

And that's what my strengths are. So that's what I do. And this is what I'm doing with this work. You know, when I woke up to my true self, everything changed. My ego was left at the door. And as Alyah has said on the podcast last week, the veil of estrogen was lifted, which I love that quote. The veil of estrogen was lifted and you're liberated. And you're like, yes, this is me. This is all of me here.

Now, take it or leave it. And how liberating is that?

Holly Lamb (08:44.91)
You know, I want every woman listening to this podcast today to know that this is achievable, that you are able to really go deep inside yourself and see what needs to shift. And this is where the perception piece comes in. So the outside world is always vying for our attention. You know, the TV, news, just don't watch the news anyway.

Social media, you know, these are all distractions in order to keep you small and stop you from realizing your dreams. You know, school was created in order to create workers, not to create thinkers. What do you really learn in school? You don't learn, you don't learn anything. It's there to create people who will just fall in line. And...

No, I'm not on that path. I'm not here for that. And I don't want you to be here for that either.

Holly Lamb (10:05.454)
Distracted people don't put all their energy into themselves as they're too busy talking about what happened on Love Island or Corrie, if that's still going. But once you realize this, your perception will change and you can change your habits then. And I'm gonna share with you how I've gone from someone who was, you know, constantly mindlessly scrolling, drinking at the weekends, having no goals to a focused, empowered.

and knows her fucking worth woman. And that's the piece. It's knowing your worth. And when you really understand that, then that is where the empowerment comes in and you don't give a fuck. And it's amazing. And I want that for you. And this is just perception and that, you know, shifting your perception.

You know, once I started doing the inner work on myself, I stopped all the outside distractions, no news, no binging, TV series, removing toxic people from my life. I've quantum leaped into my new reality because I'm focusing in on me and I've shut the rest of the world out.

Holly Lamb (11:25.518)
You know, we've been put on this earth to achieve something more than just getting by. And I don't just want to get by. We are the highest form of creation and we shouldn't just get by. And nothing's going to stop me from reaching my goals. And that is why I've blocked all this other stuff out. So when you have your purpose, you will strive to achieve this no matter what you will put in the work and you will show up even when you're tired. And even when you don't want to do it because

You know, on the other side, that's the life. That's the reality that you want. And these can be really scary leaps sometimes, but you have to take big leaps in order to reap the rewards. You know, getting rooms with women who inspire you, you have the same mindset as you and will celebrate you every step along the way. And that is what I have done. I'm in some amazing spaces with amazing women on the same wavelength.

And I think back to when I was working in offices and some of the conversations that we'd have, it's just so mind numbingly boring and just so vacuous. Whereas I'm in these spaces now with these women and the conversations we have are so expansive and we're lifting each other up. And that's exactly it. Women need to be supporting one another and lifting, lifting one another up. And unfortunately, when we go through these up levels, we will lose people along the way.

We will lose friends, sometimes family. You'll no longer resonate with the people you used to and the conversations are so surface level and uninspiring.

But now I found my soul tribe. I found the women that I connect with so deeply that I feel like I've known them for so long. And most of them, I've never met them in real life. It's just online. But we have this connection because I found my tribe and every woman should have that.

Holly Lamb (13:25.966)
And this can be hard when you start losing friends and family. I get it. Cause I've lost people along the way, but they weren't, they weren't right for me anymore because I'm on a higher level now. I'm up leveling my life. And unfortunately they weren't able to come with me because they weren't on the same trajectory. They were happy with the lives that they, that they had and I wasn't. And now I'm up here and they're down there.

And it's about knowing your worth. Knowing your worth as a woman is so fucking important. And now I finally know mine. I've stepped into my empress archetype era and I fucking love it. It's unreal having this level of self -confidence and having this level of knowing your worth and knowing what you can achieve, which in turn is going to help other women achieve this as well. I've got such a deep

in a knowing that I've never had before. I listened to my gut, I trust it and I know it's always guiding me in the right direction. And now it's taken me a long time to get here. But wow, it's been a journey. It's been amazing. But I wanna help you do the same, but in less time. So it's taken me years to get here, but I can help you do the same. Find your purpose, find your direction.

heal your body from the inside out, get your symptoms under control, get your mindset under control, age proof your body for later in life and just know your fucking worth. You know, I've been on this journey. I know what elements you need in order to soar through this next phase of life. And this is why the whole woman program, my intimate one -to -one coaching program is gonna take you from feeling lost.

feeling uninspired to finding a life of alignment and just pure bliss. Just happy to wake up in the morning. Happy when that alarm goes off like, fuck yes, I'm getting out of bed. I'm doing my breath work. I'm doing all the practices to get my nervous system regulated to get in the right state of mind. This is like a complete mind, body and spirit overhaul. And the only way to change your outer reality is to change the inner first. And this is where most people go wrong.

Holly Lamb (15:51.214)
They're trying to change the outside first, hoping that the inside will change, but that's just not the case. Changing your inner world is the only way in which your whole reality will shift. And I will help you do this. I've done it myself. I want, and I want to show you what's possible for you. So if this is the sign you've been looking for, if this is the rocket up your ass that you need in order to change your life, then reach out to me, message me on Instagram.

I'll pop all the information in the show notes. Most of you know me on Instagram anyway, just drop me a message and just say, I've just listened to, purpose and perception. And I want to know more. I want to know how I can change my life to have the energy that you do, Holly, because this energy I wake up every day because I'm in alignment. I found my purpose and I've changed my fucking perception on the world. And I know that I am the creator of my own reality. And I want that for you.

So take this as a sign and drop me a message. Thank you so much for joining me this week and I can't wait to see you next time.