KTBS: Good to Know Shreveport-Bossier

Paul Reiser and Jeff Beimfohr talk with Director of Sports Sara Aymond Nelms, about all of the latest happenings with the Shreveport Bossier Sports Commission.

What is KTBS: Good to Know Shreveport-Bossier?

KTBS Podcasting and the Committee of 100 present Good to Know Shreveport-Bossier, a podcast series showcasing the good things happening in our area. We’ll go in-depth about economic development, community growth and other topics about initiatives that are having a positive impact in our community. We’ll have new episodes every other Wednesday. You can find the KTBS Good to Know podcast wherever you listen to podcasting. Or go to KTBS.com or KTBS Now on your streaming device to see the full interview.

Hey. Hello again everybody.

Welcome to Good to Know

This is our podcast.

We showcase all the good, positive things
happening around our community.

My name is Jeff.

Buying for over here is Mr. French Fry.

This is Paul Reiser, local businessman,
member of the Committee of 100, past owner

of like what, two 3000 Sonic restaurants,
give or take a couple thousand.

So every podcast
we focus on topics and initiatives,

as I said, that do have positive impacts
on our community.

We have new episodes available
every other Wednesday,

and you can find good to know
wherever you listen to podcasts.

And we have another special guest today.

And as always, the honors go to Mr.

Fry, Mr.

Fry, Paul Fry, hey, thanks for the honor.

I never take it for granted, Jeff.
It is a huge honor.

No, I do appreciate it.
And you're going to love today's guest.

I always do,
but it always takes you, like 3.5 hours

to get to introducing them
because they're so exciting.

So, and I know you're a big sports

Totally. You played. Yeah.

You know,
I was, I. Yeah, college basketball.

And I was George Anchor for like 25 years
before I switched over to new and I.

That's right.

You love it. You're so.

I know my blood. That's right.

And, today we're going to be, you know,

we have a lot of great sports
teams in the area.

Professional college, high school.

We do. Okay,
but high school. Yeah. So fun.

But, you know, we college,

we bring a lot of special sports
events to the area, some really cool ones.

And that's made possible by the Shreveport
Bossier Sports Commission.

Let me just throw a few things out,
and they've had this free stand by you.

We'll introduce you soon.

let's see some of the larger events
we've had.

They hosted two Bassmaster Classics.

This is actually a big deal.
It's a big deal.

Big deal.

two USA Boxing National Championships,
USA volleyball.

Love the volleyball Hall of Fame
volleyball fan.

preseason games.

Anyway, we've got the,

I should have written them all down, man.

bigger print.

Anyway, so schools, state
wrestling championships,

national college
wrestling championships, archery shooters.

You know, it just goes on and on.

It really does look, see, you have
two pages here, but please stop reading.

what I want to do is bring on the director

and last, and she'll actually fill us in
on all the really neat things

that are coming up in the near future
and bring a lot more information

than I just did for you.

So the director of the Shreveport
Bossier Sports

Commission just say it right,
Miss Sarah Nelms, thank you so much, sir.

No, we did not forget your Sarah.

Thank you for your patience
here. Thank y'all for having me.

So thanks for coming out.

So tell us a little more about the,
Sports Commission.

What? Why do we need a sports commission?

So the Sports Commission
is a division of visit Shreveport-Bossier.

So that is the team that handles
all tourism for this area

and the Sports Commission.

We are literally focused on attracting
sporting events to this area.

but, I know you do
individual events like the volleyball,

which I love the volleyball.

So but, boxing, whatever.

But how about
are you guys looking at, like,

attracting teams or anything like that?

permanent stuff?

we don't really get involved like that,
but we do.

We can help out with some of those. Okay.

For sure.

So you say you're part of the tourism,
so you bring these big events to town.

So what are some of the bigger things,

that are coming up in the near future

that you think
are going to have a big impact?

So in the near future,
we do have our super retriever series and

our pet palooza, and that's a really cool,
that's like the dogs.

Oh, yeah.

We've, and that's pretty awesome
to watch in the doc diving event.

So, sometimes you really don't even
see it, but they're here for ten days.

So you have these dogs
that are, you know, they spend

tons of money, like

tens of thousands of dollars
training these dogs every year,

and they can go out and win
some prize money.

So you say, retriever,
we're talking sporting dogs. Yes.

So where does that happen?

So it happens all over it, really.

Caddo and Bossier Parish
the last few years.

They've done it out at Palmetto at Wills
Night in Palmetto.

But this year
I think they're looking at some areas.

in South Caddo Parish,
and the community can come out

and support their retrievers. Absolutely.

You just have to be quiet.
But you can go out. Yeah.

So how do you

how do you go about deciding what events
that you want to try to attract here?

So the number one is really the facility.

If you don't have the right facility
for the event to be in sense, it,

it just kind of won't work here.

the next thing is it's really
our local community.

It's like, do we have people
who are interested in this here?

So when we hosted USA boxing
one of the first thing

we did was go to our local boxing clubs
and we're like,

do y'all want us to bid on this event?

Number one,
this is something we can bid on.

Do you want us to be a part of it?

Will you help us be a part of it?

There's, a big, volunteer base that
you need to host a lot of these events.

And if the local people aren't on board,
then it kind of really

isn't feasible
for us to host that kind of thing.

What kind of impact does that have locally
when you bring the retrievers in,

how many how many people are coming?

And then what does that mean
to local hotels and businesses

as every event is different?

I know in 2023, just sports
economic impact was over 37 million.

So that's nice. Yeah.

That's people coming here
spending the night

in hotels, eating in restaurants,
going to attractions.

that's our main goal is like,
we get them here and then go spend money

everywhere, right.

so does
Shreveport-Bossier have a lot to offer?

Is it is it an easy sell when you go out
and try to attract a national competition

to come here?

It really is, because,
we have some wonderful facilities

and we can always, you know, invest
in those facilities and, you know,

get some upgrades in certain areas.

But it is a easy sell because
our community, it's small, it's welcoming.

People love our airport.
Our airport is fantastic.

It is so regional
and it's easy to get through.

It's easy to navigate.

You don't have to get there three hours
before your flight.

It's true. It's fantastic.

it's very easy drive market as well.

when you're on, they say on I-20,
it's like 8 million people.

Within a few hours from here,
it feels like 8 million people.

When you're done driving here,
there's nothing that's for sure.

Yeah. Like we're, you know, we're perfect.

Like where I-49 and I-20 meet.

So it's just, it's a really good
Mayor Chandler about that airline drive.

He was going to fix that, remember?
We had him on.

He was going to clean it up. Was going to
clean that up. He never do that.

If he
did that we get more big sporting events.

But I live in Boulder.

I actually saw him out there
in an orange vest, like picking up

trash one day with a bunch of people.

Yeah, yeah, well,
we're way isotopic anyway.

so what is your favorite sporting event?

Because you also saw the F1 boats.

So we have boat races, which the river
I'm sure you have I-20.

So you have you have the airport.

But we also have this river
that's great for sporting events.

Yes we do.

I think our natural resources are huge
in this area.

obviously we're called
sportsman's Paradise.

So it's we have perfect, you know, all say
perfect weather, but hot weather

most of the year.

So, yeah, it gives us perfect opportunity
to be outdoors.

another thing we've really been working
on, like with the powerboat

we're working on multi-year agreements.

So it's so much easier on us,
the community,

our staff and the clients as well to host
these events for at least three years.

So powerboats will definitely have it
for, 2025 and 2026.

Oh, awesome.

And we're also looking at other groups
and extending those contracts

with them as well.

Yeah, I am not an outdoors guy.

I'm an indoor sports guy.

I like football, but I mean, volleyball,

basketball, racquetball, handball,
that kind of stuff.

That's all stuff I love Peter Dennis,
our weather guy, is huge into fishing.

Yes, yes.

and I, I have to admit,

when I first heard about these fishing
tournaments, I was, like, floored.

I had no idea that fishing
was, like, money.

What it is, it's it's huge to talk to me
about tracking those events here.

So those events, they're the funnest
people because they're so laid back.

They really are.

They're so easy to work with.

the first thing they kind of look at
is the condition of the water.

obviously, after the Red River flooded,
several years ago, it's getting back

to where it needs to be, but, also cross
Lake and Caddo Lake and even like this,

you know,
we have some great parks out there

as we're constantly working with, Caddo
Parish on the Parks and Rec side

and stuff as well to make sure
that those facilities have what they need,

like pavilions, RV, you know,
spot hookups and things like that.

But, working with them,
they're a lot of fun.

But with fishing, it looks weird
because that impact is higher

because they're only really
the tournaments two days.

but they'll come in and fish for a week,
two weeks prior

because depending on how much,
you know money they can win.

I mean they want the best spot
and they want to figure out,

you know, where they can go.

And also they come back
multiple times a year.

If they find out they really like it
they'll come back.

So the main thing
there's bodies of water right I guess.

And we hosted a kayak event
they fell in love with like this.

No, I don't know what it was,
but they just love it out there.

So it's just really, you know,
because it's not only I.

I like when you're downtown,

you're looking at all those venues, like,
you can see that easier.

But when they're out,
like in the actually in the parish

on the rural community,
it's, it's no, it's beautiful.

And you have all the cypress trees
and there's lots to navigate.

I mean, colleges have fishing teams
and stuff.

Now, did you get scholarships?

It's crazy to me, but I do, you know what
I mean, High schools have fishing team.

I know, I mean, I,
I learned all this from Patrick.

and high schools also have archery teams.

That's true.

We host the state archery tournament.

Is that true?

we have the past couple of years,
I believe that, the indoor

archery tournament has moved.
I believe that.

There you go. Yeah. Indoors.

So how do you go about, when you say
we're going to attract this event

or we

want to try to bid on this event,
how do you determine

how much economic impact
that event will have on the area?

So this is a tough question okay.

Well, I only ask a tough question.

There's, a calculator that destinations

International, which is like
the mothership of what we do.

They get everyone nationally
and internationally what we do.

They are people who are a lot, like,
lot smarter than me.

They developed a calculator,
and you basically put in,

you can put in different things
that ask different questions,

whether it's a conference,
a convention, sport, whatever.

And, they even go down to if it's youth,

collegiate or if it's a championship
event, all all different types.

And they've created these standards
so you can go in there and put,

this event is going to have 100 attendees.

Here's the dates

that they're going to be here,
and 85% of them are from out of town.

And it spits out a number and tells me,

Wow, that's I'm sure
that's a oversimplification, but yes, that

it's it's nice though, because it's it's
a standard across every of what we do.

So everyone is there.

like is there a bottom line that you say
this is how much if we want this event,

we need to make X number of dollars or
we're not going to bother bidding on it.


So there's a few things,

some events we do invest in
because it is important to the community.

for example, LSU and Grambling women's
basketball game,

they are playing in December on December
8th at the Berkshire Grocery Arena.

That's more of a regional thing.

We we don't see a lot of,
economic impact from that,

from people spending the night.

It is a Sunday afternoon. Yeah.

People have to work the next day.

I believe that's also Selection Sunday.

but what we do see is like,
that's really good for our community.

Not everyone. Right.

That's really cool
because LSU women's basketball

has really gotten to be something.

Something you get in.

Mulkey coming up,
the coach will be wearing some fashion.

You're going to love it.

Yes, yes, because it's, And then that's
got to be great for Grambling.

You know who

my favorite athlete is in the world right
now right right now Jalen Clark come on.

You know this, right? Right.
Oh that's right.

She's awesome.


And I got I lived in Iowa for a long time.

Yeah yeah yeah yeah.

And they got married in Iowa
and my wife's from Iowa.

So yes we have to love Caitlin
Clark in our house.

Well, she does seem like it is right.

Yeah, yeah, you seem sure.

So I know you don't
just wake up in the morning and say,

I wonder what we should be doing today.

I know that the,
the tourism bureau has their their plan.

Their master plan.

So what's the master plan for the sports?

So the master plan for the sports.

And if you look at my notes
to make sure I think you're like,

oh, you have two pages of coach
going to make it bigger so I can see it.

but the master plan will be the pro.

You are Japanese.
Have that encyclopedia in our brain.

I have no knowledge either,

but just, just throw out dumb questions
and that's pretty good.

But, our ten year master plan,
we basically developed this,

it's a long term plan to create
opportunities for this community.

so obviously it's not in your master plan.

You guys put some thought into this?

Yes. And we, you know, partnered
with some people on it as well.

A lot of people,

but the there's six pillars of the plan
and two of them for sports.

One is to capitalize on sports, tourism,
port, sports, tourism demand.

And the other one is to help develop like
outdoor recreation and upgrade venues,

which is kind of
what we've been talking about.

If we have the right venue,

we track this,
and sometimes it can be something simple.

Say you're building,
indoor sports complex or something,

but hey, if you add this locker room
type component

and if you add in like a meal room
or something, you can host

this collegiate event versus
it just being, you know, some weekend.

What was the first pillar
there you talked about?

to capitalize on surging demand
for sports, surging demand okay.

So is there surging demand for sports
right now? Yes.

Oh come on, it is what particular
I thought it was all sports.

I thought it was all e-sports
that was surging.

Now that is surging.

That that is too I'm still trying
to wrap my mind around that as well.

I'm still going fishing.

But yeah, yeah, got to so many sports.

I know it's insane.

I mean, even cornhole is a sport
I know, right?

Anything that's competitive is a sport
technically, if you can bet on it,

people like it, right?

That is true.

Cornhole and and the tennis.

I can't
even think of the name of the tennis.

That's not real.
Tennis. Pickleball. Pickleball? Yes.

That's not real tennis.

That's a big thing.

I've never done that.
Is there a pickleball tournaments here?

we can host pickleball tournaments.

and Southern Hills has done
some in the past.

Yeah. So they've had some really good.

I was just thinking of surging sporting
events and we got Louisiana downs.

It's really, you know,
are y'all connected with them in any way?

I know they're their own entity,

but yes, we so we hosted our, red balloon
rally out at Louisiana Downs.

I think we finally have found a home
for it that is permanent.

As long as they want us there.

But, I think it also has given them
an opportunity

to host things other than,
you know, racing.

And I think they've seen too,
that they can do,

you know, larger concerts out there
if they want to.

So what is the the balloon rally?

I know it's
tell us a little bit more about it. It's

more than just some balloons showing up
and you see them in the mornings.

They're pretty.
You see them in the evenings in the area.

But when you actually go to the rally,
what's happening?

So at the rally specifically,
you're it's so many different things.

We partner with the Bossier
City Farmers Market,

and he brings some vendors out there
for us to have.

I think they have over 70 vendors
sometimes out there.

there's a kids zone
that, you know, kids can jump around.

It's a free kids zone
to a lot of the festival components have,

you know,
you have to pay $20 or something.

So it's a free kids zone.

of course,
you know, there's tons of food trucks.

And then the balloon glow
is just wonderful.

And then we also have fireworks as well.

So it's just a big, huge thing.

But the only part is it's the weather.

You have to make good weather. Yeah.

We speak to Patrick
Dennis about that. Yeah.

Throw a rhyme in there.

A lot of times you put a do around
when you know about Patrick.

I do that, right? Yes, yes.

Normally I hear that when he's present

above the balloon.

I honestly that
because that's an event that we own,

that's the one event that we do,
that we do own ourselves.

So it's, it's something
that we're really passionate about that

we work on 24 seven, we've kind of
changed it in the last few years.

It's given us a really big opportunity
to support local, have local bands, local

vendors, and, you know, we pretty much use
all local, vendors as well.

So it's well,
we've been we've been a couple of times.

It's beautiful. It's fun.

There's usually a good concert
like we'll go a specific night

when there's a concert that we want
to see. Yeah. So it's a neat event.

They only do need events now.

Come on. That's true.

So is the goal here to get, half stuff
that repeats or

to constantly find new something different
that hasn't been here.

They both combination.

It'll be a combination of both.

the repeat stuff.

We have a lot of repeat events. Actually.

You don't realize
how many local events are happening.

Like, we have our local community,
our local tennis community,

they bid on and host about five tennis
events a year.

Do that, and they use a combination
of the different facilities that we have,

and they run it completely themselves.

And it happens every year
and they are wonderful.

We love them.

So you're a you're a good mediator,
I guess, from local people

that want to know
all the sports that are coming out,

but then also people that
that are interested in Shreveport-Bossier.

So how how would you get that information
to them?

Maybe a website.


So our website, Shreveport
Bossier Sports.com, it's a fancy website.

Yes. They also, visit.

Yeah, visit Shreveport-Bossier dot org.

They have everything on it.

we also have like a calendar of events
that people can look at

when they come to town, that that's really
what we try to push to people.

Okay, you might be here for a concert
or whatever,

but here's all the other stuff
that's also going on while you're in town.

This is a two way street.

Like you guys go out and seek events,
but people with events seek you out too.

Yes, they do,
but I actually attend conferences

and I call it speed dating
because that's exactly what it is.

We make appointments with people and then
we have about eight minute speed dates.

And you, they have to

they have to put a big sell on about what
their event's all about.

And I have eight minutes to sell them

and make them fall in love with it. Wow.

And then you're able to give them
all the information,

all the venues, all the places to stay,
all the great newscasters we have.

Well, well, yeah.

So, let's let's pretend like,

I'm the

pastor, I'm going to conduct the ceremony,
and you two are speed dating.

You're going to sell Paul on how to,
to come and bring his event to Shreveport.

But what are you going to tell them?

Well, the first thing I'm going to do,
depending on what type of event

it is, I'm going to show him

the facilities that I have a one pager
that has all most of our facilities.


I'm going to show him
which ones they can use as specifically,

like if it's our convention center,
I'm going to say is 95,000ft²

on the bottom level with no column
free space, which is a really big deal.

Believe it or not.

I believe there's little things
that are important.

so we really go with that.

And the next thing they want to know is,
how do I get there?

Yeah, we want to take our camel racing.

We don't want to go to Dallas.

We go to Arkansas.
Or if we want to go to Shreveport.

So why should we go to Shreveport?

I'm going to tell them we have great food,
great people, and a lot of festivals

and people love that.
That's really what they want to know.

They want to know what they can eat.

I think everyone is a foodie nowadays
in some way, shape or form, whether it's

healthy food or not.

Sonic, we've got some more. I know we got

so mean.

Really, do we have plenty of hotel space
for that sort of thing going on?

Absolute people don't realize this.

We have over
10,000 hotel rooms in this market.

I did not know that.

Yeah, you probably need sleep in one,
You only sleep in one at a time.

Yeah, that's that's why.

Yeah, but there's a lot of nights, Paul.

So there's, Yeah.

You travel a lot.

Let's see.

Are you sure?

You know, you threw me off there,
but I know that, I guess

just kind of finish up as we're as we're
as we want to do on occasion.

I've heard in the past,
I've been in Shreveport now for 30 years,

and it seems like

we've had trouble getting sports
people enthused about local sports.

And a lot of people say, oh,

they don't support local sports,
but it seems like it's it's growing now.

There seems to be more enthusiasm.

Or is that is that the case?

Is there bigger enthusiasm
locally for sports?

I think so, I kind of
this is me personally,

I sometimes think we're our biggest enemy,

and it's like we have to be very positive
about what you have going on.

a lot of people who say that no one
ever attend sporting events locally,

I think they're the ones that aren't
attending sporting events.

I feel better about themselves. Yeah.

but I mean, you see, like the Shreveport
mud bugs, like, they are amazing,

but they have done
such a great job, though not only with,

not only with like with, you know,
the team is great as well, but also like

just their crowd interaction and getting
people involved, people willing to go.

They have themes
almost every game, pretty much.

and it's so much fun.

Like, and then when you see like Scott
actually out there on the ice,

he's got a mascot.

We've actually had him on the show.

Fun. I do, I do remember him. yeah.

And then you go walk behind there
and you see him and his dog

just hanging out, like,
that's such a good environment.

I think the secret is
how much they involve the community. Yes.

And I will say I'm very excited that,
they have partnered with the,

Regrew arena team to also basically

do kind of the same thing,
like what they're doing is working.

They have a real football.
Might as well copycat the best people.

So do you get involved
with either of those teams?

Do you have functions with them or

you know,
so we do sponsor, some of their stuff

because they are bringing
in, you know, a lot of hotel rooms.

we do, so we sponsor the mud bugs,
and then we also bring clients to games.

And when we bring clients to town
and things like that to showcase.

I know the Independence Bowl
has their own committee,

but do you partner with them as well?
We do.

We are a sponsor of the,
Independence Ball.

And we they are an amazing team.

We love working with them.

And we also some of our staff volunteers
for the game.

It always depends when the game ends,
whether I can volunteer or not.

Yeah, but, it's it's been really great.

So there's a lot of sports, sporting
events going on in Shreveport-Bossier.

If people just look at, there's so many
things to get involved in, it's exciting.

I think a lot of times people,

when they think about sports,
they mostly think about the mud bugs or

this new arena team, team,
they don't or they think traditional.

They just think baseball, basketball
and football.

And there's so much more than that.

Like, and that's something I really kind
of prided ourselves on is that we're

that's like a diversity, right,
going with those

nontraditional type of sports
because you have to get everyone involved,

bringing in the retrievers
and bringing in the, archery.

Archery. You said that was your favorite.
The archery. Why?

Why is that your favorite?

So the Archery Shooters Association,
that's actually a ten year agreement

that we have with them
because the infrastructure was

just the partnership
on the infrastructure was crazy.

So we were out at camp
mendon like on site.

We partnered with I'm not even going to
I'm still terrible on that.

I'm not going to remember everybody,
but everyone in Webster

Parish, their police jury, their city,
Bossier Parish police

jury, Caddo Commission, city
of Shreveport, city of Bossier.

We partnered with so many people
and the military out there as well.

You can't forget them.

we've created these lanes, like over
100 lanes, and they've, mailings.

We've put mailings down,

and we've made a parking lot out there,
and but it's a dual purpose

because it's also for,
emergency response.

So hurricane just happened, right?

So now all these, big tankers and trucks
and stuff, they park in that lot.


And it helps so much because they were
getting stuck in the grass and everything.

They actually told us yesterday,
a few months ago, they had a helicopter

that was actually allowed
to land out there,

a military helicopter
that they needed to land.

So there's it's like we got to partner
on infrastructure for,

for what we needed,
but also for what the military need was.

And so that was really okay.
That was really neat.

All right. And amazing to pull off.

So how many events do you

handle a year.

We're involved in over 100 of it. 100.

Wow wow. It's about an average.

That's almost two weeks. Yeah.

You took the words right out of my mouth.

You're a math whiz.

I didn't know that. Right?
Yeah, you got it.

You got to be able to add and subtract
anything new and exciting.

coming up, I'd say new and exciting.

I'm really excited
about the LSU and great basketball game.

I think that's just going to be huge
for our team.

we just extended our agreement with the,

HBCU Athletic Conference for their track
and field event that we host.


So, we thought, what what is that acronym?

and I know the historical black colleges
and universities everywhere.

You know what I mean?

I think, you know,
for the general audience.

Yes. But, yes, but historically black
colleges, universities,

which we have few in the area,

like, say, Grambling is coming
in, that's going to be free.

And, Dillard is not too, too far away.

So. Southern.

Yeah. That's right.

And never a good nursing program, I think.

like, I saw that you are. You graduated.

No, but I did

stay in a Holiday Inn Express as well.

But you your favorite was the.

What was your favorite?

The arch archery. That's right.
Yeah. Okay.

Just because I think
just the infrastructure was so cool.

And that brings over 2000 archers
for four days every year.

So that's touching to June, right.

That's that's where you guys kind
for the community put all that stuff out.

All right. Yeah.

Well I'm excited.

Like I say it's fall right now
if you're listening to this recorded

it's fall my favorite time of the year
because football is cranking out.

But then it's exciting to know
we also have retrievers coming.

And what's that dog
a palooza or papa palooza?

What'd you say? Yeah,
it's the pet palooza. So that will be.

That's the Saturday
I believe it's October 26th this year.

but it's at Louisiana Boardwalk,
and we're kind of under the bridge,

and we bring out a bunch of vendors.

And then we also have the dock diving.

So, like the dogs
that run and jump in the.

Yeah, that's pretty cool. Yeah.

So that'll be over there for three,
for three days at the boardwalk.

So we're just

and we love to partner with different,
you know, just different venues.

That's like a venue
we created type thing. So.

All right, so if anybody's
we're about to wrap this up.

So if anybody's listening out there
or watching this and they have an event

they want to bring to this area,
they should do what they can.

Just go to our website,


And there's a,

you know, where you can, contact us
and we will get in touch with you.

All right. Come see Sarah.

Thank you very much.

This was enlightening.

I didn't know all these things were going
on. So awesome.

Thank you. Very exciting.

All right.
Thanks for being here. Appreciate that.

All right.

Now we've learned all about sports
in Shreveport-Bossier.

Get out.

Bring your events here or go out
and support them when they are here.

And thanks for watching.

where are we?

Good to go to Shreveport, folks. Are.

You can catch it wherever your, podcasts
are on all the major platforms.

Have a good morning, everybody.

Hey, hey.