The Lucas Skrobot Show

The afterglow, B side of the conversation with Mike Nova. After the interview, the tapes kept rolling.

Show Notes

Time Stamps
Are you custom?   00:00
Intro -the after glow   0:30
Ukraine will fade... what will remain? 01:56
Winston Churchill - be willing to change your mind. 03:34
How to win your battle 06:00
Killing on the defense 13:44
Humanity, good or evil? 17:19
You were made custom. 23:39
Power of the spoken word 28:52
Peacemakers 31:16
Blending a religon and politics 38:18
Russian oligarch 39:38
Resist the devil and know your opponent 43:44
Arabic Proverb 44:21
Outro 47:36
Give to Orphans in Ukraine 49:10

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What is The Lucas Skrobot Show?

Tired of being gaslit by progressive media?

Wanna fight back against deceptive narratives being pushed across the globe?

At the Lucas Skrobot show we tear down cultural & geopolitical events giving you the context you need to expose the worldviews driving the cultural agendas of our day.

Ultimately connecting back to why it matters to your world, and how to order our lives and society to own the future.

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We all got a different path that
we're on and it's all custom man.

So we got to never forget that it is
custom and that you have to feel custom.

You do have to feel unique.

You have to feel unique
in what you're doing.

You have to, if you don't
good luck goes to go struggle.

I'm not investing.

You have to feel that.

I don't care how broke you are.

I don't care what your limited capital is.

You have to feel unique.

You have to feel special because a
lot of things that kind of feeling

unique, like there's no going around it.

Welcome to Lucas Skrobot
show I'm Lucas Skrobot.

And this is where we uncover purpose,
pursue truth and own the future episode

274, the afterglow it is recording.

March 16th, 2022, right after we
finished our interview with Mike

Nova, musician and entrepreneur.

If you didn't listen to the ACE side,
first part of the interview with Mateo,

with Mike, go back and listen to that.

After we finished the interview,
I paused the cameras for a

moment, and then it really.

Yeah, we're going to go into another
hour of conversation, unpacking,

not just, you know, stuff that's
happening, geopolitically or, or our

positioning of how we should think about
Ukraine, but we really got into some

really deep heart stuff, life stuff.

How to own your future.

How do you own my future?

I, I.

With, uh, impacted on
many different levels.

Thinking about lots of different
things in my life, this, this intro

clip you have to feel accustomed.

You have to feel special.

You have to know that you were created
with purpose and destiny to fulfill that.

That's still sticking with
me even after this interview.

Enjoy the afterglow with me.

Hell and I, the die down when the
violence dive down, you know, but the

people that are preaching the same
message 10 years from now, but it may

be in a different way, different style,
you know, different clothes, whatever.

Uh, those are the people that they are.

They're like us, bro.

You know what I'm saying?

Um, yeah, it's going to die down.

Like we were talking about on, on the,
on, on live, you know, like it's going to

die down and we're going to keep going.

We just won't, we don't forget traumas.

And if we do good, but the ones that
we don't forget, if they're inspiring

us to create more beautiful things,
People, you know, do amazing, beautiful

things in life, then there's no better
life than that, you know, in a sense.

And we there's so many aspects to it.

That's why Harding the trip, finding the
trail is difficult every single time.



But it gets easier, you
know, it gets easier and.

And we become better.

It's like any, any athlete or
artists, they get better because if

it was, is this what we love to do?

We need to do well, then
we should keep doing it.

Okay, well, we're a little
soiled, but who cares?

Like we're gonna wash our stuff.

It's all good.

We keep going.

Cause we love it.

You know, we love what we do.

We have, and we made
those choices, you know?

And it, Hey, you know what
Winston Churchill said too, bro?

What'd he say?

He said somebody, he
changed his mind as the.

Or the minister prime
minister changes his mind.

Prime minister.


Changes his mind, you know, and in
government, at the highest level of

anyone in the country changes his mind
of what people were thinking he was

going to do, and he changes his mind
and he says, you changed your mind.

How good of a person would I
be if I never changed my mind?

Oh, that's such a big problem though.

These days, people get entrenched
in one way, one way of thinking

and they refuse to change their
mind, even in the face of evidence.

Looking at Putin right now
or whatever, or anybody else?

I don't care.

Look, bro, are you making people feel
amazing, you know, across the world?

Cause that's the new frontier.

That's the new territory is we're
talking from country to country now it's

not just physical anymore, you know?

I mean, whatever, you know, so.

How's your family.

How's your wife and kids, bro.

Everyone's good.

Healthy, not sick.


We kind of have this little head
cold thing rolling around, but

other than that, we're doing okay.


They tell you that, uh, we had a
miscarriage a couple of weeks ago.



I'm so sorry.

I were like 14, 14 and a half weeks.

Yeah, that was, that was rough.

So we're still kind of
recovering from that.

Um, wow.



It was rough.

It's been a hellish.

It's been a hellish
palish a couple months.

So hellish kids having visions.

Death, like the spirit of death coming
into the room, like having visions of

like this hooded person, like with like
smoke coming out of their hood, it's

like real, like legit demonic activity
sort of deal with Git to Monica.

So we're just, you know, in
the battle, just in the battle.

Can I tell you something?

I wrote down yesterday,
I wrote down on like a.

I couldn't, I didn't, I didn't feel
comfortable saying it on a podcast,

but, um, I would have in, you know,
that's just not where the questions

were, but, or what, or whatever.

I'm not saying that either, but,
um, sometimes like we have so many

rules in every, every structure of
any community, whatever the religion,

whatever the government, whatever
the country, we have so many rules.


Um, That's cliche.

Obviously it's even say the
word rules, but I was in, in

Ukraine and I walk outside.

I walk outside.

It's like an untypical situation for me.

I walk outside, I'll probably
post this some time online.

Uh, I walk outside of we're at a show,
researching an artist, but like, you

know, having some fun time dancing.

There's the clubs, the music is so good.

I stayed there till like 5:00 AM.

We're walking out with a couple
of my buddies that are there

and two guys are fighting over.

Two dudes are fighting outside.

There are about to start
up by yelling hard.

Like this is obvious somebody
is going to get into a fight.


And I'm like, I'm like best shape
of my life before the surgeries.

Like whatever, like I'm swole.

Like I got chains on like diamonds,
like, whatever you doing it, you know?


I mean, feel free to share,
but you might not want to this

story about, well, let's see.

And, um, And I yell at him.

I say, stop the fight right
now, right now, you know, like,

and I said it in a way that was
like, I was taking an authority.


And they didn't like that.

They didn't not like one
of them didn't like that.

They kind of split up.

I start walking away.

And the dude that was probably
the most token about what I said.

And I didn't really like, it was just my
spirit at the time, you know, to do that.


It's such a weird story.

Uh, and maybe the way I said it, he didn't
like it, but that was my, that was my

tech, you know, but I also was feeling
in my ego a little bit, you know, like I

knew I had to power to me, like physically
and all that, you know, after a show

like, blah, blah, blah, this guy starts
coming at me and my buddies shrugging

him off, you know, a couple more minutes.

Sorry, bro.

It's spiritual at the end, obviously.


Uh, it's guys shrug them off.

And next thing I know this dude
is such a good kickboxer and the

cleanest kick I've ever seen it.

I've done MMA before in my life.

So that's where, like where
I'm comfortable, maybe a

little more comfortable.

Like I have like a, you know, a record,
uh, in stage fighting, you know,

like a professional record and stuff
and uh, yeah, I mean, it's amateur,

but it's professional regardless.

And, uh, it's official maybe
is what I should be saying.

Uh, and, uh, uh, I know these
kicks, I know what a good one

looks like, what a bad one looks
like, and it just lands, right?

Like hard, you know, the point like,
like teeth moved around to hurt for

two weeks after, you know, or, yeah.

And so I'm like, how am I
in this situation right now?

You know, I had a lot of time
to think about it later, but.

You know, something happens.

He kicks him, blah,
blah, blah, blah, blah.

And, uh, and we go to the
ground, we're wrestling and

that's why I'm the best at all.

My best training is on the
ground and I immediately.

I have the hang man, like immediately,
I have some so locked in with the head

enough to where I'm actually able to get
both of us up off the ground and, and put

all of my weight and use his weight to
get close to snap, like to suffocating

him or snapping his net, which, you
know, as other deaths are paralyzed

and three cameras out, these videos.

You know, there's somewhere out there.

My, my, my friends were
there to like stop it.

Cause they knew it was crazy, but I just
had to do what I had to do, you know?

And, um, and I feel, I feel the power of
myself and I have the authority to kill

someone right now and do it legally.

Uh, because it's just
too easy at this point.

I'm way too trained for this.

I know where I'm at.

I know what's going on then
these other, these are attacking

15 people around three phones.

My glasses are off my shoes off.

Oh, my buttons off the shirt tore off.

I haven't even put them back on.

I haven't sewed them back on that shirt.

Uh, don't tell anybody that I kept
it as a souvenir, you know, and.

And his brothers begging, cause his
is also is he's in the MMA world.

What could happen right now.

And he started begging to let him go
begging, you know, and I'm thinking,

I'm thinking and still, this is not
like a lot of this was instinct.

Like it wasn't like, like I'm not
it's happening quickly, you know?


Happening quickly.

But the most important
things I'm feeling and my.

This is not my mind making a decision
is my body does this it's either trend

or if the way that I'm conditioned
from maybe childhood, the way they

were raised or something, I don't know.

But I feel it I'm feeling like I'm
like, dude, I can kill the student.

Get away.

You know, and like, that would be fun.

That'd be Putin stop.

That'd be Vladimir style.


And yeah, but it doesn't
totally buy that's so loud.

Hashtags, hashtag and
long story short, bro.

I come home and I'm crying in
the car during that moment.

Oh, what happens?

Oh, there cameras.

Cameras everywhere.

And I have, you know, my it's
more of like my it's not even my

brain because my brain would have
probably wanted to snap his neck.

It would've been cool.

Would've been fun, you know, maybe
deal with a court case and you

get away and blah, blah, blah, and
everything it's legal, blah, blah, blah.

Cause he struck us, you know, self-defense
and it's all on video and there was,

those guys have somewhere I'm sure.

Cause they're not gonna
delete something like that.

But, um, You know, I'm
there and I feel him.

So live the enemy.

So lit.

I'm like, there's no way he's going
to recover from this, like in his,

you know, or I'm not even thinking
this, I'm just thinking, like, if

I let him go, nothing's going to
happen because he has no strength.

You know, and, uh, so I'll let them
go, you know, I just let them off.

And he immediately it's like that
scripture resist the devil and he will

flee from you that do like, was gone.

And he was like, so cocky.

So big, you know, kicking
literally the most beautiful kick

I've ever seen in my life, live
training MMA to my face, you know?

And yeah, dude, I get
home and I'm crying, bro.

It's hard, but I'm just like, I shit,
like I was literally crying because I'm

like, this is what we're going through.

This is what humanity goes through
all in some of these moments.

Now it's an award it's that, you know,
those guys are doing their thing and it's

a psychological powers and principalities
of darkness for some of these guys,

some of these guys just physical that
dye and all that stuff, you know, but

deep down, inside, deep down inside.

We're not, we're not happy
at killing on the offense.

We're okay.

Killing on the defense.

We're okay.

Even then some of us don't do it.


Because we just like, whatever, like
why, like, I don't need this, you know,

I already won, you know what I mean?

Or whatever.


But, uh, when you're on the offense
and you're out to kill on the offense,

um, and it's not, you're not, if you
are ever to kill somebody and it's not.

Something that's natural to you.

It's up in your head.

Lennon's last word that people heard were
him on his knees, begging forgiveness

from the freaking table and chair in his
office based on how he lived his life.

Lennon's last word, Steve jobs.

Well, yeah, a whole people said
a lot of people loved them.

Still had a wife.

And his last words are what, oh, wow.

How beautiful is this?

As humanity, we're moving
in the right direction.

And so we have, there's a couple of
things that we need to do as pod-casters,

as musicians, as entrepreneurs, as
fathers, more fathers, less teachers, a

lot of me is trying to teach right now.

God is trying to teach, you know, he's
not being, he's not being a father.

A father will protect a father, Mike.

Fathers are killing in Ukraine right
now because their sons were killed

and they're doing it out of instinct.

They're doing it because
they're like, I can't let, how

can I not defend another son?

And this is the old,
there are bullets flying.

There are rockets fine.

They don't care who it is.

They just don't want their son to die,
you know, but deep down inside, we're

wired to protect and we might be to
the point of killing and whatever.

But we're not, we're very poorly wired
to do the kind of things that, that

flat, you know, you know, cause we really
do love our enemies deep down inside.

Even if we don't think that we do
or even feel it deep down inside, we

very much so do because we're from one
earth we're from, we share way too.

We too many things in
common together that are.

It's the craziest brain in all of all
of living beings is the ones that, the

one that's in us, the craziest one.

And it's really dangerous.

As you can tell, as we could tell
back in 1691, when this democracy was

formed here on this land, you know,
it's a very dangerous one, civil wars.

It's a civil war right now.

So to speak over there, I mean, it's
territorial obviously, but it's also

considered a civil war and then probably
a civil war going to happen in Russia.


Like an official meaning of
the word it's probably probably

going to happen in Russia, net.


These people, these people are
terrified of their own president.

They hate what he's doing.

They can't, there are a lot of them are
way too scared to speak out against it.

And the people that are, are becoming
very famous right now, especially if

they're a media, if they're paying the
consequence for there for speaking out, I

just saw someone was found in a suitcase.

You're speaking out.



She was a model that he probably
slept with them or something.

I don't know, you know,
but she was a model.

She was in a suitcase later.

Like, like just total barbaric stuff
that like, what, like I thought

we were all past it, like, didn't,
we'd go through two world wars.

Like isn't this?


Like, at least if you can't feel at least
think about the bloodshed and act on the.

You can't feel the pain or the suffering
at least do it like logically, I

guess that's where I think I would
probably disagree with you in that.

I don't actually think that people,
you know, at the base core of

their humanity love their enemy.

You know, does the FC
writes a lot about this?

How, you know, people think that,
oh, humanity's basically good,

but you know, when it comes to
loving the face of a broken.

Person in front of you and actual action,
not just in theory of loving mankind.

And mankind's basically good, but like
the neighbor in front of you that like

gets under your skin, the enemy in
front of you, that you've been fighting

with eye on the whole of humanity.

I think people actually don't like, and
actually do hate, you know, it says.

Victor Frankel wrote and said
that the line, the fault line of

evil runs through every heart.

Uh there's uh, the book ordinary
men, which is talking about the,

the, the, kind of the reserve German
police that went into Germany.

These just ordinary guys, just like you
and me, give it a way out saying, Hey,

we're about to do some horrible things.

But if you want, you can go home.

But the majority of the men chose to stay
and liquidate the Jews from the ghetto

women, children, elderly, pregnant women.

That is so, so dark and graphic.

As they spent the day just firing
thousands of rounds into the back of

people's heads and they'd have to get
slammed drunk just to continue doing it.

So I think, I think at the core of our
humanity, there is something very dark and

evil and it takes, it takes something to,
you know, from our religious background.

It takes Jesus Christ to touch
our hearts, transform us.

It puts something supernatural
in us so that we don't snap the

neck of our enemy so that we have
mercy in that moment rather than

fulfilling the desires of our flesh.

And I think, I think, I mean, there's
a right picture of what you said,

that there is something righteous
in just in the heart of a false.

To defend our home and defend our land.

And that's right.

That's good.

That's just

versus when you're
assaulting someone else.

Yeah, brother, it's a great point.

And it's so true.

Um, and I know that, um, a lot of my life.

Me personally, I can relate to that.

The, you know, some of, you know, I
mean, you can't measure, you shouldn't

measure evil, evil, evil, just like
you shouldn't measure sins, you know?

Um, but it's very hard to love your
neighbor when you yourself are broken.

And not a lot of us are.

Cause a lot of people are
actually really happy.

They are a lot, a lot of these people are.

I mean, yeah, sure.

They would want a little more,
like they wouldn't mind a Louis

Vuitton bag or whatever, whatever.

I mean, you can be happy
and broken at the same.

I mean, just because you're happy,
doesn't mean you're not broken.

Doesn't mean that you don't have, you
know, deep pains and sorrows in your life.

Spoken enough to not be
able to love your name.

That's broken enough from me.


Well, I mean, we're happy, I guess.

And, and, you know, yeah.

We're happy.

You're a hundred percent.


But when I'm broken up or when I was, or
if I ever will be, which I don't plan on,

if I'm ever that way, then I hope that,
uh, I go and put myself in an environment

where I know I have spiritual food.

I have real food physically, and I have
spiritual food being like communion as

well, like with people that are good.

And that'll, that'll, that'll pull
that based on God's laws is catapulting

me right back because that decision
I'm going to be broken again.

I'm going to make myself,
if I'm going to go there.

'cause I'm too.

I'm too.

I'm too experienced in this brokenness
love thing to know that that ego that

is inside of me, that evil fault line.

If I, if I, I do have there is control
over it, there is, you know, and not

everyone's going to have that control.

Some of us are assassinated.

Potent might be assassinated.

You know, because do people just
don't want to handle it anymore.


But he's ready for that.

What are you and me ready for?

That's a different question.

We're going to outlive
this guy even naturally.


We're going to be a lot.

And which means we're going to carry
a lot more wisdom works or we're

going to carry wisdom further so
to speak, you know what I'm saying?


And I mean, dude, It's a very, very
complex bowl of nutrients that we

don't want the wrong, like wrong ones
were, have too much of the right ones.

Even, you know, again, this
is a balance to this stuff.

We have to be happy.

We have to be good.

We have to be, we have to feel
that God has loved, you know, like

for whatever that means to each
person, individually is eight.

You know, there's billions of us here,
but yet we have these custom fingerprints.

That means something.

That means something that means that you
do have to figure out what your custom is.

You have to, and if it doesn't feel custom
to you, then do something else for the

time being and come back to the other.

It doesn't feel customed
because you were without your

decision, you were made customer.

Just look at, look at yourself, look
at your hands, look at your prints.

It holds in your decision to be unique.

And yet we still try.

You already are like,
like, like I have a car.

I don't try to be, you
know, like something worse.

You know what I mean?

Like a fricking bicycle, you know,
when I need to go to a hundred miles

away, you know, it's already unique
and everything already makes sense.

Like it's there.

Or like it's not the greatest probably
metaphor, but like, you know, why am

I trying to be something else when
I didn't even have to choose it?

And literally like the most custom
thing you can think of is yourself,

because that's the way God made you.

And he's like flowing through you, but
we do have these brains and they're

very difficult to, to navigate insanely.

Do you feel cause I, I totally love,
I mean, it's powerful thought that

without, without our choice, we were
created custom without our choice,

we were creating completely unique.

Don't you don't you feel

that even though we were created
unique, many people want to just

like, say you do want to be unique,
but they want to be unique, but

totally just fit in with the crowd.

They don't want to stand out.

They want to blend in.


You know, um, I've had the question.

Uh, I've had the question from
a few, like a couple of people.

Where were you two years
ago on this Ukraine stuff?

Where were you?


Cause people are mad and
now you're talking up.

Cause it's a hot topic.


I didn't know that I was half Ukrainian,
nine months ago, seven months ago.

I thought it was a rushing kit because
we were busy on not being poor.

And I'd go over there.

I look into my records.

I get all my birth certificates sent over.

I'm like, what the heck?

I'm half Ukrainian.

This is crazy.

I got the citizenship that I can
literally be a president there.


If it doesn't become Russia.


Yeah, man.

Uh, I'm a dual citizen, bro.


Well, we'll see how long that
if it, if it lasts for sure it

should last, you know, um, but.


You know, uh, and I didn't even
know, I, now I'm standing up because

I know some people don't even know
what to stand out for and that's

why they're not standing out.

And what if, if what they do know it's,
so it might feel like it's powerful,

but it needs a lot more weight.

It needs a lot more commute.

Like, I mean, in, in the way, in this, in
the sense of standing out, it needs more.

But if I want to stand out on a
world tour, but I got, I got, um,

I got accepted to go winter jam.

It's like one of the most,
whatever attended music tours

in human history, whatever.

And, uh, you know, like if I,
if I want, I w if I'm out there,

it's 50 people that are behind.

The idea behind the concept to help
somebody stand out in front of, on

stage in front of 15,000 every night.

There's a whole, it's a whole thing,
you know, and some people aren't ready.

You can't just throw a person on there.

It's like it's, it's, there's
engineering to all that spiritual.

You know, like said glue
kind of wrote like some book.

I think I started reading it in our
engineering, but like a lot of this

stuff goes way up really far, you know?

And actually he does, I don't know
if you re like listened to him,

but he does talk about some stuff.

I just listen to him on the Joe
Rogan podcast yesterday, or something

about, he's talking about like taking
care of the soil because there's

logical things that he talks about.

He sounds like.

Rich kids sometimes, but like, you know,
but like he, you know, he does talk

about some stuff that the very has a lot
of weight to it when it comes to like,

let's take care of like where we're from.

Like for instance, our
soil is dying right now.

We've sucked so much, you know?


We've sucked that something nutrients
out of it with, you know, modifying

genes, you know, modifying DNA.


Like we were just wanting to get
more, you know, whatever war is.

And some, some of it's like, yo, really?

And it's going to take guys like you
and me bro, because, um, life and

death is in the power of the tongue.

That might not make sense in
every situation, but you can

relate it to it, you know?

And in a lot of situations, it is.

There's a lot to unpack there too,
you know, in our tongues, like, like

what we're speaking into existence.

Um, and it makes money, it prints money.

It builds governments, it stirs pod.

It sends podcasts into the world.

You know, it's like, uh,
it's beyond just community.

It's not just communicating.

You know, words or meanings, but it
has power to build power to destroy.

When we, when we greet to something
and shake a hand or write something on

a paper, it means it means something
between people write treaties or

contracts, or even a verbal agreement
between someone when we break our word,

it actually means something has weight.

Uh, I was thinking about
that a couple of weeks ago.

And it just, it's fascinating how as
humans, when I give my word to someone

about something and if I break it,
you know, it's, it's easy to not easy,

but I often find myself breaking my
words to my kids, where they feel.

Where we say, you know, well, you
know, hopefully this weekend, maybe

this weekend we'll be able to do
this, you know, whatever it is.

And then the week, everything
else comes up, like you said, it's

like, okay, we, we, we say, right.

So, but, but it's interesting
that there really is.

There's something spiritual
and powerful in the spoken word

that we can say something with
the spoken word and because of.

We can say something with
our word and stop a war.

Like there is a spiritual force behind it.

It's blessed are the peacemakers that
there is, uh, you can actually be a

peacemaker and build peace through
your words, which is powerful spirit,

deeply spiritual metaphysical.

And it's so funny that you say
that peacemaker it's that's knob.

My last name means that in Slavic and
anytime I'm in a project where I'm not

creating peace, I always feel conviction.

Always whether I act on it or that
feeling, that conviction and these

days I know my limited energy
amounts in the next half hour.

I, you know, I know that I
don't want, I, I enjoy, I enjoy

the, the trail that I'm on.

And I'm like, it has a lot to
do with creating peace, bro.

You know, whatever our products
are, whatever our bread, your breads

are, whatever your logo, whatever,
whatever my businesses are, whatever my

investments or whatever my community is.

Is it peaceful or is it another
stage trying to compete with another.

Or is it peaceful because
it's not easy to create peace.

It really is not because you, I think
you have to go through a lot of tyranny.

Maybe even if it's spiritual to be
like, do I give up God, I give up,

like, I, I have to be a peacemaker.

That is, that is true.

You have to go through so much
tyranny to, to create peace.

I've been thinking about this, you
know, with us American pundents and I

can kind of sometimes fall into that,
you know, I can fall into that trap.

Um, and thinking about this conflict,
you know, seeing a lot of pundits, you

know, back one side or the other, but not
in a way that's making peace, you know?

So I see a lot of people back.

The Ukraine, but it's not in a
way it's like make for peace.

It's in a way to make for war or
people backing the th the Russian

arguments or echoing the, you
know, Russian talking points.

And it's not in a way to make for peace.

It's a way to make full war, you know,
one side saying, well, look at everything

that they censor in Ukraine or in.

And yet my, you know, I can't read RT.

I can't read the Russian times to get
what the Russian times is saying on

telegram because that's been censored.


So are you running on a VPN?

Uh, no.

I guess telegram uses like your,
your phone, the phone number that

you're registered registered in.

So it's like, I guess I pay for, uh, the
point, the point just for a quick sec.

Wait, wait, wait, let me, let me finish.

No, don't let me forget to give you
a VPN for free that I paid for it.

I'm just trying to tell
you something good.

So you can see what news across the world.

Can you, yeah, I have a VPN, so
that's not the, oh, you should

use it to see Russian me, right.

Well, yeah.

So I guess it's just on the, it's just
on my phone and it's just on telegram

that it's, it's blocked because my phone
number is a us registered phone number.

And so it doesn't get around it, but
the point being, you know, how, how

many posts get flagged and taken down
as misinformation only to find out six

months later, it's real information.

So with, within the making of war and
making a conflict there's finances.

So within the, you know, this is the
whole social media algorithm, Google

trap that it's within the making of
controversial statements in the, the

building up of conflict between people
and taking a hard line side that then

drives more, clicks, more comments,
more engagement, more conflict.

And that puts you down a self
fulfilling prophecy almost to continue

down that road because that's what.


That's what gains eyeballs as what gains
stages and audiences, because you're

controversial because you're not making
for peace, but you're making it for war.

And yet what you're saying, and I love it.

It's when you have a message that's
making for peace, oftentimes both

sides we're making for war hate it.

And you know, this is what I experienced
within the Israeli Palestinian.

I was saying, Hey guys, I think there,
I think both sides are doing things that

are wrong, but I also think that that,
that means, I think that Hamas is a

terrorist organization, which is doing
things that are wrong in distributively

shooting missiles at civilian populations
we need, and that's not helping the

people who are paying the costs for
it, which is the Palestinian people

were being crushed from both sides.

Just like in this conflict with.

Being crushed by both sides.

And so I stood up and I, I made statements
saying, Hey, we need to make for peace.

We need to, we need to solve for peace.

But there are a lot of people who
have come into agreement with the

shedding of innocent blood, come into
agreement with the spirit of war making,

for making for war, not peace, just
like I see them both sides of this

conflict within, you know, the native.

And Russia, both sides.

And yet the people who are being crushed
or the Ukrainian people, like the orphans

that your, your friend is helping saving,
you know, saving all these baby orphans.

And, and it's the people like him, this
guy from Portland, Oregon, who, you know,

Who's you just a regular guy, right?

Your friend is just a regular guy.

It's not that he's done
something incredible.

It's not that he's some superhero
incredibly well, I mean, maybe

he's connected, but he decided
to go after Crimea, go over and

help orphans, help people in need.

And he's someone that makes for peace.

Just like you, you're standing up on your
Instagram and you're making for peace.

You're saying, you know what,
forget all these politics, like

the civilian populations being
crushed let's make for peace.

It is.

And it's lied, lied about.

Um, and it's.


And, and I didn't mean
to interrupt you earlier.

I'm sorry about that.

Yeah, I just, you know, you w you want
to be able to see study, like, see what

a demon looks like in a person, but
for real, in a social media, not just

church media, church media, you know,
it's cool and everything, but right now

churches don't usually start warrants.

Usually I don't think from what I
understand, Maybe, I don't know, maybe

some religions do, but current, the
way that church churches are going,

typically not, you know, starting wars,
you know, and, uh, they have a bad, wait,

wait church when church, when religion
becomes blended with the political

system and there's, and there's no way to
differentiate between the political system

and a religion, uh, Those organizations
and the same thing when you don't have

a differentiation between the political
system and the economic system, those

systems often tend to create war.


That's why the separation of church
and state is pretty important.


Which was the separation of
church of state from church

where the political organization.

Couldn't control the church.


Not that the church could
indicate age or religion.

Couldn't engage in the political
process with, with their

religious morals and values.

Yeah, we influence, yeah.

We influence, you know, we
can influence polit politics.

Uh, you know, we're sitting with this
with this oligarchy and Ukraine, uh,

and he was wining and dining us and
he said, What or whatever it was.

I got it.

You want a few women?

You want this?

You want alcohol?

What's uh, you know, like whatever, I'm
just like, y'all just take some hummus.

I'm good.

In a Pete, you some Peter we're chilling.

We're hanging.

Keep hanging out with them.

We'd go to another like venue where it's
like the best spot in downtown Kiev.

All this he's wanting in dining.

Uh, it was minus the wine.

I'm not on drink, but.

And I don't, I don't mind
people that do either way, as

long as it's not hurting them.

Then at the end of the eight
hours hanging out with.

You know, walk around, like with all
this wealthy as personal securities, no

people have, nobody has guns and Ukraine,
but rich dudes, you know, so to speak or

politicians maybe like that are up there.

And, uh, and he goes to my buddy,
uh, one of my business partners out

there in, in key, if, uh, or we, you
know, we were still friends, we used

to be business partners and he's
like, dude, he's like, I have to say.

All the stuff that I've been involved
with last 20 years, he's like, I was

raised Christian and he's like, I know
what I have to do, you know, he's I got,

I got, I know I have to give my life up.

I don't have to give this up.

Like, it's just so hard for me to do, you
know, I have to give, I have to give all

this craziness, all this film that I'm in.


That everybody thinks is awesome.

I mean, we speak about it all the time,
but when you see a person say it and

you see a soul soul trying to get out
and a demons almost all the way out.


You know, that's why
we, that's why we talk.

That's why we speak.

That's why somebody might take
this podcast, they might translate

it, you know, and they might
be in Ukrainian or in Russia.

I'm my I'm gonna have to pay.

I actually was thinking about paying
for it myself and, uh, yeah, bro, like,

you know what more importantly, while
we're here together right now, it kind

to put myself more in your shoes, bro.

Like you do with social media, right?

Um, sometimes.

I feel like because we're a lot of
times more times than not in, in a

war with powers and principalities of
darkness, you know, what's the point of

listening to 7 million people who are
seven, maybe to somebody at 7 billion.

If you know, deep down inside,
it's not your ego say, but

your spirit saying that's not.

I don't care about the fame.

I'm going to go back and worry to
make sure there's food in my, you

know, there's food in my stomach
is food and the stomachs of people

around me who are going to make wise
decisions and we're going to grow.

And 60 years from now, which is
going to fly by like this, it's

going to be completely differently.

Going to be a completely different
landscape because of what we were

thinking about because of what we are
podcasts about, because of all that.

And you're under that pressure.

Cause you're like, you know,
you have a quality studio, bro.

Like you have massive, massive studio, you
know, that is going to be huge, you know?

And it's and all these trends and
all this stuff that's out there.

That's trying to tell anybody
that's like you or like.

Um, that we're doing something
wrong and that we're not living

up to what needs to happen.

No competition is good when
it's from the holy spirit, so

to speak, you know what I mean?

Like it's good.

And, and all that is good, but resist the
devil and no, the, no, the demons, like,

no, as we'd like Pentecostals say or, or
whatever, whatever that means, but like,

Even if it might be my friend, it might
be my brother God's in him, you know,

but they they're letting a little bit of
the DNA they want to flirt around with.

They want to flirt with the double.

They want to dangerous devil devil
wears Prada, devil wears fancy stuff.

Sometimes angel, you know, it really does.

There's a, there's an Arabic, there's
an Arabic saying it's a, an Arabic

ISAM, Shaya, what button Jaya, which
is the name is famous, but the stomach

is empty or the stomach is hungry and
it's, you know, they, they meet it.

There's two different kinds
of contextual meanings to it.

One is that, you know, you, you
pretend to be the rich guy, but

you actually, you know, you're
broke because you're overextended.

But then there's the other, the other
meaning that it reminds you of what you

just said of how, you know, we could
chase the 7 million or a hundred million,

700 million people and to get the
affirmation or controversy or energy from

them, but really we could be just empty.

Empty vessels, empty clouds that
promises rain, but just as empty or

we can, we can pull back from that.

As you said, you know, 60 years
is going to go by, you know,

like that, and I'm already, you
know, I could be already halfway.

I can be over halfway through my life.

You don't know, you know, you
just had a near death experience.

You got hit by a car.

But walking through crosswalk red
light, 74 kilometer kilometer,

brother, 74 kilometers an hour.

Oh my gosh.

Almost 50 miles an hour.

I'm talking about like

out titanium plate put in you,
you had a brushed Rosette.

You could have been, we can not
be having this podcast right now.

We could not be having this
conversation right now.

So you don't know the time, but at the
end of the day, like what matters the.

The controversy, the followers,
the likes, no, that's my family.

It's it's whether or not my stomach
was filled with the richness and the

goodness and the truth of God, not the,
the theme of the world and the attention

of the world and the money of the world.

Whatever is that the emptiness that we're
chasing to try to, as you so rightly say.

Be unique, trying to fill,
trying to feel like we're unique.

We're something special, even
though we were born unique

without asking, without learning.

That's how, you know,
you're just given that way.

Um, they're, they're famous
full, but their spirit is empty.



It's some shy.

So their name is famous,
but their stomach is empty.

But, uh, yeah.

And, and as you said, you know,
all those, all those who are making

war, you know, making for war, they
are, you know, here today and gone

tomorrow, but the righteous, those
who make for peace, they shall remain,

you know, as you said,


well, my head starting to hurt a little
bit after the surgeries and all that.

Um, yeah.

Um, and, uh, let's keep
rocking and rolling.

Staying in touch.

I got a bunch of meetings the
next four months across the

U S um, I got this big one.

On Friday.

Uh, so just, just paving the way, man.

I'm looking for people that are
peaceful, not looking for any, uh, not

looking for anybody that's combative,
you know, in a sense that, uh, combat

is good, but it needs to be from God.

You know, when we're fighting, when
we're Christians and we're fighting

against each other and all this stuff
and we should repent and we should.

Like, you know, figure out a
better way because that's not

part of the desktop part of the
plan combat is when it's from God.

It's okay.

You know, but when it's, uh, you
have to be able to say that that

combat was from God and you can't
look your brother in the face that's

in your community or in your family.

And say that combat was from
God against you from me.

Like what kind of statement is that?

You know,

Yeah, it is.



It's true.

Get some rest, rest that head of yours.

That's all for episode 274, the afterglow.

Thanks for listening to the second half.

If you got value out of the show.

That you would go and visit
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All of, all of the money given this
week, or from this episode is going

to go to help orphans in Ukraine.

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Get food, shelter, water.

You can get.

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So the link is in the show notes,
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We will see you next time on the show.

Remember, you are someone who pursues
truth so that you can live by truth.

And that empowers us and
enables us to own the future.