Money & Me: Get anything you desire this year 5 Day Audio Program:
I believe we can change the world. But first, we’ve got to stop living in fear of being judged for who we are.
Hi I'm Genecia Alluora, Founder of the #1 Leading Female Entrepreneur Network in South East Asia supporting 1 Million women to Own & LOve The F-Word. Being fabulous, having freedom, financial independence and Family.
With a challenge to women everywhere to stop TALKING themselves out of their dreams, Soul Why? Secrets of The Soul Rich Woman Blueprint identifies the excuses to let go of, the behaviours to adopt, and the skills to acquire on the path to growth, confidence, and believing in yourself to be recognised as a leader online. Get clients online and to have more impact on the world!
Stop Believing THE Lies ABOUT Who You Are so You Can Become Who You Were Meant to Be. You're Just an "F-Word" Away from The Life You Want, The Marriage You Want... The Family That You Want, Is Going To Be Fueled By The Business & Life You Build ... Join me, become a Soul Rich Woman. Alone we are strong, Together we are unstoppable!
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Genecia Alluora: Hi, I'm Genecia Alluora, founder of Soul Rich Woman, the number one leading female entrepreneur network in Southeast Asia supporting 1 million women to own and love the F Word, fabulous freedom, financial independence and happy family. Alone, you are strong, together, we are unstoppable. So go to Grab your free five day online program, Money and Me, how to get anything you desire. Welcome to my show.
Genecia Alluora: Hello, gorgeous, and thank you so much for listening to my podcast, Soul Why. I really appreciate it. Make sure you're following me on social media as well. I'm at Genecia Alluora on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and LinkedIn, @geneciaalluora. Or find me at and share with me your stories because I love hearing your aha moments about these episodes and it's going to be super fun. So stay connected.
Genecia Alluora: In today's episode, I want to talk about what is money mindset and how to upgrade yours for the F Word being fabulous, having freedom, financial independence and a happy family, your money mindset and how to change it so that you can attract more wealth and freedom. Are you tired of feeling broke, exhausted and overworked? Feel like you've been stuck at the same income for years? The only thing that you need to do in order to be wealthy, empowered business owner is to deal with your money mindset. The only thing? Yes. Once you make the money mindset shift, everything else will fall into place. Anyone who follow this strategy write a to do list but don't have a strong money mindset. You are going to sabotage your business. It doesn't matter where you are right now whether you're just starting out or making good money in your business but are burnt out. In the last ten years, working with thousands of entrepreneurs, I found that there isn't a single one of us who doesn't need to keep working on new money blocks at each level. Yep, even for me. I still work on my money mindset every single day.
Genecia Alluora: Be it for my beauty business, Alluora at, our skincare business or the female entrepreneur network Soul Rich Woman. So once you change your money mindset, everything transforms. For years, I was stuck in a soulless job as an occupational therapy, as an occupational therapist, like kind of like going through motion even though I love the work. But I wasn't just excited and I was also stuck in being an entrepreneur red race. That sucked. I couldn't break through my income ceiling even though I was earning quite okay. They're earning about the same amount of money but yet not really fulfilling my potential or helping people. But I broke free and today I want to show you how you can do the same. How you can change your beliefs about money. I want to show you how exactly you can shift your money mindset so you can start enjoying financial freedom right away. You are just a F-word away. Fabulous freedom, financial independence and a happy family. What exactly is money mindset, you may ask? You probably see money mindset issues in action every single day. Perhaps one of your friends is insanely super successful in their business. Another one struggles on working long hours and never seems to catch a break.
Genecia Alluora: It's almost likely all due to their money mindset. What you believe about money can have a powerful effect and impact on your life. Your money mindset is a set of beliefs that you have built up since childhood about money, wealth and success. This unique set of beliefs is so personalized that siblings can grow up with different money stories to one another influences everything from how you save, you spend and you manage your money. It also plays out in your business too. A huge amount of work that comes with clearing money blocks has to do with healing generational issues around wealth. Money stories comes in all different shapes and sizes, but there are common themes that all lead back to who we are and the stories we were allowed to become true around money. I'm here to help you to create new empowering beliefs around money. There are more and more coaches teaching about money mindset and overcoming money blocks every single day, many of whom are also my students. I have been teaching and writing about money mindset for over a decade. Becoming a soul rich woman, yes. And have spent more than 20 years in personal development and coaching.
Genecia Alluora: My books, free resources and events have helped hundreds of thousands of people and my Soul Rich Woman Blueprint program, my Money Mindset training program and my community is one of the longest running and I will say one of a very good regarded online course that's also available. Understanding your money mindset is key to success. Your experiences ever since you were tiny all play into shaping your money mindset today. If you look into your childhood, what feelings did you have about money? Did your mom hide purchases of new clothes or shoes from your dad because she wasn't allowed to spend any money? If so, you probably feel guilty spending money on yourself or even repeat the same behavior by hiding expenses from your partner. Did your family go through feast and famine periods where you'll have luxurious treats in one month, then all clothes the next? Which means that there are some months that is good months, some months are bad months and days that you have a lot of money to spend to eat buffet and the next day you have to eat at a hawker center or eat at a place where you just have to scream and save.
Genecia Alluora: Maybe you are just repeating the same habits. One week you are buying champagne and the next week you are going to debt for simple things like groceries and phone bills. Do you feel like you have to work hard for money? Do you have the limiting money belief that only hard work pays off? Maybe you procrastinate and then you pull a all nighters just to justify making money. Now, how is your money mindset formed? This is the next question. Your money mindset is formed through your experiences with money and success right from your earliest memories to the present day. The way your parents or your caregivers spoke about money while you were growing up as a young adult helped you to create a belief system that you are most likely to carry as an adult. If you consider what your family money story was, it will help you to understand how you've developed your own current money mindset.
Genecia Alluora: I call this your original story, your core story, something that originates from within you, your core system. And it's a rich seam of information about the way you currently deal with money issues. Did you have a family motto around working hard on money? How was pocket money in your family? All these foundational experiences can shape your beliefs and self worth and business. Now, let's address next the types of money mindset. There are four types of money mindset. Number one, abundance mindset. If you are lucky enough to have cultivated an abundant mindset, you'll feel as though there is plenty of everything to go around from money to love, business opportunities to success. If it doesn't come naturally to you, there are always ways to exercise your abundance money mindset muscle. There are three ways to cultivate an abundance mindset. Number one, make a list. Make a list of everything in your life that actually makes you feel rich already. It could be you live in a great house, that you have a great relationship, that you have an amazing health, write a list of all the things where you actually have a lot of abundance and luck already in your life, we need to affirm in this space.
Genecia Alluora: The list that will immediately make you feel better and it will give you a different perspective of where your lucky is. Number two, switch up your thoughts. Have you ever noticed when you're feeling really good about your business and super abundant, and that's when even more clients come in. You need to change up and switch up your thoughts and feelings right now. That doesn't cost you anything. Burn up your super luxurious candles, use the towels that are just for guests, wear makeup and perfume and nice clothes that you already have, that maybe you already have been saving for a special occasion. Number three, take action. Consider the income producing activities that you can implement today and start putting them into place. It could be that you have to chase up some clients who owe you money. Perhaps you need to create an offer. See how easy it is to shift your money mindset to one of abundance. Now, the other one, which is the second type of money mindset or what we call the abundance mindset, it's the scarcity mindset. A scarcity mindset is when you're feeling the lack of something. If you have a scarcity mindset around money, you may find it difficult to out to make money or hold on to it once you receive it. If you have this, you may find yourself feeling envious of others' success or feeling as though there's never enough to go around.
Genecia Alluora: This can be money, success, or whatever. If you have it can be also a manifest as an anxiety. For example, perhaps you feel like you're not good enough that you don't deserve success. It's so important to begin the work of breaking free from this scarcity mindset. Don't worry, I've got some tools and tips to help you grow your wealth mindset or your money mindset. The third money mindset is positive mindset. When you focus on the bright side of life, you're operating from a positive mindset. Life can be much easier with this mental attitude. Are you the one who's always looking for the silver lining in any situation? You tend to focus on the good or tend to have an optimistic outlook? Well, you expect good things to happen to you. You have cultivated a positive mindset. It's going to stand you in a good state as we work through how to change and shift your money energy.
Genecia Alluora: Number four, millionaire mindset. Becoming a millionaire often just requires a mindset upgrade. Cool, huh? You're just maybe just an F word away or tweak away. Here are my four keys to embracing a millionaire mindset. Four key beliefs, affirmations you can borrow to help you on your journey to becoming a millionaire. Number one, there's always more money. We live in a world of abundance. There's always enough. There's always more opportunities. There are always more ideas. Your practice business didn't work out? That doesn't make you a failed entrepreneur? Well, look at how Sir Richard Branson tried to do all diverging shoot offs. If one idea doesn't work, there's always another round the corner. The world is an abundant place. There's always more money.
Genecia Alluora: Number two, there are easier ways to make money. One of my favorite mindset affirmations are, there are easier ways to make money. Now, I'm seeing this all the time when I'm finding myself doing the opposite, which is over complicating things because we as women, for me myself, I overthink and I think a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot. I think the next, the next, the next, what if, the what nots and many thing else. So pursuing an idea that's not exactly in my zone of genius or otherwise making things harder for myself. In the pursuit of entrepreneurial dream, we often take the hardest route. That's why a lot of my early business failed because not that the ideas weren't good, but because I felt that they were too hard for me and I just wanted the outcome. For example, just the money. So I have pursued lots of good ideas that weren't naturally a fit for me. Well, I started a dating agency to matchmake, to do matchmaking business. But that's for another story.
Genecia Alluora: I'm a storyteller. I tell stories on my social media, on my blogs, on stages. I write books. I basically make a living by telling random stories and inspiring people to create the life they want. So yeah, maybe you are just over complicating things. Maybe you're just going into the wrong industry, trying to help the wrong people, or pursuing a business that's simply the wrong fit for your skills and talent. There is a path of resistance. You just need to know where to find it and how to find it and have to find it. Now, number three, know yourself and be prosperous. Know yourself and be prosperous. Know yourself and have your F word. Freedom, financial independence, being fabulous and having a happy family. Now, you need to uncover your unique super powersand use them to create your ideal life and business. Find a logical path for you and reduce any unnecessary friction. I am very mindful of doing the things in my work that fits my personality and not against it. I go with the flow. That doesn't mean never working. I work a lot and when I'm not working, I'm often thinking about my work.
Genecia Alluora: But it doesn't feel stressful to me most of the time. The first step is to know who you are. The second step is to accept it lovingly. Knowing that your personality is a perfect for you and your business. Self acceptance is way more profitable than self help. You are enough. You are enough exactly who you are and you are enough exactly who you need to be right now. Number four, a wealthy person looks like you. One of the most powerful speakers I've ever heard was this amazing speaker. And I just felt that the person who said this, I stand before you, a very, very, very wealthy woman. Now, when I hear from this lady speaker, it gave me goosebumps. Now, bragging in Asia isn't generally seen as a bragging trait. To be honest, if you say that, oh, I'm extremely wealthy, I'm very well to do, when you say all these things, usually you definitely will be judged. Yes.
Genecia Alluora: In Asia? Yes. Coming from where I am, judgment is almost unprecedented. So anyway, I felt that the person had this energy of a matter of fact and with an apology. So one thing I learned from this speaker is to give yourself permission to be wealthy and successful exactly as you are now. The woman who loves the F word being fabulous, freedom, financial independence, and a happy family. Part of working through your money blocks and shifting your money mindset is identifying your money stories and limiting beliefs. I talk openly about being wealthy because I want to showcase a young selfmade millionaire who is a reasonably nice person most of the time and dresses and ex look like an average person. I'm just not that fancy, really, because I think it disappoints someone that I'm not living a more glamorous life. I'm not impressed with eating in super fancy restaurants.
Genecia Alluora: I own very few expensive shoes, handbags or clothes. Most people have a fixated idea or fixed idea in their mind what rich looks like. I know, and I still do. Okay? Like rich, crazy rich Asian driving in very fancy food, cars, going to country clubs with lots of gold jewelry. You know what? Actually, you are what a wealthy person looks like, not some crazy rich Asians or Bling empire. So that's my top four lessons on cultivating a millionaire mindset. It's that simple. So, seven signs you need to work on your money mindset. Now, I want to say this because it's important. When it comes to money, sooner or later there's a wake up call that happens for each of us. Do you feel like there's an invisible glass ceiling holding you back from success? Maybe you've been stuck at a particular income level for years. Maybe you are telling yourself that you're too busy right now or that money isn't that important to you.
Genecia Alluora: Maybe you have conflicting feelings about wealth, worried that it's not good enough for you, or that you have to do something outside of your values to really, truly make enough money. Now, if you are doing all that you can but still not making financial breakthroughs, you know they are within your reach, it's time to do something different. You need a money mindset reset. If you're undercharging in your business, feeling like you're pushing against the flow of money and you cannot figure out why it's so difficult, I've got some answers for you that might just crack the quote. I have these seven signs for you that money mindset is actually the crucial next step. Reason number one. You know that it's your time. Each year you set big goals thinking that this will be the year that all your dreams come true. You might even have a book that is sitting on your computer 90% done or a course that's ready to launch, but something's stopping you. Every day you wake up and think now is the right time.
Genecia Alluora: But the moment your income doesn't match up, your intelligence, potential and gifts you offer up to the world, you are tired of waiting for someone else to choose you. Or you deem that you are ready to earn more. Reason two you love personal development, but the money hasn't shown up yet. You could be feeling like a fraud right now because you're doing everything right, but it's just not working. I bet you have a dream bot. You probably journal your goals regularly and you are a super positive person. You probably read every abundance book under the sun, but you still feel like there's a missing piece. It feels unfair. And if you're honest with yourself, you know that you have a sabotaging money behavior, just that you don't know how to change them. And that's perfectly normal.
Genecia Alluora: Number three, reason three you don't earn what you're worth, and you suspect that you're worth a lot more. The charge what your worth concept has a very bad reputation in the market. How much you charge, how much you're worth, is a very bad rep. Because of course I say that you're priceless. But guess what? Your business isn't. You actually have to name a price. Every day I meet people who are simply undercharging. They know it, but they are powerless to do anything about it. You might know it too, but you're still getting the feedback that, oh, you're so expensive. Even though when you know that you're actually drastically undercharging. That's usually the problem. When you undercharge, you energetically attract clients who will never be happy. And that's so frustrating. Reason four you want to lead a soul rich woman life, owning the effort, fabulous freedom, financial independence, and a happy family.
Genecia Alluora: But you're stuck. And I've been there. I know it sucks. You're sick of compromising areas in your life like where you live, how you dress, or how you travel. It's exhausting to justify every single cent you spend. Wouldn't it be nice to have a peace of mind that you can always make more money? You're seeing under other entrepreneurs rapidly increasing their income, and you're kind of jealous that it's not you. It's okay to admit it. Reason five you already know that you need a money mindset makeover. Maybe this isn't your first time that you have listened to my podcast, read my book, or even checked out who I am online. You might even go through situations when you think, I've got to sort this out. You start to sweat when you talk to an accountant or anyone official about money. Or you sit and procrastinate sending out invoices. People confess that they are so scared about money in particular in particular talking about it and asking for it.
Genecia Alluora: You might even think that you're really bad with money, but I've never met anyone whom I can't help. You'd be surprised about how practical money manifesting can be. It's not about lighting a candle under the full moon, holding your crystals, and making wishes. It's about taking practical inventory about your past experiences and examining your beliefs and habits around money. Reason six, you feel like you repel money. Maybe you have a real feast or famine relationship with money. You know how to manifest money quickly when you really need it. But it's not predictable when it comes at a great personal cost, like stress or burnout. When you have a good month, you often attract unexpected bills or fines that wipe it all out. So you're always going two steps forward, one step back, and that can be so frustrating. Reason seven you want to make more money, but you're also scared.
Genecia Alluora: People are surprised to learn that even millionaires are scared. Making more money and shifting your money mindset doesn't make the fear go away. For example, you could be scared by your own potential because your vision for your life is huge. You sometimes worry about what it will mean to be truly wealthy and that somehow it would turn into a negative experience. Or you sabotage it in some way. Like you worry about tax bills. You worry about getting into trouble with IRAs. You worry about losing your privacy or safety. You worry about your friends and family asking you for money. You worry that it's actually going to be a huge negative experience. And that's really very common. Can you see these conflicting things and how much they are holding you back? Okay, so here are the seven pretty big signs that have shown you that you need to work on your money mindset.
Genecia Alluora: Okay? How much money do you think you've left on the table because of your money blocks? So let's work to shift your money mindset so that you can begin to attract the wealth you deserve. So how to change your money mindset? I am passionate about money mindset work and how to change your mindset, especially as a soul rich woman. I need to carve out everyday time to do my money mindset work and this has a huge impact in my business. So back in the early days, I realized I was spending a ton of money on things like causes and events that actually weren't going to give me the mindset boost I needed. I started out with my fundamental belief that money was really hard to get. I grew up with the mindset that I had to work really hard to make money because I had to work and support myself through school since I was 14 years old. And I had that in me ingrained, indoctrinated. So let me tell you, this surfaces at every level of my business. I've seen so much recently with entrepreneurs.
Genecia Alluora: They are making money, but they are struggling to keep it because they don't realize that they have these underlying sabotaging patterns around money. Wealth itself will not cure you of your money blocks. It actually amplifies them. When rich and famous people totally screw up their money situation, I think it's because they haven't dealt with that underlying money stuff. They haven't really worked on their money mindset. Once you know your particular money blocks and sabotages, you'll be clearer and freer. You are likely less to overspend or block money from coming to you in the first place and you won't sabotage it when things are good. Working on your money mindset is an ongoing process, but one that will absolutely change your life for the better. Now let's take a look at the next part. Clear your money blocks.
Genecia Alluora: Let's have a really honest look at your money blocks. Now, this is a great opportunity to revisit your money beliefs. Two things, what are your thoughts and feelings about money right now? What are you telling yourself about money? Maybe you've slipped into all bad money habits. Or maybe you've forgotten that you need to work on your money mindset all the time. Even though I'm a millionaire and I teach this stuff, I'm constantly working on clearing my money blocks. If I start to think I know everything that is to know about money, I don't need to worry about this. Bam. Guess what? My income will platoon as well. So here are four ways to shift your money mindset and clear your money blocks. Number one, write them down. Write down your biggest money blocks and then go through the list, taking time with each one and asking yourself, is this really true? Most likely you'll discover a lot of self sabotaging hiding out in the list.
Genecia Alluora: Number two, do the mindset work every day? Book out regular time each week to look at your money blocks and access whether they are true or not. Focusing on this regularly will help you to get to the next level more quickly and easily. Number three, check for sabotages. Hunt down any sabotaging behaviors. Notice where you are hiding away or feeling guilty. Look for a tendency to procrastinate, launching or otherwise sabotage your success. Number four, call in the experts. Add a mindset expert into the team, including working with someone like me to release your money blocks. I mean, it's totally okay to pay for that kind of help. In fact, I think it's really super important. So the next part will be create empowering beliefs about money.
Genecia Alluora: There are two practices that I love for helping you create more empowering beliefs about money. First, let's talk about expressing gratitude. Acknowledge how far you've come. So many of us just go for the next goal. The next goal. The next goal. Without any space in between. No wonder our successes feel a little bit empty because we are not acknowledging them. Take a little breather and appreciate all that you've achieved so far. This will help you to get into the right mindset for calling more abundance. It will help you to feel more empowered. And secondly, you must give yourself the permission to earn more. You actually have to give yourself the permission because nobody else is going to stop you except yourself.
Genecia Alluora: So use these three affirmations. Number one, it is safe for me to make more money. It is safe for me to make more money. Number two, it is safe for me to go to the next level. It is safe for me to go to the next level. Number three, it is safe for me to earn more than my partner, peers or parents. It is safe for me to earn more than my partner, peers or parents. Give yourself the permission to earn more. You need to know that it's okay for you at a cellular level. It's okay for you to make more money. Remind yourself constantly, these two actions practice regularly will help you cultivate more empowered beliefs about money. Now, let's go to the next part. Practice money affirmations. I absolutely love a good Affirmation. I think they can have really powerful impact on your life and business and can be powerful as reading a book or taking a course.
Genecia Alluora: Affirmations are huge part of how I've manifested my life and my business, and I always recommend them as a great starting point. If you're looking to drastically upgrade your money mindset as a soul rich woman, affirmations are great pattern interrupters and can help you to shift your energy and mood. So what are the best affirmations to use to grow your business and abundance? Here are some Affirmations I'm loving right now to transform your money mindset. Affirmation one, my face is my future. My face is my future. I use this one all the time. This is for you entrepreneurs out there. Don't hide for your customers to connect with you. You need to be seen. People love connecting with an actual person. And although you think that you're not perfect, that's exactly what they need to see. The way to differentiate yourself in a crowded market is to be unapologetically you. Yes. Even at your current weight or your current size, or even though you think you're not ready, or even you have nothing to worry, or even if worry of that you're not good enough or you don't have a certificate.
Genecia Alluora: You know what? This is for you. Affirmation two I serve, I deserve. When I first started using this Affirmation, it completely changed the way I felt, my impact on the world, and my ability to receive abundance in return. I used to feel terrible that I couldn't help everybody, and I will constantly feel guilty. Have you gone through those sleepless nights, guilt trips? Like, you just keep tossing and turning in bed, knowing that you're so guilty that you cannot help someone else? And then the truth is that when you have a business that you could work 24/7 and still not feel like you're doing enough, there's no clock off time for most of us. You are probably serving all the time. And guess what? You are allowed to receive abundance in return for all the good you are putting out in the world. Affirmation number three. This is what a wealthy person looks like. This is what a soul rich woman looks like.
Genecia Alluora: Yes. This one will change your life. When you look and you think about stereotype or stereotypical wealthy person, like Bling Empire and crazy rich Asians, I mean, what do you think they look or sound like or dress like? Do they look like you? I used to think that I wasn't allowed to be wealthy because I like to dress casually and I love McDonald's. Go look in the mirror and say this to yourself. Point at your face and say, this is what a soul rich woman looks like. This is how a wealthy person looks like. Using this affirmation takes a bit of effort to remember, but if you can get it into your habit, you'll see huge results in a very short time. Now let's go to the next part. How then do you create money goals? When it comes to setting income goals, it's really common to get blocked or feel like you're not doing it right.
Genecia Alluora: It's so important to have a positive money mindset. Do you set a big audacious goal, like a big hairy goal? Will you put up mixed messages to the universe if you keep changing it too often? For a lot of entrepreneurs, picking a number can feel very difficult and many people are scared to commit to a number in case they got it all wrong. That's why setting income goal is a very important part of being in business. This alone will help you to do four things. Number one, stay focused. Number two, make decisions. Number three, reach the next level. Number four, save time, energy, and money. So firstly, don't overthink. The most important thing is this. Don't overthink your goal setting to the point that you never do it. I understand this. I have been there, done that. So you've discovered this episode, so just pick a number. It's not set in concrete.
Genecia Alluora: Goal setting is free. You can do it as many times as you like and change it whenever, it doesn't cost you anything to set a goal. The big secret is that your intention and clarity are the most important things, and a goal that you change over time is better than no goal at all. So let's come to the final part. What happens when you change your mindset? When you change your money mindset, your thoughts of scarcity and lack are replaced with deep peace and trust. You feel safe, supported, and abundant. Once you clear away the old behaviors and those things are no longer serving you, this will be mirrored in your outer reality and also in your finances as well. You'll feel a deep shift within your body and a growing outward, growing feeling of more peace and ease and your cost stability within your system itself after you've done the work to shift the patterns. Your abundance will increase in all levels. I started so many businesses when I was younger. I mean, like the internet, I told you, the dating agency, to image consultancy firm, and many things, right?
Genecia Alluora: But you know what? I practically repel money. I didn't reach a lot of the goals I set for myself, the income goals. So one day I decided something major that I need to shift, right? So I put all my effort into overcoming my money stuff and to go online and changing up how I do things, what I learn, what do I really letting go of all the old stuff that no longer served me as an entrepreneur and learning new things. And today I'm a self made millionaire. So in conclusion, money mindset is ongoing. Money blocks and limiting beliefs will keep popping up. And these old stories can really derail your success. It can stop you from achieving your F word, being fabulous, having freedom, financial independence and a happy family. The good news is that working on your mindset will have a powerful impact on your ability to reach your goals quicker. Imagine these six things, you have just doubled your income while working half the time. Number two, you had the best month ever and finally break through the income block. Number three, sign the contracts on the dream house that you have ever thought of buying.
Genecia Alluora: Number four, retire your partner. Now your partner doesn't need to work nine to five. He or she can just enjoy her life as per what you are doing now. Number five, free up yourself from ever having to work weekends again. Number six, bought the trip of a lifetime ticket for a holiday for yourself and your family. Now, that's the value of doing this money mindset work. It will completely transform your life and you are totally prepared for this. This is your time and you are ready for the next step. Now, if you want more support and practical mindset advice from me to help you to work through the common money blocks, money fears, and of course, join my Soul Rich Woman boot camp. It will revolutionize your life and help you to release all the fears that's holding you back. Or just drop me an email. Write to me at Connect with me on TikTok, Instagram, or even LinkedIn. And find me on social @geneciaalluora. G, E, N, E, C, I, A, A, L, L, U, O, R, A. All right. I love you and I speak to you soon. I know this episode a little bit long. I believe it's definitely worth it for you. Bye for now.
Genecia Alluora: Hey gorgeous. I can help you to build your dreams. Now you can work with me in my Money Mindset coaching program and mastermind community, Soul Rich Woman. The more you surround yourself with inspiring, successful and supportive people, the more you'll feel safe to dream. Let's clear all the old stories, beliefs and sabotages that are stopping you, holding you back and making you go round and round in circles and not allowing you to create your soul rich life. Fabulous freedom, financial independence and a happy family. It's fun and practical that is Or simply email us at So come and join us.