Awaken Your Sacred Soul System - A Podcast, with Kate Darnell

Ready to welcome the Spaciousness?

Would you believe Kate [or anyone!] who told you that the more relaxed you were, the more abundant AND easy life would become? Hmmmm...maybe you would...Is this common, science backed info now a days?!

Listen is as Kate shares some simple mindful steps to release just a little bit of the tension you might be holding, in order to create more space to receive and allow!!

You can apply for your FREE 23 minute freedom session here
Or find all the other ways to work with Kate here

What is Awaken Your Sacred Soul System - A Podcast, with Kate Darnell ?

Join Kate Darnell this summer and beyond for interviews, high vibe energetic processes and practical ways to live spiritually from soul, with complete and utter love for YOU! Let's take a collective breath, a pause, a moment for you! We hope you enjoy this energetic, uplifting and inspiring series.

Would you believe me [or anyone!] who told you that the more relaxed you were, the more abundant AND easy life would become? Hmmmm...maybe you would...Is this common, science backed info now a days?!

I’m incredibly fortunate to work with so many inspiring creatives, artists, writers, parents, health professionals, teachers, healers, lovers - truly exceptional humans (like YOU!) AND guess what, we each require the reminder to...

Stress Less!

Release just a little bit of that tension to create more space to receive and allow.

I need to remind myself regularly to...

RELAX - Nourish and nurture my nervous system in whatever way I need, in that moment.
TRUST - Take a moment to feel into what I’m experiencing, lean into the lesson, and trust that it's safe to receive it as a valuable gift.
ALLOW - As soon as I default to trying to micromanage a situation (especially the financial ones!) I give myself a few sweet minutes to simply allow the fear/scarcity to be so that it can release and allow for all the good stuff to flow my way!
I would love to support you and your Sacred Soul System in feeling soul nourished and ready to trust in even more of what you have to share, and bask in this lifetime! Which is why I'm sharing a final call for anyone ready to relax into their brilliance and receive a FREE 23minute FREEDOM SESSION (the final day to book or say yes to this special offer will be next Weds 23-3-23!)

It's time for each of us to relax, trust and allow all to be revealed exactly as it needs to, and share and spread the abundant light a little more too! Come play! I'm so excited to be supporting you soon!

In Golden Light,

Love Kate xoxo

New episodes of "Awaken You Sacred Soul System" are uploaded every Friday on Spotify, Apple and wherever you find your podcasts, be sure to follow along for extra joy and golden times!

I love YOU and I love YOU!