Public Sector Executive News

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And here’s today’s news from Public Sector Executive on Thursday the 25th of July 2024.
City Hall has published a six month report on the expanded London-wide Ultra Low Emission Zone scheme. Mayor of London Sadiq Khan announced last August that the boundaries of the ULEZ zone were being expanded to have the same boundaries at the Low Emission Zone.
The key findings from the report suggest that the ULEZ and LEZ schemes are significantly reducing the number of older, high-polluting vehicles on the streets of the capital and the levels of harmful air pollution. The number of non-ULEZ-compliant vehicles across London almost halved from 7.4 to 3.8% over the six-month period, while nitrogen oxide emissions across outer London are believed to be between 7 and 13% lower than they would have been without the ULEZ expansion.

Prime minister Sir Keir Starmer and energy secretary Ed Miliband have today announced the launch of a landmark partnership between Great British Energy and the Crown Estate, which the government says could unlock £60bn of private investment. In order to give the two institutions the necessary powers to deliver, two new bills are also being introduced into parliament today, as the UK looks to accelerate the mission to clean energy by 2030.
The Crown Estate estimates the collaboration will lead to up to 20-30GW of new offshore wind developments reaching seabed lease stage by the end of the decade — this is enough power for the equivalent of nearly 20 million homes. This parliament will see £8.3bn of new money ringfenced for the Great British Energy project and, with its headquarters set to be in Scotland, the UK Government is continuing talks with the Scottish Government and Crown Estate Scotland as to how new development and investment can be supported.
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