Flip the Script with Vic

In this week's episode we delve deep into the collective energy forecast and what it means for us in the month of October.

This episode is packed with wisdom from the Akashic Records, offering guidance on how to navigate the transformative energies of October. Here are three key takeaways:

🔑 Embrace Change and Let Go: October is a period traditionally known for transformation, and this year is no exception. The energies of death and rebirth are strong, meaning significant shifts are imminent. Accept the changes and remember, “your way of life as you know it, moving forward is no more.”

🌀 Balance Your Energy Spiral: We discuss the importance of balancing cosmic and earthly energies through your heart center. Ensure you ground yourself while also raising your vibrations. This balance will help you navigate the month’s challenges with greater ease.

💖 Prioritize Self-Care and Slow Down: October calls for slowing down and looking inward. Self-love, nervous system regulation, and reassessing life choices are key themes. “You cannot create change from the same energy that caused the problem,” so take this time to rejuvenate and prepare for new beginnings.

Get the Kundalini Yoga for Eclipse Season meditation bundle for $22 now.

Share your fave takeaways from the episode on Instagram with me (@victoriamargauxnielsen) and tag someone who needs to hear!

Applications are now open for the 2nd Annual Return to You Retreat from May 2-7, 2025 in El Sargento, Mexico. Apply now!

IG: @flipthescriptwithvic
IG: @victoriamargauxnielsen
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email: victoriamargauxnielsen@gmail.com

Cover art: @house.of.morgan

What is Flip the Script with Vic?

Welcome to Flip the Script with Vic, your weekly pep talk to expand and shift your perspective. I’m your host, Victoria Nielsen. Together, we’ll unwind all the things you thought you knew, and awaken to what’s truly possible when you flip the script on your reality and take control of your own life.

Victoria [00:00:00]:
Hi loves, welcome to another episode of Flip the script with Vic. It's your host, Victoria Nielsen. Welcome to your October energy update. I'm going to be doing these once a month moving forward where I open the Akashic records and just share whatever guidance, wisdom, energy activation love wants to come through from the Akashic records to share what the collective energy is going to be over the next month and anything that you need to know. So if you are new here, hi. The Akashic records are just an energetic frequency of love that anyone can tap into at any time for the guidance that they need. In the moment, I am opening my crown chakras and connecting to the ascended masters, teachers and any loved ones that want to come through and any of the guidance that they want to share with you all that are listening. So as I tune in, I just feel this infinite love and infinite potential of the records of and I think what's coming through strongest is this reminder, right? That we are already whole and complete, exactly as we are.

Victoria [00:01:08]:
That we already have the keys to unconditional love, that we already have the keys to connecting to our higher selves, that we already have the keys, period. And that we need to be the ones in the driver's seat of our own lives. And that the people pleasing has got to stop. The bending over backwards for others has got to stop that being in your own sovereign energy is of the utmost importance. Over this next month, there is going to be a lot of death and rebirth energy. There is going to be a lot of sudden shifts in the collective. Eclipse season is a portal for a reason. It is a karmic thing that brings about change of the highest order.

Victoria [00:01:48]:
So if you are not following your highest path, if you are not listening to the calling of your soul, eclipse season is going to shake things up for you. And so October feels like it's going to be really rough for most of the collective because of this shaking up that needs to happen, and more negativity is going to rise to the light before the light can be brought back into balance. So do not be afraid of all of the shifts and changes that are happening. It may feel like things are crumbling because they are and because they need to. So your way of life as you know it, moving forward is no more. After this October, there is no going back to old versions of you or old ways of being. Your eyes are now open, the veil has been lifted, and there is no way to go back. There is no way to put that genie back in the bottle or to close your eyes again or put your head in the sand.

Victoria [00:02:43]:
And if you try to do so over this next month, you're really gonna be met with many, many challenges, because the universe wants you to learn these lessons. And you may feel like you were tired of repeating the same things over and over again. Well, guess what? The universe is tired of having you repeat these things over and over again. It's time for you to move out of the pattern, for you to move up in the spiral instead of moving down. And all of that takes, or all of that takes awareness. All that you need to change the direction of the spiral is awareness that you are in control of moving the spiral. And so that spiral that I talk about is the spiral of energy that all of us carry from our heart space. We spiral energy up to the cosmos, and then we spiral energy down into the earth.

Victoria [00:03:34]:
And our heart center is the center of that spiral. And as we spiral down into the earth, you can feel that safety and support. But when you spiral down in energy, that is when you need to bring yourself back up. And they want me to clarify that, because spiraling down into the earth is actually a very good thing. Many of us need far more grounding and should be spiraling our energy into the earth. The spiral of energy that I am talking about. Okay, they've got me talking about two different spirals. Okay, okay, sorry.

Victoria [00:04:14]:
So the first spiral that they're talking about is from the heart. So you're spiraling energy up into the cosmos and down into the earth. This connection to both energies, to the cosmos and to the earth, that polarity is needed for you to be fully embodied on earth. Okay? That's one spiral, the energetic spiral that I was talking about. In general, when you are spiraling downwards in your energy, you are in the driver's seat to then bring that energy back up the spiral. And of course, you're not always going to be at the pinnacle of the spiral. That's not the point of life. You are always moving up and down the energetic spiral.

Victoria [00:04:53]:
But the more that you can bring yourself back into balance, back into the middle of the spiral, the better off you're going to be, because you're going to be able to navigate these changing times with a lot more ease. And so these changing times call for nervous system regulation. These changing times call for more self love and more self care than ever before. And for slowing the fuck down. October. We are slowing way the fuck down in October. Okay? We're letting those leaves fall off the trees. We're letting the things on our own lives that have been shaken up and shifted fall where they may.

Victoria [00:05:34]:
And so October is not a time for you to be making moves. October is a time for you to begin this natural progression of change, for you to begin this natural changing of the seasons with a changing of your energy and of taking a good look inward at all the things in your life, seeing if they still make sense. Just because you have done things one way for a number of years does not mean it needs to stay that way. You cannot create change from the same energy that caused the problem. I'll say that again, you cannot bring yourself to a new level if you were trying to approach it from the same energy that created whatever problem that you were facing. So to rise above, you actually have to rise above and bring your energy higher so that you can shift it to then shift the problem or shift the thing that's in your way. Okay? And anything coming up to be released is coming up to be released and cleared for your highest good. Okay? So there are some things that are gonna go that are gonna be heart wrenching for you, things that you have carried for a long time.

Victoria [00:06:52]:
But I wanna let you know that it is safe to let them go because they were actually never yours to carry. And it was never your burden to have to take on all of those projections that people have placed upon you that you have made into truth because you have said them so much to yourself. It's time to let them go. It is time to be reborn into the person that you're meant to be. And if you have no idea who that is, because you have been a people pleaser your whole life and you don't even know your own wants and desires. October is a month to get to know them, to get to discover who you want to be. So that come November, come December, come January, right, you can begin making the shifts needed to embody your highest potential on this planet. Because that is all the ever Akash, all the Akashic records ever wants you to do is to fully embody who you are and who you're meant to be.

Victoria [00:07:47]:
Pausing there to see if anything else wants to come through. Yeah, it feels like that's it. The bracing for change and shifting for change. And actually, I shouldn't say bracing, because you don't need to brace for anything. Everything that is meant to go is going to go, and everything that's meant to stay is going to stay. And things are going to look drastically different at the end of October than they do right now at the beginning of the month. And it's going to feel honestly like more than a month passes by the time we get to the end of October. But know that as long as you continue to come back to your sovereign self, as long as you continue to come back to your own energy, you're going to be okay.

Victoria [00:08:27]:
Okay. And that anything, again, that's coming up is coming up for your greatest good. I want that to be your mantra in October because I get the sense that a lot of people are going to be really frustrated with what's happening and what friction is appearing in their lives. And it's because your eyes are now open. So the, the friction that you used to put up with or the things that you used to do because you felt like you had to, now that your eyes are open again, you can't go back. And so you're going to feel that frustration mounting. You're going to feel that resistance mounting. But what I want you to do is soften and consciously bring your energy to the back of the body so that you can allow, so that you can receive, so that you can be less in your doing.

Victoria [00:09:17]:
When we lean forward into that masculine doing, we actually create a lot of resistance because we think that we know the best way. We think that we have all the answers, and sometimes we do. But we need to be guided. We need to co create with the universe. And to do that, we need to be able to listen. Listening feels so important in October. Listening to, oh, and I'm burping. So here we go.

Victoria [00:09:43]:
Listening to what lights us up. Listening to what pisses us off. Listening to what is bringing any sensation into our life, but listening with open ears so that we can bring awareness, excuse me, to what needs to change. Because change is a coming, okay? And we'll meet it when it does. And you are always guided and held and protected and grounding and water are always important. But it feels even more important to remind you that our bodies are like 70% water. So as things happen in the cosmos, as the tides change, as the seasons shift, you are going to feel it, whether or not you intentionally tap into the energy. So let's be conscious and let's listen, and let's pay attention and let's turn on all of our senses so that we can really take life in and we really can take stock and we can really begin to understand where things need to shift.

Victoria [00:10:57]:
Okay. I think that's all the records want to share today. Yeah, I think that's it. Just a reminder to continue to lead with love and to be the love right that you want to see in the world, that it all starts with you and with your energy and with your frequency. And so if you're finding yourself getting frustrated, can you rise into love instead? And can you move from that place? All right, we take a second and close the records. The records are now closed. Amen. The records are now closed.

Victoria [00:11:40]:
Amen. The records are now closed. Amen. Thanks for being here with me. Be good to one another. I'll see you next week.