Progressively Horrified

Jamie Noguchi, Steve Seigh, and Bronwyn Kelly-Seigh join the Horror Squad to celebrate Jeremy's birthday!

Show Notes

House (1977) - Nobuhiko Obayashi
IMDb says that this movie is about "a schoolgirl and six of her classmates travel to her aunt's country home, which turns out to be haunted" which isn't technically inaccurate but... there's so much more.

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What is Progressively Horrified?

A podcast that holds horror to standards horror never agreed to. Hosts Jeremy Whitley, Ben Kahn, Emily Martin and guests watch, read, listen to, and check out movies, tv shows, comics, books, art and anything else from the horror genre and discuss it through a progressive lens. We'll talk feminism in horror, LGBTQ+ issues and representation in horror, racial and social justice in horror, disability and mental health/illness in horror, and the work of female and POC directors, writers, and creators in horror.
We're the podcast horror never agreed to take part in.

Alicia: Hey, just a heads up the episode
you're about to listen to is Hausu,

directed by Nobuhiko Obayashi and written
by Chiho Katsura and Chigumi Obayashi.

This seventies, cult
classic is very seventies.

I was told to include that as
a trigger warning, by the way.

And our hosts have ranked
this movie as spooky.

If you'd like to learn more, visit our
website, progressively horrified dot

transistor FM for show notes, relevant
links and transcripts for each episode.

After the spooky music, we'll talk about
the episode in full, so be forewarned.

There will be spoilers.

Jeremy: Good evening and welcome
to Progressively Horrified, the

podcast where we hold progressive.


That's not it.

I'm going to get, let me get extra
close on the mic for this one.

Emily: Go for it.

Jeremy: Tonight.

It's my birthday.

And so I chose the movie.

And we're talking about the
1977 Japanese horror film Hausu.

Once upon a time, a man was given the
job to direct a horror movie because

Jaws got real popular in Japan.

And so he said, "Daughter,
what are you afraid of?"

to a 12 year old girl.

And this is the movie that came out of it.

Bronwyn: Oh, that explains a lot.

Steve: Writing credits, man.

Ben: He Axe Copped this shit.

Emily: Oh my God.

They totally Axe Copped

this shit!



Jeremy: I am your host, Jeremy
Whitley, and with me tonight, I have

a panel of cinephiles and cenobites.

First they're here to invade your
house and find queer content in

all your favorite movies, my cohost
and comic book writer, Ben Kahn.

Ben, how are you tonight?

Ben: Y'all know how much I hate violence
against cute cats in horror movies.

This was a complicated one!

That was a very evil kitty!

Emily: And there was
no violence against it.

Only against the painting of it.

Jeremy: We picked her up at the spooky
crossroads of anime and sexy monster

media it's co-host and comics artist
Emily Martin how are you tonight, Emily?

Emily: I'm great because I
didn't have to go very far.

You pick me up at the crossroads
of anime and sexy monster

media and this is where it is.

This is it.

This is where I live.

Bronwyn: It's true.

I was just there.

Ben: This movie is a love
letter to every bad practical

effect that has ever existed.

Emily: But making it delightful.

Jeremy: We have Talking Comics'
own Steve Seigh and Bronwyn

Kelly-Seigh, how are you guys tonight?

Bronwyn: Great.

I have something in
common with this movie.

Steve: I have brought chocolate, candy,
love and dreams for the entire group.

Emily: Thank you.

Bronwyn: We've been keeping
it delightful since 1977.

Me and House.

Ben: I've seen a lot of one dimensional
characters in these horror movies.

They're not usually quite

Emily: Look.

We'll talk about this.

When we talk about the class S.

Jeremy: But first we should
talk about Jamie Noguchi,

our friend and comics artist!


So uh, so happy you're joining us tonight.

Jamie, how are you doing?

Jamie: Justice for Mac!

Justice for Kung Fu!

Bronwyn: Justice for Mac!

Jeremy: There's so many things in this
movie that's like, is that an accident?

Isn't an accident.

This was like weird.

And it was just weird and
it ended up being stylish.

Ben: I think it was
intentionally stylized this way.

Emily: You know, what is a goddamn shame?

Bronwyn: What?

Emily: Is this movie does not have
the same, like midnight cred that

Rocky Horror Picture Show has.

Jeremy: It wasn't available in the U.S.

Until like the last 10 years.

Emily: Okay.

Ben: I mean, think about what it's got
over Rocky, like Rocky horror picture show

is at the same FPS rate, the entire movie!


Wildly different frame rates.

Emily: Yeah.

This movie is fucking brilliant though.

And I will fucking, I'll
put that on my headstone.

Ben: Oh absolutely!

Jeremy: On that front.

Do you want to do the, uh, the
credits here so we can, uh, discuss

who is to blame for this brilliance?

Emily: Okay.

Well, our director, Nobuhiko Obayashi,
who that was the one who asks is

his 12 year old daughter about
whether she was scared of cats.

So Chiho apparently wrote the screenplay.

Chigumi Ôbayashi is the
daughter who wrote the original

Emily: story.

Ben: I like idea.

I really liked the idea of the grown man.

Just throwing out the wild ideas and
then the 12 year old girl being like,

yeah, yeah, I'm writing, I'm writing.

I got it.

Emily: We have Gorgeous
played by Kimiko Ikegami.

We have Kung Fu this movie's
hero, played by Miki Jimbo.

We have Fanta or Fantasy,
played by Kumiko Ohba-

Ben: Who should've been called Cassandra.

Emily: Yeah.

Bronwyn: Yeah.

Emily: Yeah.

I mean,

Bronwyn: Missed opportunity.

Emily: We have a Gari or
Prof, played by Ai Matsubara.

We have Mac the hunk of this
film played by Meiko Sato.

Jamie: She's the meathead.

She's like...

Emily: She's fucking fantastic.

We have Melody played by Eriko Tanaka, and
we have Sweet, played by Masayo Miyako.

Now on my list here, I don't
have the actor who played Tôgô

or, do we get the aunt here?

Jeremy: All of those people you've
listed are professionally, not actors.

They are all models that work with
the director on, on a campaign.

And then he then cast in
this, his first feature film.

Bronwyn: Yes.

That very much checks out.


Jamie: Could you tell from THE ACTING?!

Jeremy: Okay.

Keisuke Tôgô is played by Kiyohiko Ozaki.

Ben: I, it was hard to tell what
was them being terrible actors and

what was just like the seventies.

Cause this movie is
aggressively seventies.

Bronwyn: I actually wrote the seventies
as one of my trigger warnings.

Jeremy: This is in the same, like,
genre of weirdness as Yellow Submarine.

Jamie: The band who sings the insert
song when they're going on the train.

And then the last song that plays
at the credits, they make a cameo

appearance as the dude's hitting
on the girls in the train station.

And if you watch their mouths
there, they're mouthing the

song as they're hitting.

Bronwyn: That's amazing.

Ben: That's great.

I like that.

Jamie: Yeah.

Ben: Yeah.

Listener in all the ways that you're
unprepared for this film high among

them is you are not prepared for how
funky fresh this movie soundtrack is.

Jeremy: Yeah.


Auntie Karei is Yôko Minamida.

Bronwyn: Now she was legit.


Jeremy: One of my favorite details I
found in the weird facts about this

movie is that the girl who played
Gorgeous, Kimiko, was really nervous

about having a nude scene in this movie.

So the actor that played the aunt just
decided that she would get naked on

set with her to make her feel better.

And so the director added
a nude scene for the aunt.

Emily: Was there a nude
scene for the aunt?

Ben: Yeah.

They like, it's intercut
with Gorgeous's nude scene.

Steve: A little off the
shoulder kind of kimono action.

Ben: This movie, really, again,
it got to the end of it was just

like, all right, you've made it,
you made it through an hour 15 over

just fucking batshit wackiness.

Now have some reward boobies.

Emily: According to IMDb, this

Bronwyn: movie is

Emily: described

Bronwyn: thusly.



And we're going to have
to have chats about this.

Emily: Yeah.

A school girl and six of her classmates
travel to her aunt's country home,

which turns out to be haunted.

That's it.

Jeremy: That's not inaccurate.

Bronwyn: And yet!

It's somehow completely, completely
ineffectual at preparing you for this.

Ben: The girls are supposed to
be going for a training camp.

What are they training for?

Emily: They were going to do
a training camp and then they

decided to go to the aunt's house.


Bronwyn: The training camp was
canceled because Tôgô was an idiot.

Ben: What were they training for?

Because I hear that I'm like, oh,
where are you on a team together?

Emily: Probably, I mean, they had, they
had a coach, they had like a teacher there

who's genki as fuck like that teacher.

I would have a crush on.

The lady teacher in the beginning?

Ben: Oh yeah.

Jamie: The one who has an arranged
marriage that we don't get back to.

It all that has a whole backstory?

Bronwyn: Right?!

Ben: Right?

Emily: So this is the very
beginning of the movie.

Is it cool if we start at the recap?

Jeremy: Yeah!

I mean, let's do it.

Emily: Okay.

So this movie-

Ben: It's your birthday,
Jeremy, you set the tone.

Emily: This movie starts out-

Jeremy: I am drinking for the podcast.

Emily: What are you drinking?

Jeremy: I am drinking honey liqueur.

Ben: Oooh!

Bronwyn: Oooh!

Emily: Honey!!

There you go.

O tanjoubi omedetou gozaimasu.

Ben: I watch anime, but I
don't fucking know shit.

Emily: That means happy birthday.

Anyway Hausu is a movie,
according to the the title card.

It starts out pretty psychedelic and
continues thus throughout the film.

So we introduce ourselves to Gorgeous,
who, I can't remember what her actual

what they actually call her, but
it's sometimes translated as Angel.

And then there's Fanta who
is also known as Fantasy.

Jeremy: They are gal pals.

Bronwyn: They are gal pals
who clapped at the pelvis.

Ben: That crotch first hugging.

At first, it was not clear that Gorgeous
was the actual character's name.

So I'm just like, oh, so you're just
going around, like holding hands.

I'll get at the CU, the crotch
and calling each other gorgeous.

Steve: Oh yeah.

Ben: Well seems straight to me!

Emily: Fantasy is a photographer
and Gorgeous is her model.

And this is just like I said, gal pals.

This movie is like the movie equivalent
of a weeping angel, because if

you blink, it will send you back
in time and take your life away.

Ben: Specifically.

They'll take you back seventies.

Steve: Yeah.

Ben: Can we tell it, like
I know it's skipping ahead.

Gorgeous's dad.

Holy shit.

Is this man 1970s?


Emily: So we're that's next.

So Gorgeous returns home-

Ben: Wait, I skipped
ahead to the next scene.

I'm good at this.

Emily: Sounds great.


Fancy dad comes back
from Italy and he's like-

Jeremy: Very sexual, this dad.

Emily: He has really tight pants.

Jamie: But also her dad
is also wildly mediocre.


Bronwyn: Yes!!!

Emily: Yes.

Bronwyn: This whole movie is so gay.

Not the least of which, because
all of the men are as you so

brilliantly put at Jamie mediocre.

Emily: Gorgeous is just really
pissed off that Fancy Dad is trying

to replace Gorgeous's gorgeous mom.

Now, Ryôko Ema who is this woman who is
constantly windblown, like she's Garth's

girlfriend and in the first Wayne's
world movie, like I love you dream woman.

Ben: What's craziest to me.

And I know this is skipping ahead to
literally the last scene, but no other

spoilers other than that, she's in it.

The very last scene with her
and Gorgeous where it's crazy.

Cause they're sitting across from each
other in the same frame and Gorgeous's

clothes are stock still not moving at all.

And fucking Ryôko's clothes
are just fucking flapping

every which way, going crazy.

Emily: Yeah.

Gorgeous is wearing like a kimono, which
is like, those things are fucking heavy.

Like super heavy silk.

It's like upholstery heavy.

And then Ryôko's wearing
like silk scarves everywhere.

Like she's fucking Cirque de Solei.

Jamie: And Gorgeous is giving Ryôko that
weird death stare as she's like opening

the door and her head doesn't move.

And it's just like-

Bronwyn: Significant eye contact!

Jamie: Yeah.

Emily: Ryôko is very pretty and always
wind blown and then Fancy Dad is like-

Jeremy: She wants to live here cause
there's always a sunset at this house.

Emily: Yeah.


Jeremy: It's always like a purple
and orange sunset at this house.

Ben: It's been eight years
since her mother died.

Let your dad get some Gorgeous.

Emily: Yeah Gorgeous.

Ben: It's been eight years.

That's a healthy time to grieve.

Let your dad hit the dating game.

And by dating game, I mean, marry
the first windy woman he saw.

Jeremy: Do you know how many women
this guy has had to turn down?

He's a better musician
than Ennio Marricone, so.

Ben: He's beating them off with a stick!

Emily: He's beating them
off with his bell-bottoms.

Ben: Oh, this man is the most aggressively
1970s dressed man I've ever seen.

This is one of the things where it's such
a pure essence of the time it's in you'd

swear it was like a parody from later on.

Emily: Yeah.

So, dad and Gorgeous were supposed
to go on a trip for summer vacation.

Dad is taking Ryôko, Gorgeous is pissed
off because she doesn't want a new mom.

So she's like, fuck you, dad!

Jeremy: Gorgeous is supposed to come to.

Emily: Yeah, that's what I'm saying.

Jeremy: She's just not coming
with this beautiful windblown mom.

Emily: Yeah.

She's like, no, I'm not going
to go on your vacation, dad.

I'm going to deface all my photos of you.

And then she starts thinking
about her cool aunt.

Bronwyn: Whom she's met once.

Steve: Yeah, just that one time.

Ben: It's such a weird setup
because all of this is very clearly

also set up for a horror movie.

Emily: Well, and it's funny,
cause the picture of the aunt

has the cat and then the exact
cat shows up and she's like, wow!

Cool cat, where did you come from?

Ben: Does not question this cat at all.

Bronwyn: Gorgeous does not ask questions.

Gorgeous is not Prof.

Gorgeous is only gorgeous.

Jeremy: They can only have one, one type.

Ben: She can't have more
character traits than pretty.

Bronwyn: That may be too complicated.

Ben: No, she has two.

She, she's very pretty.

And she hates Ryôko.

Emily: There you go.

Jeremy: She likes to put on makeup.

Emily: Yeah.

That's part of the package.

Ben: But they say it's like, everyone's
like, oh, we're getting ready for bed.

Where's Gorgeous.

Oh, probably putting on makeup.

Like always.

Emily: I mean, good for her though.

Like makeup's cool, especially
if you're cool with it.

Like my skin breaks out.

I wish I could be gorgeous.

Ben: Makeup is very cool.

I love doing makeup.

I just think it's kind of crazy.

Like, ah, what do you think she's
doing to this haunted house?

Like she's only got the one thing.

She's just gotta be Gorgeous.

Emily: .She starts out pretty and
hating Ryôko and then she becomes

a hungry ghost and I think that's
something we can all aspire to.

Bronwyn: I mean, honestly,
isn't that a hero's journey?

Emily: Yeah.

This is what we want.

Ben: I'm pretty sure that's the villain.

That's the Pac-Man villain journey.

Jeremy: I do appreciate that her
windblown soon to be mom gives her a

cool scarf and she throws it off in slow
motion to show how much he hates it.

Falls in slow motion into the sunset.

Ben: No, I think it's important
to know that this movie didn't

actually film things in slow motion.

It just slows the frame
rate way the fuck down.

Emily: It's fine.


So now we transition to another scene
where we meet the entire team, not

just Fantasy and Gorgeous, but we
also have Melody, the musical one.

Prof, the bookish one.


The nice one?

Jamie: Sweet has, of our heroes Sweet
has- she's not- there's nothing there.

Emily: She likes cleaning!

Ben: She volunteers to do chores..

Jamie: She cleans and
she gets hit by futons.

Emily: Yeah.

Bronwyn: Yes.

Emily: Maybe all the futons were
mad because she dusted them.

Steve: Justice for Sweet.

Ben: Melody is by far the most like-
Melody has a second character trait and

it's that she's fucked up and horny.

Emily: I think a lot of these characters
are kind of fucked up and horny,

but you know, that's being a teen.

Bronwyn: That's true.

Jeremy: Some of them are horny
for watermelons, but you know.

Emily: Watermelons are also
very fuckable, but okay.


Jeremy: Watermelons above or below
bananas on the fuckability scale?

Emily: It depends on- it
depends on what you're into.

Ben: if no preparation has
been done on either fruit, I'm

definitely going banana on that one.

Cause I gotta say, just going dick
first into a watermelon sounds

like a recipe for a disaster.

That is a hard shell rind.

Jeremy: You gotta perfect
your drill technique there.

Emily: We have our next character
Kung Fu who is the hero of this film.


Jeremy: Spends half the
movie in a bikini bottom for-

Jamie: She gets shit done-

Jeremy: no apparent reason.

Bronwyn: She kicks her own clothes off and
no one has, no one says a word about it.

Jamie: Even when she's
dead she's kicking ass.

Ben: Even before the girls realize haunted
stuff is going down she gets attacked by

a haunted firewood, which she co karate's
away or Kung Fu's away as is her name.

Jeremy: She also Kung
Fu's a bird at that point.

Steve: And her

Ben: response is like, eh.

At least I got some practice in.

Bronwyn: Kung Fu is
aspirational, let's be honest.

Emily: Yeah.

Kung Fu is.

I mean, yes.

Like if I'm going to go, I want to
like flying kick my enemy as I go.


Jeremy: How long after somebody dies, does
it take for Kung Fu to leave their legs?

Because Kung Fu continues to exist
in her legs after she is deceased.

Bronwyn: Right?

Emily: Well, if you cut off a
wolf's head, it can still bite.

Bronwyn: But look, Kung Fu is
the only one who accomplishes

anything in this whole movie.

And she still manages to unleash
the red tide with her bottom half.

Ben: She full on just fights,
like fist fights a ghost monster,

like to almost a draw before she
gets thrown back in the house.

Like fucking Kung Fu needed
to survive this movie so she

could join a Sentai team.

Jamie: Yeah-yeah.

She's the first female Makai knight.

Bronwyn: A thousand percent.

Ben: Please give her a motorcycle.

Let her be Kamen rider.

Just fucking, still in the bikini bottom.

Just on a motorcycle in a thug helmet.

Emily: That's how it's supposed to be.

Bronwyn: Yeah.

Emily: Okay.

And I haven't talked
about Mac, so here's Mac.

Ben: This movie made me do research.

Cause I'm like Mac what's Mac's deal.

This movie came out in 1977.

Oh shit.

What year did McDonald's hit Japan?

Fucking 1971.

Emily: Yeah.

Ben: That had to have been a
McDonald's reference, right?

Bronwyn: She is.

Jeremy: It's not!

Bronwyn: She's named after a Big Mac.

Jeremy: They say what it is.

Jamie: Sto-mach.

Jeremy: It's short for stomach.

Ben: Oh.

Jeremy: Because-

Ben: Well damn!

My fucking McDonald's theory
just got shout outta the water.

Emily: No, it's- it's stomach and Mac.

She likes to eat and she is not ashamed.

Jamie: Oh yeah.

Emily: Even though everyone tries-
Everyone else tries to shame

her for being quote unquote big.

But yeah, she's not.

Ben: Yeah.

They're constantly body shaming,
Mac, who is maybe one pant size

larger than the rest of the girls?

Bronwyn: If that.

Jeremy: The rest of them are in a zero, so

Ben: Mac is a size two to their size zero.

That's what we're talking about.

Bronwyn: And her outfits?


Emily: All their outfits
are so fucking fly.

Bronwyn: There- yes, there
are some good clothes in this.

Ben: I want to say this is the
Hollywood's idea of like fat,

but, this wasn't Hollywood.

So yeah.

I don't know.


You got some explaining to do.

Jeremy: Well, hold on.

We forgot to mention between this
scene and the other scene with

Gorgeous, she does a quick change,
but she does it Wonder Woman style?

Ben: I had that in my notes.

There's a spin around whoop de do
sound effect for a clothing change.

Emily: Thank you!

Bronwyn: Well, she has
a magical girl moment.

Emily: Yes.

Oh yeah.

I did write this down.

Anyway, so we, we find out
that Fantasy has a crush on Mr.

Tôgô, who drives a golf cart everywhere.

Ben: Fantasy having a crush on Mr.

Togo is compulsory heterosexuality.

You cannot change my mind.

Bronwyn: Oh!

Emily: I'm not going to

Bronwyn: No!

Emily: 'Cause you're 100% right.

Bronwyn: You're a thousand percent, right.

Jeremy: No, but she does have a fantasy
of him riding a horse through a field.

Ben: Give it like six more months
and she'll get to the point where

it's like, oh, it's Gorgeous in
the knight suit on the horse.

Emily: Just fucking it's
full Rose of Versailles.

But like, like she also has a fantasy
about a bear man eating ramen.

So like is that a sexual thing?

No, I think she is straight up like.

Jeremy: Is it though?

Emily: I mean, everything is
sexual in this film, I guess.

The bear is hotter than Mr.


Steve: Yeah.

Emily: The fucking watermelon
dude is hotter than Mr.


Bronwyn: That's true.

And that is unfortunate, but it is true.

Jeremy: Watermelon dude is aspirational.

Apparently the characters at
the ramen shop or a parody of a

series called Tora-san which was,
I guess, popular at the time.

Th this is in the, weird, the many,
many interesting facts about this

movie that I found on the internet.

I don't know if that movie, if that
shows features of ramen bear, but-

Jamie: Well, the ramen bear needs a
spinoff and it should star Gail Simone.

Jeremy: Yeah.

Emily: TM TM TM.

Ben: I did get the feeling,
especially during the Mr.

Tôgô scene.

So I'm just like, I'm seeing whole
scenes built around references

to things I've never heard of.

Emily: Oh yeah.

Bronwyn: Honey, did you
have that little thing out?

What was that?

Steve: Okay, so I found my ticket to
in 2009, when I saw House for the first

time at, uh, All Tomorrow's Parties at
the Don't Look Back, uh, event that went

on at Kutcher's in upstate New York.

And the ticket is a viewfinder
card they gave you viewfinders.



For an audio podcast, I'm
holding up card right now.

So this played at 1:30 in the
morning on Friday night, uh,

the first night of the festival.

This was after seeing Panda Bear,
Suicide, Iron and Wine, The Jesus

Lizard, The Drones, The Feelies,
and Dirty Three all in a row.

And then ending the night with going
to see Hausu sitting in the like

cold air conditioning in a movie
theater with a bunch of people.

Emily: Suicide?!

Steve: Yes.


Emily: Whoa!

And Iron and Wine?

Steve: Yep.

I have my ticket here and I have the
program here and it actually has,

uh, descriptions for all the movies
that were playing at the criteria.

Ben: I want to mash a bunch of
those movies together to make

a band title like Zoot, Panda
suicide, and the Jesus lizards.

Steve: This description for
the movie is pretty amazing.

Do you mind if I read it?



Emily: Okay.

Better than IMDb probably.

Steve: The ecstatically deranged
House- Hausu a box office smash

in Japan is now one of the most
coveted cult films to emerge from

the fantastic realm of Asian cinema.

Imagine if 1970s Disney recruited
Dario Argento to direct a Kristy

McNichol uh, tween teen vehicle.

Hausu is a movie hatched from a
bizarre alternative universe where

candy coated acid dreams are the
status quo of popular culture.

A rare opportunity that's not
to be missed, even if it's

playing at 1:30 in the morning.

Emily: 100%.

Ben: That was a good description.

I like that description.

Bronwyn: Way more descriptive.

Ben: Yeah!

Nailed it!

Steve: So good.

So good.

Lastly I saw that was
the first year I saw it.

And then the last year of ATP, which
must have been about three years

after that, they screened it again.

And I believe I actually told this
story of, um, the movie theater

that it was at the bottom of a boat.

And so you had to go all the way
to the bottom with like an ocean

liner and sit in beanbag chairs.

And Hausu was one of the movies
that you could chill to while you're

waiting for bands to come back on.

Emily: I remember you mentioning
that before, like so fucking jealous.

Steve: So amazing.

Emily: What costume did you wear?

Steve: Costume?!

Emily: To All To- tomorrow's Parties?

Steve: Oh God, I don't know.


Probably a Bo- well, a Boris shirt.

If I had to guess.

Emily: It was a joke.

Ben: You didn't go as ramen bear?!

Steve: I don't re- I didn't remember ramen
bear until the, this latest screening.

I happened to look up.

I was dismantling Legos as I was
watching the movie this time.

Emily: You okay?!

Steve: Yeah.

Look, I've been by myself
in this house for two weeks.

I had to do something.

Ben: Yeah.

Like there's something like,
oh, he's building Legos.

That's cool.

Like dismantling Legos, that's
a fucking call for help.

A cry for help if I've ever heard one.

Steve: I built- I built one thing.

And I dismantled about six giant
projects, but I did build the

new Batmobile from the back.


Emily: From a kit?

Or just from like scratch?

Steve: No, this is from
a Lego technic set.

Emily: Okay.

Considering you had two weeks, I
would say you could probably do that

from scratch, by the way viewers
that's a fucking legit ass Batmobile.


They just showed us out of
Legos and even has like some

fire coming out the back of it.

Speaking of vehicles

Ben: Well, shit, where are we?

I don't even know
wherever the fuck we are.

I like this movie have lost the plot.

Steve: I derailed everything
with my show and tell.

Emily: It's all good.

Does your viewfinder have
images of the movie on it?

Steve: Yes it does.

Emily: Fuck.




Bronwyn: Is it Kung Fu's legs?

Steve: No, it is not as it is the cat.

Emily: Oh, okay.

Steve: It is Blanche.

Emily: But is it Blanche
on- like real Blanche?

Bronwyn: Blanche.

Emily: Or is it, is it
like crazy mouth Blanche?

Steve: No, it's real Blanche.

Emily: Okay.

So for our listeners, if you're not
familiar with the viewfinder type

thing, it's like those little click
binocular cards that you could look

into and click different images.

Like a little headset.

Bronwyn: Looks like a little VR set.

Emily: It's like an Oculus.

Ben: Hey listeners who don't
know where the viewfinder

is, stop being fucking young.

It's making me feel bad.

Emily: Give them time.

They'll be fine.

Jamie: You will enjoy a viewfinder more
than you will enjoy the Metaverse so yeah.

Emily: Yes.

Jamie: Get one.

Emily: Especially this view finder.

If you can ever find one
with House stuff on it.

It's like gifs but still.

It's, you know...

Jamie: It's more immersive
than the metaverse.

You can see legs, you can see legs.

There will be legs.

Emily: Yes.

Jeremy: Yes, Mr.

Tôgô shows up in his golf cart to them
waiting outside to go to this training

and is like, sorry, my sister's inn
that we're supposed to be staying

at isn't fucking open this season.

And I didn't know that until
right now, even though we're

supposed to be staying there.

I'm a bad teacher.

Emily: He sucks.

Ben: It's, apparently, it's also
because his sister is pregnant.

So he's also a bad brother
and uncle on top of that.

Jamie: No, good.

All around.

Bronwyn: No, he's terrible.

Jeremy: So Gorgeous is like, well,
I'm sure as fuck not going on

vacation with my dad and that harlot.

Why don't we all go to visit my
aunt who I've only ever met once

who lives in a castle in the fucking
country that I'm not really clear

on where it is and we'll go by bus,

Emily: Well they go by train.

Jeremy: Everybody else is like cool.

Emily: So she has a little bit of
trouble getting hold of her aunt, but

with the help of Blanche, the cat,
who shows up everywhere randomly-

Jeremy: I mean, correct me if I'm
wrong, but it seems like she mails a

letter to her aunt and a handwritten
written letter shows up sticking

halfway out of her thing without
an envelope or any sort of address.

Like it shows up in her
mailbox with the cat.

And she does not think this is strange.

Emily: No.

Ben: Nope.

Imagine you're this aunt.

Imagine you're not a weird
heartbroken vengeance ghost.

Like you're just like living out here.

You get a letter from your niece it's
like, Hey, I know I haven't spoken

to you or seen you in 10 years.

Can I come chill with you for a weekend?

Also bring six of my friends?

Jeremy: Frankly, in 2022, the hardest
part of that to swallow is imagining

I'm not a heartbroken vengeance ghost.

Jamie: Also their postal service
works because it's not run by

DeJoy who is trying to like break
it down and privatize everything.


Jeremy: Their postal service is so good.

You can send a letter to the country
and it comes back the next day.

Handwritten, even though
there's no address on there.

Bronwyn: Exactly.

Jeremy: The postal service gets it to you.

Bronwyn: And they'll get it to
you with a pretty white cat.

Jamie: Yeah.

Fuck DeJoy.

Get his ass out of there.

We need a better postal service.

God dammit.

Ben: Oh, fucking right.


We're buying gas guzzlers.

Cause that makes sense in 2022.

Emily: Let's just divert all
posts conveyance to ghost cats.


So Ghost Cats 2022.

Jeremy: They get serenaded by
the band that singing the actual

soundtrack as they go ride their
the train out to the country.

Jamie: It's so good.

Jeremy: Yeah.

They're unloaded-

Ben: Also seen in Arcane, which features
guest appearances by Imagine Dragons.

Same energy.

Jamie: Yes.

Emily: Wow.

I just was sent.

Like I was sent via cat ghost mail.

We did not talk about the bucket scene.

Jeremy: Mr.

Tôgô leaves after everybody else.

And Mr.

Togo, he lives in fucking Japanese
Sesame Street where there's just

people outside fixing shoes and
painting in the middle of the day.

Falls down the stairs into a bucket.

His butt gets stuck in the bucket.

And he then has to go call the hospital
from the neighborhood telephone.

While the little boy who lives next
door just continues to beat on the

bucket on his butt to play drums on it.


Emily: Uh, he's in some other, he
is in Sesame Street or you know

what, it's not Sesame Street.

It's Pee-wee's Playhouse.

Let's be real.

Bronwyn: Yeah.

That tracks.

Emily: With a macaw and a pony.

Maybe it's an actual, maybe it's a donkey.

I don't know.

And maybe there's some sort of joke there
with the ass and his ass and the bucket.

Maybe it says he kicked the bucket?

Jamie: Did Tôgô actually
die in that scene?

And then the rest of his appearances
are, that's why he turns into bananas.

You said, kick the bucket and maybe
he did kick the fucking bucket.

Ben: I love the idea that this entire
movie is a Jacob's Ladder scenario

for Mister Tôgô as he's dying from
like, I guess just like blood loss

from a butt stuck in a bucket?

Steve: What if he slipped on a
banana peel and that's how he went?

Emily: I think he did!

I think he did!

Jamie: Yo.


Ben: Every weird-ass transition
and effect in this movie is

just Tôgô's brain slowly dying.

Emily: Jeremy is so flabbergasted
by this that he's out of focus.


So, uh, yeah, there are some
Cowboys at the train station.

The girls get on the animated train
and, uh, go into the countryside.

Gorgeous is like, where's my cat.

Oh, she's on the train.


She saved us a spot!

Ben: No further questions.

Steve: Okay.

Wait a minute.

Wait a minute.

Wait a minute.

Here's the question for the group.

Emily: Yes, Steve.

Steve: They're all waiting out
front on the street for Gorgeous.

Meanwhile, Gorgeous is already on the
platform waiting to get onto the train.

Was she just going to leave
without all of her friends?

Emily: No!

She's go-

Jeremy: She's on the platform for
the train, looking for her cat

who she, who was not at home when
she left the cat wasn't there.

Steve: Her friends show up on that
platform and the way that she turns

around and looks at them, she's
kind of like, oh, Hey, you made it.

Ben: Gorgeous's emotional range
is limited to what she can express

while still being gorgeous.

She can have feelings that
would give her ugly face.

She's only capable of like dull
surprise that's still just like

open mouth movie poster shock.

Emily: She's looking for a cat.

She wants to find her cat.

I can relate to that.

But the cats on the train,
they all get on the train.

Ben: Cat's on the train.

Cat has a ticket!

Cat fucking checked in!

Like, what's that lady's reaction.

I need to see the scene from the
reaction of the lady that cat is sitting

next to who's just like, oh fuck.

I guess I'm sitting next to
a cat on this train ride.

Emily: I mean, some cats do take the
bus, but that's beside the point.

Jeremy: The cat has already
ordered food service.

Emily: Yeah.

Meow I gotcha...

Steve: I'll have the fish.

Emily: I put it on my work account meow.


So apparently any old cat can open a
door, but only a witch cat can close one.

Ben: That's science!

Jeremy: Something said, and then
repeated ominously later in the movie.

Steve: People have told me.

Ben: I gotta say - not every cat can
open doors much to my cat's frustration.

Emily: Oswald can open doors.

Bronwyn: Yes.

Ben: My cat understands how
the doorknobs work in theory.

He understands the mechanism of them.

He just don't have them thumbs.

You don't got no fucking thumbs!

Emily: I have like levers.

Ben: Yeah.

Oh yeah.

They could do that.

Jeremy: Jean could get
in and out of your doors.

Jorts could not.

Bronwyn: Yes.

Yes, exactly.

Jeremy: Okay, but this is the point where
the movie gets deadly serious for five

minutes and then turns black and white.

Emily: Yeah.

So we get some exposition about auntie.

Bronwyn: By way of inexplicable
black, and white film on a train.

Emily: I think this is perfect
because the BA the flashback is in

like the format of a silent film.

Jeremy: Apparently Gorgeous is just really
good at describing what's happening to the

point that they feel that they're seeing
a black and white movie about world war

two and they can make comments about it.


And one of which is how
handsome the uncle is.

The would-be uncle.

Ben: What have been like, well,
this is just happening in Fantasy's

head because she's Fantasy.

And we've set her up that she has
these imaginations, but this movie was

like, no, not bat-shit crazy enough.

Have it be an inexplicable film reel
that they're all viewing in real time.

Emily: Yeah.


And making really cryptic comments.

Like the film burns away at one point
and they're like, oh, it's burning.

Oh, a kiss of fire.

Jamie: Kiss of fire.

Emily: And I'm like, cool.

Ben: And are you also seeing
these transition effects?

Are you aware that you are living in
a world of crazy transition effects?

Bronwyn: Like the film inside
the film broke the fourth wall.

Emily: This meta is not as fun.

Jeremy: Bwommmm.

Emily: Yeah.


Jamie: I had a theory that the,
aunt's husband to be didn't die in the

war, but ran off with someone else.

And that's why she went cuckoo, batshit,
vengeful, evil house, girl, eating demon.

Bronwyn: That's why I was thinking
we were going to get a house too,

because seriously, like you see
the, pilot get shot, but you, you

will only see the soon-to- would be
husband resigned himself to his fate.

Emily: I think the husband ran off-

Jeremy: Did he watch the
pilot in front of him die.

And then give us a face.

That's like, this will
be an honorable death.

And like just continues to
sit there in the cockpit,

plunging to his death, I guess.

Emily: The entire time
that they are in the plane.

He receives the tapes, the
pilot, and then they actually

get back and they get together.

And then like, that's when he leaves.

And they "plunge".

Bronwyn: So to speak.

Emily: But no, actually, cause this
is all about like world war II trauma.

Gorgeous's mom got married
and auntie was sad.

And all she got was this cat that
has been living this whole time.

Ben: Is the themes of this movie,
the generation that experienced this

war, taking their trauma and anger
out on the subsequent generations who

never had to go through what they did.

Jamie: It's basically Turning Red.

And Encanto.

Jeremy: I was going to say it's
Godzilla, but with an, with

your aunt as Godzilla, you know?

Emily: Aunt-zilla, am I right?


Jeremy: If Godzilla had
more musical numbers.

I think it'd be a better movie if
like he was dancing on the ceiling.

Emily: Yeah, that's an
actual Godzilla musical.

You're welcome.

We're going to watch that.

Steve: Wait, is that on criteria?

Emily: It should be.

So we get this whole silent movie montage,
which is not really silent because we're

hearing a lot of like war noises and
then for the photo for Gorgeous's mom's

wedding, as they take the photo, the
bomb goes off there's, it's just sort

of like the war happened and it sucked.

Jeremy: Very shorthand.

Emily: Yeah.

This is very shorthand.

Like, you know.

Jeremy: You know.

Emily: War.

Jamie: That's how the aunt
got house eating powers.

Emily: Yeah.

So the girls arrive via the cat bus,
which is not actually a cat bus,

but it is a bus with the cat on it.

And that's probably why Blanche was
on the train because she owned the

train and the bus, like she, the whole
conveyance was her transportation.

Jamie: Blanche is a robber Baron.

Emily: Oh yeah.

Bronwyn: It's a Cat- glomerate

Emily: So they arrive
at the matte painting.

That's an actual matte painting in the
middle of the country as they pan out.

And you see that it's a matte painting
in the middle of the countryside.

Bronwyn: I died.

I died.

Ben: Multiple levels of
matte paintings is just wild.

The painted backgrounds
are really fucking nice.

Not gonna lie.

Emily: It's really funny.

Especially when they're
painted backgrounds in front

of an actual background.

Ben: Holy shit.

Bronwyn: That was hysterical.

That was at least one of the
half dozen times I turned

to Emily and was like, whoa?

Emily: So they are trying to find the
house and they come upon the local

watermelon merchant like you do.

He is the local doomsayer of this film.

Kind of like the old guy in
Friday 13th, except this guy

is a delightful watermelon man.

Jeremy: "I wouldn't go down there."

Ben: Friday the 13th, would've
been a better movie if that guy

had also given out watermelons.

Pet Cemetery, not a bad
movie, would have been better.

I haven't ever seen it.

Maybe it's a bad movie.

I don't fucking know.

It could be terrible, but would have
been better if it's creepy exposition

man had given out watermelons.

Bronwyn: I mean, I think
watermelons make every movie better.

Emily: Melons.


Bronwyn: Well, we got
those later in the movie.

Emily: Maybe.

Ben: Look, if Scream 2 had just had a
scene where like fucking David Arquette

and Nate nev Campbell have a scene
where they eat watermelon together.

I'd watch it.

I'd get it if it got deleted, but
I'd sure like to see it on YouTube.

Jeremy: Even though I just saw it
a week ago, I would believe you.

Bronwyn: Right?

Ben: Yeah.

Scream 3's uh..., that's a
special one in the franchise.

Emily: You have a scene where Jay and
Silent Bob fuck watermelons in Scream 3..

Is this true?

It's not actually.

Jamie: I haven't seen it and I won't.

Ben: Jay and Silent Bob are in
Scream 3 and it melted my brain.

Emily: So the girls arrive now
from the matte painting and the

via the watermelon merchant to
this beautiful bucolic setting.

Auntie greets them with Shiro-
or with Blanche- and she's in her

wheelchair and they're like, wow, cool.


You know, and then immediately Fantasy's
camera breaks, but she gets over it.

It was probably really expensive
cause you know, it was the seventies.

It was camera.

Jeremy: Now please don't just gloss over
the beautiful magic effects every time

they do any sort of magic in this movie.

Bronwyn: Yes.

Emily: Yes.

Especially the magic effects for
when auntie uses her magic and

summons electricity using the
incantation of the light switch.

Jeremy: Yeah.

Anytime that there is a magic involved,
they cut to the cat and the cat's eyes,

twinkle green, and then something happens.

Emily: Yeah.

So they come-

Jeremy: We're talking real end of
Hellraiser 1 type special effects here.

Bronwyn: Oh yeah.

Emily: Hell yeah.

Jeremy: Somebody took the
frames and drew on them.

Emily: This is like old school
rotoscoping and it is beautiful.

Ben: This is the kind of special
effects where they try to green

screen away part of someone's body
and it just starts warping and

fucking with somebody else's arm.

Emily: I love it.


It's fantastic.

Like all of the weird body parts flying
around that are obviously somebody's like

half painted with green screen paint.


Ben: My favorite is how, when
they want the giant disembodied

the lips or an eyeball, but they
can't quite get that effect.

So instead they just like green screen
someone, but like, there's still a

thin outline of paste skin around it.

Steve: Speaking of throwing things
around, did anybody notice that Blanche

was thrown on somebody right off
camera into the aunt's like lap when

she's going through the living room.

And they're just like whoomp!

And the cat's like "rawrrr"!

Bronwyn: Blanche isn't the only one
that they throw around to like, there's

a scene when the girls are coming into
the house and I don't know what they're

trying to achieve, that they never do
it again, but it's like, they want like

a bird to be flying by or something.

And it's legitimately somebody
just pitching something.

Jeremy: Yeah, that bird comes back.

The bird on a wire that flies by behind
them and they'll go, what was that?

And they don't actually see the
bird, but then that is the bird

that Kung Fu will fight later on.

Ben: The action directing in this
movie is beyond incomprehensible.

Emily: Yes.

Speaking of which-

Jeremy: It's a real predecessor
to the Bourne identity.

I feel like.

Emily: Yeah, there's a lot of jump
cuts that obscure the fact that the

characters aren't actually jumping, but-

Jeremy: Cause Kung Fu jumps a lot.

Emily: Kung Fu does jump a lot
I guess, even though I don't

know if she ever gets airborne.

Jeremy: She jumps into
scenes and outta scenes...

Emily: Speaking of Kung Fu after the
magical light has been summoned, the

chandelier goes berserk and attacks them?

Or maybe it just falls,
but it's very chaotic.

Jeremy: She threw a chandelier at them.

Emily: And yeah, Kung Fu's theme comes
in and she starts kicking the chandelier.

She kicks it away from the girls
into the telephone, into the wall

and into a lizard on the ground.

Kung Fu continues to kick various
things, to protect the other girls.

Sometimes rats happen.

Bronwyn: And it's unclear if
that's a good thing or a bad thing.

Jeremy: Yeah.

I was impressed by Kung Fu nonchalance
in all of this where every time there's

a bit in this first half where Kung
Fu has to kick something, she does it.

And then she's like, huh, weird.

She's like.


Not again.

Ben: I appreciate how after every
time she saves them, all the other

girls who start swooning over Kung Fu.

That's a mood.

Emily: Yeah.

I mean, yeah.

She's protecting all of these girls.

Jamie: Cause they're all useless.

Emily: Yes.

Bronwyn: Except Mac, because
Mac always has snacks.

That's the girl I want to hang with.

Ben: So we get a, the cat meowing
into if the background music.

Emily: Well that's later, if somebody
thinks to talk about that because we have,

okay, the cat painting is established.

They have food, Sweet cleans.

They help auntie around the house.

Uh, They get into amazing outfits
and then start disappearing.

First to go is Mac.

Jeremy: Mac decides that
they need watermelons.

So having seen the watermelon vendor,
the creepy ass watermelon vendor

down the hill, decides to go back
by herself to go buy a watermelon.

Comes back.

Now it's like, oh no, that, uh,
that refrigerator doesn't work.

You can't put it in there.

You should store it in the well.

As she is storing it in the,
well, I guess gets killed.

It's a little unclear what happens.

Emily: Yeah.


There's a lot of symbolic editing.

And uh, when Fantasy goes to look for
Mac, Mac's head flies out of the well

bites her butt and then nuzzles it fondly.

Jeremy: And then spits-
and spits, bloody water.

Ben: Not the worst
first date I've been on.

Bronwyn: Definitely also true of me.

Ben: We've seen a lot of
crazy stuff in these movies.

Uh, first time we've gotten
ass eating in a film.

Steve: This movie is not scary.

That was the one image that actually
kind of unnerved me a little bit.

I was like, there was something wrong
about the color, like, and the smile.

I was just like, oh God.

I have a really nice ass.

And the idea of her taking a
bite out of it terrifies me.

Ben: Actually.

Emily: Content warning.

Ben: Mac, the actor that didn't creep
me out because I was too distracted

by how Fantasy's arm was all
fucked up from the bad blue screen.

Like, oh, part of your forearm got
real wavy and spiky there, Fantasy.

But then it was creepy when
it, it was like the fake head.

Emily: Listener.

I want you to imagine if you will,
the quality of the green screen in

this film is the same quality as
Tim Curry's song in The Worst Witch,

"Anything Could Happen on Halloween."

YouTube it.



Now I was looking at my own silent film.

Fantasy freaks out and the girls
investigate and they look in the

well, and it it's just a watermelon
Fantasy Waddaya talking about

" Jeremy: Mac is dead and her dead head,
severed, came out and bit me in the ass."

It takes her a lot of time to say this.

Mostly she's just like head!


Emily: And they're like,
What are you talking about?

Jamie: We all have them Fantasy, duh.

Jeremy: Like friends, you know?

Emily: Which, I mean, Fantasy's in
shock, she just got her ass ate.

Ben: Oh, that'd be
shocking for sure you know?

Uh, we have fun on this podcast.

Jeremy: They pull it up
and it's not the head.

It's a watermelon.

And they're like Fantasy...

Emily: You fucking dumb ass meanwhile,,
but auntie is eating the watermelon

and she does this great bit where
she has an eyeball in her mouth and

she makes the eyeball look around.

It's fucking fantastic.

Jeremy: At this point, the aunt has caught
on that like their thing for Fantasy is

that she just imagines a lot of shit.

So the aunt's like, oh,
this is going to be great.

I'm just gonna fuck
with her the whole time.

Every time she thinks she's
going to tell them about it.

Ben: I wish she hadn't possessed Gorgeous.

So early in the movie, I would have liked
to have seen more of the, um, more of

like her and more of her specifically
fucking with Fantasy, because it's great.

Bronwyn: Yeah.

I just, every time she makes eye
contact with the audience, you know,

she's like right at the camera,
like, you know, what's happening.

I know what's happening.

She doesn't know what's happening!

Jeremy: She's like doing a dance,
and then Fantasy sees her, and she

dips back into the refrigerator.

Ben: Incredible.

Emily: Yeah!

Jeremy: And Fantasy's like,
she went in the refrigerator!

And Prof opens it up and she's
like, there's fucking shelves there.

She did not go in the refrigerator.

Ben: The weird thing that this
movie has going on is that the main

character is clearly Gorgeous, but
the protagonist is clearly Fantasy.

The main character and the protagonist
are not the same character.

This movie is the second person narration.

This movie is Gorgeous's story
like from Fantasy's point of view.

Emily: There you go.

There you go.

That's why-

Ben: This some my name is Ishmael shit.

Bronwyn: Can we talk about
the dancing skeleton?

Emily: Yeah.

Well, first I want to mention
that, there's some more insanity.

The girls find ominous
ominous shit around the house.

There's talking dolls .Gorgeous
bathes with a hair demon.

That's fucking terrifying.

Bronwyn: Oh, that was creepy.

Jamie: That was really-

Ben: Because that's one instance where
the movie doesn't go over the top

and make it like, comical about it.


Bronwyn: Yeah.

It's just straight up scary.

Ben: -It freaks you the fuck out.

And then it never appears
again, like it stays unknown.

Unlike most of the things of
this movie, which become known

to the point of like silliness.

Bronwyn: Yeah.

Emily: But then-

Jeremy: I must say, any single
person of that age has ominous

stuff around their house.

Jamie: Yeah.

Emily: Yes.

And then the firewood attacks
Kung Fu and she kicks its ass.

Jeremy: The, the fire would and the bird.

Emily: Yeah.

Ben: We get that classic Kung Fu huh?


And then no follow up.

Jamie: She kicks off her,
her pants or whatever.

She's got, it goes up into the air.

She defeats it.

She looks around and says, huh, holds
out her hand while looking around.

And the pants full right in.

Ben: So fucking cool.

Jamie: Yeah.

Jeremy: Then she did not put them back on.

Ben: Like a bad-ass.

Bronwyn: When you look at her outfit where
she starts and her outfit, by the end,

she has lost several pieces of clothing.

One after every battle.

Emily: It's hot it's summer.

Jamie: It's live action comic strip.

Ben: I mean, Let's be honest.


Steve: Thank you, Jamie.

Jamie: I'm glad someone got that.

Ben: Oh man.

It's weird to be calling Gorgeous
gorgeous when Kung Fu is just

right here and clearly just
being like the stud of the group.

Bronwyn: Oh, exactly.

Emily: Yeah.

So, uh, auntie is dancing.

Jeremy: Wait, hold on.

Is that the bimbo/himbo duality?

Is that what that is?

Gorgeous is a bimbo...

Ben: Oh shit.

Oh shit.

I think you're right.

Jeremy: I guess she's a herbo.

Ben: You might be on to something.

Emily: By the way we're taking bimbo back.

Bimbo is fine.

Bronwyn: Yes.

Emily: She's a bimbo.

It's okay to be a bimbo.

It's just-

Ben: You heard it here first folks.

We've we're reclaiming bimbo.

Bronwyn: Yes!

Emily: Reclaiming bimbo.


Same thing.


Jeremy: No, no, no, no, no.

Ben: I'm a big fan of the thembos.

Jeremy: I had this very long discussion
with people on, on Twitter about this,

because I was talking about the word
himbo and how himbo was supposed to

be like a, a gender reversal of bimbo.

And then it became a positive.

And they were like, oh no, it's, like,
it's part of a four-part you know,

system where on one side you have
male, once you have female and then

opposite that you have hunky and pretty.


Emily: It's a Mendel's diagram.

Jeremy: Yeah, himbos are,
you know, hunky males.

Then you have herbos, who are
hunky females, and then you have

bimbos who are pretty females.

And then I don't know
what Luke Skywalker type-

Ben: Where does Bo Burnham
fit in with all this?

Bronwyn: I think it's himbim.

Jeremy: That makes sense.

Emily: I dunno.

I think it's multiple alleles, honestly.

Jamie: Luke Skywalker falls into
the whiny cry-ie bitch category.

Ben: Himbim sounds too much like
the videos I wasn't supposed

to be looking up as a teenager.

Jeremy: I was proposing, we put a, we
put a non-binary, you know, thembo and

everything sort of going one way on that.

And then you have just like a fit going
down the other direction where it's like,

not particularly hunky or pretty, but.

You know, just somebody
who runs all the time.

Emily: That's why Mendel's diagram while
good for genetics is not always good for-

Bronwyn: Yeah.

Emily: Himboism.

Auntie is making no
bones about being evil.

She's dancing with the skeleton.

Now the skeleton, we didn't explain.

She was a piano teacher,
so she has a grand piano.

The dude was like a doctor.

And so he had a skeleton.

Ben: No her father-

Emily: Her father was a doctor.

Ben: Yeah.

So Gorgeous's grandfather,
aunt's father, was a doctor.

Emily: Thank you.

It's really hard to keep up with-

Jeremy: A doctor who
saw people at his house.

And so had a skeleton there.

Ben: It's not said, but
presumably there's some Samuel L.

Jackson Eve's Bayou type stuff happening.

I presume.

These skeletons never attack anybody
or do anything they're exclusively

there to be backup dancers.

Emily: Yeah.

They do such a good dance.

He's just doing a dance.

Like the whole time he's dancing.

Ben: And yeah.

And who is he dancing to?

Bronwyn: Uhhhh....

My Chemical Romance?

Ben: The weirdest part of this entire
movie of this weirdest shit movie is

Melody discovering this grand piano,
playing a few tunes and us fucking 45

years later going wait a fucking minute.

That's the beginning to "Black Parade!"

Emily: Yeah.

Jeremy: Mmm, Mmm, mmm, mmm.


Ben: This is legit where My Chemical
Romance is sampled this movie, the

beginning piano note of "Black Parade".

Emily: And here I'm like good on you.

My Chemical Romance.

I didn't listen to them before just
cause it was just passed me up.

Like I w it wasn't listening
to the music at the time.

I was deaf at the time, I guess.

Because it was everywhere.

But yeah.

Good job sampling Hausu.

Ben: It's brilliant outside the box.

I love it.

But holy shit was I not expecting it?

Emily: Yeah.

Bronwyn: Yeah.

Ben: So out of all the
surprises this movie had that

was the one that made me go.

I'm sorry, what the fuck?

I think I need to rewind to make sure
I'm seeing what I think I'm seeing.

Emily: That was your, that was your
equivalent of my Jay and Silent Bob moment

in Scream 3, where I was like, what?

Like I screamed at the TV.

Ben: No, that was definitely me the first
time I saw that, which is again, why it's

the most ridiculous thing that they try
to throw like immediately after like ahh!

Dead mom nightmare scare.

It's like, Movie.

No, one's paying the fucking attention.

We're all still trying to fucking
process Jay and Silent Bob.

And I know we said all this last
week, but I really need to repeat

because what the fuck Scream 3?

Emily: No, it's, I'm still processing it.

I like, I here's the thing, everybody
just let's have a, serious time.

Serious corner now.

Jeremy: Take jokes out.

Emily: Yeah.

Jokes are going to be over
here for just a second.

Steve: Let's talk.

Let's wrap guys.

Emily: Let's wrap.

The thing is about this film for me.

Is that I get it.

I understand.

Bronwyn: I thought you said that you
were going to leave the jokes out.

Emily: No.

Like I, this movie, like in all
of its bananas-ness and literal

bananas, I'm like, oh, of course
I know what this movie is about.

I know why it exists.

I know what it's telling me.

I know where these references are.

Some of them.

Not the Tora- like ramen stand thing.

Jeremy: I don't remember
Korra being in this movie.

Emily: Honestly, at this rate.

I'm sure it was in there somewhere.

Ben: I hope what's coming through
as we discuss all of these

fucking buck, wild moments is an
overwhelming sense of respect.

He set out to make a cuckoo
bananas ass horny film.

That is exactly what he fucking did.

Jeremy: The wildest thing to me is reading
that like this movie is a result of like

jaws being real popular in America and
then real popular in Japan and then going,

oh, we want to do horror movies too.

And then like handing it over to this
guy who like had only done music videos.

They didn't want him to originally be the
director, but like he wanted to do it.

And then like his his interpretation...

Ben: Well, notably, like,
nobody else would do it.

Jeremy: His interpretation of it
being like somebody had described

what horror movies were to him.

And then somehow he got that
mixed up with sailor moon.

And we like, we have basically these
characters who are very much like

the civilian identities of the sailor
moon characters with the exception of

Kung Fu they don't have any powers.

And then like they just
get killed one by one.

Put these like-

Jamie: It's realistic sailor moon.

Jeremy: And they put these adorable
teenage girls into the situation and

then they just murder them, like in
a way that all of these characters,

except maybe one would, may get through
in an American horror film, none

of them make it through this movie.

Emily: Gorgeous does sort of.

Jeremy: Mmm.

Bronwyn: Does she?

Ben: As a murder ghost!

Emily: Yeah, but..

Ben: She's a possessed murder.

Well, I say possessed there wasn't much
there like to take over in Gorgeous.

Jamie: I feel like non possessed.

Gorgeous would still light Ryoko on fire.

Steve: Yes.

Ben: Gorgeous would let herself
be possessed to gain the

ability to set Ryoko on fire.

Bronwyn: I think her entire
raison d'etre is now.

Ooh, I get to burn daddy's girlfriend.


Ben: I believe Gorgeous would
have gone into this willingly.

Willingly sacrificed her friends
and given up her body all just

to kill her dad's girlfriend.

Bronwyn: Well, especially because
she's still gets to kinda snuggle

with Fantasy, which, you know,
start as you mean to go on.

Emily: We don't know a
Fantasy is actually dead.

I mean, Fantasy is just like Gorgeous.

Like maybe Fantasy got like eaten
by Gorgeous, like in bed aliv.

Ben: Yeah, Fantasy had a real like world,
cold and hard, titty soft and warm.

Jeremy: I assume that literally.

As soon as the camera cuts away
from her being clasped to Gorgeous's

bosom Fantasy's head just explodes.

Ben: I don't want to say it, but if it
follows the pattern of everything else in

this movie, Gorgeous's boobs eat Fantasy.

Emily: I mean.

Jamie: Just like in Devilman.

Bronwyn: Devilman!

Emily: Exactly!

Ben: Full circle.

Bronwyn: We're just waiting
for the angry vaginas.

Emily: And we get, we sort of get them.

Ben: That's why we need Hausu 2!

Bronwyn: Mmm-hmm.

Emily: I think Devilman is Hausu 2.

Bronwyn: Devilman is Hausu 2!


Jeremy: The Hausu in that one
is a club for some reason.

Bronwyn: But you know what?

It's true because they, this is like
the, the exponential growth, right?

Like she did say that her
friends were just tired and that

they're hungry when they wake up.

So now the house is full of hungry ghosts.

So it's just pulling
people in to eat them.

And then all of a sudden, you end
up with the club in the basement.


And Devilman upstairs.

Emily: Yeah.

And Ryo Asuka's dad buys the house.

Bronwyn: Bringing it together.

Emily: Yeah.


Sets up shop there.

Jeremy: He's never seen that there's
a giant cliff behind this house and

the elevator goes down to the club.


Ben: You just gotta move
the painting out of the way.

Jamie: If they ever do a live action
devil man, like a real live action

devil, man, they're going to need to
come up with a whole new rating system.

Emily: There is a live
action devil man movie.

And it is forgettably mediocre.

It's really, really bad.

Jamie: It needs to be
like quadruple X Rated.

Bronwyn: How do you make
devil men forgettable?

Emily: They did it.

That's all I have to say.

Melody is playing My Chemical Romance on
the piano and she's super entranced by it.

Sweet is being beaten
to death by a bedding.

Gorgeous is also entranced by her own
reflection in the mirror and she's

doing some like makeup and stuff.

She's looking great, but then
her face cracks away and there's

fire underneath and it's cool.

And like symbolic and-

Jamie: She's Calicfer.

Emily: Yeah, she's Calcifer.

Jeremy: And speaking
of My Chemical Romance.

She has not heard the
news that she's dead.

Emily: Yeah.

Jeremy: Good night everybody!

Steve: You get what you deserve.

Emily: So yeah, now Fantasy
is still freaking out.

She, Kung Fu, and Prof and Melody,
they're looking for Sweet and they find

a doll that's covered in the bedding.

And it is naked and Sweet's clothes
are everywhere and they're like,

are we sure it's Sweet's clothes?

Let's sniff her underwear.

Actually they know Sweet's clothes because
they identify it by Sweet's clothes.

And they straight up just
are like cool panties.

And then they sniff her
underwear for like five minutes.

They're like passing it
on the left-hand side.

Ben: This was one movie where
you do not have to reach very

far to find queer and content.

Jeremy: I didn't know if this
was going to be a tracking thing.

Like they were all sniffing
her panties and then they were

just going to be like this way.

It smells like her
vagina down this hallway.

Ben: No, it really seems to be much more.

It's like, yup.

These are Sweet's.

All right.

Jamie: It means they've done this before.

Emily: Like, werewolf senses engage!

Ben: Putting the gay in engaged.

Bronwyn: Definitely
putting the gay in engaged.

Emily: Also, I forgot there was
a point before this where Melody

goes to the bathroom and that
Fantasy is still freaking out.

And then Melody's hand appears through
the door, like, like it's spookily

disembodied and it's like fantasy.


And she's like, Oh God!

It got Melody too!

It's her hand!

And she's like, no,
I'm just taking a shit.

I need toilet paper.

Jeremy: The weirdest fakeout.

Emily: Yeah.



Jamie: Can you spare a square?

Jeremy: It's actually more frightening.

Girls shit.

Oh no!

Jamie: It's like the star wars
fake-out when that the iron

comes down on the uniform.

Jeremy: Fantasy has a fantasy of Mr.

Tôgô coming to rescue them.

This will not happen.


Tôgô is stuck in traffic in Tokyo, I
guess, just to get some ramen with a bear.

Bronwyn: Yeah.

Ben: And we also get this terrible
character who is insulting Mr.

Tôgô's objectively awesome car.

Emily: It's a go-kart yeah,
that guy needs to calm down.

I know-

Ben: That car is the coolest part of Mr.


Emily: Yeah.

Ben: Mr.

Tôgô's whole deal feels like
it's referencing famous Japanese

comedy dynamics that I have no
understanding or context for.

That feels, right.

Emily: Yeah.

Jeremy: Yeah.

This whole interaction where the guy's
like, get that car off of the road and

he's like, I'm sorry, I'm in traffic.

There's another car in front.

Emily: Yeah.

He could easily just pick it up.

It's probably just fused to his
ass and he could just stand up

and the car would like, just-

Ben: He's already got
the fused to his ass.

Emily: Meanwhile, Prof, Fantasy
and Kung Fu now find Melody and

her finger has been eaten by the
fingers have been eaten by the piano.

She seems okay with it until it
starts devouring her completely.

And it's like doing some crazy
psychedelic shit where the keys are

lighting up and it's going nuts.

Ben: This is, to me, the legitimately
like the most terrifying image of it.

Like the special effects are
actually kind of affective here of

Melody's like bitten off fingers.

And to her creepy, smiling through
it is like a whole extra level

of just really psychological
disturbing on top of the gore.


Steve: The piano eating scene is actually
what attracted me to the movie because

I tried looking it up when I saw that
it was playing at the criterion festival

and I didn't know anything about it.

I just, it looked- the promotional
image for it looked weird and I looked

it up and it was just a short little
clip of, for being eaten by the piano.

And I was like, yo, 1:30, I'm
going to be in that theater

Jeremy: At first it like jaggedly
bites off a few of her fingers

and she is kind of cool with that.

I guess she either she's cool or in shock.

And then like, and then it decides to eat
the whole, her and she has pieces of her

are bouncing around inside the piano uh,
as, as we look down on it and, uh, then

her head rolls in to be like, oh, naughty.

Steve: It was very, uh, like a nightmare
on Elm street, death scene orchestrated by

Bronwyn: The only thing I could see
or hear for this whole scene in my

head was screw My Chemical Romance.

This is Tom Waits, straight up.

The piano has been drinking.

Steve: It's like Nightmare 5 level
goofiness, but Nightmare 3 level goodness.

Ben: Ooh.

But yeah, it's like the creepiest image
in the movie with the fingers being

bitten off is then immediately pushed
to 11 and taken so far around that.

It's like laughably, like
again, self-aware in its humor.

Emily: She's literally commenting
about how it's unnecessarily sexual.

Jeremy: Yeah.

Her legs are sticking out
and going every which way.

And the piano just keeps chomping
on her nude chest, which is

unclear if it's hers or just uh-

Bronwyn: I mean, the house has
been eating a lot of girls.


Ben: This movie criticizing sexual
exploitation and horror film.

It's a real cabin in the woods type shit.

Jeremy: This was the point where I
had to start looking at people's ages.

Cause I was like, ah, I'm
not comfortable with this.

They're not really teenagers.

Ben: This is where you get to
like HBO Ma- am I going to get

arrested for watching HBO Max?

The fuck.

Emily: This is the fucking
catch a predator trap Hausu.

Bronwyn: Right?!

Steve: Well the delivery of that,
it sounded like a radio station.

HBO Max: The Fuck.

Fucking in the morning.

Coming to you live.

Jeremy: This is the Auntie
and the Skeleton Show.

Emily: Oh my God.

I would fucking listen to
that every single morning.

Seriously, they have the cat song.

That's right.

Cause the cat plays a piano earlier and
it's just a cat, like jumping on the

piano, like just walking across a piano.

It's like, you know, going back and forth
with the loop and then, they play the

song with the cat sounds cause you know.

Jeremy: Like Meow Mix.

Jamie: It's yet another
scene where they chuck a cat.

Bronwyn: Oh my God.

hhhhhThe chucking of the cat.

Can you imagine the person in the
credits that your job in the credits

on this movie is cat chucker?

Emily: I mean the animal wrangler.


I'm sure the cat got better.

The cat turned out better than
the cat in my low notice, but

it's also in Japanese production.

Steve: A Milo and Otis reference.


Jeremy: That was an incredible journey.

Emily: That movie is fucked up.

I can't believe they let
kids watch that movie.

That's a horror movie because there's so
much animal abuse happening in that movie.

And everyone's like, doot-da-do
little orange cat and a pug-nosed pup.

We're going to kill 5
million cats and maybe dogs.

Ben: Jaime's face right now is incredible.

Jeremy: That's a Kesha song isn't it?

Emily: No, I don't know.

I don't think Kesha sings like a cat.

So the consumption of Melody by the piano
prompts, Prof Fantasy and Kung Fu to

finally panic, and they find the clock,
which is full of, uh, Sweet's remains.

And they're like, oh.

Jeremy: Before they find the
clock, they find Gorgeous, right?

She wanders down and is like, Hey
guys, I'm going to go get help.

And then wanders outside and
locks the door behind her.

Ben: Well, no.

Right before that we get the great moment
of her going, I'll call the police.

And then she picks up the phone and
just disembodied screaming is on

the other line and then Gorgeous
goes, oh, they're not picking up.

Emily: This scene is so slow.

And it's also like a
really low frame rate.

Jamie: That was the one shot that worked.

Ben: I mean, it has to be that they
recorded the dialogue like after the

fact, and they only had this one shot,
like it needs to last long enough

for all the dialogue to be said.

It goes on so long with this weird,
like awful frame rate I actually

had to like check that my HBO wasn't
like glitching out on my phone.

Emily: Cause they're tripping
and Gorgeous is entranced.

Then they're all entranced.

And this is a reason for it.

Jeremy: Gorgeous is probably
already dead at this point, yes?

Emily: Yeah, so she's

Bronwyn: She's already burned up.

Jeremy: She shattered.

And there was fire
inside of where she was.

Ben: And Now there's only auntie.

Jeremy: I mean, she's either dead
at this point or was the protagonist

and the Katy Perry music video.

I'm not sure which it is.

She's got that fire inside.

Jamie: So the anger transferred.

Emily: The house is now like shutting
them all in with a bunch of war noises.

And they're now they're
like straight freaking out.

And now it's impervious to kicking cause
like Kung Fu's like, I know what to do.

Bronwyn: I will kick.

Emily: I will kick.

And then.

Jeremy: The door is closed and Kung Fu
is like I know what to do with closed

doors, but she can't get through.

They find Sweet inside the clock
and it's like, oh, I'm so sorry.


Which would not be my reaction.

What the fuck?!

Let's get her out of the clock, I guess.

Emily: It's pretty spooky.

Like the whole clock
with the gears and stuff.

Like in another film that
would be a legit horrifying.

It was already kind of spooky in
this case, but like the idea of the

house, like eating her and then we're
watching her being processed by its

organs and there's these gears and
it's all like bloody and crunchy.

Jeremy: I did have to ask myself,
did the mattresses pick her

up and put her in the clock?

Bronwyn: Yeah, because I had previously
thought she had been turned into the doll.

Ben: Viewer.

I really need to be clear
to the viewer on something.

If you're just hearing Emily's description
of the scene and going, wow, that does

sound really horrific and gruesome.

That sounds like a
really disturbing scene.

I need you to understand while all
of this is going on, the lighting of

the scene is just rapidly changing
between different pastel colors.

Jeremy: Straight up.

The blood in this scene does appear to be
a combination of seemingly wet different

colors dripping down and somebody just
drawing blood on the frame itself.

The drawing in the blood starts in the...

first in the Melody scene because
like Melody is in the piano and

there's a bunch of blood in there.

And it is very clearly that somebody
has just taken a red Sharpie and

colored blood into the scene.

Emily: It's animated.

Like there's an animated blood.

Ben: It's pretty special.

Emily: This movie is delightful.

So, Fantasy trips, trips out.

And then we see Mr.

Tôgô at the noodle bar.

Jamie: Tôgô interlude.

Ben: Yeah.

A Togo-lude if you will.

Emily: Yeah.

Steve: Hey!

Emily: You think he got the noodles to go?

Bronwyn: He definitely got them to go.

Emily: Yep.

Ben: I see what you did there.

Emily: Thanks.

Thanks everybody.

So, anyway, Prof has found a
diary and now using the diary

and science question, mark, not
really, to try to solve the mystery.

And it doesn't work because, now
Gorgeous's giant head and mouth and

eye, while, um, sadly not singing a
late night double feature picture show

is giving us the exposition that the
aunt is now a hungry ghost that she's

pissed off, that she never got married.

So she, you know, she, as the house
eats unmarried girls and women.

Ben: I love the giant
Gorgeous head effect.

It's a silly, and as unconvincing
as everything else, but it's

just so like, yes, go out of
your way to be doing silly stuff.

Like you didn't need to be making
this a ridiculous effect, but you did.

And that's why I respect
and love you House.

Emily: It also has this essence of like
The Hokusai Manga, where you have like

the Yo-Kai parade, where everything is
like weird and there's like skeletons,

but there's also like giant heads and
goofy shit and like walls that talk,

and like umbrellas with eyeballs.

Like these are all ghosts, but they're
all, like, I kind of want to hug that.

Like the lanterns that have
mouths and eat your face, like,

I'm kinda like, that's cute.

This umbrella with a foot is cute as fuck.

Bronwyn: Right?

Emily: But yeah, I mean, it does,
it does evoke like the old, prints

of like the giant ghost head, like
attacking all of the Kabuki actors.

And they were like, oh fuck.

You know?

The, the cat painting also goes nuts.

And this is where we get the iconic
image that we see a lot on the

House posters, which is the like
crazy joker smiling cat painting.

That's like coming at them.


Bronwyn: Cause it was Blanche all along!

Emily: Blanche is sort of like
the vehicle for the aunt's ghost.

But she's, uh, she's a- she's-

Ben: So.

It's just like a streetcar named desire.

Emily: Yes.

Ben: I assume.

I've only seen the
Simpsons episode where...

Emily: Oh yeah, me too, actually.

So all of the appliances, objects,
furniture, every thing that's

not like nailed to something in
this house starts attacking them.

And Kung Fu, does a pretty good job
of kicking it and manages to kick

them away until the lamp, which
is not a chandelier, it's just

regular old lamp, starts eating her.

And it grabs her by the head and she's
struggling and, Prof and Fantasy are

like, get it, get it, Kung Fu get it.

And she's like, I'm
fucking trying, but she's-

Ben: Anytime they want to help.

Bronwyn: Give the girl a hand folks.

Emily: I know they coulda like pulled her.

I don't know, but then she's up there.

And then she sees like, this tripped
out world full of angry ghosts.

And she's like looking through,
and there's all these like faces

and it's fucking cool as hell.

But then she realizes all of the
angry ghosts of the dead girls

that have been eaten by this house
are like, you are our salvation.

I assume this, I assume they say this
to her because of what she does next.

I don't think there's any actual,
like, communication that is shown

other than her looking at them
and then showing the cat painting.

But apparently the weak point of
this house is the cat painting.

So in our final coup de grâce, her
disembodied legs, flying kick the

cat painting as Jamie's doing like,
uh, I wish we could do a video.

Steve: Disembodied legs.

We all have them.


Emily: Also like in Devilman where Sirene
fucking shoots her hand at the guy.


So, um, her disembodied likes
fly at the cat painting and then

it's defeated question mark.

Like there's a lot of imagery that
shows like, oh no, it's upset and

it's gotten hit and it hates it.

And then it starts vomiting blood.

Ben: Yeah.

It seems like it's defeated, but
also like that doesn't matter.

Emily: Yeah, it's now pissed.

Jeremy: Just a pissed off cat.

Emily: Yeah.

Meanwhile Tôgô finally
meets the melon merchant.

He's finally there.

He finally got there.

Jeremy: Togo tries to drive up to the
house and it has been so shrouded in

fog and everything, that he cannot find
that he can't get to it, but he does

get to the melon merchant and the melon
merchant asks if he wants watermelons.

And he says, no, I don't like watermelons.

And this has such an effect on
this man that he falls backwards

and turns into a skeleton because
apparently Togo likes bananas.

Emily: It was his

one weakness.

It's like a Rumpelstiltskin thing.

Like he only, all you have to do is ask
him for something other than watermelons.

Ben: I guess it's a good thing
that like the only person who had

been around in 10 years was Mac.

Cause it seems to be that like this
gatekeeper can be defeated or like this

entryway keeper can just be defeated by
having a preference for any other fruits.

This man has to be a ghost because
how much business is he making

off of his watermelon farm?

Jeremy: Especially considering we,
we learned that there are no more

people there because the aunt has
literally eaten all the teenage

girls that were in the area.

So everybody else I guess, was like,
well, all of our teenagers keep dying.


Bronwyn: Maybe we get
the hell out of Dodge.

Steve: Yeah.

Emily: Well the watermelon guy, like,
I don't know if he was defeated.

The watermelon guy.

It turns into a skeleton, but then turns
Tôgô into his true form, which is just

a bunch of bananas on top of each other.

So, I mean, I guess it's sort of like-

Ben: Wearing a hat though.

Emily: Yeah.

A pile of bananas in a car with a hat.

Jeremy: That man is just a
bunch of bananas in a hat.

Emily: Yeah.

In fact, yes.

Ben: And that's going to be like
an insult I use from now on.

I'm like, someone's going to
be saying something stupid and

I'll be like, ah, you're nothing
but a pile of bananas in a hat.

Jamie: Suddenly Mr.

Han, I would like to leave your island.

Ben: Suddenly Dracula, I find
your manners, no, cognac as

distasteful as your manners.

Jeremy: Man, you comin'
straight out of a comic book.

Man, you come straight
out a pile of the bananas.

Emily: The cat painting is
starts with his vomiting blood.

Ben: Oh my God.

Right House.

Emily: The cat painting
is vomiting blood and uh-

Jeremy: It's not lupus.

Sorry, that's a House joke.

House, MD: I don't think this is lupus.

Jeremy: Yeah.

Jamie: It's never lupus.

Ben: We diagnosed the situation
of the ghost kitty painting.

Not lupus.

House, MD: And it's not.

Emily: So the cat has
been throwing up blood.

House is full of blood and

Bronwyn: This is where we lose Prof.

Emily: It's in the blood and then she
loses her glasses and then her clothes.

Jeremy: Via what is that
thing that bites her?

A jar?

A vase?

Something like that.

Ben: It's a teeth-filled tooth jar.

Emily: Oh, it's it's her thermos.

Jamie: Ah.

Emily: Her thermos bites her.

Jamie: Good old thermos dentata.

Ben: It's Chekov's Thermos, but I'm
not sure if it was ever set up for it.

Emily: It was actually.

Jamie: I'm changing my Twitter
name to Thermos Dentata.,

Emily: Okay.

So now Prof is swimming around in
the blood and we see her vagina and.

Jeremy: Her clothes disintegrate.

And then there's several shots of
this character who is supposed to be

a teenage girl naked in the water.

Emily: Yeah.

And this is the thing though, is
that a lot of these shots with the

characters naked, aren't like sexy,

Jeremy: They aren't particularly
sexualized, but they are explicit.

Emily: They are very explicit.

Ben: What the fuck was filming that like?

Like this is the scene where she had
to be very underwater and very naked.

Like this is the scene that
required either a lot of

communication or a lot of abuse.

Jeremy: There is a lot of weird
nudity and like sixties and

seventies, Japan, like Toho films.

Like if you watch any of the
prisoners 7 0 1 movies, like there's

a lot of like just women in prison
naked for no reason in that movie.

And those

Emily: Well it's- There the toplessness
like with European films, like

toplessness is not as sexualized.

Although, you know, when you have
a lot of women running around

topless and it's a movie where
there's like sexy ladies, like yeah.

But the toplessness is less taboo for

Jeremy: Non-Americans.

Emily: Yeah.

This movie is just like, if Pee-wee's
Playhouse suddenly had a vagina in

it, like, this is how this feels.

Bronwyn: Yeah.

Ben: Did that never happen
in Pee-wee's Playhouse?

Emily: There is a, a stage version of
Pee-wee's Playhouse where Peewee and his

friend use mirrors on their shoes to look
up the skirt of one of their friends.

And they're like, oh, I want
to look at your underwear.

And she's like, I'm not wearing underwear.

And they're like, Aw.

And then they give up,

Jeremy: Sounds like a writing prompt
honestly, there is a stage version of

Pee-wee's Playhouse in which dot dot dot.

Emily: So look it up.

Larry Fishburn is in it.

Ben: It eventually leads to a
seven season show on the CW.

Jamie: A darker version
of Pee-Wee's Playhouse.

Ben: That's how Riverdale happened.

A guy made an unlicensed like fucked
up adult play of Archie characters

was sent a cease and desist letter.

And then 15 years later, they
let him make the actual show!

Oh that's right.

Emily: This is my devil man.

This is my Devilman future
that I want for myself.

And I'm trying to make.

Ben: Make your dreams a reality.

Emily: Yeah.

Don't let your dreams be dreams.

Don't dream it.

Be it.


Um, So Fantasy is trapped on a
floating door, like Rose DeWitt.

Jamie: Two people fit
on that fucking door.

Emily: Two people do fit on Rose's door.

This is a panel like a closet panel.

And I'm pretty sure that like the weight
of two people would submerge this thing.

Fantasy is trapped and, Gorgeous
appears in wedding clothes to save

her, but she just kind of grabs her and
then like nuzzles her into her bosom.

Bronwyn: As we've known since
the very beginning of this movie,

Fantasy's fantasy is Gorgeous.

Emily: Yeah.

And she got what she wanted so-

Ben: Ain't that the truth.

Jeremy: Gals that are pals.

Emily: So, the sun rises, and here
comes Ryoko with her streaming

scarf and she discovers the
banana pile and she's like, huh?

Jeremy: She has a whole ass music
video on the way into this scene,

she's just like posing and enjoying the
countryside and having a great time.

Bronwyn: Is she selling a car?

What is happening here?

Emily: Yeah.

She wa she does everything very slowly.

Jeremy: A car or a watch, or-

Jamie: They shot extra footage, so they
could insert it into whatever commercial

that the director was doing next.

He was like, we got
the time run those set.

Just to do it.

Emily: So it's definitely a
commercial direction here.

She shows up and she's
like, oh, Hey, Gorgeous.

And Gorgeous is like, oh, Hey, you.

Jeremy: Let me finish opening
all of the fucking doors

before we have a conversation.

Bronwyn: With significant eye contact.

Emily: Yeah.

It's very slow and deliberate.

And then, Ryôko's like, didn't
you have like, friends here.

And Gorgeous is like,
don't worry about it.

And then.

Bronwyn: They're tired.

Emily: Yeah.

Jamie: They're asleep.

Jeremy: She makes a reference that
makes it sound like maybe they're

still alive or like un-dead.

Maybe they're haunting the place too.

Cause she's like, oh, they're asleep.

When they're hungry, they'll wake up.

Jamie: They take over one
of the items in the house.

Emily: Yeah.

Ben: It's a beauty and
the beast type situation.

Bronwyn: Like, I'm telling you, this is
legit the precursor to that devil man ova.

This is the disco house.

Emily: This is the disco- Or it's, it's
like the fucked up version of "Be Our

Guest" where they're like, be our guest.

I'll fuck you up.

But yeah, Gorgeous is immolates
uh, Ryoko to this folk ballad.

Jeremy: They sit down to
have a nice conversation.

Gorgeous seems to be chill, even
though she is a hungry ghost, we

know at this point and they sit
down to talk and then Ryoko just

catches fire and burns silently.

She does not scream or run
around or anything like that.

She just becomes fire.

Emily: Yeah.

I mean, that's the thing that
happens in the house, right?


You just like become fire and
by fire, we mean fire is super

imposed over your silhouette
through rotoscoping on the film.

I am become fire.

And then the aunt shows up again
and is like, love lives on forever.

And then we get the credits.

Ben: A bit of a strange ending
for a pretty strange movie.

So it all balances out in the end.

Bronwyn: Exactly!

Jeremy: Then we go to like, just the,
we cut to the very happy sixties music

over like everybody jumping on screen
and doing their, you know, as if it

were a play like they're jumping onto
the, uh, in doing their final bows.

Emily: Man, they fucked it up though.

Like in a good way, like they, they
straight up, like they did their best.

They were our guests, um,

Jamie: They put our minds to the test.

Emily: They sure they put
our credulity to the test.

In a world full of wonder,
let Hausu do the rest.

Bronwyn: For those who cannot see-

Jamie: Pure cinema.

Pure cinema.

Bronwyn: We have a slow clap
from the Ben corner here.

Emily: Thank you, Ben.

Jamie: There's a reason criteria and
pick this up because they recognized

true art and they were like, y'all
motherfuckers need to see this shit.

Ben: And it is legitimately art.

I mean, we talk about the special
effects and how weird and wacky

and on realistic they are.

They're clearly not
trying to be realistic.

And it honestly is kind of
breathtaking just in the sheer

range of practical effects.

Like any possible method of trying to tell
insane visual storytelling without the aid

of computers is employed in this movie.

Emily: And it's stylistically, it fits.

Like that's the thing is that they
get go it's not a movie that's

trying to make special effect look
like something that they couldn't

figure out how to make it look good.

This is like, okay, we know
we have these effects, we know

our capabilities within this.

So we just have to make it blend in.

They understood the assignment.

Jeremy: It doesn't care about realism.

Like it's just like, yeah,
it's fucked up and weird.

Isn't that scary?

Emily: Isn't that the point?

Jeremy: I kind of it's too late
for this to happen, obviously.

Cause, cause he is dead, but I would love
to have seen Nobuhiko Obayashi and Clive

Barker work on something together and
like what the fuck would that look like?

Jamie: Whoa!

A hell raiser done in this style.

Jeremy: I mean the first hell
raiser is almost in the style.

They just try really hard.

Emily: Yeah.

And they have better like practical
effects in the first Hellraiser,

but they also aren't doing-

Jeremy: Well except for the
final climax of that movie.

The special effects
goes woooooooommmmpbbbt.

Emily: Yeah.

I mean they do have that part
where the body like literally

inflates and that shit is-

Steve: Absolutely amazing.

Jeremy: Oh my God.


The body itself is incredible.

The uh, the clearly drawn on lightning
that's rotoscoped onto the film.

Ben: I just want Pinhead
to team up with Blanche.

Jeremy: Pinhead just
throw that cat around.

Ben: I have such

Jeremy: cats to throw at you.

Emily: I mean pins are the pla- the
pain in the cat is the pleasure.

There you go.

And not in a sexual
way cause that's gross.

But like.

Jeremy: It's a metaphor for pussy.


Bronwyn: Okay.

And we've gone this whole time.

I'm not talked about the fact
that the cat's name is blanche.

Which is blush the French word for white.

What color is the cat?

Emily: White.

Well, the cat's name in Japanese,
they call her Shiro which means white.

So going along with that
whole naming convention.


I mean, it's not very creative, but
I do like the fact that it is blush

because it's like posh, you know, French.

Bronwyn: This is like the princess
Bride, but not the movie, the

book where they actually described
buttercup as not long on imagination

for she named her horse horse.

Emily: Oh yeah, absolutely.

Like at least Gorgeous didn't I
mean everybody's named like Gorgeous

and Mac and shit for starters.

I think we got away pretty well without
the cat just being called kitty.


Shiro neko chan, even.

So, is this movie feminist?


Bronwyn: So is this movie feminist,
are women the majority of the cast?



Are women both the protagonist
and the antagonist?

Emily: Yes.

Jamie: The aunt has agency
like a motherfucker.

Bronwyn: Yes the aunt is amazing.

Jeremy: Oh, no the aunt does turn
into an evil girl killing spinster

because she doesn't get married.

Bronwyn: Look.

To quote a very, very,
very good friend of mine.

We support women's rights.

We also support women's wrongs.

Emily: And that, that is true feminism,
you know, I don't think it's, I don't

think this movie quite gets that.

Bronwyn: Do the female
Characters have depth and agency?

One of them.


Jeremy: As much as anybody else.

Ben: Mac's actor had to do
more than giggle and scream.

Bronwyn: Does the movie
pass the Bechdell test?

Steve: Oh yeah.

Jamie: Yes, absolutely.

Ben: All the time.

Bronwyn: So I think this movie
has a complex relationship with...

Emily: This movie also has a
complex relationship with reality.

So the feminism is just about
as deep as the characters are.

Jamie: There are ladies in it.

Emily: This movie is about trauma.

Bronwyn: Auntie is in a
wheelchair until she eats people.

Emily: Yeah.

Bronwyn: I'm not sure there's a
meaningful look at disability here, but

Jeremy: That's a bad, if anything,
from a disability standpoint.

Jamie: She's using stem cells, it's fine.

That's fine.

Emily: Yeah.

We got to accept that.

No, but yeah, it's not it's it
doesn't really present a physical

disability meaningfully or, well.

Mac is not presented to
have an eating disorder.

She just eats a lot.

They fat shame her, but she
is proud of her appetite.

She describes herself as healthy,
which I think is true way up.


and the term gain key, which translates
literally to healthy is also a, uh, a word

that's used for, people being attractive.

I don't know if at the time
it was, sort of underhanded

comment, like, you know, oh yeah.

You look very healthy, you know, the way
that people do now, which they shouldn't,

because if you will healthy, that's good.

But geeky doesn't just mean
healthy, but also means energetic.

It means fun.

It means charismatic.

And that is Mac.

Jeremy: Yeah.




Like it's doing good.


From my understanding,
my limited understanding.

Emily: Yeah, but janky, like when you
ask somebody like, okay, thank you desk.

It's like, are you doing well?

But it's more than that.

I just wanted to mention that in, in
relation to like this, dichotomy between

the, fat shaming and then like Mac's
actual attitude about herself, like

she's, not down on herself about it.

Racial, social justice.



Jeremy: This movie's very queer.

I don't know if it knows
that it is, but it is.

Bronwyn: It's exceedingly queer.

Ben: Yeah, uh, So queer.

So it's camp and it's queer

Emily: In my notes, I talk about S
class or class S whatever, whichever

one you say was, does the S come first?

I don't know.

it's not just the car.

There is a, phenomenon in Japanese pop
culture, especially in the seventies when

there's like a lot of this Shoujo Manga
coming out like 1978/77, I think was right

around we got like Rose of Versailles.

There's a lot of, kind of interesting
queer coded shoujo manga that has certain

sexual themes, but are not explicitly
sexual sort of the origin of stuff.

Like, Revolutionary Girl Utena which
is the, uh, the nineties equivalent.

Jeremy: Nothing sexual about that!

Emily: Everything is sexual about that.

Jeremy: For the show it's like coded.

The movie.

It's like what?

It's like queer plus.

Bronwyn: We got three minutes into
this movie Hausu and I was like, Hmm.

Queer coding.

Ben: Okay.



Like right off the bat, you got
just Gorgeous and Fantasy being

real, real Sapphic with each other.

Jeremy: Fantasy's like
we're great friends.

You're very fuckable.

Wait, what.

Emily: Wikipedia says that S-Class refers
to platonic relationships between girls.

That's not true.

It's gay, uh-

Bronwyn: The "S" is right there.

It gives it right away.

Emily: It's for Sapphic it's
for a bunch of stuff it's for.

Jeremy: This is essentially
like the seventies, Japanese

equivalent of gal pals.

It means they're straight,
but that's not what it means.

Emily: Yeah.

Jeremy: It's people trying real
hard to pretend that it's straight.

Emily: Now it is used as a term for,
the kind of like how young girls

are kind of expected to explore,
same-sex relationships in like,

not necessarily sexually, in like
high school and early college.

So it was kinda like how college
was a time for everything, at

sort of the colloquial, from
what I understand a colloquial

usage of the S-Class genre term.

A lot of this stuff comes from
the seventies, also Kauai culture,

like the Sanrio coy culture.

There's a certain, rebellious feminism
aspect to that with young girls who were

trying to adopt this kohai culture, trying
to be cute because it was not proper.

So it is kind of punk rock in a way.

Because a lot of, high school girls were
trying to assert their own identities

and be, involved in, in pop culture, in,
popular media and stuff like that, which

is a relatively new opportunity for them.

So, the koi culture, is reactionary.

And so I feel like there's some of that
in this film you know, with it being

about teenage girls and then sort of
having these cute names and everything

it's not, and how like fun and bubbly
everything is in terms of the colors

and the, the psychedelic imagery and
everything like that, and the fun

music and the just goofiness of it.

I think that's about as feminist, as the
movie gets, instead, it refers to that.

Cause he's girl characters do have,
personality and stuff going on with them

that is more than just like subdued.

Like there's no subtlety here.

Bronwyn: No.

Jeremy: It's interesting because
it's not explicitly queer.

But also like if you look at a lot of
Yuri, anime and manga and stuff, there's

this very like weird, quiet, like can two
girls be together and love each other.

I've never heard of this.

Like in every one of those
stories, that's like, oh, it's a

thing that we don't know about.

But I have this love for my friend.

It's not a romantic love though.

Is it, is that possible?

Emily: Yeah,

Ben: Spoilers it is.

Emily: Does this movie deal with class?

Jeremy: Not really other than
the fact that the aunt lives

in a fucking castle and.

Bronwyn: And apparently
the dad is a better singer.

Ben: Yeah.

Uh, dad's got that mad,
mad, Sergio Leone money.

Jeremy: Yeah, Gorgeous's family on
both sides, I guess is fucking loaded.

But we don't know anything about the rest
of her friends and where they come from.

If anything, they're like, they
seem to be like, well actually

Gorgeous's family is fucking loaded.

Emily: Yeah.

And that's the only real
co like family that we see.

I think Mr.

Togo's like car is supposed to be nice?

Ben: I'm sure their parents all
just have the same one character

trait that their kids do.

Bronwyn: I mean, quite clearly,
because they didn't have

anything to say about them.

Just hopping off to the country.

Jeremy: Kung Fu's parents both run a dojo.

And you know.

Ben: Sorry, Emily, uh, Mr.

Tôgô's car.

Emily: Oh, it's it's nice.

I think it's supposed to be nice.

Ben: It is nice!

It's a nice car.

Man what were Japanese creepy high
school teachers salaries like in

seventies, you can afford a nice car.

Emily: Yeah.

Ben: A car that'll have truckers yelling
at you for having such a tiny car.

Emily: Pretty sure that dude has
an inheritance that he's milking.

Jeremy: We got a character
that yells at him is listed in

the credits as ramen trucker?

I don't know what that's all about.

Maybe he's driving a truck of ramen?

Bronwyn: I mean, I mean,
at this point we've already

hypothesized that Tôgô is dead.

So who knows?

Ben: Tôgô isn't dead but he has the
cumulative brainpower of bananas.

Emily: I mean, but he had that to start.

Ben: That's true.

Jeremy: The question is whether it has
been a pile of bananas the whole time.

Ben: What if Tôgô, has Tôgô just been
a pile of bananas in a trench coat and

he just had the trench coat taken away?

Jeremy: It seems like that
pile of bananas is so hot.

Emily: That's probably
why she was into him.

Jeremy: A pile of bananas
riding on a horse.

Ben: Yeah.

I find it easier to believe that
Fantasy is into a pile of bananas

that I do Fantasy is into a man.

Emily: Do we have any other
talking points that I've missed?

Jeremy: We have to, we'd have
to let people know whether

they should see this thing.

Ben: Yes.

Emily: If you haven't picked
up what we're putting down,

Ben: If you listen to this podcast all
the way through, and you're like, I don't

know, this really doesn't sound for me.

I don't know what the fuck to tell you.

It's like, what have
you been listening to?

Because how did you make
it this far in the podcast?

Bronwyn: You will not know
what you were watching, but

you should absolutely watch it.

Ben: To us talking about it enough
to get to this part of the podcast.

You absolutely need to see it.

Jeremy: I will tell you I've been
a little worried, cause this was

my second time seeing the movie.

And I was like, I think it
makes more sense this time.

Bronwyn: It couldn't make less.

Jeremy: Because I was watching it
and I was like, no, I actually get

how these things are strung together.

Steve: It's the type of movie that
only gets better with every watch.

Emily: Oh yeah.

Shit happening constantly

Jeremy: It ages like

Steve: a fine wine.

Like, it's been a good, like
over a decade since I've seen it.

And it's still as good.

If not better than I remember.

Jeremy: It really feels like somebody
described what a horror movie

is to this director secondhand.

And he was like, okay, teenagers,
haunted house, they all get killed.

Got it.

Bronwyn: Nailed it.

Jeremy: And like, what he ended up
with is so far from what the trend in

something like this was at the time
here that like, it's just, it just

feels like a movie made via telephone.

Steve: Oh yeah.

Bronwyn: Jaws it ain't.

Ben: Definitely not Jaws.

Jeremy: Jaws: concise.

To the point.

Jaws: Not particularly gay.

Certainly not sapphic.

Jamie: You need to watch this with
friends and like food and snacks

and beer and all that kind of stuff.

Bronwyn: I definitely gave this nine dead
girlfriends eaten by Gorgeous out of 10.

Ben: I like this rating system.

This is a clever one.

Emily: So we recommend this movie.

If you like this movie, if
you've seen this movie or

listened to our podcast about.

And like what you see slash heard.

You may also like what we
were about to talk about.


You're the first on the list
that I have on my document.

Jamie: Um, oh.

I just looked up trippy horror
movies on Google and House

was the first one to come up.

Bronwyn: That tracks.

Jeremy: If you liked this movie.

I recommend you watch House.

Ben: The medical series
starring Hugh Laurie.

Cause it won't be lupus.

I'm sorry, Jamie, I'm sorry.

I interrupted just to be a fucking jerk.

Jamie: Oh, no.

Did you know that the House
theme song has fucking lyrics?

I didn't know that.

Emily: Yeah.

Ben: It's a Massive Attack song.

Jamie: So it's a Massive Attack song.

And I heard that at the gym the
other day, I was like, what the

fuck are they singing about?

This isn't about lupus!

Emily: The House theme
song is "Teardrop"?!

Ben: Yeah.


It's fucking great.

Emily: That's a classic.

Holy shit.

Jamie: I didn't know.

Emily: So, Jamie, what do you recommend?

Ben: I'm so sorry.

Emily: No it's okay!

Jamie: If you like, random titties
for no reason, and martial arts,

there's a Tokusatsu series called Garo.

There are many versions of Garo.

All of them feature random
titties for some reason.

And, it's like a, it's a, Tokusatsu
series that they air at midnight.

So they're allowed to
have like random nudity.

But it's, kind of related to House.

It has all the similar tropes of
like random demons, possessing

items that attack you.

And there's body horror.

There's martial arts, there's
transformation sequences.

So it's like, you can see the bones of
House influencing this type of Tokusatsu.

So, and there's, uh, a golden Knight in
a lion costume with a big fucking sword.

Emily: It's dope.

I'm looking at it right now.

It's dope as hell.

Jamie: The priests have these
brushes instead of wands.

So like they use paint,
brushes to do their magic.

It's fantastic.

There's like eight different seasons.

There was a anime, there
was a cartoon version.

There's a bunch of movies.

So like, hop in anywhere and
then go back and watch some more.

And it's th they're short,
they're not like anime seasons

where it's like 85 episodes.

It's it's maybe like 20, if that, so.


Emily: That's dope.



Jeremy: What do you recommend?

Bronwyn: All right.


I went sort of surrealist on
this, based on the experience

that I had watching this movie.

I recommend pretty much any comic coming
out of Young Animal, but specifically

Doom Patrol and Shade the Changing Girl.

I got that sensation
from, as I was reading,

Ben: Ohhhh, I love those books.

Shade the Ghanging Girl.

So so

Bronwyn: Soooo good.

So good.

If you want something that's just as
surreal, a little bit more literary.

I Crawl Through It by A.



A hundred percent would recommend.

It's like got a helicopter that is
totally invisible is actually red.

You can only see it on Tuesdays.

How do you not love that?

Very excellent, excellent book.

So that is what I would recommend.

Emily: All right, Steve.

Steve: Hausu was by far one of
the most what the fuck movies

I've ever seen in my life.

Like for all that I've seen since, I guess
2009 or whenever it was that I saw it,

watching it again, reminded me like this
is the most fucked up movie you've ever

seen, but I would like to recommend Ben.

You said it earlier.

Jacob's ladder I think is a, is a really
good companion piece, especially if

you want to really dive into some of
the more cerebral aspects of Hausu.

Emily: Ben, you go.

Ben: All right.

So if you want another movie, that is
bad on purpose with full of special

effects that are both innovative and not
at all believable and is so fucking what

the fuck at every single turn I'm going
to recommend Kung Pow: Enter the Fist.

Emily: Wow, whoa.

I was not expecting that.

Jeremy: Really.

I drew a comparison at some
point, watching this movie between

the way Kung Fu lives, her life
and Kung Pow: Enter the Fist.

It just has a very
similar, like, feel to it.

Bronwyn: Amazing.

Ben: And another connection-
I'm just thinking about it.

Like this guy being like,
I'm going to edit myself into

this movie semi believably.

Emily: That's a pretty great, like
meta-parallel there too cause this

movie is um, about as believable.

About as ridiculous.

I it's my turn, I guess what I'm
actually gonna just strongly recommend

over everything else is, the book,
Little Boy by Takashi Murakami

who's a Japanese fine artist.

And he talks about the definition of his
whole artist statement in this book, but

it also catalogs a bunch of different,
cultural icons and moments in Japanese

history and media that reflect his essay
about his his super flat thesis, which

is basically about the absurdism that
results from the trauma of world war II.

Which I think is very strong in this film.

I can't remember if they talk about
House in Little Boy, but it basically

it's this really cool kind of tea,
coffee table book that talks about each

of these things like it talks about.

I can't, I think it's article
23 or something, whatever the

article is that PR prohibits
Japan from having a standing army.

It talks about the sort of holy
prefecture mascots that each prefecture

in town has and like their personalities
and like how these mascots represent

each region and all this kind of
stuff and Evangelion's in there.

Got a lot of stuff.

A lot of fine other fine artists
that are referred to in there.

So, but if you're trying to
figure out what the fuck.

With a lot of this stuff.

Like if you watch anime and
you're like, what the fuck?

Or you watch House?

And you're like, what the fuck?

This book kind of
provides some of the fuck.

Jamie: Some of the fuck.

Jeremy: Here the fuck.

Jamie: Fuck the fuck deaths.

Emily: Title of my biography.

Jamie: This is the fuck that I found.

It is the last one.

Emily: So Jeremy.

Jeremy: Yeah.

All right, so, so there's
nothing exactly like House.

It's why I chose it.

But there are several things that register
on a similar scale in different ways.

We've talked about it briefly before.

I know Emily has recommended before Wild
Zero, which has the similar feel of like

a horror movie as described by somebody
else and then filmed because it's,

kind of comedy and it's kind of horror
and it's like, I don't know what they

were going for, but it's fun and wild.

And I feel like there are a
lot of countries that have this

cause you know, uh, House and
Wild Zero are Japan's version.

Suspiria and then Demons
are Italy's version.

Demons, it's abo- it's an
Italian movie, a bit racist.

Well, let's put that out there.

There's there are three black characters.

One of them is a pimp and the
other two were prostitutes.

Emily: Oh my God.

Jeremy: A theater full of people who
watch a movie about people getting

possessed by demons that in turn possesses
the people in the theater with demons.

And then, you know, a handful of people
are trying to survive as the rest of

the people around them turn to demons.

It does have a climactic scene of
a man and a woman writing around

a theater on a motorcycle chopping
off people's heads with a Katana.

If it doesn't sell it for
you, I don't know what will.

And then, uh, the one that I
haven't mentioned yet, which I feel

like is a gimme, but it's also the
hardest one to watch is Dead Alive.

Steve: Yes!

Jeremy: Peter Jackson's horror
comedy that is the only horror

movie I've ever watched.

That made me gag while watching it.

It is difficult to watch.

It is a, essentially a zombie movie, but
it is the grossest shit I've ever seen.

He's real like if the idea of somebody's
ear falling off into their porridge and

then somebody's eating, that is like
enough to make you not want to watch it.

Don't but if you see if you hear that
and you're like, that sounds good.

That is exactly the movie for you.

The man who would go on to make
the Lord of the rings films.

That's how we started is making
the greatest fucking horror

movie comedy I've ever seen.

That lawnmower scene though.

So good.

Emily: I kick ass for the Lord!

Jeremy: Yeah.

It's fucking wild, New
Zealand and Australian comedy.

If you haven't like dug into what
they do, there's a lot of like real

weird comedy horror, shit that like.

Steve: Have you ever seen Black Sheep?

Ben: I mean, yes.

I have a reason New Zealand gave
us what we do in the shadows.

Jeremy: Yeah.

There's a lot there, but yeah.

I think if you're going to get into
Australia, New Zealand, horror comedy

Dead Alive is probably the place to start.

Um, Because it informs a lot of that stuff
that comes after, but all of those are,

equally insane to house in different ways.

So definitely worth checking out.

Steve: Bronwyn, anytime you want
to watch dead or alive, dead alive.

Let me know.

Ben: For the record we do not
recommend watching dead or alive.

Don't do that.

Jeremy: I mean, do it dead or
alive is horrible, but you should

watch dead or alive as well.

It's so bad.

Emily: Oh, wait, are we talking about the

Jeremy: We're talking about the
adaptation of the video game.

Emily: Oh my God.

Jeremy: It's very bad.

Emily: I believe you.

Jeremy: Jamie tell us where
we can find more about-

Jamie: Angry Zen master on Twitter and
Jamie Noguchi on Instagram, and then like

all up, all this stuff, all the other
stuff where you can find fine podcasts.

Bronwyn: You can find me on all
the things that shiny baby B.

And you can also listen
to me on Thirsty on Toon.

Jeremy: Nice.

And Steve, what about you?

Steve: I am all over the place.

My list of credits is actually
getting a little long.

I am at Dead_Anchoress
on Twitter and Instagram.

I am on the talking comics
podcast every Wednesday.

And if you like animation I have a
animation retrospective series that I

do on the Joe blow originals, YouTube
channel called animation movies.


We have a whole bunch of movies.

We just did one for my neighbor Totoro.

We've also got the secret of Nim on there
at a very, very, very special, very big

10 out of 10 movie coming next month.

So we do one of those a month
and it's been a lot of fun and

you should go check it out.

They are top-notch and movies.

Yeah, they're really good.

I write them and I
narrate them do so nice.


A hundred percent down.

All right.

Do you want me to do all
the outro stuff, Emily?

Emily: Yeah, cuz I closed my app- my doc.

Jeremy: Alright.


Emily: My bad.

Jeremy: As for the rest of us.

You can find Emily@megamouth
on twitter and @mega_moth on

instagram and at

Ben is on Twitter @BentheKahn, and um,
on their website at,

where you can pick up all their
books, including the new Immortals

Fenyx Rising graphic novel from
great beginnings and the GLAAD award

nominated Renegade rule graphic novel.


As for me, you can find me on Twitter
and Instagram at J Rome five eight, and

my website at where
you can check out everything I write.

And of course the podcast is @ the
patreon at progressivelyhorrified.

On our website at

and on Twitter @ProgHorrorPod,
we would love to hear from you.

And we would also love for you to rate
the podcast wherever you're listening

to it right now, 10 stars will help
us find more listeners or five stars

whatever they do where you're listening.


Emily: The most stars.

Jeremy: We are like
Mario, we crave the stars.

Thank you again to Jamie and
Bronwyn and Steve for joining us

for this very special podcast.

It is currently four minutes into
my birthday here on the east coast.

Emily: All right.

Ben: Yes.

Happy birthday, Jeremy.

And thank you, Jay.

Bronwyn's Steve so much for being
on this was a blast of blasts.

Jamie: Always a good time.

Bronwyn: Always, always, always.

Steve: Love it.

Jeremy: Yes.

And all of you until
next time stay horrified.

Alicia: Progressively horrified
as created by Jeremy Whitley

and produced by Alicia Whitley.

This episode featured Jeremy, Ben
and Emily, along with special guests.

Steve Seigh, Bronwen
Kelly-Seigh, and Jamie Noguchi.

All opinions expressed by the
commentators are solely their own

and do not represent the intent or
opinion of the filmmakers nor do they

represent the employers, institutions,
or publishers of the commentators.

Our theme music is epic darkness
by Mario Cole oh six and was

provided royalty free from Pixabay.

If you liked this episode,
you can support us on Patrion.

You can also get in touch with us on
Twitter @ProgHorrorPod, or by email at

progressively horrified at Gmail dot com.

Thanks for listening.

Oh, and happy birthday, Jeremy.