Do you want your clients to stick to you like glue? Today, I'm going to share with you the five-step framework for becoming irresistible. You don't want to miss this episode of The Daily Dose of Dave on the Inside BS Channel. Hey now, it's Dave Lorenzo.
I'm the Godfather of Growth, and today we're talking about how to become irresistible. We're using this in the context of connecting with your clients and being the type of person who clients cannot imagine a world without. Think about that for a moment.
Our goal is not just to attract clients, provide them with valuable service for their hard-earned money. Our goal is to become irresistible, to become someone our clients cannot imagine a world without. That's compelling, and I'm going to give you the five steps to becoming irresistible to any client.
This framework is important. In fact, I would say it's critical for you if you want to make more money and you should teach this to everyone in your organization. If this framework became the way you are known as doing business, this will be the most compelling opportunity you have as a CEO today to become irresistible to your clients, to have every employee become irresistible to your clients.
Here's your five step framework for becoming irresistible. Each of these steps starts with the letter F. I did that on purpose. I did that so it's easy to remember.
Step number one, frequency of communication. If you want to become irresistible to your clients, you have to communicate with them with great frequency. Let me ask you this question.
How often do you speak with the most important person in your life? Think about your spouse, or your father, or mother, or your sister, or brother, or your key employee, your number one employee, or your business partner. Nicola, Nikki G, and I speak every day, several times a day. My wife and I speak several times a day.
My kids and I speak several times a day because they're important to me. These people are the most important people in my life. If I don't speak to them with frequency, our relationship gets weaker.
Frequency of communication builds trust. Frequency of communication continues to maintain trust once it's built. You need to communicate with your clients more frequently than you're currently talking to them, than you're currently communicating with them.
That frequency of communication not only is direct communication, but it can also be iterative or indirect communication. Calling your clients once a month. Someone from your company should be calling your clients once a month.
That's a no-brainer. But also sending them things in the mail. The mail is a phenomenal way to connect and communicate with clients.
People read their mail. Email still works for client communication. And even if only 10% of your clients read an email from you that goes out, say, once a week, that's 10% of people you're continuing to build a relationship with on a regular basis.
That's a deepening of a relationship. Frequency of communication builds trust, and that's step one. Increase the frequency of communication.
Step two is become friction-free. That's the second F in this process. Are you easy? Is it easy to work with you? Stop throwing up barriers.
Stop forcing your clients to jump through hoops to work with you. Be easy to work with. It should be a no-brainer.
It should be super easy for clients to place an order with you. It should be super easy for clients to return a product to you. It should be super easy for clients to get someone on the phone.
I understand that AI, artificial intelligence, is all the rage right now. But clients don't want to interact with AI. Clients want to talk to a human when they have questions.
So make the default speaking to a human, make the default being easy. If your client needs an invoice on the first of the month, 6 a.m. on the first of the month, an invoice should be in their inbox. If your client has asked you to deliver something on a specific day at a specific time, it should be early.
If a client sets an appointment with you, you should be there 15 minutes before the appointment starts. Be friction-free. Be easy to work with.
The final point on being friction-free is abandon the need to be right about the little things with your clients. Nobody wins an argument with a client. Nobody.
You need to abandon the need to be right. Don't correct your client in front of his team or her team. Don't correct your client in front of their spouse.
Don't correct your client in front of anyone ever. Have those conversations with your client in a private way, in a private space. Be easy to work with.
Be easy to connect with. Be friction-free. Step three is freedom.
You need to reinforce your client's autonomy. You need to make sure your clients understand that working with you enhances their ability to be free. Our tagline in Exit Success Lab, the business that Nicola and I own together, the consulting company that Nicola and I provide services to our clients through, our goal with Exit Success Lab is to provide options to business owners for when they're ready to exit.
That's enhancing their autonomy. We're providing freedom. We're selling freedom.
You need to set your clients free in some way and you need to remind them that you're setting them free in some way. You need to enhance their autonomy. Are you helping set your clients free? That's step three in becoming irresistible.
Step number four is fun. Are you fun? You need to be the fun clubhouse that your clients can't wait to get into. You need to be a destination for your clients to enjoy themselves.
If you're a dentist, and people hate going to the dentist, you need to create an experience that's so powerful, that's so fun that clients can't wait to come and see you. In professional services, you can do this with your personality. You can do this with your business processes.
You can do this with the team that you hire. You can make the environment fun. I go to a dentist that plays really cool music.
80s and 90s music. Music that's a throwback to the days when I was in high school and college. They play this really cool music.
They play it in the waiting room. They play it in the exam room. They're happy when you go in there.
They look forward to seeing you. The hygienist, the dentist, the staff, they all know something about you as a person. They know these things because when you join them for the first time, they ask you to come in 15 minutes early and they do an intake interview that asks you personal questions.
They ask you for the names of the members of your family. They ask you what your favorite music is. They ask you to name some songs that you really like.
They ask you about sports teams or hobbies. They ask you about all these things because when you come in, they know that going to the dentist is an apprehensive experience. They want to create a different environment for you and they customize their follow-up afterwards by writing handwritten notes to you and mentioning something that you discussed with them in the intake process.
This is a phenomenal example of taking a business that normally creates apprehension among clients and making it fun. Do people want to be around you? Do people feel like they fit in when they're with you? Do they feel like they belong? This sense of fun is incredibly powerful. It's incredibly impactful and it's an environment that you must create if you want to be irresistible for your clients.
Step number five is becoming the foremost authority. This is the final F in the process. Becoming the foremost authority.
You need to enhance your credibility. You need to be the person that people are proud to work with. How can you become the foremost authority? Well first and most importantly is social proof.
Having testimonials or letters of recommendation from clients and people in the community that everyone respects. That will enhance your credibility. Second, published works.
Writing things that people in the industry read and cite. Becoming an authority in your industry through publishing, whether it's written word, whether it's videos, whether it's audio programs like a podcast. Becoming a thought leader.
Developing new ideas and publishing them in your industry makes you a foremost authority. And that's the fifth F in this process. So here's the questions you should be asking yourself in order to determine whether or not you're irresistible.
Number one, how often do you talk to the most important person in your life, your clients? What's your frequency of communication? Number two, are you friction free? Is it easy to work with you? Number three, do you set your clients free? Do you offer your clients freedom and autonomy? Number four, are you fun? Is it fun to work with you? Is your business fun to be around? Are you a fun person for your clients? And number five, are you the foremost authority in your industry and in your business? Answering these five questions will help you become irresistible to your clients. Work on these five questions today, tomorrow, and every day. Because this is how you develop deep meaningful relationships.
This is your Daily Dose of Dave. I'm Dave Lorenzo, the Godfather of Growth. We'll see you right back here again tomorrow at 6 a.m.