Welcome to Flip the Script with Vic, your weekly pep talk to expand and shift your perspective. I’m your host, Victoria Nielsen. Together, we’ll unwind all the things you thought you knew, and awaken to what’s truly possible when you flip the script on your reality and take control of your own life.
Victoria [00:00:00]:
Hello my loves. Welcome to the December Energy forecast from the Akashic Records, it's your host, Victoria Nielsen. Before we dive into this month's episode, if you are curious about your own specific Akashic record, I am running a sale through the end of the year on my Embodied Akashic Records sessions. If you are a listener of this podcast, you can get 10% off when you book your reading before December 31st and use code 10 off. That's 10 off at checkout. My Embodied Akashic Record sessions are my best selling healing session. They're an hour. No two sessions are alike because you receive exactly what you need in the moment from your guides, your angels, your ancestors, your loved ones.
Victoria [00:00:41]:
We sometimes do energy healing together. We go into meditation, we do some somatic movement. It's all very intuitive and very guided, very personalized for you. So if you are looking to receive some guidance before January comes around, I am here to help. So look for that link in the show notes and let's dive right in. So the energy of December feels very different than the energy of November and even October. And that is most likely because Pluto is now in the sign of Aquarius. And I know there are so many cardinal signs taking a sigh of relief because it feels like the boot is off your neck.
Victoria [00:01:24]:
And it kind of feels that way for the collective as well, that it's a collective hush in December, that it's a little bit more subdued perhaps than December's past. But that's not a bad thing because there are still things coming to the light in December. There are still things that are transmuting. There is a lot of old paradigm that is still around that's going to take a little bit to crumble. So just because Pluto is an Aquarius, it doesn't mean that everything is magically better. It means it's getting there. But it's going to take some time for these old systems to fall away. And you can do your part in December by truly clearing the slate.
Victoria [00:02:05]:
And what do I mean by that? Taking your energetic hygiene extremely seriously in December and really taking stock of your entire year and where you want to go in the future and then maybe having a little ceremony to release the things that are not coming with you, those final. Oh, excuse me, I'm burping those final leaves that are falling off the trees. Pay reverence to them, right? Give thanks for the lessons of the year and then ask for what you want to receive. And this little ceremony can be so simple. You can light a candle and read out Loud, perhaps the things you are releasing. And then burn that paper. Make sure it goes into a fire safe bowl afterwards. Or of course you can flush it down the toilet.
Victoria [00:02:49]:
Don't ever leave anything burning. But the alchemy of the fire is here to support you. And especially it feels like around the solstice, towards the end of the month. The solstice is really about celebrating the return of the sun. And the sun is often associated with the masculine. But in this instance, I feel like the sun is your own personal sun. And it is time for you to return to that light that's always been within you. It's always been there.
Victoria [00:03:19]:
Maybe it's buried under shame or societal conditioning or fear, or just life, right? And all the things that come up that can shake us to our core, that little light is still there. And here in December, the Akashic records want to remind you that that light has always and will always be there. And that you are worthy of making that light brighter, of shining, of sharing your heart with the world. You know, I know most of you listening are most likely light workers or on the spiritual path. And now's the time to stand the fuck up. Now is the time that you have been waiting for, that we've been training for for lifetimes. Perhaps the Aquarian Age is here. And we don't need to rush and do anything right now.
Victoria [00:04:12]:
We need to be the light right now. And so that means taking our energetic hygiene extremely seriously so that you can be that divine vessel in the most clear space possible. The reason you feel lost or the reason that you don't have clarity or the reason that you feel like you're buzzing or agitated or upset is because you have noise in the body, right? Our everything is energy. Our body is made of energy. And unless you move that energy out of your body very intentionally, you're going to hold onto it. So all of the energy from the past year and beyond is still in your body unless you do something about it. And so that's why burn ceremonies are amazing. That's why simply shaking your body is a beautiful practice that I would love for you all to pick up here in December.
Victoria [00:05:03]:
What's one, just one right thing that you can do for your energetic hygiene. So maybe it's. It's shaking. When we shake the body, we begin to regulate the nervous system. Think about it, right? Animals in nature shake naturally all the time, especially after they've been like spooked or scared and they just like literally shake it off. So I want you to let your inner Animal literally. Shake it off in December when things feel like they're not going your way, or those last leaves on the tree feel like, God, they just don't want to release. Shake that shit off.
Victoria [00:05:33]:
Okay, that's an option, right? Your burn ceremony, another beautiful option. Maybe you just want to be more conscious of what you're consuming in December. So maybe you want to be scrolling a little bit less or you want to maybe pursue some new types of books to read. You know, the. The world is your oyster. We think of energy as like, oh, we just have to go meditate and. And, yes, that's beautiful. And I'm an avid Kundalini fan, as you guys know, but sometimes things that we need to do for our energetic hygiene aren't traditional.
Victoria [00:06:07]:
It's taking a bath, it's going for a walk, it's shaking our body, it's putting on a song and dancing around the house. It's bringing joy into moments that have felt joyless previously. So where can you bring that light to what you're doing in December and know that, right again, it's not a time of doing. The energy feels kind of somber in December, and it feels like there are still quite a lot of people having a hard time, and you may be one of them. And I want you to know that hope is coming and change is coming, but you have to be part of the change that you want to see in the world. And the Akashic Records wants to remind you that you have power just by being you and just by being true and authentic to who you are. So when you show up to holiday and family events later in the month, being 100% yourself is your way of saving the world. And that may sound like really ridiculous or like hyperbole, but the world needs your magic.
Victoria [00:07:13]:
And the Akashic Records want to remind you of that, that you incarnated at this time for a very specific reason, because you wanted to be a part of the change that's happening here. And the change can't happen without you. And it doesn't mean that you are perhaps politically active or you're, you know, I don't know, out in the community. Maybe. Maybe that is the way that you change the world. But I also believe there are so many of us here that actually change the world by the internal work that we do. And it's not about the showy things that maybe others do and are meant to do in the world. Everyone has a unique mission, and not everyone is meant to be, like, on the stage leading people sometimes It's a quiet rebellion.
Victoria [00:07:59]:
And actually that quiet rebellion is far more powerful. It is far more powerful for a mom in the middle of nowhere to reclaim her power and become the queen and the matriarch of her family and to guide her family from that place, from that place of embodiment and of groundedness and of love than it is for her to, like, I don't know, donate $30 to no kid hungry. Okay. And that sounds like super flippant, but I, I hope you get what I'm trying to say here. That like, you matter and your energy matters. And the more that you can begin to light the way in December, you're going to be light years ahead next year when the energy shifts in spring come March, especially if you're like a spiritual entrepreneur or you're wanting to be growing like your spiritual business, now is the time to start embodying the principles that you are going to be known for next year. And if you don't start embodying them now, you're not going to be left behind because, right, everyone arrives on their own divine time. But you're going to find yourself really frustrated when others scoot ahead of you.
Victoria [00:09:06]:
Others that have felt like they're on the same trajectory in the same path, you're going to see them move ahead because they are doing the behind the scenes work, okay? So you've got to do that behind the scenes work too. And December is the perfect time before things get crazy around Christmas. Let this little lull, you know, at the beginning of the month serve you. Let it allow you to rest and replenish yourself and really rid yourself of those last, you know, those last leaves, those last limiting thoughts, beliefs or things that have, have kept you from going after what you want. Because now is the time. And you know, as far as the collective goes, it really feels like on a collective level, we're gonna swing into the shadow side of Aquarius for a little bit before we come back into balance. Because, yes, the healed side of Aquarius is all about furthering humanity and community and the collective. But the shadow side of Aquarius is like God complex.
Victoria [00:10:09]:
And you can kind of already see that playing out on the world stage, but I really feel like it's gonna play out even more. And that's more from me than the Akashic records. I'll be honest, the records do feel like things are gonna get harder before they get better. But my interpretation of that is that we're gonna swing into the shadow side of, of the God complex of Aquarius. And that could mean, right, power hungry patriarchy. That could mean, oh, perfect example. My, my corporate job, for example. We've been in the office three days a week for the last year and a half, two years maybe, I think year and a half.
Victoria [00:10:54]:
And now all of a sudden we have to go back to five days a week next year. Why? Why? We've all been getting the work done. It's fine, we're happier. But no, we all have to go back to the office five days a week. So things like that you may be noticing here in December and even January and February of next year, but if you can do your energetic hygiene and you can make yourself the clean slate that, that pure divine vessel, the Clear Channel. I should say, when I, when I say clean slate, I, I, I'm also like interchanging that with Clear Channel because a lot's going to come through again for those that do the work and that are open to receive. There's going to be so many downloads coming into the planet over the next couple of months. And I fully believe, and I've, I've learned this from the Akashic records as well, that when you tap into that collective energy, multiple people can have the same idea at the same time, but it's the person that acts on it that's going to see it to fruition.
Victoria [00:11:58]:
So you may have this amazing idea, but if you let it sit in the back seat, you let it mold in the corner, that idea is going to go to another person and you're going to see another person bring to fruition the thing that was planted in your heart. And I don't want that for you, and I don't think you want that either. And it's not about a scarcity mindset to say, oh my, my God, if I don't do this and someone else is going to have it, there's more than enough to go around. What I mean by that is those that are brave enough to listen to the whispers that are, that are guiding them right now are going to get guided and they're going to quantum leap and they're going to move forward. And you know, if this idea perhaps passes you by because you don't take action, what a beautiful opportunity and a lesson so that the next time an amazing idea pops into your head or a download comes to you, you do take the action from it. So there's no need to be afraid or scared. There's always an opportunity and a lesson and it's about your perspective. And that feels like another big message.
Victoria [00:13:01]:
For December is like that perspective shift that you have the power at any point in time to shift your perspective on anything, that you can be the one to set the vibe. And actually, it's interesting. I feel like this message is coming through even at the end of November for me, specifically because that's how I felt this Thanksgiving with my family, that I set the vibe. I'm the matriarch. I'm not the oldest matriarch like my mom and my mother in law were there, but I am the matriarch of my family. And I was for the first time, probably, I don't want to say ever, but in years I felt so at ease being with everyone and doing all of the festivities and all of that, even though in years past, as an empath, I go and hide because I can't handle the energy. And I made the choice to say this is my holiday and I want to have fun too. And because of that, I act differently.
Victoria [00:13:53]:
And I feel like it made the whole experience so much more fun for me and so much better. And so you have the choice in any moment to shift your perspective. If something feels shitty and you keep harping on the fact that it feels shitty, of course it's not going to get any better. But if you can find that little sliver of hope, that little sliver of light, that sliver is going to grow and it's going to grow and it's going to grow and it's going to grow. And more often than not, we blame everyone else for, like, why we're not having a good time, right? Or why we're overwhelmed or why we feel like a stick in the mud. It's not anyone else's problem, it's yours. And realizing that you don't have to be Scrooge is huge. That was a huge epiphany for me.
Victoria [00:14:39]:
And so if this resonates with you, I hope that you take this into December and into the holiday season that you don't have to be Scrooge, okay? That you are allowed to enjoy yourself. You should be enjoying yourself. And if you're not, what needs to change so that you do? Do you not go to that holiday party that you have only ever gone to because you feel obligated or like you're going to miss out on something? Or do you actually decide not to drink at Christma dinner because you know it would make you feel better even if great Aunt Sally has given you the side eye, like, what the hell? Or, you know, any number of things, it's your choice and your decision, and you don't have to push it upon anyone else, just like, you know, anyone else should come to their own conclusions and not push their opinions and needs and wants on you. I mean, good luck with that. But your sovereignty is a beautiful gift that you have always had, and it's time to reclaim that sovereignty now more than ever, because you have to be able to discern for yourself what you want and what you need. And then you have to be able to give yourself that. Okay, that feels really important, the discernment that there's so much happening on the public stage. And even, you know, the microcosm is the same as the macrocosm, right? So you may see little things happening in your family unit or in your community that are mirroring what's happening on the national stage.
Victoria [00:16:06]:
And it's important for you to be able to discern what's yours and what's not and what's right for you and what's not. And, you know, whether it's opinions, it's energy, all of it, right? So I think that's quite a lot of soul work for you all in December. It's a beautiful month with a beautiful energy. But it really feels like as we move further into Pluto and Aquarius, those that are doing the work are going to get farther. Those that are really in it are in it. And you're going to be able to tell. And so that's your choice, right? Where do you want to go? Where do you want to be? Who do you want to be? And can you start from that clear perspective first? That little light that's within you first? Because one little candle that lights, one other little candle that lights another little candle and another and another, and another and another. Before you know it, the whole community is lit.
Victoria [00:17:05]:
And it started with the one candle. It started with you. I love you guys so much. Thank you all for being here with me. I'm going to close the records now. Thank you, Lords of the Akashic Records, for your guidance, your wisdom, your love. I hope it is all alchemized with ease and with grace. The records are now closed.
Victoria [00:17:34]:
Amen. The records are now closed. Amen. The records are now closed. Amen. Thank you all for being here with me. I love you guys so, so much. Another round of Akashic Awakening.
Victoria [00:17:47]:
My signature group program starts again in January. If you're interested in learning more about how you can access your own Akashic records and begin to discern for yourself what is meant for you, the wait list is open in the show notes. Keep liking, commenting, sharing and let me know on Instagram how you guys are liking these energy episodes. I feel like they're hitting so far, so definitely let me know at. Victoria Margot Nielsen, thank you guys for being here. I love you all. Be good to one another.