TSPN | Taylor Swift Fan Published Podcast

The Eras Tour is back and Taylor gave us MANY new surprises with the reworking of the show, the addition of the TTPD set, many new costumes, and more. Anna is joined by guest co-host Emmy @emmydaqueen while Jessi recovers from being sick. 

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Creators & Guests


What is TSPN | Taylor Swift Fan Published Podcast?

We are Jessi & Anna, 2 SwiftTokers who spend our free time down the rabbit holes of Taylor Swift’s art, analyzing lyrics, recognizing patterns, and hunting for Easter eggs. Our main goal is to be informative, insightful, and reflective about Taylor’s art and her impact on pop culture. This is designed to be a fun, stress-free podcast where you can come hang with us weekly as we talk all things Taylor.

This podcast is an independent and unauthorized fan publication. The podcast & its assets are in no way affiliated with or endorsed by the artist or any of the people mentioned or depicted in its content.

Hey lovers, welcome to TSPN. And if you're a
regular listener of ours, you may recognize

this as Anna's voice when Jesse usually does
the voiceover here. So you may be thinking,

where's Jesse? And if you're on YouTube, you
may be saying, is that Jesse with brown hair

now? Does she get a new hairstyle? So Jesse
is actually out today. She came down with strep

throat. She said it's the worst strep throat,
worst. she's ever felt. So she is really under

the weather. So I went ahead and tapped a personal
friend of mine and a fellow content creator,

Emmy. So Emmy, thank you for last minute hopping
on tonight. And we're going to talk about the

Parrish shows. We've got a lot in store, but
I appreciate you joining us on TSBN. Oh, yeah,

I am so excited to be here. I'm a weekly listener.
So I'm a fan and a friend. So I'm excited.

I love that. Yeah, Emmy is, like I said, a personal,
I actually know her, she's not some stranger

I met on the internet like Jessie, and most
of the listeners that do send us inboxes. But

yeah, Emmy is a fellow Swiftie and she has a
TikTok account, but it's not really that focused

on Taylor Swift content. I think you've made
a video or two, right? Yeah, I've made a few,

but. Yeah, but what, you wanna just tell our
listeners a little bit about your TikTok and

kind of the creation, or the content that you
create online? Yeah, so my handle is EmmyDaQueen,

which initially was something that I came up
with in eighth grade in the Sonic Parking Lot

with a few friends. So there's really nothing
major to that. However, my content focuses

mostly on my number one passion in life, which
is television. It's all things television with

deep dives, analysis, character analysis, and
plot analysis, plus just television news. Sometimes

I touch on movies. Sometimes I do touch on pop
culture, which will include Taylor Swift. But

mostly you can go there to find me talking about
television. Succession, House of the Dragon,

most recently Shogun. So if you like TV or you
just like to hear people talk, I love to do

that. So you can follow me on there at Emmydaquin.
So it's E-M-M-Y-D-A like duh, queen. Duh. Emmydaquin.

So yeah, Emmy is, you do like Succession, stuff
like that. And then she actually had a partnership

with HBO recently. I'll brag on you a little
bit because. HBO wanted to reach Gen Z and

we're going after college creators and I won't
give away your age but the latter half of your

20s, very close to 30. So Emmy in her late 20s
was mistaken for a college student and they

still took you up, right? You still had that
partnership as a college creator. Oh yeah,

and I felt very phony saying that I was a college
creator, but I didn't feel phony saying I'm

a Gen Z because that's a lie that I tell on
the daily. But I still was able to do the promotions,

which was great. And I talked about the Sopranos
25th anniversary. So that was really awesome.

I've loved making the videos. So it was really
cool to get that partnership. Yeah. It's so

funny. Yeah, she is a millennial that self-identifies
as Gen Z. And I always feel a little bit uncool

around Emmy. But I feel like you're actually
aging out of being cool in Gen Z too. We've

been, you know, bet and slay and all those things
are no longer cool to say anymore. No, and

now it's like, I used to do the whole thing
with you where you would say the funny things.

Like you'd be like, slay, bet, and now I'm doing
that. And I'm like, oh no, oh no, I'm becoming

girly pop. Like I just, yeah, it's millennial
city for me. Yep, yep. So you've been a Swiftie,

you're... Pretty much since the beginning, right?
Do you want to tell our listeners a little

bit about your history with being a Taylor Swift
fan? Yeah, so actually I grew up in Tennessee.

So when Taylor Swift was coming on the scene,
I feel like I was hearing rumblings about it

a lot. I followed her through debut, but my
grandparents actually saw her open for George

Strait, which was hilarious, to think about
Taylor Swift opening for anybody, but it's

still pretty cool. So I followed her. Pretty
much from the beginning, I never really self-identified

as a Swifty because I didn't know that much
about the online communities or how to be a

Swifty until it was like, I think I jumped back
in and speak now and I was really into speak

now in that era. So I think I became more of
a Swifty then. And then I was more on the low

key train until we got to folklore. And the
reason that I really dove into the full online

Swiftie-ism during that time is because a coworker
of mine was like, you need to listen to Folklore

and tell me all of your favorites. Just like
send them in order as you're listening. And

I said, okay. And so we decided to do that actually
with every single album. And so to this day,

we have a ranking sheet. where we have ranked
every single song, we have master lists, we

have emojis next to them. We have like different
weird things in this doc, but it like catapulted

me into it and since then I've been like a full
conspiracy head with Swiftie-ism. So it was

a really fun pastime in the pandemic that is
now just a lifestyle. Yeah, it's just like

part of our DNA. Exactly. And this coworker,
shout out to Mark. But yeah, I remember being,

I think we were at like a happy hour or something
and you and Mark were talking about the rankings

and your top Taylor Swift songs. And I was like,
I'm sorry, what can I join this conversation?

And I would say you guys were more hardcore
into some of like the more fun side of being

a Swiftie than even I was at that time. But
what is your, what is your top era? My top

era is probably folklore because that is more
of my style of music anyway. And I studied

creative writing in college, so her poetry,
kind of jumping into that and really getting

into the storytelling aspect, which her songs
have always been about storytelling, but with

Folklore when she was talking about writing
all of these stories, not just about herself

but about things that she was imagining for
other people or for other things, I really

related to that. But secondarily, I'm a reputation
girl because that album, I remember when it

came out and listening to Getaway Car at work
with my friend. And it was like a religious

experience. Like we were literally sitting there,
like it was the choir singing to us. We were

like, whoa, get away car. Whoa, I ascended that
day. So, you know. Yeah, yeah. We've all had

that album that like, just shifts a little core
piece of your soul. Well, great. Well, I'm

sure we'll get to know you a little bit more.
We obviously I know very well. The audience

will get to know you a little bit more as we
talk. But we do have a lot to discuss today.

So obviously Paris. So Taylor was in Paris this
past weekend. We are filming on May 16th. So

she will be starting again in Stockholm, Sweden
here for the next weekend. We do have a correspondent

or. Ty, the tour respondent is back. So I do
have a clip from him that will play surrounding

the Paris shows. And then we'll talk a little
bit about like the, all the costumes, the set

changes, all of that. So super exciting there.
First though, I did wanna acknowledge the last

episode. If you guys did not listen to it, Jessie
shared her story with postpartum depression

in honor of mental health awareness month. And
then also it's maternal mental health awareness

month. And that was. a super intimate and emotional
episode. We had quite a few people reach out

personally, and I'm gonna start crying, damn
it. It's like, it's not a TSP episode if I

don't start to cry. But just some of the people
who had reached out or even videos that were

made sharing your guys' stories and how Jesse's
willingness to share hers impacted you, like

it... I can't even put words into what it means.
I think that's one of those things where it's

like, we always wanna be focused on giving you
guys quality content that's Taylor Swift related,

but that Jesse's story specifically for Postpartum
was received so well is just very rewarding.

And for everyone who did listen to it and gave
us feedback, we appreciate that. And you listened

to it too, didn't you? What were your thoughts?
I did listen to it. I... I think that when

I first learned about postpartum depression
and postpartum depression was the only thing

that I knew about, I remember hearing about
it as a kid and the way that it was talked

about because I'm pretty sure either a celebrity
had it or it was in a storyline of a TV show

my mom was watching. It sounded more like a
conviction than actually just a mental health

diagnosis to get over. It was really... Kind
of freaky to think about. It felt like a bad

word at the time, especially because I mean,
I was young, didn't know much about it. But

even as I've gotten older and as I've had friends
who've started to have children or just thought

about what that would look like in the future,
I've been like not even considering postpartum

anything. And so I saw a TikTok probably about
a year ago about postpartum psychosis and rage

and it opened my eyes to a whole new world and
I really started. looking into all the different

ways that you can be affected postpartum. And
I think that it's so important what Jessie

was doing talking about her story. It sounded
extremely difficult. I was very thrown by the

fact that she has no memories from that first
year of her son's life because of just all

of these mental health issues following. the
birth of her child. And that is something that

I think is so important to know because you
feel so guilty or you feel so wrong when you

have a child and you aren't connecting that
it's just terrible because you don't hear about

that. You hear about how joyous it is, how much
we have to this. Yeah. For us not being mothers,

it's just like, how do we support our friends
and family and just anybody else who's going

through postpartum? Just because, I mean, one
of my closest friends who's very calm, chill.

After she had her baby, she kept being like,
I feel like somebody's gonna break into my

house and steal my baby. And I was like, oh,
okay. Because it's like, and I appreciated

that she was like willing to say that. She's
like, I know I'm crazy, but she like was the

last person on earth who would have been like
worried about that. Like she didn't have a

care in the world. So I think it really does
just kind of open up like the more that we're

willing to talk about it and share stories,
like even for people who aren't mothers or

not mothers yet. or even men, right? Like just
understanding like how much of a mind fuck

having a baby is and that some people just have
baby blues, some people get over it right away,

but for many people it becomes almost like part
of who you are, like legitimately long-term.

So yeah, so it was a great episode and I appreciated
Jesse for sharing it. All right, so let's start

talking about the Aira show. So a lot of things
have happened in the last week. Obviously Taylor

took some time off with Tortured Poets release
and just started back on tour in, and just

started back on tour in Paris. But Emmy, you
went to the Aira store, right? So why don't

you tell us a little bit about your experience
because actually fun fact, Emmy was in Nashville

night one and I was Nashville night two. So
you got- the joys of the Speak Now announcement,

but I'll let you tell your story. Yes. I was
there for night one and I remember we were

walking in and my mom's like, I think she's
going to announce it tonight. I'm like, I think

she's going to announce it every night, so it's
a little tough for me to think that it would

happen on my night. However, not only did we
get the Speak Now announcement, but during...

Listen, I have a kitten's bladder, so I knew
I was going to have to pee during the show.

I was like, when am I going to go? And it may
be controversial. I went... through, I went

in the beginning of the red era. I tried to
go during the big opening or whatever. And

so I walked out and I was on the floor, lucky,
I was very lucky. And I walked past the VIP

tent and no one was in there at that time. And
then when I come back, I walk past the VIP

tent and I look to my right and Mattie Healy
is sitting in the tent. He'd just gotten in

there and I get back to my seat. My phone is
blowing up. Everyone's like, Mattie Healy's

there, Mattie's there. This is real. there together.
It was actually insane. And I got like this

really odd like side photo of him. And I think
I gasped in his face. Like I walked by and

I was like, so that was great. And I'm a huge
1975 fan. So I'm sure you know, that was that

was really great moment for me. So yeah. Yeah,
I am. I wouldn't have known Maddie Healy from

a guy smoking a cigarette outside of a gas station,
right? Like I did not know who the 1975 was.

So I do remember that weekend and people freaking
out that they were potentially dating. And

I had friends with really strong opinions and
I was like, huh, who is this guy? Yeah, what

were your thoughts on the relationship though?
I know obviously him is a 1975 singer, but.

Yeah, you know, I was not very sure about it
in general. I thought that it was a little,

I'll say it. I mean, I thought it was a little
weird. I didn't think that they were like the

most compatible, but at the same time I was
like. whatever she's yeah she and Joe had just

broken up I was like if you're gonna rebound
with anyone which we now know it wasn't exactly

a rebound no um I was like Maddie Healy is the
choice because I mean he is like this like

the way you described him is perfect but he
is like a babe he's charming she loves the

British well she did um so but I was I was a
little skeptical I was a little skeptical of

it yeah Yeah, and obviously what came out about
him and some of the things that were, you know,

a little unacceptable and, you know, perceptions
can change. And I think that's where it's just

it's not a fun thing to talk about. I think
I think Taylor went to TPD addressed a lot

of, you know, clarity as far as that to your
point was not a quick rebound. But we were

there for the commencement of it. So, yeah,
you got to you got to gasp in his face and

be like, what the fuck are you doing here? Exactly.
And I was there for the infamous, this is about

you, you know who you are. I love you during
the cardigan song. So that was really exciting.

I looked back through my footage recently to
see if I had that on video and I didn't, but

I did get a video of her when she's doing like
the this. So when she's about to say it. So

yeah, I felt kind of famous. Yeah. Nice. Yeah.
Don't put that on TikTok. They'll take your

whole account down. Get like a content violation.
Great. And then the Speak Now announcement,

how's that? Oh, I swear that I broke my voice
that day. I think that it hasn't been the same

since because when she said that she had something
special planned for the night, it was still

early on. Like this was still when friendship
bracelets weren't like super a thing. So I

didn't think you. I say that all the time. I'm
like, I swear I did not see friendship bracelets.

I got one, but I don't remember seeing them.
It's like I got one but that was they gave

one to me because they were like, well, we didn't
really have anyone to trade with. So I got

one because of that. But it was so exciting
though, because when she said that there was

a big night, it was a big show. I was like,
okay, every show is a big show. We got a special

visitor. He knows that Taylor Swift wants him
here. Oh no, come on. Yeah. So for those who

are listening on like audio only. Emmys cat
who has no name has joined us. He has. It's,

he either has no name or he has like 20. He
has a lot of nicknames. So, you know, it can

be either way. However, with the speak now announcement,
I think that it was the whole stadium erupted

and the whole stadium erupted. I was like, is
it a stadium or an arena? I always get those

mixed up. What? It's a stadium. Thank you. But
I think that I broke my voice because I was

like, no way this is happening. No way. I screamed
so loud. So yeah. I love that. I love that.

Well, good. I'm glad that you got to go and
you don't have tickets for anything coming

up, do you? Not right now. And I'm afraid after
she's added this cool TTPD section, I'm not

going to get them because the price. Yeah. Yeah,
chances went down, prices went up. There is

a rumor though, I think Dumois, who even TreePaint
has called out in the past, so we're not gonna

take many things that she says with tons of
certainty, but she had said that there's been

clues, or I don't know, she gets tips or whatever,
that there may be more shows being announced

soon, so that would be exciting. All right.
Let's get into the Paris shows. So we will

pass it over to Ty, the correspondent, to give
us his recap. The Ares Tour is officially back,

and I'm so excited to get to talk about it with
you guys. Taylor and her team took over Paris,

France last weekend and welcomed over 160,000
Swifties to the city. While there, those Swifties

enjoyed four sold out shows at Paris La Defense
Arena. where Taylor debuted over 13 brand new

outfits. But that definitely was not the only
debut we saw as Paramore made their 2024 Ares

Tour debut after opening the tour last year
in 2023. But Hayley Williams and the members

of Paramore were far from the only celebrities
that we saw at these shows as influencer Chris

Olsen and the entire US Women's Water Polo team
were found on the floor for multiple nights.

And we also got to see Travis Kelce, Gigi Hadid,
and Bradley Cooper show up for Taylor's 87th

show on Sunday. While performing that night,
it also seemed like Taylor Swift debuted some

special outfits that were made just for Travis
Kelce and the Chiefs. But while Travis is used

to being the most important person on Sunday,
this past Sunday there was a guest there that

was even more important in Taylor's heart and
many Swifties, as Andrea Swift was also in

attendance for that show. most likely because
last Sunday was American Mother's Day, a holiday

which isn't celebrated in France until the end
of the month. Of course, the biggest surprise

we got all weekend was the addition of the Tortured
Poets department to the set list. However,

alongside that, we did see some other fan favorites
leave the show. But if some of your favorites

were part of that cut, Taylor may have made
up for it in the surprise song section, as

we had some awesome tracks come out last weekend.
On night one, Taylor played Paris and loss

of my life and followed that up on night two
with a mashup of is it over now and out of

the woods and my boy only breaks his favorite
toys. On night three, we heard Hey Steven and

Maroon. And then finally on night four, for
that 87th show, she played the alchemy mashed

up with treacherous and followed it up with
a mashup of Begin Again and Paris. All that

said, we're headed into this weekend with three
more exciting shows in Stockholm, Sweden. So

make sure you're back here next week to find
out exactly what happened at the Eras tour.

All right. Thank you, Ty, as always. Love those
recaps. So, yeah, let's get into kind of breaking

down some of those pieces. First off, did you
hear about the women's water polo team? I had

forgotten about that till he mentioned it. Do
you know that story? No, not at all. OK. Yeah,

so one of the players, her name's Maggie Stephens,
so, or Stephen Stephens, so she posted on Instagram

and was like, hey, like, you know, because they're
women's water polo, right? So they're going

to the Olympics, the US team, and they need
sponsors because most of those women have like

full-time jobs still, and like they can't just
like make a living off being a water polo player,

unfortunately, here in the United States specifically.
And so she had kind of like... on social media

and then Flav of Flav commented and was like,
I'll sponsor you. And he like posted in the

comments. And so he's like, I'll get in contact
with you, whatever. And then he reached out

or whatever. And so he was gonna fly them all
to Paris cause the Olympics are in Paris this

summer. So he flew them all to Paris and his
plan was to send them to the AeroStore. And

then Taylor went ahead and comped all those
tickets. So the whole water polo team got to

go to the AeroStore. I love that. I love, wait,
so you're telling me though that like being

an Olympian is not your job because imagine
being an Olympian and having to find a nine

to five. Yeah, well exactly, exactly. Like,
well and think about, I mean, even like us

doing this podcast, I know you're not doing
it every week with us, but I mean, it's a lot

of work and like working a normal nine to five,
like there's definitely like, it's a hobby.

I don't have kids, so it's a little bit different,
but. I can't imagine a sport like that. I mean,

maybe they don't work full-time jobs, but they're
definitely working. Like it's not their only

source of income. Right, yeah. Taylor Swift
kind of is like the Olympian of music. Her

and Beyonce are like doing it different. Yeah,
exactly. They could be in the Olympics. Well,

you know how they say like for like Olympic
athletes, like when they're running like track

or like, let's say they're swimming in the pool,
they're like put a normal person in there to

like help balance out like what's normal. It's
like put a normal. like pop star on stage and

it's like just the difference in caliber. Yeah.
So exactly the Olympic level of superstars

on stage are Taylor Swift and Beyonce. Exactly.
All right. Well, let's get into. All right.

So the set order, just for our listeners, I'll
really quickly kind of go through the changes.

So the initial era's tour set, the different
eras were in this order. So it started with

Lover. Fearless, Evermore, Reputation, Speak
Now, Red, Folklore, 1989, the Acoustic Surprise

song set, and then Midnights. So that was the
original. And what has changed? So she's still

starting with Lover and then Fearless is second.
So those are identical to before. And then

Red got bumped up. So Red is now in the third
spot, whereas it used to be a little bit further

into the middle.

Kind of midway through, but now is fourth. Reputation,
and then she does folklore and evermore. She

combined them into like, folk more, I guess
is what it's called. And we'll talk about our

reactions to that. 1989, which used to be followed
up by the surprise song sets, but after 1989,

she went into TTPD, so that was the new set,
which I think most people kind of knew was

coming, but still shocking to see. And then
after TTPD, she does the acoustic surprise

songs and then still ends the tour with Midnights.
So kind of the last two sets and the first

two sets are the same and then amongst the middle,
it kind of got a little jumbled up and mixed

around. So tracks that were removed, so a few
tracks from Folk Learn Evermore got shortened.

Long Live was one that was an addition to the
Speak Now set after she released Speak Now.

but that one is now gone again. And then RIP
to the archer, the one, the last great American

dynasty, tis the damn season, intolerated.

I was like, I'm okay with the Archer and some
of the other ones. I don't know why I'm okay,

maybe because it wasn't in the movie like originally,
but the tolerate it was a moment, you know,

tolerate it was like a spectacle. And I think
that, you know, we'll talk about TTPD in a

second. And it's like, that's all a spectacle.
But tolerate it was like our first real I feel

like foray into the Broadway of it all. So you
know, it felt like I mean, that was something

that was shocking to see for the first time.
You're just like a gut punch, you know? And

it's like gone. Yeah, yeah, definitely. I feel
like, I don't know, I guess it's commemorated

in the movie, but if I was going to the tour
for the first time, that would be the one that

I think I would be disappointed, got left out,
but you can't win them all. Like Taylor can't

please us all. And I know some people are like
devastated about Archer and you know, different

ones that I wouldn't really, I shouldn't say
care less about. Don't come after me. Um, all

right. And then what are your thoughts on the
combining of Folklore and Evermore? Well, Folklore

is like, I would like for her to do the whole
album actually for Evermore as well. So cutting

anything from them kind of hurts. I think though
that it makes sense potentially, you know,

in the long term to combine them because they
are sister albums and the vibe is similar.

Do I love it? Can't say that I do, but I think
it makes sense that I think it works. Yeah,

well, and when Jesse and I were planning, so
we're doing Swiftie 101, which is like you

guys, like dozens of hours for every, for every
era. So we're still working through it. But

we are going to combine folklore and evermore
to some degree, because within each of the

Swiftie 101, like, sections that we're studying
and like, kind of building out for you guys,

it's, you know, some of it is very tailored
to the album. So it's like, what was the album

announcement and the album roll out and what
were clues for the album, right? And then there's

a lot that's like, what was the aesthetic? What
were some of the clues? What are the interviews

she did? What are like notable things that happened?
And that's where it's like kind of the same

era when you start to kind of think about what
was like her style and aesthetic. Like there

wasn't really a big differentiation between
the two. I mean, they were released within

six months of each other in both kinds of surprises.
So I could see where in Taylor's mind, if like

an era is really kind of a two year span. where
it encompasses not just the album itself, but

like the whole aura, the appearances, the interviews,
like then they are kind of one. Yeah, I could

see even in the future, you know, if things
get added or things get changed around, she

could combine other eras that are like earlier
on, you know, if debut ever comes to the arrow

store, she could combine it with something else
a little, so. Yeah, yeah. I don't know. I just,

I don't get why debut's like, I don't know.
My feelings on it are very sad, but I think

for me it's more the perplexity that what does
she have up her sleeve and why didn't she include

it? Like, I just feel like there's something
that's going to happen with debut if we ever

even get it. I mean, it's her namesake. So it's
just interesting that it was excluded for the

eras tour. So I think that there's, yeah, there's
a reason obviously for anything that she does,

but There's a reason. Yeah, yeah. And we will
find out. So all right. What about the TTPD

set? OK, so for our listeners, the Daddy I Love
Him was the first one. She did like kind of

the bridge of So High School. So High School
was in it, but it wasn't the full song. Who's

Afraid of Little Old Me? Down Bad. Fortnite
and then the smallest man who ever lived and

that's the one that if you saw online That's
one where she performed with like a whole drum

line and was more militaristic Gosh what a What
a shock. I mean, what were your kind of instinctual

thoughts when you first saw it? I think that
she has so many different ways different paths

that she could take her career on in the future
and I've always thought when I Listen, I'm

gonna kind of veer off for a second. When I
saw Lady Gaga in 2009, I promised this works,

it felt like a Broadway show, it really did.
There were set pieces, the choreography was

insane. That's what this felt like. And it felt
like something she's been wanting to do. And

I think with stuff for other eras, she definitely
could have, but with this one, I think she's

really confident and she is saying kind of like
what she can. do. And I was really excited

about that. So like my favorite, my two favorite
songs on the album were not included in the

set guilty as sin and fresh out the slamma.
But I thought that everything that she did

was so different and exciting. And I was interested
to see her kind of in this more, I don't know,

spectacle route. So yeah, yeah. And the whole
scene change where her two dancers like pick

her up and carry her to the couch and they do
it's almost like a mime type thing like all

of that. I don't know it's just a jam pad I
feel like that era on its own. I mean it's

a it's a no miss it you even your little kitty
bladder like you said before, like you can't

you can't skip any of it because it's not just
her singing on stage and there's so much more

going on, and I can't believe that those dancers
and. the lights and the band, everything that

goes into it. They had to have been working
on this several months, even before, I would

guess. Even if the dancers weren't working on
choreography, think about ordering the pieces

and the costumes and all of that, wild. No,
I thought that it was super interesting too.

I liked all of the transitions. And I think
that the end of it, with going to the smallest

man who ever lived, into I Can Do It With a
Broken Heart and that transition where she

is kind of doing the whole like silent film
over acting, but they're having to pull her

up and really like put her into the zone. I
thought that it was, she likes to act. She

likes to do those like corny-er things that
are a little bit over the top, which as I said,

is kind of Broadway. And I think that she was
having a lot of fun making her show into a

show in another type of way. Yeah, like it starts
out as like the Broadway version of Lion King

with those shells, you know, like, yeah, but
then it's like, then it turns into like Les

Mis or Chicago or whatever. Did you see though,
have you seen any of the TikToks comparing

the set of TTPD to some of the sets that Maddie
has done? I know since you're a 1975 fan, like

what are your thoughts there? Yes, I have. I,
you know, there she wants us, she wants us

to make those connections in her music in torture
poets department. She wanted us to compare

some of the songs directly to things that the
1975 has done, or things that Maddie have said.

So I thought that some of those comparisons
were just, you know, subtle enough, but obvious

enough at the same time that it's like, yes,
this is, this is all about him. It's all about.

Yeah, yeah, not all. Yeah, well, exactly. No,
we're not claiming the whole album. Well, and

The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived is one that
I've been kind of on the fence about. Like

I thought that it could be about Scott Bershetta,
just because, you know, the whole you deserve

prison, but you won't get time. Like, I don't
know. I mean, maybe Maddie did do something

that deserves prison, but it's very dramatic.
But she did say that she wrote like very hyperbolic,

like in hyperbole's and just was very much.
dramatic in her writing. So maybe it is about

Maddie and she's just being dramatic, but the
whole concept of the potential NDA, like, you

know, in 50 years will this all come out? So
I was really kind of on the fence there, but

the direct kind of symmetry of that set for
that song to things that Maddie has done in

his sets kind of clarifies for me that maybe
it is more about him. But Jesse and I have

talked about this a ton, and I know our listeners
probably are aware of this. I just feel like

so many of these songs are actually about multiple
people or multiple situations and, you know,

even thinking through, okay, so do you know
the daddy, I love him, how there's the two

verses and then kind of the bridge. So do you
remember Tim McGraw's Don't Take the Girl?

Have you heard that song? Are you a country
fan? Well, yes. I grew up in Tennessee, but

I feel like the country... Once I left there,
all of the country for my childhood, I got

it in here, but then it's like some of it I
didn't know, so I don't know that one. Yeah,

okay, so don't take the girl. Okay, so it's
early morning, they're going fishing, and the

dad wants to take the girl fishing, and the
boy's like, please don't take the girl. He's

like a little boy. He's like, I don't want the
girl to come, please don't take the girl, right?

And then, hold on, let me look up the leaders.
I wanna actually tell this story, cause I feel

like it's a good parallel. Oh my god, this is
the most country shit ever too. So I'm looking

at the lyrics just to be clear. Johnny's daddy
was taking and fishing when he was eight years

old. Jimmy Johnson, take Tommy Thompson, but
don't take the girl. Take my friends, Jimmy

Johnson and Tommy Thompson. OK, I swear this
is part of that, but daddy, I love him. OK,

so the first verse in chorus is please. I take
my friends, but please, let's not take the

girl fishing. OK? And then same old boy, same
sweet girl, 10 years down the road, he held

her tight and kissed her lips, you know, front
of the picture show. So now they're dating,

right? And then a stranger came up and pulled
a gun, grabbed her by the arm and said, if

you do what I tell you, there won't be any harm.
I feel like I'm dramatically reading poetry

right now, but it's not. It's Tim McGraw. So
then in that second verse, the don't take the

girl is him pleading with the robber, right?
So instead of pleading with his dad, hey, don't

take the girl fishing with us. I don't want
a girl on the fishing trip. Now he's saying,

oh my God, to the robber, please don't take
her from me. Cause he like, you know, well,

he probably wants to save her life, but I take
it as that he loves her, right? So then in

transition, same old boy, same sweet girl, five
years down the road, there's gonna be a little

one. And she says, it's time to go. The doctor
says the baby's fine, but you'll have to leave

because the mama's fading fast and Johnny hit
his knees. And then he prayed, don't take the

girl. Because she, I don't know, look at your
face. If anybody's listening to the audible

version of this and isn't watching on YouTube,
I just like shocked at me. Yeah, so now the

girl, the same girl that couldn't go fishing
and got robbed, now she's in the hospital.

She's had the baby. and she's gonna die and
he's praying to God, please don't take the

girl, okay? Okay, so the reason I bring up this
song is in the Long Pond Studio Sessions, when

Taylor is talking about the last great American
dynasty, yeah, she talked a little bit about

how country is written in those ways where it's
like the storyline and then it's like, oh,

the house is mine and it's me instead of Rebecca
Harkness, right? Like she kind of. mimicked

that storytelling and that's what she likes
about country music. So when Jessie told me

that But Daddy I Love Him, which is obviously
on TTPD, is something that reminds her of 90s

country, it got me thinking about just the lyrics
of But Daddy I Love Him because it does feel

like the two like main verses are actually speaking
to like different scenarios. And then in the

bridge where, hold on. We have another special
guest behind me. Carlos is joined. Oh, yes.

He's trying to get onto my background, which
should not be good. I'm gonna set off their

automatic feeders so that they stop, because
they start circling me like I'm their prey

whenever they're hungry. I'm mama, not prey.
Good. So here's the part that of the Badaday

11 that I feel like is very much where I'm like,
I've heard a lot of people be like, it's about

Travis, it's about Maddie, it's about whoever,
right? It's about the fans. I mean, honestly,

there's definitely messages for the fans or
for the, maybe not the fans as much as some

of the crazy ones who are praying for her to
be a better role model or whatever. So she

is saying that... There's a lot of people in
this town that I bestow upon my fakest smiles.

Scandal does a funny thing to pride but brings
lovers closer. We came back when the heat died

down, went to my parents and they came around.
All the wine moms are holding out but it's

over. So that's the end of that story. That
is a breakup. Now I'm dancing in... my dress

and the sun and even my daddy just loves him.
So that's where I'm like, that's the Travis.

It's like, it's like the ending of the bad relationship.
And then it's transitions. That's where I think

that a lot of these songs, she's almost doing
that 90s country thing where she's like layering

in the stories and one song is actually multiple
muses, which again comes back to the braided

poetry concept. And she uses the word braid
several times in different songs. So yeah,

that's my take on Batatii, I love him. Yeah,
I actually thought something interesting, well,

not interesting, I don't know if it's interesting,
might not be, I thought something about Fresh

Out the Slammer, which is kind of related to
country, and I'm like kind of wanting her to

do more of a modern or Taylor Swift now version
of a country album, because Fresh Out the Slammer,

when it starts to get toward the part where
it's like, I can't remember the lyrics right

now, but it starts to slow down. It like reminds
me kind of like of a train, like chugga chugga.

It's like giving some older like Johnny Cash
vibes in a way, not exactly the way that it

sounds, but more reminiscent of kind of like
the themes and stuff. I mean, prison as well.

So I was like, with this storytelling concept
and a little bit of kind of the more experimental

stuff she's doing with some of these songs,
that'd be fun. That'd be fun. Maybe that's

her next. Yeah, even the use of slammer and,
um, and just some of the themes, like I feel

like I do get old country Western vibes. Okay.
So we just sidebarred hard. So welcome to being

a cohost on TSPN. Jesse and I do this all the
time. So let's bring it back. Um, so yes, I

think for me, I was most surprised from the
TTPD set that she included so high school.

That would have been one. Like if you were to
the head your bets? Is there one that you didn't

expect that was there? Is that the same for
you or what are your thoughts? It's the same

for me, but once it was there, I was like, she's
in love. Oh my gosh, is she in love? Yeah.

Crazy. Like extreme love. Yeah. Well, I thought
the alchemy was going to make the set. I just

really liked, I know she did it for a surprise
song, but I just really liked the alchemy as

like a stadium anthem. I think it like has a
good buildup and like amplified. And I personally

think that's about Travis. I mean, Oh, yeah.
And no, I do too. Yeah. I thought that, um,

I think if I thought that one was going to be
included, that wasn't, it was the black dog

for some reason. I just felt like that one,
if she was going to include one of the ones

from the second half of the album, the double
album, et cetera, it was going to be that one,

I think a lot of people have buzzed about that
one a little bit more. But I think. Once she

included So High School the way that she did,
I really liked it. I thought it was fun. Yeah.

I guess So High School is really the only one
from the second part, isn't it? I never really

thought about that now that I'm looking at them
all. Yes. Yeah. Interesting. Yeah. What is

your favorite? You said guilty of sin and fresh
out of the prison. Or fresh out of the slumber.

Yeah, fresh out of the prison. Yes, fresh out
of the slumber. Which is funny because like

I use the word slammer all the time but I like
guilty of sin fresh out the slammer and then

You and Jesse's reactions to the bridge of smallest
man who ever lived was also my reaction So

that one's probably my like third one up there
but I also love Peter because I love like Peter

Pan imagery in cardigan as well and So Peter
kind of is close to home as well Yeah, if you

yeah, if you want to catch the reaction that
she's talking about that's on our tik-tok TSPAT

network if you want to catch that but I've been
really into how did it end lately, like the

last week. I just love because I think it's
like a bigger piece about like how we gossip

as people. Like I don't think it's necessarily
like about a person as much as it's more like

the natural themes of us like societally of
you know, you hear that some things happen.

and you know, oh, I'm gonna go home and you
tell your husband, cause you can trust him

and then you call your cousins and the first
thing they ask is how does it end? And so for

all of our listeners, this is something I was
gonna make a video about, but I'll just talk

about it now. One of the things that I really
noticed, and I noticed it when I was listening

to it on headphones, like I've got really nice
Bose headphones, but I can also hear it really

well, like with just normal headphones. But
the way in which the background like, ah, you

know, like the noises that are basically creating
this like chorus in the background grow throughout

the song, I think is like symbolic of the growth
of the gossip, right? So it starts with her

just saying like, you know, it's, you know,
it's over whatever. And she she's just going

to tell she's like, we'll tell no one except
all our friends, which is so relatable. It's

like, yeah, Emmy, let's keep a secret. I promise
I won't tell anybody and then I'll go tell

my husband and he's like, Okay, well, I'm gonna
go tell my friend because that's a crazy story,

you know. And even if it doesn't get back to
you, I promise I haven't shared any of your

secrets. But you know, that's how gossip happens,
right. And so by the end, that's why I think

that song is so beautiful because she's like,
come one, come all it's happening again, the

empathetic hunger descends, like, if you start
to kind of hear it in the growth of it, I just

I love that build up. It's my favorite right
now. Yeah, she's in this album, she talked

a lot about that stuff. And I think that she
talked a lot about she sees everything which

we know, but hearing her actually sing about
it in such like an emotional way and then in

multiple different ways that she, you know,
she knows everything about how people tried

to. stop her relationship with Maddie. She knows
everything about every single piece of gossip,

every questioning of anything she ever does.
I just think that is a really big themes around

this whole album. Yeah, it's about fame. Yeah,
the themes of fame. And she even said that

in a few of her voice memos, right? So it's
like undeniable that she's addressing what

it's like to be famous and whatnot. And I think
breaking the fourth wall with, you know, look

at your faces. That was so shocking. I mean,
I remember my friend and I were texting each

other as we were listening and we were just
both like, like it was whoa. Like what me?

It honestly it charred me a little bit. I had
to get over it. It took me a while to be like,

is she calling me out? But I went over that
in our reaction episode of my feelings of being

like called out. But then I'm like, wait, I
don't think it's about all Swifties. I think

it's definitely about, you know, the critical
ones are the ones who are trying to shape her

into a box, right? versus just people who are
talking about theories and whatnot. But I do

think that there's been a lot of kind of critiquing
of each other amongst the fandom. I've seen

a ton of comments where when people are doing
theory videos that people are commenting with

quotes like, and the crowd wanted more or the
crowd chanted more. You'd think I would know

the damn lyrics. Even Liss, who's a Liss 117,
I think 117. And then Nikki, I know made a

video, there's been several that have made videos
kind of in response to that because Taylor

still wants to Easter egg. Like she's not abandoning
that part of who she is. She's still gonna

be leaving eggs. She still wants us to be like
theorizing and guessing what's next. And that's

not necessarily us chanting more and asking
too much for her. But I do see how people interpret

that song. But I think her addressing fame and
her addressing the fans started a little bit

of a civil war amongst Swifties themselves.
Oh, big time. And I think that there's things,

you know, in But Daddy I Love Him, she's talking
about the judgmental creeps who say they want

what's best for me. And I think, you know, there
are the people who maliciously want what's

best for them for her. But then there's, you
know, other fans that she does love the protection

from them. And she does love the love from them
in that way. But I also do, she asks us...

to look for Easter eggs. And I don't think that
looking for Easter eggs or theorizing, ooh,

this could happen is chanting more exactly because
when things don't, I mean, when theories don't

work out, then it's like, okay, onto the next
one. It's not like, are you, I am done with

Taylor Swift. No, it's not like that, so yeah.
Yeah, well, and the whole concept of red herring

too, like a false clue, like she's, yeah, it's
so layered. And yeah, so we'll. We'll hopefully

kind of shake our way out of that. Shake it
off. We'll shake our way out of that because

it's been a little bit more hostile, I feel
like, in the fandom, like amongst like comment

sections and stuff. But I haven't really posted
that many Taylor Swift theories since TTPD

came out. For those who don't know, who don't
follow my Creative Chronicles account, I actually

was on the news this past week. I was on News
Nation talking about the CEO of JPMorgan, Jamie

Dimon. I made a video that went viral. It kind
of blew up in the ways that I didn't want it

to blow up if I'm being fully transparent, but
I took that opportunity. And that's another

reason why I wasn't like totally up to date
with what was happening with Paris this past

week and had to catch up. But I say all that
to say I haven't been doing a ton of Swift

Talk stuff. And you've even said, Emmy, like
you're afraid of the Swifties, like in your

comments, right? Oh, yeah. There'll be times
where I'm like, I mean, there are things, there's...

Criticism and then there's like just critique
and stuff and I think critique is healthy critique

is what she wants critique is what she Wants
because she herself thrives off of that creative

like thinking through stuff and thinking of
how things could be Done differently or done

better, but it's you know sometimes there can
be things where it's like if you say something

With the best of intentions of your own interpretation
and your own like well You know questioning

something people can take it as an attack, and
I don't think that it always is or that you're

wrong because obviously it's something else.
Right, exactly, because it's like, that's again,

this whole poetry thing, I mean, as I said,
I studied creative writing in college and it's

all about your interpretations and that's what's
important. Even with Jessie, last week talking

about her, however more helped her through her
postpartum depression, it was incredible to

me how differently people can interpret these
songs and yet it still applies to these different

things that they're going through. Like that
song might not be about postpartum depression,

but it impacted her so deeply and it was so
exact to what she was going through. So, you

know, things aren't wrong exactly. I mean, if
you mean it maliciously, sure, but yeah. Yeah,

no, I agree. I agree. Well, great. Well, back
to the Paris shows. We had a ton of new outfits.

I know Ty mentioned, I think he said more than
13. He's so funny. I love that he can like,

you know. always pull it back to the clues.
So brand new lover bodysuit, which is like

an orange and hot pink and the boots were orange
at the top and then they fade to pink at the

bottom. I'm gonna circle back to that because
I'm a karma theory truther, so we're going

to talk about the karma theory. Fearless had
a new dress, so it was kind of the rendition

of the like gold tassel one that she's worn,
but it had black and silver and actually a

little bit of gold in it too. We've new 1989
pieces, which you and I will circle back on.

The new surprise song, Dusters, a new Midnights
body suit, folklore or folk more, I guess,

since it's both of now new folk more dress.
That one that was hot pink, the folklore evermore

dress, the hot pink was the most gorgeous color
I think I've ever seen in my life. Like I wanted

to make that color my entire personality. One
thing that I want to talk about is the new

duster. So let's start there. So my take on
the new duster when I first saw it, so when

I went to Nashville night too, that was one
of the nights, I've seen it happen again, but

it was one of the nights where when she put
on her duster, if you recall, there was like

a droopy strap that kind of just hung off her
shoulder. And one of them was like stuck under

her armpit. Like when she put it on, it didn't
make it around and she called it out. Like,

you know, I have it on video on my phone of
her being like, oh yeah, we get dressed in

the dark, right? And I've seen that a few other
times. Maybe I noticed it because I went to

a show where she did it but I just think that
the new duster, like having a very similar

silhouette but not having that droopy sleeve
stood out to me is like maybe that was intentional

just for the sake of like making it better for
the change. And then same thing with the high

low, like the front is very straight, like almost
like a bang, right? And then it goes low, whereas

the one before was more of like, just a very
deep slit. And if you recall, when she walks

around in those original dusters, she would
kind of kick her legs out. Like I almost wonder

if she was like afraid of tripping, cause she
would like kick through the slit to make sure

she wasn't stepping on it. So. I question for
the duster specifically if the redesign, I

mean, obviously she would have done a new design
anyway since the piece underneath is new, but

like the changes to the silhouette to me feel
very much like, you know, correcting some of

the issues they may have had from a costume
design standpoint. I think, yeah, as you said,

she was gonna change them anyway, but they still
look quite similar. Those have never been my

favorite outfit of the show in general, but
I think that this one looks a little bit more

functional. for what she's doing and just like
walking around. I mean, she's tall and she's

walking around and heels all the time on stage
and it's like toward the end of the show. This

is a safer bet for her, so. Yeah, yeah. Well,
and I have a dress that's identical to that

I bought for my brother's wedding and I think
my brother got married in like 2012, 2013.

And I just got rid of it because I was like,
this is ugly. I'll never wear this again, where

it's like very short in the front and straight
and very long in the back. And it has that

same like V-neck silhouette. And like not that
I'm going anywhere that I need that fucking

dress. You know what I mean? But I just got
rid of it. And so when I saw her on stage,

I was like, are you kidding me? Like, this is
why you hoard clothes. This is back in style.

Exactly. If Taylor Swift wear it, it's like
Regina George and Mean Girls. If she wears

it, it's cool. So, no. Yeah. Yeah, tear up some
newspaper, make a skirt. We'll do our TTPD

moments in public. Well, good. All right. I
know you have strong opinions about 1989. You

had said them earlier off camera and I laughed
because I kind of agreed. So the new 1989 two

piece for those who haven't caught up, it used
to be kind of matchy. You had like the green

and the blue and the pink, right? And it was
matching top, matching bottom, more sequins,

more just kind of simple silhouette And now
we have like more of a skater skirt where it's

like tight at the top. And then it's very flouncy
as it goes out. And then a different kind of

bust line with like a tiger emblem. Like, did
you see the little, each of them has this like

broach, like in between her breasts, um, that
kind of looks like a necklace and it's a, like

a tie, which I love you guys, if you've seen
it on YouTube, my whole wall behind me is tiger

wallpaper is like, I love a tiger or a whatever
it is, any of the big cats. But, um, the colors

that she's choosing are bright and mismatched.
So go ahead, what do you think? I'm a very

muted tone dresser in general. So the very bright
mismatch thing was like, what when I first

saw it. And I really was not understanding why.
The style, the cut of the top, I did see a

tweet comparing it to some of the 1989 outfits
that she wore when she had that little. I think

it was like a little bomber jacket over it,
so that made sense. But that was still like

black within like, you know, maybe more of a
more tame color on the bottom. I just, the

mismatched shoes, it's a lot for me. Does she
look good? She looks great. However, it's a

lot. It's not my favorite of hers. Yeah. Yeah,
the colors to me are, they give me like fruit

vibes. Like I'm like, oh, watermelon and peach,
or you know, like they, it very much reminds

me of if you were to get gummy worms and they
were to be two-toned. Which one do you want

to pick? I'm definitely going to go for the
pink and the blue one. That's the gummy worm

that I'm choosing. Yeah. No, yeah. I love it.
Yeah. Well, and to me, one of the things that

I started looking up, especially in prep of
this conversation was I know that the two piece

was a huge thing during the 1989 era, not just
on tour, but when she did Street Style and

was just out and about or at the Victoria's
Secret shows, wherever she was. She always

had her little And most of the stuff that she
wore was matching sets. So I'm gonna take this

full circle here. So they were all matching
sets, or if the bottom was like a printer color,

the top would have been white or black. And
you guys could go through the depths of Google

Image Search and maybe find another example
where it's like total mismatch like that. But

I could not, like again, Google's gonna serve
you what it thinks you wanna see. And the next

thing you know, you're like in the fearless
era because you clicked on three things and

you got lost in the internet. but I really couldn't
find like a good example of mismatched two

pieces except the 2016 Grammy Awards where she
wore the orange top and the pink skirt. Yep.

Yeah, you know where I'm headed. Okay, so that,
so for our listeners, that Grammy Award was

in 2016. So 1989 was released in 2014, like
in November, I think. Late October, late October,

November. So it was released in 2014. So during
the 2015 Grammy, she would have gotten nominations

for like the singles, like maybe Shake It Off
or anything that would have come out before

the Grammy cutoff. And then 2016 was the Grammy
Awards where she was actually nominated for

the album itself. And so she won album of the
year. As we know, that was the speech that

she gave where she kind of called out Kanye
for the famous incident. For those who want

a recap on that, KJ, KJ Miller, our fave. Two
Queens, Two Crowns, she just did an episode

about Kim and Taylor and went through the whole
summer phone call incident in detail, even

played some of the clips of it. And then I appeared
on the follow-up of that. So there's two episodes

about it. I'm on one of them. You definitely
should listen to both though, because I think

it kind of provides context to like that Grammy
moment because, you know, Kanye had released

Famous. He had, at this point, a phone call
had not been released, but he had come out

and said, you know, I think... that Taylor Swift
might owe me sex, why I made that bitch famous.

And I'm not sure if the music video was out
yet, which depicted her completely nude, but

regardless, she goes up on the Grammy stage,
she's holding the Grammy, and she's like, if

anyone ever tries to take credit for your fame,
you get where you're getting, right? Or I don't

know if she said fame, but even just like your
success in life. So that Grammy moment is so

impactful. So that is why when I saw the two
pieces that where I'm like either this is leading

into reputation era, because it was kind of
the start of, it was in I think February or

March of 2016 would have been the Grammys. I
think they were a little bit later. Now they're

running in like early February, but I think
it was in maybe March. And then you kind of

had the summer where she, her and Calvin broke
up and then she had the Tom Hiddleston fling

and you've got the Met Gala incident. Um, you
know, you got Calvin on Twitter, you know,

calling her out for bullshit and then it comes
out that she wrote Calvin and Rihanna. And

we found out about the pseudonym with Nils Sorgeberg.
That summer is like when we do Swiftie 101,

that's going to be like a two episode summer,
I feel like. Um, and so that then led to her

falling off the map and going into hiding for
about a year. And so she would have been due

if she was following the two album. cadence
that she had always, or I'm sorry, two year

cadence that she had always done where she was
releasing an album in the fall every two years.

She would have been due for a new album that
fall or that winter in 2016, which people have

dubbed as the Karma album. And it has been given
the color orange to represent Karma. Okay.

And there's many reasons for that. The man wall,
Karma is written in orange. I think in the

Look What You Made Me Do music video when she's
swinging in the cage. It represents the songbird

that got locked in the cage. She's wearing orange.
She's in the vault in the look what she made

me do music video. When she says, all I think
about is karma. There was an interview in Vogue

and 73 questions with Vogue in April of 2016,
where she said they asked her some question.

I forget what the question was, but her answer
was karma is real. Okay. I just pulled this.

Are you, is your jaw dropped right now? I mean,
I feel like I can't believe I'm pulling all

these facts like this. Oh my gosh. I know. You're
a scholar. Yeah, for our listeners, I'm not

cutting out the gaps. I'm actually thinking
of these things on the fly. So all of those

things are why people think Karma is the name
of the missing album. And even if it's not,

it is, Taylor knows that that's the thing. And
that's why when she announced Karma as a song

in the Midnight's Mayhem with Misa, she like
laughed because she's like, you guys are fucking

going to die. So I say all that. We've got 1992
pieces that are different color top and bottom.

and the new lover suit was orange and the boots
were orange faded to pink just like that damn

dress. Oh. Listen, I was not necessarily, I
wouldn't say I was a karma truther because

I was really, when I started getting into the
conspiracies, I was in like Woodvale was a

conspiracy and I really put all my energy and
my clowning into that. When a friend told me

about karma, I was like, well, that makes a
lot more sense. But I never really like jumped

on it until recently. And now I'm like, tell
me more. So, I mean, but I mean, come on the

orange. It's just yeah. Yeah, it's a color she
hasn't really used. Right. And so that's a

indicator that she might be saving it for something.
Because even with like folklore and TTPD both

being white, you know, it's a repeat. So, yeah,
I guess we will see even if Taylor. never had

a missing album. She's fucking with us with
all this orange. Again, she reads everything.

She knows everything. And I think there are
some, I mean, the red herrings, sometimes she's

going to put these things out because she knows
we're looking for them, but she's working on

someone else. So yeah. Yeah, exactly. Exactly.
Another thing to note too, just if our listeners

didn't catch it, but one of the surprise song
sets for Paris, she did the, Is it over now?

mash up with the bridge of Out of the Woods.
And I've said this before on the pod, but when

she did that before, so this would be the second
time she's done it, when she, or is it the

third? No, it's the second. It's the second.
I think it's the second. Yeah, but so whenever

she did Nashville Night Two, my favorite night,
obviously, she did Out of the Woods for us,

and then she messed up the bridge, and then
she was like, oh, I just, you know, let's sing

the bridge again. But I thought her mess up
was weird. Like I obviously have it on camera.

I thought it was weird. And Zoe sang the bridge
twice. And so then I was like, oh, once she

released, is it over now? And then in November,
when she was in Argentina this past year, so

November, 2023, I think it was November 11th,
so 11, she sang that mashup. And I was like,

oh, maybe when she messed up in Nashville, which
would have been in May of 2023, she was like

hinting that this might be something she's gonna
do. but that was kind of maybe a loose theory.

Okay, but the fact that she just did that same
mashup again, there's something there. Okay,

so you got 11-11, 2023, and then I think it
was 5-10, 2024. I already looked it up, it's

181 days apart. And the date that is directly
in the middle, I think was like February 9th.

I have no other thoughts beyond that. So if
any of our listeners wanna take that and run

with it. By all means, I don't know what it
means. There might be videos out there that

have already solved it, to be honest. I know
what it means. February 9th is my birthday.

I am Taylor Swift.

That was for you. And Anna always forgets my
birthday, so she wouldn't have known that.

Yes. No. I do think it's interesting because
the mashups are recent. And so it's interesting

that one of the mashups she's now done, she's
done it twice instead of doing a new mashup

this recent. I don't know. It's interesting.
Yeah. Well, and also pointing back to 1989,

I'm still, Jesse and I are still convinced that
there are two. there are two 1989s and we're

still gonna get the double drop. Even though
we just got a double TTPD, so like any double

clues are probably for, nope, no. I will die
on that hill. It's funny because coming back

to your birthday, when I saw February 9th, when
I looked that up, I was like, God, that date

sounds really familiar. And then I was like,
was that the Grammys? Was that the Super Bowl?

And I'm like, no, it was probably because it's
your birthday that it sounded really familiar.

For real, it's just like anything to forget.
It's mine. Me making myself a victim. So we

just shared your birthday with the world, but
obviously you're Gen Z, so they don't know

you're a year or whatever since you're hiding
your true age here. All right, great. Well,

um. I think that kind of wraps it. There's probably
more to Paris that we haven't covered and Jessie's

got tons of thoughts, I'm sure. I'm sure she's
dying in her bed right now, wishing she could

be giving you guys her thoughts. So when we
meet again next week, especially when it comes

to the new TTPD set and things that are just
not even a surprise anymore, it's just an ongoing

thing, we will discuss that. Taylor's gonna
be in Stockholm, Sweden. starting this weekend,

so this next episode we will also touch base
on any new surprises. I think I'll be glued

to the lives. Just, I mean, you never know.
I just feel like she's, it's almost overdrive

for me. It's a little too much, like too much
info to take in at this point. Oh my gosh,

I know. And you never know. Like when there's
something new added to a tour or to a show

that's already so massive, it's like a little
bit interesting, especially this will be the

first weekend after the TTPD set was added.
It's like, is there something else up her sleeve?

I'm not asking for there to be something else.
And the crowd was chanting more. But it just

feels like there's something in the air. There's
something weird in the air and it could be

nothing. The ball is still rolling, right? It
doesn't feel like she's just going to switch

it up the first weekend and then we're just
going to be back to the races like nothing's

changing. I do agree. I think the next several
weekends will be interesting and then maybe

in the summer she'll calm down. Yes. But until
then, we will continue to be eyes glued. And

Emmy, I appreciate you joining us and helping
jump in on this episode. And we will definitely

be inviting you back for any other, maybe I'll
get sick one week and we can have you on with

Jesse, but it's been great to have you assist
and give your take as a content creator and

a fellow Swifty. So for those who do not follow
Emmy, go find her on TikTok. It's Emmy. The

Queen. And like she said, you know, succession,
Game of Thrones, HBO shows, TV. I mean, really

analyzing like acting and character arcs and
tying things together in ways that we do on

our TikTok about Taylor, but for, you know,
more diverse content. So, yeah. And if there's

anything that you want me to cover, just leave
a comment. I like to talk about what people

are wanting to discuss. So any TV I'm game for.
Love it. Love it. All right. So if you're listening

on one of the podcast networks, please reminder
to leave us five stars. That really helps us

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us comments on YouTube. Make sure you subscribe
to YouTube. We're so close to a thousand. It's

like killing me. So if you are a regular listener,
make sure you go subscribe on YouTube. And

as always, we love you guys. Bye.