Public Sector Executive News

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New figures show that the Scottish Government spent almost £50 billion on public services to tackle child poverty, reduce carbon emissions and support the NHS.
More than £19 billion was invested into health and social care, while £5.2 billion was spent on social security benefits. This included £249 million on Scottish Child Payment and funding to introduce Carer Support Payment in pilot areas, ahead of a full roll-out in 2024.
Meanwhile, more than 2.3 million people benefitted from free public transport as a result of a £422 million investment into bus services and concessionary travel.
Other spending areas included a £220 million investment into the Heat in Buildings Programme and the Just Transition Fund.

The Welsh Government has launched new guidance and advice to create an anti-racist culture in Welsh childcare settings. Leaders hope the move can help staff take the appropriate measures to foster an environment that is anti-racist, as well as take the steps to build relationships with local communities and parents to better understand the diversity of backgrounds.
It is ultimately a part of the Anti-Racist Wales Action Plan, which aims to ensure everyone — regardless of background — has access to high-quality and culturally mindful childcare and education.

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