Clydesdale Media Podcast

In an effort to get as fit as possible Scott is doing his weekly check-ins live on the Clydesdale Media YouTube Channel.
We have been doing this for 2 years and need to step back and reinvent what we want the show to be.

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

Welcome to the Clydesdale

Media Weight Loss Journey,

where Scott does his weekly

check-in with nutrition

coach Cheryl Masso every

week live on our YouTube channel.

Make sure you like and

subscribe and hit that

notifier so you first know

when new episodes come out.

Sit back, relax, enjoy the show.

What's going on, everybody?

Welcome to the Clydesdale

Media Weight Loss Journey.

So I don't know if you know this,

but Twitter now,

for us to go live on Twitter or X,

you have to pay a subscription fee.

So I had it set up where it

was doing that for a while.

And all the shows that I had

set up prior to this notice,

now I get this big error

message whenever we launch.

And I have to remove us from

Twitter before we actually

can start talking.

So there's a little scramble

mode behind the scenes there.

I don't even use Twitter.

I never got into it.

I don't know.

I'm kind of... I'll never

remember to call it X. But I...

I use it during football

season because it is the

fastest way to get news about your team.



It's funny.

What's up, Corey?

I, uh,

I actually hopped on the EMOM train.

I've actually, I know this is,

I know we're doing your Clydesdale media,

but I gotta tell you, um, I hopped on,

I did a deal a week and I

knew I was looking for,

I know this is Scott's journey,

but you know,

coach Cheryl here needs a

little love too.


I had just been off of following a

program for a long time.

I had just been back and

forth and between injuries

and just not feeling good

and kind of being in my own pity party.

had just been doing kind of

like bits and pieces of

things and doing my own programming.

And I just had actually one

of my clients who, you know,

she's a semi-final athlete.

I was like,

you should check out this program.

And I was kind of like, oh,

maybe I'll check it out, you know,

and I had a free trial.

So I was like, well,

what's the worst that could happen?

You get fitter.


I started following it.

So it's been nice to have some people.

When I saw Corey on there, I was like, yes,

I love it.

So yeah, it's been,

it's been good to slowly

get back into the grind of

things and very humbling.

I'm happy that I've been

able to do a lot of the workouts,

but damn, some days I'm like,

I can't believe how unfit I got myself.

So, but it's been, it's been fun for sure.

Getting back into it.

Cheryl is effing killing it.

Well, thanks, Corey.

Yesterday, I think it was killing me.

When you have an EMOM with

10 squat cleans at 95, 135,

sandwiched in between other things,

and you're on an EMOM,

singles aren't really fun

because then you don't get any rest.

And holding onto the barbell

isn't any fun either.

But yeah, it's been fun stuff for sure.

So anywho, that's my little update.

You said this is my journey,

but this is one of the

reasons we're doing this show.

It's been a couple of weeks

since we've been on.

You've had so much going on in your life.

I've had so much going on in my life.

It's just complete chaos.

And we're going to talk

about that in a minute.


One of the things that you and I,

we met last week and had a

very long heart to heart

and talked about a lot of things.

And we made the decision

that we want to revamp the show.


Um, and we want it,

we want it to be more than

just about me or you,

but we want it to be about the community.

And so we want to like come

up with different ways to

be more interactive,

like maybe have a weekly

workout challenge where

everybody can share video

from their workouts or have

people on from the chat on

the show to talk about their journey.


And it doesn't mean we're

going to get away from like

updating you on how I'm

doing and things like that.

But we don't want that to be

the sole focus anymore.

We want it to be a community

program that involves everybody.

And so we have made the

decision that after today's show,

we're going to take a

couple of weeks off till

after the CrossFit games.

And then we're going to come back,

rebranded new name, same people,

but hopefully like more

community involvement.


And I kind of like want to add onto this.

Cause even as I was saying that deflection,



I didn't want to talk about me because

it's a Scott's journey story.

I don't want that anymore

because guess what?

I struggle too.

And I,

I'm sure that a lot of you

guys can relate to feeling

if you've been doing

CrossFit for a long time, Scott,

I know you have.

In fact,

I heard you talk about how you're

no longer the 2016 Scott.

We all experience things in

our own journeys that can make

staying consistent and

staying happy about the

process feel like such a struggle.

And I think that what I want

you guys to get from

Scott's story from day one,

and what I want to be able

to help you guys with here

is helping to remind you

guys that you're not alone

and also being able to

relate to you guys.

I mean, yeah,

I've been doing CrossFit

since 2010 and I still program hop.

Like that's a bad habit, right?

So I'm like, damn,

I'm following a program again.

You guys know how that feels.

And I want to be able to

offer you guys that as well.

And I think that it'll be

cool for us to maybe pop up

some like Q and A's on the

Clydesdale stories.

And maybe every week we can

answer some listener

questions related to my

thoughts are making this

podcast really about

helping you guys improve

your own fitness journey.

whether it's with CrossFit stuff,

coaching stuff,

whether it's with life stuff,

whether it's with mostly nutrition stuff.

So guys,

one of my biggest things that I'm

passionate about is

teaching the CrossFit

community how to fuel

themselves appropriately to

get leaner, get fitter, get healthier.

Like that's really what I

want for everybody.

So this show has just been a

great platform and Scott

can be a great example for

a lot of people out there

who do struggle because I

don't struggle with the

same things that Scott struggles with.

And his story is going to

resonate with other people.

So that's my input as well.

The other thing we want to

do is keep the fun part of the show.

Even though it's going to

have more of a plan and more of a focus,

we still want to have those

fun questions like,

what's that fun food you like to have?

Why does gum help you when you're dieting?

What tricks do you use instead of gum?

All those things we dive off to,

and so we want to keep all

that as part of the fun process.

thing of the show and,

and keep you guys involved as a community,

sharing all of those fun

and funny aspects of what you go through.


Because I mean,

like some of the most fun episodes for me,

I don't know if you can relate is when,

when you guys are in the

chat talking about things

that are like completely

off the wall and it like

totally brings us off topic,

but into something else and

it can be super fun.

So yeah.

By the way, talking about nutrition,

fitness-related crazy stuff,

did you all see that

Richard Simmons died?

I did.

That's a perfect example of

a topic that we could talk about.

I mean,

that was my first introduction to

fitness was watching my mom

sweating to the oldies in

the freaking VHS tape in the living room.

My wife had disco sweat,

had sweating to the oldies.

She had all of them.

Sweating to the oldies.

That's what I remember my mom.

It's just crazy, but a little tangent.

So anyways,

I love that we're talking about this.

And if you guys have any,

maybe some suggestions on

what we could name this,

I like using the Clydesdale

and I just like it to just,

Clydesdale weight loss

journey just sounds good.

Y'all got suggestions.

You want to put some thoughts up.

Maybe I'll send out some.

It's not just a weight loss

journey anymore.

It's about fitness.

It's about fun.

It's about like,

we want to incorporate all that into it.


Keep Clydesdale in there.

But we want to add like what

it's all about.

I even want to talk about

like the stuff that people

don't talk about.

Like the stuff that happens at the gym,


Like the random person that

like has so much chalk on

their hands for burpees.

I just want to make this

podcast episode one that

you guys that go to a

CrossFit gym and you want

to have some people to talk

to about all the things you

experience and your husband

or your wife sit at the

dinner table is like,

care about your thrusters

and then look at you like

you have three heads you

guys have a place to come

on and chat about it so

judy reed says r.i.p

richard I was a big galad

fan anyone remember him I

remember him I i have to be

on judy this is

transparency here I could

not wait till galad was

over I could see cory

everson's workout I didn't

galad was after richard

simmons though right

So ESPN back in the day used

to have like a workout

block around lunchtime.


Gilad was a half an hour.

Denise Austin was a half an hour.

And then Corey Everson.


Oh, my goodness.

Corey Everson.


She was my crush when I was a young boy.


See, my mom just had the VHS tape,

so I didn't watch it on ESPN.

It was just, it was mom's workout time.

So she'd put in the tape and

then she would sometimes

try and get me to do it.


I guess I needed to sweat to the

oldies too.

And she had buns of steel.

That was the other one she had.

Those were the two that she had.

One of the topics could be your,

your early exercise

influence like Jane Fonda,

Richard Simmons.

Well, okay.

So talking about my journey,

how did I get into fitness?

I was literally up one night

eating too much food,

drinking too much alcohol

and was flipping through the television.

And, you know,

between the hours of like 11

and three o'clock in the morning,

four o'clock in the morning,

it was nothing but infomercials.

I found a beach body,

which had like two programs at the time.

I found a beach body program and I'm like,

you know what?

time to do something.

I literally bought off of an infomercial.

That's how I got into fitness.

So I bought Beachbody too,

before I started CrossFit like 08, 09.


I got the Beachbody and it was hard.

Mine was earlier than that.

I was 2004.

I'm older than you.

I'm older than you in the Beachbody world.

Like I said, back then,

I think Beachbody had,

they had Debbie Sieber slim and six,

which is what I got.

They had P90.

I don't even think they had P90X yet.

And I think they had like

one other program and that was it.

Tony Horton was P90X,

which has been mentioned as well.

And Tony Horton did the

original Beachbody and

that's the one I ordered.

That's yeah.

He was like one of the OGs,

but Billy Blanks, I remember him too.

You guys remember Zumba was another one.

See, this is the stuff that like,

we just got to, we just,

we got it rolling already.

Everyone in that show.

Imagine if there was a

CrossFit like workout show.


I mean, I guess,

I think StreamYard kind of

tried to do that.

They kind of like tried to make like a,

you know, like a virtual, I don't know.

Could you just imagine like the,

could you just imagine like

mimicking your CrossFit coach doing Fran?

Like trying to keep up,

like it would be so

different because like back then,

or like when you're watching the videos,


like they're going at a

tempo and you're trying to

keep up with them.

They're like down and up.

Imagine like trying to keep

up with one of your coaches

doing like a workout and you're like,

it'd be totally different stimulus,

but just something that we

want to do similar things.

We want to have like a

workout of the week that

everybody can tackle.

It's something basic that

you can do in your garage and,

and that we can talk about from,

we can make that the Monday

workout that we've been

talking about with you.

So we'll make that like the,

the one you sent me

yesterday was so easy.

Are you kidding me?


Send me one.

I did.

I never got it.

You didn't get it in,

in the trainer eyes app.

I did not.

I have to double check on

that in your app because I

know I sent it last week after we talked.

I remember I was typing it

in as I was doing my walk.

But yeah, it was bike and sandbag squats.

I'll double check.

I was busy because I went to

Michigan this weekend.


And that was a workout alone, deep,

deep sand,

trudging back and forth from lane to lane,

trying to video.

Oh my goodness.

My legs hurt so bad yesterday.


So let's kind of, I guess,

roll into a little bit of you.

So fill us in.

Oh, Jack.

Denise Moore.

I used to watch Jack LaLanne.

That's how old I am.

I just, he was the juicer guy, right?

Well, before that he was an exercise guy.

I know that,

but I just know him as the guy

that was super healthy and it was like,

oh, the juicing.

It must be the juicing.

So where were you this weekend?

You were at the Fresh Coast,

something like that?

Fresh Coast Fit Fest.

It's on Lake Michigan in Michigan.

And it's a big festival

that's a CrossFit competition.

And it's growing so big

because it's right around

where Rich grew up.

So now Rich competes in it every year.

and he brought, um, Ben Davidson and, uh,

Dre strong and Dan Bailey

with him this year.

Plus some friends, cousins, uh,

Darren Hunsaker was there, uh,

eighth day CrossFit who

puts teams in the games all the time,

huge presence there.

They're just down the road

in grand Rapids.

So major competition.

And it's just beautiful.

It's a huge Sandy, um,

the rig is in the sand.

The whole competition is in

the sand until you swim.

I think I remember watching

like footage from them from last year,

rich, like on the YouTube channel.

I remember like them, like with the bikes,

they had like little like

black mats on the sand and

all that kinds of stuff.

So that sounds really awesome.

So they snatched on the sand

this year on a piece of

plywood on the sand.


It's a little sketch sketch.

So yeah,

So they had rooms for

everybody beside every,

so you could sweep real

quick if you needed to.


Um, but yeah, it was a little sketch,

but yeah, that's, that's,

that's the stuff that I don't like doing.

I, where it gets like dangerous like that,

I get kind of like risk

versus reward as long as

they weren't super heavy, I guess,

you know?

So it was a ladder.

So you could go as far as

you wanted to go.



The first event was actually

the beach workout from the

Games in 2014 team where

they had the raft.

Oh, yeah.

The raft out around the buoys.


That was the first event.

It's funny that I say that

the whole sand thing,

my very first regionals was, uh,

in Jacksonville equestrian center.

And it was so bad.

It was sand.

And we had like,

just like little black platforms.

And I remember that was the

year that we had, um,

it was a squat clean and

thruster ladder and the

standards on it were so strict.

Like if you moved your foot,

it like wouldn't count, but like,

it was so uneven.

So I just craziness, but

Anyways, well, I feel like, I mean,

I wouldn't have known you

were away because I looked

in your nutrition and it

looks like you logged this weekend,

which typically when you're out of town,

it's usually a little bit

more difficult for you.

So boom, that's a win.

Cause I know after our talk on Thursday,

you were like,

I need to just get back in a saddle.

So I'm proud of you.

I logged the entire trip.


It looks like you kept it pretty simple.

Did you pack your food?

I didn't.


I did pack some,

but like dinners were out.


Because that's why I was like,

it looks like it was pretty basic.

Just breakfast, lunch,

dinner for the most part.

That's pretty much what it was.

And then when did you get back home?

Sunday night?

Sunday at two.


I gotcha.


And what I did...

I actually,

we had chicken and zucchini on

Thursday before we left and

I made an extra serving for each of us.

So when we got back Sunday,

it was waiting and just

needed to heat it up.

And that was, that's, I love doing that.

That's the easiest thing for me.

In fact,

I put out in my Facebook group last week,

a new recipe.

It came out really good.

If you like Alfredo,

it's a high protein chicken Alfredo,

but it also freezes very well.

And it's one of those things

that you can make in a

batch and then like

put a couple in the freezer

and you know it's good so

but um I am all into fresh

vegetables right now we

actually have some here in

ohio so like if you notice

like I'm eating a lot of

tomatoes a lot of zucchini

a lot of carrots yeah

because it's all fresh yeah

it's so funny that you say

that because I feel like I

can get vegetables whenever

well that's because you live in florida

Is it really hard?

I just, I, it's crazy.

I don't, it's bizarre to me.


I guess that there is places in the world,

I guess it depends.

I will like,

so I have a client that lives

in like the middle of nowhere.

And sometimes she's like,

it's really hard to get

good food here because like, it's,

she's got like two very

like low end grocery stores.

So if she wants to go somewhere,

she has to drive like 40 minutes.

And like the closest one is

like a Walmart.

which we all know that

getting produce from

Walmart is like you might

as well be buying produce

from last year's Christmas.

So it's hard.

So I guess I don't think about it.

I think it's the whole seasonal thing.

I always tried to get into that,

but I never really could.

Florida has two growing seasons.

I live there.

We have one growing season.


I just feel like people talk

about it's good to eat seasonally,

but I'll be honest, I don't do that.

I probably could,

but I get kind of in ruts.

I like other vegetables like

eggplant and stuff like that,

but I just don't change what I eat.

I like to just keep it simple.

Maybe I should expand a little bit more.

I think in the North that,

and that may be like a

topic we could talk about in North.

You have to change because

things just aren't available.

Some, some parts of the year.


there's a lot of down here and a lot

of like farmers and they do

have farmers markets and

that's going to be what seasonal,

but I just go to Publix and, you know,

get my normal routine veggies.

So I'm kind of stuck in my broccoli,

asparagus, zucchini, and cauliflower.

Those are kind of like my four staples.

Yeah, there's times I can't get zucchini.

Yeah, I would say yes.

There's times down here too

where I'll go to buy it and

I'm like very picky about zucchini.

This is like, this is going to be maybe,

can you relate to this?


I don't like the big ones when

there's all the seeds in them.

It's got to be the smaller

zucchini where there's not

a lot of seeds because

there's too many seeds.

I feel like the texture of it,

when you cook it, it gets mushy.

So won't eat it.

I'm like very picky about that.

so yeah Heidi I can get

frozen vegetables I just

prefer having fresh and I

would rather have whatever

is fresh frozen alternative

and I also feel like

there's only certain

vegetables that are okay to

eat frozen like like I

won't eat frozen zucchini

there's just no it's like

it's like mushy, but like I'll do frozen,

frozen broccoli.

I'll do the cauliflower rice.

Like I don't like frozen Brussels sprouts.

I just, they just don't taste the same.

I don't know.

There's just something that

just don't taste good frozen,

but I always have a stash

of frozen veggies in.

So, but yeah, I was, I was super.

So am I Corey.

So am I, I am bougie as hell.

yeah I i would agree it's

better to pay pay more for

the better stuff so like I

said I'm I'm very happy

with uh with you tracking

getting back on track with

things with that and I

think that like right now

our main focus um I kind of

want to like talk about

like what my I feel like my

goals for you are right now

is I think we talk a lot

about tracking food

tracking food tracking food

like why are we tracking

food obviously it's because


we want to know what's going in so we

can obviously make changes

and adjustments.

But I think instead,

let's focus on the health

perspective and the

perspective of like what

we're trying to change is

you're obviously we're

trying to lose fat.

We're trying to improve blood biomarkers,

but we're also looking at

like optimizing how you're feeling.

So and I think this is where

people go into the problem

when they go into macros or

tracking is like, oh,

I was under my calories, so I did good.

I think I want you actually

working on not just tracking your food,

but actually having a plan

to be within your nutrient ranges.

And we've talked about this before,

that I don't think that

your nutrition ranges ever

need to be spot on.

I talk about this today on my own podcast.

It's like,

when I say Scott's goal is 225

grams of protein or whatever it is,

it doesn't mean that he has

to be 225 grams of protein

every single day.

It means, hey,

If you're at around 185 to 225,

you're in a good range.

I'm happy with that.

Like a minimum and a maximum.

And I think that just

getting you for the next

couple of weeks leading up to the games,

just really focusing on

balance that way without any pressure.

And your goals right now

just being action driven is

where we can really make a

lot of progress to get that

consistency building.

Because now tracking isn't

really tracking food.

It's planning food.

I like that idea.

And I think that that's a

tip for anybody out there.

And I can relate to this myself.

When I first started

tracking my own food back in the day,

and well, I had taken it back.

I was a calorie counter when

I was very young.

And then when I got into

using a tracking app,

I was a lazy tracker.

I was the girl that would

track maybe part of my day.

I wouldn't weigh all of my portions.

I'd weigh my meat out.

I wouldn't weigh the other things.

And I would see like blank

spots everywhere.

When I actually started to

track and look at those

numbers and nutrition nutrients,

I really started to feel so much better.

But I also was able to

improve my relationship

with food because prior to that,

I was just like you, Scott.

And I was like told everything.

Like, carbs are the devil.

Like, don't eat grains.

Don't eat those foods.

They're bad for you.

And in doing that,

I would go through periods

where I would be super strict on my diet.

And then I would tell myself, oh,

I'm going to eat a little

bit of this and that.

And then I would feel like

crap about myself.


I actually stopped having

cravings and I was able to

start to feel better, look better,

perform better and all

those things by focusing on that.

So, um, so yeah,

I think that we can work on

planning that in and making

that planning things in and

making that part of

what our focus point is

going into the next couple

of weeks is just this way.

Cause I did know this

weekend's not a good

example because you were out of town,

but you need way more than 1200 calories.

But I know that you're like, well,

I tracked and I feel,

and that's why we track.


We know you were definitely

under a little bit this weekend,

but that's okay.

It happens sometimes.

So good.

It was not ideal this weekend,

so I made the best of it

because I didn't have time

to pack a bunch of stuff.

Yeah, for sure.

And that's really what it is.

I would much rather you,

somebody who's looking to

improve their insulin sensitivity,

lose fat,

I would much rather you be under

than over as long as...

You're not seeing a huge

drop in your energy to

where it's causing anxiety or stress,

or it doesn't trigger a

huge binge response where

all of a sudden you're like starving.

Those are the two things to watch out for.

And I don't think either of

those things happen.

You are probably having

entirely too much fun.


And I was tired.

Like I fell asleep early.


When you're trudging through

a foot of sand all day,

like you're whooped and the

sun was blazing hot and not

a cloud in the sky.

So it was a beautiful day, but man,

it just took it out of me.


How about your workouts?

I know obviously this

weekend was trudging and

all that kinds of stuff.

Yesterday was a rest day.

Did you end up working out today?

So at lunch, I just lifted.

It's been a stressful day.

So I just, I went to 185 on my clean,

which is the most I've gone

to in a very long time.


And just kept cleaning until I felt good.

And then I'll probably go

out and do like a zone two

something tonight.

I think that honestly, Scott, for you,

I know that getting to the

gym right now has been very challenging.

it might be good for you for

maybe the next two weeks

until the games look like, all right,

let's do like a Monday

monostructural type thing.

Tuesday, lift.


some kind of a conditioning thing.

Thursday, maybe lift.

Friday, maybe conditioning thing.

Saturday and Sunday,

rest or go do things with

your wife and take the

weekend off and kind of do

the same thing next week.

That might be the best thing for you.

Yeah, it felt good to lift.

I just haven't even tried to

go heavy on a lift.

I know 185 doesn't sound heavy,

but it is the heaviest I've

gone in a long time.

Well, listen, again,

that's why we're changing

direction of the show.

We can all relate, myself included,

to being like, wow,

this isn't really heavy,

but it feels heavy today.

As I was talking about those

squat cleans at 95 pounds,

I used to be able to easily

do Elizabeth 21-15-9 and

squat cleans and ring dips

in like three and a half

minutes unbroken.

And I'm like doing sets of

10 yesterday at that weight.

And I'm like, this feels so heavy,

but I haven't been able to

lift heavy in a very long time.

So that is relatively heavy

right now for me.

So I get it though.

It doesn't, it does.

You always feel like you

have to kind of reason with yourself.


It was just a while.

So I think that, yeah,

getting you back into some

strength progressions would be good.

Maybe post, we won't start anything now,

but maybe after you get

back from the games.

you can maybe, I'm sure it's Christie,

if you're gonna go back to the gym,

getting you into like a squat,

like they're always doing,

I think they're just starting a cycle,

but getting you squatting

again safely so that you don't, you know,

injure yourself again.

But I think that that's also,

this is a great time

As I mentioned that I wanted

the topic today really to

be just about consistency or chaos.

Now is not the time for you

to be making big changes.

You've got to travel plans in two weeks.

I think that the next two weeks, it's like,

let's just keep things consistent.

Let's keep focusing on the

actions that you're already doing.

and getting the reps built in.


and that's what a lot of people should

be doing at this time of year.

But while you're in that,

it's what's the next chapter look like?


Like after the games, you know, yes,

you're going to have the

masters coming up.

When is the masters again?

Labor Day weekend.

Well, I don't know when Labor Day is.

I can't remember.


Like the first day of September.


And is, is it, how many days is it?

Is it three days?

Uh, four.

OK, well, that's good.

I was going to say then we

can kind of look at, OK,

post games until then.

That's about three or four

weeks and we'll get some

progress made right for the games.

And then we do it again, you know,

and then we kind of have

like a little bit more of a

cadence and you have a

little bit more of a plan, you know,

because really, if you think about it,

if we start looking at this now, August,

September, October,

that'll give us 12 to 16

weeks before the holiday season.

Can you guys believe that

that I'm already saying that?

August, September, October is 12 weeks.

So we're looking at about 16

weeks of being able to

really kind of put some

work in and then take

another little break.

You know,

that's part of life and where

you're just coasting again through chaos.

So just to recap some things,

we are taking a couple

weeks off to revamp the show.

We're looking for your input.

We want it to be more

community-driven with some

things we can do together as a community.

We want it to include everybody's journey,

not just mine and Cheryl's,

but we want everybody to join in on that.

And with that...


and we'll come back in a couple weeks

with a new name, a new show, same people,

same supportive group,

and just keep on pushing.

All right, guys.

And just so you know,

Cheryl and I are not taking a break.

Her and I are still going to

meet every week through this break.


As we're going,

it's just the show that's taking a break,

revamping so we can just

kind of modify it and make it fit better.

And even scheduling wise so

that our check-in is before the show.



Scott's check-in guys every

week is on Thursdays.

So normally I do my client

check-ins on Sunday, Monday or Wednesday,



um he normally gets his

check-in notes and I'll

usually review things and

we have some things to talk

about on our call and then

going into this week for

the show yeah yeah so we

want to flip it because

right now it's we do the

show then the check-in we

want it to be the check-in

then the show so with that

uh corey we we are on a break

Yeah, I started reading the comments,

which is never a good thing

because we could be on here

for another hour just

watching what Jake has to

say and Heidi and Jodi and Judy,

all of them.


And, and just, you know,

we want it to be more,

we want it to have a topic every week too,

that we talk about and we

want to keep the fun.

We want like what your favorite foods are,

the nostalgia of Galad and

Billy Blanks and Corey

Everson and all of that stuff.

We want to keep all that fun

stuff in the show.

We just want to have,

we want it to be more

community driven and we

want it to have a topic

every week and more focused on everybody.

Yeah, what I'll probably end up doing,

and we can end on this,

is have Scott and I put out

every single week on our

Instagram stories.

So if you don't follow us, follow us,

which you guys got to be

following us on Instagram.

Come on now.

It's like a Q&A so that if

you guys have listener questions,

we can make sure we're

getting those answered too.

And if you guys have

specific things about nutrition, fitness,

training, skills, life, whatever,

or any topics that you want

us to talk about,

How come they ain't talking about this?

Like, bring it up.

We want to talk about it.

And here's an idea.

If you have something you

did awesome in the gym and

you have video of it,

send it to us and we'll

share it on the show.

Oh, I would love that.

I love it.

Like a PR or just something

you did that made you feel

good that week.


We can,

we can cheer on everybody in the crowd.

Can we share our own PRs too, Scott?

We can.

Let's like, let's do that too.

I love this.

I'm like getting so super

excited for this.

That's how we want it to be

more community.

We'll share our stuff still.


You guys to share too.


I'm just going to just comment, Jake,

you can totally ask your

men's health issues for sure.

And I will be honest with you.


If I don't have the answer,

I will be honest with you and tell you,

I don't have the answer and

I will make sure that I get

you the answer.

So, and yeah,

Yeah, that's it.

We'll leave it at that.

Like Denise is going to be

at the CrossFit Games and

on Labor Day weekend in the

65 plus and I'll be

shooting video of her.

So we'll have that to share

on the show as well.

That's awesome.

I'm excited for all.


I can't wait to see some of the games


So Chad, thousand step ups for time.

Yeah, I don't know if you heard,

but we got full

behind-the-scenes access at

the Masters CrossFit Games.

So we're going to be

covering that behind the scenes,

interviewing Denise.


And Jamie, and Jamie Hygieia,

and Becca Voigt, and Val Robrel,

who made it to the Games this year,

and all those super cool athletes.

All the OGs, yeah.

Can I just do a little tangent here?

For all my ladies in the chat, Jake,

you can...

take this as you will.

I know you're talking about

men's hormones and all that.

I made a podcast episode or

I did a metabolism masterclass.

And a lot of you ladies are

in that listen to this are

in your forties and fifties.

Next time somebody tells you,

you should stop doing

CrossFit because it's bad

for your hormones.

I want you to,

the only reason I'm saying

this is I want you to think

about people like Denise

that are 65 plus the, the valve overalls,


the Rebecca voids that have been

doing CrossFit for years.

And they don't have the

problems because CrossFit

is not bad for your hormones.

All right.

So like there is a lot of good things.

That was my only last tangent.

So next time you are getting

told that CrossFit is bad for you,

think about those women out

there and also think about

the other things that might

be impacting your hormones

that are not related to

CrossFit that those ladies

probably have dialed in.

So that was my only other tangent.

As I said,

it's going to be a show about everything.


so with that shoot us a dm

if you have ideas for the

show um shoot us an idea if

you have questions and

again we wanna we wanna

celebrate everybody on this

show not just cheryl and I

and we're gonna have a good

time doing that we just

need to reinvent it come up

with new slides new

backdrops new music the

whole bit uh and it'll be a

fresh new clean version of

what we have here

in just a few weeks because

the games are two and a

half weeks away with that.

Thank you so much for joining us.

Thank you, chat.

You are always awesome.

You make this show what it is.

And that's why we want to

include you more and more

and more with that.

We'll see everybody next

time on whatever we call this show.

But for now,

the Clydesdale media weight loss journey.

Bye guys.