The Estherpreneur

Join me this week as I share a timely and urgent message in today's episode of The Estherpreneur.  This episode touches on the spiritual preparations necessary for the trials ahead. I discuss the sense of urgency that has been placed on my heart, hinting at the spiritual fortitude required for the upcoming season. Learn about the proactive steps we can take to ensure our faith and our business practices are resilient and aligned with divine wisdom.

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This episode is a call to awaken, prepare, and stand firm. It’s crafted to ignite reflection and action, equipping you to navigate upcoming challenges with grace and strength.

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Let’s embrace these challenges not just with fear, but with a spirit of power and love. Share your thoughts and how this episode impacts your path forward. Together, we can illuminate our corners of the world with faith and action. 

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Join me, Edna Harding, on a journey through spiritual growth, personal development, and entrepreneurial insight, where Timeless Wisdom meets Timely Methods in every episode. 

For more information on our services, visit Favor and Wealth.

What is The Estherpreneur?

The Estherpreneur is a weekly chat about doing business and life God’s way. Join your host, Edna Harding as she offers biblical strategies and practical applications to improve your mind, business, spirit, relationships, and finances. Listen along as she talks with guests on how to thrive in all areas of life. Edna is a Wife, Mother, Growth Strategist, Author, Minister, Certified Maxwell Business Consultant and Executive Coach, an accredited Master Mindset Coach, and Speaker whose message of hope, truth, and wisdom reaches people all around the world.

Edna Harding [00:00:02]:
Well, good morning, everybody. Good afternoon. Good evening. Thank you for tuning in to the Entrepreneur podcast. This is Edna Harding, speaking from Madison, Alabama. That's right. Our family spent last week traveling to Alabama. Took us about 4 days.

Edna Harding [00:00:23]:
We got here Friday night. Our stuff got here on Monday. And so, definitely, it's been a challenging past couple weeks getting ready for the move, but I am currently right now up and early, well, before the kids kids start school today, and husband's sleeping. So it's early, early in the morning. So, hopefully, you guys can still hear me as I'm not speaking too loud. But, anyway, I wanted to come on here because I felt an urgency from the Holy Spirit about warning my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ about this upcoming season. And when I say upcoming season, I'm talking about this fall. And I know for the most part, if you guys have listened to my podcast episodes in the past, it's always been an episode filled with hope, joy, peace, blessings, favor, all that good stuff.

Edna Harding [00:01:27]:
But I feel like, especially these pa this past week, as I've been seeking the Lord and just meditating on his word, I feel like this coming season, there is going to be a lot of persecution. That's what I'm hearing in my spirit. Now I'm hoping I'm wrong. But if this is truly what's about to happen, I have to do my part as a watchman on the wall, as a prophetic voice in the marketplace, as a daughter of God, and as a sister in Christ to warn you guys and prepare you for this upcoming storm. And, again, this is not something that I want to first share, especially from an episode, especially if I took a break. I want it to be filled with, you know, hope. And not to say that there's no hope, but I'm saying that you need to be prepared. The Bible says, be wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove.

Edna Harding [00:02:30]:
And so this is a time where I want you to put on your wise as a serpent hat. Okay? So but before I begin, I wanna go ahead and pray and welcome the Holy Spirit that he will ignite our hearts. And, father god, thank you, lord. I thank you for this message that you have given me. I pray, oh god, that as I speak, that it's not me who's speaking, but it's you, holy spirit, flow through me. I ask you, Lord, to give us wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. Give us insight to what's about to come, and prepare your people as we, I guess, get ready for this storm, Lord God. You are good such a good father that you prepare us for what's happening.

Edna Harding [00:03:16]:
And I thank you, Lord God, that as I speak, your words will be confirmed. We love you. We honor you. We thank you, Lord, for all these things in Jesus' name. Amen. Alright. For those of you guys who are new, welcome. I know this is not that's not really what you wanna hear.

Edna Harding [00:03:38]:
But, right now, I wanted to say that I just want I I just feel like the Lord wants me to encourage us that don't have fear. Don't be afraid. Just be ready. Okay? So, again, over the past couple weeks, I have been urged to pray, and pray in the spirit that is, and really fast also, which I didn't always fast because, honestly, it's been rough with the move with the kids traveling on the road, being on air mattresses. Like, it was not fun. Staying in hotel for 1 night, leaving again for the next day is just every night. We did that for about a week. And so now we're in the middle of unpacking.

Edna Harding [00:04:26]:
And then if you guys are part of my, if you are part of my, sorry, my my episode for not my episode. My newsletter. Sorry, guys. The newsletter. You saw an email from me regarding or a note from me talking about transitions and in between transitions from where you were to where you're going, but you're stuck in the in between. And so if you're not part of my newsletter, I want you guys to go to my website,, and then click on the newsletter button and subscribe because that's a way for me to communicate what's going on with me, but also what's going on in the marketplace. Anyhoo, I'm saying all of this, that during that time of seeking the Lord, I feel like God God has been really warning the church about what's happening. People are living nonchalant, thinking that everything is the same old, same old, not really being alert.

Edna Harding [00:05:29]:
They're asleep in their suburb. They're not preparing themselves spiritually, 1st and foremost, but also physically, emotionally, and mentally for what's to come. And so this episode is just that, is I'm gonna give you guys some insights on how to do that, but also to kinda share with you what the Lord has put on my heart. Today, you know, if you if you look at what's going on around us, it's obvious that we're living in a time of darkness. And so I I want to give you guys some insights in how to stand firm in the face of persecution and adversity, not just within our church walls, but extending it into our business practices as well. Now there's a scripture that says, blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Now these words from Matthew 510 reminds us of the promise and the challenge that lies ahead. Now when it says for theirs is the kingdom of heaven, I want to make it very clear that the kingdom of heaven isn't just heaven going to heaven when we die.

Edna Harding [00:06:38]:
The kingdom of heaven is a way of living, a way of governing our daily lives, utilizing principles and laws and rights, from the kingdom, meaning from God. Okay? So even though we are in this world, we're not of this world, if that makes sense. So we operate in a different dynamic. The problem is a lot of the body of Christ don't know how to operate in that sense because they are being led by what they see in the natural versus what they see in the spirit. And a lot of people don't know how to see in the spirit. And this is a skill that is needed, especially these next you know, I don't know when Jesus is going to come. I'm not saying he's coming right now, but I'm saying it's soon because times and times are getting more difficult. Even going to the grocery, this past week when we got here on Friday, I noticed that there wasn't that many options, that the food was very limited.

Edna Harding [00:07:41]:
And even the food that was coming in Madison here, like, where you could see the fruits and vegetables, it didn't look real. It looked like it was not the typical fruit. I feel like I don't know. There's something that I cannot point out. But even the food source, make sure you guys are praying for your food because I feel like there is something demonic going on. And that's not what this episode is about, but I just want you guys to be alert. Even with your food, the things we're putting in our body, it looks like it's man made. Like, it doesn't look like the real fruits, you know, coming from Hawaii, coming from the islands.

Edna Harding [00:08:19]:
You know? And also, like, even, like, shopping at, like, organic places, even the things that are labeled organic does not look organic anymore. Anyway, I'm not here to try it though, but I'm just saying there is something off. Okay. So today, we're gonna unpack the layers of persecution and provide you with 5 biblically grounded strategies to not only endure but also thrive in adversity. So whether you're a business owner, a leader, or a believer striving to integrate your faith into every aspect of your life, this decision and this discussion and this episode is for you. It's a decision because my job is to inform. Your job is to decide whether this is something that you're gonna take as instructions for the lord, or you're gonna ignore it. Okay? Okay.

Edna Harding [00:09:15]:
So number 1. At first, I want you guys to understand what persecution is from a biblical perspective perspective. Okay? Because first, persecution is not a stranger to the faithful. It's not. It's nothing new. Persecution is not a stranger to the faithful. K? The early Christians in acts face immense persecutions, not just socially, but economically. They were often shunned from markets and business opportunities.

Edna Harding [00:09:45]:
How many of you guys are believers and have experienced that time and time again in a marketplace? Like, you do the right things, but you can never seem to get ahead. And the ones that don't have pure hearts are the ones that are getting ahead. Well, welcome to the club, guys. That is the area the arena, the time that we live. K? Now I want to say that this historical context isn't just a tale of survival, but it's a flourishing through adversity. Most of the people in that you see that prospered, especially if they're well known believers, not well known believers, meaning well known believers according to the kingdom of heaven, not to the world standards. A lot of them, when they make it, they can share years years years of trials and tribulations that they had to overcome to get them to a place up to where they are now. It comes with a price.

Edna Harding [00:10:42]:
It comes with a test. And and it's not because God is doing it. It's because the enemy doesn't want his people to prosper, especially, in times like this, because he knows that we're gonna use the wealth that God gives us to help those who need it versus the people who have the wealth now, who are only thinking about their themselves and their families and their personal gains versus the world as a whole. When he created business, when God created business, I'm gonna talk about Satan. When God created business, when God created, systems, it was always about his body. It was always about the church. It was always about his family, taking care of those who are forgotten, like the widows, the orphans. Right? Those in need.

Edna Harding [00:11:35]:
It's not to just build our bank account and to take care of our own pocket. It's to take care of the greater good. But in the wrong hands, in the world's hands, it's the opposite. It's about them, them, greed, selfishness, deception, all that fun stuff. More power. Right? So as we reflect on these stories that I'm about to share, and they just think about those times that people prospered, like Joseph, like Daniel, like all those people. Think about all the things they had to go through. And I want you to draw those specific parallels to modern challenges in business, where standing for ethical, when I say ethical, meaning righteousness, and truth and faith based decisions are sometimes, led to boycotts, backlash, or even legal troubles.

Edna Harding [00:12:30]:
Okay? And if you've dealt with that, and, you know, there are probably a lot of stories and of course the media, I'm not gonna talk about the media, but the media is not of God. Meaning, the media wants to show the successes of the world, not the church. And they wanna make it seem like they're light, but they're actually darkness. Okay? Disguising themselves as light. Alright. I gotta be moved quick because time is ticking. So, scripture offers more than just accounts of hardship. Right? It provides a blueprint for perseverance.

Edna Harding [00:13:06]:
Perseverance is needed in this time. If you haven't persevered yet, get ready because this is a time where the body of Christ needs to be stronger than ever. And I want you to consider Daniel in the lion's den, which is a great epitome of integrity in the workplace. His unwavering adherence to his faith, meaning his convictions to what his principles, to his values, even when laws were manipulated against him, showcases the power of steadfast faith and built it on that building and business practices today. Okay? So today, I wanna share 5 practical ways to stand firm because that is a word I'm hearing for the body of Christ this hour is stand firm. Okay. Number 1, in order for you to stand firm, you need to be rooted in the word. Start every business decision with prayer and consultation of scripture.

Edna Harding [00:14:13]:
You need to ask God, what do you say about this situation? Because there are going to be times coming where you have to make a decision. K? You need to make sure that every practice and every principle that you follow and every law that you follow lines up with the word of God. And if it doesn't if it doesn't, and I feel that strongly from the holy spirit, don't do it. And he will back you up. He will take care of you. But he cannot take care of you if you're a child of God and you are following the systems of the world, especially if it goes against his word. And I don't know what that's gonna look like, but I sense it. I feel like it's gonna be bad.

Edna Harding [00:15:00]:
And so I want you guys to instead of pleasing man, please god. And if they're making you implement things that goes against god's word, don't do it regardless of the consequences. And I really know I know that's a hard part as well. I know that that's not something you wanna hear, especially if your livelihood is involved, especially if you're taking care of your family. Get it, girls, guys. I understand. Like, I get it. Like, I can't imagine because we I feel like the church had especially modern day church has never really experienced what especially in the States, United States.

Edna Harding [00:15:38]:
They haven't really experienced what a lot of the Christians around the world are experiencing because they stand up for truth, because they stand up for righteousness, and they don't cower down. K. The Lord says to be courageous, and I feel like this is something that we need to really hone in our spirit, that we need to be courageous during these times and stand up for the truth no matter what the cost. K. Because the Lord will sustain you even through adversity. And what this habit will do is it will fortify you against ethical drift and guide you in integrity because a righteous man availeth much. The prayers of a righteous man availeth much. And if you when righteousness, by the way, means standing, right according to the word of God, meaning your lifestyle doesn't go against the word of God.

Edna Harding [00:16:34]:
When you're praying and you're not and you're doing things against the word of God, he will not answer you, meaning he cannot answer you because he cannot lie. So if you want your prayers answered, you need to make sure that you're in right standing with the governance of God. So number 1, you need to know the word. Number 2, you need a community and you need a network. You know, just as the early church relied on community for support, modern Christian entrepreneurs should forge networks that foster, right, biblical business practices and provide mutual support during trials. If you are a lone wolf ranger, this is not a time to do that. You need to get involved and connected with a Christian, meaning not just label, but real lifestyle, a network that practices biblically sound doctrine. Okay? If you need 1, JCCEOs is one of them.

Edna Harding [00:17:34]:
That's the one I'm, a part of. I I'm one of the board members there. If you need one, that is a great one. Trust me. There's a lot of Christian organizations that's only labeled Christian, but their practices are worthy. And I'm not here to bad mouth them. I'm here to encourage you to ask the Holy Spirit to lead you to the right network because you need a network. I'm also part of another one.

Edna Harding [00:18:00]:
They don't really have a name for it, but it's basically apostles in the marketplace. And these are, you know, people that I'm connected with and that we don't communicate all the time. But when times are challenging, we definitely do. And we keep people in the loop. And I also have a prayer group that I started, with a couple friends of mine that are really strong, powerful prayer warriors in the marketplace. And we're seeing what's coming. My point is, you cannot do this alone. You have to be connected, whether if it's in the church, whether if it's outside the church, but meaning outside of the four walls, you need especially business people.

Edna Harding [00:18:35]:
I'm telling you, I am telling you right now, you cannot do this alone. Okay? Number 3, you need transparent communication. In time of persecution, clear, honest communication is pivotal. Okay? You need to communicate what's going on with you. You cannot keep it to yourself. You need to have trusted advisors, whether if it's business, counseling, whatever legal people that dines up with the word of God. This is not the time to get worldly counsel. Did you hear me? This is not a time to hire someone because of their well known name in the marketplace.

Edna Harding [00:19:22]:
This is not a time. This is a time when you need to be led by the spirit of God to hire advisors that line up with what's going on in the in the word of God, number 1. Number 2, who knows what's going on and can discern times. K? So I want you to be upfront, number 1, especially and I'm gonna encourage you, silent Christians. Those who are business owners that own businesses and have a team and have established businesses, and you're basically a closet Christian. You don't show to the people about your values. You don't pray in public because of whatever political, whatever it is, like rules, regulations. This is not a time to be a coward.

Edna Harding [00:20:08]:
This is a time to let your people know. Hey, guys. We are going we're going through some challenging times right now, but I want you to know that I am a a a Christian. I believe in Jesus Christ. I believe in prayer. And even though you don't have the same faith as me, I encourage you guys to pray with me right now for what's going on in our industry, in our business. We're gonna pray for our families. We're gonna pray for protection.

Edna Harding [00:20:34]:
We're gonna pray for angels. Be bold. Don't hide who you are, Even in a place where not everyone accepts your faith. You have so many people being bold about so many other things, you know, their beliefs, their, you know, their religion, their views on even just gender. Like, it's crazy. So why are you hiding? Stop hiding. Get out of the basket and shine your light. Number 4, innovative adaptation.

Edna Harding [00:21:06]:
You know, like Paul Taylor and his approach to each city business must adapt without compromising on their core values. That means diversifying your products or services, or finding new markets that respect your values. So you may have to pivot. So in these times, you may have to change your product, your services. You might have to change the group that you're working with. You might have to change some stuff, but be led by the spirit of God. If he's telling you to move your stocks from one thing to another, just do it. Don't especially if you're being led by the Lord, especially for seeking him first.

Edna Harding [00:21:46]:
Don't ignore those promptings because he may be preparing you for the upcoming crash. He may be telling you to pull out. He may be telling you to purchase certain things instead of certain things, because this is a time of well transfer. Yes. And well transfer. Isn't just a saying that you're saying, just to keep please people's ears. I mean, you hear to talk about that. I'm talking about the real wealth because God wants to preserve his people, but he will only preserve people who have pure hearts and who have righteous hands.

Edna Harding [00:22:17]:
He's not gonna prosper the wicked. Okay. And so my point is you need to listen to the instruction. You need to ask the Holy Spirit. What do you want me to do with all of my assets and follow his leading and obey his leading? Okay. And number 5, advocacy and legal wisdom. You need to equip yourself with legal legal knowledge and advocacy. Understanding your rights and having wise legal counsel can protect your business and your mission.

Edna Harding [00:22:37]:
So again, I I emphasize this enough. I feel like there are, laws and regulations that are gonna be passed on in the future. Not maybe not now, maybe later on, but you need to have legal wise counsel when I say wise according to biblical standards. I'm not talking about according to worldly standards. I'm talking about people who knows the worldly systems, but also knows the systems of God and will prioritize the systems of God over the systems of the world. Does that make sense? Alright. So those are 5 ways to stand firm in times of persecution. As we wrap up, remember that persecution, while daunting, is also a platform for testimony and growth.

Edna Harding [00:23:31]:
This is a good this is a a good time for the church. I know I said a lot of bad things, but this is a good time for the church because this is a time where the real church is going to shine. Okay? You know, our faith, our belief systems, our values, who we are, our character will really, especially, you know, when lived out, when we apply it is a powerful witness in a marketplace. I'm telling you, you know, in the midst of darkness, a little tiny light people can see. So when things are going on around the world and they see you, well, how, regardless of how small you are, don't despise your small beginning. So despise your size, your influence. People need light, especially now. I wanted to say that it's really a powerful witness in the marketplace.

Edna Harding [00:24:27]:
You're really gonna bring glory to Jesus even in your area of influence, regardless of how big or small it is. So I want you to equip yourselves. I want you to prepare. I want you to stand firm. You know, these biblical principles are not just spiritual. They are profoundly practical for our business today. Well, I hope that encourage you. I hope that is something that ignites your your hunger to thirst for God's ways, for God's sovereignty, for God's instructions, because we need it, guys.

Edna Harding [00:25:05]:
We really need it. And if this is something that you really want to, you know, learn more about and something that you want to oh, by the way, I forgot to talk about my community. I do have a online community that I will be starting soon, hopefully, maybe in September, just to give me time in August. But, go to my website, fave and Click on group coaching. If you are interested in joining a spirit led business community, please apply. It's very affordable. It's only 2.50 a month, compared to the other ones out there.

Edna Harding [00:25:47]:
And I'm telling you that every aspect of my business, every aspect of my programs is based on the word of God, based on the prompting of the Holy Spirit and based on the instruction of God. And so you're in good hands. But if you join my community and any other community, again, be led by the spirit of God. Okay? Alright. So, I thank you for joining us. Let's continue to build our lives and our business on the rock that is Christ. And remember that no storm or adversity will move us. God bless you all as you navigate this journey.

Edna Harding [00:26:25]:
And, again, I'm praying for you. Keep shining, my friends. K? Keep shining, my friends. I do wanna sorry. I feel like the holy spirit wants me to share a few things more. Sorry. I was about to end, but I wanna share Psalms 19105. It says, your word is a lamp to for my feet, a light on my path.

Edna Harding [00:26:48]:
K? That scripture, 1 Psalm 1 and 19105, especially in darkness, you need that light. K. And it says feet, meaning you can't see the whole path ahead, but you could see the next step. So I want you to think minimal. I want you to think little steps. He might not give you the whole route. He might not give you the whole plan, but he'll give you the next step. Okay? And so I feel like that's important right now.

Edna Harding [00:27:23]:
That is something that's really needed for the body of Christ is that you don't try to figure it all out. You figure out what's the next step that you need to do to prepare your family, to prepare your business, to prepare your your your team, your employees, and your customers for what's to come. Alright? Well, I hope that helped my friends. Again, God bless you guys. Thank you guys for joining me today, and just know that you are loved by an everlasting God. God bless you guys. Take care. Have a good one.

Edna Harding [00:27:54]:
Bye bye.