Clydesdale Media Podcast

We catch up with Legend Jamie Hagiya who has not only qualified for the North America West Semifinal but has already punched her ticket to the CrossFit Games in the 35-39 year old division. What was her goal coming into the season, how surpised is she that she is here and what happens if she qualifies both ways.  Plus what are her thoughts about where women's basketball is heading.

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

I was born to kill it.

I was meant to win.

I am down and willing,

so I will find a way.

It took a minute,

now it didn't happen right away.

When it get hot in the kitchen,

you decide to stay.

That's how a winner's made.

Stick a fork in a hater.

What is going on, everybody?

Welcome to the Clydesdale Media Podcast,

where we're featuring the

athletes of the 2024

CrossFit Games Semifinals.

And I'm so pumped to have

with me CrossFit OG, Jamie Heggia.


Hi, how are you?

Thank you so much for having me.

Yeah, yeah.

I'm super excited to have you on.

I've been a fan for a very long time.

And I have to start this off

with a little story.

You were covering,

you were on the broadcast

for the Granite Games a couple years ago.


I was on the field getting

post interviews just like you,

but I never picked the same

people you do.

But I do that.

And there was a point where

you were demoing what the rope climb was.

You literally dropped your

mic and pulled the biggest

baller move I've ever seen

and did the legless right

there in street clothes.

Yeah, my broadcast team,

the producers and everybody was like,


why don't you get up there and show them?

You can do it.

And that's part of the cool

part of being a broadcast

and you're a former athlete.

You understand the movements.

You know how to do things.

And I was like, yeah, I can do that.

And so then I kind of just dropped it down,

went to the top, touched it.

And I was like, oh, that was fine.

That was so fun.

And yeah, the crowd was kind of like, whoa,

is she broadcast?

Is someone on there that

shouldn't be on the field?

But yeah, it was a super fun time.

And it went right up to the

start of the event.

And I think like people were afraid,

is she going to be able to

pull this off in the time

before the start?

And there was a lot of this tension,

but true OG killed it.

Oh, thank you.

So, again, super excited to have you on.

And another reason is I'm a

big-time sports fan, right?

So women's basketball has

made a huge surge in the

last couple years.


When I Google you,

you don't come up Jamie Hygieia CrossFit.

You come up Jamie Hygieia

USC basketball player.

yeah that was my background

before I started playing at

the age of four so I've

grown up my whole entire

life and that was my like

first love um it was my

dream to play in college

one day but everyone told

me I was too short I was I

wasn't good enough and I

never played division one

um and I you know love

being an underdog and I was

like okay great like I'm

gonna show you guys and so

I ended up getting a one

full ride to the University

of Southern California it

was one of the most

life-changing things that

has ever happened to me um

and to this day like yeah

it's like I I can't believe

I still talk to my

teammates and and you know

with the rise of women's

basketball it's just

absolutely incredible

especially at USC at this

time Juju Watkins I'm sure

you've seen her play um

yeah but just incredible

for the game in general and

um yeah and that was my

first love so always will be a fan

Does it surprise you that

that's still like the label

that Google has on you?


I mean, it was a million years ago.

Like I'm like, this is like 20,

like I Oh three to Oh seven.

I was there.

So that was so long ago.

And, but yeah, I mean,

I I'm surprised I'm even on the internet.

I don't know why, but, but yeah,

for any reason, I guess that's great.

I like, I love basketball.

I'm always like an advocate

for women in sports and

just the game in general.

So happy to be on there.

So this year,

I admittedly watched way more

of the women's tournament

than I did the men's tournament.


It was way more exciting.


When you finished basketball

to play professionally,

you had to go overseas, right?

I did.

My best friend and my teammate,

Shay Murphy, was an All-American.

She was drafted in the WNBA.

But before that, she played.

And then in the fall,

you go play overseas.

And so one of her agents got

her a deal in Greece.

And so then he set up three

of our teammates to go play in Greece.

And we had a fantastic time over there.


Was it just like continuing

college overseas,

like studying abroad almost?

Kind of, yeah.

It's so funny.

I think you'll understand.

Any sports person will understand.


the craziest thing is Spanish

is a little bit easier to pick up.

I'm from Southern California, LA,

so we hear it a little bit more Greek.

never, like it is so difficult to read,

to speak.

And so, you know,

we're out there on the floor and, and it,

basketball is a universal language,

you know,

I guess kind of like CrossFit is

a universal language,

a snatch is a snatch, you know,

like a crossover, a jump shot.

And, and so, yeah,

it was like a really great experience,

the food, the people,

just being able to go over

there to play the game I

love so much and extend my

life as an athlete and to

get paid for it.

I was like, this is a dream.

So yeah, it was definitely a good,

good time.

So with this resurgence or

the surgence of women's basketball,

the WNBA has so few teams

that it's still like we're

not to the point where the

great athletes are getting

rewarded and able to play

here in the States.

How long do you think it'll

take for expansion to grab

hold and move that needle

forward a little bit more?

I think the great thing is

it's happening right now.

There's teams that are

signing up for the 2025 season.

They're getting it together.

And deservedly so.

There are so many talented

women that are getting cut

and not being able to play

that have to go play

overseas or that should be on a roster.

But because there's only 12 spots,

And there's so many veterans

that are still playing.

Diana Taurasi, one of the best of all time,

is still, you know what I mean?

It's so cool to see her playing.

But you're literally,

these are all Olympians, world champions,

NCAA champions.

That's the only people that make a roster.

So these are all all-star

teams every single game you go to.

Jameen Alderson,

my favorite CrossFitter ever.

Oh, thank you.

And fellow D1 baller.

Yes, yes, yes.

We love it for the CrossFit ballers.

So my last basketball question is,

you know, Juju is huge right now.


I think NIL is actually

saving women's basketball.

Oh, hands down.

I mean, you know, it's like, like, finally,

there is a time and okay, look,

I went to my the same year

I went in was the same year Reggie Bush,

we were freshmen at the same time.

And so you know,

the whole thing came in and you know,

like, and you know, whatever happened,

like a house or whatever he got,

but I was like,

everyone's doing this across the country,

they give us a stipend to live in LA,

which barely covers our rent.

How do you expect all these kids to like,

to live you know groceries

like to get around gas

everything and so I'm happy

that you know now they can

focus on and like have like

have support so that they

don't have to worry about

that they can just go out

and play the game they love

and make the money that

they deserve yeah so so

with usc having juju and

you being an alma on alumni

how do you get to go to games much

Oh yeah.

A lot of our teammates went

to them and Lindsay

Gottlieb is a head coach

now and she is amazing.

She's such an advocate for

all the alumni to come back.

We, um, honor the 84, 83,

84 champion national

championship team with Cheryl Miller.

And so all of them came back and, um,

and yeah,

we were all getting season

tickets and they invite us

to all these house of victory,

like NIL events just to support the team.

And they're really great

about bringing an alum.

Like USC is huge on networking and, and,


an alumni so it's really

yeah been such a great

experience to be still

connected with them one of

all colleges like usc seems

to embrace legacy like so

much and all the former

players back you know even

for football you see like

all the players on the

sidelines supporting the

team all the time do you

feel that as a female

basketball player as well

Yeah, I mean,

they had a night where they

honored all of us.

They brought us out at halftime.

And they're really realizing, like,

this is a big deal to

recognize the people that came before us.

You know,

women's basketball is on fire right now,

like you mentioned.

But they're like, you know,

it's all of us who played in front of,


400 people instead of 10,000 people.

You know what I mean?

It's amazing to see Galen

filled up with...

and sold out and lines out

the door three hours before.

But, um,

we had to play in the sports arena,

which was empty and they

had to cover half of the rafters.

So it didn't look so empty

and you know what I mean?

And it's just like,

and that doesn't matter.

That's, you know, I'm,

I'm happy to play even the

smallest little part to

help move the needle along.

Cause it really is the

future of all these women

that are taking it to the next level.


now I'm going to move on to your

CrossFit life,

but I had to hit that

because who better to

understand that than you?

Oh, love it.

So I'm going to share a post from your IG.

This was made a couple weeks ago,

I think now.

And it was you and your car

kind of just blown away in the moment.

And then we'll talk about this.

I unmute you.

Mind is like blown.


people are texting me and my coach

called me and was like, you're,

you're in the top.

You made the individual

North America West individual semifinals.

You're in the top 40.

I finished 39th and I'm like this,

that can't be right.

Like this can not, that's not right.

That's not right.

Like I'm not like,

it's not even a thought in

my mind that I would even do that.

Cause I'm trying to make the

age group 35 to 39, um,

top 200 to go to semifinals in.




I don't even know what to think.

Like if,

if I do make the individual semifinals,

like what it's here in Carson.

The last time I was there, um, was 2016.

The last year was at the

CrossFit games there.

And, uh, I don't know.

It's right down the street from my house.

Like it's in my backyard.

Do I go and try to compete

with these like 21 year olds?

It's crazy.


So there's a lot in that.


Yes, there is.

So you going into this season,

you were really focused on Masters.


I'm going to tell you the full story.

I had zero plans of competing.


I my last thing I ever did in

person was 2018 at the

CrossFit Games with my team.

And I retired and I was like, fantastic.

That was so great.

I went one time individual one time team.

I'm so good.

I got to do a little bit of

broadcast with them.

And I and I, you know, it was really good.

And my old coach, Matt Bryant,

one of my old coaches from grid league,

he, he's from

has his own golden line training team.

And so they came to my gym.

He was like, Hey Jamie, can we,

can we use your gym for an athlete camp?

And I was like, yeah, sure.

And he's like, jump in, you know,

you're welcome to join us.

And I was like, okay, great.

Jumped into their camp.

And then from there, he was like, you know,


if you want to make a run for masters

this year, like I'll help you,

I'll coach you.

And I was like, really?

Like, so, and just from there,

like little conversations

just started going and we

started training in November.

And from that,

somehow all this stuff happened.

Well, whatever happens seems to work.

Oh, he's amazing.

Corey Leonard says,

more like those

20-year-olds plan on competing with her.

Very nice of you.

That's very sweet.

So you surprisingly make the top 40.

yeah and at this moment the

penalties haven't even come

down like you're just kind

of wait because you even

say at the end like video

review still has to happen

right right and I know the

deal you know what I mean

like I know we submit

everything you have to wait

you have to see what

penalties come out um and

unfortunately there was a

lot this year um but you

know I had no intentions of

like I was just trying to

make it one I'm taking a

one thing at a time in the open I got my

I don't know if I'm out of cast.

I got my butt kicked in the

open and it was a big wake

up call for me to like, okay, cool.

If we're going to do this, let's do it.

Let's add an extra cardio session.

Let's take this very seriously.


I felt good.

And then, um, yeah.

And then from there they were like,

you made semis.

I was like, no, like what?

So yeah, I,

I really had no intentions and no, I mean,

that wasn't even on my radar at all.

So before we get to elite semis,

then as this is going on,

age group semis pop up and

you have to do those now, right?

Yeah, yeah.

So literally last weekend,

I finished the age group

semifinals to qualify for, you know,

unofficially, they take the top 40.

I'm in 21st or second or

something like that.

So unofficially,

I've made the crossfit

games for the age group.

But yeah,

that kind of the timing of isn't great.

It was literally last weekend.

You know,

I kind of had a meltdown this week,

because I literally got off

of that took a couple days

off and a week like on Thursday,

I was like,

I'm competing in person in

one week and I haven't tried.

I haven't tested.

I haven't done any of these

workouts that I'm going to do.

And you know,

my body's beat up and you know,

so it's just, it's been a lot,

but you know what?

I think it's just take it

one thing at a time and

just try to focus on the task at hand.

And that's kind of what we're going with.

That's all.

That's my only option.

It's funny because last year

I talked to Chelsea Nicholas,

who was in the same situation, right?

Like she qualified for both, did both.

And it felt like she never had a week off.


And I, and I mean, and we are older,


Like I'm 39.

Like I remember literally

watching China last year and I was like,

Oh man,

Olivia cursor was like 18 and

China was like 38 or so.

There was almost like a 20 year age gap,

you know, between the two of them.


and to think like to beat your body up

and do an extra set of

qualifiers in the middle

that has nothing to do with

what you're going to see in person,

like that.

that's a lot on our bodies.

You know what I mean?

But, but yeah, I mean,

you kind of just adapt and go with it.

And, you know, the plan right now is just,

you know, when I freaked out,

I talked to my coach and he's like, Jamie,

your experience, your athleticism,

like you're going to have

to just go in and trust

that because we're a week out.

Like, you know,

everybody's banged up at this point.

I have a little like nagging

injuries here and there.

And I was like,

I can't risk like beating

myself up more and getting

injured and going into next week.

He's like,

I'd rather send you healthy and

just go for it.

So that's what we're doing.


so this is going to be a

weird question because you're,

you're a competitor.

You've been an athlete your whole life,




You go into age group semis.

Is there any part of you that's like,

can I back off a little and

still make it and save my

body for the next phase?

Or do you have to say like,

this is the part I'm on and

this is where my attention has to be.


I mean, we really had to like,

there was four workouts and

like I had to repeat two out of the four.

Um, and you can,

you know, you just,

these women are so good.

Even in your age group,

these are the women that

have been competing for so

long and they're so talented and so fit.

Um, you really don't,

you can't mail it in at all.

So, you know, I definitely like pushed and,

um, yeah,

try to do the best that I could there.

And then we'll,

we'll see what happens next weekend.


so it's gotta be weird for you because


I looked at your Instagram

for your affiliate.

You're nine miles from the tennis stadium.

Oh yes.

And that was really the only

reason why I really was like,

gave it like real thought.

Cause I was like, it's in my backyard.

Like, and that's cool.

The last time I was there

was 2016 at the CrossFit games.

Like the very last year it

was here in Carson was my

first year making it.

And so I was like, it is down the street.

I get to sleep in my own bed.

I get to eat all my own food.

I have, you know what I mean?

Have my people in my corner

on my gym is down the street.

So that played a huge factor

into all of it.

How large of a contingent

will you have there?

Honestly, like as far as fans, like, Oh,

everyone is so supportive.

Like one of the guys at my

gym was literally, he was like, Jamie,

I just have to thank you for going.

I joined your gym in 20, the end of 2018.

So I missed all of like

Carson and all your years of competing.

And like,

we were planning on going anyways,

but now, you know,

that you'll be out there.

Like, like we're so excited.

And, and so I, like, I know like that,

that means so much to me to

have like my community and my people.

And like, again, like,

we could talk all day about

like the pressure of all

these things and going back

and you know what you know

what my goal is and what

all my thoughts are but you

know at the end of the day

like first or last or you

know what I mean in any

event like my my people my

team like they they love me

and support me and just

will be happy that I'm out

there so I can I can relate

in a way I go to christy

aramo o'connell's gym

Oh, love her too.


Oh, that's amazing.

I live here in Columbus.

The first year of Rogue was

here in Columbus.

She went just for the fact

so people could see her compete, right?


She's a huge fan favorite.

The contingent there that

the gym brought was so

massive and so special.

I can't even imagine what

it's going to be like for

you at semifinals.


I love you're presented by Thick Boy.

I have a shirt called Thick and Tired.

That's my really semi-final

shirt this year.

No notes.


And so, you know,

I think it's just like Del

Mar back in the day,

everybody like had so much fun and like,

you know, just rallying together and like,

oh, cool.

Like, you know,

let's all go and support

Jamie and like get behind her.

And and yeah, I didn't realize how big,

you know,

that or how much that means to

other people, I guess.

And so, yeah, it really blows me away.

All the support from

everybody like around the world, really.

So with every like really cool thing,

there's a flip side, right?

You're an affiliate owner,

nine miles from the semifinal.

Probably could be the

busiest weekend you have as

an affiliate owner.

Yes, totally.

And again, it's so funny.

I talked to Adam Klink,

he's from Rad Global, and he was like,

before any of this stuff came out,

he's like, Jamie,

we're wondering if we can host a,

you know,

just like a workout at your gym

on Saturday.

I'm like, yeah, sure.

Like, I'll be there.

I can help run it.

And then he's like, oh, you'll,

you'll be out there.

That's like, yeah, I will now.

Like, so my, you know,

my sister will have to help.

She's a counter with me.

And so,

And some of our other coaches will be here,

but yeah,

definitely like drop-ins and

running classes and,

and you know what I mean?

Just, and then, so it's,

it's a lot going on this way.

This week will be very busy.

And it's great that you have

all that support and you

have a partner in your

sister that runs the gym with you.

yeah totally uh yeah

everybody like we're so

like a good balance for

each other because she does

all like the business side

and finance she comes from

finance background and I'm

like oh yay and I love the

people and coaching and you

know uh so we're a good

balance for each other and

it's been um 11 years this

year so yeah this is our

gym we got the basketball

hoop over there that was

very important for me have

a really nice one


So you mentioned your shirt.

I'm going to pull it up.

One, it speaks to me.

I'm so bummed I didn't see this earlier.

I would have ordered one

because I love the saying on the back.

I just love it.


I mean,

I think it's like so on par with me.

Like I, you know, I, I, like,

I obviously love to work out.

I love to like, you know,

be in the grind of things,

but I also like,

there's such a balance and like,

having fun and enjoying it

is like so important to me

and like laughter and like, you know,

I'm making fun of myself.

Like I don't, I'm a thick girl.

I am 39 years old.

I'm a tire girl.

And it all, you know,

and it's just like a fun.

Everyone was like, Oh,

that's so you Jamie.

And I was like, okay, cool.

Yeah, totally.

Let's go with that.

So love it.

Love it so much.


so Corey Leonard says Jamie has a whole

vibe digging her outlook.

Oh, thanks.



If we can real quick,

just speak on perspective, you know,

I it's, it's weird.

I've always gone into semis

or these regionals, you know,

with the mindset of making

it like that has always

been the only focus of mine

is to make the CrossFit games.

You know what I mean?

And so.

to be one surprise to be going at all.

And, and then just in this situation,

I'm like, you know what?

And like,

I can't put that pressure on myself.

Like when I don't like,

I'm not really at that

level yet right now, you know?


and so I have to go with like where I'm

at and what I have and,

and just make the most of it.

I think the most important

thing for me is like to

walk away knowing I gave it

my best on every single

event and enjoy it,

like really be present for

like it being in Carson at

the tennis stadium.


And that,

that was actually my next question.

It's fun.

You're in media now.

So like you,

I don't even have to lead you.

You just go there.

And so it is just going to

be a soak in moment, right?


are you going to have to tell

yourself like, as you're out on the floor,

like just be present and just enjoy this.

and that's where it's so

hard this like balance of

like being so hard on

myself and expectations and

not wanting to let people

down and like and being a

competitor like no that's

not good enough to lose to

get no that's not great you

know what I mean but then

it's like was I ready for like

You know, that's why I had this,

I literally had a breakdown.

I was like, I feel so unprepared,

you know?

And it's just like, take a step back.

Like it's CrossFit, it should be fun,

you know?

And I get it,

like the pressure and like of all these,

you know,

young guys and girls that have

it of making the CrossFit games.

And so, yeah, I think for me,

it's going to be like,

enjoy this, like, whatever happens, like,

if I walk off, you know,

this out of that stadium,

knowing I gave it the best

effort I had for that day.


That's all I can ask of myself, you know,

so that's kind of my

mindset going into things.

And I told my coach, I was like,

maybe we don't even look at

the leaderboard.

Maybe I just go out there

and do the best I can take

it event by event.

And like, that's what it is, you know?

So my next question is for, for Jamie,

the media member.



Over the, over the last few years,

there have been people who

have de-emphasized what the

CrossFit season is to them.

Like IE Ariel Lowen,

just want to get a sign for my garage.


And then now she's the third

fittest woman in the world.

Is there something to like

taking all that pressure

off of your shoulders that

leads to better performance?

I will let you know after next weekend.

Um, no, I do.

I do agree.

I think, um,

when you feel the stress and the pressure,

like some people thrive in

it and some people crumble from it,

you know?

And, um, and I mean the best of the best,

like they love it and they

thrive off of it, you know?

And, and for me,

it's just been such a long time.

I've been out of the game.

I took a six year retirement and I'm like,

that's why part of this

journey was just like,

I want to see what I'm still made of,

like what I still have left in me.

And, um,

and like some of the proudest

moments of just in training is just like,

it's hard.

It sucks.

It's hard.

And, and just the mental of like,

you can do this, you can do this.

And I will be saying that

over and over and over again,

all next weekend, um, when I'm in, in,

in it and that red line, um,

right at that capacity.

But yeah, I do feel like, um,

taking the pressure off

that's what's so weird I

have no pressure on me like

if I do better than last

place like whoo like

everyone will be so excited

you know but I do have this

because I've been there

before like this like

pressure on myself which I

need to like let go of and

and that's my main goal

like comp like I want to

compete with complete

freedom would be amazing


I think what was interesting

last year is China makes it right.

We had what Jen Ryan, Chelsea, China,

like a lot of athletes from

the master's division made

it to semis and like China was top 20.

She's incredible.

It really,

some of that came like there was

no pressure on her this year.




When you take it,

I think that does like when

you take it all off of yourself,

like you get to go out

there and you earned it.

Like you've earned all these

years that you've like,

that's why everyone's like

trust the process, trust,

like your body trusts,

like the competitor in you, you know?

And that's,

what'll be interesting this time around.

I've always tested out the workouts,

you know,

before going and to be a week out,

not there's still some that

I haven't even done because

my body can't handle it.

You know,

Alethea Boone's another great example of,


she was saying this kind of the same

thing about my body can't

handle this and I only do

it in competition and I'm like, same girl,


So like it definitely, um,

taking the pressure off and

like knowing yourself and

your body as we age up and

get a little older, like, um, yeah,

maybe there's some like benefits to,

to doing that and having a

little bit more of a

relaxed attitude going in.

Uh, Jeffrey Birchfield, thick and tired.

I feel that today.

He's a school teacher that is retiring.

And he said in another week and a half,

I'll be thick and retired.


Oh, congratulations.

That's a huge, huge,

huge accomplishment all those years.

Thank you for doing that.

Rod Zombie, if you don't know who he is,

the meme guy on.


We're rooting for you.

Oh, thank you.

Jamie is a local hero.

Oh, my gosh.

You guys are too, too kind.

I don't think that of myself at all,

but I appreciate it.

Jamie's first games

appearance was 2016 in Carson.

It was.

So the workouts are out.

You mentioned 2016.

One of these events actually was an event.

You went back in time.

Crazy, crazy.

snatch ladder you get to do

it again I do excited for

another opportunity yeah I

i vividly remember this one

um alessandra patchelli and

I were at the very final

barbell at the same time I

missed the lift I think she

missed one but she ended up

like squeaking ahead of me

because I went I went too

soon so it's like you know

um I did miss one at the

end um obviously like this year

That was eight years ago.

And you know, I, my time and whoa, gosh,


I don't know if I can get anywhere

close to that,

but I'm like finishing

would be great staying.

Like you really have to

focus for every single rep

because it gets very breathy,

even though I love a heavy barbell.

Um, so yeah,

I'm excited to give it another

shot at it.

Did you watch Europe at all?

I did.


Elisa Fuliano.

She crushed it.




Smaller athlete.

And it was just,

it was about being smooth.


Like so composed and really

making every single rep count.

And like, you know, in weightlifting,

positioning is everything

and timing and everything,

having it all dialed in and perfectly,

like perfectly while your

heart rate is up and while

you're very tired.

So it's super,

super impressive for her to do that.

You know, because I do the Heat One app.

I don't know if you've heard of that.

But, like,

she was not – every time I talk to her,

she talks how much she

loves Olympic lifting.

And I didn't want to pick with my heart,

so I went with, like,

the traditional strong girls, right?

And I was wrong.

Yeah, super cool.

I mean,

I think that's what everyone was


Like, oh, cool, this is, like,

a big strong girl, you know, thing.

But, yeah, great technique and great, like,

speed and fitness.


then put it all together and end up



So you haven't been able to test,

but you have got to watch

what Europe did with all of these events.

You've watched the sport as

a media person.

And so can you take what they did,

analyze it, and fit it to your game?

That's so funny.

I was totally doing that.

I was like, even,

even little things you're

picking up from the media

and the broadcast and like

the analysts that they have, you know, um,

like little tips of here,

like from one heat to the next and, and,

you know,

what are some of these like

advantages or things that

are going to help the

athletes and things you

have to think about.

So totally, but yeah.

But again, at the end of the day,

it's like three, two, one go.

Like you kind of have to like,

just shut it off and go with, you know,

your gut instinct of how it feels.

Everyone has a plan.

Yeah, everyone has a plan.

Until you get punched in the face.

Way too many times in my

life have I had a plan and

been punched in the face

about two reps in.

Yep, yep, yep.

I think we've all been there.

I think that's why we all

feel the same feeling around the world.

Wadzomi wants to know,

did you receive any

requests to do commentary

prior to qualifying?

Um, not this year.

Like this year it was like such a, there's,

there's so few of them.

And so, um,

so actually it ended up working

out this year that, um, yeah,

this year that I didn't get

asked to do semifinals this year.

Otherwise it would have been

a tough decision.

Um, but, but of course, like my team and,

um, all the guys that, um,

like producers and everyone

who runs it was like, Jamie,

we are so excited.

They're like,

we get to see you on the field anyways,

you know?

So maybe it was all like in

the works or I don't, I don't know,

but excited to be out there either way.

So the media thing,

did it just come naturally?

Is it something you've

always wanted to do?

How did that come to be?

I was a comm major at USC.

Never used it until CrossFit.

I tore my Achilles in 2014.

And do you know Rothy?

roth uh he he runs like a

lot of the okay yeah he's

like the head guy and he

runs it and he was like hey

if you're ever interested

in doing this like you know

I think you'd be really

great or give it a shot and

so kind of like over the

years like little things

turned into like you know

the sideline reporter or

like a a field reporter it

turned into this and that

and and um I was an analyst

last year for the crossing

games teams division and so

yeah just different

opportunities of different

trying different things in

the media field and

Yeah, I loved it.

It's really a fun gig.

That's why you're in it, huh?

Yeah, yeah.

I mean, my story,

like I wanted to be a

sports broadcaster since the age of 12,



I gave up on that dream for

no reason other than I

didn't think it was safe.

And then, and then at the age of 49,

I said, why am I doing this?

Like anybody can start a podcast.

Let's just see where this goes.

That's amazing.

And now I'm doing the thing I love at the,

from I'm 54 now.

And I love this.

Like, you don't look like it at all.

And that's amazing.

I think that's such a cool story.


Like you love it.

You know, you're,

you're passionate about it.

And like, you know,

and so your advice you

would have gave your younger self,

what would you have?

ignore everybody around you

and do what you love.


And I tell every, so my daughter is a,

she was a photography major

and people tried to talk her out of it.

And I'm like, if that's what you love,

do it.

She got a month after

graduating with the United

steel workers doing their social media.

That's amazing.

There's so much.


There's, there's a place for everybody.

And that's why I really believe, you know,

I'm like,

whatever your goals and dreams are,

put it out there in the world.

Like people want to help you out, you know,

but like keep on going.

Like you literally can

achieve anything you set your mind to.


and you're a perfect example of that.

And if it's what you love,

you're going to put way

more into it than if it's

just something to pay the, pay the bills.




The reward is going to be so much more.


So that's so cool.

So you've done the sideline

reporter thing.

Do you have aspirations to

maybe do some color commentary,

play by play,

like get into it a little more?

Or is the gym ownership,

does it take up a lot of your time?

I would love,

like I'm very open to things.

You know,

I always said like when I tried

out for the WNBA and when I

didn't make the team,

that's when one door shut,

I knew another one would

open and that door was CrossFit.

And so I'm always just open

to any and all

opportunities that come my

way because you never know.


And so I would definitely be

open to more media.

Like I did love like being

an analyst and kind of like, you know,

explain that side of things.

I know what it's like to be

out there and just like

some of their feelings and just, you know,

what they're going through.

And that was really fun.

Sideline is when you get to

talk to all the athletes.

But yeah,

I feel like any capacity of media

is always a great way to still,

I think that filled my cup of,

being away from competition,

but still in it with everybody there.

The first time I ever saw

you was Wadapalooza.

Oh, yeah.

And you're just so easy to listen to.

You have such a great voice.

And you're truly my favorite

sideline person.

Oh, thank you.


And you know, it's funny.

It's like, you know,

they say like getting

thrown into the fire.

Cause I was like, I had no idea.

Like, I think someone,

someone got sick or had

COVID or something.

And they're like, Jamie, can you fill in?

I was like, yeah, sure.

You know?

And then they just, and it,

great teams and great

production and great

everybody producers edit

everybody and so they make

you look really good you

know um but yeah it's

definitely like just being

like adaptable I think

coming from sports like in

a team it's like you do

whatever like whatever we

need you to do you do that

you know and and so yeah it

was really really such a

fun experience like being

out there and you learn

tricks of the trade while

you're out there like oh

cool like listening to the

broadcast cool that's what

you're you know what I mean

and like little things like

that so so back to what you said before

When you were sideline reporting,

it was listening to the broadcast,

giving you the tips.

What do you ask for?

The other thing,

like when I'm there and I'm

looking at athletes,

like what is the story on the floor?

Like focusing on what is the story?


When you watch it now as an athlete,

the same things run through your head?

Oh, yeah.


I mean,

I think that's what gets people

invested is the these people,

their stories, like what they came from,

or you know what I mean?

Like different things like

that trials and

tribulations they've been

through to get there, you know, or like,

you know, like,

it's a lot the pressure of like,

can these women or men like

keep on making it year after year,

you know, and you have fan favorites and

So, yeah,

I think it definitely is like

following and you probably know this,

like whatever story you had in mind,

things might pop up over the weekend.

They'll always present themselves,

you know, and like always like, oh,

this just happened or that.

And so it's always just like

being like adaptable to that.

To me, that's when it becomes cool.

Oh, yeah.

Into the heat going, okay,

I'm looking at this for this story.

And then it flips on its

head and you're like,

that is so freaking cool.

Cool, yeah.

But you have that nugget

that then you can talk to the person,

like, why did this happen?

right yeah yeah and I think

it's very interesting like

getting their perspective

like fresh when they're off

the field you know what I

mean like and their

emotions are raw and

they're you know it's just

such a cool I think that's

what touches everybody is

like the emotions and the

vulnerability and the realness


like you take the final event in

Europe today and the

dumbbells on the men's side

were so heavy.

So many drops.

So many drops right at the line.

The stories kept flipping on

its head like every five seconds.

Right, right, right.

And you have to be in tune

and like know everybody that's like,

and be watching everything

that's going on.


especially if you're on the sideline.

Who jumped back in, who then fell.



And you're the eyes on the

field when like from production,

like they see one thing on the camera,

you see live things going on,

like cut to this lane, you know?

So yeah, things like that.


I want to finish up with a little bit

of age group because we,

we love our masters on this channel and,

uh, and we're going to be in Birmingham.

So is it,

is it your goal if once this

weekend's over and either way,

if you make the games or

you don't make the games, are you,

is your plan to be in Birmingham?

Um, I, again, like all this stuff,

I'm like literally taking

it one thing at a time.

You know, I think, um, doing the qualifier,

like set me up to a

position to be able to say like, oh,


I do have the option to go or not.


I think I will definitely try to get

through next weekend and

then just see where we're at.

And if I,

if I feel good and want to do it and like,

you know, push like, yeah,

I will definitely be there.

but I do, I'm an advocate.

I think it's so amazing.

All the masters athletes are

like my favorite.

I like to like,

of course the best of the

best are so impressive, but you know,

we have a guy here who's 74 years old.

He, you know,

has battled cancer and he's

here doing like

quarterfinals and like amazing,

amazing things.

Like, and that's so cool.

You know, like talk about stories.

So the masters divisions are littered,

littered with amazing stories.

Yeah, totally.



I just, I just saw her too.

She's amazing.


So I, and not that I'm putting this on you,

but the more bigger named

athletes that go to these things,

the more eyes they get.

And then the more we can

grow that element of the sport.

And so it's always my hope

that some of the bigger

named athletes go.

yeah my coach said the same

thing matt was like you

would be such a like you

know the very beginning of

the season he was like you

are just such a encouraging

like positive person that

would be so great to be out

there advocating for like

the masters athletes you

know and and so um yeah

definitely my body feels

good and I like you know

like the mental part of it too like

You know, and, and I, yeah, I,

I most more than likely will.



But I understand like if you

make the games like that

has to be priority number

one and I'm not putting

that on you either.

These are all just hypotheticals that can,

that I have no right to throw on you,


No, you're good.

I love it.

I love it.

But you have to think about,

there's a lot of what ifs

in your life right now.




Well, this has been awesome.

We have definitely got to stay in touch.


I will let you go for today.

Good luck this weekend.

We'll be rooting for you.

Thank you guys so much.

And can't wait to see you

out there on the tennis

stadium floor one more time.

Oh, man.


Thick and tired.

Let's go, baby.

Thank you so much.

Thank you to everybody in

the chat for being here.

You guys were awesome.

Thank you to Jamie for

taking some time out with us.

And we'll see everybody next

time on the Clydesdale Media Podcast.

Bye, guys.