"Perfect Mode" invites you on a transformative odyssey to discover the extraordinary within the ordinary. Hosted by the dynamic duo of JClay, a rapper with a spiritual twist, and Troy Washington, a realtor with a mindset of abundance, this podcast is a sanctuary for those seeking to elevate their existence. Together, they explore the realms of personal growth, mental clarity, and spiritual enlightenment, offering unfiltered insights into living a life unchained by societal expectations. Tune in for your weekly dose of inspiration and embark on a journey to align with your highest self.
If I reminded you that you are perfect, would you argue me down or step into your perfection? Welcome to perfect. Welcome to perfect. Where there are no excuses, no expectations, and we explore the world without limitations. I'm Jay Clay, rapper, and spiritual teacher with my co host Troy Washington, your friendly neighborhood realtor.
JClay:Let's be real. So let's be perfect. Everything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, perfect. Everything, anything, anything, anything, anything, perfect. Everything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, Perfect.
JClay:Perfect. Perfect. Perfect.
Troy Washington:What up? What up? Welcome to perfect mode. And, first off, I wanna start by telling y'all that we love y'all. We're grateful for the opportunity to be anywhere sharing our thoughts, hopefully, in helping you realize that you are perfect.
Troy Washington:And the reason why and the reason why I can say that unapologetically is because I know that you are one of 1 numero uno. You cannot be replicated, duplicated. And the only reason, and I mean the only reason you would think that you're not perfect, is if you're looking at this person outside of you and saying, I'm not him. But guess what? You are you, and that's all you need.
Troy Washington:And, of course, it's yours truly, Troy Washington, your friendly neighborhood realtor. I have my boy, Jay Clay, spiritual rapper and teacher. And I have my boy, e, big Eric Astrology. He let me tell y'all something about this guy. This is gonna be something special because I don't know nothing about it, but he about to educate us today.
Troy Washington:Eric Taylor is a professional intuitive astrologer, and he came and kicked some knowledge with for us today. And just before before I let y'all talk, I gotta let y'all know this this this crafted and lovely title topic that we came up with, navigating life's challenges with astrological wisdom. What up? What up, Jay? What up, Eric?
JClay:Yeah. Yeah. Happy Sunday.
Eric - Big E Astrology:Yes. Thank you so much, brothers, for having me on the show. I I am more than honored and definitely excited.
JClay:Yeah. Yeah. I'm I'm ready to jump into it. Let me just let me just say something real quick to the audience because I know usually, when we come up with topics, we know a little knowledge. We never claim to be experts or anything, and we like to come to certain conclusions with the audience and things.
JClay:But this is a little different because Biggie is the expert here. We're not the experts on astrology. I I know a little just a little, though. And Troy, he he said he doesn't know much either. So we like, we're we're ready to to dive right in.
JClay:And I guess just to to kick things off, how did you find yourself in in the world of astrology?
Eric - Big E Astrology:Wow. That's that's a a dope question and just it's kind of wild. So, like, you know, growing up, I'm a native New Yorker, born and raised in New York City. I just knew from my parents. My father was a baptist, my mother a Catholic, but I knew I was a Virgo.
Eric - Big E Astrology:My older sister was a Libra. Mom, Dukes, was a Taurus, and my father was an Aries. So I just kinda knew that. But, like, growing up, I would always get the the the daily news, New York Post, and I'd go read the sports section. But then after I read the sports section, I would, like, look at horoscopes, and I just found it fascinating and interesting.
Eric - Big E Astrology:In New York City, I would say, like, every street corner is a movie. And so my whole life, I would also became a professional actor, did, radio and did television, film, and theater. But I just always study human beings. You know, all the little details and intricacies. And then as you get older, then understanding the astrology for the ladies, that became kinda next level.
Eric - Big E Astrology:Right? So then I start to really get into it more and more. I think it was more so college. I I found this huge book, you know, not to be, like, blasphemous, but it was like the bible of astrology. It was this huge, like, 600 page book, and it would, like, break down by your birthday all this information.
Eric - Big E Astrology:And so, you know, I'm a Virgo. Right? You're Capricorn, J. Troy, you're a Taurus. We got 3 earth signs here.
Eric - Big E Astrology:And I would, re I so I read, like, I was born, and it was called the week of the enigma. Now I was bugging out because I had been working, like, on a one man show, and it was titled e, the energetic enigma. Because I'm an emcee, and I rhyme and stuff, and so I was gonna do all this stuff in a one man show. And I was like, let me read this. So I read it, and then it felt like I was, like, on The Truman Show.
Eric - Big E Astrology:Because, honestly, after I read and it's, like, breaks it down if you're born from, like, the September 3rd to 11th. You know, it's the week of the enigma. And they and I realized that in astrology, we have these things called deacons. So it depends on, like, you know, there's 0 degrees to 29 degrees in terms of your sign. So it breaks it up from 0 to 9, 10 to 19, 20 to 29.
Eric - Big E Astrology:And so but, anyway, I'm reading it, and no lie. As soon as I was done reading it, I was kinda, like, looking around. Like, yo, somebody's been spying on me. Like, it it just grabbed me. And I was bugging.
Eric - Big E Astrology:I was like, that's really deep. Yeah. Like, how did this book of astrology because at the time when I was young, I just knew the basics. Right? Like, sun sign astrology.
Eric - Big E Astrology:But it didn't happen until I got moved to Arizona, got married, a father of 4 sons, and then I got sick. I got this, fungus called valley fever, and it, you know, messed up everything, mucus every day, immune system. It was just terrible. But through that, Western medicine was failing me. So then I started researching, and I was like, well, how I couldn't go to a job.
Eric - Big E Astrology:I was like, how can I make money maybe as a life coach, but then I'm looking to get well? And that kinda brought me back into astrology. And then I started to learn, wait a minute. There's a moon sign. There's your rising sign.
Eric - Big E Astrology:There's Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, all these. And then I was like, woah. There's way more. And then I started to read books, and then I started to take classes with to learn to really learn astrology. It was just I was remembering.
Eric - Big E Astrology:I've been Yeah. Passed for multiple lives, and it came to me so intuitively. I was just like, yeah. But there's a branch called medical astrology, and that was helping me to kinda figure out my sickness and all this stuff. So, yeah, man.
Eric - Big E Astrology:That's that's how I got into it as a youngster and then definitely for the ladies because you could, like, learn the horogenous zones, like, leap or back, you know, Taurus, the neck, Pisces, the feet. So then I was like, okay. So that was the big thing in college. But then after the sickness, then I really learned to become a professional astrologer.
JClay:Gotcha. Gotcha. So so, real quick. Like, just to just to summarize, like, you you mentioned medical astrology. Like, what other areas can astrology help people in, like, general areas?
Eric - Big E Astrology:Oh, wow. Relationships, education, destiny, career, insight, understanding your parents, your siblings. You can see your children in the birth chart, certain character type types. Astrology, I do also, not just career charts. I do business birth charts.
Eric - Big E Astrology:So, like, if you were starting a business or you already started it and you knew the exact date and time when you filed for your s corp or LLC, or let's just say you were like, oh, you know, it was August 1st when I had my first sale, and it's, like, 1 PM EST. I can I can cast a birth chart, and it will tell the story of your business? I've actually helped business big businesses too, reformulate their mission statement, things with employees, hurdles, social media, sales, marketing, advertising, rewrite out their business plans. Yeah. No.
Eric - Big E Astrology:You can do really everything, and I can also see past lives. The birth chart is the map of your life, and it's truly the remembrance of your soul. You guys chose your parents. You chose these experiences, so there's no victimhood in astrology. Right?
Eric - Big E Astrology:And so everything is connecting us to, you know, god source energy, but understanding that god is within.
Troy Washington:So I wanna jump into some so I wanna shout out to Justin Williams that's jumped on and joined also to him. I always on him. I'll be k. And, him. I'll says, wow.
Troy Washington:Wow. Astrology, the 2012 trauma. So I you elaborate on that a little bit more, but, I just want to make sure I shout out them and let you know that, you know, people
Eric - Big E Astrology:are Thanks to Watson. Well, see, this is the thing. With astrology, right, for example, tomorrow starts the democratic convention, and tomorrow is the Aquarius super full moon at 2:26 PM EST. That moon in Kamala Harris' chart is gonna be conjunct her natal sun in 9th house of wisdom, beliefs, your father's teaching, abundance, fortune, luck, publishing, and literally the law. So I don't know.
Eric - Big E Astrology:A little prediction. Maybe we'll see tomorrow that they announced at the convention, a ceasefire. They're working on that now. That was kind of my prediction a couple days ago. We'll see if that, you know, plays out.
Eric - Big E Astrology:But you're gonna see something that's gonna be really big because this energy is about us moving into our true authentic selves, vibrating from our heart chakra and kind of understanding that our freedom and independence and liberation and being the rebel and black sheep is where we're called to be. The next 20 years, we're gonna have Pluto and Aquarius. And it's there now, but in September 1st November 19th, it's gonna retrograde back into Capricorn. So you know what happened in 2008 when we had the the whole real estate and this and the market crash? That's when Pluto entered Capricorn, quite literally.
Eric - Big E Astrology:So, like, for astrologers, we can see these patterns. We see these planetary movements and how it affects us. It's called mundane astrology and how it literally affects us here on Earth. But you do have western tropical astrologer. Some astrologers like to use the system called Placidus.
Eric - Big E Astrology:I use the more ancient system that goes back to ancient Kemet and Babylonia, Mesopotamia, Hellenistic astrology where it is the whole sign system. And then you also have, like you know, in India, they've got the Vedic sidereal astrology. Nothing's wrong. They're all tools to get to the truth, and you can get there in different ways. You if I ask you a question, you may not remember what happened to you, Troy, at 10 years old.
Eric - Big E Astrology:Right? But it may align with your chiro wounds. I'll be like, oh, you got a wound, emotional, physical, or spiritual wound that happened in 10 years old, and I would describe this and that. And then you'd be like, oh, snap. Yeah.
Eric - Big E Astrology:Because that's the one thing that I always get everybody with astrology. How would I know that? I've never met you before. But if I bring up your chart, I can see the chyron wound and literally 10 out of 10, maybe 9.45 out of 10, it it exactly connects with a wounding that you had in your life from basis, like, from born to 29 years old. But sometimes when you get the higher degrees, the degree determines the age.
Eric - Big E Astrology:So let's say it was 26 degrees. I would ask you, did something happen at 26 or at 8 years old? And it could be a double wounding, both ages, but it's very literal and on point. And I even experienced that with one of my sons who has a chiral wound at 26, and, unfortunately, he suffered a TBI and a concussion at 8 years old.
Troy Washington:Yeah.
Eric - Big E Astrology:So it it will blow you away, man.
Troy Washington:So I I got I have a question as well. Right? And and this is not for me to get into politics per se. It's just so that way we can, I guess, bring this kind of full circle because, you know, based off of our conversation kind of before the show, we kind of highlighted how more people are using astrology in the professional world or in, you know, just outside of people just looking to see how they feel about themselves personally? And this is what you kinda alluded to with the the Democratic convention coming up.
Troy Washington:What the way that I receive it is that they have somebody high level working and saying, hey. This makes sense for us to do it during this time frame, close to this time period, in order to better facilitate what we're trying to come about. Right? And, you know, again, I maybe I'm looking at it all wrong, but when I think about this in a, in a from a competitive standpoint. Right?
Troy Washington:And, you know, them trying to give themselves, the the the the edge in order to again, it's all helpful to everybody, you know, based off the way that you described it. Yeah. But from the other side, would they have somebody that's countering that from an astrology standpoint to kind of balance out the table per se to make to to to to make everything equal? And, again, this is not to get into the politics, but I'm just trying to see how this is
Eric - Big E Astrology:You you said it perfectly, and you you you're assessing and analyzing it perfectly. So for example, Ronald Reagan and many presidents, but he was the only one that boldly came out and admitted to it. Ronald Reagan used an astrologer even to schedule Nancy Reagan's breast cancer surgery to schedule meetings with Miguel Gorbachev. Right? All these things, they had a personal astrologer.
Eric - Big E Astrology:So power brokers from the Fortune 500 companies, from, you know, secret societies like Illuminati and whatever, politicians, you know, everybody, they use astrology. So, for example, right, we just had the assassination attempt or whatever you wanna call it with Trump. That was literal in the birth chart. On July 15th, the exact conjunction of the planet Uranus, which is unpredictabilities, unexpected events, sociology, the central nervous system, weird, bizarre, innovative, futuristic energy, but it can create chaos which conjunct Mars, which is the adversary, the weapon, the soldier, the warrior, could be the gun, conjunct this fixed star called algo, which is literally associated with, like, Medusa, but it goes back to, like, be beheaded, like, you know, taking off the head of leaders. Right?
Eric - Big E Astrology:And so that was in his 10th house of the mid heaven, which is your career legacy and public image. You can't make that up. So that literally happened, but it was 2 days before. But, you know, you may feel the energies as they're close. They can play out sometimes a week or 2 before.
Eric - Big E Astrology:Right now, we're in Mercury retrograde, August 28th. So I would tell you guys, right, watching or anybody in the audience or watching on the replay, right, don't start new contracts now. Wait till early September. If you've already been doing something and then you gotta finalize it, yeah, sign the papers, this and that. But, like, a real estate deal, if you were to purchase a condo, just just wait till, like, September 5th, right, after Labor Day or whatever.
Eric - Big E Astrology:Let let Mercury retrograde whatever. Because when you do things and sign contracts and do different things on Mercury retrograde, it can turn out that it's not what you thought it was gonna be, and it could be to your detriment. So, yeah, I gotta do that stuff for political events. When when Biden stepped down, that was on the Capricorn full moon. I actually predicted it, but I thought it was gonna be that Monday.
Eric - Big E Astrology:He did it on a Sunday.
JClay:Well, so question question about that. Yeah. So it sounds like okay. You you said that, you know, everybody's chart is kinda preplanned. Like, we chose everything.
JClay:Our our life is kinda in a sense planned, not to the detail, but just, like, certain energy.
Eric - Big E Astrology:Well, yeah. We still got free will. Yep.
JClay:Right. So so my question is, like, let's say we we were to look at our own chart. Is it more so of trying to, like, reverse engineer it or just see where we are in relation to it? Like, I I guess what I'm asking, like, how can we begin to use it and and to what benefit and to what end?
Eric - Big E Astrology:Right. So each there's 12 houses. And so each house represents, like, literally 25 to 45 different themes of life and tells a story. And it wraps around counterclockwise like a clock. Right?
Eric - Big E Astrology:So you got the first house, second, 3rd, 4th. Right? And so you interpret it and starting at the rising sign, ascendant. Right? So, like, I'm a Scorpio rising.
Eric - Big E Astrology:Right?
Troy Washington:So Right before you go, when you say rising sign, ascendant, what does that mean for our eyes?
Eric - Big E Astrology:Okay. So let's say the time that you were born, that's why the time is so important. In the eastern horizon in the sky, it connects with the constellation, and that constellation represents the zodiac sign. For Scorpio, it's Anguilla. And so when I was born in September, at the time I was born, the constellation of Scorpio was ascending in the eastern horizon of the sky, and that makes me a Scorpio riser.
Eric - Big E Astrology:And then the ruler of Scorpio is the planet Mars. So then in the chart, I would look for the planet Mars, and that will tell me whatever house in sign it's in, that that could be, like, a major can be major themes and events that could play out of my life.
Troy Washington:And you know why? And and I I know you're gonna continue to go on it, but the reason why I feel like this is important is because a lot of times on surface level, just the same way that you started to get into astrology, we don't we we don't look at it as complex. So we we look at everything kind of surface level. And, you know, when when when I think about this topic topic, navigating life's challenges, you know, life's challenges are not necessarily just surface level either, but we like to try to try try to make them look like that. And so I think just giving that extra deep dive to say, okay.
Troy Washington:Well, there is a there is a portion of this that you have to you have to have to account for in order to try to maximize what you're trying to do, but go
Eric - Big E Astrology:ahead. No. You're you're so right. I mean, you guys are hitting it, and it's like, for example, right, you can see, like, Troy, I would be able to see in your birth chart, you know, maybe the age because we have a timing technique called annual perfections. Right?
Eric - Big E Astrology:And so you can, actually literally see in the chart sometimes, literally, when you got married, maybe where you met your wife, the the character traits, sometimes literally even the sign of the first child we see in the 5th house, the 7th house, the 2nd child. In the 7th house, I'll see the skills of the first child. Like, it it's that detailed. I've even helped parents with their children in terms of their learning styles, where a parent was like, oh, the kid the school is saying my kid is this, that, and labeling and ADHD and this and that. And I'm like, your kid needs to learn more so in isolation and is more of a auditory learner.
Eric - Big E Astrology:I can see that in the chart. So you know what I mean? You can see different things. I I literally saw I had a client recently, the age that they had a root canal. Like, it would so, like, you just don't know it.
Eric - Big E Astrology:I have one client. She you know, and and, you know, this is like I'm not giving anybody's personal stuff in that sense, but she she, she had an affair at work. I could see that in the birth chart. No judgment. And I asked her, do you want me to, you know, tell you the truth?
Eric - Big E Astrology:Because I see something. She's like, yeah. That's why I came to. And I said, so I see you had an affair at work. And she was like, right?
Eric - Big E Astrology:She gasped. And I was like, no. I'm not judging you. I just don't know if your coworker or your boss. Because in the 6th house, we have our work, our service, our daily routine, sicknesses, illnesses, small pets, our health, our hygiene, our service to humanity.
Eric - Big E Astrology:So it has coworkers and boss. And she's like, oh my god. You saw that? And I said, yeah. She goes, it was with my boss after I divorced my husband, but he lied to me and told me he was gonna leave his wife, and he didn't.
Eric - Big E Astrology:And I said, yeah. I see the deception there too.
JClay:Yeah. So this this is important because, you know, a lot of times we may ask ask ourselves, why is this happening to me? Or why does why does it have to be like this? Why are certain people this way?
Eric - Big E Astrology:Yeah.
JClay:And it sounds like we set up these challenges for our own divine purposes. And and sometimes, like you said, we we shouldn't judge, which is one of the main things we talk about here on perfect mode. And one of the things you clarify for me too is I think I I understand the setup of how of how astrology is structured. And what what I mean is before I used to think, okay, we're just assigned based on our birthday a number that they just chose at random. But it sounds like you said it's like a clock, and that made me visualize.
JClay:So so it sounds like it's the sky, and then that's the position of these celestial beings or
Eric - Big E Astrology:360 degrees.
JClay:Ah, okay.
Eric - Big E Astrology:So Everything's in the sky. Yep.
JClay:Yeah. Okay. That makes perfect sense.
Troy Washington:But but just kinda piggyback on you, Jay, that understanding you have is the general understanding of most people. I mean, like, most I mean, if you if you think about anybody, at least anybody that's ever been around me, I'm a say everybody that's ever been around me, whenever astrology is brought up, this is the way that it happens. Hey. What's your sign? Okay.
Troy Washington:This is your sign. They go to, to, online or they pull out a book and be, like, okay. This, this, this, and this. And it's it's literally that simplified. And, you know
Eric - Big E Astrology:And you're so much more than just a tourist story. Exactly. Yeah. Because that's that's where people get lost. Right?
Eric - Big E Astrology:And then that's where this is what's deep. That's where people like, oh, astrology is fugazi. It's not real because I'm nothing like that. Of course not. Because Pete this, Troy, you could be a Taurus and your sun sign could be in the first house.
Eric - Big E Astrology:Your best friend or your cousin could have been more in the same day, maybe in the next state over or whatever, but different hours. And their Taurus sun could be in the 6th, 9th, 11th house. Totally different experience from you. Even be born the same day, same year. So it's that detail.
Eric - Big E Astrology:Think about our lives, how God made us. We are so one of 1 unique and complex. That's exactly how detailed and complex astrology is. God makes no mistakes. And I tell people, I said, earthlings, sometimes we're kinda arrogant.
Eric - Big E Astrology:So we think God only controls earth? No. God controls the moon, Venus, Mercury, Neptune, Mars. Right? There's all these celestial bodies.
Eric - Big E Astrology:And guess what? They link to the days of the week. Today's Sunday. It's the sun, soul. Monday, the day of the moon, lunettes.
Eric - Big E Astrology:Tuesday, the day of Mars, the best day to work out, lift your weights above the head, bench press, shoulders, all that. Wednesday, Miracles, Mercury, breath work, walking, journaling, your lungs, emails, communications. Thursday, hueviz, Jupiter, squats, learning, taking classes, expansion, wisdom, beliefs, philosophies, lower body, Jupiter rules the hips and thighs. Friday, viernes, payday, date night. Venus is money, relationships, romance, sweet tooth, chocolate, date night.
Eric - Big E Astrology:That's Friday. Saturday, Sabado, the planet Saturn, the true day of the Sabbath. Spiritual discipline, discipline, structure, hard work. Another day, the 3 best days to work out, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. Saturday, because Saturn is your bones, your DNA.
Eric - Big E Astrology:It's actually machines. So you do the full body workout on a Saturday. If you work with the energy of these planets, I would redesign the work week Tuesday to Friday. Monday why do you think nobody likes to go to work on Monday? Because Monday is the day of the moon.
Eric - Big E Astrology:That's the day of relaxing introspection. The moon rules your body health intuition and your emotional mind. You shouldn't be working on a Monday.
Troy Washington:So so it's it's funny.
JClay:I love that. Go ahead.
Troy Washington:You you you you said a lot of things there, but I'm I'm I'm going to bring it back to god. I'm a bring it back to the whole simplify, like, us as human beings, I'll say, try to make things so simple so it's easier to understand. But, when you really just think about the the true order, like, God is not simple. He got to be complex. I mean, it's it's it's too much.
Troy Washington:I mean, even the intricacies of the body is just too complex. Like, we try to look at a picture and say, oh, that's this muscle, this muscle, this muscle. It's it's it's funny. And and and even going into astrology, just the breakdown that you've given us today, how society simplifies it to to make you think that you can understand it in such a way without having to really do the do the the the the the the the intricate detail thought thinking behind it. Is is is this the funny thing, man?
Troy Washington:But what were you gonna say, Jay?
JClay:What what I wanna say because it's yes and no. Because in God is simple. You know, God is love and is in astrology is love. And it sounds like in and we do sometimes overcomplicate it or or underestimate it. Maybe that's I would I would say maybe that's that's better.
Eric - Big E Astrology:Word, a great term. Yeah.
Troy Washington:Yeah. And I and I say this. When when I say complex, I don't mean what I'm saying is it's bigger than what we Yes. Love is love is bigger than we give it credit for. We try to simplify love and say love is this way.
Troy Washington:And so when I say simplify or simple, that's what I mean. But god is grander than we are ever allow our minds to have the capacity to hold, so we try to simplify it. Love is way big.
Eric - Big E Astrology:Like Yeah.
Troy Washington:I can the the way that I love you cannot be minimized. It can't you can't you can't define it.
Eric - Big E Astrology:And so again nuance and complex complexity. You're so right with that. Right. But think about it like this. How God like, how our body functions.
Eric - Big E Astrology:Do you know, like, in the hours of the day, it activates different organs. Like, I think the liver is from, like, 3 to 5 AM. And they call that the witching hour when supposedly your spirit team or a guardian angels are not around you.
Troy Washington:Yeah.
Eric - Big E Astrology:You're kinda like alone. But it's when the veil is so thin, we can wake up 3 to 5 AM in the morning and really do a spiritual practice, and it can be even magnified. Think about how alien we are. A piece of meat on the side of a skull and cranium that is labeled as an ear has hair follicles in it that allows us to hear frequency vibration and sound. This is just meat hanging off of a of a of a thing.
Eric - Big E Astrology:That's crazy. Like, that that's God. Right? God makes everything. You know what I mean?
Eric - Big E Astrology:Think about it because, you know, when you lose something. Right? For example, so I have a compromised vision. I'm visually impaired, legally blind in my right eye. So what does it do?
Eric - Big E Astrology:All my other senses are like freaking superheroes. I can hear an aunt pee. I can smell anything. Like, my wife's like, smell that? I'm like, no.
Eric - Big E Astrology:That's not good. You know what I mean? Like like, I'm like like, it's kinda like a a joke in the family with the wife and kids, but, like, I mean, that's what happens. Right? Yeah.
Eric - Big E Astrology:So that's the function that God there are no mistakes. There are no accidents.
Eric - Big E Astrology:Right. I think it's so beautiful. And when you see and learn and understand the systems of astrology, it all connects, and you're like, wow. It's humbling, man.
JClay:So Question.
Eric - Big E Astrology:Go ahead,
Troy Washington:Jay. Go ahead, Jay. Now you got it, Jay.
JClay:So because, you know, the title is navigating life challenges with with astrological wisdom. So let let's say someone does have a life challenge right now. They're like, ah, this has always been bugging me. I'm trying to overcome this. Astrologically speaking, what's their first course of action?
JClay:Is it like getting their chart or what type of chart? What what should they
Eric - Big E Astrology:Well, I I would always start with a a live natal birth chart reading with me. I do it over Zoom, 65 minutes. And, you know, I don't ever compare or judge or criticize other astrologers. This is just not my heart and my soul and my spirit. But I will say one thing that I do, I don't wanna teach you.
Eric - Big E Astrology:I don't wanna buy you fish. I wanna teach you how to fish. So when I do a chart reading, you're learning every aspect of your life. You receive the chart. You get video links of all your planetary placements.
Eric - Big E Astrology:So even if we did the reading tomorrow, December 21st, you know, you're almost like kids on Christmas break and you just got free time and you're sitting there and like, what did Eric say about my Jupiter being an Aries? What does that mean? And you can click the button, watch the video, and then you understand. And you're like, oh, okay. That's you know what I mean?
Eric - Big E Astrology:So but in there, I break down from childhood to current life, to future life, relationships, career, the dynamics of your siblings, your parents, your kids, coworkers, psychological past life traumas, your, you know, mood swings, depression. Like, I see it all. So it's, you know and there's there's some times where I can see in the chart where, like, hey. You know, if you actually purchase a small pet, that can activate gifts and blessings in your life. Or if you donate or give to charity, you know, something we should do naturally.
Eric - Big E Astrology:Right? When we give back, you know, it's just like the circulation. Right? We don't spend money. We circulate money.
Eric - Big E Astrology:Right? So, like but when we give to charity or go to be of service and help others, well, I can see in the chart where that can karmically benefit you as well. So I I get that deep. Right? Healing the childhood wounds.
Eric - Big E Astrology:You know? Listen. I can see in the chart when people have been sexually abused or beat up by their parents in a home, I see that in the chart. I can see when you have spiritual experiences where maybe you see a spirit, a ghost, maybe an alien. Sometimes I can see those things.
Eric - Big E Astrology:It's all there.
Troy Washington:Gotcha. Okay. Well, go ahead, Jay.
JClay:Yeah. Okay. So so with that, can astrology offer guidance? Like, let's say you see this this trauma, that that somebody has in their chart. Like, is there a way to be guided from that point?
JClay:Like, you know, this is because this and how does that work?
Eric - Big E Astrology:Yes. Well, because when we get the knowledge, then we can really understand that it's not an accident. And like you were saying, it's really for the evolution of your soul to grow. So there's no victimhood, right? We can't sit there, oh, you know, why didn't, you know, somebody shoot my dog and then I lost my job and my wife cheated on me.
Eric - Big E Astrology:But I can explain that and let you know, like, you didn't do anything wrong, right? You're not at fault. What is happening is that your soul is going through these experiences to kind of build up your inner spiritual man. And I mean, man for woman and man. So then you can draw closer to God And you can become the best version of yourself, and you can overcome things.
Eric - Big E Astrology:And then I can give you tools like, hey. Mars is our action, our willpower, our drive, how we get up and go and go get the big piece of chicken and go get the bends and the mansion and and hard work. Right? So I can show you in the chart, like, hey. You know, maybe in this area of life, you're kinda not finessing things.
Eric - Big E Astrology:You're being too assertive and aggressive. So just work it like this. Maybe your Mars is in Libra where it's debilitated because Mars is at home in Aries and Scorpio, so Mars is debilitated in Libra and Taurus. Not a death sentence, but I teach you how to work with the energy. So Mars and Libra, you may be a little bit passive aggressive and an emphasis on the aggressive part, but that's an archetype or character trait of a definition of that placement.
Eric - Big E Astrology:And depending on the house, I can show you where you're doing that and maybe to whom you're doing that to. Right? And so I can paint that whole story so then you can learn from it. And sometimes it's just making minor adjustments and corrections. But then the same thing in a relationship chart.
Eric - Big E Astrology:I could see where maybe, Jay, your Mars is hitting your wife's moon. And just by you doing an action, you emotionally irritate her, and you're not intending to. But I can point that out in a relationship chart so then you guys can kinda work on that and you could see, oh, wow. I didn't realize. It's unconscious.
Eric - Big E Astrology:I had no clue. When I'm doing this, it it kinda rubs my wife the wrong way, and she's not understanding that. And we haven't actually sat down and talked about it because she just thinks like, oh, Jay's being Jay. Right? But then when I can explain it to the 2 of you in a in a synergy compatibility chart, you could be like, oh, wow.
Eric - Big E Astrology:So then she can learn. You're not doing it intentionally. So she's not holding any bitterness regardless of my phone. Right? And then you can realize like, oh, snap.
Eric - Big E Astrology:I'm affecting her emotional mind and her, like, inner peace when I do it like this and just make the adjustments. That's all. So you can learn for relationships, for yourself, for where you keep going after, let's say, a certain career. I may see in your chart, like, you know, listen. You're you're really great at doing let's say someone's a plumber.
Eric - Big E Astrology:But then I'd be like, you know what, Troy? Your chart really supports you being a realtor. Now the plumber is good because that could be a skill that you could help, you know, do property management and fix some people's homes. But, really, your gift is and I may see Venus and Saturn in your 3rd or 4th house. And I'm like, dude, you can not only be a realtor.
Eric - Big E Astrology:You may be a great interior designer and help them, like, learn how to design and decorate so you can have an aspect that adds on to your real estate business. You know what I mean?
Troy Washington:So so I wanna jump in. 1st, I wanna read what Loretta said, and then I wanna jump in and make a couple comments to kind of, to to express some things. Right? So Loretta said, it sounds like astrology can inform our areas of of strengths and how to have the highest experience. And, you know, just kind of come back into my thought process now.
Troy Washington:Eric, I know you know this because you're you're a professional doing this and you're living this. Like, you you live this now. You know a lot of people are afraid of this topic. Right? Like, people are afraid to to to have the conversation, to be associated with the conversation.
Troy Washington:Like, there are people that are fearful of this. Yes. So this is my way, in a sense, removing the and this is probably not even a real word, but removing the wizardry of it all. You know what I mean?
Eric - Big E Astrology:There you
Troy Washington:go. The the wizardry of it. Right? And this is the way that I think about it, being the practical guy that I am. Right?
Eric - Big E Astrology:Amen. That's Taurus. Right?
Troy Washington:Right. He's what what you've expressed is I could give this feedback to anybody, whether I'm in your sign or not. Hey. You could be a good plumber, if you just do the these things in order to become a plumber. But if you have these specific set of circumstances that you fall within, not only can you be a plumber, but you will excel at a rate that's beyond what would seem normal for another person.
Troy Washington:Number 1. Right? The reason why I know this to be true, and, again, this is me removing the wizardry out of it. Right?
Eric - Big E Astrology:Yeah.
Troy Washington:I, in no way, form, shape, or fashion, feel like I'm a procrastinator, nor do I feel like I'm lazy. But if you get me in the daytime and have me look through emails, something simple, right, it's like pulling teeth. It's like every email I look at is like you're dragging me down in the mud. Even though even if it's nothing, it's just like, oh my god. Right?
Troy Washington:Like, I can't believe I have to do this right now. But if you catch me after 12 at night, something in me clicks, and I can just go go go, and and and and I won't get tired. I won't never feel like stopping. It's it's just something about that time. Now, again, I've never looked into the astrology of that for myself, but that's the way that I perceive what you're saying.
Troy Washington:And the reason why I'm saying it like that is because, to me, that's removing the wizardry. We all know and feel and sense there are things that we do certain times, certain places, you know, we you you you know. You know. Even when you, like you said, even even if you were to get up and pray between 35, you may even be more in tune. Who knows, right?
Troy Washington:Yeah. But the thing is, these are things that we can also sense, right? And we just don't always take the opportunity to do the deep dive, find out the complexity, or even acknowledge it the way that you should acknowledge it so that way you can see where the benefit is. And that's the reason why I like what you're saying. That's the reason why I can subscribe and understand that, okay, there's a deeper dive because I do feel different then.
Troy Washington:And I never knew why, and I never understood what it is because, again, it's still the same action. It's not like I'm saying, oh, at this time of night, I'm gonna do something completely different. Same thing, different time, different feeling, and also different outcome. And so, again, I I just had to throw that out there because No. It's that's what I see Perfect.
Troy Washington:When you're saying what you're saying.
Eric - Big E Astrology:Well, let me let me address that perfectly because you said it perfectly. Number 1, intuition. Nowhere in western culture and societies, right, are we really to taught to acknowledge and adhere to or pay attention to our instinct, our intuition, which is in our gut and our root chakra. When you get those little bumps on your arm, right, those little goosebumps, that's like your connection to God source energy. It's like, yes, Troy.
Eric - Big E Astrology:Do this. No, J Clay. Don't do that. Yes, Eric. Do this.
Eric - Big E Astrology:And we have to learn to listen to it. Right? Our ancestors did indigenous cultures do. Right? But just like in the Americas and and and in the western world, it it's not really, you know, we're not encouraged to do that.
Eric - Big E Astrology:But the more that we do, it can work. For example, like, if you're talking about at night, you're more lit up while you're a Taurus. Now I'd have to see your chart to see where your Taurus sun is at, but guess what? The moon is exalted in Taurus. So quite literally, yeah, nighttime, I can see that being, like, a beneficial time where you feel more at home or whatever because the Taurus moon is it moon is at home in the sign of Cancer to Crab, but it's exalted in Taurus.
Eric - Big E Astrology:It just means the energy is, a little more better, more better. Okay? Mhmm. But, for example, I will tell you, astrology is in the Bible, Torah, and the Quran. And like we were saying to the wizardry, no.
Eric - Big E Astrology:It's not a sin. I still believe in in Jesus. I call him by his real name, Yeshua. Right? Became a born again Christian in 1999.
Eric - Big E Astrology:But I will tell you that not only does the church know about astrology, so does they they know they they know your birth charts. I haven't seen them yet, but the government has. Because if you have a a Social Security card and a birth certificate and you were born in the hospital, they have and keep and store your birth chart.
JClay:So I have I have a side question. Okay. So I I heard you say, like, Mars is is the energy of action. You just talked about how, like, in the western world, we, ignore intuition. It sounds like we're kinda in the action mode.
JClay:Have you have you ever done the birth chart of the United States? It it just saw and is is the Mars ruling some kind of way? Just curious.
Eric - Big E Astrology:Okay. You're gonna laugh. It's so literal, Jay. It'll blow your mind. America is a Sagittarius rising, and it has the Cancer sun in the 8th house, which is of, like, the secret societies, cold knowledge, IRS, FBI, CIA.
Eric - Big E Astrology:In the 7th house, it has Mars and Uranus, and that 7th house is the you in relation to the other half. That's the descendant. And with having Mars and Uranus in Gemini, right, in 2026 April, we're gonna have our Uranus return. But quite literally, and Mars is in Gemini right now as we speak, that shows us suddenly getting into war with other countries and things like that, which America has done quite literally. Often and often and often, we we don't mind our business.
Eric - Big E Astrology:We're always in other people's business, right, and playing the police, Mars, to the other half, 7th house. So, yeah, it's very literal. Right? And, America's chart has, an Aquarius moon. So, like, it's very fascinating.
Eric - Big E Astrology:And so with the Sagittarius rising, right, it's like America is, like, kinda, like, all about its wisdom, beliefs, and philosophies. Oh, we're well, America's a corporation. They try to say, oh, we're a democratic site. No. We're a republic.
Eric - Big E Astrology:Right? So it's it's kinda like it bloviates. Right? Sagittarius rising is jovial, blunt, sometimes arrogant, more vibrational, but it's expansion, wisdom, beliefs, philosophy, biology, and finance. So America brags about the stock market and, oh, the best medical in the world.
Eric - Big E Astrology:It's not the case. Right? This country, we poison our citizens more than other countries. You cannot send American products and food to other countries. They won't accept it.
Eric - Big E Astrology:Kellogg's is being sued right now because they make food in other countries without the chemicals and then put the chemicals back in here for America.
Troy Washington:Yeah. Look. This this is a real just a real quick side note. Yeah. Only because I I literally just saw this on, I was on TikTok.
Troy Washington:Right? And it's a comedian talking about, the foods that we have over here. And he he talked about how he was in Europe, and they didn't know what Doritos were. And when they came over here, he, like, you know, he he made the correlation of somebody being strung out on crack on the corner. He said, I walked out a store and the dude was like, hey.
Troy Washington:Can I have, like, you know, $2? And he's like, what you need $2 for? He's like, man, I just I just gotta I just need the $2. So he gave the dude the $2, and he came out, and he was eating Doritos. And he said he gotta have it because that's that's like you said, the stuff that we have
Eric - Big E Astrology:Cameras, they put on it. It's addicting. All the fast food. If you notice all the fast foods restaurants, they have the colors that go to your lower chakra, the red, the yellow, the orange.
Troy Washington:It's not
Eric - Big E Astrology:an accident. It's to get you to eat that stuff. And guess what? Doritos, I it's funny you said Doritos. No accidents.
Eric - Big E Astrology:I always use that with my clients as the analogy because your gut is your second brain. Doritos is not real food. So when you eat it, it gets stored in your gut as fat, but then gets processed to sugar and can lead to kidney issues and diabetes.
JClay:We're wearing the colors of Doritos right now. Right.
Eric - Big E Astrology:Yo. And, like, same thing with soda. Right? They market. They tell you, oh, we'll give you, you know, oh my god.
Eric - Big E Astrology:The price is drop, drop, drop, but soda. Right? It could take the paint off a car. You know? So, like, one what's the great thing about astrology?
Eric - Big E Astrology:I can even show you, things around your health and nutrition. You know, the 12th house is hospitals, prisons, jails, isolation. The 6th house is your health and hygiene, your daily routines, sickness, illness. Like, so, you know, the 4th house is associated with the mother and your emotional mind, your hometown, homeland, childhood home, adult home, retirement home. The 10th house is more the legacy, the public image and relationship with dad.
Eric - Big E Astrology:So you can see I mean, I get excited just talking about it because I see the work that I do every day and the testimonials from my clients. It warms my heart, but to me, it's about I wanna be a service to humanity. I've always been, even as a little boy, just someone, like, for example, there were no bullies on my watch. Like, I would you know, and I was a little kid. I just had a big mouth, big feet, and big glasses, but I wasn't gonna let some kids bully some other kids in front of me.
Eric - Big E Astrology:I would step up to the bullies and be like, nah. We're not doing that. You know? And so, you know, that's always been my heart to help people. I tell people I've been a relationship coach since I was 11, 12 years old.
Eric - Big E Astrology:I tell my homegirls, like, nah. He's not really feeling you. You know? I tell my homeboy, like, nah. You don't wanna mess with her.
Eric - Big E Astrology:She's not the right girl. You know what I mean? Like, I I used to always drop knowledge or cats and and stuff like that. So, like, for me to be doing this now, everything's comes full circle.
JClay:To question go ahead. Quick question. Even on the bullies, because I know sometimes even bullies get bullied because they're bullies in a sense. Exactly. Have you seen charts of bullies and, like, and what that says about them or you know what I'm trying to ask?
Eric - Big E Astrology:So you can see certain placements. Yeah. Like, I can see where someone's been abused and then, you know, the abuser, you know, the abusee then becomes the abuser. So, yeah, you can see things like that. I mean, I had a client who had a placement in her 4th house, and I asked her about it.
Eric - Big E Astrology:She's like, yeah. My father used to punch me in the stomach when I was a little girl in my home. I saw that in the chart, and I was like, no. I didn't know exactly what it was, but I saw the abuse, and I didn't know if it was physical or sexual. So then that's what I would ask.
Eric - Big E Astrology:Right? It was the black moon Lilith in the 4th house. And so I'm asking her, like, did you experience emotional, physical, or sexual abuse? And she was like, for me, it was physical. That used to actually hit me.
Troy Washington:Now I have something just a a quick side note since we actually do have Angela k Clay on and said, she's a Sagittarius. Just a quick jam for her real quick about Sagittarius.
Eric - Big E Astrology:Sagittarius is a great energy. A lot of my friends, cousin, my grandfather, Sagittarius are great storytellers, but they like to zoom out and see the big picture. Sagittarius needs to move their physical body. If they work in a office at a desk, that's like slow torture for them. They have to get up and move.
Eric - Big E Astrology:One funny note and an anecdote, and maybe she'll admit to this live on air. But a lot of Sagittarius, when they're on their cell phone, they can't sit still. They're the ones that are walking and talking on the phone.
JClay:Like, hey. Hey.
Eric - Big E Astrology:How you doing? Like like, if you call them and they're sitting within that conversation, if it's more than a minute or 2, they will stand up and start moving. That's Sagittarius that rules the hips and thighs. They're very funny, great storytellers, but it's Jupiter, so expansion. They have to watch as they get older, watch what they're eating because they can expand in their weight.
Eric - Big E Astrology:But, also, they are highly intelligent. And Sagittarius is is definitely they like to it's the teacher preacher energy. If they get some information and knowledge, they wanna share their wisdom, beliefs, and philosophies philosophies with you. They're highly intelligent, fun. It's a great sign.
Eric - Big E Astrology:And Sagittarius women, they, they can have intense emotions, but they are some they're some tough ladies and and very smart. And they may like to travel as well.
Troy Washington:I appreciate that. I appreciate that. You know, just because she she actually came on and put it in there, I I wanted to make
Eric - Big E Astrology:sure I'm being honest there. If anybody has questions, I'm willing to answer. Yeah.
Troy Washington:Yeah. So oh, go ahead, Jay. Go ahead. Then I now you got it, Jay.
JClay:Well, before we end, we're gonna put your info up so people can get that start with that that package for you. But but I also wanted to know, like, is there is there, like, one quick thing that everyone could just do, like, on their own just that they should
Eric - Big E Astrology:or that they should incorporate? Yes. I would recommend going to astro.com. And if you know your birth time, city, state, date, location, just type it in, and then you can bring up your chart. Now I would say there's a little default box, and I would click it and go down to whole sign, and that's the whole sign system.
Eric - Big E Astrology:But even if you just did the default, that would be the placidus. But you would be able to look at your chart, and then you can start to kind of, like, Google or go to YouTube. You may look at the symbols and have a grid that show you what the symbols look like. Because it's like learning a new language. Right?
Eric - Big E Astrology:It's like hieroglyphics. Like, so you gotta see what Venus looks like. Mercury's got the stick with the circle and then the 2 antennas. You know? So you gotta learn the glyphs.
Eric - Big E Astrology:But then once you learn them, then you could start to be like, okay. I've got Mercury and Gemini in the 4th house. What does that mean? Then you can go to Biggie Astrology on YouTube and watch my video and be like, oh, snap. Eric is breaking that down.
Eric - Big E Astrology:I get it. Oh, yeah. That's how I communicate. Oh, that's how because Mercury is our analytical logical mind, how we analyze and assess and process. Right?
Eric - Big E Astrology:There's the door. There's the microphone. There's the light. That's what the Mercury is doing. The moon is the emotional mind, our reactions, our body health intuition.
Eric - Big E Astrology:The moon represents your mother in astrology, so you could quite literally see the relationship of your mom. And the sun is you, your vitality, purpose, your self esteem, your soul, your action, vitality, but it's also your father. So even the alignments of the sun and moon in your chart. So I'm a Virgo sun and a Capricorn moon. So and I do this with my clients.
Eric - Big E Astrology:Right? So that means when my parents had me, it's a a 120 degree angle. The sun and the moon are both in earth signs. So my parents were in perfect harmony when they made me, when I was born. So you can even see things like that.
Troy Washington:Yeah. Go ahead, Jay.
JClay:Well, I was gonna say just real quick about what you said of the sun and the moon. It made me think about the carvings on the emerald tablet. I I I don't even have it memorized, but it talked about the sun as his father. The moon is his mother. The earth carries it in its belly and just all of that.
JClay:It made me think of that. So it's it's cool how everything is still connected in in one.
Eric - Big E Astrology:Man, listen. Every day, I am I I just honestly I am so humbled, by just the power and the majesty of of God and just how there are no accidents. Everything aligns. It's it's it's so beautiful. I look at my wife's chart in mind.
Eric - Big E Astrology:We got married. I didn't know. I just knew she was a Pisces. I was a Virgo. When I learned astrology and brought up our charts, I mean, literally, you could see, like, we we were meant to be soulmates.
Eric - Big E Astrology:Like, it it's crazy. And then I gotta confirm recently when I did a sole contract reading with a different practitioner, and it was just like it blew me away. But, you you know, there are certain things, like, Venus is your love language relationships in astrology. In a husband's chart, it's his wife. In a woman's chart, Jupiter represents the husband.
Eric - Big E Astrology:So, like, you can see different planetary alignments. There's this asteroid called Juno, and it's the asteroid. It was Jupiter's wife and I think Greek mythology. But Juno quite literally can tell you who you may have a long term relationship, commitment, or marriage with. So there's all these little codes and symbols, and it just you as you decipher it, you're like I mean, you know, when I was first learning it I I mean, here's an example.
Eric - Big E Astrology:I looked at China's chart 2020 when the pandemic first started, and I saw their chart, and I said, oh, wow. I told my wife one day. I said, babe, this thing is coming to America, and it's coming strong.
Troy Washington:Yeah.
Eric - Big E Astrology:I could see it in the chart. So you know what I mean? Like, honestly, you guys, you can there's nothing. Like, so the astrologer can be wrong or the client may misremember or not wanna admit to something, but the astrology is never wrong. In the book of Genesis, when they talk about one day equals 1 year, that is solar, secondary progressions in astrology.
Eric - Big E Astrology:Right? So for example, right, I'm, I was born in Virgo. My progressed sun now is in Scorpio. So, like, you know, you just count from the day of your birth, whatever your age is, you move the clock forward that many days, and that shows you, like, the moon switches signs and houses every two and a half years. And if you think about it, we change every two and a half year.
Eric - Big E Astrology:Right? Like, you're not the same from 21 to, like, 24, 24 to 27, 27 to 30. We kinda, like, have these little pockets of change and growth and maturity. That's the moon progressing just like it does every two and a half days in in right now in your in the sky.
Troy Washington:So so I want I wanna ask this for the audience, and it's just so that way we can make sure that we get the most out of, you know, what you've given today. So, you know, we have, you know, the best day to work out, do squats. We have the best day to to to to to pray or to to relax. What would be the best if somebody was gonna jump into this and start to be receptive to the information, what would be the best day to go in and do that?
Eric - Big E Astrology:That's a great question. I would say on a Wednesday because or or Thursday, because Wednesday is mercury. Mercury is the messenger. So your mind is ready to process, analyze, and assess information. Or Jupyter because Jupyter connects to the guru, the shaman, the teacher, the preacher, expanding your knowledge, wanting to seek and gain higher knowledge and information.
Eric - Big E Astrology:So a Wednesday or Thursday would be the best day to be, like, either reach out to me at biggieastrology.com, right, or email me at eric@biggieastrology.com, or go bring up your birth chart, or, you know, start looking at my YouTube channel and watching videos and be like, you know what? There's something that he said that pierced my heart. I I know that I'm a, Sagittarius or I know that I'm an Aquarius, but I don't know about my rising and my moon. The sun, moon arising in the 3 prongs of, like, your personality. The rising sign is your aura, your outer mask, your physical appearance, your I am energy of self.
Eric - Big E Astrology:I mentioned what the sun and the moon is, and and, you know, it's very, yeah. So Wednesday or Thursday would be those days. I I
Troy Washington:like that for for a number of reasons. Number 1, it applies to all things. So one thing you said is like learning a new language. For everybody out there listening, anytime you do something that you've never done before, which we do all the time, it's learning a new language. It's always learning a new language.
Troy Washington:So you shouldn't be fearful of learning the new language because that's what we do every day. But on top of that, if you are looking to, you know, get into this, the best day would be Wednesday Thursday. You know, he he's giving you the clues, but that goes along with everything else you're trying to learn. Open your mind up to to, to receive. So, man, I, you know, I just want to just to tell you that I appreciate you.
Troy Washington:And I know this conversation, as I said earlier, is this was simple, but I know it's even more complex than what we were able to do. And, I I know for a fact that, you know, we, we, we're going to, you know, have you back for even a a deeper dive, you know, even I love it. To to see what else we can unlock because today, I came into this with a blank slate. I didn't know anything. I knew what I feel like the general person knows, and that's literally go online.
Troy Washington:If I was to look up something and read whatever it said about Taurus and, you know, roll with that. And I I think that's what most people general the the the masses generally do. And, you know, I'll go ahead, Jay.
JClay:Well, and I I just wanna cosign cosign everything as well because I was I was one of those people that
Troy Washington:I would read horoscopes.
JClay:I'm like, that's not me at all. But that's because I was I was only reading the sun sign. I didn't know anything about the moon sign.
Eric - Big E Astrology:And guess what? They don't tell you that horoscope is based really on your rising sign, so that's why it doesn't resonate with people.
JClay:Right. And right. And and when I when I started reading about that, I was like, how do they know me? This is this is crazy. I'm I'm more of an equation than a person because this is amazing.
JClay:And and so, yeah, I I I love it all.
Troy Washington:And it show you how cold God is. You said equation, baby.
Eric - Big E Astrology:Yeah. This has been an honor and a pleasure. And yeah. And and reality is in life, no fear. Right.
Eric - Big E Astrology:You know, be open to new information and knowledge. And when we are willing to get uncomfortable and have an open mind and change, that's where God works the miracles in our life. And we can really just grow and become the best versions of ourselves, you know, And it's really great to learn your children's charts because it can literally make you a better parent. When you understand their moon and their emotions, you know how to guide and redirect and help them. It's a beautiful system, and I'm I'm honored and proud every day to work with people literally all over the world.
Troy Washington:So I'm I'm gonna say this again because I know we have to we're pretty much at the end. Shouts out to Eric Big e Taylor. Like, shout out because to come on the platform, to give to us that which we don't have, you know, bless us to come on and, you know, I I I'm gonna talk about the logistics of it just to know that he could not be here. You know what I mean? And, just to let you know that, man, I wanted to say publicly, like, I'm grateful.
Troy Washington:I'm grateful for you being willing to help me grow, uplift me, and show me things that I don't know or I'm not sure of. And, I I I I I encourage everyone, to to check out, you know, www.bigeastrology.com. Do it on a Wednesday or Thursday, of course.
Eric - Big E Astrology:You know what I mean?
Troy Washington:Because, you know, at the end of the day, you never know, what you don't know. You know? And and that's how I leave it. And and I and I also, you know, remind everybody like we do every day. Every time we do a show, you are perfect.
Troy Washington:You know, you are unique. J Clay said it a while ago, he is, I'm I'm I'm gonna say the perfect equation because it shows you how perfect God is. He made you that way so you for you and and to give you the opportunity to live within yourself to figure you out. Take the time to figure you out. Like, take the time to figure you out.
Eric - Big E Astrology:Never be afraid of introspection, people. It's so important.
Troy Washington:But, Jay, you know, we at our end, so you can go ahead and take us out, man. Thank you, Eric.
JClay:Yeah. But we're we're good. Did you have any last words, Biggie?
Eric - Big E Astrology:Yeah, man. I I just want people to really Saturn's in Pisces to February 2026. Every day, do some sort of spiritual practice. If you're getting on your knees, getting in a prayer closet, meditating, toning, grounding and earthing in nature, hugging a tree, you know, doing some sort of spiritual practice at least 15 to 30 minutes a day, that is the best start. And that is honoring God and the creator, and it's going to build you up to deal with all the mess that's going on in this world and fear nothing.
Eric - Big E Astrology:Vibrate always the 4 highest frequencies, gratitude, joy, love, and number 1, authenticity. God made you to be Jay Clay, you to be Troy and me to be Eric, biggie, and that's who we meant to be.
JClay:Yeah. Perfect. Well yeah. But, again, we appreciate everybody that's rocking with us. Be sure to hit that like subscribe button, all that good stuff.
JClay:Share if you found this helpful. Hit up big e at his website. Let's put it one more time on the screen. There we go. Hit them on the website.
JClay:Get that package. I'm a get my package, all of that. And, yeah, just remember, you're a perfect creation perfect creation made by a perfect creator, so you might as well accept your perfection and enter perfect
Troy Washington:mode. Cheer. Out of here.
JClay:If I reminded you that you are perfect, would you argue me down or step into your perfection? Welcome to perfect, welcome to perfect, where there are no excuses, no expectations, and we explore the world without limitations. I'm Jay Clay, rapper, and spiritual teacher, with my cohost Troy Washington, your friendly neighborhood realtor. Let's be real. So let's be perfect.
JClay:Let's be perfect. Perfect. Everything, anything, anything, anything, Perfect. Perfect. Perfect.