The Unqualified Culinary Critics

Ashley, Chloe, Ian, and Sierra start off the podcast by sharing their perspectives of food that they had with their families.

Show Notes

Ashley, Chloe, Ian, and Sierra start off the podcast by sharing their perspectives of food that they had with their families.

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The Unqualified Culinary Critics is a podcast that centers around young adults discussing food and culture.

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Unknown Speaker 0:00
The content of this episode contains language that may not be suitable for all listeners mature audiences recommended.

Unknown Speaker 0:07
Thank you. Hi, I'm Sierra Amin.

Unknown Speaker 0:10
I'm Chloe.

Unknown Speaker 0:11
I'm Ashley.

Unknown Speaker 0:12
And we're the unqualified culinary critics.

Unknown Speaker 0:14
So to start off to introduce what our podcast is all about, is that when you were a kid, your parents probably wanted you to, you know, eat all your food grow up to be big and strong. Get strong bones, like all that stuff. And they always told you make sure you clean your plate, meaning leave nothing on the plate. I think that's where we want to begin because family was such a strong thing, probably for all of us. And we have those fond memories of eating those foods with our family. With that, Sarah, do you have anything that was unique to you growing up and what your family had eating?

Unknown Speaker 0:45
Um, I guess I don't know how unique it is. But so my mom has been vegan for God like five years now vegetarian since she was 16. So about 30 ish years, she when I was really young, she showed me this food called spaghetti squash. I don't think it's extremely unique. Basically, it's like she now puts it in a crock pot, but cooks that for a few hours, and then you take like a fork and you start scraping all the insides out. Mix that with some pasta sauce, and then we add kalamata olives to it. And Parmesan. It's so good. But I used to hate it just the texture. It's a hard thing to get used to. And it's very odd. It's not really spaghetti. Yeah, I

Unknown Speaker 1:27
feel that because my my family had, we went through a period where my parents were on a special diet, and they had spaghetti squash. And I remember they wanted us to all try it. So they made it for the five of us. And I think one bite was enough for me to realize this is something I'm never eating again, because the texture was like crunchy. And I think that put me off so much. It made it taste bad. So I just went back and said, forget that. I'm making my own spaghetti. You guys eat your special spaghetti squash. That's not for me. And I was done with that right away.

Unknown Speaker 1:57
Yeah, I probably would never eat it had it not been for my mom. But like the texture. I get really weird with textures. But it's so good. I can't stop.

Unknown Speaker 2:07
See when I've had spaghetti squash when I've had it's been so mushy. I haven't had crunchy experience. So whenever I think about about it, I think of it being like snot. And the idea of it makes me want to gag that's

Unknown Speaker 2:20
bad. That's bad too. To me. That consistency it off puts me the same way coconut. I don't like the consistency of like coconut. Does that make sense? Coconut, like shredded coconut. That consistency is awful to my mouth. And I just like that taste. It's not the taste has nothing to do with that. It is straight consistency. It just makes me want to be like get this out of my mouth.

Unknown Speaker 2:41
Isn't that like hashbrowns though?

Unknown Speaker 2:43
Now see, hashbrowns is different because the way it was at least for me the way I cook hashbrowns I get them crunchy. So it's like well done. Do you know what I mean? Like there's some like char not char but it's definitely Brown. Yeah, yeah,

Unknown Speaker 2:56
I agree with your coconut statement because I just don't like coconuts at all. Super like

Unknown Speaker 2:59
mushy isn't a problem for me, because I'll eat mashed potatoes, Ali mashed potatoes all day all night. But something about the coconut consistency just messes on the mouth.

Unknown Speaker 3:08
If things are too mushy and don't have enough texture, I literally get sick to my stomach. Like I need some crunch. I need some texture. Like if it's all like mashed potatoes like I will be sick. It's just like eating glue or gobs of just wet paper like I just can't do it.

Unknown Speaker 3:27
So you know how good it'd be no good with like, crema wheat.

Unknown Speaker 3:31
I like cream of wheat, but a too much of it. I can't eat. Yeah. And I don't know what you're supposed to do with cream and weep. I definitely bite my cream of wheat like I still do. You're supposed to chew cream of wheat well.

Unknown Speaker 3:43
So the way I learned how to make cream of wheat is I learned how to make the lumps in them. So parts of it are like thicker and you have to chew to get through it. Yeah, so it's mixed. It's mixed in with like, the very creamy part. But then also, there's clumps where you gotta chew it so it throws off your taste buds that thick. It's not just mush. No,

Unknown Speaker 4:03
I could not handle that. Yeah, no. Be too weird. The lumps in it. Yes. Mixed with like the creaminess of it. It would. I don't know. It kind of makes me sick right now. Like I couldn't do that.

Unknown Speaker 4:14
Well, now I got to think I got to think about how you guys make cream a week because if it's if yours is very, like creamy and watery, then I feel what you guys are saying. But mine is like a pretty consistent thickness with some extra thick parts if that makes sense.

Unknown Speaker 4:27
Yeah, I think you're overestimating how much you think I've made cream of wheat? Well, I

Unknown Speaker 4:31
used to grow up on that stuff, some cream of wheat and a couple pieces of toast and you dip the toast in the creamery. Oh, yeah,

Unknown Speaker 4:38
that was the stuff like jam right?

Unknown Speaker 4:40
And I just put butter on it. Some butter toast and some cream. Oh, it's

Unknown Speaker 4:43
actually really disturbing to me, but okay, so

Unknown Speaker 4:46
it wasn't just cream of wheat. We would also put brown sugar in it too. So there was some sweet to the cream of wheat. It wasn't straight cream of wheat.

Unknown Speaker 4:52
I don't know. I feel like textures are really important. Yes. Like I grew up in, like the one food that my family make Since like a family thing, I've tried to find recipes online. Like when I was younger, like that might be fun. Maybe other people do the same thing. I haven't been able to find it. It's called vignette. Supposedly it's from Italy. But what it is we put it through a grinder, but it's parsley. It's onions, it's garlic. It's crackers. There's some vinegar in there. Okay. And it is this green goo, basically. And it is the best thing. We make it about every summer. It takes about three people to make because you have to wash all the partially like twice, and then you got to de stem the parsley. And then you got to put it through the grinder. Yeah. And then it has anchovies.

Unknown Speaker 5:43
So do you does it get mixed in with anything or it's just a standalone.

Unknown Speaker 5:46
So you put it on, we put it on everything, put

Unknown Speaker 5:49
it on stuff, it becomes like a sauce.

Unknown Speaker 5:51
It's not even like it's like a spread, okay, and we put it on like bugles. My grandpa puts it on his eggs. Okay, put it on a ham sandwich, kind of like a chimney cherry chimichurri from when I've had it. It's definitely thinner. Or like oily. This is like I eat it by the spoonful. Okay, okay. Okay, I got my preferred math. Green jam. Yeah, okay, and people put it on crackers. I'm like, cut out the middleman just give it to me on a spoon. But it's one of the things where my dad didn't grow up eating it, but he really likes it. Whereas my aunt if my uncle eats it, because I mean there's anchovies. There's garlic and onion. You smell bad. Like my aunt will make my uncle like sleep in a different bed or brush his teeth before bed like it smells or you gotta you gotta Listerine you gotta Listerine after that. Yeah, and there's like green parsley in your teeth. But it's the best thing you know you're if you're in my grandpa's good graces if he by depending on how much he gives you have this in Tupperware and he'll tell you about back in like the old country his grandma used to make it and they used to have this like baby jar container for the whole family. And now we get these big, you know, Tupperware containers making bucket loads of this stuff. Yeah, like it has to be spread out. But then it's so everybody wants them. That's interesting. If not, that's

Unknown Speaker 7:06
when you gotta hold a secret stash and put it in the back. So but everybody takes every

Unknown Speaker 7:11
recipe for it though. You just know if it's right by taste.

Unknown Speaker 7:14
Okay, so it's one of those things where he's sitting there tasting it over and over I'm

Unknown Speaker 7:18
I'm like certified to taste it. My mom is and it's like never right the first time always have to have the vinegar. A little bit more onion.

Unknown Speaker 7:26
That's my mother asked my mom when she makes bussola because she knows how to make the sauce the right way. She'll ask me to taste it and I'll be like, I think it needs more salt. I think it needs to be a little hotter. But I'm not sure where she'll taste it. Yeah, definitely use more pepper. I'm like, How did you know that? Or she'll she'll drink or shall tasted and sugar definitely needs more paprika. I got How do you know Paprika is the right one.

Unknown Speaker 7:47
But I know paprika tastes like right.

Unknown Speaker 7:49
So I know some people just have like the craziest taste buds. I'm always amazed by chefs on TV. They're like, like this one little thing that you need just a pinch of you need more of a how to you know,

Unknown Speaker 8:01
it's just so funny because it's not related to food, but I drink some wine one time. And the guy asked me, he goes, What do you think of that go? Well, it's really smooth. And he goes, That's not how you describe wine. I go, Well, I'm gonna be honest with you, man. I don't drink wine that often but it went down real smooth. And I could drink that whole bottle real quick. And he was like, that's the first time I've ever heard somebody describe wine is smooth. I said, Well, you just learned something new today.

Unknown Speaker 8:23
I've just described wine is smooth. Like, sometimes when just like has like a kick like the one where you like have to shiver after you drink because it's like that was kind of rock gaudy.

Unknown Speaker 8:33
It's like all red wine to me. Yeah, I

Unknown Speaker 8:35
used to. I used to be like that. But I grew up in a Catholic church. So I was drinking

Unknown Speaker 8:40
from a Sano Yom that's my all my grandpa. I remember he had to make me my own glass of Kool Aid wine. So that way I felt included.

Unknown Speaker 8:49
My mom used to be in crackers for communion because I cried communion cried, cried. We didn't get unleavened bread. So she'd make us close our eyes. She'd give us a cracker and then we eat the cracker and be like, I did it. Nope. didn't do it.

Unknown Speaker 9:02
You can buy those by like the bucket loads.

Unknown Speaker 9:04
I know. Yeah. I love them. I am seeing about carbs. My favorite deal illusion

Unknown Speaker 9:09
of Unleavened Bread got broken for me when I was actually going through First Communion. And our the nun that we were practicing with made us practice doing it. So she brought out a sleeve of Unleavened Bread. Yeah, we practiced in because it wasn't and it was unblessed we could eat it. And I was like, so I could have done this the whole time. That's messed up. And that's what I knew. I was like, my mom has been tricking me for the all these years. That's messed up.

Unknown Speaker 9:31
That's what parents do. They will do that. Yeah. Just like they find a way to get you to eat all your veggies and food and everything. And that's

Unknown Speaker 9:39
one thing my parents never like, had a problem with was, I guess they never made it into a thing where like, oh, most kids don't like broccoli. It's like broccoli is what's for dinner. But it's funny because you know, like a lot of kids. They're like when I grow up. I'm never going to eat broccoli again. And my dad like has done that. Like they used to have the same meal Every night of the week, so on Mondays they'd have like spaghetti. This man will not eat meatloaf. Like I've only had meatloaf like once in my life, but he is like truly made it his mission to never have these foods that he grew up eating again.

Unknown Speaker 10:14
I feel that I don't know my parents like Well, growing up, I was pretty picky. I didn't like vegetables. I still don't like a lot of fruit. That's a weird thing I know. But they would make us try it. So I'd take a bite and be like, you know, not eating that ever again. And as I've grown older, I do the same thing. So if there was something that I didn't used to like, now, I'll be like, I'll hold on. Let's find out if I still don't like it. I'll try it. Um, I like it. I'm like, Oh, we're adding that to the list. If I still don't like it, I go. Nope, still not for me.

Unknown Speaker 10:42
Yeah, I mean, I've also grown up liking things and then as I get older, I don't like them anymore. Like peas. I could eat a whole bag of peas when I was younger years ago. It just like it disgust.

Unknown Speaker 10:54
I can empathize with you on peas. Yeah, I don't like him at all the taste the texture is just so no, it's weird.

Unknown Speaker 11:01
They're too squishy. But like asparagus. I only like the top where it's like flowered out. Broccoli. I really only care for like the flower parts too. I think it's the texture of it to that gets me. I don't know.

Unknown Speaker 11:15
So then do you like brussel sprouts? I don't. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 11:18
Brussel sprouts, like once really? Yeah, my parents don't like things I just never grew up eating. So I

Unknown Speaker 11:24
didn't like him growing up, but then I learned how to actually cook some brussels sprouts. You gotta you gotta bake these bad apples but the texture so the way I make brussel sprouts, I lamb I cut them in half. If they're really big, then I'll cut them in quarters, but I buy them off the stem and I cut them off the stamp. And then once I'm done chopping them up, getting them ready to go. I put a little bit of olive oil on him some lemon pepper seasoning and then I throw on a little bit of parmesan cheese then you gotta bake these bad boys tiller. There's some char on the outside. That at the end I throw a little bit of honey drizzled on top. These are these are some brussel sprouts. Let me tell you what, I'll eat those every single night if I could because they are so good. It sounds

Unknown Speaker 12:03
a lot better with seasoning and everything on it. Like I want to make some

Unknown Speaker 12:08
you got a doctor him up for sure. A straight Brussel sprout I'll still do it. I'll eat straight broccoli too. But when you doctor it up, it's it just puts it into a whole nother level.

Unknown Speaker 12:16
Yeah, I have to at least have like salt and pepper or just one or the other on something.

Unknown Speaker 12:22
That's what I've learned growing up everything it feels like need salt and pepper. Oh, my mom over salt. Over salting is bad. But everything needs at least a little something by kind

Unknown Speaker 12:31
of like like it's not home cooking. Unless it's a little too salty. Like to me it's like it needs more. So I need it to kind of hurt a little

Unknown Speaker 12:38
Yeah, see, for me growing up. It was like, Is it a little too spicy? Probably. That's home for me. Like is it too spicy? Definitely somebody coming in here who doesn't like spicy things? Not gonna have a good night. That's how I knew that's my home.

Unknown Speaker 12:51
Your eyes are watering your noses all runny?

Unknown Speaker 12:54
My, my great grandmother would make a soul and it burned. burned? Let me tell you what, what do we have in pessoais? Oh, okay, it's gonna be a rough night tonight.

Unknown Speaker 13:05
You got to prepare yourself spicy food is the best way to get the tissues

Unknown Speaker 13:08
clearing up our nostrils today. But then, like other stuff like so I grew up breakfast time, I would have a rose colored chia. And it was leftover rice, put it in a bowl, dumped some milk on top of that bad boy heated up in the microwave till though milks warm and the rice is a little warm, and spoon that bad boy into your mouth. And that was it. And that was breakfast. And for me, that was really good. But it's a make or break day and you're they're gonna love it or hate it because if you don't like milk, you're not going to like it. You know, me and my brothers. We grew up eating that for breakfast before school, because we had to be at school because my mom was a teacher so she'd have to go to school and it wasn't close. So she dropped us off at daycare like 630 in the morning. So we were up at like six and she had to make something really quick. And that would take her seconds because she could put two bowls in the microwave heated up while we're getting dressed. We'd get up eat our breakfast and go and that was that. But yeah, definitely a weird one. It's kind of like mush in a bowl, but it's good mush.

Unknown Speaker 14:05
I grew up because like I kind of said or kind of alluded to earlier like I grew up kind of like Italian with like the anchovies and whatever so we always have leftovers. One thing always had a lot of when you made it you made a lot is polenta. Yes. You know polenta is like cornmeal to grits, but we kind of make it it gets hard. And then you can kind of mold it and then cut it. So what we would do is I'd have plenty for breakfast, but I'm one of those people who doesn't like maple syrup. So I would have planted put in the microwave, put some butter on it and then I put some blueberry syrup on it and it's breakfast and it kind of is like the sweet of like the cornmeal and the butter just like some salted butter and then blueberry syrup just like I don't know just like brings it home for me. And that was like one thing there was kind of always a lot of and it just is so good. I eat it now. It's kind of gross to think about but it's just so good. It's like one of the things I grew up eating all the time.

Unknown Speaker 15:00
I see that it kind of reminds you like what sweet tamales are, in a way because you have the matzah, which is quite basically cornmeal. And then my family did it with blueberries. So it's just, that's literally it's the matzah, a little bit of sugar in blueberries. And you get that sweet that sweetness from from all of it, and it's really good. And so we'd have tamales, regular meat and cheese tamales, then you'd have your dessert tamale. And that was a that was That's dinner around like Christmas. That's Christmas Eve right there.

Unknown Speaker 15:27
Yeah, I never had that for breakfast. Like I had, like single mom pretty broke. So I had like the store brand like the Kroger brand of whatever Cinnamon Toast Crunch. And I was like yum. Every single morning.

Unknown Speaker 15:41
Those storebrand cereals were the greatest. They'd come in bags instead of boxes. They can pound bags. I remember those. And it wasn't even because my parents were broke, but it's just cheaper. So we'd get those bags and we didn't know because we were kids. We didn't care either. No, I didn't care. A difference. It tasted good. Did not matter. I remember we grew up on those.

Unknown Speaker 16:00
Yeah. Oh, those little frozen french toast sticks that had the syrup inside of it. I know exactly. Oh my god. Yeah, that's a no for me. That was like a delicacy. It was so good.

Unknown Speaker 16:14
All french toast sticks are are amazing. Still are but the best. So now since the air fryer is like the new hot thing. Put them in the air fryer. Forget the oven. Forget the microwave game change. The air fryer is a game changer for so many things.

Unknown Speaker 16:29
Yeah, I haven't touched and haven't really. It's all the airfryer it does so much. Yeah, you can make anything in there.

Unknown Speaker 16:35
Yeah, you can. Actually if you grew up with anything kind of strange, kind of different.

Unknown Speaker 16:39
But you know, I had done some growing up. And it was kind of interesting. So I'm a picky person too. And I'm very particular with some things I'll eat things playing like we have this rice porridge will be called joke. And I like it plain. I don't sometimes either with noodles or with onions and some stuff. But don't give me much meat on it because I'm not going to really eat it because sometimes there's pork in it or some stuff. And I personally don't eat pork for personal reasons. But that's just how I feel. But then sometimes we have like some stuff like chicken feet, and I don't eat that stuff. Because I'm like, Oh no, yeah, that's totally not my cup of tea. And then sometimes like so my family members will eat that stuff. I mean, I do eat meat. I'm an omnivore. But you know, I just will not touch much of the stuff that's on my family's will also eat. There's Oregon's and I'm like, no thanks. You're You're kidding. I'm not going to do that kind of stuff. I'm not some people. I'm not very adventurous. I'm just kind of playing but you know, that's just how I am with food. But I think it's cool to try new things. And it's cool to eat a lot of stuff and experiment. Just like when you're talking about coming wheat or polenta. I love polenta tastes really good. I just I've had at restaurants before I do any cream of wheat. I don't remember if I had it before, but maybe I go try. But I mean, it's all I got at the moment.

Unknown Speaker 17:58
No, that's that's a good one. You know, it's kind of one of those things. I think that's a lot similar to the the rice and milk thing but more like cream of wheat texture. So think right? So think cream of wheat texture, but rice. See I got to try some of that, because I haven't had that. But I remember I had a coworker one time. He would eat blue, just casually. And that's just basically an Unhatched chicken.

Unknown Speaker 18:22
Is that the Filipinos? Yeah. Oh,

Unknown Speaker 18:24
yeah. So you peel the egg and it's is it a duck? Or is it a chicken believe it's a duck. It's a duck. That's what it is. So you peel the egg and it's just a unborn duck, and you just eat it. And he tried to commit every time he would try to convince me to eat one. He would buy me one just to see if I would eat it. And every time I look at it and go, this is the time to do it. And then every time I'd be like I'd watch him eat it. I go nope. Not doing it. No chance. I don't know how he did it. I don't know what the consistency is. I don't know the actual taste is. But it was hard to watch. Hard to watch. Go down. And yeah, I always tell myself like, I don't care what you serve me. If it tastes good. I'll eat it. But the appearance of it is so off putting that I can't get myself to even try it.

Unknown Speaker 19:09
Yeah, I feel the same way.

Unknown Speaker 19:10
Yeah, it's it's one of those rising. Yeah, it is. But I know if I tried it, I bet I would like it. I just can't, I can't get myself to do it. Somebody's gonna have to blindfold me and just let make me taste it. And I might be like, that's actually pretty good. And then take the blindfold off. Once I see it after tasting it. If I thought it was good, I eat it. It doesn't matter what it looks like if it tastes good to me if that makes sense. But the appearance is too much. I

Unknown Speaker 19:35
can't eat with your eyes first like that. Appearances are important. Definitely. Presentation. One thing I don't know it just is so simple to me. Like we grew up with crosskeys which is I'm from a small town in southwest Wyoming. And it is a thing that everybody there knows they're Polish crosskeys They're made with like variety of meat and then they're just like they're not sure about hot dog sides. Not like bratwurst size. And the way to cook them, you don't fry them, you boil them in beer. And then once that's done, you can put it on a hot dog like but if you want most people in my family, including myself, we just like put it on a plate. And then you get like a gob of mustard. And when, according to appearances, like it's like a two, it's nothing but they're so good. They're like they have a crunchy like outer casing. And they're like handmade and are my small town, and everybody like has them. And then that's the thing, you get people for Christmas, you get them a package of crosskeys. And they're just a random people who move out of Rock Springs, that's what their family sends them for the holidays is a package of crosskeys

Unknown Speaker 20:45
so interesting, because I've definitely been in a place where like, we've had leftover bras or hot dogs, and I gotta eat one of those for lunch already heated up, and then I'll go to get a bun or out of buttons. And it's like, well, I've already committed this far. So I'll just put on some ketchup on the plate. And I'm just like, Let's go for it. And all you did just a broader hotdog straight. So I would imagine it's something like that. But obviously different.

Unknown Speaker 21:06
Yeah. Do you guys remember or did you ever with hot dogs growing up when you didn't have like a bun, you just you would use white bread? Oh,

Unknown Speaker 21:14
definitely. Also, what we would do is we would just cut them in half. And so you'd cut the hotdog in half and lay it flat and then just make a sandwich out of it. So you put some ketchup or cheese on top of it and then boom, you got a sandwich

Unknown Speaker 21:24
because this isn't like don't hot dogs in Bologna tastes the same. I've never had bologna.

Unknown Speaker 21:29
I would say they're different, but pretty similar, because I've heard that

Unknown Speaker 21:33
basically baloney and hot dogs are the same thing. I'm just like, That's sounds like a bologna sandwich.

Unknown Speaker 21:39
Yeah, I don't know what any meat tastes like anymore.

Unknown Speaker 21:42
That's crazy. Yeah, not at all. No, I

Unknown Speaker 21:45
haven't had meat since I was like, eight years old. I'm 22 now so you

Unknown Speaker 21:48
just for you just forget. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 21:51
Like I know what they smell like of course, like I can identify like, Oh, somebody's making bacon. Oh, that steak. But like if I tasted it, I wouldn't know.

Unknown Speaker 21:58
So when you taste I'm sure you eat a lot of like meat alternatives. Yeah, I've heard you like, oh, this tastes like good chicken. Are you are you like, I don't know what chicken tastes like this probably tastes like chicken. I'm

Unknown Speaker 22:09
just taking their word for it. I'm like, if this is what chicken tastes like, it tastes good, but who knows? Yeah, I know. Like surprises. Yeah, like eating a beyond burger. I'm like, I mean, it tastes like how a burger smells so and it tastes good.

Unknown Speaker 22:23
So does it taste good? It does.

Unknown Speaker 22:25
I think I've had one of those before, but I can't like the taste is not coming to my mind. You know, like when you think of a food you can taste it. I can't I can't think of I can't imagine what it tasted like. But I remember eating it. I was like, I would have this again. It was just too expensive.

Unknown Speaker 22:41
It's very expensive. They just raised prices for like two patties. It's maybe like, I don't know, six, seven bucks.

Unknown Speaker 22:48
Yeah, that's expensive. It's way more expensive than just buying some ground beef. Yeah. So like for me, it's plenty of meat. I'm just gonna buy the ground beef at that point. Yeah, yeah. Because you can make something that's like, obviously, it's not the most healthy for you. But if you do it the right way. You can make it healthy enough. Depending on what you want. You're making.

Unknown Speaker 23:06
Yeah, that's just the life I've chose. So I made my bed. I have to lie in it. But I don't mind. I like being vegan. There's a lot of stuff that I can eat, especially now. So many restaurants have so many options where I can eat food, like even milks. There's like 10 Different kinds of milks now.

Unknown Speaker 23:25
Oh, milk is my new favorite thing. It's good. And I didn't think I was gonna like it. Well, I knew what almond milk tasted like and it's okay to me. But then I tried oat milk. And I was like, I was just kind of this is kind of nice. I put oak I when I made my coffee in the morning, black coffee, oat milk. That's it no sugar. It's not even like the oat milk creamer. It's just oat milk and coffee and happy guy.

Unknown Speaker 23:47
Cashew milk is where it's at too. I haven't had that.

Unknown Speaker 23:50
I am going to be honest. I don't know the last time I've ever had a glass of milk. I even when I have cereal. I have my spoon you know full of cereal and then against the edge of the bowl. I'll dump out the mouth. No, like reaches my mouth. I don't I don't like it. When I was like a little kid when you know when you have school lunch of a carton of milk for your drink. My don't like milk. I don't know why I just didn't bring a water bottle. But we had my mom's nurse practitioner friend write a note to the school saying that I couldn't have milk so they would give me orange juice or apple juice because I am so against milk.

Unknown Speaker 24:25
We'll see that's so you had to drink milk unless

Unknown Speaker 24:27
you had a special note you didn't have to but I didn't have anything else to drink. Well, because

Unknown Speaker 24:31
I know when well when I was in school, like in elementary school. They were they had like a little cooler. And it was that you had your trays of food. And you'd either pick white milk chocolate milk, strawberry milk, or strawberry milk or apple juice or orange juice.

Unknown Speaker 24:45
Now you can only have the milk oh that's why then like the other mouth like I'm allergic to soy. I'm matcha almonds. I can have cashews like I'm tree nuts, but there's some that I can have. Right so but I just can't wiggle How am I going to Do I wait, am I putting myself a glass of milk? Like basically I am not okay with that. That is so weird to me and when people are like, Oh, is this milk rotten and they like smell? I'm like, I don't know it smells bad. Like, I don't know what good milk smells like

Unknown Speaker 25:13
I was, you know, thinking about that I haven't had like, the only time I have straight glasses of milk is if I'm gonna have it with cookies. That's it skinny some cold water. No. See, I gotta dunk your cookies in the milk. But that's the only time I'll drink milk like that. Otherwise, it's like, in the morning I drink coffee. That's that's what I've gone to. But I used to like growing up. I drink

Unknown Speaker 25:34
milk is that was to drink at the dinner table. No,

Unknown Speaker 25:37
I drink I drink water.

Unknown Speaker 25:39
I never drink milk. my stepbrother. We would go out to eat and he would get to like the huge glasses of like whole milk one time he threw open a restaurant that traumatized me, but also I just never liked milk. And then I used to have a friend. She'd put ice cubes in her milk. That's strange. I don't like yeah, that is. It threw me off. I don't like it at all.

Unknown Speaker 26:01
That's strange. That's I think milk orange juice. I think milk and orange juice are the two things you just like can't put ice in.

Unknown Speaker 26:08
No, I would put ice in orange juice. I don't say that.

Unknown Speaker 26:12
I just don't like orange.

Unknown Speaker 26:14
I think I could do it it but I wouldn't choose to do that. If that makes sense. I like if somebody poured me orange juice I was like here you go in those isolated I'd look at him and go Why is there ice in this orange juice and then drink it?

Unknown Speaker 26:25
Do you guys like know that orange juice is or Tang is supposed to be the alternative for orange juice right have you guys have not one thing that I remember eating or drinking when I was sick growing up as a parent would make me hot tank so basically hot orange juice. Oh no. No, it's so good. I crave it sometimes hot. Like hot Tang. Yeah, no. Oh my god. And that's wild. So yummy. And my grandma when I was sick she you know jello while it was still hot before it like you know became jello solidify. Yeah, I would have I would drink liquid jello Mike. Like my family was just all out with these weird hot drinks, but I don't I don't drink coffee. That's what I do drink some tea. You'll

Unknown Speaker 27:07
you'll drink hot Tang, but you won't drink coffee.

Unknown Speaker 27:10
No, but hot chain tastes so good. And coffees are so bitter.

Unknown Speaker 27:14
I think it's weird because I've always I've had apple cider, and I've had it hot. And that's good.

Unknown Speaker 27:19
But I don't like apple juice. Okay,

Unknown Speaker 27:21
I love apple juice.

Unknown Speaker 27:24
I just would rather have so many other things.

Unknown Speaker 27:27
Okay, see that? I can agree with 100% There's, it's like, if I'm gonna go to breakfast and I have options. I got coffee. I got milk. I got orange juice, and whatever else there might be. Apple juice is definitely last on the list. Yeah, definitely last on the list

Unknown Speaker 27:42
after water. It'd be my first

Unknown Speaker 27:44
and it wouldn't be for breakfast like, are we saying like on a normal day when you go to a restaurant or next? Your next thing isn't like a soda. It's apple juice. I don't drink

Unknown Speaker 27:53
soda. I stopped drinking soda because it made me feel so shitty. And then the second that I stopped I felt so much better.

Unknown Speaker 28:00
So I'm with her on that. I would like sodas probably the last thing on my list like breakfast time.

Unknown Speaker 28:05
Oh, if I sometimes McDonald's is like I don't want your orange juice. I don't want your apple juice. I'm just gonna have a sprite. It's delicious. I just want I want some angry you know, good the day like the McDonald's sprite is

Unknown Speaker 28:18
like that will go golfing like seven in the morning. But as you get your you get your coke you hope you like? Yeah, I got my cup. It's seven in the morning guy. seven in

Unknown Speaker 28:25
the morning. There's caffeine dough and coke. But I mean, I don't drink soda either. Because it's just so sweet and so sugary. It's like, Gee, how much sugar do you put in these tiny little cans? I'm like, now I don't need it. But I'm just going to stick to like the fruit juice and all that good stuff. But so to count me out. I ain't gonna take it

Unknown Speaker 28:42
and there's so much sugar and like apple juice too. But it just you just don't taste it. You know? I mean, I well. At least I don't.

Unknown Speaker 28:48
I'm sugar blind. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 28:50
I drink I'll drink like lemonade. And that's there's a ton of

Unknown Speaker 28:54
shit homemade laminate though.

Unknown Speaker 28:56
Laminate is good.

Unknown Speaker 28:57
Use of steel lemons from this, this tree down the street. And we would we thought we were so slick. I know. They know we did it. But we were kids. So we would go and take them and then put them in a plastic bag and just run home because it was literally down the street. Like maybe six seven houses. So we steal these lemons and just run and then we'd make our own lemonade.

Unknown Speaker 29:13
One thing I remember I still do it and I grew up doing it my brother taught me was I call it a mixed drink but it's half seven up and half lemonade and it's just like fizzy lemonade and a habit. It's good in and out forever you want like that's so good to me. Have you ever done that CRM?

Unknown Speaker 29:31
I haven't but I had a friend is it I've heard suicide and graveyard for when you mix all the drinks?

Unknown Speaker 29:39
I've heard I've heard it's called a suicide. Yeah, I just mix every single soda that's up on the on their machine. Too risky.

Unknown Speaker 29:46
That's way too risky for me.

Unknown Speaker 29:48
I used to do high sea and sprite so like Oh, Sprite. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 29:52
basically like fuzzy, fuzzy fruit.

Unknown Speaker 29:56
That's exactly what it was. I just want the fish that's so if I wanted car elimination. That's the That's why we're doing Yeah. All right. Well, I think that's gonna be all the time we have today. But if you tune in next time, we're going to be discussing more topical cultural foods and drinks and other stuff like that. And I just want to say thank you all for listening to us here and see you guys

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