Clydesdale Media Podcast

The Crew gets together to discuss all the events of the weekend. Plus check in on everyone.

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

What is going on, everybody?

Welcome to Clydesdale Media Roundtable.

We're back for another week.

Semifinals are done and dusted.

And moving on to the CrossFit Games.

And you just got back.

Just got back to these.


Brand new stickers.


you're interested just dm me

I've already got a bunch

packaged up ready to head

out the door to people

wanted them so got the

yellow square it's kind of

there you go yeah you can

see them better on the ig

um but blue are blue with

the uh round one new logos

I throw in the old stickers

too when you do it so you

get a bunch but there you go

So just DM me and if you

want them and they're yours for free,

people keep asking how much they're free.

I just want our name out there.

So there we go.

There you go.

So how was your experience at syndicate?

So I,

I want to make sure I say this huge

shout out to the event organizers,

the night and day

difference from 22 when

they had the semifinals

there to this year,

like light years better.

Light years better.

And really cool.

They weren't so back-to-back, right?

Like where they had two

events so close together.

We're not at Miss Puffy Pants, Lex.

But the venue and, oh my gosh,

Wilson Pack and his crew,

the 12 Layers crew, put on a great show.

Last time we were there,

the media was in the hockey locker room.

And this year,

I'll bring in our other host.

This year,

we were actually in a main

concourse as the media room,

way much more breathing

room than we had in years past.

But it was upstairs.

So we had to go down the

stairs to the floor,

upstairs to the media room,

downstairs to the floor, which was fine.

It was cool.

Because we had way more room.

And the signage they put up,

They put a sign over the

whole back wall that was

that skull crown logo,

crown covering up all the

ugliness that was back there.

It looked freaking awesome.

And the stands were packed.

If you look at the thumbnail,

that was Friday afternoon.

During a work day, those were the stands.

And it got bigger and bigger

as the weekend went on.

So do you think it was because,

why do you think it was

more filled with spectators

versus West Coast Classic?

Do you think it was location

or do you think it was the

strength of the field?

Because we were there.

I don't know.

But I talked to so many

people who said now that

they've experienced semifinals,

they're not going to the games.

They're going to go to semis instead.

They had so much more fun at semifinals.

And I've been preaching that.

It is so much more fun to go

to semis than the games.


I would imagine Knoxville's a lot

more affordable than L.A.

For sure.

I was totally thinking that, too,

and easier to get to.


and more centralized than something

on the East Coast.

Like people from the Midwest

could get there.

People from, you know,

all over could get there more easily,

I think.

And mayhem's an hour away.


Proven's right there.

Yeah, Proven's an hour, two hours away.

TTT is three or four hours away.

So you're four hours from Atlanta.

It's five and a half hours

from Columbus to Knoxville.


That's not a bad drive.


It's so centrally located.

You can get from anywhere.

And all the major camps in

the Midwest kind of are in

driving distance.


And there were so many

mayhem athletes there.

So many mayhem athletes.

And they're an hour down the road.

That had to help, of course.

Because they could go home

and sleep in their own beds.

If they wanted, yeah.


I mean, Rich was there all three days.


He competed in the community event.


And I think the community event helped,


Because Vendor Village was packed.

Every time I walked through it,

it was packed.


And Northern Spirit sold out

of stuff on Friday.



So, yeah,

it was a much better experience

than the West, for sure.


But it was great.

We got really good access.

For the first time ever,

they gave us finish line access.

So in years past,

they had the elevated

finish line at Knoxville.

They did not put that in this year.

And then there was a gap

between the finish line and

the VIP family and friends section,

which was the end.


And media could be there.

There was just a red taped

area you had to be in to

stay out of the camera's view.


I saw you several times.

Oh, yeah.

Last year, you had to jump up.

Yeah, you had to be up in the stand.

You were like a sniper up in the upper.

Yeah, I remember that.

That was the same menu then.




I remember when you were sitting in

the locker.

Didn't have to do that this year.

I remember, though,

I got some really cool

shots of wall balls at the end,

at the starting line.

Because they have that

balcony where you're right

over and seeing.

That was kind of cool.

You still had that balcony

access for the rig.

But on the opposite end, the finish line,

we had access now on the

floor to get finish line shots.

Very cool.

Um, so yeah, it was such a hard, I mean, I,

I was glued to the screen

this whole weekend, like,

cause I was available, you know,

I was literally glued and there was,

it was so exciting and so

heartbreaking on so many, you know,

different levels,

but you're excited for everybody,

but also you have,

you have to be disappointed

for somebody too, you know, like it's,

More we become friends with people,

the harder it is to be at

these events because like I

am emotionally invested.

Carolyn has become such a good friend.


She had a bad weekend and it just was like,

there was nothing consoling

her right in that moment.

And other than Lex sent her

a blizzard and some cheese

curds and we love that.

So yeah,

Um, but she just was,

she just had a bad start to the weekend.

She got dizzy on the run.

She doesn't know why.

And then it, it just,

then it's an uphill climb from there.



Annika has the same bad

first event makes the climb

and then has that Tyler Christoffel end.

I didn't realize that she

wasn't going to make it either.

Like, I didn't realize it was that close.

I thought after that event,

even despite what happened,

that she was still safe.

only because Sean Woodland said, you know,

she sounds like she's still safe.

So I believe that.

And I wasn't thinking anything.

And then when they showed

her split screen at the end, I was like,

oh no, you can't,

this cannot be happening.

And that was the only time

that weekend that I visibly

like yelled at the TV.

That and two weeks prior was

when Colton Mertens touched and go,

did his touching.

I was like, let's go.

But that was, yeah,

that was heartbreaking.


The Anika thing is heartbreaking.

When Chloe Gavon David made it in,

that's when I started to worry.


She thought she was going to be number 10.


When she was number eight,

then it was like, oh, shit.


like she made such a large leap in

that last event.

Or nine, maybe it was.

She came from like 15.



She wasn't,

we weren't even talking about

her in that last event really.


And she's in a fun,

a phenomenal athlete who's

always gone team and

nobody's seen what she had and she showed,

she showed she's a really good athlete.


But on the, on the bright side,

I fell in love with Joey Piero.

I cannot get enough of that guy.

He's charismatic for sure.

was interviewing marquand

jones in the back and we

were walking out and um

marquand went up to him and

said how'd that go for you

joe and he's like well I

was I was bound and

determined to get dead last

I got a little bit of a

lead but then thank god I

got a no rep and then I

fell to dead last so I

solidified my position and

then he went touch and go

on the last bar of the

snatch complex and uh

And he said,

I knew just to salvage my weekend,

I had to pull that off.


And he made it look easy.

He didn't have the Colton

sideways shuffle.


But he is such a cool guy.

I want to hang out with him all the time.

He's Jersey boy too, right?


His Instagram is JerseyJP.

yeah he was one of the first

guys that I interviewed two

years two three years ago

when we started doing these

yeah I i watched it back

because I interviewed him

this year just to get what

you guys had talked about

and he was funny on that

one yes personality for

sure so I wanted to bring

this up because we had this

conversation at my house so

I was talking about paige

cementa and how every time

like she is a very consistent athlete

at a high level and she just

never gets the attention.


It's like invisible.


And then, then it'll be like, Oh,

where'd you come from?

And it's like, she's,

she's always been there.


And so I'm,

I'm bringing that up to my

family and here's their perspective.

And so I'm curious what you

guys think they were like,

she's not this flashy kind

of athlete though.

I think it's her temperament that she's

not a flashy athlete, but at the same time,

which I could hear that

like and see that like she

is kind of a more of a

reserved kind of person.

But why aren't they talking about her?

Okay, you got anything?

Because I'll go if you want me to,

but she have an agent.

No, she gets no media exposure.

No other than from us.

And I think she's freaking awesome.

Here's the thing.

She doesn't have any home runs.



she's going to finish higher than

Danny Spiegel,

but Danny Spiegel is going

to do something in that

weekend you're going to remember.

Paige is just going to be solid.

And if she was in the West,

maybe she hits a home run.

But in this region,

there's just too much talent.

for her to like stand out

and hit that home run.

But I mean, but same thing.

Like if you look at Scott Pancheck, I mean,

he was pretty similar in that sense.


Where he was,

he's just like Mr. Consistent.


I think that was a different era.


I think until page, you know,

is consistently top five.

I don't think people are

going to pay attention.

or it doesn't seem like they

have up to this point.

And Lex and Carolyn talk

about this all the time.

Paige is just an athlete.

You can throw anything you

want at her and she's going

to be able to do it because

she's an athlete.

It doesn't mean that she's

going to hit a home run with it,

but it's not going to throw

her off her game.

When she was at Rogue,

when they threw the log

over under thing at her,

she made that look like child's play.

And that was a home run for her.

It just was, it was at Rogue, right?

Not at the games or not at whatever, but.

And I think she's better this year,

like way better.

It would not surprise me if

she doesn't approach the

top 10 at the games.

I think it's going to be

tough to get top 10,

but like approach in that

Emily Rolfe era or area.

And is she, is she with a training camp?

No, Misfit.


With Misfit.


Which doesn't have a location, right?

They're more, I mean, they might,

but they're all kind of spread across.

So their location is like Maine.


She's not there.



I think, you know,

when you think about the

people that we know and cover, they are,

they have agents they're with.

camps that are you know

really well known they are

putting themselves out

there on social media or

they're half naked in their

posts or you know whatever

unfortunately that's she's

just she flies under their

radar for sure and and she

might that might be her

preference too that might

be how she you know puts

her head down and does work because

I would imagine if she

wanted to stand out more,

she could talk to some

folks to figure out how to do that,

whether it's getting an agent or

One thing I've kind of

learned with Misfit is

they're kind of a self-contained entity.

Like they support their

athletes through product sales,

through like they're almost

like an agent.

So they own an apparel company,

they own a supplement company,

they own all this stuff.

And their athletes all pitch

that stuff too.



So it's kind of this

self-contained thing that

probably limits how big she can be.


Or you need someone like

Hiller or somebody like Dawad for time,

you know,

somebody who's making parodies

or doing something to sort

of highlight her in that way.

And then that will start to

rally people around her.

It's almost like you have to

manufacture that sometimes.


I'm just throwing it out there

because it bothers me that

she doesn't get what she earned.

No, that's a good topic for sure.

yeah and she looked great

this weekend yeah just

great um so super happy

with her but I do have a

one o'clock meeting so

there's one thing I do want

to touch on and that is

judging yes and and I know

a lot of judges and there

were there were a lot of

judges out there that I did

not know I didn't of the

the crew that I used to be with

They were not making these calls.

So I'm going to say that outright.

So understand doesn't like

jump down my throat.


I don't know.

He was there.



A lot of my old judging

friends were there and we

talked during the entire event,

but there was so much

inconsistency on the judging.

And I know Hiller did some

stuff on it and it was really good.

But during the team event, this is,

this is the epitome of it all.

They switched from male to female on,

and it was a,

I think it was overhead squats,

overhead squats in the workout.

They had to do like a

hundred of them between the two of them.

I might be off on numbers,

but it was a lot.


So the one judge is in

between the two looking

male looking female.


The judge is looking male.

The female goes, she turns,

the female is already gone.

She calls a no rep on the

rep and never saw it.

Is she calling a no rep

because she didn't see it?

So I think there's an

assumption with some judges

that when you do the squat

snatch to start the overhead squat,

you're not getting deep enough.

And they were calling it on

every first rep.

So I remember a very

well-known judge person in

the space once out loud said,

you always no rep the first rep,

no matter what, just to set the tone.

But this was the first rep

on every attempt.

When I saw that,

when she wasn't even

looking at the athlete and

called the no rep, I almost lost my mind.



but it was happening all weekend on

depth on hip extension that I,

I felt like,

and whether the call was right or wrong,

it wasn't the same across the lanes.

That's the key.


It's like you have, you know,

20 home plate umpires

calling balls and strikes and

It's like, how is it?

It's never going to be fair.

That's the thing.

Like when you have humans.

Impossibly fair, non-fair.

That's true.

I see, like I said,

there's a lot of suspect squat snatches.

On this particular case that

I'm talking about,

this athlete's butt was

almost on the floor.

Yeah, you're talking about the team ones.

This was team.

You might have been talking

about the individual.

But it was the one instance

where I saw the lady,

the judge was not even

looking at the athlete.


And she called the no rep.


Now, when I was texting you guys about the,

my question, it really was a question.

Like I just didn't know.

So we were talking offline about, um,

the box get overs or jump overs.

They were jump offers.



I understand the way to

making it more efficient.


you were saying it's a short person's

way to kind of go across it,

but how the trailing leg

was not crossing over the

center of the box.

So I really was like,

what is the standard?

Is that a standard?

And Scott was saying it

apparently was not a standard.

Is that correct?

Or just they weren't calling?

I did talk to a judge who

was standing beside me.


That judge and Jamie

actually got into a

shouting match during that event.


And they weren't hearing each other,

so it just kept going back and forth.

But from what I'm told,

they were told the trailing

leg didn't matter.



And then he,

this judge was saying very

specifically that it was, you had to jump,

you had to stay between the

lines the whole time.


Until you had to go out and

around the box to run to the finish line.


Or to go back to whatever.

So they were really concerned.

It didn't matter if you went

over the side or the middle

or the top or whatever,

as long as you stayed

between the lines on the box over.



I'm just going from my

perspective of if I was

coaching that movement,

I would never allow that or

I would coach it to go over the center.

And Jamie said that she felt

the lead legs were actually

not even getting they were

kind of going around the

side and up onto the box.

And she's probably right in

some in some cases.

I mean,

at least they didn't like turn it

like on its side, like a diamond.

Like I do.

I do stuff.


That's what I was just about to say.

That's a way that we, we,

I don't want to say cheat it, but we,

we take that extra step of over, right.

Because we're the shorter athletes,

but they have changed that standard.


That you can't do that because of.


these are wide rogue soft boxes that like,

it's much harder to like

clear the top of if you're

a shorter athlete.


Hiller actually made an

argument that that's maybe

why the step down actually

is why Bill Leahy tore his

Achilles because of the

spin and the twist on the

Achilles every time.

As opposed to the rebounding.


He said, if you don't want the rebound,

put a burpee on each side of the box.


Or just like let the

athletes choose how they

want to most efficiently do the movement,

you know?

And if you're short and you

have to step down, like step down.

But yeah.

To me,

if you're doing it to level the

playing field for shorter athletes,

then let's talk about wall

balls and rowing.

You know what I mean?

And I'm not saying that's the reason why,

but if you're doing it for

that reason because some

people can't do it,

then there's other things

we could talk about.



I'm all for safety of athletes,

but at some point, just –

running is dangerous right

like you can't and it's

your own responsibility to

be safe like you shouldn't

be stupid with it but yeah

uh oh cory's getting fired up

How dare you suggest we

leave it up to the athlete's cat?

You know,

we don't know what's best for us.

This is true.

I mean, we wouldn't be doing any of this,


So they were not allowed to

like flip their boxes, right?

They had to literally pick

them up and carry them to the next spot,



Because they were 30 and 24.

So the thirties had the

extra piece on top.

So you could, yeah.


Got it.


So other things from this weekend.

Anybody ever going to beat Tia?

I mean, he's just a force, man.


You know, baby, it doesn't matter.

She could be pregnant right now.

Probably wouldn't matter.



I think it was keeping for real

posted a thing where they

put the Terminator skin on

her like half off half Terminator.


She's I mean,

she took first in how many events?

I mean,

the first three I know she took

third and the fourth event.

Which was like a career low for her.


In a semi final.

She tied her third.

Look at what Corey just said.

Tia was a lot more fun to

watch when she was still humble.

Well, I did request an interview with her.

And she did deny you or what?

She did deny me.

If she said yes,

you probably would have

seen it somewhere.


Did she deny everybody or just you?

Lauren has one out there with her.


Good to know.


yeah um who else so haley

haley yeah sorry yeah she

looked she just looked

happy I know um and that

was awesome and she even

though she took dead last

in that one heat I mean she

did not take dead last in

the snatch ladder no

I will say I was worried

after event two as to how

that would affect her.

It was definitely a test for

her to see how she was

going to come back from that.

She did.

Yeah, she did great.

She passed the test.

It was the most loose I saw

her before an event was

before that event too.

Almost like she knew I'm

just here to have fun on

this one because these

front squats are going to get heavy.


did I forward you guys the TikTok,

the video that I took from

the Syndicate Crown,

the year Jason Hopper won?

So two years ago,

back when it was like a

sanctional or something,

and it was Hailey and Fi

Sagafi coming into the talk

dance behind the scenes,

like before one of the events.

I thought that was cute.

Corey says, Haley was awesome.

And can we talk about my girl?

I love it.

I love it that she came in

there and was proved that she's not just,

you know, a one hit wonder that she,

she's there.


And we,

we actually got an interview with her,

but the audio did not work.

uh so bummed we actually

lost interview with her and

uh taylor self and one

other person where the

audio just did just clunked

out on us you know I've

been thinking about how

much better we've been

since I was thinking about

our ben smith interview and

how he did this whole

interview and have three

minutes I was like man we

haven't really had any blunders lately



Jamie tried a new mic system.

And yeah, we've got to figure that out.


So the other people, Sam corn,

why a had an amazing love it.

That was when he got his sword.

Yes, Corey, in case you're asking.



Sam Cornway had a great weekend.

He looked all fired up.

That was awesome.

Who else had really good weekends?

Dal and pepper.



There's going to be a moment

where he took the sport.


Where he, what did he become?

He came in second place.

He did.


Here's the best part about

Dallin and the lunge workout.

We're watching it live.

And I literally,

who was ahead of him about to cross?

Someone was ahead of him.

And I was like, this is Dallas.

This is Dallas.

And finally,

I got respect for my family

that I know what I'm talking about.

Isn't that fun when you're

watching and you make a statement,

you say something smart and

then like Sean or somebody

on the broadcast says like

the same thing or something

else and you're like, see,

I knew what you were talking about.



my smart call was Jack Rosema is the

dark horse to make the games.

He freaking killed it.

With all those big guys.


And I love that guy.

And I can't believe Amy's

not all over him.

He was an OSU wrestler.

I'll give him some Buckeye props.

Yeah, he's going to the games.

He called top five at the

games on our interview.

He called it?

He called it.

We've had that happen before,

and it's worked out.

He said he just wants a free

trip to Scotland to get to Rogue.

Whatever it takes.


Perfect time for Rogue to

announce they're doing a

new qualifying system to

get people to their invitational event.

Right in the middle of the

end of semifinals when

nobody's paying attention.


And then I love it.

They're like,

this is the system we're going to use.

But just know we reserve the

right to invite anybody who we want.

We can do whatever we want

to because we're rogue.


And we are in charge here.

So all these formulas and

stuff we've thrown out here.


that's how we're going to kind of

start the process.

But at the end of the day,

we're going to pick who we pick.

We're going to pick our favorites.

um gosh austin hatfield had

a great weekend he is he is

a slightly taller version

than colton colton mertens

of that style athlete yeah

but I but like that 30 inch

box didn't affect him as

much because of those

couple inches yeah agreed I

forget did travis make it



I thought so,

but all of a sudden... Barely.

Hard to remember.

Right, you're right.

Was he number 11?


10 or 11.

Yeah, he was 10.


11 was Luke Parker.

Oh, yeah, that's right.

You're right.

Yeah, it was between Luke and... Seth.


I wanted Seth to make it so bad.

Seth was fun to talk to all weekend, too.

Him and Dre were like the

fun couple in the back.

Thank you, Dre and Garty.


It was Caron.

I was like,

who was it that had to put the

dumbbells down?

And he made a fight too.


I think Caron was a big surprise.

He's had that pec tear for the last year.

And he had to withdraw from

last year's semis,

last year's Waterpalooza.

And to get through that last

event with the 15

muscle-ups and still do okay.


Were we surprised that Alex

Vigneault didn't make it?

Or is he on his way out?

I feel like with that field,

if he would have been – I

feel like that field was too stacked.

And there's a lot of people

right on the cusp, like Seth, Dre,

if Dre keeps going.

I feel like if I had to

choose Alex or Caron from

the very beginning,

I would have picked Alex

Vigneault to make it if one

of them were going to make it.

So it was just surprising to me.

And Vigneault had a great

start to the weekend.

It just –

And sad because he's adorable.

I know.

He is.

He's real easy on the eyes.

He reminds me of Old Blue Eyes.

Who's our friend?

Paul Tremblay.


Those damn Canadians.

You can have the Canadians.

I'll take the Australian.

Paul qualified for the Masters Games.

Okay, good.

We'll see him.

Well, maybe we won't.

We'll see him in Birmingham.


One of my coaches made it to

the CrossFit Games, Mark Peters.


For what division?

He's either 60 to 65 or 65 plus.

He was there last year too.

So he got to go to the

actual CrossFit Games in Madison,

which is really cool.

And now he'll go to Birmingham.

We're excited for him.

And then there was another

local guy too at the gym I

used to work at in Kennett Square,

55 to 59, Kevin McVay, who also made it.


Two people I know.

One other guy who made the

Masters games but didn't

make it through the weekend

was Will Morad.

I know.

He looked jacked.

Like really jacked.

He is jacked.


That was sad.


I think I swallowed a bug.

Oh, great.

Oh, boy.

So the sad part about Will

was he had a great first event.

Second event fell apart in

an event I picked him to do really well.

I come off the floor, go around the corner,

and he's laying on the

floor with medical.

And I was like, well, that's why.

And then his lane was

completely empty the next event.


Oh, he ended up withdrawing.

Is that why we didn't see him again?

Oh, that stinks.

So I talked to him Sunday.

He had an MRI last night.

Don't know what the outcome of that was,

but that will be dependent

on whether he can compete

at the masters games or not.

Oh, okay.

Well, it was a hip issue.

Ah, okay.


He's got an extra month, you know,

games versus Masters.

Yeah, he was with his wife and he's like,

you know, it's just, is it going to,

he goes,

it depends on what the prize money is.

If it's the same as last year,

it might be worth strapping it up again.

Because I think the 35 to 39

is 25 grand to win.

And if he wins that,

if that is a possibility,

it may be worth strapping

it up again to go.

If the prize money is not great,

then it may not be, is what he told us.

So my weekend did start off

rough just because it's me.

We're walking to the venue.

What did you forget?

In a giant hole.

Oh, you stepped in a hole?

And it just jarred

everything down my back.

And made it pretty awful

weekend with back pain.

But we made it through.

But why?

Why would there be a big hole there?



Did you forget anything?

Did you forget any cords or chargers?

No meds.


Had all that stuff.


All right.

We're making progress and

you didn't have to worry about sunscreen.

I was sunny there for the first two days.

Sunday was pouring down rain.


But it rained before the event.

Then it cleared up just

cloudy so the community

event could go on because

it was all outside.

And then when everything was over,

it started pouring again.


How is my back now?

It's still sore.

And it's on the good side of my back.

So I don't know.

Jamie said it looked horrible.

Like the way it jarred me.

Oh my gosh.

Draw your dagger.

That's pretty good.

It's probably sore from

putting CrossFit media scene on his back.

I don't know about all that,

but try your daggers.


He, uh,

and he takes all the pictures for misfit.

Oh, cool.


So he's pretty awesome.


my allergies are horrible in the hotel.

The hotel was just... Lex,

he needs to walk around in

a padded outfit pretty much.

Funny thing is I said that

to Lex about six months ago

because every time I looked

on her Instagram,

she was having another surgery.

And now it's me.

We're going to, you know what?

The duct tape that you use

to duct tape your car back together.

I think we're going to start

doing that to you.

We're going to duct tape you

back together.

It's probably a solid choice.

I think it is.

Gorilla tape.



I couldn't believe it though.

Literally walking in the first day.

I can.

I've been, I've traveled with you enough.

He's waiting to hear something.

So yeah.

So you can totally believe it.


What did you guys think of the run,

the run up that ramp to start?

Well, I don't like, yeah,

I didn't have to do it.

So the cool thing was we

didn't go down to the floor

for that event because where the media,

where the media, uh,

place was where like we

could chill the media room

was all glass windows to

the outside and the running

path went right by it and

so the right around the

corner was the ramp so you

could run out the door

catch them coming up the

ramp go around and then run

back into the arena and

then catch them coming in

watch them do the clean

jerks run back out catch

them coming up the ramp and out

And it was because of where

the media access was or our

little area was,

it made it really easy to

run in and out super fast

and get more of the action

than just the clean and jerks.

But so many people look so

labored coming up that ramp

on the later rounds.



On the teams,

you saw like people with

their arms or hands in the

back of their teammates,

like trying to help them up the,

like Noah was doing that to

Matilde up the ramp.

Then he was doing it to Tola.

Oh, man.

I've been loving the memes

with Tola's face.

I'm here for it.

Got to meet Matilde for the first time.

Did you braid her hair?

I did not braid her hair,

but I did get a hug.

She seems so happy.

The pressure of the black,

less pressure being on a

team than the individual stuff, I think.

And she seemed to be having a blast.


Speaking of braided hair,

did you see Dave Castro?

I did.

He actually approached me,

which blew my mind.

Very nice.

Did he say hi, Scott?

Did he ask about me?

He did not call me by name.

He did not ask about you, Kat.

He just said, hey,

are you getting everything

you need to get?

Is there anything we can do for you?

Blah, blah, blah.

I was watching Weekend

Review and he was saying

something about he had to

go get a drink of water or something.

He's like,

now if I had someone editing this for me,

I would probably edit out

that part.

But since I don't have

anyone doing that for me,

I'm just going to,

I'm going to leave it in.

And I'm thinking how many

times has he asked me to

edit stuff out of that weekend review?

Because he didn't like the

way it turned out.

I thought it was funny.


And that's the first time in

my life he's ever approached me.

I was really, I was flattered really.

And he was very nice and very cordial.

Shook my hand.


It always reminds me of that time.

We did those stupid

questions with him at the,


Talk to him.


He did make comments to like

Amy and I at the press

conference last year that

we were like the only media

entity that were at all the

press conferences.

Maybe I think that's where

he remembered it from.

Yeah, I think so too.

Because that's pretty small.

And we were like, right up there.

Yeah, asking stuff.


Carrying the conference.


Scott, you got your thing.

I know.

So I got to jump off.

I have a meeting in one.

So we will see you all next time.

Thanks for being here.

Thanks to everybody in the

chat for being here.

We'll see you all next week

on the Clydesdale media round table.

Bye guys.

See ya.