
Fairuz (she/they) introduces their character. Meet our tiefling elf Rogue, Temerity (he/him).

What is Chromythica?

Two gnomes, a tief-elf, and a talking dog walk into a bakery. This is their story.

Chromythica is a Pathfinder 2e actual play campaign about belonging, community, and the process of making meaning out of complex situations. Come for friends having boisterous fun, stay for the journey we go on together!

Fai: Hello everybody.

My name is Fairuz Rougeaux.

You can call me Fai if you like.

I'm going to be playing Temerity.

I use she and they pronouns, and this is going to be a lot of fun!

Temerity appears to be a Tiefling, but maybe not like Tieflings you've probably seen before.

His skin is a lush green and his horns look more like antlers.

They're embellished with little spirals of metal and little caps of metal here and there.

He's pretty toothy, and he has accentuated this with some mouth jewelry.

He's got, you don't know what kind of metal it is, but there's some kind of metal in there and
they're very -- like they're on the canines and the incisors up on the top and on the bottom.

And if you happen to be able to read Elvish script, you
would notice that one of them has a T and the other has a V.

And yeah, I think that's about it.

Oh, he has black eyes.

No sclera, just black.

He looks like a cheerful dude making his way into town with his dog friend.