Ever wish you had a mentor to help you become who you were meant to be? Crystal Ware is redefining what it means to become your best self, in business, life, and love and sharing everything she she knows to get YOU there faster.
Are you stuck? Feel like you are meant for more but not sure how to breakthrough? Every week, we will explore all of your questions on building a path to true happiness, achieving success and creating our dream life. Brick by brick, we will work through the issues and mindsets that keep us stuck, dive into finding our passion and how to take ACTION. Clarity (vision) + Confidence (Owning your worth) + Courage (to live life on your own terms and become your own CEO) propels you to your destiny. And the good news it: its all within you!
Each week, host, Crystal Ware, will bring you all of the practical wisdom to grow every aspect of your career and life including mindset, vision, goal planning, social media management, financial acumen and so much more. You'll also meet top business leaders, entrepreneurs, mompreneurers and innovative thinkers who invested in themselves and found their way success and happiness by leading on their own terms.
You were made for more, so start living like it today. Join us as we take action, grow together, and get inspired to reach for your dreams.
Crystal Ware 0:00:00
You welcome to the get clear with Crystal Ware podcast, the place where we get clear on our goals, own our worth, and learn to be the ceos of our own lives. I'm your host, Crystal Ware, lawyer and former Fortune 500 corporate leader who found the confidence to say goodbye to a lucrative career and start my own business. Now I'm opening up the playbook and sharing everything I've learned to get you there faster. It may not be easy, but it will always be worth it because you ware made for more. So put on your big girl pants, jump on board, and let's reach for the stars. Are you ready to get clear?
Crystal Ware 0:00:38
Welcome back to another episode of get Clear with Crystal Ware. I am your host with the most here to bring you all the exciting pieces, the knowledge and equip you with the best way to get out there and get clear on your life. Own your worth, and be the CEO of you. You control your destiny. You control your life. You control your success. Okay? No matter what others would have you believe, no matter what even your mind would have you believe, sometimes it is you. You control it all. And today we're going to talk about whether or not you ware stuck in the boring middle and how to break free in 2024. Because sometimes we just feel like we're stuck. We're just going through the motions. We're just living. We're not really excited. We're not really having any of these peaks in lives.
Crystal Ware 0:01:42
We're in that middle, that trough. That doesn't feel great. It just feels boring. There was a movie that made me think about this years ago. It came out many, many years ago, but it actually really resonated with me and made me think about all the things that go on with the beginnings and the ends of life. The movie was called Closer, featuring Natalie.
Portman and a bunch of other stars.
Crystal Ware 0:02:13
In the early two thousand s. And it really focused on the beginning and the endings. I don't really know if that was exactly what the movie itself was about, but that's what I recalled, is that it was all about the beginnings and endings of things going on in life. And it's because the beginnings are so exciting and the endings are so memorable often that we forget about what is going on in the middle. And the middle is really where we are living, where we are growing, where we are thriving, where all of the magic happens to make that ending so poignant, to live the true life, to take in all the moments and to really grow. And so what I have to say about that is we have to focus on living each moment, taking everything that we can from each little block, each little stairstep, each climb that we're making, that all of those go together. The stoic philosophy really resonates around the journey. The journey being the destination. It's not the ending that we should really find exciting and genuine and rewarding. It's the journey. The journey is really where we need to root in, take hold, and find the happiness that we're really searching for. That that is where we can learn and figure out who we ware and just dispel the notion that a fulfilling life is only marked by the beginnings and the dramatic endings, okay? Because where we find ourselves, it's the day to day moments. And so if you have felt stuck, like you're just in the boring middle, you've created a goal for yourself and now it's time to execute on, putting your plan in place and growing in that. That's the boring middle.
Crystal Ware 0:04:13
That's where you have to do the work and where it may start to become cumbersome. It may start to wear you down. It may start to make you feel like there's nothing interesting going on, that nothing is happening and changing and growing. And that's where we need to look back and see how far have we gone? How much closer have we gotten to our destination? But most importantly, is remembering what the middle is doing for you. It's where you're growing, it's where you're learning, it's where you're meeting people, it's where you're building your resume. It's where you're cultivating patience. You're growing in resilience and stability and really becoming the person that you need to be to reach that high potential. If you talk to Buddhists, Buddhists would never tell you that once you reach the level of nirvana, everything is great. They would tell you that the journey to becoming, to finding your way into Nirvana and looking back, that all of those milestones along the way had their own place in history, that they had their own many peaks along the way, building up the entire mountain range for you, of all that you've done, all that you've accomplished, all of who you are, because who you are today is made up of many, many years of living in the middle. The peaks that we see, the starting points that we are captivating and exciting, and the endings where we finish, where we have a big project, where we have accomplished a goal, where we've crossed the finish line. Those are just small moments, small, fleeting moments over our life. But the bulk of who we are and where we're living is in this boring middle. And that is where we need to find the grace.
Crystal Ware 0:06:10
That is where we need to find the happiness. That is where we need to remember that the boring middle doesn't last forever, but it offers us so, so much.
I just want to pause and say thank you to all the amazing people tuning in and making this show a success. And to share some exciting scoop, I am opening up for the first time.
Crystal Ware 0:06:35
Ever, one on one coaching.
We have two options available, the executive Edge two week program and the career catalyst six week program, which will use my proprietary earn it framework. If you're ready to propel your professional journey, crush your salary goals, or need.
Crystal Ware 0:06:53
Someone to coach you through a big.
Career decision, let's conquer it together. Limited spots for unlimited empowerment links to sign up will be in the show notes and in the link tree on my Instagram and LinkedIn site. See you there.
Crystal Ware 0:07:08
Figure out what your priorities are, what is meaningful to you. Who do you want to be? Where do you want to go? Where do you want to grow and root in? Create sustainable habits for yourself. Personal habits, professional growth habits that make the middle a foundation for your success. What are the building blocks that you need to root into on a daily basis if that's building into intentionality so that those days and moments are even more interesting and exciting? What I find myself is taking literal little images, snapshots, like I'm in a moment that I want to encapsulate, that I want to remember, that I want to come back to. And I remind myself to click my eyes and take a little picture and take this as a special moment for this day and for this week. If it's changing the amount of time that you speak to your loved ones, how often do you see your grandmother? How often are you sitting down one on one with your children and spending time doing something they enjoy? How often are you putting your phone down to really live in these moments and be intentional? But no matter where you are, what your goals are, you're going to find yourself at some point in these plateaus, in these boring middle area, and you have to remind yourself that it isn't that boring. This is where things change. This is where you capitalize.
Crystal Ware 0:08:39
This is where you stretch yourself and grow. This is how you iron out the everyday purpose, the ambition, and find contentment. Because at the end of the day, you can visualize, I have a big giant glass of water and it's only half full and I want more and more and more or I have a smaller glass of water and it's filled to the brim and I have enough. So where are you? Do you have enough or are you always wanting more? Because when we find that we are always wanting more, we need to reframe our perspective. We need to look at what our motivations are. We need to look at what our goals are. Because if you can find each and every day a purpose and a satisfaction and a feeling of I have enough every day, you will love more and more and more. And when you love every day more and more and more, you will find yourself more committed to the habits, to the actions in the boring middle that are going to help you get to those big goals quicker and faster. That is truly the way out of the boring middle is reframing your perspective on it and knowing that these are the times where you're making the choices that are going to contribute to a lasting legacy and impact yourself, your future self and your future generations, your children, your growth and your legacy. Okay, so whether it's that you're focusing in 2024 on goals that are going to have an impact on your professional life, on your financial well being, on your relationships, whether it's with your parents, your family, your kids, your spouse, whatever your goals are for 2024, focusing on today, focusing on now, focusing on who you are and who you want to be, are going to make the biggest changes. There's no time in your journey where it's truly just the boring middle. That routine can be so beautiful and so brilliant. And just ask a person that has lived a tumultuous life with instability, unhappiness, living hand to mouth without regard to anything better or grander being out there, and they will tell you that where you are and what you are doing and who you are and how you are growing and changing and what you have at your fingertips is not boring.
Crystal Ware 0:11:19
It's stability, it's comfort. And we can take those little stepping stones each day and shift our mindset to get out of that and remind ourselves that we have the ability to be here and now. We have the ability to be present and live and love every moment. We are enough. We have enough. That doesn't mean that we are complacent. That doesn't mean that we cannot grow. That doesn't mean that we don't want more. But when is the more enough? Focus on what the end goal is and then shift everything around what that actual goal for yourself is in 2024, the boring middle is just the middle. Take out the words. Words have power. Words have meaning. Words change our perception, our feeling, how we interact with ourselves and the other people and the days and the lives and everything around us. The words can influence us people.
Crystal Ware 0:12:23
So change it. Change how you're talking to yourself. Change how you're feeling about things. Change the words that you're using in your own brain and that you utter outward boring is subjective and it's just the middle. It's for growth and you're going to break free of it in 2024 by setting the right intentions, setting the right goals and executing on them, and giving yourself time and grace every day to be grateful to think about what went well, what didn't go well, and how you need to get back on track. That is how you're going to break free in 2024. Okay, so from here on out, remember guys, we ware going to start figuring out how to slay your New Year's goals, conquer your goals and figure out what it really is for 2024 that is going to change things and make things more momentous and more exciting and more grand. Until next time, keep getting clear, keep tuning in, keep sharing and tell me what else you want to clear about to make changes in your own life.
Thanks so much for tuning in. If you want to create a career you love, get the salary you deserve and build the confidence to live life on your own terms. Sign up for my free newsletter where you'll get actionable tips to raise your worth, build your wealth, create freedom and create a life you absolutely love. Head over to crystalwaremedia.com to sign up or click the link in the show notes and join thousands of others making their dreams a reality. Whether you are just embarking on the journey or well on your way, the worthful newsletter has something for you. See you next week.